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THE BUTTE INTER MOUNTAIN VOL XXIII. No. 123. BUTTE, MONTANA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1903. PRICE FIVE'CENTS WARM BATTLE OVER THAT BILL House Committee of the Whole on Disqualifi cation of Judges. PROBABLY TO-PASS Change of Venue Bill Will Be Taken Up By the House Today. SPCtIAL TO THlE INTER MOUNTAIN. Helena, Dec. S.-After a prolonged ses sion in committte of the whole, which lasted far beyond the noon hour, the house set its stamp of approval on the Duggan disqualification of judges bill. It is proba ble that late this afternoon the bill will be engrossed and finally passed. This will send it to the senate for action there on Monday. The bill, as approved by the committee of the whole house, contained but one amendment, that agreed on by the repub lican caucus and offered by Everett, limit ing the number of judges who may be dis qualified to five. MacGinniss made a bit ter fight against the measure, but was turned down at every stage. The Self change-of-venue bill will be considered in committee of the whole house this afternoon and doubtless re ported favorably. The house did not ad journ for -lunch until nearly a o'clock and then the adjournment was to 3:30 p. m. Battle in the House. SPECIAL TO TILE INTER MOUNTAIN. Helena, Dec. 5.-The first business in the house today was the introduction of a bill by Self, appropriating $2,4oo to pay the salary of the clerk of state superin tendent of public instruction for two years. It was referred to the committee on education. Shannon then introduced his bill to pro vide for the operation of mining properties when closed by injunction. When the clerk had finished reading the bill Speaker White said he was compelled to rule the bill out of order, as it was not within the limits of the call for the extra session on the subjects mentioned by the governor in his message. Shannon ap pealed from the decision of the chair. \Vithout debate the appeal was sustained on a rising vote by 39 to 1o. Committee of the Whole. The house went into committee of the whole, Swindlehurst in the chair. House hill, No. 3, relating to disqualification of judges, was taken up first. Everett pro posed an amendment which provided that "no more than five judges can be dis qualified for bias or prejudice" at the in stance of either side. The bill provided that "no more than two judges from dis tricts other titan in which the action or proceeding was conmmnenced can be dis qualified for bias or prejudice" at the in stance of either side. MacGinniss proposed an amendment to the amentdment which differed from the Everett proposition by limiting to two the number of judges to be disqualified, which would have the effect of still making one judge in Silver Bow county eligible. Mac Ginniss was armed with a lot of documents and proceeded to talk on his amendment. He said the present statutes of Montana provided an adequate remedy. Speaking of the number of judges permitted to be disqualified he asserted that in the county to which this legislation was directed more particularly aflidavits could be procured for a small sumt which would impugn the honesty of the highest court in the state. The MacGinniss amendment was defeated. Word Opposed. Word of Lewis and Clarke opposed the Everett amendment. lie thought two judges enough to be disqualified. Duggan also thought the bill made ample provis ion for fair trials. "After a thorough fumigation of Departments z and a in Silver Bow county, things will move along all right," said he. Everett then spoke for his amendment, which he said, gave both sides to a legal fight equal rights. As the bill was re ported it was not a Fair Trial bill. It assumed that three judges were rascals to start with.' It gave one party the right to disqualify three judges to start with, and then gave that party the same rights as the other party outside the district where the action was begun. His amend ment proposed to give each side five chal lenges of judges, regardless of what dis tricts the judges might be in, Duggan withdrew his objection to the Everett amendment and it was adopted. MacGinniss then proposed another amendment providing for counter affida vits and the taking of testimony in dis qualification proceedings, also that the district judge who is disqualified shall call in another, who must respond at once. The amendment limited the number of disquali fications to five, MacGinniss was pro ceeding to discuss his amendment when Johnson interrupted with a motion that the committee arise and report progress. Though it was noon, and most of the mem hers had a right to be hungry, the motion was lost by 24 to ap and MacGinniss went on with his talk, His