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BROBECK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 Cape Cod Cranberries, fancy per quart...10 Seeded Raisins, Carnation brand, package.l10 Genuine Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs.... .50 German Dill Pickles, per quart........... 10 We have a few boxes Wolfe River Apples left. Per box................. ...........1.....1,25 Our lioffman House Coffee is the best; per pound, 3jc; 3 pounds ...................1.00 Pickled Onions, in pint Jars; special each.250 IHeinz's Best Mlince Meat, 4Yl-b jars ....95 Dest Asparagus Tips, our pound cans............................. ......12 1 24 Canned (itron, Lemon and Orange 'cel, per ountd....................................... New Soft Shell Walnuts, just in, pound. .92'5 Mild atill ('ream Cheese, per pound ...... 2O# -leinz's Best Apple Ilutter, 4!;pound jar.... ......................................700 Broeeck's Best ( reamer) Butter; It's the best; per puund ................... ..........27 1-2 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart .......... 5 Fine G;rnulated Sugar, t6 pounds .... 01.00 'Hunt's P'ure Ilaking Powder is the best; .per pnund can ........................8.. Pure Sweet New York Apple Cider; per gallon....................... ....500 Canned Currants, be:.t qltahty, 2 pounds.25# Prompt Delivery. SOAP Removes the natural oil from the skin. The skin can not live without its natural oil. Newbro's Witch Hazel Cream re places the natural oil, rendering the skin clear, clastic and velvety. For sale by all druggists. asc a bottle. expert fmbalming CAREFUL, PAINSTAKINO funeral Directors THE MONTANA UNDERTAKING CO. Tnos. Layette. Prop. Thos. Sullivan, Mgr. 125 1. Park, Phono 89 Nixon Cash Grocery 9os UTAH AVENUB 5 Tier Wealthy AppleS Per Box 50c french Prunes, per lb., 5c GENERAL REDUCTION OF WAGES IN NEW ENGLAND Cotton Operatives Cut Down 10 Per Cent, but There Is No Strike. fY AHSOi'IATI:D PRI t't Roston, loassi., Nov. a.--'l'he first of the ntunerolus seductionls in wag(. atnoncedIt ill the cotton mnllls of Suttiern New Engiland and at half a dozen pointj outside of that territory, went into effect in all uit one. River corporation today anld at a nllllber of otlid mills. Althoulgh abtout .2,ott) tperatives ha I their pay cut jdown, no general strke oucctured in any mill. ,,, 'Todays cut avetrages io per cent tand places the pIy ti)Ichedule oItn a basis with those patl irevious to it o nil c ;lt.e A lof March, lo,:. The reduttction afeitted 7K mtills in Fall river, operatitng nearly -:;,nun haind., and :about t score of corporationt elsewhere in New Eng land employing about 7,M00 op eratives, Thie Fall River Iron work., operating four rilnt cloth mills, will cut down wagei Inext Monday, and on that day also nearly all Rhode Islandt and 4 onnecticul manualtcturrs will adIpt the lower slchedule. A cut in New Bedford will go into effect in two weeks. Quite an Aged Quadruped. "lhow old does you reckon dtt mule is?" "Lawd knows. We quit celeltratin' his birth. day w'en (inrul Lee burretnderetld'!"-Atlanta (Constitution. Just At Present our stock is larger and \. better than we have ever shown, and quality is al- \ ways our first consideration. A Gift for Father and Mother of S "1847 ROGERS BROS table ware is always appropriate. Our stock also in cludes a nice line of tea-sets, tureens, baking dishes,' etc. TEA SETS FROM $7.50 UP Carving Sets, Quality Guaranteed, From $5 Up Thanksgiving is near at hand. Our elegant carving sets and table wear will greatly enhance the appearance of your table. TOWLE & WINTERHALTER JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS 28 W. PARK ST. 400,000 MARK IS ALMOST PASSED MORE THAN SEVENTEEN THOUSAND BALLOTS POLLED IN THE CONTEST TODAY. MADISON GIRL FORGING ON Miss Katherine Swenstrum of Blaine Is First in the State Today-Butte Girls Poll Heavy Vote. Almost but not quite over the 400,000oo mark I The Inter Mountain's World's Fair tour contest took another long leap forward to MISS MAGGIR IRVINB Of Dig Timber, one of the Sweet Grase county candidates in the Inter Mounttain'j World',. Fair tour nntiest. day. The total vote of the day was 17,197, making the grand total to date 3o9,695. First in the state today was Miss Kath. erie Swenstrum of IBlaine, a new candi dlate in Madison county, who polled s,6o5 votes. ISecond in the state was Miss Nannie Mcl.oughlin of Bleaverltead county, with Miss Mcl.oughlin has made a personal canvass of towns in Idaho with good re suilts, as shown by her vote today. An other IBeaverhead county canulidate is plan ning a trip to other Idaho poinits for the sanec purpose. This is the work that coonts. I:irst, second and third respectively ;n Silver Bow countty today, anld also third, fourth and fifth in the state, are Miss Hlam:t ('uurtney, with rn6; Miss Alice Jackson, with tI.oo, and Miss Nell Lloyd, with I.tu S. As ain instalnce of the popularity of some cndidllates in other counties, Miss Maude I'.nwell of lroalwater county secured vstos today in (;.lnite county. The mail toJ;ay broulght votes for the fullowing : \ RHoy Noon, ; allatin; .ily Royal, graunite. InIy (hils., Ravalli; Jessie t; lod