Newspaper Page Text
THE BUTTE INTER MOUNTAIN VOL XXIII. No. 122. BUTTE, MONTANA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS NEW BILLS ON I FAIR TRIALS IN SENTE[ Senator Maddox of Cas cade County Intro duces Measures. LABOR BILL REPORT House Judiciary Commit tee Favor Duplicate of Old Measure. SPE('IAI. TO TilE INTER MOISNTAIN. Helena, Dec. 4.-In the senate this afternoon Maddox of Cascade introduced two Fair Trial lills on the same general lines as those now in the house. They were referred to the judiciary committee. Senator Kennedy was recognized and spoke in favor of amending the resolutions which excluded committee clerks from the payroll. He said that Miss McNulty of Silver Bow county and Miss Low of Bozeman had been committee clerks in the last session and had journeyed to Hel ena expecting their work would be con tinued. lie moved that the two be placed on the list of clerks. Senator Myers of Carbon spoke against the motion, saying there was no need for clerks. On a vote the two clerks were re tained by a vote of 14 to so. An invitation to the sesiite from the ladies of the Elks to attend a social ses sion of the order at Elks' hall next Wednesday, was read. Senator Maddox of Cascade county made a call for the judiciary committee to meet immediately on adjourning. On motion of Senator Kennedy, the senate adjourned un til to o'clock Saturday morning. In the House. S.P.CAI. TO T'le INTER MOUNTAIN. Helena, Dec. 4.-Former Senator Man tle occupied a seat next to the speaker at the opening of the house session this afternoon. The committee on labor reported a sub stitute for the three bill providing for a consitutional amendment on the labor qlues. tion. Johnson moved to amuend the report of the committee to show that the bill was introduced by Axtell instead of by the labor committee. l.anstrum said if any member was entitled to credit by reason of priority of introduction it was himself, as he introduced the first one. He was willing to waive any right lie might have in favor of Axtell. Graham explained that the committee had substi tuted the bill which failed last winter, as the Axtell bill would have had to be changed anyway. Duggan said that when the bill was passed last winter it was credited to Axtell by courtesy, as it was really a sub stitute. He thought the labor conmitteu should have the credit. The amendment was lost by a rising vote and the committee report adopted without division. The bill was read a first and second time and referred to the printing com mittee. It is the same as the one which failed because of a clerical omission. After receiving the report of the print ing committee the house took a recess for an hour to allow the republican members to caucus. TWO UNDER ARRHES BROIWN'S GULCH MEN SAID TO HAVE BEEN CUTTING TIM BER ILLEGALLY. Paul Casagranda and Fred Casagranda were arrested and brought to Butte today and lodged in jail on a charge of illegal cutting of timber in Brown's gulch, near this city. The men were admitted to bail in the sum of $a5 each and will have a hearing before United States Commissioner Naugh ten this afternoon. The arrests were made by United States Deputy Marshal Elderkin, at the instance of Timber Inspector Wellman, who has been making a still hunt in this state for timber cutters who have been encroach ing on the reserves and cutting without paying stumpage. It is said the inspector is now direct ing his attention to Jetterson county, where it is alleged there has been much timber stolen. FOUR CHINKS DROWN IN THE ERIE CANAL Wagon Load of Celestials Were Being Smuggled Into This Country. BY ASSO'IATED IRESS. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 4.