Newspaper Page Text
BOOT1'S Vegetables (ol den Pumkin, per pound ........ 2 Ripe nnd Ruddy TIlimtoes per pound ................ . ....1. 12.1 Sweet 'u tatoc from ()ld Virgilia, 6 pounds ....................... 5.....1 Cape Cod (Cranherries, per quart.10 Crisp and 'T'ender Crlery, larle hunch ...................... 1 2q Stringless Ilran , s.nrcil, per cann ........................12 1-1 4 I1omne llrand Asparagus Tips, c n...................... . ... ............ New Crop Nuts Mrtedium .ize ('rnconts,, today.7 1-', Georgia I'etntn1., today, gmart....... 50 New C('rop .1ixed NuI., pundl.... 1 Fresh Fruit Sweet anid Juicy I(ranger, dinzrn..4O Thin Skin, Ilright Lm,,n·, doz, n.15 Large Size Itianinas, ripe i orn, dozen............ .................3... Fard D)atle, per pound i........... 15 Sliced Pineapple, per can......... 15 Pressed Fig, new crtp, Ipounds pakage.................... 10 Mince Meat New home-made 12 I-2 mince meat, pound. 1 Fresh Meats Choice Jhound Sihnk, pIund...... 104* choicest Shoulder Stuak, 4 pIlld..t.'. . . . . 0 4 pound .... ........................ 0 (hoicest Pot HIoi., Ir Itp nd..... j4 Priime ib it, ,at, pr oIIunIt.12 1 2. Shoulter utillton Ihol., 4 th......L0 Rib Itltn(11 ('h-I, . 3 I olnd ...... ~"$( Loin .1n1ttun (Chol, , 3 I)putnd ..... b Macaroni Or Vl rmictlli, equal to the imnpitId; will remain firm after hteing ce,,ktl: pecial, ipr package ................100. Honey Pure Comb Honey, l pound frame......... .... 15C Family Liquors (;Golen Sc plre P \Vi hiskey, full qualt h,,ttle ................. 1.0 0 It(lo th' , o.).a *I I( Ryc %% hI .kl y. full mnta urc quart ,bottle............ll 1.25 \\Vhit (ilub o-yar, ,our l lin luhoc n or I)(, \Vhi.key, full moal.ure quart o t le.............................. 1.50 Pure malt whiskey; the malt that makes you strong. Large bottle, smal ......... 1.00 price...... ...... ..llu The Hardware Store That Leads. Watch Us and See. SKATES BARNEY A BERRY Everybody's favorite, from the youngest to the oldest skaters in "every land where water freezcs." We have a lull line in cluding the following: Lock Lever American Club Lock Lever, Full Clamp for Ladies Ladies' Hockey, Lock Lever Safety Edge Hockey Dutch Fliers Wood Top Racers In fact nearly everything that .,ny skater wilshes. Boys' Skates from ........... .. 0 up (;irls' Skates from ........... U1.OO up D)ouble runner Skates................ 50 SLEDlS-Full line from ....5.. .., ip Henderson Bros. & Cole Hardware Co. Grtsiest Stove House in Butte. 53 W. Park, bet. Lutey's and Booth's OECHSLI 42 West Broadway, Butte Pays Highest Cash Price for Second Hand Goods. Your choice of all the leading up to date Heating Stoves Rt Half Price and Less. The largest stock of second.hand house. hold goode in Montana. 'Phone 923B GALT COAL $7.00 2000 Other Dealers Not Allowed to Sell Our Coal GALT COAL CO. OFFICE 814 UTAH AVE, TELEPHONE 273 PROHIBITION HANGS IN BALANCE THERE LOCAL OPTIONISTS IN RAVALLI COUNTY WILL MAKE FIGHT OF LIVES TOMORROW. THEY EXPECT TO WIN OUT Seattle Man Has Been Lecturing on the Evils of Looking Upon the Liquor When It Is Red. S.PIIt Al. O 'ITH E IN il t I MoI NTAIn ., |I l llhot l, Nov. ,t: . I he firs, t cIaI - lpaignT i M ntlllll for local opltionl will close here tonight aindi tolorr w the voters of l avalli county will declare by their viots whtthter or not th. saloons shall close. iThe tallir l hlis blen a wartl tine. 'Ilie tprohibitioni ts have condutcted a hlot campalign l ilil say they have every reasoni to expect to willn it the p lls. lThe litquor men have been conmlctinut a still hulnt ans claiml they will htave more votes ithanii anticipated. The prevailiug serniulnttl t", lday is th;at the local optliiists will get away with the light atd thllt by thtir votes tlolltnLorw the peopte of this roittll y will declare that til, saloon must go. U1r. J. C. 