Newspaper Page Text
BBROBEeK 135 1V. Broadway 'Phone 691 B For a good cup of cotTee try our Hoffman House; there is nothing better; per pound, 35c; 35 Ipotnlds.. . . 1.00 Sweet Potatoes, Eastern Jerseys, per pound ......................... 4e. HA.MS. Small Lean lltams, skinned, per pound .......................... "16b Swift's Picnic, per pound.......... 10 I.A R I). Pure kettle-rendered lard, 3-ih. pails, 4uc; S-lb pnils. 6oc; so-lh. .1.15 Itt iTTrR Broheck's 1est Creamery Butter, fresh direct from the creamery three times per week; per pound.... 27 12 Fl.(t ItR. Broheck's Fancy l'Paitent, the best bread flour made: special ....... $1.40 Rex Flour. So pounds t .... .... 1.25 No. t Dakota Hard W\heat Ilour. 1.25 ('11ii- S . The Ihet full cretam l ill American Cheese, can't he hent ; nor Iper pound S3 pound.. .............50 1'I4UNI-S. Meaty. nmlat pits, per pound . .. .54 Extra large, 40c to ~,c; 3 1pundi.25 SL',,\R. son poulnd fine (iranllalte, Surigir, $ tb pound ........... 1.00 l'rompt Delivery in City t ly. Chest Protectors Are valuwble to those who are expuacd to all sorts of weather. P' roai.e from 5oc to $J n. NEW\lRO DRf'G; 'O., 9og N. Main St., Butto. I.argest Drug hlouse In the State. Cut Glass bowls, water bottles, glasses, dishes, etc. "1841 ROGERS BROS. "Silbar Platf !That Wears" IN KNIVLS, 'ORKS AND SPOONS. A complete line of jewelry always in stock. \e have just received an elegant line oI Cut g'lass, which we offer at very low prices. Napples as Low as $2 Bowls From $S Up Our late't additieoln tri o" optical depart. ment is the newcet ,cientifi instrument that insurei perfect accuracy in fitting eye glase.s. Examinati-on Irce. IOWLE & WINTRFIHALTER Jewelersand Opticians, 28 WPark DR. HUIE POCK Thilrtrc nth doctor of C(.ltipa from grand father down. BIorn and schooled in the proufc<ion. .Trental all )lfseases, imaking a specialty of chronic trutibles, t;onsult nle. 227 South Mlain Street1 , Nixon CashGrocery 905 UTAH AVENUE WASH DAY SPECIALS 30 nrs \\hite ul,.tlan Son4I,.......1.00 30 baI s \\'hite R,, . S a l........... 1.00 4 lbar l:els Naithl' Suap.......... .25 Gold 1)ut, per pac e......... . .20 Pearlinc, per packagc...a ......... .10 so p l.unds Sal Soda ............. . .Z5 Six Large Bottles Blluing.......... .25 CRUSH RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Forty Suspects Taken in Western Si beria and Movement Wanes, Che Fool Nov. 8.--Forty arrests have beetz, mad* st, Krassnoyatisk, western Si beria, in 'onnection with the revolutionary moveRithat, the he:adquarters of which are in European Russia. A member of the staff of the Novi Krai has been arrested at Port Arthur, where they age sad to be numerous, but the police bonceal everything. Despite the cheer(ul tone of the Rusian press mat ters are most serious, the correspondent declares, owing to the impatience of the Japatihlse at the Russian expedients to gain time. CZARINA HAS EAR TROUBLE Unable to Attend Funeral of the Late Princess Elizabeth. BY AShon'!AEDA PReSS. Darmstadt, Nov. I8..--T'he czarina is suffering from inflanmmation of one of her cars. Consequently she and the czar will be prevented from attending the funeral of Princess Elizabeth, who died at Skier newica, Russian Poland, Monday, The autopsy on the remains of the princess showed her death was tlue to typhoid of an exceptlonlly acute and rapid character. 0 4. '1' O rt. 2?.&. l th0 T Ih0 Kind You Ilaa Atlvays Beuag;t 5igbatue d 0fýz UP GOES CONTESI WHEN IT THAWS TOTAL OF 10,161 VOTES CAST TO DAY IN THE INTER MOUN TAIN FAIR RACE. WORD ABOUT THE AFFAIR Glance Below and See if thi Prize Is Not Woth Working For, Even if It Is a Bit Cold Just Now. There must he some connection between the temperature and the Inter Mountain's World's Fair tour contest. When the mercury tried to fall through the floor the other day, the voting in the contest dropped with it. Today the mer cury is climbing skyward. So is the con test. In other words, it is a cold day when at least o,uoom Inter Mountain coupons are not cast. The total vote todlay was tn,r6r. This MISS MAY RODDA. One of the Silver IIowu county candidates in the Inter Mountaii's World's Fair tour makes the grand total today 353.08:. And a great many days are still left in which vtu., may be c;ast. Today the leadership in the state w.rit out of Silver low county againt. Mist Ma\iue Ilill of lieaverhead county heads the list with z,oao, andl Miss Harriet Qiui;. tly of Powell county is hot after her with M.r;. Miss Qitigley got lots of outitd-: assistance in securing that numbtIter, she reciitving 720 votes in Silver :How county and :os in lewi. and Clarke coutity. 