Newspaper Page Text
135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B bod rocSrios Cheap for Cash Only Mince Meat, the kind you like to eat; 4!/-pound jar...... ....95e New Pure New York Sweet Apple Cider, per gallon ................50 Four Tiers Wolf River Apples, best cook ing and eating apples you ever saw; cheap at $1.5o. On sale now, per x .........................51,25 ancy Concord Grapes. We have a few at, per basket................ 456 Select Carnichon and Emperor Grapes, full basket.........r.... 400 Absolutely new crop soft shell Wal guts, per pound ...............20 Fancy Hothouse Tomatoes, basket, 6Se ; per pound .. ........ . *..... 150 Brobeck's Best Creamery flutter, per pound, 3oc; a poundls ......... 55 New (;erman Dill Pickles, per quart ................. ......10 New Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, per pound ....... ..... . 20 Imported Currants, perfectly clean; a pounds . ........... ............25 Fine Granulated Sugar, Loo lbs., $6.o1; 16 pounds............ 1.00 Try our HoffTman Hlouse Coffee, it will please; per pound ...... ......35 Pickled Beets, ready for the table; per can... ................. 104 Dry Pack Pumpkin, very choice; a large cans.................. . . 25. Crystal Domino Sugar, 5 pound box (special) ; tomorrow ...............50 Mild Full Cream Cheese, n,one qite so good; per pound... ......... 20... Genuine Jersey Sweet I'otatrc., 6 pounds ...........................25t lr'n lit Delivery in City Only. SOAP Removes the natural oil from the skin. The skin can not live without its natural oil. Newbro's Witch Hazel Cream re places the natural oil, rendering the skin clear, elastic and velvety. For sale by all druggists. 23C a bottle. Cut Glass bowls, water bottles, glasses, dishes, etc. "I41 R06ERS BROS "SiltPr Plate .htat Wear'" IN KNIVLS, FORKS AND SPOONS. A complete line of jeweky always in stock. We have just received an ec, lant line of ('ut Glass, which we offler at very low prices. Nappies as Low as $2 Bowls From 55 Up Our latest anlition to our optical depart. meit is the newest icinittific intrui, en.,t that insures perfect accuracy il ttiting rye glasses. Examinations free. TOWLE & WINTERHALTER Jewelersand Opticians, 28 W.Park S xpert fmbalming CAREFUL. PAINSIAKIN. funeral Directors THE MONTANA UNDERTAKING CO. Tnos. Lavolle, Prop. Thos. Sullivan, Mgr. 125 E. Park, Phone 84 i .. i DR. HUIE POCK Thirteenth doctor of China from grand.| father down. Born and schooled in the profession. Treats all diseases, making a specialty of chronic troubles. Consult me. say South Main Street. GOINGS ON IN DEER LODGE * SPiCIAL TO THE INTER MOUNTAIN. Deer Lodge, Nov. ao.-A big delegation of Missoula pIeople are expected home from Missoula this evening to witness the football game here tomorrow and to remain until after the Thanksgiving holi day, Thomas Ingersoll of San Francisco has been called here on account of the serious illness of his grandfather, C. F. Inger soll. Miss May Cockrell entertained a few friends at lunch last evening. The Fortnightly Whist club will meet this evening with 'Miss Amy Beaumont. Nixon CashGrocery po5 UTAH AVENUtI WASH DAY SPECIALS p bars White Russia aSoap.,,...", 1.00 p bars White Rose Soap... . .00 4 bars Fels Naptha Sq4p ......... 925 God Dust, per package............ .0 Pearlin, per package...... ...... .10 to pounds Sal Soda.............. . 5* Large attWe Uliteintlg......... .25 SILVER BOW FAILS TO GET THE HONOR YOUNG LADY FROM LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY IS FIRST IN THE STATE TODAY. TOTAL VOTE IS WAY UP Candidates Appear to Be Alive and All Are Working Hard-Change in Deer Lodge Standing. Silver flow county candidates in the Inter Mountain's World's iadr tour contest must look to their laurels. The friends of bliss )Dela Lawler of Lewis 1*. MISS CARRIE HOLLOWAY Of TownMsed, one of the Broadwtater county candidates in the lster Montaulin's Wf'orld's Fair tour contest. and Clarke county invaded Btutte today with the result that they cast a,334 votes for her at the home office, the largest vote of the day int the state. The total vote in the state was 8,66o, making the grand total to date 369,167. liss Laura Kilgallan was second in the state today with ias. Third. fourth and filth today in the state were, respectively: Mi~s Nina Graham, Deer Loldge county, 670; MlNi-s llseir Taylor, .Missoula county, Ust; Miss .\,ie Jackson. Silver How county, Sy4. lMis Kilgallan was first in Silver Ilow rnti)ty and Mllss Jackson was secondi, while MIt-, s;cneva M. Smith was third witl 41t. Istirfrten otutw-f-town candidates received s,, tm uite todlay. They wery': n Mi-.s liene' rte I: syntions , Lewisi and clats-k couliti); MissI J..-s N ,I nan, Iitr.,n . c iun .y: Mi.. i Ethel Sc!ii' ,is., iava;is counit!): M11- , Mayitc I.s:;h, 1.lswi- anr l (C.'rke c, ty; .