OCR Interpretation

The Butte inter mountain. [volume] (Butte, Mont.) 1901-1912, November 19, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025294/1903-11-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 R
Qs Orocrilu Cheap for Cash Only
Mince Meat, the kind you like to
eat; 41.-pound jar ... ........ 95
New Pure New York Sweet Apple
-Cider, per gallon......... .... 560
'Pour Tiers Wolf River Apples, best cook
ing and eating apples you ever saw;
cheap at $t.So. On sale now, per
box .................. .125
Fancy Concord Grapes. We have a
few at, per basket..... ... .. 45
Select Carniohon and Emperor
Grapes, full basket ..............40
Absolutely new crop soft shell WVal
nuts, per pound.............. 20
Fancy Hothouse Tomatoes, basket,
6sc; per pound... ....... ...... 156
Brobeck's Best Creamery Butter,
per pound, 3oc; a pounds.. ......55C6
New German Dill Pickles, per
quart .......................10
New Citron, l.emon and Urange
Peel., per pound ...... ... 20@
Imported Currants, perfectly clean;
; pounds......................... 2 5
Fine (;ranulated Sugar, tru Ibs.,
$6.so; 06 pounds ....... ..... 00
Try our Hoffman Ilouse Coffee, it
will please: per pound ............ $35
Pickled Beets, ready 'or the table;
per can.......... ............... 10@
Dry Pack Pumpkin, very choice, a
large can ................... ...25
,Crystal Domino Sugar, 5 pound hox
(special) : tomorrow ...............50O
Mild Full Cream Cheese, none quite
4o good; per pound .............
Genuine Jersey Sweet P'otatoes, 6
pounds ......................... 2
Prompt Delivery in City Only.
Removes the natural oil from the skin.
The skin can not live without its natural
oil. Newbro's Witch Hazel Cream re
places the natural oil, rendering the skill
clear, elastic and velvety. For sale by all
druggists. as5 a bottle.
Cut Glass
bowls, water bottles, glasses,
dishes, etc.
"Silbe Plate That Wears"
A complete line of jewelry
always in stock.
We have just received an elegant line of
Cut iGlass, which we otter at very low
Napples as Low as $2
Bowls From $s Up
Our latest addition to our optical depart
rnent is the newest scientific instrument
that insures perfect accuracy in fitting cye
glasses. Examinations free.
Jewelersand Opticians, 28 W.Park
funeral Directors
Tnoes. Lavolloa, Prop.
Tho, Sulllvan. Mgr.
125 C. Park, Phone G8
}rton Bros. Pianos and organs.
r. Schapps, (vwsley blk. Tel. No. z6.
Pat Carney, one of the commissioners of
Jefferson county, was in the city today.
Lippincott & Darrow, a66 Pennsylvania
The regular meeting of the Daughters
of the Revolution has been postponed un
til next month because of the death of
"Mrs. A. IT. Wethey, who has been a promi
nent member of the society. BIy a strange
coincidence, hers was the only name on
the program for the meeting this month.
J. G. Bates, piano tuner. Residence,
"The Dorothy." Tel. 699-A.
Mrs. Ed Moyle of Centerville and her
daughter Mrs. R. Paull, leave today for the
mining town of Raubaux, S. D., where
they will join sMr. Moyle and make their
Dr. Ignatius Donnelly, county physician,
this afternoon made an examination into
the case of James Weir, arrested on coin
plaint of his wife, on the charge of in
sanity. The doctor could find nothing in
Weir's condition to justify the charge,
and the man was accordingly released.
go brs White Russian Soap ,....... 1.00
Sbaers White Rose Soap...... .. * 1.00
4 bars Fele Nspthe Soap.......... .25
0old Dust, per packarge........... ,"
Pearline, per package................ . 0
to poundts i Sud................... ,25
Six Large Bottles Ulucing.......... .2
Mr. William Scallon and Others Make a
Big Donation-How the Contest Is
Progressing Today.
The survival of the fittest. That is to
be the lesson of the Inter Mountain's
World' s air tour contest.
Those coupons that are easily got have
been obltained. The cream has been
skiminned off in most of the a6 counties in
the slate. Now the contest has got down
to the point where actual hard work must
be done.
And it is hard work that is going to win.
