Newspaper Page Text
BROBE3IK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B Cape Cod Cranberries, fancy, quart..104 Seeded Raisins, Carnationl brand, pkg.10# Genuine Jersey Sweet Potatocs. 6 lbs.25 German Dill Pickles, per quart .....100 Shaw's Pancake Flour, a packakcs..254 Our Hoffman lHouse CoutTe is the best; per pound, 35c; 3 pounds..........$1.00 Pickled Unions, in pint jars, special, each .........................25@ Heinz's Best Mince Meat, 4,-pound jars ..................................9540 Best Asparagus Tips, i-lb cans.12 1-2C Canned Citron, l.emon and ()range Peel, per pound ....................... 2 0 4 New Soft Shell Walnuts, just in, lh.b25 Mild Full Cream Cheese, per 11..20¢ Icinz's Pest Apple Butter, 4. pound ar .................... ..... 70 Brnbeck's Best Creamery Butter; its the best ; per pound..............27 12 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart ...50 Fine (Granulated Sugar, 16 hbs..S 1.0 lHunt's Pure Iiking Powder is the best: per Iound can ................ 354 Pure Sweet New York Apple Cider; per gallon ...........................501 Cleaned Currants, hest quality, a lbs. 25 New Pure Buckwheat, to-lb sacks..50# Prompt Delivery. SOAP Removes the natural oil from the skin. The skin can not live without its natural oil. Newbro's Witch Hazel Cream re places the natural oil, rendering the skin clear, elastic and velvety. For sale by all druggists. 25c a bottle. Expert f!mbalming CAREFUL, PAINSTAKIND funeral Directors THE MONTANA UNDERTAKING CO. Tnoa. Lavelle, Prop. Thos. Sullivan. Mgr. 125 I. Park, Pheno 8a Choice of 600 Patterns MADB INTO A Suit or Overcoat By Union Tailors $18.90 NO MORE--.NO LESS Acme leIloring Co. 57 W. Broeadwpy DEATHS AND FUNERALS IE''CII.I(E-- lIrancis Edwin iFletcher, aged _ years, died laut evening. Tjhe funeral will take place tomorrtsw (Sundlayi), t 2 p. m., friom the family residtce, N,. to7 South ?.lontani street. tev. S. C, lIlackiton will ofiiciate. RUN GANG OUT OF HELENA Colored Toughs Are All Said to Be Very Bad People. SPE('IAI, 'II) 1111. INT Ii ll b INIA\I , Helena, Nov. 28.--'he gang of colored toughs who have ceten here for several days were run out of town by the police today. The gang consists of two Imen and two women. ()ne of the men is known as Johnson Jur dan. The name of the other is not known. The women are called Trixy Smith and Kate Fisher. They are all tonugh char acters, it is said, and were run out of Butte and Anaconda. The chief of police of Om'aha telegraphs that the Smith woman was wanted there for robbing a nman of $7ou, but the prose cuting witness disappeared, and the case could not be pressed. MYSTIC SHRINERS TO MEET SPE(tIAL. TO TilHE INTER ,I'O['NTAIN, Helena, Nov. "8.-The meeting of the Mystic Shriners in Ilclena on December 5 is expected to be the biggest thing of the kind ever held in Montana. There are 75 candidates for adllission to the order, and it is probable a big hall will have to be engaged for the occasion, as the regu lar Masonic lodge room will not be large enough for the event. Charged With Incest. SPECIAL.\. t0 TITE INTER MIOLUNTAIN. Great Falls, Nov. 28.-County Attorney Berry has filed an information against George Cooley of Sand Coulee, charging him witth incest. The crime is alleged to have been committed last January. Miss IMUary B. Calvert makes the charge against Cooley, who is her uncle. He is 0o years old. The accused is out on $500 bail. Representative Richadson Injured. BY ASSOCIATED I'RESS, Washington, Nov. 28.-Representative Richardson of Tennessee in falling as he stepped from a street car yesterday suf fered a sprained ankle. He expects to at tend to his congressional duties without interruption. Slavery in Philippines. Washington, Nov. 28.-Representative Patterson of Temnessee introduced a bill to abolish slavery in the Philippines and to abrogate the treaty between the United States and the sultan of Sulu. Nixon Cash Grocery pol UTAH AVENUE 5 Tier Wealthy Apples Per Box 50c french Prunes, per lb., 5c BAD WEATHER AND ENDOF THE MONTH VOTE TODAY IS NOT LARGE, BUT TOTAL FOR WEEK IS GOOD AND THEY POUR IN, NO USE TO TRY THE TRICK Pasted Coupons Will Not Be Accepted, Nor Are Any Sent in After Date Has Expired Good for Anything. Total vote today, 8,146; total vote to date, 449,592. That is the record in the Inter Moun tain's World's Fair tour contest. This has lot been the biggest week on record, but that fact is easily explained. In the first place, bad weather inter fered with the vote. Then came Thanks giving which broke seriously into the work of campaigning. And finally, as another MISS NINA GRAHAM, One of the leading candidates in the Inter Mountain's iWorld's Fair tour contest in Deer Lodge county. adverse circumstance, it was the end of month. In this state of monthly payrolls and credit business, everyone knows what that means. Next week the first of the month will be passed. Then look for a big vote. Leaders in the State. The leaders in the state today are, first, Miss Regina lIner of Jefferson conunty, with e.,.; second. Miss (icrtrude Shearer of (;ur;nite county with 770. Respectively first, second and third in Silver Bow county and third, fourth and fifth in the state are: Miss Ilanna Court necy with 62)1; Miss Alice Jackson with 6t,- and MIiss NMabel McGregor with 56.1. Votes were received at the home office in Butte today for the following outside candidates: Ali-se.s . nnic C. Rilf, Madisron: J'loy L. ( hiu . I(avalli; .