-A wagon load of Chinamen, who were being smuggled into this country, was overturned today and fell into the Erie canal. Four of the Chinamen were drowned. Lodge of Sorrow Services. SPECIAL TO THE INTER MOUNTAIN. Billings, Dec. 4.-Billings Lodge, No. 304, B. P. O. E., will hold their annual lodge of sorrow in the opera house Sunday after noon. A fine program of music will be rendered. C. P. Connolly of Butte will deliver the memorial address. To Dedicate New Church. SPECIAL TO TIE INTER MOUNTAIN. Big Timber, Dec. 4.-The new Congre gational church, erected this year at a cost of about $5,ooo, will be dedicated Sunday. Rev. Joseph Pope will have charge of the exercises. There will be a suitable pro gram, THROAT CUT, BULLET F HOLES IN CHEST OF CORPSE Murder Committed and ' Body of Victim Was Cast Into Sea. BY A5S.UCIATEDI PRESS. Baltimore, Dec. 4.- The body of a well dressed man, supposed by letters found on his person to be Michael Fitzpatrick of New York, has been washed ashore in St. Mary's county. The throat was cut from ear to ear and there were two bullet holes in the chest. The point is remote and particulars are meager. If the mant was murdered the crime mtlust have been committed on a strainer plying on the Chellsapeake. The authori ties are investigating. Was From New York. New York, IUec. 4.-A report from Balti more, Md., that the booty of a man has been washed up from Chesapeake Bay showing evidences of murder has been made clear by the receipt of a telegram ill this city which identifies the murdered man as Mathew J. Fitzpatrick. He left his hotne here October 25 to answer an advertisement offerinlg a po sition, and has not since been heard from by his relatives, It appears that the body camne ashore November 27 and the inquest just held by the Maryland authorities dlisclosed! evi dence of murder. Fitzpatrick's throat had been cut and there were wounds in many parts of the body. l.etters in the clothing gave a clew to his relatives in this city. Fitzpatrick was to have been married in a few days. When he failed to return home a vigor ous search was instituted, and just before lnews of the discovery came it was learned that he had joined the crew of a fishing smack. ELEVEN MINERS FALL TO DEATH IN BELGIUM BY AS.Ot'IATED PtESS. a Liege. Belgium, IDec. 4.-Eleven cral miners were killed today at the Gass'o t Laquassemene at Montegnee through the 11 breaking of the rope by which a cage was y being hauled up. The nmen were prec'pi f tated to the bottom of the pit and their y bodies horribly mangled. 5 ----------- REGULATIONS REGARDING THE JEWS IN RUSSIA s No New Laws Restricting Entrance of e Hebrews Have Been Passed. tY 'AS.tO IA'IED PINI5S. St. Petersburg, DIec. 4.-Regarding the o statement caled fron HBerlin I)ecember I that American jews are no longer per S mitted to cross the Russian frontier with out a special permit in each case from g M. von 'lehwe., the Russian interior min d ister, the authorities say no new rules have been issued in coontetion with the admis :I lion of American or other Jews. All foreigners are required to have their h passports vized by Russian consular or diplomatic agents abroad, and except cer tain privileged classes. Jews of all nation ir alities are dteclined vizers in accordance a with a policy of long standing. In the case of Dr. Cohen of San Fran cisco the facts are that he had been tde clined a vie, antd he applied through Am bassador Mc('ormnick for permission to spend three weeks in Warsaw. Minister von Plehwe thereupon issued a telegraphic permit voluntarily extending the period to a month. JOE RODGERS' FATE IN JURY'S HANDS The fate of Joe Rodgers was placed in the hands of the jury at I I:45 today, after arguments by counsel consuming the entire forenoon. The defense introduced a large number of