Newspaper Page Text
BROBEeK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 8 Buying and selling for cash enables us to offer you everything in the grocery line at the lowest possible prices. Brobeck's Best Creamery Butter, none quite so good; pound........ 30 Heinz's Apple Butter, 5-pound Jars, each .. ....... .... .......... .. . 6 5 Hoffman House Coffttee, the best of all; per lb., 15c; 3 lbs..... $1.00 Hunt's Pure Baking Powder, /-tb., 2or; lb., e5: %, lbs.......... 7540 New Mild Full Cream Cheese, aoc pound ; 3 ' oundls for.............50 New louey, made by the bees, per square ............... White Rosebud Soap, 25 hars..$1.OO Snider's or Columbia Catsup, pints (special) ...........*.......... 2 0 Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, in pounds (special) ...............$1.00 Cracker Meal, per pound.......... 10 Quinces; now is the time to buy them, ,a pounds ........ ......25 Fine Family Table Syrup, per gal.. 55 Teas-All kinds of fresh stock from 15c to 75c per poundl. Vinegar-We only handle the pure malt: per gallon..............40C Washing Powder Ierline, of 1776; per package......... ..........104 Sugar. Fine (;ranulated,; oo pounds, $6.oo; 16 lounds ........ 1.00 Swift's Picnic liams, unwrapped, per pound... ...... .... ...10* Fancy Red Apples, four tiers, Wealthy, per box ............$1.15 Fresh Finnen Haddies, per poundl..l 1 Fine White Cauliflowers, per pound. 10 Prompt Delivery in City Only. Everybody Uses Soap Why Not Use the Best for the Money? The market is full of so-called toilet soap--no better than cheap laundry soaps - put up in gaudy wrappers to deceive the pub!ic. You don't buy them the secosJd tLe, though. Take a look at cur soap window this week. It took us a long time to select these good brands and we want you to try thet. While they are in the window they are under-priced. Luca de ......... 25. hox Gly co ream ............... 15 blox Violet Glycerine ........... 52 box Remmer's Best ............150 box Violettes ...............25. box Jergen's Oat Meal.......... 15* box PAXSON & ROCKEFELLER Red Cross Drug Store 24 West Park Street, Butte T HE most complete and elegant line of Suit Cases ever offe.. ed in America, and we name the very LOWEST 0 PRICES We have in stock all styles and qualities to suit -,-u. Pritchirdl-arrison Cirpet Co. Corner Park and Main Sts Butte 1 WHO FILLS YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Newbro Drug Co. 109 N. Main St., Butto Largest Drug House In the State CONFESSES AN OLD CRIME BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. New York, Dec. 3.-Police Captain Reynolds, formerly in charge of the Brook. lyn detective bureau, announced today that he had received a letter from a convict in Auburn prison, stating that a fellow con vict had confessed to him that he mur dered Albert C. Latimer in Brooklyn on July I, i892. Police Inspector Kane of Long Island City was called into the case and it is admitted that the investigation has developed startling facts, The convict who confessed to the mur der also admitted that he had a hand in the shooting of Policeman Sheridan in Long Island City. Latimer was shot at his home late at night and sensational developments fol lowed his death. Nixon Cash Orocery 9os UTAH AVENUE Sturday Specials Rex Flour, per sack........ $1.25 Saskatchewan Flour, per sack.g)l.2 Rolled Oats, per package........ 10 Magic Yeast, a ioc packages.... 15 Bakers' Chocolate, per pound....35( HALF A MILLION MARK IS PASSED NOW SEE THE VOTE CLIMB TO A MAILLION IN EVER-INCREASING GIANT STRIDES. IT IS A GOOD IDEA, SURE Papers of America Look With Envious Eyes on the Inter Mountain's World's Fair Contest. It does beat the band the manner in which the Inter Mountain's World's Fair tour contest keeps up Here is the middle of the week and not a day yet but has shown a big vote. To day's is ts,ooa. That puts the half million mark back into ancient history, the total to date being 509,699. The fame of and interest in the contest grows daily. The Inter Mountain and its plan of taking 3o county maids of honor MISS HARRIET QUIGLEY, Who stands second in the Inter Mountain's World's Fair tour contest in Powell county from Montana to the St. Louis World's Fair is now known and talked of from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Mexico to Canada. Just a hint of the wide interest in it is contained in the fact that a hunch of votes was received by mail today from Hutuena Vista, Coln., for Miss Laura Kil gallan of Silver Bow county. IMiss .Matlie McNamara leads today in Silver low county and in the state with 2,269 votes. That would be good any day, anywhere. Second today in the state is Miss lessic' Tate of Flatheuld county with 1,,)66. Third is Miss Mary Slack, also of Flath(ead, with ty,. Fourth and fifth respectively are Miss May Marley, the leadrr in Sweet ;rass county, with 788, and Miss Nell .loyd of Silver How county, with 772. Miss ILloyd stands secotnd in today's vote in Silver Ilow county, while Miss Innah ('ottutrttney is third with 707. Miss Ilarriet Quiiley of Powell county received votes today in Lewis and ('l:arke and l)eer L.orlge counties, Miss Mittie Nord of Yellowstone county in'(;allatin county, and Miss IMay ID)ougherty of Ra valli county in liver Iodge county. \'ot s were received today in the mail at the Itome office for the following out of town candidates: Miusc e Jersie (;o nlrichl, Jefferon; I'essie F w lie, LM agher; Ilarriet Quigle., Powell; I lia L .awler, Lewis and Clarke; Ethtel ;il (hriit, Granite; Iertrude Shearer, irtaite; IMahel licautti nt, PIowell; I aura Ilarper, ar alli. 