\lanme Wa\lsh. Lew ti ndC(larlke; Ethel ( hambers, Havall; Myra 'I rerinse, IL.ewis and ('larke; LIottie Mclintoish, Iheavrhlead; Ethel (ilct hrist, I;rrntite; tiro Fin .Mitller, 'we.llt; Mi eil Stiprenaint, Fi rgus; Ilrtlev.ive licytorn, .Lewis Clarke; Mabel etauttont,t Powritl; Kathryn Swanantitl , t larl ,; JIn lia titldihy. D)eer Lodige; Nellie Lo.ngstatll, Mis soula. Votes by Mail. 'ThIe malil ,rorutbht vothe for thre follwing out ,f town candidates: Mi.s Ma:iyre W\\alsh, l.ewit and Clarke; Nr Itnie rMcl.oughlin, Beaverhead.l; Ithla iaw ter. ei-wi. at t l tlat l: Eth itel t itch, i . I ciirto r: Ir:itce. Corioper, 'to' nt: Finy I.. tlti. tavalli; Lil itlnnlitui ,. Itavalli; E'llb , Arl i l, liallatin; Ninau tirv!ws. tlier Lm ;r. la ts werte ree lin d at the Anaio la ,lltice for l(.e Ia uylord, Custler; Mary Slack. Flatheaul; May Ilrugherty, taitalli; Itro tuin MAiller, Powell. Notes of the Contest. Miss lMclntosht and Miss rMcLaughlin, candidates in tihe ltietaverhead countly coin lt st, were callers at the home ofllfice in lButte today. It is said that the l.ewis and Clarke county candidates will conduct an active lobbry at Ilelena durintg the special session of the legislature. Too Late to Get In. Telegramns from Carbon andi Sweet Grass counties, with reports of votes re ceived, arrived t+oo late ttoday for their votes to be included in today's table. Please retticitmber that dates cut front papers and pasted over the expiratio:t dates ott the cotlpotts do hut make the votes vahid. All such go into the waste paper hasket. Also tear in IhinI that cottpons with dates cut otT are worrse than ueless. Not only do they fail of beittg couttetd, but they make the gettlemen who do the cottttlittg mad. Beaverhoad Mineral Exhibit. Theaverhead county will furnish a liberal mineral exhibit for the Montana exhibit at the St. L,ouis: fair, according to J. ,E. Morse, the l;eaverhead milling man and capitalist, who is inl town. lie says that he, as well as other mininig men, propose to lmake an especial effort to insure a rep resentative display of ore from that see tion of the state. Mr. Morse is heavily interested in the Ajax mine in Ieaverhead county. He says that additional stamps are being built at the mill and very soon the mine is ex pected to be turning out a large amount of bullion. The mine is being worked by four tunnels, each about 300 feet long and It are in ore, The ore averages about $14 per ton. The Ajax is as promising a property as ever, according to Mr. Morse. To Forward the Exhibit. BY ASSOCiATED PRIss, Paris, Nov. 28.-The chamber of dep uties today unanimously adopted a credit of $40,000 to permit the participation of the French labor organization in the expo Eition at St, Louis. CHEAPER THAN EVER, PLATED TABLEWARE $io, four-piece teaset; this week at Mayer's, $6.50. $3.50 butter dish, this week at Mayer's $2.50. $3.50 pickle jar, this week at Mayer's, $2.50. $i.oo baby cup, gold lined, this week at Mayer's, 5oc. $ bonbon dish, shell shape, gold lined; this week at Mayer's, $r.oo. $2.75 shaving mug and brush; this week at Mayer's, $r.5o. MAYER, 65 VWest Park. next to Postnflce, Here, Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Contest BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Lest Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock...... .... ..... 9,oo 34 9,34 Miss Lottie Mcintosh, Dillon..... ... ............... 8,050 85 8,135 Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon..... ............ 7,180 45 7,2a5 Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon......... .............. ,49o 30 2,522 Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon......... .............. 655 6 661 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon ...... .. ............. 444 ,..*..+1 444 Miss Estelle Mac Rich, Dillon........................ 55 ..... . 55 BROADWATER COUNTY-r. Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend.................... 5,943 ....... 5.943 Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend............... ... 4,962 ....... 4,96 Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend................ 3.87 .... 3.287 Miss Leila Parker, Townsend..................4 .. ..... 1,044 Miss Carrie Holloway, Townsend........ ................. 1,86 . 1,863 Miss Mamie McRae, Townsend.................... ... 654 ...... 654 Miss Liazie Barker, Townsend........... .. 9. ....... 19 CARBON COUNTY Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge........... ....... 3,241 ....... 3,41 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge............. 3,045 1,045 Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge.......... . 40 ....... 402 Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge....... 2.. .....05 205 Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge....................... 32 ....... 3 Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge........................ 1 Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge....................... . so 0....... o CUSTER COUNTY Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City........ ....... ,738 ....... ,738 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City....................... 98 8 s,oo8 Miss Marion Gordon, Miles City.......... ............. 9 ..... 19 Miss Myrtle Johnson, Miles City...................... ....... Miss Ada Eichorn, Miles City..................... 7 7 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City...........5 ...... 5 Miss Lulu Wilson, Miles City.............. ....... 