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LAZYLIVER "I find Cserrote so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cas.urets Candy Cathartlc I feel very much better I shall certainly recommend them to nay friends as the beat medicine I have ever seen." Anna Batinet, Osborn Mill No. I, Fail River, Mae:. Best for The Bowels CANDY CATItARTIC Pleaan, Paltable, Patent. Teste onod Do flood, Nver itlren, Weaken or (ripe, ll e, fle, Ieo. Never d In lk, The genuine tablet ICtamped CUOQ. Guarantand tO euro or ar hIey boak. Iterling Remedy Co., Chlcago or N.Y. 6ois ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES PERFUMES HALF PRICE Closing Out Entire Line These goods are offered less than cost. They are in nice, attractive packages, suitable for Christmas gifts. EVANS' BOOK 1 I4 North STORE . STORE Butte, Mont. Capital.........e$100,e0o* Uader sIt sperfilsion. Fle pm ent laterest, pryabl quarterlu, paid N depoita. Money to Loan on Real Estate 3. AUG. HEINT......... Preldent A, 2,. Cl LTNTS................Cashlr Backed by Seven Years of Success 25 25 Ots. Ots. Thbe Osne re for (Iarch. At all Dbrpggi.. Q. . KEITH, (Mnfr.) CLEVELAND, OHIO. HE WAS LOST IN THE SNOW Little Wayne Lad Finally Rescued by a Big Hearted Hackman. Weeping as if his heart would break and clilled through by the intense cold, a small boy stood in front of the Southern bar last night waiting for his father, who had become separated fron himn. Pedestrians stopped to inquire the cause of his grief, but the boy could tell only a nmager story as to the cause of his dis tress. Finally Jerry Shine, the big hack man, came along and recognized the boy as being the son of A. A. Wayne, who lives on Copper street. The Ihackman persuaded the little fellow to get inside the hack and after bundling him up, drove to the boy's home and de livered him safely to his parents. JUDGMENT FOR THE COSTS In the justice court appeal case of J. VW. Cotter against E. S. P'assmore, in which Catherine D. Cotter was substituted as plaintiff, and in which the plaintiff got a judgment for about $60 in the justice court, the defendant received a judgment for his costs in Judge liarney's court yesterday. The suit was to recover part of an attor ney's fee. To Satisfy Judgment. In the case of G. Gordon Clark against the Great Northern railroad, in which the plaintiff recently got a judgtment for $4: back pay, the sherilT yesterday levied uponi some furniture at the Great Northerni depot to satisfy the execution. HARUd DRY COUGH Mr. Joseph Radford,of Brooklyn, N. V., uses Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for BronchitIs and difficulty in breathing. I suffered a groat deal from bronchial trouble and a hard, dry cough and great trouble in breathing. I was liable to an attack summer or winter; the trouble being to a certain ex tent a family comp lint as my father and grandfathb suffered from bronchitis, They couglhed so hard that they would have to Ihang on to an. thing they could lay hold of to keep from falling, and I used to do the same. