Newspaper Page Text
BR BBeeK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B Whait 501c Will Buy Here Tomorrow rew Fr, 1nc Prune., small pit+; per pound, 5e-; to pounds ......... .....0 Sal Sda. granulated. ,c pound; nuI poumds. .......................... 5 0 Genuine Jer(sey Swr t I'otaties, 32 pnOmids. ..........................O@ Fine g;ranulated 'Sigar. 8 pouuds...50O P'urc Ieaf I..rd.. 5 pIonds;: s.pcial..50e Rest ('o fe. in the w( r ,l. Ilo f n 1n House. 1, plulds ...............500 <cw li !1 licklci, per quart, loc : S l 11art ........................... 50. (.'cu. the fleet hc, ak!~.t Food (slpr' cial); b twi-pouln p;ackags..... .30 Full C'ream ( l.hlc. new and mill; 3 l,,uils ...... ... . ... 5....... Silver Thread Sotr Kraut. per ipotitvI, 5C ; io ".!'tIi..... m ..... 50O IEnglih Itreaki'; t "I'c', 75' gra-le (special . Iper p ul ........ ......5 0 U tah T' ,la tn s., t.tu l a rd p a ,k ; 6 ca1n .pr.'I id > )...... ........... ....5 0 ¢ N'..' Cal,, t',o, t'r ,,rrie.. 4 ,1,1nt , +.5 0 e C(elery. cri p and i ,br, st'ilk. Sc per 7(n ............ . . 5 0 F:re.h 0 , ,. .d 1'" a - peI r /h art. sC. - ,j.*rt .. . 50" Sm all "r ,' 'i-kh-, ptr ,quart. J5cs 4 .. ...... .... 5 0 .Ralston . Pancake Fl" tr . packtge,. a5'; .5 .akai . ;.. 500 Cran f. b i '. ahli.. in 1:(av' 'yr..i per can. ' ; . all I,. ......... 50 ]'r ,,ll.t D c li.e ry in C ity ) J l)y . Chiest Protectors Are vaili ule to t lho*' ,ho are .. pi,,l d to all si t,, of \weather. I' i ,lr ranr . • from Sec to $t,h.' NI'.\\lit() DI L 'I ;t'(º, Jil,) N . M a in S t.. Ilu i '. Larg!,,t D)ru : lou,, e In the "tit . Cut Glass bowls, water bottles, glasses, dishes, etc. "181ROSERS BROS' "Silyer Plate That Wears" IN KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. A complete line of jewelry always in stock. W c ,: e :: -t reccivel an cle*int hine of (':t (1.., 1.;6chI v% .l.Cr at very lIVo nr:es. Nappies as Low as $2 Bowls From $5 Up () .r ltei-t a 'hit,: Io .,our optical thipart mnctI1 i+ 1'e. . tn ., treielntihc |n,!,u h"nt t1:a inure, plrh Ct .C(:urTacy in htting t )ye glai-ca. l>..a nu:ati ns i rtie. TOWLE & WINTERHIALTER Jewelers and Opticians, 28 W.Park M'LLE FRANCES HARTE (Late of New York.) Snop:ano oloist, l:u t 1'rceS'hyet tan Lhturch, Butte. Teacher of Sine, :. '.,se, T'echni:uc, Style, Repertoire, IJiptua Conccrt. Studio: soS North J)cksott street, I:utte. At Anaconda, 43 \\'est Third str:cet, 'IT'etday, and Fridays. Boarding Stables Attention paid in every detail to horses left in our cihatig. ftate' rcaeutnable. ''lhione so04 GROUND FLOOR STABLES 221 South Main Street DR. HUIE POCK Thirttccu:t doctor of Chinta from gran,.I fatl;er down. Born and schoioled in the rpt'ofetitn. Treats all diseases, making a specialty of Lthronic troublea. Constult tI.m.I sa7 Southi Main Street. ROBERTS TO DEER LODGE SIitI ii n 'tILE INTER MOi NTit I.t .N, I.ciwistowIu, Nov. I7.--Slteiff Slater left today for Deer Lodge taking John Rloh erts, othu will strve 15 months in the peni tentiary. Roberts was one of the prison ers who recently broke jail and was re captured. On account of his youthfulness Judge Chcadle let hitm down easy after ate thad pleaded guilty. ). \,. Kenney and J. I.. Chaffin, who are bcintg held onit suspiciont of having held tup the brewery ealoon a few nights ago, have taken the statutory time in which to plead. Nixon Cash Grocery o05 UTAH AVEINUI: WASH DAY SPECIALS So bars Whit Russian Sop ........ 11.00 jo bal. White Rose osap ........... I1.00 4 bars Flse Naptha Souap.......... .5 Gold Dust, per package........... . Pearl!ne, pa package................. .10 to pounds Sat Soda ................. . 5 Stx Large Bottles blue tng.......... .0 5 COLD WEATHER IS AFFECTING BALLOT TOO NIPPY FOR MONTANA GIRLS TO' WANDER FORTH SEARCHING FOR FAIR TOUR VOTES. BUT THEY STILL COME IN Total Is Very High and the Vote Today Is Over Seven Thousand -Not Bad When All Is Considered. Thibs col wenatlher is havin. its effect nit the Inter Motntain's \World's Fair tour roltest,. What young lady can goi husItIlinig ifor totlpOnis wheln the tetmperatture i away Inlow zero? The cold .st state in the tuni 1n today, Montana -anm d the Montana girl doesn't care to wanrlctr frolm her otn fireside or MISS OI.IIrE BE.4KEY, Of IIqtt',t onte of the Cindidaltes From S ''rr /ou' County ion the Inter 'loutntain's 1f'orld's Fair Tour (Contest. tea t heater. Coutipon husltling will have to wait. r'iday a total of 7. pt votes was cast in the .6 county contests, bringing the tutal ,tie to date tl) to .34.,820. \li- Clra litrkard was fhighest bIth in Silver How county and in the