Newspaper Page Text
BReBEeK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B Fine Granulated Sugar. 17 pounds " with an order................. 1.00 Swift's small Picnic Hlams, per lh...10 c Brobeck's Best Creamery lutter, none quite so good; per pound..... 30 Sterilized Yellow or White Corn Meal, to-pound sack ...........25C Graham Flour, all wheat; to-pound sack .............................2 5 ! Popcorn, guaranteed Sure l'op; 4 pounds ..........................2 5 i Tokay (;rapes, a few haskets left, at, each ....................... ....4 0 New Thin Shell \Walnuts, large size; per pound ........................2 0 Minnesota Sweet ('ream (Corn, 2r grade a canls.....................2 5 Asparagus l'ips: no waste; a canii.52 Strictly Fresh Table Eggs; per (doz..350 Large Oranges, partly rilpe per dlz.40e Our Hoffman house Coffee, the hIest in the world; per pound.........350 Sweet Wisconsin Peas, they are sure to please you; a cans ..............25e Our Santos Coffee, can't le heat for the price; per pound ..............25C New Pack French I'eas, per can.... 2O( Pure Kettle Rendered Lard; 5-11h. pail ...................... O.... 0 Prompt Delivery. WHO FILLS YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Newbro Drug Co. 109 N. Main St., Butte Largest Drug House In the State Expert Embalming CAREFUL, PAINSTAKING funeral Directors THN MONTANA UNDERTAKING CO. Tnos. Lavollo. Prop. Thos. Sullivan, Mlgr. 125 E. Park, Phone 8! SHE HAS GONE THE PACE THAT KILLS lDr. Donnelly, the county physician, visited tihe county jail this morning as usual, but also with the purpose of mak ing another examintation into the condi tion of Ella Cutts, a woman of Is, who has beien acting as if deranged for somei time. In all probability l)r. l)onnelly will file a charge of insRanity against the woman today or tomorrow, unless her c mldition shows an imllrovement. Although only a girl ill years, Ella Cutts is already a wreck physically as well as mentally. Sent to Jail for Drinking, A short time ago sihe was civicted of drunkenness and sent to jail for 6, days by Judge lBoyle. Her physical condition became so bad that site was sent to the county poor farm, and thecre she had delirin:n trentems. At the poor farm she developel sym to:ns of insanity, and last Saturday she was sent in to the counlllty jail from the lpoor fatrm by IDr. ID)onnelly. who de sired to watch her for awhile anld dis cover whetlher she was insane otr ot. At the poor farm she created a dis turbance and broke upl the furniture; since she was lbrought to the jail shite has refused alsolttely to eat, antl slite has not eaten anything since Saturday. If she persists in this course, it will not matter whether s;he is insane or not, for her death will result. Went the Pace That Kills. At the poot farm she also insisted in rcmaining awake all night, which was another thitng that soon leads to exhaus tion and death. Ella is a vitimtt of the redlight dis trict. She is well-known to the police, and her sad state at the age of to is an eloquent demonstration of the speedy and complete destruction which follows upon the heels of those who go the pace that kills. TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money of it fails to cure, E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2sc. CHEAPER THAN EVER, PLATED TABLEWARE $to, four-piece teaset; this week at Mayer's. $6.50. $3.5o butter dish, this week at Mayer's $2.50. $3.50 pickle jar, this week at Mayer's, $2.50. $1.oo bIalby cup, gold lined, this week at Mayer's, soc. $i.So bonbon dish, shell shape, gold lined; this week at Mayer's, $I.oo, $2.75 shaving mug and brush; this week at Mayer's, $ MAYER, 65 West Park, next to Postoffice. T. A. Morrin, attorney at law, room 5, Silver Bow block. 'Phone ot8-B. Nixon Cash Grocery 90o UTAH AVENUP. 5 Tier Wealthy Apples Per Box 50c French Prunes, per Ib., 5e G000D VOTE STARTS THE WEEK AGOING 4,000 BALLOTS CAME IN TOO LATE TO BE PUT IN THE TABLES APPENDED TODAY, TOTAL VOTE TODAY IS HIGH Silver Bow County Girl Again Leads the List Throughout the State *How They Are Running. The week in the Inter Mountain's WVorhl's Fair tour contest opens well. The total vote today was t,a,93, making the grand total to date 461,885. (nOce again a Silver Bow county girl is first both in county and state today. She is Miss lHanna Courtney, who polled to day 1,649 votes. Second in the state is Miss Anna Ratch ford of distant Valley county, whose vote is 1,a02. Third in the state is Miss Myrtle Clark of Granite county, with 1,00:. For fourth place there is a tic, Miss May iMorley of Sweet Grass countty, and Miss l.aura Kilgallan of Silver Bow county each having Ba. Miss Kilgallan is second in Silver how county today with those same 8ai, while Miss Neil l.loyd, with 5si, is third. The Meagher county vote was received *. MIS MYRA TRERISE, Of Helena, one of the leading candidates in the Inter Mountain's IWorld's Fair tour contest in Lewis and Clarke county. hy telegraph today too late to be included in today's count and table. It was a big vote, too-more than 4,00ooo votes for three candidates. The fortunate three, who will be credited with the votes in the table to morrow, are: Miss 'lessie Fowlie. 