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP COMPLETELY CURED ME OF ALL TIIERE AILMENTS. I have three children and give them Dr. Bull's Cough syrup when they have a cough or the eroup. Josephh Redord, D, , Ywo P., District Grand Commitw No, a, Order sons of St. George, 8 Jackson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. ALWAYS CURES My husband has used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for the last twenty years whenever he has had a cold, and it has wa ured hm,We would not be without it. Mrs. '. J, leoleb, 8959 Weat Central Ave., St, Paul, Minn. Dr Bull's Cough Syrup cures sthrma, croup, bronchitis, grippe, pneumonia, consumpton, 5and all dissaee of the tlhroat and lungs, V .lI tU?.ltTOITJJT IT , Beware of dangerous and worthless substltutei and imi. ati umoc rupuurplous arggsstry to force n ou, Look for the "Bull's Head" trade. smark, and see that you get the genuine Dr. B20n a uh rup, y riue, See., oe., and aODL0 FOR SALE BY J. T. FINLEN DRUG CO., AND, DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. WORKINGMEN WILL HAVE A CLUBHOUSE HANDSOME STRUCTURE TO BE PUT UP FOR LOUNGING PLACE FOR HORNYHANDED TOILERS. PLEASURE AND RECREATION Will Afford Decent Rendezvous for Men When the Day's Work is Over and Time Is Hanging Heavily. liv A.SIiIA'II0 ) PItHI.M, NXew TYrk, Nov. It.--'lhis city is to lie thl"e hImi e of the eluist costly clublhouse for workingmen( in the I' ited States. Iluln ,for the struccture, which is to hie inl East Eighty fouirth street, neaer Thirdi javenue, have teen filedI with the city al thoritics. fr leapproval, ain it is expecllte that construictiolln work will Ie stalrtedl early nexit spring. The clubolliuise is to te of five storiues, t xIixaJ feet in area andll is to coest $chi.oii. Fariliti.s for mlno Utal anI physical clu t Ure are toIll ie thlle i lst lobtainable. A gymnall sii , cla-s relll i s, lcetutre romsllll atdl licbrry are pl r I ,rlei, iiil it is the ine tenltionlll tol hiave regula.ilir clllerses oi f le ltures, debllltes iiil studies for I lembers. A large hallrmii will te arranged with a stage for theatricalt eli te rlininneits andl imusicales, while eil the lirst flooir there will ie a ear anlid edta with a readiing aind hilliard roirm. The 1 oI khi 1' e . Eiluert; l andl Mlone :lsociatin ine f New York. which will carry oiet the iproject, was orgaenizcd i I. 86 ailnd noiw ltax eiore, lthia .i uio mee hersh. .hrouge tl. entertainments anl otlher meansi filunds were ruseld to purchalse the propertcuy. 10 SELL A BREWERY M. W. SMITH, PRESENT MANAGER, MAY TAKE OVER STOCK OF THE SILVER BOW. Negotiations aire under way for lthe sale. of the capital stick of the Silver Hiow brewery. Jamues F:rltis, attornety for the estate of ('hristian Nissler, petitioned the district court for lpermission to dispose of the stock, alolllllltig to .1,99)7 shllares toi M. WV. Smith. According to the terms of sale Mr. Smitlh, who has been Imanaging the brew cry for the estate, offers $50,000 for the stock, to be paid for as follows: $5.oo0 down, $5,000 one year from date of sale and $10,000o per year thereafter until the full alllount is paid in, the deferred pay Ilents to draw 6 per cint intierevt per year, to be paid semi -annu lly. Arrangelments lhave lbeeln madI;e to tuse water froml Crystal Springs, the water be illng piped about a mile to the brewery. Atotlher request accompanliied the formller petitioni asking permission to lease the Silver flow saloon on West BIroadway for a rental of $i5o per IImonth. OPPOSITION ARISES STREET RAILWAY FRANCHISE HAS A HARD TIME IN THE JUDI CIARY COMMITTEE. Conltrary to the expectations of those who are interested in the franchise for the railway to Nine-Mlile, consideralle opposi lion has developed to the use of Wyoming street by the new road. 