witnesses and were confident of ac quittal. That there were good points ad vocated on both sides of the question was evidenced by the fact that at a :3o the jury was still debating and had not been able to reach a conclusion. The strongest witness for the prosecu tion was Mrs. Kovacovich, whose house was burglarized, while the defense intro duced a great amount of evidence to show that the boys were on a fishing trip at the time the crime was committed. BULL IN CHINA SHOP LIVERNASH INTRODUCES JOINT RESOLUTION ON THE PANAMA SITUATION. "Y AISOCIATED PRESS, Washington, D. C,, Dec. 4--Representa tive Livernash of California introduced a joint resolution today "defining the inten tion of the United States concerning the Isthmus of Panama," It disclaims on the part of the United States administration to impair Colombian sovereignty or to support the republic of Panama against Colombia or to interfere in the relations between Colombia and Panama. The house was in session but five min utes today, Mr. Hunter (New York) and Mr. Nevin (Ohio), were sworn in as mem. rera. SUPREME COURT ON I WESTON CONTEST, LITIGATION FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY BE FORE A FINAL DECISION CAN BE GIVEN. NUMBER OF DECISIONS HANDED DOWN TODAY Fines Imposed on Billings Officials f* Contempt in Connection With the Carl Snyder Extradition Case Will Have to Be Paid. SP'lAIAl. 1() 1l:E IN''F SttII'NTAIN. I lebnt, IDc', .4.--In the e!ectlion contest of 1'. V. Ryan againist John \Vestoun for the ollice of clerk altl recorder of Silver Ilow ioutlty. tihe supritne court today over rulkd VWstonls deturrer to the cotmplaint which Na s argued N.vtillber 'q. Tle court also ruled uplon the mli in Io strike out parts of the c tnplaint. I he court sustained pilarlt of thie tIIion to strike. lut theire rel. iinii enl h llega. iolns il the complaint to reI quire fIrthler lproceeditgs. ,o ail ly i the that )loan received ,lli more vote. than iiWll stun'i. It now reitains for . .es.i nI to a sllll tl r andll for the court to hear thel evidence. Other Decisions. The court sustained the district court of Ptowell toitty ill gratlini g a Inew trial to Felix I.andry, c invicteld if horse tellling. The opinion was lby the chief justice. T4l state had appeiled.iill The court dismisseid the c:e .l tilihlttv against till A. Il.inti bec;se certain papers hal been aititted from the trianciripit. 'I hii was all tapp;itl f .t ellhowstione c.iu ty. Thli court also dismissu the application for it writ of supervisory control sought hy (Chief of Plolice \V. F. Marsh or f Ilillinigs and other oulictrs, to have stt aside the fines imiposed y Judge fr diohey ing a writ of halitas co:pus in the ('arl Snyder case. The lines will haive to he paid. The jiudgiett of the district coiut if Silver flow countiiy in fith i.e of hieck andiil others agailnst ('ity Treasirer Ihohlla d of Itutte was also ailirinte. Thist i. to vitry for thte city. ieck sued to resist the col lection of taxes for a pellcial il Cprveieitl district. GREAT. IiROJ[RY IN IGREEDY" RASP OF 130 People Thrown Out of Employment by a Bad Conflagration. IIY AS nOC'IA I. i'l MS.I1LI `ti Topill ka, Kiln.. Iit. lq.4. A stucial to the Stiate Jourinal front Salitne iaysi The I. hI. Lete alrcantile coniillytis I building, ithe largest wholesi le grocer) and nlltlion store iin Kaiusas, (carrylig c $ i,iio.o t sulck, is ;tire fro t i tliop itoi hot tlnl, with no hot ,e of saving aily i.uttioii of the i.tiblitig which a blick and is r ive totics high. r At I te.l. .k the tl:nu.s catight tie building of the Ii. I). I ee I.airu dware c.t p iuty across thle alley iandil ccupltyingl t Sblock andil at that tic e thlie ;liitis lwere burnintig fiercely. Ihlie hrdtlare stock is Svalued alt $4iui,0ui. Thle fire lcompan;iiy is totally inadequ;ate to il. with the tIliaies. Ait z o'clock the fire is raginig with llnt Sdiminished fury andl the buliniling ins e r ginninlg to topIple over. The Abelit e fire c departnltie has just arrived by a special 0 train. A brisk notllth wiind is blowing and the towl is threatenedi . Citizens are on their house tops in miay parts of the town with tubs of water fighting the flying brands. II. I). Lee of the Mertt;ile rcol a.ny is ail.o p ;residciit of the ,in.ners' N\-. iional bank and the Lee- Warreni Millig Ctoitipaiiy. lor suite tilt lihe wit chair tilltil of ilie Natitiotil Violeiisl Grte ctrs t. 0sociat I iuii. A4 telehilitiie uihspat cli fritiu Salina at 2:3i o'llock sutyt iti big live vitoiy ittur ca;ndilt liililiilg is a titimss tif rutitis, hling r just crusl.hed in, aiid that several siiiihher Ibuildhiing near are afire. lhere is now some hoties of savihg a portion of the r hardware huilding. The insurance tion the destroyed stock and huihldig is $.toutoc. The telegratih wires froiti the uti titid west pass close and are destroyed, tiver 1jo persons are thriwnt out oif ettItIloyiiment but Mr. lee states that lie will rebuild at Salina has about I5,oou inhahtitants and e is situated in Salina ctunty, central Ka¶ sas, in one of the richest parts of the state. It is a railway center. PRAY THE REMOVAL OF AN ADMINISTRATOR Petitioners Want John E. Davis' Author ity and Papers Revoked. A petition was filed in Judge McCler nan's court today praying that John E. Davis, the Butte administrator of the estate of Edwardl A. Davis, deceased, be removed for cause. In this estate there are two administra-. tors, George W. Davis of Chicago, repre senting the Illinois interests, and John E. Davis, who has charge of the Butte prow erty. Some time ago Roote & Clark, attorneys, filed a petition asking that John E. Davis be cited to appear and show cause before the Butte court why his name should not be used in an action brought by the above attorneys for the widow of Edward A. Davis, to recover certain bank stock and moneys by A. J. Davis, president of the Silver Bow National bank. There is a question of the statute of limitation involved, and Clarke & Roote have made several trips to Chicago in an siadeavor to get the matter heard. CRIPPLE CREEK PUT UNDER REIGN OF SOLDIERS MARTIAL LAW DECLARED AND THE RIGHT OF HABEAS CORPUS IS TO BE NULLIED. WILL FIGHT STRIKE OUT TO END, SAY LEADERS Mitchell Is Gone to Walsenburg to See What Can Be Done-Executive Con mitteemen of the W. F. of M. Charged With Conspiracy. S1 Abt 11 I AIll H11 iSA. ll ,nver, L lo1.. i .l c ..10. inc. v rlmor l'c:i lly at 1 tli tl today issted a plt l alt i tini 1i talte I f i ,l'ull rec tl l i andll r h'l ll itit I aId httlc i hi" Iivil ;t ho\ritii s are poIt ilh is, In suipt ait. of hi,, altion the, g vl olr cit . th ll iltl 'u 1i IIt ll . t 11 i '1 tlt' Iti nlsr and he declaresi that it is i tlpo fih tht control the tl urti ulet ce li thill Ci Ihe ti claml atiy dh ots n i..htilt tii lo matt' wonds that martial law ha.s tuu de iltclnded. The militry it ill owk deal with all :clllld iill'l lr.n y a nd t toI r punizrsh t . ri . After iutntitnitig ctis of lawler in ti ay wid t o .ihat b'lletnr, u1 illt.' e wil Il I ,'l Crs nk tIhe pro1;un1ation entlholdhs as 1hl \'hrly Itas I ha ot rt on te wite"lh In that similll r utragl s mlla. y i Ictur ait anI l t e. noiu ,elieving the civil auhiorilie, of said I' i ity if Te('llerk. I 1l., Irt ic. tl - ml , *f will.liugt. d are mi. king nii pt ,u'rliical at tempt) tIlpril ve i ldti .. tl ; to prit otet lif( illland propertly, ow, T"'herefore, I, iIu i ' i ne II. I'trat mly, i ra y r or f tlill he i t;tl " of ( olorado by h virtn.ll of the alihoriIy