state, re , ivi:: mt4 vote. .Mi, Alice Jackson of ti culnty ,,as secuI iii cuntly and ,at. t h t (.a.4, suhile Miss .Manie .McNa ntra wa, third in county and ,state, wlth "} h::t vtc explains the thing'. Today is the tir-t iin which the three highejst in lt' " si,.te have bevu Stilver Itote cvtt ty tItidtil. t s. Usutally at least two ,of the t 'rte hit, est in tfle state are fromit otlt ciile cuntic-. I'tlday the candidates in the country counties tare beihild -it i. tooi cold to go riding over the stow after Fi:,trth highest in the strite toa.y was ,li>, Rutlt hunteir of lDawson cuutlty, with 607. while Mi Bi tlanche MN. Sals ,ury of lieer Lodge cutinti is if'th, with \rtes were receivelI in Butte today far (ult-,it t.iel candidate.s at ftllnws: Mi-,, A. T vlhr, l'eaverhtai. ; I,,l , T.. i., 1 wvalli; Lnti ac tMclint,,lih, hieatver. hca.I; 1 \ htl lkt,.nutt nt. l'uwell; Dlelia Lawlhr, i.tL i, ant t'htrlte: Minniet V. N rnt, Vtllhw ,,ut; I 'hta .Itk.-, . Madt.un; .I htal it at nt, lic,. ihve::e : Julia t'uds hy, liter Lodtge. thilt' Il br,.oht vtuts f"r Mis. ,llonwl V. ur, - i"f l h sth i ne; .i -- t itR by MIrre, tllt ti t a N I t.- Itly R.yal, tI;nutite. SPLENDID SHOWING IN ORES Sandple of ore that Hill a.,,Tay tihe ciior iilus of $4.1 ..o per ton will coti :titute part of the \Wasl.hington mineral e lhilit at the St. Louis fair, according to yesterdlay's Spokane Spokesimn-it Review, which sas : 11. W. L.eyson haI returned fronm Okano llan cot111y. whierre hle secured l some- beau tiful and valhalule spiecimens of ore for the \\:'ol'iI',ton exhnbit at the Sti. Louis txpo ,iti:m . S o tm e o f th e linc:,t q ulllrtz sp. iinins came e frunt the Security and l'inacle mines. 'I he samples would ;a ay outut $ 15,ooo per ton, and Imake a fine olii h.' lug of hrieht native gold. Speci meni fron the Ruhy mine, near Night ha i, are rich in tnative silver, stcphan i!e, ar,.gentite, proustite, cerargyrite, pyrargy'rite and other allied sulphanti on1ite minetrtals. lhe has also is i:aificent speeim;ieS of lbright steel palena in tlbiJCS. TO DEDICATE AN EDIFICE 1'1 AS Ot I. 1 I'i iRES S, Ne: Orleans, Nov, 17.--l'he state of Loui:,i!,na, which ha., appropriated $iou, ,o, to cover on the St. ILouis Purchase ex p'sition next year, will hold commnemora tive exercises Decembcer 18 and ao Inext. Ih . I.u.iiana Ilistorical society has an nIounl(ced the Irnograrn foi the affair which promises to 1e one of the most elaborate ever held in the south. The exercises will center about the his torie cinitdo, the city hall of the days of the Spanish domination. Both New Or leans and the state of louisiana have agreed to ultimately turn this celebrated building over to the use of the society as a permanent home for the society's t;agnifitent historical collection, The :rellch and Spanish ambassadors will be prosent; a man-of-war from each of these r.ations is expected at New Or leans at this time and a portion of the Atlantic squadron will aid in giving for mality to the event. KING LEOPOLD IS COMING 1liw A "CIAlIl.I PRI S ., londlon, Nov. n7.-- special dispatch from liruvsels says it is definitely decided that King l.Ceopoldl will visit the LUnited States in the prin^. A dispatch to tile Associated Press froI t lermssels on October 22, said the com miissioner in Belgium of the St. Louis ex:losition announced that he had great hopes that Kin'g Leopold would be able ofilcially to attend the fair. Ills doing so plilaiently was only a question of his health. Emperor Is Convalescent. "7f ASSOCIATmi "e PRIEsS. lo,!.lhah:n, Nov. ~.--The following hul letin was iosued today: The healing pro ces-; of the left vocal chord of his majesty cut inue; regularly. No more bulletins will be, issued. Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest IIEAVFRI EAI)' l'N 'NTY-- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. M iss Ma dle Hill, Red R ',ok............ ............. 6.4r ....... 6,4t12 Miss Lottie Mclntosh, Dilln ... ..., .. ............ 5,343 7 5,23" Miss Nannie Mcl .oughlin, Dillon . ............ 3, 4 ....... 3,6 4 ' Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon ........... ............. ,33 7 2.340 Miss Grace G. Gray, lannack .......... ............. 883 ....... 883 Miss Carrie lHarrison, Dillon..................8 ... 68 ...... 618 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon ............................ 441 ..... 44.1 Miss Julia Graltt, I.ima ................. ............. 173 6 179 Miss lucy M. Ford, Limn ..............,............. 67 ....... 67 Miss Estelle Mae Rich, D1illon........................ S5 ....... St BROAD.