'When the fran chise ordiltnance wlas read at the lleetting of the judiciary cotnmittec of the city coun cil yesterday afternoon, Aldermen Mlc Quteeney allld D)ull otIposed allowing tlhe road to use Wyoming street for the entire distance pIroposed. The former was of the opinionl that the road miight use the street as far down as Galena or Mercury, and theni go west to Main, anid down aMain to First or Front. Alderman Ileaney was ill favor of suib mitting the ordinance to the people just as it stood, and the people could say whether they wanted it or not. Attorney Kremer was asked if anly other route thant Wyoming street would answer the purpose of the company and replied that it was the only practicable one. It was decided to let the matter lay over until the return of 'I"aollnt McDonald, in whose name the franchise is aepked. lie is now in Tonopah. WINS SUIT AGAINST THE N. P. George L. Thresher yesterday secured a judgment against the Northern Pacific Railroad company for $50 damages tuponl the trial by jury in Judge Ilarney's court of a case brought by Thresher against the railroad company in which he got $.loo damages in the justice court. Thresher charged the railroad comlpany with eject ing him from a train at Cinntahar, while his ticket called for his delivery by the company at (;ardiner. AYEHIISEi LETi llERSi Letterrs aldvertirtcld at uttel, rMont., for the ueek ending November i3, :!,': A. ('hrles Aohdnwn, Ada ,M. Aikcn, l.sutia .lliwaly, ;iivanlla A~stesoi,, Jitme Adams, Jorielh Adam,, Jihn II, Alndelrsnn, Nellie Ar nitld, Iludolilhll Alliir, Sam Arthur, Thlleresa E. Alvsxaiid r, Cillie Allen, Mi.s ' Jithe Anderson. II. lNilliiiii C1, llhltdgeit, lttlie ,Mine Erxplors. iiin (i.. Ittitc Mirnitor 'luinnuiel Co., Ilelider de A\lhly, Ilhhlle lIw. Co., C', A. Irownell, ('harl.s ilrown, lrs. ('Chliirler WV. Ileckwith, Mrs. (. Irerry, ('lure E. lrri.k. ('iCharles Hiar. iIllhy. Elii J. Ilnitlher, (Irlc:e, IIC litler, Ceorge itt. iir, 1C. 1i. IlroIwn, II. Ilukl(. , hlarry lieu. riix. Ily, lirllty, .r~.1. J. E, n Ilnjniin, y. Ihi..eile, (tliherie A. Itrazell, C sac Iecrhtel, .Nrl . .1. II., Iliihlln, .jhiii IIow (r, J hilrn l tCiimer, JIlin lil n'ke, . 1I . IlI.ydl , J,.elil i lohler, J. Ii. Ilouchtier, John Cliaii,.s, Jihilh Clurclhett, J3ames II. Iluri., .lohln Ilertin, J. NI. lienin t, Cathe. riie II;rker, CL in, tIree, ,l(1, 1.illic l, 1.lke, llirnkoviki, C.Loiin hirn, ,ilinniie Iuichda ml, Nl ikei. |elli ,liln, iry Cllrtl ,it , li irie lligelraw , len it, tiii lellt. W. C'. litnrnit, I V. I'. I. rnC ley, 'lit. . N .I Ii~ N nI(. ri Viicient irurn , .1, tC. Blrliwii, .[ ;,ine,. briet n, Th ma 'N ll i ti , Ilerry, 1I1,m111:1e. C ,.lc , I ll y IyClii. lr, . Ie. ,N. N. ni tr , CoI i tIllit ri , N C. II , Ia Ii , c Nlln. .110, l (*hisllhin, .M1r,. C'.m bl , %%i111/11 CIol , rl. N . I nni.i . (n, r, Inr v, , il ('' IIii elll , Ir4~. ,,, II Ctt.n.ill, C'.n. i .r,,,rli g S.anr ng. Ci, A,, lf C',vrlln,n. Ilitr e,... 'Ci*, lienji. n ln *". Clii, ('. (C C l i C airlI, Ci tilinlolk, Char!, Cilhe, II, IUiiCnirC Ivid T. Conk ]ii., I'.llei. (C tni. . i 'a N rn I er Cii , ('li , L. 1. d Ci ulile t (ui , ii 1i lii tui ( ik ( nnrli, , I rn, ( .,iin. I r'nik IIh . CI'C liik, I u rge Cun'ralnil, Ily, 'iigil.t , ki.a C'itrurn. Ignnain Ciillore. tlh l C Il .iii, n. lIr . J ,,lhn I' iglh.iln, J. ii. I( ie, ,, hn 1 I hil tl., l al iI. ( 'liClT. rd, IJohI n ('irtll-i, ,Inct ('nuiiii nl, i. .I. (iirison. ). O r-i aInIkh l ;n'l. ,I-hn 1, I';llll. hnn l iess e nlw I rnl 0 J. 8II (.ltiiiann. 1 .. (;( k'iinani .lai~ lai (nilvetr', Ma\ry I. (C ' ridhl , NIkl (C thnil. ,I. I V . (Cra:il, M.r. uill (Clln li, ti. I %i. C (ruianlll r. . Nellie C\ ltl Iil. I'i C ulkiuo., Ithil ll tinry, I'nal (anC. I y.l It . Cu,, lrkin. h IlriC.l Il-r.yln, 'ih. F . Co hing. Nir. tar;,h I thrintiani-iii. lThomnas ( ii.rivll.i v a lnti ii C. Cl llllliing. ltrrence ( lillki. Itn ,li 'IlihC . . . i . .i i lllll Car ldwayl iri, \ . II, o'lllire. Vilt 0i Iarvitl, WNiliflain C iy m ii , lIr. I illiaiii IF. C It t niik n, N1r.. 