remarks were directed principally to the counter affidavit proposition which he thought fair. Connor thought with a highminded, hon. orable judge, the mere allegation of bias ought to cause him to refuse to try a case. With affidavits and counter affidavits he would be put in an embarrassing position. MacGinniss said it might be as well to get down to brass tracks, In the county of Silver Bow they were living close to nature and the Alphonse-Gaston act would not work very well. Conner said it would work if the judges were highminded and honorable men, Lynch of Silver Bow said the Everett amendment would fix the matter properly. The MacGinniss amendment would mean countless affidavit-making; it would mean as much litigation to secure a change of venue as there would be on actual trial. He doubted whether under such a provision it would be possible to ever get a change of venue. He believed the legislation proposed by the two bills betore the house would stop S5 per cent of the litigation in Silver Bow county. Lynch said he was not speaking for either side to the controversy in Silver Bow county, but the conditions which pre vailed there recently when the mines were closed were not good for the community. After MsacGinniss had spoken again, his amendment was voted down without divi sion. Wood, of Lewis and Clarke, offered an amendment providing that, it shall be the duty of the judge of the district in which the action is pending to forthwith secure the services of some other district to act in the case. What Stapleton Said. Stapleton said this amendment had been threshed out in the judiciary committee. Some thought that it would have the effect of voiding the whole measure. While he would not say the amendment was uncon stitutional yet there were grave doubts on that point, and he did not want to inject anything into the bill that would cause any doubts as to the validity of the law. 1MacGinniss favored the Word amend ment and took advantage of the occasion to make another extended talk. The Word amendment wast lost and the bill recommended for passage with the Everett amendment, which limits disquali fications to five judges and which is as the republicans in caucus decided to have it. The committee then arose and reported to the house. Conner moved to adopt the report. MacGinniss moved as an amend ment to indefinitely postpone the bill. lie gave a lot of reasons for his motion, among them being these: That it was a reflection on the judiciary, expensive to litigants, against speedy trials, gives dis. appointed litigants the chance to defame judges without the judges being allowed to reply, makes it impussible to get self-re specting lawyers to hold judicial offices, takes from the people the right to choose their own judges, and a number of other reasons meant as all arglnment on the tmo tion to postpone indefinitely. The motion to postpone indefinitely was lost by a viva voce vote and the report adopted the same way. MacGinniss wanted the journal cor rected to show that rule o,. relating to. the order of business was suspended on the first day of the session without one day's notice, as required in the rule re garding changing or rescinding a stand ing rule. The speaker said it was not a change in a rule nor was the rule re scinded. It was suspended by a two thirds vote of the house at the sugges tion of the committee on rules. He ruled that the house was working 'properly un der the rules. The house then took a-recess until 3:30 this afternoon. In the Senate. SPECIAL TO TO T INTER MOINTAIN. Helena, Dece. 5.-The only husiness in the senate was the report of the judiciary committee on Senate Bills s. - and 3. The first is the HofTman bill providing for the review of facts on appeal in civil ca..s, the others are the 'Maddox Fair Trial bill, one of these bills and relative to the change of venue is the same as that now before the house. The other. relating to the' disqualitication of judges differs in the fourth paragraph, which is as follows: "4\-When either party makes and files an affidavit, as hereinafter provided, that he has reason to believe, and does believe, he cannot have a fair and impartial hear ing or trial before a district judge by rea son of the bias and prejudice of such judge, such alfidavit may he mtade by any party to an action, or special proceeding, personally or by his attorney or agent, and shall be filed with the clerk of the district court in which the samne may be pending, at ally time before the day appointed or fixed for the hearing or trial of any such action or proceeding. Upon the filing of the affidavit, the judge, as to whom such disqualification is averred, shall be with out authority 'to act in the action or pro