\)W\ATER COUNTY Miss Maud l'enwell, Townsend ...................... 5 ,416, 197 5,666 Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsendl.................. 4... .. ' 4 4,078 Miss Christina EIricksoni, Townsend .................. 2,733 46J 3,195 Miss I.cila Parker, 'Townsend. ........................ 8 ....... 938 Miss Carrie Ilolloway, Townsend....... ............... 736 12 748 Miss Mamnie McRae, Townscnd..... .................. 611 5 618 Miss l.izzie larker, Townsend..... ......,........... 1 .....9 . to CARIION (.)NTY Miss Tony Early, Red l.odge ......................... 2,8 ....... 2,86. Miss Fantnie Rourke, Rled L.odge..................... 89.1 ....... 89. Miss Jack Fullerton. Red L.odge ....................... 401 ....... 401 Miss Gertrude Watson, Rd I.odlge .............. ......... 185 ....... 185 Miss Elnmer Bowen, Red I.odge....................... 3. ....... 32 Miqs Eva Robbins. Red I.odge ............. ..... ........ 21 ....... 2a Mis, Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge ....................... 20 ....... 20 ('Sl;S'EI COUNTY'- Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City..................... 1,39R 8 .,1or06 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City ....................... 925 ....... 925 Miss Marion G;ordon, NMiles City..................... 19 ...... 19 Miss Myrtle Johtnson, Miles City ..................... a. ....... . M iss Ada Eichorn, M iles City ....................... .5 .... .. 5 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City ..................... 5 ....... 5 Miss I.ulu Wilson, Miles City....................... 4 ....... 4 Miss Mary Schrinmer, Miles City .................. ..................... Mi s Rosalee Terr .tt. M iles City..................... ....... . ...... . ...... Mi-s Kte ltrBugel, Miles City ............................................ Miss Ilessie Ilull'man, Miles City...................... Miss Daisy Ilaynes, Miles City........................................... CASCAI)E COUNTY Miss Netta Gervais, (Great Falls....................... 2.0a,6 19 2,925 .Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls........................ 2..,0 6 97 2,193 Miss Edith Bllr wn, Great Falls ....................... 2 5 ....... 2J5 C:llOU' I'E.\A COUNTY Xlis Cora lassock. Hlavre.......... . ................ 5.0n ...... 500 Miss Marion Auld. Itavrec........................... 99 ."...... 99 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook........... ............... . ....... ....... ....... DEER L.ODGE COUNTY Miss Julia Ctuddihy, Anaconda........ ................. 4,436 266 4,702 Miss Nina Graham;ll, Anaconda .......... .............. 4,269 87 4,356 Miss IBlanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda ................. 3,176 592 3,768 Miss Elizabeth I.. Fitzpatrick, Anaconda.............. 1,288 ....... 1,288 TIAWSON COUNTY Miss Ruth liunter, Glcndive.......................... 2,146 607 2.753 Miss Jessie Jones, (;lendive........................... 2.226 t1 2,237 Miss Ana Simtnis, Glendive........................... ,o005 ......., ,ooS hMiss Mary Osborne, Glendive............................... 590 590 Miss Ililda Foss, Glendive................................. 274 274 Miss Eflie Teeter, Glen(dive.................... ...... 27 2..... 27 Miss Mabel lBatchellor, (;lendive ...................... 12 ....* .. 12 .Miss Frances, Glendive............................ ..... to Miss II. 1May Johlson, Glendive........................ 8 ...... 8 Miss Frances IJohLn on. Glendive ...................... 3 ......3 . 3 Miss Aric Mack, ilaendive............................,... a FILATHEAD ('OUNTY-Y 1i; Mary Slack, Kalispell.......... ...*.*.*.*.**... 4,872 5 4,877 Miss Bessic Tate, Kalispell .......... .............. 2,150 a 2,152 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell .... ............ 926 9 935 Miss Mattie Higgins. Kalispell ................... 608 ....... 6o8 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kalispell......... ............... 40 ...... 40 Miss Julia Gildea, Kalispell... ................... . ..... ....... ....... Miss Ruth Anderson, Kalispeli........ ........... ....... .............. .Mils Donna Schenck, Libby.................. ......... ..... .... FEIRCUS COUNTY \i i F, Fannie Cook. I.ewistown.... .. .............. 2,.105 ......r 2,405 Miss Mtable Suprenaut, Lewistown.................... 774 ... ..,v 774 .Miss Grace MclHugh, Lewistow....................... 66o ..... 66o GRANITE COUNTY Miss Catherine l'erraut, Philipsburg.........,........ 2,29 ....., 2,291 ,liss Ethel Gilchrist, D)rnummnond..................... 