itn tin vttIh d tt l huhttly I late of inuici tio itallnd rti llin,. (Signel)l "1 A 11:;, II. I'FAI l iIY, To Fight to Finish. Trinid.Id, I'Cil., Ik l i, 4. I'r.uithnt John Jil g tchll if itt t l' tie, Sr. ttii W iorkers it .A lrica, accl mpll.lll ni by i ullmIir of Ior gasizers acnd dietrict thaders, left here Ihie Mlurnilg folr W\Vallelhurgl, thitc Itiverfullno, I 'ounty 'coal mining telr and latel ir iI the day will go rd'tienver, where he will prob ably have a conference with (;uvernor Peaboily iln refere'le to the strike 'siltla esion , invli lving recogi' ion of the Inhe rs' union in ally Imaniner will lie ca'. sidered, hlt Mhat Ihe -trilk' will It' fo lghl tut to a linish. Charged With Conspiracy. I'ripple ('reek. C 'ole., l)te . .,. C. G . K, unison, ,he.rmlan l'arkrr :nid W . I". D a v i s . t hi " a x c u' t i .e c o.'. n i t t l " o f t hi \t u,'t, rn IFederatins of 11iner, of this ditrilt, again'i whom informatlions well' filed ye.t.l..ay in the ditrict cmirt, chiu'p ing the:u with murder uuIl conspiracy tn m urlltr, are now conlliled in the c nt1 ly jail, it call obtlain their f ,reedlom hy fur ilishinyg hbo Is fllr $1..,u 0 e;ith, tlhl. .tn at which hb il was lixcd 1.y J.lnd; Si cd-. The accused Iice saIy tit:,, they miurt rthe fnl1tt insestiatlitnll u1 their condlrl durimt the slikt' and that the chat'l s l., :In, 11 t.1 of t ihe way. Ordered Into Court. T 'l'llu hle, (ul,., I),C. 4. W rits of h hae..a, cnrpl. have be.n imsurd by Jody. Law from the col'ty co'1r, ordering tIhl ,,h rill to bliing Secretary 1';r'pctter :nwl I, (thper uniol men now ill the coulllt, aniilrI at i o o'clock Satulrday mnrrhinl.. If rite writ is liot granald after the ha.ritide Satintk y, it is pro ;able ;,iplicalion for l1the rvltase of the m1nt will be irt sentI to Jed.ti " Stevcnu" of the Sv, nth judicial dillriot 'oulr t. WHERE IS THE EW? Submarine Boat Moccasin Found Without Living Soul Aboard Her. BY Agoti'A'IAE D PR'I.SH. Cape Henry, Va., D)cc. 4. The sull mairine boat Moccasin, ashore near ('ur retuck life saving station, was hoarled by life savers today. The boat was found tight anil apparently in good coidition with no one otn board. The tug Pcoria, with the other sulhlmarine boat, piassed in at to a. m., presumably for Annapolis. The whereabouts of the crew is not known. Has Adder in Tow. Washington, D)ec. 4.--In a dispatch to the navy department this morning from Admiral IHarrisngton, comeitandillg the Inavy yard at Portsmouth, Va., he reportts the ar rival of the Peoria with the Adder ini tow anltl also that the Yanuktoni had gone after the Moccasin, iin another attempt to res cue her. HANGING FIRE FOR 30 YEARS E. L. Boughton Case Against the Govern ment for Depredation. livingston, Dec. 4.-W. R. Raymond, a \Vashington attorney, is in this vicinity taking testimony in an old depredation claim against the government. It is the claim of E. L. Boughton, a ranchman living near here, for about $1o,ooo for the loss of some horses and mules which were stolen by the Cheyennes and Sioux Indians in Colorado in 1866. Mr. Boughton and two or three other witnesses live near here. The claim has been hanging fire for jo or more years. SHOOIS HER INSANE HUSBAND IN A SCUFFLE Then Wife Coolly Tu' = Escaped Lunatic OvF to the IPolice. . I)es l .lonn,. htw.1. hit ...1. - " In at tempt to ar.i r r A5, Irt 11%i tilhtl, i, hn c.'5r p' l fI'(( 11 :n1 i *.i aill ahlllln rl' Piiiit\. NtI . ttl.s Ix htg tnbrll t ,ntly .hott and probl, t'v ilnltly wounfiled him \ftl r fth ' , nhllll l i h l l .11 n o111.11 I 11 pnlwr1 t,111.111" :ill hIad tau mI, Itnovel. 1 toa a , ho l ,'. Ile ,fermi nil no '.' s.t11 \11s. !