'Ilhottls of Seattle has h+'ill ionle oif ilt thief ,speakerr, for thei llpro hibitioiists. Ile delivered in all ahout iM spn ich s ill tite cotunlity. ilr. Th nllts treatell thle s .thi.t in i u-itular mlianner inli was t<spcrially careful tint t. t luri s-, ;lltag.inisml . Il di'iI lit scohld, Ihe di llt aoluise the ; ln manll. lie con r thhure a tipplel r w.ithlout throLw ing i lit. Ili- quarrel wat noti with tile rIiisaloon man or tIlhe ditkiag manl but with ther al. io sl slelim. Illi cli, f arginl lit against the Saloon was that it is iatltgolistiic to the prin riple of goverlnment ; that government is illns:ittti among fatiit for the preserva LAUGH WAS ON THE GALLANT GENTLEMEN Tale of How They Rush Forward When Lady Did Not Need Them. A it of gallantry tiit was y listlay wei the tilt fr.y er of .,ark a. l Maiv n streeully in this terilay lres tll hl fi l the is e rlnatlir of halfn. if toer ni wot voltere h i their oul her a lady. his crer is usually Taler of tilHo w They Rush Forward Whenl dreeLady Did Nom t Need Them.tig aby carriag A hit if itali tuoset tii be nestling t at tht r, r I Parkn e wieel of the carriage fell oiry there was a general s it urthe phalfrt owf male ith bystanltrs o, tie rescue, as it witrs supart o thse dy,, y te little ,y when wll I lie carriage w as r.lglt lfO tbeIe nlytlillng iiatil, at n i wtofall i l t he i i arri icle with wrapings alr variuts attuenrlages wax care fully lifted friiiti the wreckedl blaiy vehicle it wias ftsttand r that the illfit was safely restilg illn ilts ' Il lt r ms tan, andrll I hat ilt ' c arriate tllC il y t ilaut iei fore allneyts hilt of tliie ultlll otlt, wenrils a hniarel withd other necessities. Th'e jouke was on the wouttll-lie helpers anil they were considerably abashel d at the turn affairs had taken. The imother thaniked tlhen graciously for their well illtendted elfforts andl lpasised otil. CODY AND A COMPANY BOTH SEEK THE LAND SetLJIAl "It TIF IN' Lit rMlo NTAIsN. Cheyciinne. W\yo., Nov. 3..--There is a lively contest on lietweeln Col W. F. d. yod,y "Itlufalo iill," andtil the Guernsey Ca'nal companlllly over ;I large tract of lattl ol the Shoshione river, oilpposite Codly, Big Ihorn cttitty. (Colonel C aly wallints Governor (.'haliterton to order the land segregated for reciainliaition undller the C'arry act, while the (;uerntsey compllanylly desire to reclaim the land. lThecre are over oiilo,oon acres. Colol nel (Cody cl;lillms he has backers who will spendl $l,oot,uui reclaimuiing the lanid, while the other cuncern claim it will spietnd neairly as much. Blioth are bringing intit ncel to bear oni the governior alnd doing all iln their power itl will their ploints. MORRIGEAU IS TO FIGHT IT Will Go to Court Over the Government's Stand in His Case. S I'I'' IAt. TO Tii INTES Mti'N''NTAI N. MiIssoula, Nov. 3i.-Joseph Morritgau of the Flathead Indian reservation over whose refusal to pay the taxes upon his stock so much nlewspaper comment re suited, is here and he says the alfairs has be'en exaggerated beyond all reason. Inlstead of owning .500oo head of cattle as the newspapers stated, he owns barely 700. Hle says he has paid his taxes and the recent arrest by a company of troops he characterizes as little short of an out rage. lie is consulting attorneys and will fight the matter in the courts. GEORGE VAN WAS KILLED sIIt l IA I To TiHE IN'TER MO1NTAIN. Miles City, Nov 3o.-e-;orge Van was killed at Steve McCumber's ranch, 2o miles south of Fallon, by being kicked in the head by a horse, according to advices received here. Judge Gibb, the acting coroner, and Under Sheriff Western are investigating. Van is said to have had $500 in cash on his person when killed. So far as known there is no suspicion of foul play. Burton Vincent Dead. Hamilton, Nov. 3o,-Burton Vincent of Anaconda, father of Mrs, Felix Falk of that place, died here Sunday at the home of C. J. Vincent, lie was 56 years of age and an early resident of Deer Lodge. iHe will be buried here tomorrow. Queen of Spain III. Madrid, Nov. 30.