riclh, Jeliersn.; MIabel Rich.ld. Lewis and Clarke; Ithel G(ilchrist, ( ranite; D ella Ilawl r, Lewis and Clarke: Minnie V. Nord, Yellowstone,; Margaret Carter. ('Cuis tr: Corn Niles. C hiteam: MNanie Oak wo I. (;allatin: Harriet Uniihley, lPowell; Julia Grant, lcaverhead; MItud 11ill, Bheaverhead. Voe,, were received in Butt e Itd:y for the followi g: Misses Mininie V. Nord, Yellowstone; Miss :ahtlel Ileautnttlt, Powell; Nannie Mcl.onghlin, LI.ttie Mciltnsh. hleaver he:ad; Jes.sie I olrichl, Jeflerson : Mabhel Mc(;reor, (;,e."viev,' IVynhhton, Lewis and Clark,: llarriet I.) gle, Powell; Faniiie C. IReif. Malison; Manla Murray, Kathryn Kmnnls, 'lt on: I'thel t'ha:mlers, Ravalli; Myra iT'rcriste, .Lewis and Clarke; Floy I()lls. Ravalli: JIusic Noonan, Jefferson; Maggie Irvine, Sweet grass. The Truth. "'loss," said I larvsard Ilaslen, the tramp, "I haven't had nothin' to cat fur two days." "lHa t there's where I catch yo.." ex claimed Goodart. "I just saw you finish ing offt a square meal a fow doors below here." "Well, you wouhl scarcely call that iothing. You will obiserve I said I hadn't had Iothling."--hlhilladrlphia I'ress. Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Contest BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total., LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Last Today's Total. IReport. Vote. Vote Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock.......... .............. 7,990o 26 8,o6 Miss Delia Lawlor, Helena.......................... 7,746 aS 7,771 Miss Nannie Mcl.oughlin, Dillon. ... ................. 4,243 2,239 6,482 Miss Mable McGregor. Helena....................... 4,793 43 4,836 Miss Lottie Mcintosh, Dillon........ ............ 6,178 93 6,a27 Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena....................... . 2,501 36 a,537 Miss Enmily A. Taylor, Dillon.......... ............ 2,43! 3 2,434 Miss Genivive Boynton. Helena..................... 2,087 5o 2,137 Miss Grace G. Gray, Ilannack........ ............... 896 1 897 Miss Mable Riebold, Helena........................ 1,7tl 6 1,716 Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon .......................... 643 643 Miss Anna Marceau, Helena................... 818 .. 88 ...... 88 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon............. .............. 444 ....... 444 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena .......................... 70 19 739 Miss Julia Grant, Lima. . ............... 223 17 240 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena............................. 57 to 582 Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon....... .................. s5 .5, 1 S MADISON COUNTY BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss Katheryn Swanstrum, Blaine ................... 2,650 ,650 Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend........... ...... 5,839 3 5,342 Miss Fannice C. Reif, Virginia City ................... 2,047 10o 3,257 Miss Rena Schoaf, Townsend....................... 4,714 ...... 4714 Miss Maud Northway, Ennis ........................ 1.576 22 1,598 Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend ............. ... 3,250 ....... 3,250 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City ................... ,o9o ....... 1,oo Miss Leila Parker, Townsend.................. ,o4.....1 ... ,4 44 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis ...................... .. 676 676 Miss Carrie Holloway, Townsend..................... 750 ...... 750 Miss Gertie Kohis, Virginia City.................... 636 S 641 Miss Mamie McRae, Townsend....... .. 627 . .......... 627 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan ........................ 2 ...... 2 Miss Lizzie Barker, Townsend....................... 19 ....... 19 MEAGHER COUNTY CARBON COUNTY- Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs........ 6,265 ....... 6,265 Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge........................ ,9o 320 3,2 Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs........ 4,175 ....... 4.175 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge......,................ 959 67 1,0,6 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs...,o6 ....... ,o63 Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge ...................... 402 ....... 402 Mirs Eflic Tipton, White Sulphur Springs........ 4 ....... 4 Miss Gertrude Watson, lied l.odge.................... ss 4 199 Miss Eva Hartfield, White Sulphur Springs .................................. Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge ............. ...... ......... 32 Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs............. .............. ... Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge ....................... 21 ....... 21 MISSOULA COUNTY Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge ...................... s ....... 2020o Miss Nellie I.ongstaff, Missoula...................... 2,411 6 2,417 Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula ......................... 2,005 92 ,o097 CUSTEr R COUNTY- Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown ....................... 