'Tiird, fourth and fifth in the state to day were: Miss Minnie V. Nord of Yel lowstone county, with 877: Miss I.aura Kil.tallan of Silver BHw county. w\ith 656. and Miss Alice Jackson of Silver flow cournty, with 6.15. Miss Kilgall;hn nnd Miss Jackson are, resycctively, first and second! in Silver How county today, while .Miss Nell I.loyd is third, with 604. There was an unusually large mail vote today. The heneficharies of it are as fol lows: Mises Ethel Gilchrist, Granite: Jesse (;Goodrich, Jefferson; Minnic V. Nord. Yellow stone; Lilly Royal, G(ranite; Florence Gotd :,n. P'ark; Cora Adanlt. Ravalli; Ilnrrlet Quigley, I'owell; race Griffin, Gallatin; Dora Hadentaker, Ytllowsttnte; Catlherine I'erraut, Granite; Ruby Mtore, Gallatin; I.athryt Ketlnnetdy, Teton. \'Vtes were cast in Iute for the following oiutlf totwn candidates: Mli-,e, Maggie tIrvine, Sweet tran;s: .Mablt: Mlcteg.r, Irewi aol Clarke; Nt;lic Ing stiTff. Mi-'ioula: Jewsic Goodrici. Jltferion; I loy .. tilde, Ruavalli; Lottie .Mcinttosh, ticas' vecrhc:l; .\Mamie .1cLougllhin, ltcaverhcad; Myra 'Tlrcrisc, Lcwi, andI (Clarke; Josic Noon anl, Jeffctr. n; a lablle leaumlont. Powell; M~ahlc Rou', Yellowstone: 1ovc Gaylord, ('t' ter; LEthel ('hatber:n , ]avalli; Mable Super nautt, I:clrus. Now, just a few words about the terms and conditions of the contest. It i.s not ia singl contest, but .6 .epa rate and distitnct contelt., one in each of the 26 counttties of the state. In Silver 1ow countty three young ladlires will ibe chosenl biy the couptton votes--the three In D.eer Lodge counity, two; in Missoula countty, two, and in each of the other 23 counties one. lThese 30 yottoullg ladies aire to be tlhe official replrescnt;tti \cs of their counties at the World's Fair ;at St. Louis next year. The Inter Mountain is t, pay all the ex ipenses. It will ta:ke tile young ladies there and bIndck againi int splecial I'ullman cars nil in such style and withli such thoroughtecs that thle young ladieslc will Ilot lnhave to i;pay a cerntt-llot oven for nttlr. Everythitg will be provided by this newspaper, Isn't that a prize worth worlking for, even if it is cold weather? A GUARNTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itchinl, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Your druggist will refund money if P'AZO OINTMENT fails to cure you in 6 to 14 days. soc. OLD ROOM RENTING GAG WORKED AGAIN IN EAST Chicago Housekeeper Falls Victim to Trick and Loses Her Diamonds. BY A55 C0"IAT'f.D I'I(5tSS. Chic:ago, Nuv. 18.-A fashionably dressed young couple, the woman wearing furs and jewelry, the man of refined ap pearance, have stolen jewelry and dia monds valued at $s,8uo from the resi dence of Mrs. Katherine Smith. The couple appeared at the house and asked if they could rent apartments there for the winter. After some conversation Mrs. Smith took them to the second floor to show them some roomls. The first rooms not proving satisfactory, Mrs. Smith led her caders to the rear of the house. It was then the police believe the man slipped away and entered M~rs. Smith's rooms. Returning to the parlor, the rooms were soon engaged and the young couple de parted, promising to return. A few minutes later Mrs. Smith went to her room and discovered the loss of her jewels. There is no clew. Russian Fire Loss Small. St. Peterysurg, Nov. 18--It hasi been officially ascertained that the remt itta nces Burned on the smail car of the St. Peters bt:rg-Moscow mnail train No',c:ler ino. amountted only to a few hund;ed srou!b,!s. Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERHIEAD COUNTY-. Last Today's Total. LI.EVIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- I.ast Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Made Hill, Red Rock............. ............ 6,42 1,o020o 7,43 Miss Delia Lawlor, Helena......................... 5,263 83 5,346 Miss l.ottie McIntosh, Dillon . ...................... 5,a25 56 5,306 Miss Mahle McGregor. Helena........................ 4,444 53 4,497 Miss Nannie McLoughlin. Dillon.................... 3,624 583 4,207 Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena .......................... 2,453 7 2,460 Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon ......... .......... s,340 a5 2a,.65 Miss Genivive Boynton, Helena...................... 8,o33 9 2s,o4 Miss Grace G. Gray, Bannsck.................. ... 8.