-Queen Dowager Maria Christina is reported to be indis posed. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bigtature of4 HILLIS SAYS FAIR SEX ARE COMERS THINKS WOMEN SOON ECLIPSE MEN IN BUSINESS AND GET ALL THE FINE JOBS. BETTER LEAVE OFF WHISKEY Preacher Tells Sterner Sex to Brace Up Before Their Sisters Come in and Get All the Big Plums. IV AS'-t IA1: lI Pl iSS,. New York, Nov. . ---In a sermonrl on "\W'omen," RHv. 1)r. N. I). Ilillis hats sounded a warning not to ounig ine~d in Ilsiness li fe. "If you don't want woitien to outstrip you in the ilndustrill race," he said, "fnd icompe'l yoI to me tll o them whIen o.uO wint1 o centslI, you had better sto4p drink ing poor whiisky anid quit gambiling at race' tracks anri ill ool roomsll. Women, ill spite of man;i's refusal to give them the riglhts and privileges to which they kare entitled, are tIolday in 145 branches of ul.ic+ss 4n101 i iliiinstances showing more aiility Ihan the lnca. "Ih line of the griatei t financial insti tttill of this city, nlit long agi , a well known olan. drawing a salary of $a5,eoc a year, iifereild a IIlrvotis collapse. The (direclirs ir-llte d the young womanl who for ii years ha:d blen the stenigrapher. S11'-, lthe directcr, t,4ld mc, has done l, tter than the mani she succtedled and is d inig it for bltt $ i l0.0,O a y'ear. "In si. years tlhe women w.(ll sill know nmore than the meniI'II. They have' llore time to real ; u1i 1 a liitly a4114l lthey are imilroving theCir lime. I:Ev nlt lly they will vote 4and tell the anun for wh. om they shall vote '. "Eventuallly thie uivetrsiities will be co edllntional. ;land the womenl will carry ofil all the prizes." SOCIALISTS OF EUROPE ENTER JOINT PROTEiT Do Not Enjoy the Reports of Lynchings From the United States. aY ANS( IiA'1e ii I'1 I SH. P'aris, Nov. .o,--A manifestc published here by tile National Socialist bureau calls attentlIll to the rapid increase in the Iniiher of lynchingsi in Aimerica. It is supll posed the octlunllle'llt wals instigated by certain:i EIuropeanls proiminentl ill radical Ipolitical mIIioveCllents with regard to the I'nited States ; Sa reprisal of the Iprotests of the latter agalilnst the race outrages in The manl1ifesto |prite.ts against tlwse IabominabLle ;acts which are collllitied daily in the I'nited States antd calls upon the iworking classes to unite without dis tinctilonr or race or color aIginst capital istic tyranny. It is signed by prominent socialists rep rese'nting .1 counlltries. A child of Mrs. teo. T. TBcnson. wh in getting his usual S:turday , night alitn, steppedi' back £agaillst a licit stove which liurned him severely. Thl'e child was in great agony land his mother coull don notlhing to pacify him. R ettlelllering that she hall a Itltile of Chamberliain's Pain I'lalhm in the house. she thought she woull try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the chil was quiet and ilsleell. and il less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Blenson is a well known resi dent of Kellar. Va. Pain BIalm is an anti septic liniment and especially valuable for lulrllns, cuts, bIruises 1and sprains. For saile by 'naxson & Rockefeller, Newbro Drug Co., Christie & .eys. Newton Bros. .. .. EDWARD'S ENTRIES ARE DRAWING THE PRIZES AY ASSO('IArE5I I'IIESS. lBirmingham. Nov. .{,.- King Edward's entries at the cattle show here have been remarkably successful, lie was repre sented by three Herefords, two Short horns and four )evons. His majesty has o ttained four first prizes for a lHereford steer, Shqrthor, heifer, a Devon steer and a Devon heiter. Thre'e second prizes have also been awarded to the king. In addition, he wins three breed cham pionships and two challenge cups with the Hereford steer, the hoest beast in the show. SAY NO CRISIS IS NEAR IN ENGLAND YET BY ASSOCIATED PREeSS. l.ondon. Nov. 30.