'otea were received today in ]little fur these out -ide eatddildt:e: Ni- ,' J,,ie Godrich, Jefferson; E:dna Turner, Park; Josie No, man, Jefferson; Kathe ryn Swano.,um, Madison; Fly L.. Oldh, Iav:ili; tlaud Murray, Ttvon; Minnie V. Nor,I 'Yellohtone; Mlabel Souprentattt, Verguts; Ethel Gitchrist. i'ra ite; le.,sie 'late, Flat. head; Lottie tMclntoh, |lcaverhead; Harriet (tuigley, 'Powell; .ltaud Murray, lTetton; Jack Fullcrtun, Carbon; Itta liruza, Park. Contest a Great Scheme. The newspapers of the country are Ie ginning to sit up and take notice of the Inter Mountain's World's Fair tour con test. \Vhen the contest began the tnter Moun tain said it was the best and biggest thing of the kind ever proposed in the West. That view is pretty generally shared by newspaper men the country over. 1Mark IBennett, superintendent of the general press bureau of the W\'orld's Fair, is enthusiastic over the plan. His splendid indorsement of it and his selection of it as a model for other newspapers to copy were mentioned the other day. The whole centes has awakened wide interest among the newspaper men of the country. They want to know how it is done. It is a new idea and good news papers want new ideas. Every day many letters come to the Inter Mountaint from other newspapers inquiring about the plan. Included in today's mail were three rep resentative letters from widely separated parts of the country--one from New Or leans, one from Milwaukee and one from Kansas. John L. Foley, business manager of the Milwaukee Sentinel, writes under date of November 30 as follows: "We understand that you intend to send a nunber of people to the World's Fair at St. Louis and that you have adopted a very unique plan of selecting the names of the people who are to go. If your circulation manager will furnish us an outline ot the proposition we will be very much obliged to you." A. G. Winterhalder, business manager of the New Orleans Times-Democrat, writes that his paper is contemplating an effort similar to that of the Inter Mountain. "Will you," he writes, "kindly send us copies of your paper in which reference is made to the matter, together with such information as you may deem necessary for us to know for an intelligent and com prehensive consideration of such a propo sition ?" State Senator WV. C. Austin of Kansas, editor of the Chase County Leader, writes from Cottonwood Falls, Kan., in a simi lar vein. He wants to try the plan on a reduced scale. Among the many good points in the Inter Mountain plant which Superintendent Bennett pointed out in his circular is one that will appeal to the advertisers. The circular says, describing the Inter Moun tain plan : "It will be seen that the Inter Moun tain's scheme is not the ancient one of Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY-Continued. Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Maude Hill, Red Rook...... .. ......... 9,202 531 9.733 Miss Myra Trerlse, Helena.............. ...... ,469 1,471 Miss Lottie McIntosh, Dillon....}.:): . ............ 9,048 138 9,186 Miss Anna Marceau, Helena......................... 88 818 Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon..................... 7,414 146 7,560 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena............................ 592 592 Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon......................... 2,635 2,625 MADISON COUNTY Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon ........................ 665 665 Miss Katheryn Swanstrum, Blaine ................... 4,054 S 4,05 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon ..................... ... 444 . 444 Miss Maud Northway, Ennis. ............... ............ . 2,913 1ot 3,024 Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon ........................ 55 55 Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virgitlia City................... ,6ja 17 a,649 BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City.................. ... ,22 7 Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend................... ,o7,090 ,090 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis........................ 689 a 69t Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend......... ............... 6,o65 6,065 Miss Gertle Kohls, Virginia City..................... 65 655 Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend.,.... ............. 3,427 3,47 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan........................ Miss Carrie Holloway, Townsend ..................... 3,16 3,136 Miss Lella Parker, Townsend. ................. ,o4) 1,o49 MEAG R COUNTYings....... Miss Mamie McRse, Townsend.... ,................ 666 666 Miss Clara Chpin, White Sulphur Springs........ 7,93 7,90o Miss Lizzie Barker, Townsend.....................Miss Bessie Fowlie, ory......................... 7,78 j 7783 Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs.......... 5,404 5404 CARBON COUNTY- ' Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs....... 2,063 1,o63 Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge, .... ................ 3275 30 3,305 Mis Eff Tipton White Sulphur Springs........ 9 9 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lode. ..... .. 1,148 38 3,086 Miss Eva Hartiptoeld, White Sulphur Springs ............ ........ . ......... Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge .................... Su6 50os ,oo8 Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs............. ....... Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge .................... 05 o a10 2 Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge ...................... . 21 21 MISSOULA COUNTY-2 Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge........................ s so Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown....................... 1,9a 7 2,931 Miss Maud Chapman, Red Lodge ..................... Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula .............. ,856 i8 1,877 C.USTE.CO NY Miss Nellie Longstaff, Missoula. .................. 1,629 8 1,637 CUSTER COUNTY- Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula......................... 937 937 Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City..................... 1,77o 1,77o Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula......................... 876 876 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City....................... 1134 1,134 Miss May Drago, Missoula........................... 85 28S Miss Marion Gordon, Miles City....................... 19 PAK.O T s-9 Miss Myrtle Johnson, Miles City.,................. .. 12 .... PARK COUNTY ....... Miss Ada Eichort, Miles City..................... .. 7....... Mi Birdie Clark, Livingston........... ......... 49 5 9 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City ................... . * Miss Ett s Hrus, Livingaton...................... .. 7,775 300 8,075 Miss Lulu Wilson, Mile City ........ ................ ....... s Miss Florence Goodson, Livingston................... ,700 6 1,716 Miss Mary Schrier, Miles City............... ..........................Miss Maud H. Vance Lvingston........ ...... 8 84 Miss Rosalee TShrmerr, Miles City................. ................. .. . Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston..... .......... ... ··6*... 66 6 6 Miss Kate Burgel, Miles City....... ....................... ................ Miss Edna Drieoll, Livingston........................ 5 13 Miss Bessie Huffman, Miles City.......... ............................... Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston.. ................ 41 8 8 Miss Daisy Haynes, Miles City...;........ ... ....... ..... . Miss Rose Hausen, Livingston...................... ...... ............ CASCADE COUNTY- M POWELL COUNTY Miss Netta Gervais, Great FaIll....s.. ........... .. .·. . . . 3536 3.536 POWELL COUNTY Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls................... . ,761 a,61o Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer Lodge................... 6,883 47 6,930 Miss Edith Brown, Great Fallsc..................... . 225 a5s Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir........... ... ....... 4,289 149 4,438 CHOUTEAU COUNTY- Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge.................... 3,329 3,39 Miss Core Hassock, Havre........................... . 500. 500 RAVALL COUNTY-56 7,76 Miss Marion Auld, Hvre .................... ...... 4 124 Miss Ploy L. Olds, Victor ............... .......6 .8 6 7,076 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook.................... 6 6 Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton....................... 4,96 54 5,o5s ......................... Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton........ ......... ... 1 : ,53 69 2,600 DEER LODGE COUNTY- Miss Mattic Higgins, Stevensville......... ............ 764 762 Miss Julia Cuddilhy, Anaconda ...., Ms May .. ........... 8,159 9. 8,1490 7 4 739 "~Miss Mary rhnAackoKnd.. 7,o7 870 8, Mis May Dougherty, Corvallis ............... . .. 729 64 739 Miss Nina Graham, la e , H t .........70 8,007........ 75 71 Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda................. 5,576 19 5,598 Miss Cora Adams, Hamilton................... · ...... 0 71o DAWSON COUNTY- ' ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive ........................ 3.539 44 3,583 Mi.s oE UDs, B t ...4,627 4,627 Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive ............... ......... 2,18 50o 2,368 MsMs Ethel A. Wddiata , Forsyth.......... ..4615 Miss Ana Simms, Glendive .......................... .,88 58 1,146 * iss Ethel Waddigamon , Forsyth................... .. .6 Miss FEry Us COUnTYv Miss Mayie Hamntond, Forsyth....................... . .6 Miss Mar Fossborne, Gledive........................... 5574 4o 66 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss Efie Teeter, Glendive .......................... 27 27 Miss Alice Jackson, Butte.................... 29,66 63 30,3 Miss Mabel iatchelor, Glendive....................... 1a2 Miss Laura Kilglan, Butte................................. 24,049 434 4,483 Miss Frances Lee, Glendive........................... In 1o Miss Nll Lloyd Butt .............................. .. 8,747 77 19,529 Miss H. May Johnson, Giendive .................... 9 Mis Mamie mr Butt...........77 15,546 Miss Frances Johnson. Glendive ...................... 3 3 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte ............. ............ 4,486 589 5,0o75 Miss Arie Mack, Glendive. ............... ... .. ......... Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte ............ .. 3,39 77 4,97 Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte...............10..,524 179 10.703 FLATIIEAD COUNTY- Miss May Rodda, Butte................. 