The girl who gets discouraged now is
the one who is going to finish in her coun
ty away dlon the list.
lard work, organixation, spotting every
Of Helena, one of theI Lewis and Clarke
county candidates in the Intcr Mouuntain'.,
World's Fair tour conlest.
coupon that comes to town and arranging
to get it, ever watching for special coupons
-that is what will win. Don't get dis
couraged now just because special tcoupotns
are harder to get thant they were whell you
first started out. Thilk tip some plan to
get more. Get your big brother to work a
little harder and to think up schemces for
you. L.et your friends know you are in the
contest to stay and that it is up to them to
see that you are successful, but dol't de
pend on them for everything. Individlual
effort is essential to success in this as in
every other undertaking in life.
T'oday's total vote was 6,526. This in
dicntes lack of effort amolng some of the
candidates. It is a had time to be inactive.
Thle contest is yet youing enough for some
new canlldilate to coine forward in your
county and by steady effort beat you in
tile race.
The total vote today is 360,507.
liss Alice Jackvon toIday is leader bIth in
Silver How cotunty and in the stale with. .41.1.
Mlis. Ilnna C('oiulcy, also of Siver Hoiw
(,ullty, is .Ccolild inl cot, y anl d state with t97.
lMiss Laura Kilgallan is third in Silver Iow
county witll 402 and take fifth rank ill the
slate. 'Tlhild in ther state is Miss Maudle Hill
of lieaverhead co(unty, witll 5, anld tourth is
liss label lteaunlont of Powell county, with
The mail brought votes today for the fol.
lowing: Miv. Laura lIlarper of RaIvalli county;
Mlia, Delia L.awlhr of Lewis and (tlalke
county; Miss Mabel Ieaumont of I'owell
county; Miss Marian Auld o ('lhouteau
county; Miss l"dna Jackson of ,:iadison
\otes were received in lutte for the follow.
ing 1ultor oftwn candidates: Mits FIy ..
Ihtls of Ravalli, Mis. Victoria Cyr to Mis
-oula, Miss Enmily Taylor of Ileaverhead, Miss
vyra T'rerise of Lewis andi Clarke. Mis Ethel
('hatmbers of Ravalli, Miss Grace G. Gray of
.Ii;,vcrherad, Miss Mayme Walsh of Lewis and
(larke, Miss Itirdie ('lark of Park, Miss Juoie
liNoonan of Jefferson.
Through the local rcpresentatives of the
Amalgamated Copper company. thle Mon
tana World's Fair colnmission has received
the substantial su of $7,500oo as a dulnation
Judge ltarney was occupied today with the
trial of the justice appeal case of M. Meyer
againslt S. ). M. lcNorton and othersl Meyer
Iased a building on Park strret to the defend.
ants, and he alleged that it was provided in
the lease that the defendants should leave in
the building whatever additions they should
ma t theto t fixtures when tllhey should vacate
the premlises.
lie added that they took the improvements
with them when they left the place, and lie
sued to recover the latter. A jury was secured
in the forenoon, and the case went to trial in
the afternoon,
in a photo envelope it won't get broken. You
can get any size you want at the P. O. news
stand. We have a complete assortment of
writing materials anld stationery. 57 West Park
Philip Steiniclt was taken to the hos.
pital last night with all injured leg. He
was pushing a car on the I,ooo level of
the Gagnon, when the car toppled over on
him, inflicting an ugly gash on the leg.
Paul Braces was caught by a fall of
rock on the t,aui level of the St. Lawrence
last night and suffcred a laccrated wound
of the scalp.
J. C. Blrumonttt, timekeeper at the Ant
conda mine, had one joint of the index
finger of his right hand taken off by a
ci cular saw at which he was working last
S. S. Sotham Bankrupt.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 19,--S.
Sothsl', the Herford breeder of Chie
cothe, Mo., has filed a petition In voluutt
bankruptcy in the district court here. e
placed his liabilities at $128,3ll; asscts,
Here is the Way They Stand
Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Contest
BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total.
Report. Vote. Vote.
Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock...... .. ............. 7,43.1 r55 7,947
Miss Lottle McIntosh, Dillon...... ..... ....... 5,306 1 5,307
Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon...... .........* 4,207 5 4,20o8
Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon......... ............... ,36 6 a,371
Miss Grace G. Gray, Bannack....................... 886 6 891
Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon ........................ 6.a1 ...s".. 621
Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon ........................... 444 .**.... 444
Miss Julia Grant, Lima ............... .............. 179 ....... 179
Miss l.ucy M. Ford, Lima............ 67 ........ 67
Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon ........................ 51 ....... I1
Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend........ ............., 5,753 8 5,761
Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend. ...................... 4,658 4,658
Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend............... 3245 3,245
Miss Leila Parker, Townsend...................... 938 ...... 938
Miss Carrie Holloway. Townsend..................... 750o ...... 750
Miss Mamie McRae, Townsend .................... 64 ...... 624
Miss Lizzie Barker, Townsend......:.................. 19 ......« 19
Miss Tony Early, Red l.odge. ............. ......... 286 ...... 2,863
Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge ........... ......... 89. t...... 893
Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge..................... 401 ....... 4Uo
Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge .................... 85 ....... 185
Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge ...................... 32 32...... a
Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge................ ........ a ....... a
Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge ................... 20o ....... o
Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City..................... 1,4o6 6 1,412
Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City....................... 9.3 ra 945
Miss Marion Gordon, Miles City.................... ...19 ....... 9
Miss Myrtle Johnson, Miles City.............. .. ad ..... .. a1
Miss Ada Eichorn, Miles City....................... 5 a 7
Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City . ......... ..........5 ..S ... S
Miss Lulu Wilson, Miles City ........... .......... 4 1 5
Miss Mary Schrimner, Miles City......... .............. ..............
Miss Rosalee Terrett, Miles City ................... . ....... .. .......
Miss Kate Burgel, Miles City ...................... ..................
Miss Bessie Huffman, Miles City ............ ............ ....... .......
Miss Daisy Ilaynes, Miles City .............................. . ... ...........
Miss Netta Gervais, Great Falls...................... 2,95 8.....* ,925
Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls......................... 2,93 ....... , 193
Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls ....................... a25 .....i 225
Miss Cora Hassock, Havre............ ................5 . 50oo
Miss Marion Auld, Havre ........................... 9, 8 107
Miss Cora Niles, Chinook ........................... ,...... ....... i......
Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda ....................... 4,800 139 4.939
Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda ........................ 4,50o 169 4,669
Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda ................ 3.778 45 3,823
Miss Elizabeth L. Fitzpatrick, Anaconda .............. .,488 ....... 5,288
Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive......................... a,753 ......« 2.753
Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive .......................... 2,.7 ....... 37
Miss Ana Simms, Glendive .......................... 1,005 ....... 1,oo5
Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive........................ o ....... S9
Miss Hilda Foss, Glendive ........................... 74 ......, 274
Miss Ellie Teeter, Glendive ...........................7 27
Miss Mabel Batchelor, Glendive ...................... a ...... 12
Miss Frances Lee. Glendive....... .................. I. ......,, o
Miss f1. May Johnson, Glendive ...................... 8 ....... 8
Miss Frances Johnson. Glendive...................... . 3 ...... . 3
Miss Arie Mack, Glendive .......................... I ...... I
Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell........................... 4.877 15 4.892
Miss liessie Tate, Kalispell ........................ 2.,52 32 2,184
Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell..........,.............. 935 16 951
Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell.... ................ 6u ....... 8 6o8
Miss Agnes Morrow, Kallspell....... ......... 40 ....... 40
Miss Julia Gildca, Kalispell......... I............. ' .. ..;.. ..............
Miss Ruth Anderson, Kalispell ...........................................
Miss Donna Schenck, Libby............ . ............
Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown ........................ 2,405 46 2,451
Miss Mahle Suprenaut. Lewistown .... .............. . 7 ...... 780
Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown ...................... 660 2 662
Miss Catherine Perrent, Philipshurg................... a.203 6 2,3o9
Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond ..................... 1,879 ....... 1.879
Miss Lily Royal, Drummond......................... 1,736 9 .745
Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg ....................... 1,560 14 1,574
Miss Myrtle Clark, Philipsburg ...................... 1,433 3I 2,444
Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite....................... 8jo 26 856
Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman....................... . ,813 ....... 2,813
Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman.......... ........... 1,614 .....-. I,614
Miss Grace Griffin, Bozeman...................... 1.553 ........ 1,553
Miss Rubly Moore, Belgrade ........................ 1.,354 ......." 1,354
Miss Bessie Van Zandt, Bozeman .................... . 1,a3. ...r.. s,222
Miss Minnie Stubblefleld, Boseman ................... 581 *....... 58.