1,856 ....... 1,856 Miss Iily Royal, l)runm olnd.............. .... ......... 1,717 15 1,732 .Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg........................ 1,560 ....... 1,56 Miss Myrtle Clark, 'Philipshurg............... ....... 1,433 . 1,433 Miss (Gertrude Shearer, Granite.......................... 830 ....... 830 G;.\l..ATIN COUNTY Mliss Mamie Oakwood, Bozentan..,,",................. ,779 ......a~ 2,779 Mli::s l.lla Arnoldl, Iozeman ........................... 1,607 ......r 1,607 Mliss i;race (;rillin, Bozeman .. ........ ..... ,424 40 1,464 Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade......... ....... ... ,o09 260 1,-299 Miss Bessie Van Zandt, liozeman................... 1,a26 5 1,221 Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeman .................... 581 ...r... 581 Miss iMamie Stringfield, Bozeman .................... 215 *..*A.* 215 JEFI:FERSON COUNTY .Miss Josie Noonan, Basin......,...................... 12,26 ...0.q 12,206 Miss Regina Bear, Basin.. ...................... 3.245 * ..... 3,245 .liss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall...................... 1,724 ....,su, 1,724 Headquarters and Voting Places I'eaverhead County-A. S. Johnson... ... ............ ......................... Dillon Blroadwater County--Byrne Bros.... ................................ ........ Townsend Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hickox.......... ....... ,,,...... ................Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge............. ..... ................ Great Falls ('Couteau County-George W. Crane.............................. .............. Fort Denton Custer County-J. E. Arnold...................................................Mles City Dlawson County-Albert H. Johnson.....,....... ......................... Glendive SDeer Lodge-Inter Mountain Office........................................... Anaconda Fergus Cuunty-L. C. Cornell.......... ........ .......................* Lewlstown Flathead County-Walter liunt..... ..................................... Kalispell Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ............................................ Bozeman Granite County-Charles \Villiams ...... .............................. Philipsburg Jfecrsootn County-J. if. Rule........... .............. ...... ......... .. Basin Lewis and Clarke County--Moore aook and Stationery Company ...............Helena Madison County-James Powell ........................... ........... Virginia City Mleagher County-L. BI. Jobb........................................White Sulphur Springs Missoula County-Winstanley's Office ......... .......... ........ Missoula Park County--Uingham Ilinman.................................. ...... .. Livingston Powell County-The Kenyon Store...... .................... ................ Deer Lodge Ravalli County-\Vynne Roberts................... ...................... Hamilton Rlosebud County-W. H. Simons......................................... Forsyth Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Office..,................... ................ Butte Valley County-Miss liertha Kempher......... ................................. ..... Glasgow Teton County-C. II. Drake....................... ...................... Choteau Yellowstone County-Thomas Manley......................... .................... .... Billings Sweetgrass County-L. M. IIungertord.................................. ... Big Timber MOTHER MARY REGIS IS HANDSOMELY HONOREe Mother Mary Regis was presented with ,;cevral gifts and a reception was given in her honor last night in St. Patrick's Parochial school, Mother Mary Regis is the nmothcr-gen cral of the Sisters of Charity in the United States and has been in Butte visiting the hospitals and schools. At the reception last night she spoke of the pleasure it gave to find everything in such excellent, conldition in the schools and hospitalp She leaves this evening for Leavenworth, I.Kan., accompanied by several novices from ilolenta, Anaconda and, A. C, Keith Is Dead, .hns S'eiCIAt. TO TIHE INI'TER MOUNT''AIN. T]ig Timber, Nov. 17.-Lead poisoning caused the death of A. C. Keith, a car riage painter liviing here. He was 35 and leaves at widow and two daughters. He belonged to a Masonic lodge in La Cree emnt Mintn twa as Rem h er the ,h Name a. t wve ronto @ e on eY Curesa CotInOne"oI. C,4112 aya 0Z% L/ box. 25 HEATED CARS FOR THE PERISHABLE FREIGHT The Northern Pacific will provide heated cars for the shippers of perishable freight during the cold weather, according to the following from Sunday's Pioneer Press of St. Paul: The Northern Pacific announces a spe cial service for the benefit of shippers of ,perishable freight during the winter months between St. Paul and Western points. Heated refrigerator cars will be placed in service, handling way freight to Grand Forks in one (lay, to Winnipeg in three days, to Helena in five days, to Spo ,kane in seven days and to Tacoma in ten (days. In Anton Zucco Estate. Joseph Zucco has filed an application in the district court for letters of administra tion in the estate of Anton Zucco, de ceased. The property of the estate is valued at $675. LEWIS AND CI.ARKE COUNTY-- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Delia Lawlor. Helena........................ .......... 5,078 185 5,263 Mis Mable McGregor. Ielena ...................... 3,944 5oo 4.444 Miss Mayme Walsh, Htelena ......................... 2,433 2o 2.453 Miss (enivive Boynton. Helena ...................... 2,o022 I 2,033 Miss Mable Riehold, Helena ......................... t,68r ....... t,68t Miss Anna Marceau, Helena...............................818 818 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena ............. .......... ... 663 ...... 663 Miss Carrie Ward, Hlelena.......................... 565 3 568 MA)DISON COUNTY Miss Maud Northway, Ennis......................... 1,504 to 1,514 Mi:,s Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City .................... 1,364 3 1,367 Miss lrinl Jackson. Virginia City...................... t,o63 7 1,070 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis ........................ 671 ..,.... 67t Mi. (Gertic Kohls, Virginia City....................... 627 4 63t Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan........................ 2 ....... 2 MEA(CIIER COUNTY Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Sprihs........ 6,265 ...... 6,265 Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs........ 4,175 ....... 4,175 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs........ l,063 ....... 1,063 Miss Eva I lartfield, White Sulphur Springs............................... Miss Effie Tipton. White Sulphur Springs ................................ Miss Mand Fuclhs, White Sulphur Springs ............................... MISStI'I. \ ('COUNTY- Miss Nellie I.nlngstall, Missoula ....................... 2,245 7 2,252 Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula ......................... 1,865 45 1,910 Miss Victoria Cyr. Frenchtown ...................... 1,747 It 1,758 Miss Sarah Ileard. Missoula......................... 82o to 8, o Miss May I)r.,(no, Missoula........................... 272 to a82 Miss Ilessie Taylor, Missoula ........................ aol ii 213 P.\RK COUNTY Miss Etta IIruza. ivingston.................................. ...... . 6,a27 1a 6,282 Miss llirdie Clark, Livingston....................... 4.381 292 4.673 Miss Florence Goodson, l.ivingston................... 1,425 1t 1,436 Miss Maud II. Vance, L.ivingston ............. ........ 8 4 ....... 814 'Miss Nannic Nicol, l.ivingston ....................... 586 to 596 Miss IEldna Driscoll, .ivingston ....................... 13 ....1 . 13 Miss Elsie Mercier, livingston ....................... . 8 ....... 8 \liss Edna Turner. livingston ....................... ....... I Miss Rose Ilausen, livingston .... ......................................... POWEI.T. COUNTY Miqs Mable lcancmont, Deer Lodge................... 5,833 12 5,845 Miss Ilarriet Quigley, Ophir .......................... 2,762 ..... 2,762 Miss Oro Fino .Miller, Deer Lodge ......................... 1,115 5o 1,t65 RAVAI.I.I COUNTY .,Iiss Floy L. Olds, Victor............................ 4,382 193 4,575 Miss I.aura Harper. Hamilton........................ 4,o76 ....... 4,076 Miss Ethel Chambers, lamilton...................... r,36 ......2 , ,36,362 Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville .................... 742 ...... 742 Miss I.illa Semmnons, Hamilton........................ 698 698 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis........................ 571 ....... 571 Miss Daisy Bond, Hlamilton................................ 293 293 Miss Cora Adams, llamilton........................... 95 ......* 95 ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Floy Westaby, Forsyth......................... 4,441 9 4,450 Miss Ethel Waddingham, Forsyth...................... 635 ....... 635 Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsyth.......................... 4 ." 4 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss Alice Jackson, Butte............................ 