2,-74; Miss Clara Chapin, 1,295, and Miss Catherine lees, 1,161. Miss Myrtle Clark of Granite and Miss Hlanna Courtney of Silver flow received votes today in Missoula county. loes were received today in lutte for the f.lluwing out of t.own candidates: .tMises Nina trahamn. Deer .Lodge; Josie Noonan, Jcler son; Mabel lBeaumuont, IPuwell; Ethel 'ham. beers, (Iavalli; Ittanche Mi. alsbtury, Ileer Lodge; Lottie Mcintosh, Beaverhead; Pearl O'Neal, Miss.utla; Kathryn Swan,trum, ia li. sun; llarriet Qtigley, Powell; Kathryn Ken nedy, Teton; Ethel i;ilchrist, Granite; Frac,:s (rI.per. Teton; Minniu V'. Nord, Yellowstone; telia lawler, Ltewis and Clarke; Julia Cud dilhy. Iher L.dge; Matabel Suprenant, Fergus; Floy L. tIds, Ravalli; Fannie C. Reif, Aladi hon. The mail brought lvotes for the following: i sh es Ethel (i.chris.t, ;ranite: Netta I ervai, Cascatle; )teha L.awler, L.ewis and Clarke; 1)ora Ratudemaker, e, llowstone; e cevieve liyntmun, ILe.wis and Clarke; Ruby Moore, (;all;ttin; ,ioodrich, JleivTervsn; .Maggie Irvine, Sweet (rais,; :1ald Murray, Tetron; Ilarriet IUighly, l'owell; tessie Fowlie, Ma..lhur; Fly 1.. ()ds, Itavalli; Ednta Jack hilon, MaiN:,uu; Floirence (ood:on, Park; Nun ntic IMcLuughlin, lBeaverhecad. A GUARNTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding files. Your druggist will relund money if IAALO OINTMENT tails to cure you in 6 to 14 days. soc. MINISTERS WILL AID THE CRITTENTON CIRCLE At the meeting of the Ministerial asso ciation this it was arranged to continue the discussion of the various papers presented. The discussion today was on the subject of Rev. Mr. Chapman's address last week, there being no papers before the associa tion this week. A motion was passed ex cludling the reporters from the meetings during the discussion of the question be fore the meeting. A committee consisting of Rev. Mr. Tait. Rev. Mr. Chapman and Rev. Mr. lhurroughs was appointed to co-operate with the Florence Crittenton in having a woman employed at the jail, to look after those women atnd children who are ar rested and confined in the city and county jails. HEARD FROM THE SOCIALISTS The Inter Mottuntain has received the fol lowing with a request to publish: "Butte Mont., Nov. 30.-To the Public: As the impression prevails throughout the state that Representatives lteaudry, Schwend, O'Keefe, Morrissey and Gangner of Deer l.odge cotunty are representatives of the socialist party, as a special session of the legislature is at hand, without mak ing or intending any reflection on the above mentioned members of the legisla ture, the public is hereby notified that Representatives Beaudry, Schwend, Mor rissey, O'Keefe and Ganger were not elected on the socialist party ticket, are not now and never have been representa tives of the socialist party, and that the socialist party is not responsible for any of their actions, attitudes, votes or utter ances as representatives in the legislative assembly of Montana. "Issuled by Order of the State Cotmmittee of the Socialist Party of Montana. (Signed) B. J. COONEY," "State Secretary Socialist Party," [Seal of the Party.] Bryan in Ireland. Y" AS.OCI'rAED Priss. Ielfast, Ireland, Nov. 3o.-Williaoi J. lrhyan lunched with the lord mayor of IBelfast today, and Slubsequently made a tour of the Queen's Island shipbuilding yards and other larg' manufacturing concerns, lie will proceed to Glasgow rnd Edinburgh tonight. Here is the Way They Stand Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY-- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock....... .............. 9,34 . a 9,156 Miss Della Lawlor, Helena ......................... 8,305 30 8,335 Miss Lottie Mcintosh, Dillon ........................ 8,135 228 8,363 Miss Mable McGregor. Helena............... ....... 5,646 19 5,665 Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon .................... 7,225 151 7,376 Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena.......................... 3,27 3,127 Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon.............. ....... 2,522 42 2,654 Miss Genivive Boynton. Helena .................... 2,236 4 a,240 Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon........................ 66s 661 Miss Anna Marceau, Helena........................ 818 818 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon............. ........... 444 44 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena........................... 769 769 Miss Estelle Mac Rich, Dillon........ ............... 55 55 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena ......................... 687 587 MADISON COUNTY BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss Katheryn Swanstrumn, Blaine......... ......... ..31 S55 3,286 Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend.................. 5,943 ...... 5.943 Miss Maud Northway, Eanip......................... 2,776 o107 2,883 Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend............ 46 ......... 4,962 4,962 Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virgitil City............... 2,589 14 3,603' Miss C;hristina Erickson, Townsend .............. .... 3,287 ....... 3,287 Miss Edna Jackson, VirginliaCity................... ,0 14 ,6 Miss Carrie Holloway, Townsend................... 863 ...... 1,863 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis....................... 68 682 ....... 682 Miss Leila Parker, Townsend. ................... ,o4 ....... ,44 Miss Gertie Kohls, Virginia City................... 649 ....... 649 Miss Mamie McRae, Townsend....................... 654 ....... 654 Miss Rita Marshall, Sherlda.. ........ ........... . . Miss Ligzie Barker, Townsend.................. .... ....... 19 MEAGHER COUNTY ON COUNTY-Miss Clara Chapin, Whlt4 Sulphur Springs...... 