~8 886 Miss Mable Riebold, Helena......................... a,68: .,681 Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon....................... 618 3 6a Miss Anna Marceau, Helena ....................... 88 ....... 818 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon ........................... 4 .44 * " ... 444 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena ................ ...... ... 6653 7 690 Miss Julia Grant, Lima ..... ...... ... ...... 17. ........ 17 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena........................... 568 8 57o Miss Lucy M. Ford, Lima ........................... 67 ........ 67 MADISON COUNTY Miss Estelle Ma Rich, Dillon ...................... 51 ....... 5 Miss Maud ort y, Enn......................... ,54 . 4 !ROADWATER COUNTY- Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City................... 1,367 23 1,380 Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend.... ............... 87 575 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City,.................... 1,o7o ....... 1,070 Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend .................. ...... 4,078 5 4658 Miss Mayhell Sparling, Ennis ................. ..... 67 673 Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend................... 3,95 5 Miss Gertie Kohls, Virginia City ..................... 63t 636 Miss Leila P'arker, Townsend ....................... . 98 "...... 918 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan ....................... 2... . Miss Carrie Holloway, Townsend............... ..... 748 a 751 MEAGIIER COUNTY- Miss Mamie McRae, Townsend ...................... 618 6 64 Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs.......r 6,265 ...... . 6,265 Miss Lizzie Barker, Townsend....................... 19 '9 Miss Catherine Rees. White Sulphur Springs......... 4,175 ".... 4.175 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs........ 1,063 ....... 1,o63 CARBON COUNTY- Miss Eva Ilartfield, White Sulphur Springs. ............... ..... .. Mis Tony Earl, Red Lodge ......................... 2,86 ....... 2,863 Miss fie Tipton, White Sulphur Springs.. .............. .. ....... Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge...................... 8 .... 8 Miss Matd uchs, White Sulphur Springs.............. ....... . Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge ...................... 4 ....... 4........... Miss G(ertrude Watson, Red L.odge ................... Brd5 18.........5 MISSOUI.A COUNTY- Miss E Slmer Bowen, Red Lodge ..................... ....... . Mis Nelli'e Longstaff, Missoula....................... . 225 73 2,325 Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge .................. ..... ....... 21 Miss Pearl )'Neal, Missoula......................... t,9",0 7 1,937 Miss Nellie (;urrell, Red Lodge ............ ...... ....... 20 Mis Victoria Cyr, OreUnchtown....................... 1,758 Y 1,760 Miss Saraht Beard, Missoula ......................... 8t0 6 846 CUSTER COUNTY-. Miss May I)rago, Miss.oula .......................... 6281 3 285 Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City ..................... 1, ....... ,46 Miss Bessie laylor, Missoula. ....................... 213 4 234 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City....................... ... 925 8 933 Miss Marion G.rion, Miles City .................... .. .......I 19 PARK COUNTY Mi.1 Myrtle Johntson, Miles City................... ...... . ..... 1 Mis Etta llruza. l.ivingston ......................... 6,8z .25 6,307 Miss Ada Eichorn, .Milhs City ....................... 5 S Miss Birdie Clark, l.ivingston....................... 4,673 6o 4,733 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City .................... ...... 5 Miss Florence (;oodson. .ivingston ................... 1,436 40 1,476 Miss Lulu Wilson, Miles City......... . ......... 4 .. 4 Miss Mad If. Vance, Livingston ..................... 84 ....... 84 Miss Mary Schriner, Miles City.....................Miss Na e Niol, ivi ston ....................... 596 5 6. u Miss Rosalee T rrett, Milcs City .................... ....... ....... ....... Miss Edna riscoll, l.ivingston....................... 13 .......3 Miss Kate Burg , Miles City ........................ . .. ................. Mis Elsie Mercier, .ivingston....................... 8 ....... 