ceeding, except as to the arrangement of the calendar atndl regulating the order of business, but it shall be the duty of such district judge, within five days after the filing of such afitlavit, to designate an other dlitrilt judge to appear and assnmce jurisdiction of said action or proeceding. The name of the judge so designated shall be forthwith entered in the minutes of the court. If within ten days thereafter the judge so designated does not appear or notify the clerk of his intention to pre side in such cause, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court wherein such cause is pending to forthwith certify to the gov ernor the fact of the designation or ap pointment of such judge and of his failure to appear, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the governor to request such dis trict judge to appear and assunme jurisdic tion of such action or proceeding. Such judge, whether appearing upon the request of the district judge or the governor, shall be vested with and shall exercise in said cause, all the authority of the judge of the district in which such action or proceed ing may be pending. In case the parties shall agree in writing upon another district judge, or upon a member of the bar as judge pro tempore, as provided for by the constitution, the judge of the district court before whom such action or proceeding is pending shall request the attendance of the judge or member of the liar agreed upon. Not more than two district judges outside of the district in which the action or pro ceeding is pending can he disqualified for bias or prejudice in said action or pro ceeding at the instance of either the plaint. iff or defendant, and this limitation shall apply, however, many parties or persons in interest may be plaintilTs or defendants in such action or proceeding. Where an affi davit is filed disqualifying the judge, as hereinbefore provided, after the action is set for trial or hearing, the party filing the same shall pay to the opposite party all costs necessarily incurred in securing the attendance of witnesses between the date the order was made fixing the day of hear ing or trial and the time the affidavit was filed, and such costs so paid shall not be recoverable in the action or proceeding." Dr. Cahoon Is Better. Dr, Grace Wilson Cahoon is so much improved that the physicians think it will be unnecessary to perform an operation for appendicitis. She is resting easy at this time, Congressman Burke Dead. BY AS.OCIATaD IRES, PJliladelplhia, Pa., Dec. g,--Congreuaman Burke died today at his honme in this chty. C W. C000ALE OH VEINS ON CLAIMS BOSTON & MONTANA OFFICIAL SAYS HE WENT OVER THE GROUND IN QUESTION BEFORE NOT PART OF JOHNSTOWN Mr. Goodale Is Certain That Veins 3 and 7 Are Not in That Mine, But in the Pennsylvania Claim. General Manager C'harles W. Goodatp of the Boston & Montana company .as the last witness called by the defense in the contempt cases being heard before Judge Clancy. Following the taking of Mr. G;oodale'e testimony, Mr. Foebis, counsel for the defense, introduced con siderable record testimony. The defense then closed its case. The models, which have been used in illustrat lng the points made by the defendant's witnesses were offered in evidence and marked. The court then took a shiort recess. During the recess Attorney J. H1. Denny, for the plaintiff, asked to have some poinit about the wooden model explained. He asked what a raise between vein No. to and 7 indicated. lie was told that the ground at this point had been exploited to show that there was absolutely lno con nection between the southerly vein which is numbered to and the others. Easy. "Oh well, we can start another suit to include that," returned Mr. Drenny. "We would naturally expect that," said C. W. Goodale. "During the past three years your hanging wall has been raised *3oo feet. If you keep on it will not be long before it is up in the air a good ways." Mr. Goodale stated on direct examli nation that when he took tile man agement of the Bloston & Montana mines, lie looked up evidence in the case, in which the lhalbming wall of the Montana Ore Purchasing company's ground was de filled. Examined the Ground. Mr. Goodale, in company with George Moul.throp, had gone into the Rarts 7oo foot level and had noted where the walls of the Johnstown l:scovery vein had been fixed by the Montana ()re Purchasing company's witnesses in the P'elnylvania case. lie examlined tile ground carefully and came to the colnclta,ilmIn oat veins num bered 3 and 7 were no part of the Johns. townl vein. tie considered' the veins 3 and 7 part of the property ow..ed by the Iostosn & Montana co:¶panty. He stated that he had mined onily within the lit1es established