Miss Manie Stringfield, Bozeman...................... a5 , ..... 215
Miss Josie Noonsan, Basin......................... z2,537 3 12,540
Miss Regina Bear, Basin............................. 3,302 .*..... 3.30o
Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall..................... r,8ox ......., 1,8o0
Headquarters and Voting Places
Beaverhead County-A. S. Johnson ..................... ...... .......... Dillon
lroadwater County-Byrne Bros ........................................ Townsend
Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hickox................................................Red Lodge
Cascade County-Thomas Hodge......... ............................. Great Falls
Chuuteau County-George W. Crane............................................... Fort Benton
Custer County-J. - . Arp old.... .. ...................................Miles City
)awson County-Albert H. Johnson................................................... lendive
Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Ofice................................................ Anaconda
Fergus County-L. C. Cornell................ . ........... ..............Lewistown
Flathead County-Walter Hunt............................................. .............. Kalispell
Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ................................... ......... .. Bozeman
Granite County-Charles Williams ................................................. Philipsburg
Jefferson County-J. H. Rule......................................... ...................Basin
Lewis and Clarke County-Moore lBook and Stationery Company .................Helena
Madison County-James Powell ............ ...................... ......... ..... Virginia City
Meagher County-L. B. Jobb.......................................... White Sulphur Springs
Missoula County-Winstanley's Ofce ......................................... Missoula
Park County-Bingham Hinman.................................................. Livingston
Powell County-The Kenyon Store.......... ............................. Deer Lodge
Ravslil County-Wynne Roberts....................................................... Hamilton
Rosebud County-W. H. Simons ............. ............................. Forsyth
Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Ofo,................ . ..... ............... Butte
Valley County-Miss Bertha Kempher......................................................... Glasgow
Teton County-C. H. Drake....... ................................ Choteau
Yellowstone County-Thonse Manley..................................................... Billing
Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerford......... .......................... Big Timber
D. P. Wortman & Sons of this city liaVe
received information that the suit recently
brought against them by the Dillon Luarbert
company in the district court at Dillon tae
been dismissed at the plaintiff's costs. 'he)
suit was to recover $a,8aS on account of lum ert
furnished. The case has been settled out of.
court on payment of $a,t:o, and the attach.*
ments and garnishments have been dismissed.
Roalswick Case Nears End.
Great Falls, Nov. ig.-The trial of the 45551
against County Commissioner R(oalswick op.
charges preferred by II. B. Mitchell which ItU,
been on in the district court this week, will
probably he concluded this afternoon. .iTb
trial has been something of a magnet in €irt.
circles since its inception, '
Cram'g Atlas of the World, igos edition, wit i
handsome up.to-date map of Montana, is giveslI
free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay!
$7.50 for one year in advance. The specl al
fooavote coupon is also included,
CmseCoWlnOimkq, OArImi3 a Vor. 3 5.
Sheriff A. V. Gibson of Jefferson county
is in town today.
D. C. Johnson of Spokane, who buys ore
for a Vancouve, B. C., smelter, is in town,
a guest of the Thornton.
F. D. Dudley, who manages the A. C. M.
store at Hamilton, is a Butte visitor, and
is registered at the Thornton.
State Examiner W. Hudnall is here from
R. L. Perry of Fargo, N. D., is a guest
of the Finlen.
A. W. Gates of Missoula is registered at
the Finlen.
Alex Grierson of Phoenix, B. C., is at
the Finlen.
H. H. Collins of Tacoma is a Butte vis
itor, a guest of the Finlen.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H-. Poindexter of Dil
lon are Butte visitors.
Dr. W. H. Fenton has departed for
Florida for the winter.
Police Captain Grant will leave on the
first of the coming month on a vacation.
Report. Vote. Vote.
Miss Delia Lawlor, Helena........................... 5,346 1s 5,367
Miss Matle McGregor. Helena....................... 4,497 soS 4,701
Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena........................ ,460 11s a1,481
Miss Genivive Boynton. Helena ...................... ,o42 6 s.o48
Miss Mable Riebold, Helena ............................ 1,681 ....... z,68i
Miss Anna Marceau, Helena ........................ 8 ....... 88
Miss Myra Trerise, Helena.......................... 690 16 706
Miss Carrie Ward, Helena................. ........... 570
hflss Maud Northway, Ennis........................ s,S4 54 1,568
Miss Fannie C. Relf, Virginia City............... ... s,380o 4 1,394
Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City..................... ,o7o so 2,o8o
Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis ....................... 673 673
Miss Gertie Kohls, Virginia City .................... 636 ....... 636
Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan ...................... ..... .......
Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs....... 6,265 ....... 6,265
Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs........ 4,175 ..... 4,175
Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs......... s,o63 ....... 1,o63
Miss Eva Hartfeld, White Sulphur Springs...........................
Miss Effie Tipton, White Sulphur Springs............. ... ..............
Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs ..................... ..........