8 yMis Itessle Ilutftnan. Miles City...................... . ................... Miss Edna Turner. Livingston .... .............. I Mi.,s Daisy layncs, Miles City ...................... ..................... Mis Rose Ilaulsten, Livingston ....................... ................. POWVEI.L. COUNTY CASCADE COUlN'rT - Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer l.odge................... 5845 54 5.899 Miss Netta Gervais, Great Fall ............ .... . ...2025 2.05 Miss Harriet Quiglry. Ophir.......................... 2.,76 2,o015 3,777 Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls ................... . ......... ~, Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge.................... 1,165 17 8 ,184 Miss Edith Browni, Gcreat Falls............... .... ..... ~5 ................ RAV'ALi.I COt'NTrY- CDIOU"I:A\U COUNTY.' - , Miss lla L. Olds, Victor .......................... 4,575 245 4,80 Miss Cora hassock. llavre.....................................5 Miss L.aura Irper, lamilton ........................ 4,076 634 4.710 Miss Marion Auld, llavre ........................... rs ....... ' Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton ...................... 1,362 88 1,450 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook ........................................ ..""" Miss Mattie lligglns. Stevcnvrille.................... 743 12 754 DEER I.(OIDGE COUNTY- Miss I.illa Selmmonas, hlailton n....................... 608 5 703 Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda ........................ 4.72-' 0,8 4,800 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallia....................... 571 ....... 571 Miss Nina (iraham, Anaconda............................ 4..l 44 4,500 Miss Daisy Bond. Hamilton.......................... 93 ...... 293 .Miss IBlanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda................. . .7.. .u 3,778 Miss Cora Adacps, Hamilton........................... 95 5 too Mis l:lizab lth L. Flitzpatrick, Anacondla ............. , ....... 1,.288 ROSEBUD COUNTY- I)AW\SON COUNTY-- Miss Flly VWstaly, Forsyth ........................ 4,450 23 4,463 Miss Ruth lhlutcr, Glecndive......................... .....75 2753 Miss Elthel Waddinglha, Forsyth ..................... 6.5 ....... 635 Miss Jessie Joes,l Glendive ......................... ...,7 ....... 2.,I,7 Miss Mayte Hllanmmond, Forsyth...................... 4 . "... ". 4 Miss \in SiMol nMs, (;Glenive. ........................... ...... 1,.5 .. . 1,""5 SI.VE.R BOW COUNTY MiLs .Mary ()C.h,rl., Glendive ........... ............ 5,) ....... 5,0 Miss Alice Jackson., lButte........................... 18,449 (.5 19.0o.4 htis 1ilda Ios.;c, Ilendivec ........................... 274.8 Miss l.aura Kilgallac, Butte.......................... 16,a6a 656 16.o18 .lis. ltice Te'ter. (;leiivse .......................... . 7 ".... ... 27 Miss Nell I.oyd, Butte.............................. 12,406 604 13,010 lMiss Mabel ltatcht.l.r, (te.diue ....................... .. . . ".. .. 2 2 Miss Clara Itlrkatd, lButte........................... :o,t6s 375 10,537 Miss Mrance * l.chn, K(lisve.............. ................. o. Miss (;eneva M. Smith, Butte........................... 7,06 349 7.455 Miss II.May Johnson, (letiv .................... Miss Mamie McNanara, Butte........................ 5,68 79 5,76 .Mi.s I:rtiCes Ju:ion,e (;hleiici........... ....... ... . .....'''''. 3 Miss Hanna Courtney. Butte ........................ 4,661 176 4.837 Miss Aric lack, Glendie ......... ...................... ..... i Mis ay Rolda Butte. ............................. 3,899 130 4.** 9 I ..lllAl,) COL'NTY Miss Alice Mitchell. Bttte ........................... 1,63 ....... I .63 Xlis Mlary Slack, Kalispell ........................ .4,877 ....... 4,;877 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte ......................... 1,18o 35 1.215 Miss ltessi ' Tat', Kalispell. ............... ... -.2 ... 2.1752 Miss Olive E. leakey, Butte........................... 704 ....... 704 .Mi.. Mlaude Fauver. Kalispell......... 95....... 9.15 Miss Kayte Jones, Iltttte.......................... 69 12 703o .i-s Mattic Iiggins, lKalispell...... ............. . .,,8 ....... o8 Mbiss Belle Edwards, Butte ........................... 678 ....... 678 Mliss Agnes MSrr,w. Kdiiell.. .............. ....... 4o Miss Margaret I.oughrin, Butte ...................... 66o 6 666 Miss Julia (;ilcda, Kalisell .. . ..... ....... Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte ................... ........ 423 16 439 Miss Ruth Ainleron,. Kalispl..... .. .................. ....... ........ Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte........................ 35 ...... 