'hiniin C i 0' rrlve. I I. Clhin i l, I nii , an . I . II. M. I),i in, .ltali Il tuni.lhiinttr. E!d C. IlDviei. Mr.. IC),irlIniick l iC,, i . NI . Nlui I lI)wr, .nitC.oti. ICh, 'atuli, .\. .1, IC , 1i. .N iiiy Iiltiin, Carrie IC, Ihlun, 'irm . C rni. C. Ihy. C. I, li'kn ii, 111 . C Clin,, ly, IC. ' . Clliinii i, Clon II C. l ti t Nl.1. FI'tly Ihildge 1., . Ilu., ilsg . nr.ii lil, liifnn. ee, rJit, . C1 ..t f. ,I anut. Iitney rui1, .Johii l)iiw r, Johln Ihallani .lInheitl hll y,). .l , |. itrin. Canitte .I. Chllfy, . .. I aitne. MrN .I. '. ICvi,. .Ier,. Mary C. thilll10 NMrn. \ilitte C C, 1c. Mary CCiiihuni, N. C. C.IIverpeiuk .' siii. I. I .. I' i , ICo II.iv n. l . II lwynr. Criu.ll CyC.liiCi C1. C i; In ,vii,,C u V,i~it . C'r, l iio~ en. F' Iliil, . T nilh., livi . l, C I . . C) . ilit ,, I. CI. I' ntl'., i . Ch iin-. I tll itoff i . C Iritt,, NI n Cu,, . C C. Isn- dl Ninwar:, t Pint, r l, . CC. C n.K . tetia ,r . C oi li, IFtiiiiC . hiinry t I E'. i e , Hilt rry l van iittn F , -, .ul ,tiC. I Chly, a. I'. hErolt. ,. 'i. Cidbirt, Nh-In.i. II. ri' Iui. -, r/ . I ..Ch i ti.gC Cute l.i Firtil-, Inhi, in 3. Tli-tr. .ylrn. (Nl.11,. Crilt. Ni,. .1h x Inita,. Nhi, I rn,- Men.Fog r,. .lb Iirindh;v. Ca F. nirlrtr, ,M1ir. Clara irthi. I,. ,V da.n C. . Ire it.nd .l. ist ilahn l iint It, 'anci' C".S. II. F. Ih iacher. Cae lhn F.: hin.l l.u.i. I.i , lehy . .J h i c ir iy C. ,a Ju l n C ie , .' , t , , i . I: i, .) mll. IF'lix, J Ci t V . ichler, lr .. liNip' Crlneh. .ri. L,. -Irlhr, .imrt. lI,,y.ia CIitcl,,:,,ln CIl wia n . IVinhi r, .\l r. .lrart. 'Iarrell, .%1. It . I it. h ik' IFr.wh'.. ,lir ,\I T, I"0rhis, I'nt I.. IFarrell, II.h rt'r ... I",lki~il. Thoimi. .I. Itar,, ll, C t hiu ni.. N I:,rd !aI , iattg 'ti i' Iliicyclc %%ork-. G. .I,,tre '.. I ive, ;. r. hi l'ridan glnir. i,. .lla rt ,I. ;i. Ciar l. CI iirie.,tein, IL. C . CC irab . (. . iiiC ', ,r . l;ir n Nitl,,r, lIin. i .'rlkel Natti Crol ie'inrir. Ilrge eieon,. Ctlcrge F. (ild. Coli, ri . It. l NlIgher. IC tiii Il re n. t la i C it , Ilit, . maa't, Clhi i ,,i tl, CI. John S. (t , rri., tI . \ 4 1i :r . J Cn titerr , Jr hn r .i C riny . .l h nh I C.illit. It i i ', firithn, i i N . J.I.I t It r,,es, Jo n C. n Cli t',iln. C o h nna l irik ii . ,r, C o.I.l ln ir'rI. C.l Cvirti Cululihr, MaC l ii t. C. e. C r . II. J .islir. nIoiii Hillianii Grostso, IW illiamn iailliilhir, II. IHI' nry T. IIr.. i r. .lameC . Nl a rritI on,,r . r.. Sadrriei n. IChirl . Chmitryn. .I. NV. Clrran to~n, I'il Halrringto~n, Annaiii Ilinagerf-rd. Nathl Ilivi.. ,1mire w IIihh, An n \iia II.'nlsoi, .11rs. \.1 eI Ilir in. i n lr V,. Ih Ilrley. N hIrhe. I . Ililndl. Iitti Crtl. II..11. IlI. I~inu.,iihihe r I wird Ilnt.. Ilizalleth Clnrley, Cleliznry hIolttilli. sis. .11i.. ILiz ie Iflovt, I'lizalet, h Illhu ' Enen F.tir. Mr. > d ari. F IInld .,,ni IFranik Ilenidy. (ie'l'gtt IV Ilowe (3), II. ,I. Illnn.on, .%lrs, lheater I'. Iliiii.,n, jolini I'. Iliimlmier. A miii,. .%1. llnmilton. .1rs. Johpl I'. II,,gan..lJohn iItolkin>,.,I, II. llinneyi, Joihts ', lihrliz..IJicobl Ilhtz, .I. .11, Ierndloni, Josielph Ihleham.. lr., 1.. Ilicks. ,%lar~y Ih, nry. Mlrs. 1.%1 i;, IIowell,..1larxgiret.i hld, Melvinii IInlmel. lRobert .\, Ilianty.y iRo. Iliglht. Richiird Itall, ..adic :\. IIlltleld, 8., .1. Ilenry, T'. W%. Illn ralhain. Thomaslill I. Ilickey, .1lrn. ('na I lubelll'. C. 3. I hins. J. John Janis. Nrs. Jackson, A. I,. Johnsop. .\Almnd .Jose. A.