Miss Nellie Longstaff, Mlssoula...................... ,3 ....... ,35
Miss Pearl O'Neal, Miassoula....................... 1,937 i8 s,955
Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown .............. ...... .. ,760 1s s1,878
Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula......................... 846 ..... 846
Miss May Drago, Misoula ........................... a8S ....... 285
Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula ......................... 834 ........ . 34
Miss Etta Hirusa, Livingston......................... 6,307 1 6,308
Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston........................ 4,733 6 4,739
Miss Florence Goodson, Livingston.................... s,476 3a 1,498
Miss Maud H. Vance, Livingston .................... 814 ....... 814
Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston...................... 6os ....... 6os
Miss Edna Driscoll, Livingston ....................... 13 ....... 13
Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston ....................... 8 ....... 8
Miss Edna Turner, Livingston ........................ s ....... a
Miss Rose Hausen, Livingston ............. ...........................
Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer Lodge ................... 5,899 5oo 6,399
Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir................. ........ 3,777 ....... 3.777
Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge .................. s, ....... 1 1,18
Miss Floy L. Ode, Victor............................ 4,8o0 6r 4,881
Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton ....................... 4,73o 5 4,715
Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton ................... ...,4So 45 2,495
Miss Mattic Higgins, Stevensville ..................... 754 ....... 754
Miss Lilla Semmons, Hamilton....................... 703 ....... 703
Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis...................... 571 3 574
Miss Daisy Botnd, Hamilton .......................... . ....... 293
Miss Cora Adams, Hamilton ......................... . o .,...... oo
Miss Floy A. Westalhy, Forsyth....................... 4,463 18 4,481
Miss Ethel Waddingham, Forsyth ..................... 63s ....... 635
Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsyth .................... 4 ....... 4
Miss Alice Jackson, Butte............................ 19,o94 1,433 o0,517
Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte ......................... 16,918 492 17,41o
Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte........... ................ 13,010o 245 13.55
Miss Clara Burkard, Butte ........................... 10o,537 o so,739
Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte ......................... 7,455 41 7,596
Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte ....................... 5,76o 416 6,176
Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte ........................ 4,837 807 5,734
Miss May Rodda, Buttte............................. 4,o29 87 4,116
Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte ........................... 1,630o 20 1,61o
Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte .......................... 1,25 35 1,23o
Miss Kayte Jones, Butte............................. 703 170 873
Miss Olive E. Beakey, Butte ........................ 704 a3 7;27
Miss Belle Edwards, Butte ........................... 678 5 683
Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte......... ............ 666 11 677
Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte............................ 439 ....... 439
Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte .......................... 35 *..... 35
Miss May Marley, Big Timber ...................... 5.596 ....... ,596
Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber .................... 2,783 ....... 2,783
Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber .................... ,244 ....... 2,a44
Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber ................... .......
Miss Frances Cooper, Choteau ................... . .......... 18
Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Chotcau...................... 6 ....... 16
Miss Maud Murray, Shelby................................ 4 ....., 4
Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow...................... 1,801 ....... x,80
Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow....................... 50 . ., 5o
Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings ...................... 3,12t 14 3,135
Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings ....................... ,890o so7 ,997
Miss Della Walters. Billings......................... 196 a 20o8
Miss Mable Ross, Billings............................ 2o3 ....... o03
Miss Alice Walk, Billings..................................;o zo
Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings................. ............ ... .......
Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings ...................... ..... ......,.......
Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings ..........,.................... ........ ...
Withdrawn .................................. 42,004 ....... 42,004
Total ....................................... 353,981 6,526 360,507
Butte Inter Mountain's
World's Fair Tour eonditions
First-Any young lady over sy years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks
provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she
Second-Three Judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an.
nounet the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting
that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two etach.
Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot
ffect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled.by the wishes of
the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy If unable to attend her.
Fourth-Voting willt commence Monday, October so, and close erday ning at
y o'clock, January p. .Igo4. Coupons seven days old cannot be vo . Sings coupons
cut from the seml*weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be n atl trim ed. AU
coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one be voted or.
Fifth-Coupons are given as follows:
Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly t$
Mountain...................... ... ...................... > Vote
Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. as Votes
Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, $S, a special coupon of So Votes
(Paid in Advance Subscriptions,)
Subscription, Semi-Weekly I~ months, $2, a special coupon of 1oo Votes
(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain a month, 7sc, a special
cuopon ot .............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ......... 40 Votos
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.oo, a special
coupon of ...........(Paid in Advance Subsorlptions.)........... 250 Votes
Subscription, Dally Inter Mountain, 12 months, $7.5o, a
special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .... ...... 00 VOtes
Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon
Department Inter Mountain" st any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon
each day and the totals announced in the evening papers
VOTfoI Nov. 2G, 03
r,#13 CO/PON LtOf T8 VOIL// ,N O'? PE/.F'

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