in court and that there had been no trer'arss. Attorney Forbis asked Mr. Goodale to state gellerally the geology of the groundl at the 7o0 level of the Itrus. Mr. I)nnyi, counlsel for the plaintili', cIct'ed to the in= troductiotn of anly tostitlmoty concernlilng the geology of the ground. His ground for the objcction was thalt six witllnosses had already test tied concerning the nature of the grounld an that the title of the coulrt limitid t1 nu mi becr of aitltemses to six. Cannot Limlt Witnesses. Mr. Forls cotended that as the case was a criminal one, tih: numnlber of wit nc-ses of whatsoever ctaract *r could not he limited. Judge Ctancy sustautod the uojtctiont of the I laintitl's" altt rn ,y. M1r. Ga;, in co.untinting his testi mtny, stated tihat tthe No. .:4 raise vein, h Iich is alleged to have its aex iu the Johslluowun is not a c" ontintuits veitn which could be traced into the I 'entusylvnuttit groutnd ownell by the lilton & Montana comnpatty. Joim C. Adams was valled this morning to testify conternin a'l conrsatlion which he had with teorgc l(k,inson,, May b, of this year. Thie convetsation referred to was in effect that Mr. Robinson was sono to leave for Salt L.;,k and that he had said: "Go in there and take the ore, it belontgs to you." A. F. Carson, clerk at the Iutte hotel, was called and the register was exhibited to show that Mr. kr, Lin on was in town that day. BAD FIRE AT A WAKE TWO SUFFOCATED TO DEATH AND A NUMBER OF OTHERS SERI OUSLY INJURED. BY Assol(IAT.D PRESt;S, New York, Dec. 5.-Two lives were lost and a number of persons badly burned today in a fire in First street, Brooklyn, where a wake wake was being held over the bodies of Mary Gilligan and Arthur Dougherty, a boy who died of hydrophobia a few days ago. An overturned lamp is said to have ig. nited the window curtains, In an instant the draperies were in flames and the mourning relatives and friends were in i panic. Michael Stafford, a8 years old, ands Charles hurley, were suffocated, John Gilligan, a son of the woman, was badly burned while assisting at the resdeu of his mother's body, and Dominiek Dougherty, father of the dead boy, was severely burned while trying to save two children. Several others were seriously injured. TO CELEBRATE FOUNDING OF THE SECRET ORDFR The asst anniversary of the founding of the Modern Woodmen of America will be held tonight at Pythian castle under the auspices of Silver Bow lodge. Edwin M. Lamb has accepted an invitation to dsl. liver the speech of the evening and there will be responses from other members of the lodge. A program including many entertaining features has been arranged and a Joly good tiehne will be enjoyed by the li*e membership of the lodges in this Durinlg the year Just passed there ha. n a strong increase in menmbership In to Modern Woodmen and this has eneourasd6 the local lodges to make extra efforts to entertain those who have ome into their rank.. HEAVY TREAD OF IHE ARMED GUARD ON CITY STREETS Cripple Creek Paralyzed in Business Way--Press Censorship Is On. IY A OIAIAEID P'l uS. Cripple Creek, Colo., I)ec. 5.-- The dec laration of martial law has paral)ryed all imsinesas in this city. Heavily armed pickets of the National guard are statioiled on. all street corners anld many reasidncts of the city do not venture uponll t streets. Provost Marshral "Thomas l. McClelland is occupying the mayor's office. lie has caused the arrest of several Iersons, but no important arrests have yet bIen tiade. The Western Federation of Miners is lrrtparing, through its attorneys today, to make a vigorous fight against Imartial law and in favor of their menierars itho are low coninled inl the ditferent jails and bull pens. Following the suppression of the edi torials of the Victor Record Provost Mar ihal McClelland threatened to cut off Cripple Creek from the outside world by locking up the correspondents of the Denver papers and to censor all matter to Iw sent to the Dl)ever newspapers. Major Naylor, cotnunaiding officer in the absence of Colonel Verdeckberg, stated that a nIews censor froml the city of I)enver would arrive in the dis trict and Ie in charge of all news to be publlished in tile future. The name of the censor has not lbeen divulged. WEE BABE A YICTIM OF UNKNOWN STRANGLERS A cans of infanticide, the murder of a tlaby that had been ill the world less thant an hour, was discovered inl the city this nmrrning. l...s body of the little one was fmltnd at the bottom of an abatldoned shaft of the Travonia mline at the corner of Aluminum and Alabanma streets by two spiners, .;. Larlin and a tmatn uamed Crad dock, as they went down into tlht shaft to do some s;lnessment work on the ilillne. The babe was dead when found, having been strangled