6,707 6,707 CARON COUNTY- Miss Bese Fowlie, oey.......................... 5,698 3 5,701 Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge..........:.. .... 3,241 34 3,275 Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs........ 4,143 ....... 4,243 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge............. ......... 45 103 1,148 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs. .. s,o63 ....... .,o63 Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge.............. 40o 104 506 Miss Ellie Tipton, White Sulphur Springs....... ...9 9 Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge.................. o05 205 Miss Eva allrtfield, White Sulphur Springs............................ ...... Miss Eva Robbins, Red Iodge.................. 2 ' Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs............... ...... .... ..... Miss Nellie Gurrcll, Red Lodge ........ '. ............. no 20 MISSOULA COUNTY CUSTER COUNTY- Miss Pearl O'Neal, Mit.auls....................... 2,784 39 ,823 Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City................ ,8........ 1,738 Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenhtown............. ......... 2,636 2,636 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City............ ... 73.. 8 "",ou8 87 ,o 95 Miss Nellie Longstaff, Missoula .............8......... ,54 2,524 Miss Marion Gordon, Miles City................... * ....... . 109 Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula ......................... 926 5 93 Miss Myrtle Johnson, Miles City..................... ... 1 Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula.t....................... 866 5 871 Miss Ada Eichorn, Miles City ...................... 7 .. . 7 Miss May Drago, Missosula .......................... a85 285 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City ..................... 5 " ..... . 5 PARK COUNTY Miss Lulu Wilson, Miles City ..................... 5 ........ S Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston.............. ..... 8,84 33 8,974 Miss Mary Schrimner, Miles City.... .......................... ...... Miss Etta Hrtcza, Livingston......................... 7,285 375 7,660 Miss Rosalee Terrett, Miles City...... ............ .. . ... ....... Miss Florence Goodron, Livingstomn............. ..... ,602 75 1,677 Miss Kate Burgel, Miles City ........ .... .. ........... .... .. Miss Maud H. Vance, Livingston ................... 814 814 Miss Bessie uffan, Miles City ....... ........... .. ............... Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston...................... 613 6 616 Miss Daisy Ilaynes, Miles City ........................................ Miss Edna Turner, Livgsto ............... ........... ....... 6 Miss Edna Driscoll, Livingston............. . . . 13 34 CASCADE COUNTY- Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston......................... 8 8 Miss Netta Gervais, Great Falls............ ... 3,o33 505 3,528 Miss Rose liausen, Livingston ............................. .. ...... Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls ................... .... 490 43 2,5.13 POWELL COUNTY- Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls.......................2 ".5 25 Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer Lodge................. 6,731 21 6,752 CIIOUTEAU COUNTY- Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir......................... 4,157 43 4,200 Miss ra h , Aav ............................ 50 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge.................... ,145 2,245 M i s s C o r n l a s s o c k , H a v r e . . . . . . .o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o . . . 5.o o Miss Marioln Auld, Havre........ ....................2:6 1I6 RAVALLI COUNTY Miss Cora Niles, Chinook. ............. ..... 6 Miss Floy L. Olds, Victor ........ .............. 6,4 70 6,58 Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton... ........... ........ 4,96 4,6 4,961 DEER LODGE COUNTY- Miss Ethel Cha mbers, Hamilton.................... .. 2,254 14 2,68 Miss li Cu AMiss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville... .........S........O 754 754 iss Julia Cuddihy, Anconda........... ............ 7.0 13Miss4 8,043 Se on, Hamilton................. .. 7 7 Miss Nina Grahlam, Anaconda................... .... ,866 77 7,53 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis ................ ..... . 604 604 Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda................. 4,746 328 49741 Miss Cora Adams, Iamilton ......................... 10o s2o DAWSON COUNTY- ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive .......................... . ...... 3.39 Miss Floy A. Westaby, Forsyth...................... 4,602 8 4,610 Miss Jessie ones, Glendive .................. ...... 2,318 2,328 Miss Ethel Waddingam, Forsyth ..................... 635 ....... 635 Miss Ana Simms, Glendive........................... ,o8 ........ 1,o88 Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsyth ..................... 6 ....... 6 Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive ....................... 655 ....... 655 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss llilda Foss, Glendive............................ 274 ....... 274 Miss Alice Jackson, Butte................ ........... 7,169 50o5 27,674 Miss Effie Teeter, Glendive .......................... . 7 ... 7 Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte........................22,395 821 23,226 Miss Mabel Batchlor, Glendive........................ 12 ... . 3 Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte... .......................... 7,756 510 18,66 Miss Frances Lee, Glendive........................... o ....... Miss Clara Burkard, Butte....... ................ .,993 399 23,29 Miss H. May Johnson, Glendive..... ... ............ ....... 9 Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte........................ 8,48 1,649 10,177 Miss Frances Johnson, Glendive ...................... .. 3 3 Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte............................... 9,596 13 9.728 Miss Aric Mack, Glendive .................... ...... . ... . . Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte...................... 8,779 78 9,057 Miss May Rodda, Butte............................ 5,066 89 5,155 FLATHEAD COUNTY- Miss Atice Mitchell, Butto.; ........................ 3,167 93 3,26o Miss Mary Slack, Kalispel .......................... 573. 5,733 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte....................... .... 2,40r 184 1,586 Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell .......................... 2,237 2,237 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte ............................ 1,067 2 1,088 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell...................... ,104" 2,o04 Miss Olive B. Beakev. Butte......................... 1,043 26 6 ,069 Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell .................... .. 628 6a8 Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte ....................... 916 916 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kalispell ........................ 4 40 Mjs4.Ree Edwardsr, Butte.......................... 8 . ti: Miss Julia Oildea, Kallspel ....................... ..................... Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte............................. 439 439 Miss Donna Schenck, Libby.... .................. ....... .............. Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte ........................ 36 17 47 SWEMtTGRASS COUNTY FERGUS COUNTY .- Miss May Marley, Big Timber ............... ........ 6,o5 821 6,832 Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown....................... 3.913 3,943 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber .................... 2,850 305 2,955 Miss Malce Sulprenaunt, l.ewistown ................... 2,0-.3 5 2,038 Miss Maggie Ir:ine, Big Timber..................... 2,358 259 a,517 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown.. .................. 478 478 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber .......................... ... .... TETON COUNTI- MRANITE COUNTY7 Miss Frances Cooper, Chouteau ....................... 187 4 292 Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite....... ................ 3,268 3,268 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Chouteau........................ 8 31 113 Miss Myrtle Clark, Philipsburg ...................... 491 l,oo00 2,492 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby .......................... ..33 17 50 Miss Catherine I'crrent, Philipsburg. .................. 2,388 2,388 VALLEY COUNTY- Miss Ethel Gilchrist, D)rummond..................:... 2,0.17 57 2.104 Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow. ..................... 3,370 1,202 4,573 Miss Irma Shcrrill, Philipsburg....................... 1,806o ,86o Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glas;ow...................... 675 675 GALLATIN COUNTY- YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman.................. 2,933 38 2,972 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings. ..................... 3,392 34 3,426 Miss Grace Griffin, Bozeman.........:............... 2,236 87 2,323 Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings ...................... a,513 57 2,570 Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade.. ................. 1,945 47 ,99 Miss Della Walters, Billings......................... 242 8 250 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman......................... 1,731 67 1,797 Miss Mable Ross, Billings ............................ 224 224 Mliss IBessie Vail Zandt, Bozeman................... 1,285 21 1,3o6 Miss Alice Walk, Billings. ........................... 0o o Miss Minnie Stubbleficld, Bozeman. ................ 671 671 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings ....................... ................. Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings ................................. ....... JEFFERSON COUNTY- Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings .......................... .............. Miss Josie Noonan, Basin......................... 2,750o 8 12,758 Withdrawn .................................. 47,258 47,258 Miss Regina Bear, Basin............ ................ 4446 4,446 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall........ ............. 3,012 5 3,063 Total ...................................... .. 449,592 12,293 461,885 Headquarters and Voting Places Ieaverhead County-A. S. Johnson. ....,4. ......................................... Dillon roadwater County-Byrne Bros........ . .y..................................... Townsend CaDbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hicko.... ........................................d Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge...... .. ....................................... Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane............................ .......... Fort Benton Custer County-i. E. Arnold ......... ................................Miles City Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson........ .............................Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Ofice............................... Anaconds Fergus County-L. C. Cornell....................................... Lewistown Flathead County-Walter Hunt............................. ....................... Kallspell Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ............... ................................Bozeman Granite County-Charles Williams ................................................. Philipsburg Jefferson County-J. H. Rule................ ........................................ Basin Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Book and Stationery Company ....................Helena Madison County-Jamles Powell ......................... ............... Virginia City Meagher County-L. B. Jobb.......................................... White Sulphur Springs Missoula County-Winstanley's Ofice................ . ........... Missoula Park County-Bingham Woiman................. . ............................ Livingston Powell County-The Kenyon Store...,............. ............. ........ Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts........... .................... ................ Hamilton Rosebud County-W. H. Simons........... ........................................... Forsyth Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Ofice.......................................... Butte Valley County-Miss Berths Kempher........ .................................. Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake........................................................... Choteau Yellowstone County-Thomnas Manley...... ................. ........... Billings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerford............................... Big Timber HEROIC SERGEAT OF POLICE'S ACi nY ASSOCIATED PREss, Chicago, Nev. 30.--Falling snow an4 slippery rails caused a collision betwee Ogden avenue and Erie and Sagamo street electric cars, in which thirteen per sons were injured. A police sergeant, who risked his lif to prevent a panic and the death o1 several passengers, was among those badly hurt. As the injured were on the Sagamon. street car. The police sergeant, ThomaS Meany, was on the rear platform ain! saw the futile effort of the motorman. of the Ogden avenue car to apply th brakes. The shout of the conductor arousedi the passengers to their danger and they' made a rush for the rear platform, Thd police sergeant saw that the car would] be struck at the platform, (while the pas sengers were crushed in the door and hd leaped inside the ear and forced the leaders back, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE SPECIAL TO TIrE INTER MOUNTAIN. Billings, Nov. 30o.-An employe of the Elbow coal mines at Joliet by the name of Ward is reported to be in critical con dition from an attempt at self-destruction. lie shot himself Saturday night. He is only 0a years old and was married only a short time ago. He is said to have been despondent over family troubles. MAY MAKE MANY A DIVORCE DECREE NULL BY ASSOCIATED PRESS, Des Moines, Ia., Nov. 30,.-Judge James F, Howe of the district court held today that a decree granted under the Dakota divorce statutes, if it is proven the non resident litigant resides there merely for the purpose of securing a divorce, is null and void. C A. CIO a I A.A Bears the T A.. Kind You Have Bought signatar. Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eonditions: First-Any young lady over sy years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which sbe resides. Second-Three judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an. pounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two eacn. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote In one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. Fourth-Votintg 'ill commence Monday, October to, and close Tuesday evening at y o'clock, January s9, 19o4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupoht cut from the seamiweekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be ne..tly trimmed. AU coupons, whether single or special, must b ear the nane of the one to be voted otr. Fiftb--Coupons are given as followss Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain ...................... ................ .... ....... Vote Subscription In arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. Ia Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, Si, a special coupon of so Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly to months. S, a special coupon of ioo Votes (Paid in Advance Bubscriptions,) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain i month, 75c, a special cuopon of ...........(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .......... 40 Votes Subscription, Dally Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.00oo, a special coupon of .......... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ..........0 3O Votes Subscription, Daily inter Mountain, s2 months, $7.So, a special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ,,........ oo Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below, Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening papers .T ND) VoQZrFOR Dec. 7, '03 awi/ýs C wP'w rAr. t3C vrOTtI o N IO? DiW(E