1,960 10 1,970 Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City ..................... 2,668 30 1,698 Miss Sarah Beard, Missoul ......................... 876 Ao 886 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City ................... ... 969.969 Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula......................... 805 4 809 Miss Marion Gordon, Miles Cty....................... 9 ....... .. 19 Miss rMay rago, Missoula....... ................. 85 ....... 2.85 Miss Myrtle Johnson, Miles City............. ............... ..... Miss Ada Eichorn, Miles City ..................... 7 ......... 7 PARK COUNTY Miss Mary Colenan, Miles City............. ......... .. ................5 Miss Etta lruza, Livingston......................... 6,5o6 238 6,754 Miss Lulu Wilson, Miles City....................... 5 ....... 5 Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston....................... 5,075 5* 5127 Miss Mary Schrimer, Miles City........................... .... ... Miss Florence Goodson, Livingston................... 1,515 30 1,545 Miss Rosale T'I'errett, Miles City...... ................ ............ Miss Maud H. Vance, Livingston..................... 814 ....... 814 Miss Kate Burgel, Miles City.............................. .............. Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston....................... 604 9 613 Miss Bessie IlufinGan, Miles.City ..................... ............... Miss Edna Driscoll, Livingston.................. .... 13... ...... 13 Miss Daisy Ilaynes, Miles City....................... ....... .............. Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston................... ....... 8 ... 8 Miss Edna Turner, Livingston ......................... I........ CASCAI)E COUNTY- Miss Rose Hausen, Livingston ......................... ............... Miss Netta Gervais, Great Falls...................... 2,988....... 2,988 POW LL COUNTY Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls............... ........ 2,241 ....... 2,24 OUNT Miss Erdith Brown, Great Falls...................... .. . .... 5 Miss Mable iearmont, Deer Lodge ................... 6,494 18 6,514 Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir........................ 3,919 17 3,936 CIIOUTEAU COUNTY-- 6 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge.................... 1,251 ....... 5,aS4 Miss Cora Hassock, Ilavre........ ........ 5o0 ... ... 500 RAVALLI COUNTY Miss Marion Auld, avre .. .........107 ....... 7 Miss Floy L. Olds, Victor .......................... 5,117 146 5,263 Miss Cura Niles, Chinook ............. ...................... ... 5 Miss Laura Harper, lamilton....................... 4,8 ....... 4,80 DEER L.OO)GE COUNTY- Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton ......................... ,790 113 1,903 Miss Julia Cuddilly, Anacoida........................ 6,3 . 33 6,467 Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville..................... 754 ....... 754 Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda..................... . 5.63J 615 6.228 Miss Lilla Semnnons, Hamilton ....................... 709 ....... 709 Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda ................. 3.990 37 4,027 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis........................ 591 ....... 591 Miss Elizabeth L. Fitzptrick, Anaconda.............. ,a ......... ,a291 Miss Daisy Bond, Hamilton........................... 295 o "6 $205 Miss Cora Adams, Hamilton .............. .......... 0oo DAWSON COUNTY- ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Ruth hIunter, Glendive........................ 2,774 ....... ,774 Miss loy A. estaby, Foryth....................... 4,51o .. 4,5 Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive .............. .......,, . 2,2605 Miss Ethel Waddi:ghany, Forsyth ...................... 635 , 635 Miss Ana Simms, Glendive .......................... ,o03 ....... 1,0o4 Miss Mayme Ilamniond, Forsytht................... 6 43.,7 6 Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive ........................ 67 ....... 647 ..................... Miss lHilda Foss, Glendive ............................. 274 ....... 274 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss Efie Teeter, (lendive.................... .. ....... 27 ....... 27 Miss Alice Jackson, Butte......................... 22,115 1,3oo 23,215 Miss Malel Itatclelor, Glendive................... 12 ....... 12 Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte........................... 19,389 791 20,18o Miss Frances Lee, ldive...... .............. .... ....... Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte............................... 5,44a ,85 6,527 Miss 11. May Jolnson, Glendive....... ............. . , 9 .....*. 9 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte ......................... 11,406 224 1,b.30 Miss Frances Johnlson. Glendive... ........3 ........ 3 Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte ........................ 8,395 599 8,.79 Miss Arie Mack, Glendive ........................... * ....... a Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte........................ 6,o86 ,2*o5 7,29g Miss Manie McNamara, Butte........................ 