by a piece of cloth front a womasn's calico waist. blow long the lttle one bad lain in the bottom of the .haft is not known, but it is believed not to have been more than a day or two. Who is the author of the infanticide is a miatter of mystery, bult it is believed to htave been the work of a midwife. Coroner Egan was notiflied of the fitnd ih i of the dlead baby and the body was sat.l to the Richards undertalking rooms. The inlquest was hchl lit the undertaking roills at , o'clock this afterllooll. Irs. Sullivan and Mc('arthy had previously ut:,l, an ex;nmitnltion of hle body and de lred tha that the infalIt had lbcen stranlgled. n thei t teiri timony the coroiner's jiry re trut.Id a verdict of death by strangula tiou at the havds of unknown persons. REPORTER BUTTED IN ATTENDED REPUBLICAN CAUCUS, BUT DID NOT STAY THERE DURING CONFERENCE. '1. IAL 'tO TIllE IN'II.R MOUNTAIN. Illena, )ec. 5.--While the republican crlacuts was int session one of the newspa p r men det iled to look after the doings of the legislature climbed the stairs of the IUnit-ed Slates court iuiliing. IHe had been told to look after the caucus. lie was not from M issouiri, or he might have asked to be shown. lie was from lowa, and he thought lit would lilnd out. The door wasn't locked. lie walked in. Somebody was speaking. The speaking stopped. Aaron Connor, who was presid ing, looked inquisitive. Everybody else looked inquisitive. In fact the quiet which slrung up suddenly was as dense as a cave. "I don't recognize the gentleman who has just come in as a member of the leg islature," said the chairman, with the ac cent on the second syllable, "Mr. Chairman," said the gentleman re ferred to, "you'll have to excuse me, hprt I really thought this was a public meeting. While I have been voting the republican ticket since I was 18 years old I have no desire to butt in. I sse you do not want tme, and that my presence here is emrbar rassing to the assemblage. So I will retire in good order, if you will permit me, rather than to be fired i) the most igno msinious fashion. I trust this interruption has not interfered with public business. Slong." With t11t he retired, wearing the sanme overcoat and pleasant smile he brought with him from Iowa. IT WILL BE STILL WARMER As the weather bureau had predicted, the day opened somewhat warmer than Friday, the minimum temperature being ta. At noon the thermometer registered aa. A haze enveloped the city during the morning hours, but this was dissipated as the sun reached the meridian, and the gternoon was fair. Still warmer weather is on the book for Btte and vicinity, according to the pre ditions of the weather man. The fore cast says: "Fair tonight and Sunday; warmer tonight." ;ITALIAN MINER 1S INJURED An 'Italian miner, Lazarl by name, em ployed at Holnze's smelter, met with a perlous aocident while at work early this afternoon. By a fall, his knee cap was broken and one of his arms and two ribs fractured, He was taken to St. James' bosp4tal where be was treated by Dr. Hanseon A. F. BRAY COLONEL OF STATE MILITIA ALEX WESSITSH OF BOZEMAN IS LIEUTENANT COLONEL-VOTE . HAS BEEN COUNTED. TWO MAJORS ALSO ELEC', J These Offices Fall to -M. J. h of Livingston and George W. R,- f Dillon-Bray's Career. sIltI'dc.. To rII INFIN Moll. AIN. lelhlna, I)ec. 5.--A. I. lBray of Ilillte will he colonel of tihe Montl: a regiment of COL A. F. BRAY Of Butte, commanding Montana Regiment, National (;uard. national guard. lie was chosen by s3 votes to six received by James ''. Stanford of Great Falls. Captain Alex Wessilsh of LIBUT.-COL, 'ALEX. WLVSSITSJI Of ioceman, second inl commanlld o/ IIIe National Guard. Company A of Blozeman, was chosen lien tenlant colonel, gctting 12 votes to seven cast for Byrmnl 1. Cook of Ilhlte. Two mIajrs were electedl, M. J. Walsh MAJOR MICIiAEL 1. WALSH Of Livingston, who will command the Eastern Montana battalion in the regiment of Livingston and George W. Reif of Dillon, The former got 17 votes and the latter 13. -Four complimentary votes were cast on MAJOR GEORGB W. REIF, Of Virginia City, who will command a battalion in the reginment majors, Captain A. W. Swaney of Kalis. pell and Captain S. G. Jeans of Butte, each getting one, and Captain A. W. Moore of the Helena battery of artillery, two, The vote on the colonel of the regiment (Continued on Page Four,) BOYS'OURREL ENDED BY A MURDER Antone Contario Shoots and Kills Godfrey McNeil,a Chum. MURDERER ESCAPES Lads Were Camping in a Cabin in Meaderville -Quarrel Arose. Antione (olltarifi, aged 18, in a iabin at the foot of Noble htreet inll Meallrvillr, a.dua t 8:.tu liit Ils rin g .hot alndl killed Godfrey Mh'Neil, agled I., a friendl of his with whom he hald ben oct'up'llpyiltg the