5 Miss Mary Schrimer, Miles City .......... .............................. Miss Rosalee Terrett, Miles City..................... .............. Miss Kate Burgel, Miles City......................... ....... ........... Miss Bessie Huffman, Miles City................... .................... Miss Daisy Haynes, Miles City............................................ CASCADE COUNTY Miss Netta Gervais, Great Falls......... ..... ..... 3 3,o-3 ....... 3,2o3 Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls ........................ 2,4 ....... a,49 Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls............... 225 . *... " 25 CHOUTEAU COUNTY Miss Cora Hassock, Havre.......... ..... ......... ....... 500 Miss Marion Auld, llavre................. 116 116 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook................... ........ 6 . 6 DEER LODGE COUNTY- Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda..................... 7.,839 70 7,909 Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda................ ... 6,731 135 6,866 Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda ................ 4,7J3 7 4,746 DAWSON COUNTY Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive ........................ 3.539 ....... 3.539 Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive......................... 2.38 2 a,3t8 Miss Ana Simms, Glendive.......... ............ 88 ....... i,o88 Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive.................... ........ 655 655 Miss Hilda Foss, Glendive................. ............ 274 ....... 274 Miss Effie Teeter, Glendive ................... 27 27 Miss Mabel Batchelor, Glendive ............... ... 12 .... 12 Miss Frances, Glendive.......;................ o ...... 10 Mass II. May Johnson, Glendive.. .*.s ..............9 9 Miss Frances Johnson, Glendive .............. 3 3 Miss Arie Mack, Glendive ................. ......... .......I " FLATHEAD COUNTY Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell ........................... 5,7S7 6 5.733 Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell..... .......... 12,a 2,237 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell........... ,004 1oo 1,104 Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell........... 618 ..... 628 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kdlispell.. ......... 40 ....... 40 Iliss Julia Gildea, Kalispell..... . ......... ....... ....... Miss Donna Schenck, Libby.... . . . ........ ....... .......... .. ....... FERGUS COUNTY Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown......................... 3.943 ..... 3,943 Miss Mable Suprenaunt, l.ewistown ................... ,99j6 27 2,023 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown...................... 478 , **... 478 GRANITE COUNTY Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite ...................... 2,498 770 3,268 :Miss Catherine 'Perrent, Philipsburg ................... .. 2.343 45 2,388 Miss Ethel Gilchrist. Drummond ..................... 2.031 16 2,047 Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg......................... 1,851 9 1,86o Miss Myrtle Clark, Philipsburg ........................ 1,475 16 1,491 GAI.LATIN COUNTY Miss SMamie Oakwood, Bozeman..................... 2,o2r r3 2,933 Mliss G;race Griffin, Bozeman........'............ 2,191 45 2,-'236 .Mi.s Ruby Moore, Belgrade.......................... 1,945 ... 1,945 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman......... ................ 1,7-1 9 1.730 ,Miss Ilessie Van Zandt, IBozeman.... ................. 1,285 ....... 1,285 Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeman................... 671 ........ 671 JEFFERSON COUNTY Miss Josie Noonan, Basin..........:................ 2z,7o ......r 12,750 Miss Regina Bear, Basin.......................... 3,554 892 4,446 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall ..................... 2,623 389 3,01o Headquarters and Voting Places Beaverhead County-A. S. Johnson......'.................................... Dillon Ilroadwater County-Byrne Bros . .......................................... Townsend Carbon County--Mrs. M. N. Hickox....,4. .....................................Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge......................... . . .. Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane............... ...................... Fort Benton Custer County-J. E. Arnold............ .........................................Miles City Dawson County-Albert II. Johnson............ .......................... Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Office .............................................. Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cornell...................................................... Lewistown Flathead County--Walter Hunt ........................................................ Kalispell (;Gallatin ('ou y--l:. i. Hanley.............................................. ........ ... Bozeman Granite Couny--Charles Williams ............................... ........ Philipsburg Jeferson County-J. HI. Rule ..............................................Basin Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Book and Stationery Company ....................Helena Madison County-J-ames Powell ..................................... .. Virginia City Meagher County-L. B. Jobb........................... ..... White Sulphur Springs Missoula County-Winstanley's Officeo......... ............................ Milssouls Park County-Bingham Hinman................................................... Livingston Powell County--The Kenyon Store.................................... Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts..................................................... Hamnilton Rosebud County-W. H. Simons......................................... Forsyth Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Ofice................................... ... Butte Valley County-Miss Bertha Kempher................................................ Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake............................................................ . Chotesu Yellowstone County-Thotmas Manley.............................................. Billings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerlord...........................................B Dig Timber THRIEIENS MURDER IY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. a8.-"I see that you have appointed Thompson. Now, y9I countermand that appointment or you wJl never serve your term out. This w swore before your election. You promth ised us and we will see that you keep some of your promises." This letter was received by Mayor-elect Alan C. Fobes, from an anonymous writer, It has reference to the appointment of Aaron R. Thompson as commisisoner of public works. ' There is considerable bitterness over thq appointment on account of the fact tht4 Thompson was dismissed by Mayor Kline for working against him in the primaries. Mr. Forbes says he made no promises and laughs at the letter, Released Under Bond. SPECIAL TO TUIE INTER MOUNTAIN. Missoula, Nov. a8.--Frank LaDoff, who is alleged to have taken a shot at another man in Dead Man's gulch, has been ar rested and released on $4a5 bonds. He do nies the charge. KILLED IN A MINE SY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Boise, Idaho, Nov. a8.-M. A. Miller was killed in the Checkmate mine at Pearl yesterday afternoon. He had descended the shaft part way and stepped off into one of the levels. In some manner he fell backward and went z3o feet to the bottom. SAINT CYR GETS TEN YEARS Boise, Idaho, Nov. a8.-At Idaho City Judge Stewart sentenced II. M. Saint Cyr to Io years' imprisonment for the murder of Archie Emmons. In passing sentence the judge indicated that he thought the jury had been lenient in bringing in a verdict of manslaughter. The sentence imhposed was the maximum. To Extradite Poor. Seattle, Wash., Nov. a8.-Governor Mc Bride yesterday honored requisition papers from New York for Frank B. Poor, presi dent of the Citizens Light & Power com pany, who is wanted for grand larceny there. LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Last Today's Total. MReport. Vote. Vote. Miss Della Lawlor, Helena............... ...... 8,264 41 8,305 Miss Mable McGregor,. Helena....................... S,082 564 5,646 Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena......................... 3,093 34 3,127 Miss Genivive Boynton. Helena .................... .2,a9 7 2,236 Miss Anna Mareeau, Helena......................... 818 ....... 818 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena..................... .. .... 744 a 769 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena.............. ........... 582 5 587 MADISON COUNTY Miss Maud Northway, Ennis ......................... ,776 ........ 2,776 Miss Katheryn Swanstrum, Blaine ................... ,7oo 331 3.o31 Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City ................... 2,524 65 2,589 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City ........... .. .. ,aos ...... 1,202o Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis ........................ 682 682 Miss Gertie Kohls, Virginia City.......... ...... ... 649 .... 649 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan.......................... . 2 MEAGHER COUNTY Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs.......... 6707 ....... 6,707 Miss Bessie Fowlie, Dorsey........................ 68 5,698 Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs........ 4,243 * 4,243 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs........ ,063 1,o063 Miss Effie Tipton, White Sulphur Springs ... 9 *...... 9 Miss Eva Hartfeld, White Sulphur Springs ............. .. ...... ....... Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs ............. ..... i. .*** .. ..* ... MISSOULA COUNTY Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missaula ......................... a,771 13 2,784 Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown.................... .. 2,124 512 2,636 Miss Nellie Longstaff, Missoula....................... 2,468 56 2,524 Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula................ ... 98 8 926 Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula......................... 85 15i 866 Miss May Drago, Missoula........................... a85 ....... 285 PARK COUNTY Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston.............. 8,311 530 8,841 Miss Etta Hruza, Livingston............... ...7,281 4 7,285 Miss Florence Goodson, Livingston ................... 1,602 1,602 Miss Maud IH. Vance, Livingston ..................... 814 814 Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston....................... 63 ....... 63 Miss Edna Turner, Livingston ....................... 6 ....... 161 Miss Edna Driscoll, Livingston........... 3 ..3.. '3 Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston ....................... 8 8 Miss Rose Hausen, Livingston .................... ....... ....... .....*. POWELL COUNTY Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer Lodge........... . 6.672 59 6,731 Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir.................... ..... 