\hbI n(I hll, "wind I was crn, wl'lh'l ti, . ht 't hint. FIND DYNAMITE IN OUANTITIES IN CHICAGO I hlih gn, lee, .P . It l tnt ilt ill Ill' tBANKERtii her I nS a S Iby IDEI lhief t1 I'lihce .Schnettlel hIi l,'ni in the I lltitrt by flit ib . iitI 're $ itin.tllitin ~t :i i ar ti . hl ( i I1i as itiins are .hid tl Ithe r rexplo it a i t Ial iw u Ito f it I ei It trfu in nl.e l'd .tillh lit c r b.un hbnll t.. rilptural in ftil t ' anpII Itlc ", l ht . i ll l; ita Iti life. BANKER IS A SUICIDE GLORGE WOOD OF COLFTAX HOOTS HIMSELF-DOMESTIC DIFFI CULTIES THE CAUSE. I ONE VERNIE LAKIN ll10' Ab,%I-,f'I ( ls J ll U I14 1 PH IN i)o So MSirt , . t I .S Ier t... D .org. Wood, lhrofgllh lhr l, ,l Ilat an e.arly hoar Sail dic t i.til t lly. W td. t iho waI s a Ii rector o, f thI iiil other I ,mall lwai hIlanki , will worth over a qIlirttl of a millionl dol la tre lland his ac'li' unti are . tl . it It straight. cI-hmieatii troble is suppoIed its have nallll d tlhe suicid e, l II was nsidriId a r year ago Itll I nurse, who alttlenel it former wife dh ring her last illness. HE TOOK A SHOT AT ONE VERNIE LAKIN So Short Is to Serve Thirty Days in Jail For It. \.lilAc1 It. i lit IN1 1 Pt II l ' tif s tN. Virpp in a n i t , i ct . P I. S' I . w, bh ; ,lh t ,r d e r . w a. b r i , l h t I loa il I l 1 ,111 y r . Itcrday :tit rloon apAkd looidt ill Ithe ciiutty 1t s, y,r t ti e nit rrl t r y t. i stays for takingli tso utit at Ve.ihtie ,aki o. Ilh was ; 4c.1,16011 hlo J. h tice of the thil triial that Sha iw ls inty h rave to ie, r I hllr la I..e w iw tlll list ',lrlwhc l - has ervl't ld it ailtlp ars . Ithow iti r otltly. IIh r o l-hee leI a of horss 't t, I.akin, p.hi.t , i , a cheek ,pl n a V irginia ifily bat k for ther n. :iii g ,ttinh, a bill of sale. W hen L.akin pre a I ntiedl ther chivck at tile bak use iwa tl l Ir'. ;haw iid rie. have an acolt tlh re.. I.fkin h nte~ld itl, Shaw and the reti, of lht bill of stale. A fight re .fleld astd ,ihaw dhr.w his weapo: and th'u.d at I.akin, bit luckily dirt not hit him. 'Iit , olllty alttoln y is investigating lilth' al,' anid way proct-i'd further against .Short. WESTERN HARDWARE COM PANY'S ASSIGNMENT Si l . IM , I I11 . 'II , /N I ti'it M II :"IAIN, .. I h .nu .. ( 1 r r y . 'J h _on ce r n , l ia b i li1 NEZ PERCE AGENT IS SAID TO BE CRUEL Indians Forward Petition to Have E. T. McArthur Removed. IuY AShO rA'I11) i, i'SS. Spokane, IDec. 4.--A petition signed by 16o of the Nez. Perce Indians has been forwarded to the secretary of the interior asking for the removal of F. T. McArthur, superintendent of the Nez Perce reserva tion Indian schools and ex-oflicio agent. McArthur is charged with cruelly treat ing his charges, and reflections are cast upon his management of the funds of the reservation. Copies of tile petition have also been sent to Senators Hecyburn and Dubols, CHICAGO LAWYER DIES OF WOUNDS INFLICTED Chicago, Dec. 4.--James A. Fullcn weider, the lawyer wlho was shot last night by one of two men who attempted to rob him, died last night. W F, WORD ON BLANKET VEIN Like Other Expert Wit-, ncesses tie Thinks It Has Moved Much. IT GOES DOWNWAROD I Ikinze Vein Said to Be Cut Oil by Vein No. I1 Con lenipt Case. \\illi t ' ". ,\\, d wa. tivi'ig '%xp rt tt'q,. Itui nn t . h. I 111 ih ,, to't n t ca,' , ll i . tllg'l IIw h. I ,P tI lulu:' 1' " y .e tstI m lln.l tll y , I \1t \\ .11 I ,1i, 1' Mrrb'1 1.11st " II 1h ' pit ,I'1111;1 11.t I,.t . Ihtl .J .11, I I,. 1, 1 IlU t I I.i , ", hthtI h1.1 11 ;' " \ions.3.' s e.. Iie 'Itl. 