rahin. J1NetII di1d hout lan hiour offter the shooting, Ihr lop part ,f hiss h.,id hav illng Iritll blown ;9awa;y b Illh fljc3 e ofti thrtra balls tron a I.4 ,tlc libre ritle, whlhich was the wel Iapon a uld Ii)' (3l ulntarinil. Ilth the boyI s were rniliaways 3 otns3 homne, it is said. They had been occupyingi lite rioom in the cahbn whetIt the' .lhuoling occurredl for a day oir 9twl, and silne they ellt, t (l d i ll Ii 'ce 1 , says Micllael 3;ill, tho) ccupies tille end' of the hilnhhlll , Ihey hadl been constantllil ly qlluarrelilng,. Mr, ,.ill saiys that the uproal r I3 the 91 I.i ' iid ol tilhe cabinL last night wias . a, to lkte it iilimlM i.hrl' to slelep. I1 r3equ1tlll ed lhmc3l to keep qulit several timesll, ItI3 tlhey paid iU atttllion to hih. Finds Boy Dying. lThi mi lor3lning th19e ilualrrel wals tol'wel, and ablout :.33 9lhreer distiinct shots were learid. (:Gollini Was srtin ..3n to93 leave the buihling, and Mr. 9 ill, .iwho was not in tl.he iihtiliig ait the ti3me, but had har1d that a lshootinllg had uclcllrre-d Itherll, telledt to the plaet. il founid yolu3 i.l Mc Neil on title it the lilbeds in the ,in, p pareniitly tliadl in with the Ibd rlotlhling coveredl willI blodl. IMeanwhile (9 Otario is said l tl have bleen seen hurIrying oat of town1 on It white or gray h3or3se, and it is believed that 1he wals ,ion his3 way tn a ranllh 'some miles out frmn thle city, wher lie hae s slpent slll3e tim33e for th.e putl few years. The coroner anild the comllnty authorities were noltilied of the shooutinllg. I)r. Ina tius I)oinclly, tile coulnty phy3slcianl, was summonelll d, but artived snhortly after young McNeil lihad lrealihed hlis la;st. The coro ner, ollffer vie wingll the, ordleried the b3 13y ,isent to dle Rl ichard ,s iilun rltak ing rt iins i r ll Illl streCt. "TheI ilNq3 est will li'probably be li b 1 3d 3i3 .ll ilday. 13othl Lived in Meaderville. It;tach of 1 tihe b y' had a 3l, ulne inll 'Mlhl3der vill, butii it li alppears I ha31 ve preflrredl' a rathller free iiand h it lres nsi bkilr life. Y mllig McNeil'. failier, Ila3n %cNe'il, is a nminer andli was at3 work when the sho'tiing oc curred. Ills l3olther dli.edl in 3Hi8o . i ot1r3io's motheir and two little br13 th era are liviing in a small hluna at1 t9he rear of the M.ethdist Episcopa1 l rh3ircth in Menad..rville. The father died several II is be'liv'd Vby somei that ('o3 lfa in3 hI1s genel Is, the rllll nch t olf towIIn wherea' lh had beetl employed, while others are 3of Ih3, opinion 9 Iha3 t hie is ilmaking every effort to get i f) pallls whir'', he is 333 known. lie left town on ia Ilor1se which is sulp posed to belong tIo hinll . 'l'he city and count3 y of'i'3ers' 'havIa'e bee1 n , 3 ilild a333l1 are ioil tlhe I13k3ul for t39 yon3ne3 miurderer. DIES AS HE SLEEPS RI'trIAI. TO THIE tf rsl| ran,0 .IAIN. lelehta, l)ie. 5. S uera l iii a hair in the Colortdo saloon on t 'ppr Main street, apparenuly aslcup, IFr:nk ( Costello diued sue time during the night or early mouting. 'Ihis morning the porter itn cleaning up the place sontght to arouse, him, lie shook the man several times and told 'him to get up. Receiving no an swer or other indication of intelligence he called the proprietor. The latter tried in vain to arouse the mian and sent for a doctor. The man of medicine pronounced him dead. Coroner Yager has been notified, but may not hold an inquest. Costello was about 35. little ic known of him here other than that he is a laborer and is sulppos.l to have rela tives in or near Great Falls. WARNOCK IS WANTED Helena, Dec. ..--An information has been filed inl the district court of this county clharg. ing Ilarry V. Warnock, manatger of the West. ern Stock & Grain Exclhange with felony. \ bench warrant was issued for his arrest and Sheriff O'Connell has gonle to Fargo, N. 1)., where Warnock has been taken into curilody. lie will be brought hack to lHelena. The information, in two counts, charges Warnock with stealing $.us, the property of William J. Gerraughty of East elena. 'Theo second count charges larceny as bhaile of the same amount, A personal message to a friend of Warnock's front Fargo, says: "I will continue my trip to St. Paul tomo., row (:aturday) or Sunday to finish up the business on which I started, after which I will return to Ielena. There is absolutely no grounds for any criminal charge against me." P. D. QUINN IS INJURED Pat D, Quinn, who Is employed at the Anaconda mine, met with an accident about to o'clock this morning while at work Ik the m|oe which resulted in the fracture of his left leg. He was placing tlmbers in a section of the mine when lie was struck by a car and thrown against one of the walls of the tunnel. He was taken for treatment to the St. Jantmes hospl taL