4,157 ***.... 4,157 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge.......... .... a,045 100 2,145 RAVALLI COUNTY Miss Floy L. Olds, Victor......................... ....... 6,308 10o4 6,412 Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton....................... 4,848 113 4.961 Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton............ .......... ,o88 z66 2,254 Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville ............. .. 754 ..... 754 Miss Lilla Semmons, Hamilton....................... 709 6 715 Mliss May Dougherty, Corvallis................ 595 9 604 Miss Cora Adams, Hamilton ....................... ..... 11o ....... 11o ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Floy A. Westaby, Forsyth............... ...4,602 ....... 4,602 7.iss Ethel Waddibgham, Forsyth................... 635 63S Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsy'th .................... 6 6 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss Alice Jackson, Butte.........................1......... 26,567 6os 27,169 Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte............. ....... a,o059 336 22,395 Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte.................... . ....... 17,625 131 17,756 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte................. ........ 671 322 12,993 Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte........................ 9.534 62 9.596 Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte........... ............ 8,678 1ot 8.779 Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte.............. 7,779 629 8,428 Miss May Rodda, Butte.................... 5,038 28 5.066 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte.............. 3,052 115 3,167 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte.................1,4o ....... 1,402 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte.......................... 1,053 14 I,o67 Miss Olive B. Beakev. Butte..................... ............ 1,o34 9 1,043 Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte .................... ... 82 lO5 9s6 Miss Belle Edwards, Butte .................. ... 8...... ....... 811 Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte......................... 439 ******. 439 Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte ........................ 36 ....... 36 SWEt'TGRASS COUNTY Miss May Marley, Big Timber........................ 6,ott ....... 6,011 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber.................... 2,850 2,850 Miss Maggie Ir:ine, Big Timber .................... 2,358 ....... 2,358 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber ............................., ....... TETON COUNT - Miss Frances Cooper, Chouteu ...................... 182 5 187 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Chouteau...................... 8 ....... 82 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby........................... 33 ....... 33 VALLEY COUNTY Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow...................... 3,370 ......" 3,370 Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glaszow ..................... 675 ....... 675 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings ...................... 3,330 62 3,392 Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings ...................... . 2,469 44 2,513 Miss Della Walters, Billings......................... 239 9 242 Miss Mable Ross, Billings ............................ 224 ....... 224 Miss Alice W alk, Billings............................ 1o ....... ro Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings........................ .............. Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings........................................... Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings....................... ....... ....... Withdrawn ................................. 47,226 ....... 47,226 Total ......... ......................... .. 441,446 8,146 449.592 Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eonditions: First-Any young lady over i7 years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which sbe resides. Second-Three Judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to offcially an nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. self. Fourth-Voting t'ill commence Monday, Ootober so, and close Tuesday evening at y o'clock, January s, spo4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semi.weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as followes Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain................................................................... ... Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. ss Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, Si, a special coupon of so Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly 12 months, $2, a special coupon of 0oo Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily inter Mountain I month, 75c, a special cuopon of ..........;..(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.oo, a special coupon of ........... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .......... 150 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 12 months, $7.50, a special coupon of ...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .... ...... 500 Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noos each day and the totals announced In the evening papers IVl .ON' Vot De, '03 rd/S C VPON ML/31 VOT VDrTO ON 0 De, , '03