'lll"i. ' ii itt y. l.Iis ity ie sli. . ti fand f I, Int hlh .d hl 1.1. I. , 1 th, ill.awings 4-t 4-1, i. h in .v/ lhnc' bIly 1t p tlllltil cllI p I pi t I t s how that Ih lc 14111h1%1'. %%ito I lirco 1vel y '.11n evenated Ihr11i lit hI'yi.' I I)i'lo ri nfyt ' cul vi l lie te v 11, Ilntlh t'lt' I. 7 .tii tl I,, which iare l ' pI n y 11 i i,'. the it.tltiin & \1iil l tltnal ,, li 111.a y). It Hlas WMoved. Mr. \W ,,rd, t Ib , Is'e rin to Ihil ,Ir,,winu l xlhu, l ,.in 11 t hw 11 t11e lll, , nd,,v o rt.l i1 1.1h w fh' t T h l ,aalh'i 4 "Ibl;nkt wl a"il* i wI I ' 11 1 11, l l s1 t h I' .1 ' t o 1 I t h.l ",1tln l h 1o f Ilh plinl at 1.ihiih it . w t, h o th+l hy tile dhnlr fIt 1h,' comlt. It .was thle 4,,tnte1tih4tn of \fr. Word, wIAl.ill %' w h,( a , I. Un I r t,1 11 y Il' b ily t h tIll y im atilll 1l ' .i l 1 p Ih' ,Ix I I.x i lliprl i Itu ir t ,e 1hn A o', h ,n11 |, lpally, 111.h 1 tllt- Vvill lIH rd l l Ilt ' Montat I the I't . ,hasing ,fimtpan11y in the- I'vnylvan ia ,a~4a4 4oe4 d.o\wnard Will in No. I.i 'ii t cowmlpl, i tIh l llts ll all y conr ntlioll 'I h I v in , in I l lb ' d ,, " 7 a n d Io , w , l t ,hiew n ill liht 1,mi,hl 1 of h ' ille io Ii' In .t Illy p ap; ullll' ;IIa iti ct fI rmll lll n tl "hlatnlkt vin," but di ,tit 't from inch other. Not Part of It. The' theory advanced by the experts for IhI ' Ih,,ton & Molntalnn that the Joh)nntown Discovery vrin is cut off by vein No. t o, t4.4l14 to pr-vr halnt the three veins in con tr-av'lry arc not part of vin given tlIhe M a, 1a1nut1 () r, I'tr'chasinllg rom p ny by Illh It is th ,'is ,c, ,nt rtiotn that there ,mi ld h ,, no tresp~l, , aus that thi ' veinsh are th1+4 pl4,lrty of tile, deleh d;ullt co pany. WM. SPRINGER DEAD PROMINENT DEMOCRATIC LEADER IN THE HOUSES OF 44TH TO 531) CONGRESS. II. i ij II iAt i , .ss, \W a% Ihlit l li, I). C., Iele..1. 4' I'r le IliIr.(senative William Springer of Ili. tOis, lia democra.llt tic leader ticonspicOitit.s ilI tlit lrcle of trpres.l tatives during thls Forty fourtlh ;1u1l Fifty third contgricssvs ill cl,,live, Situ cri, cluhairmani of the waysu tilll m : s cI: oln ui itte fi, the house, udieal at hits ll sidhet ice in this city, 6.i years old. His dheath wa lute to pneuontia, con tracted in t I cit Ig I i h ksgiving day. l ii s wife au lls iut. i haplaiii R. W. Springer. lnicited Stalte, ;rcly, whoi has been bta. tioehd at l,.s Washinitonl , were at the hedsidel duringt the distinguished patient's dying hoiurs. Mr. Springer halcs bent a resident of this city during the ipast few years follow. ing his retircic;ct frcom cotlgress and fol. lowed the practive of law lbegu at Spring. field, III., I.efor his cIo,.gressional career. lie his represlented mtany of the Indian 'cl:tis clfte the interior department and before the fedral aind local courts here. MEDALS FOR RESEARCH INTO INDIAN TERRITORY Prof. Starr Will Reward Those Who Utn earth Historic Lore. iBY ASiii f :AT i t'tuil8t. Chicago, lD'. 4.- Prof. Frederick Starr of the University of Chicagoi has had a silver medal struck off which he offers to acly person in the lUnited States who each year most distinguishes hitmself in research work amoncccg Anmerican Indians. The medal is to libe iled "The Corn IPlantter," in honor of lChief Corn, Planter, ai great Indian chief, head of the Long house, the great counicil of the Five Nations. Professor Starr is having six of the mnedals made, which he will present ,to the six most prominent wo kers in lndhI rcsearth at the precucctl timne. Hereafter\ the medal will he acwa'rded annually. CHINESE UPRISING IS SAID TO BE IMMINENT BY ASSOCIATilI) PRES'S. L.ondon, Dec. 4.-A dispatch from St. Petersburg says a report is current in Port Arthur, originating in Chinese quar ters, of an anti-Christian uprising in the Iprovince of Szechuan. M'CARTHY TO SING SING New York Labor Leader Gets a Year for Extortion. nY ASSOCIATI.D PRFsaS, New York, Dec. 4.--Timothy McCarthy, the walking delegate of the Housesmiths & flridgemen's union, who was convicted of extortion, was today sentenced to serve one year in the prison on Blackwell' islands