\braham Jlohnson. A. MI. .php on. Chris Jlohnason (2), (. Joha sen, Chlrlts II. Johnson. MIrs. Flora .ames, (George L. Johnson I:), (;curge Jessie, J. W\. Joiner, Mary A. Jackson, Maggie C. Jones, 0. A. Jolhnsn, Peter Johnson. Hay Johnston, Sol Jlohnsn, Thomas H.. Jackson, William l). Jackson, Willie Johns. K. J. (C. Kelly, James Kelly (;), P. S. Kelly. A\ugust Kaier. Andrew Krisovich, AnIon Ker mel,t Axscl Kevkkala, Ile sic Kilcullen, Ntiss lert)ha Kersher, NI rs. Evaline Kimball, E1l Kohl, IEmmla Kuhworth, Frank J. Kipps, Arne Klaucen, Hlenry Knodle, Mirs. Johanna Ker win, lJoseph Klic, M. D). Kennedy, Matti Kajim., Phil Koeningasherger. Peter Kloss. Stephen Kahn, NIrs. Sarah Kellett, Wilham Kiever. I., Nell' I Leary, L ibrarian Iadies' Club, 'l'inm Loyntch, l ennis ILynch, Margaret L.ynch, Fan nie I.. Lynch, Tim Lynch, Annie NM. larson, Arthur l.ambert, Albert Leng, Albert I,. L.ove, Albert I.ei y, Clay l.onglry, I). Lamm, D)r. I.ove, Ed lonnen, hirs. Eic .e ong, F. Len. non, F. Rt. Lciwald, Miss Gertrude L.amp shire, George L.yman, Ilarold 1I. l.ambdea. Henry L.uldders, IHlenry II, Logan, Hlenry Las en, II, II. lyons, Ida Leslie, Catherine 'l. Lowry, J. II. l.anurn, Jennie l.owe, Mrs, Jac . S. Long, Johannet s J. Liknes, Joseph'la c.t Iames 1). Long, I.eoni Lemieux, Laura Lyn tC. .\jkko Leppala. Margaret Lowe, Morris II. Lucas, Mirs. Melvina J. Lott, Miss Matid l.obly, MisIs lMabel l.inn, P. J. .ally, .Paul II, Leoniard, Si non Lewis, Tim T. Iyots, Zacharian ,isclmb, William Littlejohn, Victor l.ampli, l"rank Lynch. M. F, A. Meyers, NMrs. Mc. c, o Miner, Pat S. Murphy, MIrs. Agnes Miller, Arthur J, Mog iford, Miss Annie Miler, Alfred Merz, Mrs. C. A. .loss, Elenore Mitchell, Emma 1.. Natti. son, I.izzie Merrigan, Eugene F'. Mathey, Donahld Moore, Frank Mlaalanahon, Frank t1. Miles, Mrs. Frankie Moeller, Guy Martin, 1. F. .Mellen, Kate Mietzin, John Meyers, John C. Monapace, John Nliclhilick, J. K. Murrly, Jennie I. Miller, John Mattison, Jereinah Mahoney, Louis Mason, AIrs. M. 11, lil s, Max Mcier, Matt Molek. Michael J. M eye, Malcolm MI. Martin, Mrs, Mary More, Niclk $, Martinovich, Robert L. Miller, Rachael A. AMeagher, Mrs, Rebecca Moore, Rennie Mas trud, S. M. ... organ, Sam Merrill, Joseph Mos. seau, W. II. Martin. William F. Matthews, Alex Marconi, M. I., Maguire, Mont, Loan & Realty Co. Mc. Nace Mclaughlin, C. V. MeAdam, William D. Meliride, 1', I). McCarthy (a), Charles W. MlcCabe, Isabelle McCoo, Mike McCormack, Hattie McCraney, Minnie McDonald, Fred McDonald, Carrie McDonald, Ellas ). Me Donald, Dan McDonnell, Peter S, McDermott, Alice McDeeJ, LDr. C. McFadden, James "R. McGrath, Mabel C. McGrath, Mary C. Mc. Grath, Mary McGInty, John J. McGettlgan, Thomrs C. McGuire, Duncan McIntosh (a), Mrs, Ii. M. McIntyre, Pat McKann, Mrs. A. McKlnnon, M. McKensle, Mrs. A. M. Mc. Kenna, Peter McKenna, Mrs. D. K. MlcLeod, Mrs. Winnifred McLean, Mrs. Mary Mc. Laughlin, David I. McLeod, Charles D. Mc. Lure, Miss Margaret MclAughlin, James II. McDonald, John MeMillan, Teddie McMann, John McMahon, W. A. McMillen, Elma P. MfcMillen, A. C. McNeil, John McNamara, C. 'McRae, Norman D. McRitchle, L. J. Mc. Shane (a), McTucker & Davis, Mrs. Annie MiWen, I'. lMcCurdy, David McCurdy, M:s. Kate MIcGrath. N. Rkovle Niklic, Mrs. Alice J. Noyd, Adam, Anna C. Nutting, Alice Nicholls, (harles Newquistt, Emanuel Nelson, iaits Norquist, J. J. Nicholson, John Nikol, John N. Nintan, J. R. Nagle, I'eder Nilsen, T. WV. Nye. . Nagle, Northwestern Fwd, Co., Wtm. .\. NJolan. O. Mi's Itertha Orr, J. E. O'lrien, J. J. 