-The fact that two prolonged cabinet councils were held Fri day and Saturday gave rise to the renewed rumors that the dissolution of parliament was immincnt. An apparently authorized statement is published this morning, however, declar ing that at these meetings no question of a dissolution was brought up and the discussions turned upotn foreign affairs, including the situation in Macedonia, the far east and Thibet. TO INCREASE THE ARMY UY ASfSOCIA'TED I'tSR. Constantinople, Nov. 30.-An imperial irade has been issued prolonging the term of service of the infantry in the regular army from six to nine years and that of reservists from eight to nine years. It is expected the effect of this will be o increase the army to 250.000 men. STILL AFTER COUNT TISZA BY ASHOfIA'rED PR.EfiS Budapest, Nov. 30.-Count Tisza, the Hungarian premier, failed in his attempt to hold two sittings of the chamber on Saturday. The opposition wasted three hours in divisions by insisting upon roll calls and they tried to howl the premier down, assailing him with personal insults. TO LAY OFF 7,500 HANDS Chicago, Nov. 3o.-Following its as nounccd policy of centralization, the in ternational Harvester company has 4e cided to lay off 700oo of its sg,ooo em ployes and thus effect a saving of $5,ooo ooo a year. H. R. Deering Dead. Chacigo, Nov. 3o.-Henry Ray Deering, assistant general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania railway, west of Pittsburg, is dead at his home here. He was em ployed continuously by the road during 32 years. Mr. Deering was born in Mor ganton, Va., December 17, 1848. Fe W< Before you buy it you know it by the band, After you try it you know it by the quality. The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World. The Band is the Smoker'a Protection. Sold mIf ` here, there, everywhere HE SHOOTS HIMSELF PASSENGER ON CALIFORNIA TRAIN COMMITS SUICIDE-THOUGHT TO BE FROM THE EAST. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 3o,-A passen ger on a westbound train going to San Francisco bshot himself in the breast at Milton, two miles west of Sacralmento, yesterday and was brought here, where he died at the city emergency hospital. The man's name is supposed to be Amodco Nicolo. A key ring in his pocket bore that tag. A card of Nicolo brothers, Italian grocers, i5 Navy street, Brooklyn, New York, was found in his pocket. 'Another card bore the name Nicolo Ot tairno. A paper bore the inscription, "R. Rein dickus, 144 Navy street, Brooklyn, N. Y.," was on his person. His wallet contained $:q, in currency. tHis railroad ticket is undated and unsigned. ARE TO CUT WAGES DOWN 10 CENTS A TON BY ASSOCIATEDI PRSS. Baltimore, Md., Nov. Jou.-It is an nounced that the Somerset Coal company, the W. Kniver Coal company and the Mar 'chantp' (Coal company, which own and operate a number of mines in the Myers dale, Pa., region, have decided to make a reduction of to cents a ton in the wages paid the miners. The cut will become ef fective.,J)cember 16, and notices will be posted at the mines tomorrow. The three comtpanies employ upwards of 2,5oo men and it is expected that other small operators in that region will follow with a similar reduction. BRYAN MEETS NOTED LEADERS OF THE IRISH RY. ASHOCIATED I'RESS. Dublin, Nov. 3o.-Lord .Mayor lIarring ton yesterday gave a luncheon at the Man sion house in honor of William J. Bryan. The guests included Archbishop Walsh, John Redmond and John Dillon. Mr. Bryan delivered a brief speech in which he alluded to the strong infusion of Irish blood in the United States, and said he e. lieved the greatness of his country was due to the composite character of its people and, continued Mr. Bryan, "they are going to build upt a citizenship in advance of anything the world has ever seen." NICHOLAS SENN IS BETTER BY ASSO'IATED PitRSS. Knslas City, Nov. 30.