6,643 432 7,075 FLATHEAD COUNTY- Miss May Rodda, Butte.............................. 4,182 6 4,318 Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell .............. .......... 5,676 5,676 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte .............. ........... 2,50o ....... 9,5ot Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell.... ........... 2,184 ....... 2,184 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte .......................... 1,270 53 1,323 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell .. 9..5........ 95 " .... 951 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte ............................ 911 9 920 Miss Mattie igins, Kalispell. 68 ....... 6 Miss Olive B. Beakey, Butte ........................ 70 . 790 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kalispell.......... 40 ....... 40 Miss Belle Edwards, Butte ........................... 704 67 771 Miss Julia Gildca, Kalispell.... .......... ..................... Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte...................... 708 ....... 708 .Miss Ruth Anderson, Kalispell ................................ Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte........................... 439 ....... 439 Miss Donna Schenck, Libby............ ................... Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte........................ 36 ....... 36 FERGUS COUNTY- S\VEI:TGRASS COUNTY Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown ........... 2,701 953 3654 Miss May Marley, Big Timber......................... 6, ....... 6, Miss Mable Suprlnaut, .cwistownd............... 89 1,1 I,o.29 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber................... 2,850 ....... 2,850 Miss Grace McHugh, Lwistown ...................... . 6 ...... 662 Miss Maggie Ir:ine, Big Timber .................... . ,348 10 2,358 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber ........................................ GRANITEI COUNTY- TETON COUNTa' Miss Catherine Pcrrent, Phlilipsburg.................. 2,312 t7 2,39 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Choteal...................... .6 46 62 Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Irummond..... ................ 1,926 ....... ,96 Miss Frances Cooper, Choteau........................ 18 .....,. 8 Miss lily Royal, l)rummond ........................ 1,745 20 1,765 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby.......................... .1 3 ~ 14 Miss Irma Shlrrill, l'hililsburg ...................... 1,574 244 1,8i8 VaLLEY COUNTY- Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite ....................... 856 88j 1,739 Miss Anna .atclhford, Glasgow...................... 3,59. . 3,159 Miss Myrtle Clark, l'hilipsburg ....................... 1,444 31 1,475 Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow...................... 675 ..... , 675 GALI.ATIN COUNTY- YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Mamnle Oakwood, Bozeman...................... . 2,86z a 2 ,863 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings....................... 3,227 44 3,271 Miss G;race Griffin, IBozenman......................... 1,810 ... ,8o10 Miss Dora Rademaker. Billings......... ... .... .... ..... 2,97 3,297 MBliss Rulby Moore, IBelgrade ........................ 1.557 210 1,767 Miss Della Waiters, Billings......................... 222 ... 222 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman .......... .............. 1,67o ........1,670 Miss Mable Ross, Billings............................ 211 ...... 211 Miss Blessie Van Zandlt, Bozeman............ . .......1.. ,32 ....... 1,232 Miss Alice Walk, Billings...........................10..... o ... 1 o Miss Minnie Stubblcfield, Bozenman.................... 667 ....... 667 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings ............................................... Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings.................. ............ . JEFFERSON COUNTY- Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings....................... ....... . ...... Miss Josie Noonan, Basin......... .................. ,56o 149 12,709 Withdrawn .............*....................... 40,427 ....... 40,4-7 Miss Regina Bear, Basin............ . ............... 3,3o 193 3,495 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall ...................... 1,879 76 1,955 Total ..................................... 382,498 17,197 399,695 Headquarters and Voting Places Beaverhead County-A. S. Johnson.... ... ................................. Dillon Broadwater County-Byrne Bros............ ., ................................ Townsend Carbon County-M-rs. M. N. Hickox................................Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge...................................... Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane............................................... Fort Benton Custer County-J. E. Arnold.....................................................Miles City Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson.................................................... Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Ofice................................................. Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cornell..................................................... Lewistown Flathead County-Waiter Hunt............... .......................... Kalipell Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ............................ ............. ..... Bozeman Granite County-Charles Williamsa ................................................ Philipsburg Jefferson County-J. .H. Rule ....... .............................................. Basin Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Book and Stationery Company ..................Helena Madison County-James Powell .................................................. Virginia City Meagher County-L. B. Jobb................................... White Sulphur Springs Missoula County-Winstanley's Olice .......................................... Missoula Park County-Bingham Hinman................................. Livingston Powell County-The Kenyon Store........... ... ......... ............. Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts.................................................. Hamilton Rosebud County-W. H. Simons............................ ................. Forsyth Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain OfRicr..................................... Butte Valley County--Miss Bertha Kempher.............. ....................... Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake. ......................................................... Choteau Yellowstone County-Thomas Manley....., ............................ ......... Billings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hlungerford...... ........................... Big Timber WILL BE RELEASE1 ,MONEY STOLEN BY CHESTE CASEY WILL BE REPAID, IT IS SAID. Charged with the theft of $St from lh cash drawer of the Custom Shoe store bs East Broadway Saturday night, Chester Casey, a newsboy, aged II, was arreste4 yesterday by Defective Murphy and takeq to the city jail, where he admitted (hi guilt. At the jail young Casey said that hestl vided the money with three other bdyr Jerome and Aleck Johnson and Eugenj Riordan. These boys were examined Ib the police, but were not held in custody. From Casey's confession it appears that he went to the shoe store when all were busy in the place, and in a moment when he was not observed slipped behind th counter and extracted the money from tht cash drawer, When the theft was discovr ered a short time later suspicion was di rected to Casey, and his arrest followed. The proprietor oe*he store stated this afternoon that after further examination it Vhad been found that the amount stolen by young Casey was $I9 instead of $15, but that there would be no prosecution if the amount were made up by the parents of the boy. Arrangements to this effect have been made and the boy was this morning released from custody. The lad is reputed to be a torublesome one and It is said has committed other small thefts before this, Similar Sounds. Mrs. Nexdore-The children locked themslelves in the kitchen today and car ried on so boisterously. Mrs, Peppry-Indeed I Mrs. Nexdore-Surely, you must have heard them throwing the plates and pans Iat each otherl' IMrs. Peppry-Ohi was that It? I thought it was your daughter playing the piano.-Philadelphia News. Most Remarkable, Citiman-I didn't think your wife would remember me. Swvbbubs-Oh I yes, indeed. Citiman-She seems to have a very good memory, Sulbubs-Wonderful, wonderfull Why, she can remember the names of all the cooks we ever had,-Philadelphia Press. Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Conditions: First-Any young lady over st years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three Judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shell have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend bher. self. Fourth-Voting atill commence Monday, October so, and close Tuesday evening at I o'clock, January g. tpo4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semi-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. AU coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as followss Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain........................................................... I Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 2as Votes Subscription, Seml-Weekly, 6 months, s$, a special coupon of so Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly 12 months, $2, a special coupon of too Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily liter Mountain I month, 75c, a special cuopon of ............. (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .......... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.oo, a special coupon of ............. (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)..........2. 10 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, Ia months, $, a special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.,).......... oo00 Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening paper, VOE No 30. 'O r~_ - I,,f V-- f--- .... -'----'---, .. _ - ....