5,83 46 5.879 Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell .......................... 6,047 890 6,937 Miss Alice Mitchell, Buttes....................... ... 3,275 64 3,3739 Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell ................... ,237 1,966 4,20 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte .......................... 1,671 31 .703 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell ....................... 1..13 500 1,638 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte ............................. ,14 1,141 Miss MatSie ClUiTiMias, Kalisp.ll...........................6a8 6*8 Mis4 4 228 Miss Motti HiggiNns, Kalispelln....................... 628 628 Miss Olive B. Bcakev. Butte........................ ,o8 1,083 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kalispell ........................ 40 40 Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte....................... 928 928 Miss Julia Gildea, Kalspell................................. ............. Miss Belle Edwards, Butte........................ ..826 826 Miss Donna Schenck, Libby.............................. .............. Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte. ......................... 439 439 FERGUS COUNTY- Miss Agnes Harrington, Butte................. ....... ..... .. 47 47 Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown....................... 3.94o 3,943 SWEih TGRASS COUNTY- Miss Mable Suprenaunt, I.ewistown ................... 2,087 23 2,110 Miss May Marley, Big Timber....................... 6,831 788 7,620 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown...................... 478 478 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber.................... 2,955 233 3,188 GRANITE COUNTY-- Miss Maggie It:rne, Big Timber ..................... 1,57 422 23939 Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite..................... . 3,237 S66 3,863 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber.............. ...... ........ ...... Miss Catherine Perrent, Philipsburg .................. 2,735 40 2,775 TETON COUNT i Miss Myrtle Clark, Philipsburg ...................... 2,503 :6 2,519 Miss Frances Cooper, Chouteau....................... 193 193 Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond .................... 2,141 110 2,251 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Chouteau ...................... 13 113 Miss Irnma Sherrill, Philipsburg ............... .... 2,008 2,008 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby........................... 56 55 s GAI.LATIN COUNTY- VALLEY COUNTY Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman........................... 4,076 5 4,081 Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow...................... 4,572 201 4,774 Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman ..................... 3,0o13 9 3,02o Miss Myrt:e McMillan, Glas=ow...................... 675 675 Miss Grace Griffin, Bozeman........................ 2,420 22 2,442 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Ruby Moore. Belgrade ........................ 2,158 2,158 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings............... ......... 3,512 1 3,627 Miss lessie Van Zantdt, Bozeman .................... 6,37 6,3 Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings...................... 3,170 40 3,a210 Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeman ................... 678 678 Miss Della Waiters. Billings. ........................ 256 256 JEFFERSON COUNTY- Miss Mable Ross, Billings ............................ 224 4 228 Miss Josie Noonan, Basin ......................... 12,758 73 12,831 Miss Alice Walk, Billings............................ o o Miss Rogina Bear, Basin............................ 4,446 4,446 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings .......................... ............... Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall...................... 3,078 97 3.175 Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings.................... ..... ....... . I.EWIS AND CLARKE COUN'I'Y- Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings ...................................... Miss Delia Lawlor, H1elena........................... 8,501 129 8,630 Withdrawn ..................................... 49,503 49,503 Miss Mablle McGregor. Helena ...................... 5,735 6: 5,796 Miss Maynme W\'alsh, Helena ......................... 3,178 7 3,285 Total ........................................... 494,697 15,oo00 509,699 ·ur.-··. .~ - ...r VOT Frd - Dec. 10, '03 TA/3 COV/PO/V 44>J518 VOTED ON OR? BD/'OtE selling many copies of the paper for the cutting out of the voting coupons. In eaoh paper is printed a coupon good for one vote. Subscriptions in arrears and so on up to a Soo-vote coupon iwith a year's subscription to the daily edition shows how the circulation department is to proft by the plan. "In each of the 26 counties there are several candidates for the World's Fair free trip. Each young lady's friends are working hard. The contest is rapidly growing in interest and new subscriptions are pouring in from every county and every community of Montana. Citize who never before 'took' the Inter Mou tain are now regular subscribers, and is reported that the 5oo-vote coupons a' exceedingly popular. "Thus the Inter Mountain is buildils up a permanent increase of its regul. subscription list, which is much mnore d sirable than the old voting contest scheme of selling bundles of papers merely fdr the single coupon, "Advertisers are quick to apprecials the superiority of this unique plan over the old one; they cannot help but observe that the Inter Mountain, by this legif mate and praiseworthy means, is addirs largely to its permanent circulation among the -best elass of citizens-4the peop whom the advertisers most desire reach." To Import 'Much Gold. Boston, Mass., Dec. 3.