\Nsi- E etll| thi'c!:r. i; tirante ' rCunty; .11s. G(osIt r ! .leI'tters il co nty; Mi, Mablel lisaumsnl. I'.cll c unty; MN' IE. L.. sitltiti'k.. I),t l.,I . 'e s iuity); .1\I.. Fl; y I.. slls, Ravalli c . sI " . i i r isn Si ttlletic l,h. (altinn un'slltl \.,I:.+ Illt (trant, liaverht:ad cutlnty; M~ . Iucy tI r ,. li'arha e ,ea co.ntly; .his 1:i ,el .I l ,'r.n . "lnt, lF rgui s county; \sll~ .ionti.: N. : . Y' ll, aiil. .s - c'itlly. . nl,, l )l : u s.,htl t.,' for the Io htll in :l 11-. ILiii lipi' ii, . ilat 1h r c. Untiy; .sli .l I(;ll' .t wt., IrAnllite tl ty; l s .11-- I arretl, al0;l' I, i wli sr ': iiiI. ; Il uli y M ont. Its iil s cilln , y; f l i -sa I '. 'ill .an latolltr, .i'ss hlt:n roo;t llV Mi, l- . .n llllNoonanl, .l,"r-n l couniil ; \I- I. yr.i I rerise, lewis andii Clhks. ,li .1i I i,, I.. (ii) , Ravallt cou ty. ans i .1is, Nia , r sisisi, lic.r I.ldge c.inty. ti it5e iiit t t siii' int lt, history of the clsitl '-I .11i-, iilis I. uslI.,.y ldrisp e-d ouit iof ir.t 1i hl. in ii. I ,t,'CIr L l cinuli ty illnt.t i. .Mi. .'ii:l lahiaii t.od y caiight and pa,'.s her. F. B. Linfield in the City. F. IL I ..inthlit p dl t :r f tihe lontana ltgri litlll l . i partmll isl le' , t lh a ril i. Iatr. ;i i,ii foi r ill the i tity i last nit,' i hai ling h t, ianl t I mi 't witih I'ri hll Iint ee 1atisi.' :w I '. \ . ' 'iayb r ,,{ i t. l .lut, ' hil'e in the Li) I:!". w:as ven Iby an Inter l, itaill r'pr*, iiint. ., a.ld ist p ke tlnci urag iilll "f the uti "..hs il t - a I ile elhh i -t. "I slitsr that ith what we i'ave' at preseti and the asdditiional itrh srial thalt is. sprosiled we will sisaL'k a slphildii shwing. There is no d, ut that the wshl will h," surpiris'ed at the magnificeniit aiiicuhltal i.splay, bul many iof our ,own reI'sili's will rcc 'ive som liething Ul ai .iuIk theut-ci .es , a-pecially tlhosi froii Ill: isiisn r:sl e'lt. 'i.t se will lie alo~si t a full c'arliad of roots :1isl vis sl si-, u..s 1 il i as the hay ianld grain;. In the latiter will s' barley, wheat, oats, and rye. while the vi ctablels. and rout. will in cl l i postatoes,' trtipil,. w-atrmrltns, sugar ibeet,. cantnaluspes. rtttahagl:s aund otlicrs. T"n sthy a isd will also It shown with iiother grains ins the gatg'. "'5iIs sit"ur i ivis i us r's utl-iatioli In bI's envied. A.s fisr -. tuhe lgar lh'.eis ,re cisnciseni, I see . oIi lioilible chassi e tis lie lisatitni isa iliistul y no sugar tr'sulccrs. "I hc ds;iy in ci iingiist whlin t Us great valleys ., shi-s astaie will ,rank as first ;mil 5 sig iiihe Iieis, itsi-s ;llsl l lisley lirs lilcsera os itih. w,'hr'l. In lhe is-risratld ili-t.tisis ol Moin. isni ti lay thi'r is is.isis sri' uc'd s srninii, hay siill vcsgs'tailles whi. s si flar hIsi's sit hseetn -quicill"l inyssre -r sit's, isialily, irnins ssi's usnsl taste." ir'sidslnt lanitle slated that hle was in re cei-li of us leti- r from l tul II. tiiZsz, relir's'enit' isii' the (iranite li- Metallic csaiiniliy sill Phiil ipslsuig, in which Iie 'lroimiiiis5s to give Mli, \lansitle hearty or.iteration in the iuaitter os it state mini-ral sxhiblt. Mr. Eusz states that hibit anai in other wayss co-operate with thi. ,sisttn conmmsissioners. A GUARNTEED CURE FOR PILES, Itching, Blind, Ileeding or Protruding kiles. Your druggist will refund money if 1'ALO OINT~MENT fails to cure you in 6 to 14 days. soc. [YERETT E, PAXSON EDUCATOR, IS DEAD Everett E. Paxson, a resident of Mon tana since 1878 and one of its foremost educators, died at his home, 8.a West Granite street, this morning at 11:30 o'clock after an illness which lasted since last April. A widow survives him, as do his father, William HI. Paxson; his two brothers, E. S. Paxson, the artist, and R. II. Paxson of the firm of laxson & Rocke feller, drdggists, and a sister, Mrs. Will iam J. Crittenden. Mr. Paxson was a man of exceptional character and high personal honor and was generally beloved and respected He Was born at Orchard Park, N. Y., in r853, and completed his education in his native village with a course at Friends' institute, He taught school two terms in a neighbor ing village and in 1878 came to Montana, The winter of that year he spent in Deer Lodge. The following fall he secured a school at New Chicago where he taught for two towns, going thence to Rattle snake creek, Bleaverhead county, in i88o, where, in partnership with George Moshier "Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock........ .............. 7.947 ....... 7,947 Miss Della Lawlor, Helena......................... 5,3;7 2,332 7,699 Miss Lottie McIntosh, Dillon........ ;,;t............. 5,.307 ...... 5,307 Miss Mable McGregor, Helena........... ..... .... 4,70o a2 4,724 Misa Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon.............. 4, ....... 4.208 Miss Maymne Walsh, Helena. ........................ 2,481 13 2.494 Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon........................... ,371 ....... 