17,778 671 18.449 Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte ........................ 16,oo3 259 z6,a62 Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte................................. a,o66 340 12,4o6 Miss Clara B1urkard, Butte.......................... 9,278 864 0o,162 Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte......................... 7,038 68 7,1o6 Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte....................... 5,058 623 5,681 Miss Nellie Duffy, Butte........................... 5,228 44 5,272 Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte........................ 4,645 16 4,661 Miss May Rodda, Butte............................. 3,899 ....... 3,899 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte ........................... 1,551 79 1,630 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte................... ... 1,146 34 1,180 Miss Olive E. Beakey, Butte ........................ 644 60 704 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte............................. 6o ....... 691 Miss Belle Edwards, Butte........................... 678 ....... 678 Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte ....................... 617 43 66o Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte ........................... 423 ....... 423 Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte........................ 35 *.....*, 35 SWELTGRASS COUNTY Miss May Marley, Big Timber.. .-............ .. 5,596 .....* . 5,596 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber................ .... 2,783 ....... 2,783 Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber ..................... a,4 ... 2,234 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber ................... ........ ....... TETON COUNT '- Miss Frances Cooper, Choteau ............................ 18 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Choteau ...................... 3 ....... 3 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby....................... ..... .. ....... VALLEY COUNTY Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow ........... ......... .,8o ......... ,8,8ot Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow....................... 50 .... 0 So YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings ...................... 2,t91 53 2,244 Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings...................... 1,5o6 138 1,644 Miss Mable Ross, Billings............ ............... 195 4 199 Miss Della Walters, Billings......................... .192 194 Miss Alice Walk, Billings ........................... lo .......10 o0 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings............ .... ....... ....... ....... Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings....................... ....... . ...... ....... Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings ...................................... ....... Withdrawn .................................. 36,732. ;...... 36,732 Total ....................... ................... 336,32[ 7,499 343,820 Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Conditions: First-Any young lady over It years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three Judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend hr. self. Fourth-Voting till commence Monday, October ep, and close Tuesday evening at p o'clock, January ig, sro4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semi-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as follows: Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain ................................................. .... Voto Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 25 Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, S$, a special coupon of 5o Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly ia months, $2, a special coupon of ioo Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain i month, 75c, a special cuopon of ...........(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes Subscription, Dally Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.00, a special coupon of ........... (Pald in Advance Subscriptions,) ... ...... o20 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, ~s months, $7.50o, a special coupon of .....(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.,,,.......... 5'00 Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountaln" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening paper: r "1 O. ' VOTt'i\ Nov. 24, '03 rw3s co,'Pa tN fnli As VT4/)N a' _/ - cro_.