-The Nation Shawmutt bank has increased the amoujt of its importation of gold from $S,ooo,odo to $.500oo,ooo. F i ~ --l;- -~-~~-C wa ý moberth .Npf O~~;ln··IBL~BEi i~~~ DLtr ý 5 c Sowwaa , ooº C. ice ,ýr+z.ºoabz30 SEASON TO KILL IN DEER MAY BE SAFELY SLAUGH TERED UP TO THE FI1RST OF TIHE NEW YEAR. According to the decision rendered by the supreme court of Montana in the case of Walter G. Brown, charged with killing turtle doves, the season for killing deer and duck has been extended to January I and May z respectively. When the case of Brown was appealed to the supreme court the constitutionality of the game law as amended by the last legislature was attacked, and in deciding the new law uneonstitutional, the old statute was left Intact. Under the old law hunters were limited to six deer and allowed to hunt until January I, and in the case of mountain goat, the season ended at the same time, but there was no open season on m~oun. tain sheep. Goats were restricted to six. The new law limited deer to three and goat to one. The game wardens, although favoring the closing of the season at the time spe cified in the new law, state that hunters will not be ,molested if they kill deer and goat up to January I, and duck and geese until May r. The season on other game is not af fected, Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eondltions: First-Any young lady over 7y years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concer nnsg the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. sell Fourth-Voting ill commence Monday, October as, and close Tuesday evening at y o'clock, January sp, soo4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the seamiweekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. Al coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as followas Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain .......................................... ......... Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. s5 Votes Subscription, Seml-Weekly, 6 months, Sa, a special coupon of go Votes (Pald in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly as months $a, a special coupon of loo Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Dally Inter Mountain a month, 75c, a special cuopon of ............. (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.oo, a special coupon of ........... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ...... ..... o Votes Subscription, Dally Inter Mountain, is months, $7.50, a special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .......... g00 Votes Sixth--Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening papers Headquarters and Voting Places Beaverhead County-A, 5. Johnson ...........,,,,................. ......Dillon Broadwetae County-Byrne breas......,......... ........ .... ........... .... Townsend Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hiokox.................................................Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Iod a.................................................... Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane............................................... Fort Benton Custer County-J. . Arnold. ...............................Miles City Dawson Count -Albert H. Johnson.................................................. Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Oce ......... ...................... Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cornell........................................................ Lewistown Flathead County-Walter Hunt ................ ............................... Kalispell Gallatin County-$. F HOnley ............................ ....................... ... Boeman Granite County-Charles Wlli.ams ......... ..... ............... Philipsburg Jefferson County-J. H. Rule................. ...... ............Basin Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Book and itationary Company ..................H.elena Madison County-J4mes Powell ........................................... .. Virginia City Meagher County-L B. Jobb......................................... White Sulphur Springs Missoula Couty-Wlnstenley's Offe.. ....................... .................. Misoula Park County-Dinsham Hlamn ................................... Livingston Powell County-The Kenyon Store........... .............. ...... Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts ................................... Hamilton Rosebud County-W. H. Simons ..................... .............. Forsyth Silver Bow County--Inter Mountain Ofice ........... .... ..........: :....... : Butte Valley County-Miss Bertha Kempher ................... ........... Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake..... .o.......... ..... ............. Chateau Yellowstone County-Thomas bisnley....... ...,,,, ... ......... llin Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerford ................................:.. '...Disg 'limber