'llrien, Patrick O'Neill, G. I. jOsborne, Mrs. T. II. Olivcr, W. J. O'lrien, W. II. Olin. V. .\lie C. Plreble, Aggie 1. P'eisitn, Antone I',ldreen, C. A. P'aull, C. I. Poitras, Eulgete I. IPowell, IEvan Pugh, Ellen M. P'ertson, T. C. I'earce, G;erge A. l'ackard, Grace M. Ilolglase, Mi-- Ilanna P'aul.on, If. H. P'arkcr, IHlarry T. Iaul. ,john Perry, J. S. P'ark, Joe I/. lattcr. I.m ,.ennie Payne, Johannta l'aige, Mrs,. Mag. gtic I'atton, Peter l'anyantt, Hobert lowell. Sar.h I. I'ryor, William J. 'arks, WV. G. Park., W'illiam l'arnington, William fierce. (. M. IE. tuitnfrt, Mlatthew ,Quinn. It. lJames Redmond, An.elm.o fodoni, A. C. lly.dlle A. MI. IogerS., Mrs.. Annie Reddie, f. II. l unny, ( harles ll,,hltan, Charles I'. Itle ilte. ('larls J. Richardi., ('onstante ou malnckl. (. Robert.., (iltit heichert, Daniel Rhiney, Ilizabeth I. Regan, Florence Iyan, If.urh.l His, .lt.. J. 'J . Heene, Mis.s Jennie H,e:altiehl, Mrs,, oe I.. Reilly, Joseph Roae, .it ph Irnttticek, Jo,,(phine Howling, Miss Mary Huddly, Mary I. Hyley, Mr.. Minnle Ricihey, .Mrs. Margaret Ryan, Rachel Robb, San.pel IHleyn. lds. Stephen A. Ryan, T. ,. Ili .. T, 'Ilheo. T. Hok., William Rochelle, 'William1 Richards, Clarence ,.ichtnold. S. Jai k SI, ily. Bert Smtally, Agnes 1). Saucer, A. M. Swani.trom, MrsA. J. Single. A. Al. ,woinioger, Icrnh. Strasser. Miss ('arli' e lSchutz. Ianiel Saxin, F. II. II. Shaw, Franctis I). Shaughne..y, Fred Skalichy, Frank I. SouthI matyd, ,George Secluo, Gilhert A. Stewart, G. I.. Stickler. If. S. Schanpton, II. F. Seltzer, I1. lA. Shl.lebrand, ('atherine Sterland, John I. Sweeniy, Johln Slingerland. J. W. Shee, l ,hn heran Johli Schlubick. Julia Schmlid', l Incs '. Staigg, J. Siari, Jack Saari, .. C. Sitigley, Lotuisa Seia, .Miss Louise Stan.. hihlt. .\ist Iiberty Stonchridge, Mrs. M'ary Stlrret, I. Skonies, MilIo II. Sanders, Mike Stle.ienick, NIatilda Slhiclds, Miss atnud Stan. ton, M. 11. Sewell, Mlrs. M. W. Sills, Nellie StW.eney,. i. Schiweinky, Ruse Stewart, Mrs. Rilo rt Shelodin, William Sweeney, .rs. \\ilt liam Shiih.s, Will Sealcy, WV. I). Simpson. Scret.ary IChristian tdtieavor, John Streclh. Mr. I. Si. her, Jenette .Sinnard. T. .Arch l'i'ithompiun (1), .IMr. .Ann Thom psotn, iharh, s W. Tritilgcn. J. Tippett, Miss I.aura T hma'. M. Thonm ot. Stelano 'Tigr, Mi'rs. \ illianl Tn,'uhy, F. T'uiinley. V. ('Ih. V, II. 'N. .\nite Wnorthinigtoin, ('Charles J. Wood, M1i's I')illa Wright. Edith Wi'illard, Mrs. Eliza \ it. h i., Edward W\ilkit -i, Edwin Williams. IEdain .1. \\'ilkinsmon, I". Stewart White (l), F. .. W'illiatm' .lacob Widlman, John Williams,i NIr.. Lutc' . Welch, V. J. \Vampler. 'Thomas W\inter-, 'Thunma M. Williamns. Thomas M. \\' S.mralh F. \Vright, R. J. Wemnyss, Rob. ertsoln T. White, IR. . Wilhite, Mrs. M1. A. N ilthehire, M1. J. W\ells.. M. J. Wilson. Alex Whitthley, .1rs. C. \Valthall, C. J. Williamn, Edson A. Worrall, NI.r. E. A.. )tDufficld Wed. lake. I. IC. Wilkins, .Mrs. Ilattie Z. Ward, J. I1. White, J. J. Wilson, J. Williams, Joseph \'a.crberlcge,'; Jaimes II. 'Waters, John WVilson, l.. J. Wagner. Mi. ViWoods, Mrs. Margaret \\'iithcik. ( Itto Waldeck, iMrs. Richard W\alch, Mi.s Winnie W'hyte, Mrs. Wallace, .Mrs. Zarida Wolf. Williaml .undt. Z. L.ttiie %Chnlu. T1111I) NI) F 'rlTII.cI.ASS NMAT''TE'R: A. Ituihainn., Jamies S. tI;unit. William Ilan. 'iock, J. Nilsoin, Howard Siegfried. (;GEORG;E W'. IRVIN, Postmaster. DALY BANK & TRUST COMPANY OF BUTTE Established 1882 Incorporated 19)1 Capital $100,000.00 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS JOHN D. RYAN - -- - - President JOHN R. TOOLE - - Vice President C. C. SWINBORNE - - - - Cashier R. A. KUNKEL - - - Asst. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK JOHN A. CREIGHTON - - President G. W. STAPLETON - Vice President T. M. HODGENS - - - - - Cashier J. O. HODGENS - Assistant Cashier R. B. NUCKOLS - Assistant Cashier Under state supervision and juris diction. Interest paid on deposits. Sells exchange available in all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Collections promptly attended to. Transact a general banking business. Directore-J. A. Creighton, Oma ha; C. W. Stapleton, A. H. Barret, E. D. Levitt, S. V. Kemper, T. M. Hodgena, J. O. Hodgens. Corner Main and Park Streets, Butte. C. R. Leonard, Pres.; T. R. Hinds, Vice Pres.; Fayette Harrington, Cashier. SILVER BOW NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 This bank solicits accounts, offers prompt, and careful attention to business of customers. Colleo tions promptly attended to and re mitted for on day of collections. Sell foreign and domestio exchange, transacts a general banking busi ness, pay Interest on the deposits. Directors-Charles R. Leonard, F. Aug. Heinze, 8. Marchesseau, A. Balmforth, R. A. Louis, C W. New ton, T. R. Hinds, John MaoGinniss, Fayette Harrington. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BUTTE (Established 1879.) CAPITAL - - - $200,000.00 GENERAL BANKING Drafts drawn on all principal cities of the world and letters of credit issued. ANDREW J. DAVIS - - President JAMES A. TALBOTT -Vice President E. B. WEIRICK - - - - - - Cashier J. S. DUTTON - - Assistant Cashier W. A. Clark J. Rosse Clark W.A.CLARK & BRO. BANKERS Transacts General Banking Business. Buy Gold Dust, Gold Bars, Silver Bullion and Local Securities. Boxes for rent in safe deposit vault Sell exchange available in all of the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Special attention given to colleo tions. ALEX J. JOHNSTON, Cashier. Six Million Dollars Spent by the U. P. R. R. CO. in improving what was originally the finest track in the West. RESULT A comparatively straight and level roadbed, ballasted with dustless Sherman granite, rendering possible the highest rate of speed, together with the greatest degree of safety. The magnitude of the work must be seen to be appreciated. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Solid comfort, security and pleasure to our patrons. ARE YOU GOING EAST? If so you cannot afford to go via any other than this ROYAL HIGHWAY. Further information on application personally or by letter to H. O. WILSON, O,SL., Butte, Mont. DENVER & RIO GRANDE & RIO GRANDE WESTERN Travel During Fall and Winter The journey to the East via Salt Lake City and along the shores of the Great Salt Lake, through beau tiful Glenwood, Colorado Springs and Denver is one of uninterruptped de light in winter as well as in summer. In fact, the fall and winter seasons add but a new grandeur and charm to the travel scenes and infuse an element of variety and beauty to the unsurpassable wonders along the Rio Grande Western & Denver and Rio Grande lines. Through sleeping and dining car service. Personally con ducted weekly excursions. For rates or information apply to G. W. FITZGERALD, Gen. Agt. Ticket Office 47 E. Broadway, Butte. PULLMAN, DINING AND LIBRARY CAR ROUTE TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis And All Eastern Points. Short Line to Colorado, Arizona and Mexico San Francisco, Los Angeles (Ocean or Ralil.) Portland and Pacific Coast Points ARRIVE. No. 9- -------- 6:40 p. m. No. 7 - - - - - - - - - 2:45 a. m. DEPART. No. 8 --------- 4:45 p. m. No. 10 --------- 2:05 a. m. Ticket Office 105 N. Main St., Butte, Mont. H. O. WILSON, GENERAL AGENT. THE BEST FRIEND THE NORTHWEST EVER HAD "The Road That Made the Northwest Famous." LEAVE BUTTE. For St. Paul, East and West, daily .