-Nicholas Seinn of Chicago, the distinguished surgeon who has been sulTeraing from blood poisoning contracted while performing an operation, and whose condition Saturday was alarm ing. was muc-h better yesterday and he will recover. He was taken to Chicago last night. DE COSTA IS NOW A PRIEST BY ASSO('IAI'I)D I'RSS, Rome, Nov. 30o-Dr. B. F. De Costa, formerly an Episcopal clergyman, who was ordained a sub-deacon in the Roman priest hood November it and a deacon Novem her za, was yesterday ordained a priest by the bishop of Fiesole. Are Good Reformers. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Vienna, Nov. 30.-As illustrating the necessity of the reorganization of the Turkish gendarmerie in Macedonia, the Politische Correspondenz states that in certain parts of three vilayets over 30 per cent of the officers and men of the con stabulary are former brigands or criminals. WORMS "I write to let yon know ho1w I aPpreOIat9 yOu1 Ccaseretl. I commenoed aking a n . m as t ooer . bar and tooW two one.bons n ased tp.n worm 1{6 og. 'n • ocmmonoea bating (em tiape worm rlitlon an over tl onsan 3 ajl, worms, Prevlou to my tak.e. asoarets i ndi know I a, tape~worm. slwys bad a email apetmtom. Brown, 16 Fraonklin It., Brooklyo, N. Y. b aE t For Qve o ., alenor W f e aeo, i, oto. avdr uaratood to cure or your money aOK Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or NY. 5904 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES TWO BURN TO DEATH INDIAN BOYS SET JAIL AFIRE, ONLY TO PERISH IN THE BLAZE THEMSELVES. DY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Klamath, Ore., Nov. 30.-Bonanza, a small town east of this place, was the scene of a tragedy yesterday. Two drunken Indian boys were arrested Saturday night and placed in jail. The youths managed to set fire to the building with the evident intention of thus gaining their freedom. The flames spread so rapidly that all ave nues of escape were cut off, and they were, burned to death. News of the tragedy spready rapidly among the Indians in the surrounding country, and a number of redskins found their way into the settlement, and trouble being feared the council ordered all places of business close. The boys were from the Yainx Indian school. WANT SHIELDS FOR DISTRICT ORGANIZER Butte Typos Will Send a Petition to President Lynch. At a special meeting of Butte Typo graphical union yesterday the name of Robert Shields was brought up for the 'position of organizer for this district, to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Samuel Gosnell, who left Anaconda Saturday for his old home in New York state. This office is an appointive one in the absence of an election, and the typos yesterday resolved to petition President James Lynchl to appoint Mr. Shields to till the vacancy. No better man could be selected for the position, and were it in the gift of the local union he would receive a unani mous vote. Mr. Shields is a conservative, intelligent and conscientious union man and has represented his local in many ca pacities. lie was the delegate from the Iutte union to the Internatioinal conven tion at Washington City, and was delegate to the Montana state Trades and Labor assembly two years ago. By the Butte Typos. Butte Typographical union yesterday de cided to petition Governor Toole to incor porate in his coming message to the legis lature a recommendation that extra clerical help be furnished W. W. W\elch, state superintendent of schools. LIKE UNTO PROMISED LAND Rev. Hocking Says Lord Has Been Car ing for His Children 'Hereabouts. Rev. S. J. flocking of the Trinity M. E. church of Centerville last evening fa vored his congregation with a sermon upon the subject, "Our Country." His text was from Deuteronomy, xi., 13, "A land which the Lord, thy God, careth for; the eyes of the l.ord, thy God, are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year." Mr. Hiocking likened this country to the promised land, and expressed the opinion that the care of the Lord for it had been shown in the past year. The minister said that the.people of this country honor God and that lie cares for them. The sermon was listened to by a large congregation, and it was much appre ciated. WILL NOT GO INTO POLITICS New York Trades Unions Decide to Keep Out of the Swirl, BY ASSOCIAT'ED PR51.S8, New York, Nov. 3o.