35 iss lonna Sheck, l.iy......... .......... ....... ......... SW.E-TGRASS COUNTY 'ER 'S OUNTV- Miss May Marley, Big Timber .... ... ............... 5.596 .. . 5506 .Miss Fannie Cook, 1l.wistow.... ............ g ...... 2,485 Miss lEthel rowning, Big Tiblcr ................... . ,.78 ....... 2,78.1 Miss Malhle Sullren; t, I.ewistow ............. 771 6 780 Miss Maggie Irvine. Big Timber.....................2. 3,4 1o 2,244 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown. .. ...........6........ . oo Miss Blertha Anderson, Big Timber ................... .... ... ....... GRANITE (.'toNT -- TETON COUNT'i Miss Catherine Perraut. 'lhilipbutg .. ............... 2,21 2 2.293 Miss Frances Cooper, Choteau....................... 8 .... 18 Miss Ethel Gilchrist, l)rusun l:,d ..................... 1.86 23 3 ,879 liss Kathryn Kennedy, Chateau....................... 3 13 16 Miss I..ily Roya;l. Drutllllnlold................... ...... 1.7.72 4 1,736 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby..... ............................. 4 4 Miss Irma Sliherrill, I'hilipshurg ..................... :.50 ....... ..1,560 VALLEY COUNTY Miss Myrtle Clark, Philipsburg...................... .... 1.1. ....... . ,.33 Miss Auna Ratchford, Glasgow ...................... ,8o Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite ....................... j . 8 jo Miss. M8yrtle McMillan, Glasgow........ ............... o .......8 5 (GAI.I.ATIN COUNTY- YELOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Mamic Oakwod. Ilozeman...................... 2770 34 2,83 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings ....................... 2.244 877.... 3,12 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozema.n ........... .............. 1,607 7 .64 Miss Dora Radenmaker, Billings....................... 1,644 16 1,890 Miss Grace trifRin, IBozemsan ......................... 1,40 8) 1,553 Miss Mable oss, Billin s............................ 9 Miss Ruby Moore. IBelgrade ......................... ..2,9 ) 55 1,J54 Miss Della Waiters, Bllinngs.......................... 7194 196 Miss Bessie Van 'Zalllt, Bloetnau ..................... 1,21 1 1,222 Miss Alice Walk, Billings. ......................... o ......10 o10 Misas Minnic Stulbblclield, IBozcenman ................... 581 ....... 58: Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings...... ................ ... ........... Miss Mamnic Stringlicld, IBozemai ................... .. '5 2. 5 Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings........25........................ . .... JEFFERSON COUNTI'Y- Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings .................. .......... ............ Miss JoTsie Nolnnan, Basin........................... 12,206 331 12,537 Withdrawn ..................................... 42,004. . 42,004 Miss Regina Dear, Basin........................... 3.245 57 3.302 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitelhal ...................... 1,724 77 1,o80 Total .......................................... 343,8ao0 o,t6t 353,981 Headquarters and Voting Places Bleaverhead County-A. S. Johnson....... .......... ................................. Dillon liroadwater County--lyrne Bros ..................................................... Townsend Carbon County--Mrs. M.. N. Hickox...............................................Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge........ .... .................................... Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane.............................................. Fort Benton Custer County-J. E. Arnold.......................................................Miles City Dawson County-Albert 11I. Johnson................................... Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Oflicc............... ............ ............ Anaconda Fergust County-L. C. Cornell..................................................... Lewistown Flathead C(ounty-Wnlter Hunt.......... ...................................... Kalispell Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ................................................... Bozeman Granite County-Charles Williao n .................................................. Philipsburg Jefierson County-J. i. Rule ........................................... ...................Basin Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Book and Stationery Company ....................Helena Madison County-James PIowell ..................................... . Virginia City Meagher County--L. B. Jobb.......... ....................... White Sulphur Springs Missoula County-Winstanley's Oflice..... ............................. Missoula Park County-ltinghanm Ilinman.................................................... Livingston Powell County--The Kenyon Store.............................................. Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts....................... .................. Hamilton Rosebud Courty-W. H11. Slmons................ ..... ..................... Forsyth Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Office............................... ......... Butte Valley County-Miss Bertha Kempher............................ ........... Glasgow Teton County-C. II. Drake... ........ ................. .. ................... Choteau Yellowstone County-Thotttas Manley............................... .. ... Billings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerford........................ ........... BDig Timber PACKAGE OF JEWELS LEFT IN STREET CAB It Is Worth $40,000 and a Cabby Will Get 20 Per Cent for Finding It. BY Assoc'irA'frtD rE:ss. London, Nov. x8.-Col, E. II, Power, of New York has had the unusual experlehee of losing a package containing $40,000 worth of jewelry and finding it within a few hours. Mrs. Power had sent hcer jewels on from Carlsbad by a friend and Power started to take them to a safety de posit box. Col, Power put them on a seat in the cab with him, covering them with his op coat. On the way he stopped at a tailF'$ and catching up his overcoat paid thq cab driver and dismissed him. It was not un til lie was leaving the tailor's that he re mmcbered the precious package, Much wrought up, he hurried to the Scotland yard, awl a score of detectives began to search the city. A few hours later the police inspector called on Colonel Power and, announced that the cabman had been found and turned over the jewvels, Under the law the finder is rntitled tin 20 per cent of their value, so he will hb substantially rewarded, INDIANS SET BOUND MAN ADRIFT IN A TINY BOAT Open Fire on Helpless Wretch as Vessel Drifts Away-Finally Rescued, BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 18,-Bound hand and foot, John Jones, a prospector at Karluk, was thrown into a boat by In dians and set adrift, and as the boat floated off the Indians fired on it. Details of the deed were received last night from passengers of the Copper River steamboat Santa Anna. The shots went wild, but they served to attract the atten tion of some men in a steam launch, who picked up the boat. TO CURE A (OLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money of it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. asc. JUST "TO MENTION IN PASSING" Cram'c Atlas of the World, 190o3 edition, with handsome up-to-date map of Montana, is given free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay $7.50 for one year in advance. The special tco vote coupon it also included, Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Conditions: First-Any young lady over 17 years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an. nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other clections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. self. Fourth-Voting vill commence Monday, October sg, and close Tuesday evening at I o'clock, January ,s, pgo4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupone cut from the semi-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. AU coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as follows: Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain.... ............. .............. ............ I Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 2s Votes Subscription, Seml-Weekly, 6 months, $1, a special coupon of so Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions) Subscription, Semi-Weekly 12 months $2, a special coupon of ioo Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain I month, 75c, a special cuopon of ............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.00, a special coupon of .......... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ..........., 50 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, la months, $7.5o, a special coupon of ...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptios.) ............ 800 Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening papers -. ...... . "NI Vo Td .ý Nov, 23, '03 .ws cOWPON o tr.r 'sLVOTP ON 0? f3E fa6rr I