------. 8:00 a. m. For St. Paul, East and West, daily - ----- 8:00 p. m. ARRIVE BUTTE. From St. Paul, East and West, daily - - - -11:45 a. m. From St. Paul, East and West, daily - - - - - -11:45 p. m. FULL INFORMATION FROM City Tioket Offioe, No. 41 N. Main street, Butte. W. R. MEECH, C. P, andT, A. . ITANDA.l The latest. products of the Pullman shops are now run ning every night between Chicago, St. Paul and Minne apolis on the new electric lighted "Great Western .imfted." These cars are extra large and easy riding, the interior furnishings are of a simple elegance which appeals to all. Al! berths are supplied with electric lamps for reading. The dressing rooms are large and commo dious. For further In formation apply to J. P. Elmer, General Passen ger Agent! Chi. cago, Ill. NORTH COAST LIMITED S~Observatlion Cars ("-- i Electric Lighted Steam Heated BUTTE SCHEDULE WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 1. North Coast Limited.............. 7:30 7:40 p.m. p.m. No. 5. Burlington Ex press .................. :00 2:10 p.m. p.m. No. 13. Twin City Express ............ 11:30 - a.m. Local freight and ac comm6dation f r o m Pony and Norris, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday......... 6:48 p.m. - EASTBOUND. No. 2, North Coast Limited.............. 1:45 1:55 a.m. a.m. Sleeper for this train open at 9:jo p. m. for reception of passengers No. 6. Burlington Express .............. 11:30 11:40 p.m. p.m, No. 14. Twin City Express ............. - 1i:45 p.m. Local freight and asc commodation to Al der, Monday, Wednesday and Fri. day ................... . 7 :00 a.m, Passengers for Twin Bridges, Sheridan and Alder, leave Butte at Montana Union depot Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, on mixed train at 7:oo a. m.; on the return trip connec* tion is made at Whitehall with Train No. r, reaching Butte at 7:3o p. m. Train for Pony and Norris leaves Whitehall at 7:oo a. m.. Sappington at 9:o7 a. m., Tues. day, Thursday and Saturday, and on the re* turn trip run direct to Butte, reaching Butte at 6:49 p. m. No. 1, North Coast Limited, If:om St. Paul and Eastern points, to the Pacific coast. No. 2. North Coast Limited, from the Pa. cific coast to St. Paul, Duluth and principal Eastern points. No. 5. Burlington Express, from Kansas City and all B. & M. Railroad points and all N. P. points west of Billings to Seattle and Tacoma. No. 6, Burlington Express, from Seattle and Tacoma to Billings and all B. & M. Rai. road points. No. 18, Local connection from Twin City Express from St. Paul and all Eastern points. No. 14, Local connection with Twin City Express for St. Paul and all points East. W. H. MERRIAM, General Agent, corner Main and Park Streets. PRFERRED BY UNCLE SAM In going East, your letters travel by a most direct route. From 81. Paul to Chlcago via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Why not travel the same way yourself? No extra charge for riding on the Pioneer Limited, P.H SCANLAN, C. A. Helena, Montana W. B. DIXON, N. W. P. A., St. Paul ATCHISON, TOPECKA & SANTA FE RY. Co. SANTA FE ROUTE THREE TRAINS DAILY From Denver to Kansas City and Chicago. Also the direct line to Galveston, El Paso, City of Mexloo and the mining camps of New Mexico and Arizona. For particulars about REDUCED RATES EAST apply to C. F. WARREN, Gen.; Agt. 411 Dooly Blook, Salt Lake City.