-Delegates of the Central Federated union, representing more than 15o,ooo workers in the miscel laneous trades, have decided not to enter politics as a means to obtain legislation. The movement thus checked was put in motion last Sunday at the weekly meeting of the federation. It was found to be impracticable'to form any sort of a combination among the numerous political beliefs, represented by the delegates that could even serve as a committee to bring forward resolutions on the subject. Furthermore politics were declared to be outside the sphere of the federation, AS TO THE LONDON MAILS BY ASSOCIAT^rD PREss, London, Nov. 3o.-The American mails brought by the steamer New York, which arrived at Southampton Saturday, reached the London postoflice four hours before those landed at Queenstown by the Cunard liner Umbria. As no mails are distributed in London, on Sunday, however, those brought by both steamers will be dis tributed simultaneously this morning. Famous Methodiset Dead, San Francisco, Nov. 3o.-Rev. F. M. Bailey, known all over California, died here yesterday at the age of 8:. He was ordained a Methodist minister in Ken tucky in 1839, RIOTS ARE GENERAL DISTURBANCES ALL OVER RUSSIA OVER TRANSFERRALS OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCHES. IIY ASSOCIATED PRESS. London, Nov. 3o.-Disturbances arc re, ported in all the Russian provinces of Armenia. Conflicts are occuring every where between the people and troops or police. The cause is the decree, some time ago, by which the property of the Armenian church was handed over to the government. An alarming disaffection is reported in the provinces of Kielf. The police force has been largely ino creased. The governor general threatens sum, mary punishment for persons circulating rumors likely to accentuate apprehens:on among the inhabitants. EFFORT TO ORGANIZE ALL THE IMPORTERS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS, New York, Nov. 3o.-An effort is being made to organize the importers of the United States on a large scale with the object of obtaining fair, prompt and ima. jartial administration of the custom laws. A law department and a bureau of analy sis will be established and a large force of clerks and experts employed. Offices will be opened where importers can re ceive information regarding the market values and proper rates of duty on im ported merchandise. Nearly aoo large firms have already agreed to join the as. sociation. TO GUARD PRESIDENT LOUBETi BY ASSOCIATED PRESS, Paris, Nov. 3o.-Arrangements have been made for the services of an Anmer.i can secret service agent to accompany President Lontbet when he goes on his return visit to Italy. The man whose services which are said to have been re quested, was with President McKinley at Buffalo, and is wanted because of his knowledge of Italian anarchists known in the United States. REAR ADMIRAL DA LUZ DEAD BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. New York, Nov. 3o.-The death of Rear Admiral Pinto Da Luz, chief of the general staff of the navy and minister of marine (luring President Campos Salles' admninistration, is reported by the Rio Janciro, Brazil, correspondent of the Her. aid. Neva Is Icebound. St. Petersburg, Nov. 3o.-The river Neva is completely icebould. CUT GLASS If you are looking for something in cut glass that shall be beautiful and still be of moderate price, come and see us. Our sales lately have been larger than ever, due to the greater varie ty and better values than could be seen elsewhere. See it in our window this week. HIGHT & FAIRFIELD CO.