2,371 Miss Genivive Boynton, Helena...................... 2,048 25 2,073 Miss Grace G. Gray, Bannack..................... 89 ....... 891 Miss Mable Riebold, Helena ........................ 1,68: ....... 1,681 Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon......................... 6a- ....... 62a Miss Annat Marceau, Helena ...................... 8t8 ....... 8:8 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon ........................... 444 ....... 444 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena........................... 706 5 71r Miss Julia Grant, Lima ............................. 179 6 t85 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena........................... 570 ....... 70 Miss Lucy M. Ford, Lima ........................... 67 40 107 MADISON COUNTY Miss Estelle Mac Rich, D)illon ........................ ...... 515 Miss Maul Northway, Ennis ........................ 1,568 ....... 1,568 BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City................... 1,394 1....... ,394 Miss Maud Pcnwell, Townsend ...................... 5576 576 Miss 'Edna Jackson, Virginia City..................... ,o8o ....... ,oC Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend....................... 4,658 ....... 4.658 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis........................ 673 ....... 673 Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend ................. 3,245 ..... 3,245 Miss Gertie Kohls. Virginia City ................. 636 ....... 636 Miss Leila Parker, Townsend.................. .... .. 938 ..**... 938 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan........................ ...... . Miss Carrie Holloway, Townsend ..................... 750 ....... 750 MEAGHER COUNTY Miss Mamie McRae, Townsend................... 624 ....... 624 Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs........ 6,265 ....... 6,265 Miss Litzie Barker, Townsend.................... P . ...... 19 Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs........ 4,175 *...... 4,175 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs........ 1,o63 ....... 1,063 CARBON COUNTY-W Miss EfRii. Tipton, White Sulphur Springs..... ....S.. 4 4 Miss Tony Early, Red l.odge.... 39....... ............ 2,3 39 2,02..... Miss Fannie Rour, Red Lodge.................. 3 66 Miss Eva lartfield, White Sulphur Springs........................ ....... Miss Jack Fulerton, Red Lodge ...................... 40 40 Mis Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs........................ ....... Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge .................... 185 o 195 MISSOU.A COUNTY Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge....................... 3 ...... 32 Miss Nellie LongtaT, Misoula........... ........ ,32 22 2,347 Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge ....................... ....... Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missula........................ 1,955 34 1,989 Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge ......................... 2 ....... 20 Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown...................... 1,872 30 1,902 Miss Sarah Beard, Misoula ......................... 846 20 866 CUSTER COUNTY- Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula ......................... 834 551 785 Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City..................... 1,412 ....... 1,42 Miss May Drago, Missoula.................... .......285 . 85 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City....................... 945 ....... 945 Miss Marion Gordon, Miles City .................... 9 1.... 19 PARK COUNTY Mirs Myrtle Johnson, Miles City ..................... ... ..... 12 Miss Etta Hntruza, Livingston........................ 6,308 ....... 6,308 Mils Ads Eichorn, Miles City........................ 7 7 Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston....................... 4.739 4.739 Misa Mary Coletman, Miles City ..................... ....... Miss Florence Goodson, Livingston................... 1,498 .... ,498 Misu Lulu Wilson, Miles City ........................ 5 .... Miss Matld H. Vance. Livingston..................... 84 ... 814 Miss Mary Schrimer, Miles City ..................... ............ ....... Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston....................... 601 ....... 6o* Miss Rosalee Terrett, Miles City....................................... Miss Edna Dricoll, Livingston..................... 13 13 Miss Kate Burgel, Miles City. .................... ..... ................. Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston......................... 8 S Miss Bessie IHutTinan, Miles City.................... .................... Miss Edna Trurner, Livingston ........................ .. . ...... Miss Daisy Haynes, Miles City...................... Miss Rose Hausen, Livingston ....................... CASCADE COUNTY- POWELL COUNTY Miss Netta Gervais, Great Falls ....................... 2925 ....... 2,925 Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer Lodge ................... 6,399 29 6,428 Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls........................ 2,393 2,*93 Miss Harriet Quigley. Ophir ......................... 3.777 29 3,006 Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls ....................... ass ....... 225 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge................... 1,182a 9 1,91 CIIOUTEAU COUNTY- RAVALLI COUNTY Miss Cora Hassock. Havre..........55 ..... ... on .. Soo Miss Floy L. Ods, Victor .......................... 4,88 131 5,012o Miss Marion Auld, Havre................... ....... . ..... 10o7 Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton ....................... 4,715 87 4,802 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook...................................... Miss Ethel Chanmbers. Hamilton...................... 1,495 295 1,790 Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville...................... 754 754 DEER LODGE COUNTY- Miss Lilla Semmons, Hamilton....................... 703 ....... 703 Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda.......- ............ 4,669 67o 5$339 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis....................... 574 11 $85 Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda....................... 4.939 1at 5.060 Miss Daisy Bond, Hamilton .......................... 293 a 295 Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda, ................ 3,823 70 3,893 Miss Cora Adams, Hamilton ......................... oo ....... oo Miss Elizabeth L. Fitzpatrick, Anaconda .............. ,288 3 ,a291 ROSEBUD COUNTY ROSEBUD COUNTY- DAWSON COUNTY- Miss Floy A. Westaby, Forsyth....................... 4,481 1S 4.496 Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive........................... 2.753 ..... ,753 Miss Ethel Waddingham, Forsyth.................... 635 ...... 63S Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive.......................... 2,237 ....... 2.237 Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsyth ........................ 4 Miss Ana Simms, Glendive........................ . 1,oo5 ....... i,oos Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive................... ....$. 590o 5 " 90 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss ililda Foss, Glendive.............................. 4 ....... 274 Miss Alice Jackson, Butte........................... 20,517 504 at,oat Miss Effie Teeter, Glendive .......................... 27 27 Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte......................... 17,410 9as 18,332 Miss Mabel Ilatchelor, Glendive .......................... .. 1a Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte...................... ..... 13,255 408 13,663 Miss Frances Lee, Glendive .......................... o ....... o Miss Clara Burkard, Butte ......................... 10o,739 266 1r,oo$ Miss II. May Johnson, Glendive..... ............. 8 8 Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte ........................ 7,596 451 8,047 Miss Frances Johnson. Glendive .............................. 3 3 Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte........... ............ 6,176 19o 6,366 Miss Arie Mack, Glendlve............................ 1 . . Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte......................... 5.734 15 5.849 Miss May Rodda, Butte..... .................. 4.4116 30 4,146 FLATHEAD COUNTY- Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte.......................... 1,650 70o ,72 Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell.............................. 4892 7 4,899 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte........................... 1,23o 40 1,27o Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell........................ .. .r84 .... ,84 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte..................... ..... 873 38 911 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell.............,,.,. ..... 951 951 Miss Olive E. Beakey, Butte......................... 727 20 747 Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell..... 608 ....... 68 Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte....................... 677 3 7o8 Miss Agnes Morrow. Kalispell... 4o 4 Miss Belle Edwards, Butte ......... ............ 6R.8 8 69 Miss Jutlia Gildea, Kalispell.. .. ..s .... . ... g.* ..... ....... Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte.......................... 439 ....... 439 Mis Ruth Anderson, Kalispell.. ' ...... . ..... ....... ......... Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte........................ 35 .."...* 35 Miss Donna Schenck, Libby.... ..... v.l " . " SWEITGRASS COUNTY FERGUS COUNTY- Miss May Marley, Big Timber................... 5.596 ....... 5,596 Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown ......,.............. 2.451 250 2,701 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber ................ .... 2,783 ...... 2,783 .Miss Mable Suprenaut, L.ewistown.................... 780 40 820 Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber...................... 2,244 ....... 2,244 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown............... .......6 66a Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber.................... ........ ....... GRANITE COUNTY- TETON COUNTI Miss Catherine Perrent, l'hilipslurg........................... ,309 ...... ,309 Miss Frances Cooper, Choteau....................... 8 ...... 8 Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond..................... 1,879 47 1,926 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Choteau..................... l .......1 16 Miss Lily Royal, Drummond ......................... 1.745 *...... 1,745 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby......................... 4 ...... 4 Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg ....................... 1 ,574 *..*... 1,574 Miss Myrtle Clark, Philipsburg...................... 1,444 ....... 1,444 VALLEY COUNTY Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite....................... 856 ....... 856 Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow..................... I,80o ......, . ,8or GAI.ATIN COUNTY- Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow....................... So ........ So Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman..,.,,....... ..... . ,813 77 2,890 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss trace Griffin, Blozeman........... .............. 1.553 246 1,799 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings...................... 3,135 20 3,155 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman.........:................ 1,64 331 7 Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings ....................... 1,997 ....... 1,997 3Miss Della Walters. Billings....................... 208 ....... Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade........:.a............. . 1,354 23 1,377 Miss Mable Ross, Billings ............................ 203 ....... o03 Miss Bessie Van andt, Bozeman..... ........ ...... . 1,222 12 134 W........................... Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeman .................. 58 8o 66 Miss Alice Walk, Billings........................ o ....... 1o Miss Mamie Stringfield, Bozeman..................... Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings ..................... ,.................. ................... . Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings ........................ .............. JEFFERSON COUNTY- Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings .............................. ............. Miss Josie Noonan, Basin............................ 12,540 16 12,556 Withdrawn .................................... 42,004 ....... 42,004 Mis.s Regina Bear, Basin ............................ 3.30 3.302 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall........................ ,8oz 24 1,825 Total ...................................... 360,507 8,66o 369,167 Headquarters and Voting Places BIeaverhead County-A. 8. Johnson........................... ............... Dillon llroadwater County-Byrne Bros.................................. Townsend Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hickox....................... ........................Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge............... ....................... Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane............................ ........ Fort Benton Custer County-J. H. Arnold....... ..................................Miles City Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson................. ...... ........................... Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Office .......... ................................... Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cornell............ ............................ Lewistown Flathead County-Walter Hunt . .... ......................................... Kalispell Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ........... ........... ................. Bozeman Granite County-Charles Williams ............... ...................... Philipsburg Jeffcrson County-J. II. Rule...................... ............................Basin Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Book and Stationery Company ...............Helens Madison County-James Powell .................................................. Virginia City Meagher County-L. B. Jobb............................... .... White Sulphur Springs Missoula County-Winatanley's Oice ............ ....... ................. Missoula Park County-Bingham Hinman.................................. ............ Livingston Powell County-rThe Kenyon Store.......................................... ..... Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts............... .......................... Hamilton Rosebud County-W. H. Simons.......... ............................... Forsyth Silver Dow County-Inter Mountain OUtes.................................. ............... Butte Valley County-Mliss Bertha Kempher............ .......................... Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake.............................. ............... Chotesa Yellowstone County-Tholnsa Manley.............................. ........... Billings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerford............................................. Dig Timber and Carroll Smith, he went into the sheep business. His winters were occupied ,ia teaching school at Bannack and on the Beaverhcad river. After five years of hardships and trials, he retired and came to Butte. After a short period in the book trade he became principal of the school At Walkerville, in which position he re mained for six years. In £893 he was ap pointed clerk of the board of equalization, which position he held for four years. After a visit of several years in the East he returned to this city. In tgoo he be came principal of the Burlington school. On the expiration of the first term there he married Miss Lelia M. Johnson of Duluth, Minn. In April of this year, near the close of his third term in the Burlington school, he was stricken with paralysis in the school room, From that time he grad ually failed until his death this morning. The deceased was a member of the Odd Fellows and the Maccabees and the funeral will be under the direction of the local lodges, probably on Sunday, although ar rangements have not yet been made. Mr. Paxson was a member of Fidelity Lodge No. 408, I. 0. O. F. Christie & Leys' souvenir opening Sat" urday, .\ amd Tuesday, SHE SAYS HE DRANK Lillie Williams sued John Williams for divorce in the district court today, the grounds being gross intemperance, willful neglect and extreme cruelty. The parties were married here January Is, 1896. Mrs. Williams says that Williams drank till his indulgences incapacitated him from work, gambled away his earnings, failed to provide for her, cut off her credit, applied vile and opprobrious epithets to her and threatened to strike her. She adds that his constant abuse caused her great mental worry and anguish, en feebled her physically and endangered her health. She asks for the three children a girl of 6, and two boys of 4 and a years of age-and a divorce. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money of it tails to cure. 1'. W. Grove's signature is on each box. ago. The Knights and Ladies of Security will give a prize card party and refresh ments Friday evening, November ao, at Scandia hall. Admission a5 cents. Come early. Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eonditions: First-Any young lady over t7 years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citisens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three Judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an. nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the msnaority. The winner shall have the right to name a prosy it unable to attend her self. Fourth-Voting will commence Monday, October sg, and close Tuesday evening at y o'clock, January sg, ge04. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semilweekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-..Coupons are given as follows: Single coupons, cut from the Dally or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain ......... .............................. f Vote Subscription In arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. as Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, Si, a special coupon of So Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly 32 months, $, a special coupon of loo Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain a month, 7ac, a special cuopon of ...........(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.00, a special coupon of ............. (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 50 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, zl months, $7.So, a special coupon of .... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions. ,....... .... Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening papers ONIe vro Fo Nov 27, '03 ;ws owo r/ va a o/v o40e ON OR L - / e-sý,: