Newspaper Page Text
THE BUTTE IN TER MOUNTAIN VOL. XXIII. NO. 143. BUTTE, MONTANA, TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 29, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ITKE FORTUNE OUT OF THE DEVITT Looting Is Worth $52,500 a Week to Violators of the Injunction. HEINlE SEHDS REPLY Tells Butte & Boston He Is Not Afraid of Any Court Contempt. Further inspections and surveys of the looting of the Michael l)evitt claim by the employes of F. A. llcinze show that the work is now going on with all speed. Com plete data concerning the trespass has hanot yet been compiled, but the inspectors esti mate, roughly, that about 15o tons of ore a day are being taken by the Heinze people out of the Michael lDevitt and hoisted through the Rarus shaft. Some of this is known to be 40 per cent ore. Estimating that it averages only 20 per cent, however, which gives it a value of about $5o a ton, the lootintg operations are producing daily ore worth $7,500. The trespass, therefore, gives the tres passers an income of $Sa,5ro a week. Worth a Fortune. With 31 days in Decembler and the men working every day, according to custom, the value of ore taken out this month will be $2S3a.oo. The value to the tres passers of delay in the findings can he seen at a glance. Mr. Heinze now declares that he is not responsible for the looting of the ore. On December 24 the Butte & Boston company forwarded notice to Mr. Heinze that min ing was going on in the Michael Devitt in violation of the injunction issued by Judge Knowles, and requesting him to see that these operations cease. Mr. Ileinze's reply was received yester nlay. In it lie denied all responsibility for the work being done, either personally or by the Montana Ore Purchasing company. In the letter he expresses a desire not to be involved in the matter, but says he is not afraid of contempt proceedings, for he would "surely be acquitted." Court Could Not See It. It will be remembered that recently at lcelena, before Judge Beatty, lleinze mnale soime similar disclaimer of responsibility. At that time the court apparently did not accept his view of the responsibility, but ordered him peremptorily to do the things conlnianded inl the order thell n ade. AMERICAN IS UNDER ARREST Charged With Forging a Letter of Credit in Vienna. Berlin, Dec. 29.-Mark Palsrr. an American, has heen arre-tcd at Vienna., accused of forging a letter of credit for $ an the l)ar,:ustadt Bank of Coin merce and Industry, which he cached in Paris. HIS CRIES FOR AID LOST IN NOISE OF THE DELUGE Unknown Boatman Goes Over the Horseshoe Falls at Niagara. RY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Dec. 29.-A boat containing a man has been seen passing down the river and over the Horseshoe falls. The identity of the ill-fated boat man is not known. MISSOULA SWITCHMAN HURT Missoula, Dec. a9.-John S. Hussy, a night switchman, in attempting to step on the footboard of the switch engine in the Northern Pacific yards last night, slipped and was hurled to the ground. He fell with such force that he sustained a deep cut over one of his eyes and will be laid up in the hospital for several days. TEARS AN ARM OUT MASTER MECHANIC CHARLES DOW OF HAMILTON FRIGHTFULLY INJURED BY PULLEY. Hamilton, Dec. 29.--Master Mechanic Charles Dow of the Anaconda Copper Mining company's lumber department at this place, met with a frightful accident at is o'clock this morning, which may cost him his life. While working in the electric light plant he was caught in a pulley. Before the machinery could be stopped his left arm was nearly torn off, making amputation necessary. He also suffered a broken leg and a fractured ankle, with a number of minor injuries. It is feared he cannot survive the shock. Dr. McGrath, Dr. Pratt of Corvallis, and Dr. Ilowarth of Hamilton, are now attend ing the injured man, Mr. Dow is about 5s years old and re sides here with his wife. He la immensely popular with all classes HORRIFIED AUDIENCE GASPS FOR BREATH AT EXECUTION SIX SHOCKS NEEDED TO KILL NEGRO WHO DIES IN ELECTRIC CHAIR IN NEW YORK PRISON. STRANGE GURGLING IN THROAT OF SUFFERER Said Electrocution Was Perfect at the First Shock, Although Six in All Were Given-White Executed for the Murder of a Farmer. BY AS.OtIA 'IEI PRESR. Albany N. Y., Dec, z9.---Frank White, a negro, was put to death in the electric chair at the state prison 'here today for the murder of George Clare, a farmer of Scria. by sthoting. Six contacts, each of 1.74o volts of 7', a tperts, 'ere alplle l hefoe White was ptronunced dead. After the fourth contact a strange gurgling in his throat made the Ihysicians step back and horrilied the spectators. The contact was quickly repeated, but still the stethloscope recorded cardiac ac tionl, and two llmore coltacts were givten. )During the second cotntact the head electrodes lashed brilliantly and there was an odor of burning hair. The executiotter said it was the sponge beneath the electrode. Ile adljusted it more tightly before the next shock. Among those who made a test with the stethoscope was I)r. U. I. Stein of Huf falo, and he reported that the heart had not ceased to Ieat. When he had resumedtl his seat in the front row and the fifth contact was turned on, White suddenly pitched forward and fell to the flour in a swool. State Electrician 1)avis, in charge of tlte execution, explained the gurgling in White's throat by saying that he held his breath for a moment't after the first con tact, and it was simply the air escaping fromt his lungs. lie declared tthat White was practically dead after the first con tact. White was about 25 years of age. lie Ihad worked for Clare and murdered hitm for his m:oney. IROOPS ORDERED HELD ALL READY ARTILLERY, CAVALRY AND INFAN TRY ARE TO GO TO SOUTH TO STAND OFF INVASIOIr. ORDERS HAVE BEEN ISSUED Little Doubt That the United States Is Expecting Trouble With Colombia Over Panama. Portland, Ore., Dec. 2q.-A Washington dispatch says the United States govern mlent is prepared to mlove an army to Panamta. Today the army department issued orders to the First, Fiftieth and Twenty-fourth artilleries, now stationed at the Presidio at San Francisco, to pre pare to proceed to Pana.ta. At the same time the lighth battery field artillery, now stationed at Vancouver barracks, was given similar orders. Orders were also scent to Troops A, B, C and I) of the Ninth cavalry at Monterey, Cal., and to Troops 1, K, I. and M, also of the Ninth at the Presidio. The Fif teenth infantry at Molnti.rey, the Ninc teenth infantry at Vancotiuver barracks, the Tenth infantry at the conton tment at San Francisco, the Sixteenth infantry at Fort Sterling, N. Y., and Fort McPherson, Ga., were also ordered in readiness to move on Panama. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Shaller, who is a member of the general staff of the army and an expert on fortifications, has been ordered to Panama to inspect the fortifications and to have his report in Washington before General Reyes of the Colombian army, who is now here, can re turn. These orders for preparations were issued today because the general staff has been informed that Colombia can land troops upon the isthmus nmuch more easily than was heretofore believed. General MacArthur will have charge of all movements on the Pacific coast. FLOURISH WEAPONS CONSTABLES GO TO SERVE AN AT TACHMENT AND STIR UP A RIOT. Constables Boulett and Harnan went to the Merchants' restaurant today to serve an attachment on the proprietor, George Castra. The latter rese.ted the service and grabbed a huge knife and made for Boulett. The officer ducked to his all-fours and galloped out of the place and Castra was in the act of using the knife on him when Officer Harnan drew his revolver and persuaded the irate restaura.t keeper to desist. The officer went to the county attorney's office and swore to a complaint, which was filed in Justice Colligan's court, charging Castra with assault in the third degree. MAY BE MADE A MONOPOLY Moscow, Dec. 29.-The government is considering making the sale of tea and sugar a state monopoly, as proposed by M. Witte, while finance minister. There is much opposition to the proposal on the part of the tea trade and the grocers, but the growing needs of the treasury and the ex haustion of other resources, as pointed out in M. Witte's last budget, are believed in well-informed circles to make the adop tion of the proposition probable. WILL HURRY A WARSHIP San Domingo Borders on Anarchy-Powell Asks for Protection. FIGHTING IS !ENERAL Three. Revolutions Are Raging and Jiminez Is Close to City. 11Y 4S 1ts i Alito tOS, Washington. It. l.. licee. :-. -Withl three revolutions raging on the ilanld, the forces of Jiminez wilthin four hours of San I)oninigo city. and excitcnlent prevail ing. Minister Powell thinks the situation demands thl presence of an additional warship, and in a ciblegrami diated yester day appeals to the state dlepartmenti for aid. Int anticipatiol, of the crisis which ap pelar to have arrived, tlle staltei depart nment had ailreldy Iuken sthps to seni ian othlier warshipi to 5tiSan 1)ingiii o iiut at its rcqueist Secretary Moody yteterday called Rear Athniral Ilambe.tor , .oennanilini. the S.tih Atlantic squi.troni nolliw at Trini dad, to dispatch one oif his vessels t1 Sii l)ollihngo at full speed to aisist the gun lloat Newort in protecting American and othlier interests. Await American Warship. San I)omingi,. Republic of Santo 1)o. minlgo (Saturday), Iec. -6.-.-Theli city iof Santo .lillingo is again harricaded, this lime against the forces of the new provis inial governmient founded at Anna de (Ciompostela by Iinierial I'.lleticr, which are itarting on the capital. The financial position of the Miiiale ; governitent is lad. The ollici;als hind it dilificult to obtain iatiouts for the sohlih rs. The Anmtericani tministier, Mr. Powell, who has been li ingl in the siubhuirhs, has bellen compelle.d to move the lcga lion insl.ide(' the city hiioundaries. lrtesidetn Morales returnedil lhere last night, lie found it implissihle to la mil on the northlerln part of the islandil, but lombnarded l'iuerto IPlata. The damtage done is not known. Morales is talking all possible step to dlefed Slit Ilitolingo. Manty arrests have lien made. I e sit ulntionl is complicated and serious. The giovernuttent troopis liret prtlellii to leacve here awl attack thli rebels at San Crist.lal, two hours distant froun here. Muchli exciteno"nt prevails at this phlac". The arrival of the Anmerican warshliilp toi reinforce the guntiloat Newport is aixiously desired. "GEN ERALLY FAIR TONIGHT." Such Is the Prediction of the Man Who Is Wise on the Weather. The sky was clotuded and the air nmore or less densely charged with sulphur fumes nearly all forenoon, but the stll lcame out in the afternoon andl fair weather prevailed from that time on. The day opened with a temperature that gave no cause for coin plaint--ly degrees above- anud the mercury during the forenoon rose to .6. Continued fair weather is the promise for BIutte and vicinity. The forecast given out 1by Mr. Wharton, the weather mtan, to day says: "Ge;nerally fair tonight and \Wednciesayy; warlmer tonight." IS ACCIDENTLY SHOT WHILE OUT ON A HUNT $I': VIAt TO tillE : N'IN R MOI'NTAIN. Bozeximan. Dec. ,9.-iGeorge W. lBowen, a ranchtman living on the East Flathead, about 40 miles northeast of IHozllman, acci dentally shot himself yesterday afternoon while hunting and was almost instantly killed. Coroner Trent received word today of the fatality and left soon after for the scene of the affair, intending to hold an inquest. Mr. Bowen was hunting with some friends when the accident occurred. None of the particulars will be available until the coroner returns, as the place is re mote from telegraph or telephonle comt munication. The dead man was residing on a leased ranch and had not lived in that .sectioi long. lie was about 3o years old and leaves a widow and four childrein. WOMAN MUST HANS HER ACCOMPLICE GOES TO THE PENITENTIARY FOR LIFE FOR MURDER OF HUSBAND. Bennington, Vt., Dec. o9.--Mrs. Mary A; Rogers convicted of the murder of her husband, Marcus II. Rogers, was sen tenced today to be hanged the first Friday in February, g19o. Leon Perham, the self confessed accomplice of Mrs. Rogers, was bentenced to life imprisonment, AT FLYING BIRD HEARING SPi'I'tAt. TO THE INTER AIOI'N'I'AIN. Helena, Dec. ao.--Assistant United States Attorney George II. Bailey left to dlay for Missoula where lie will represent tihe government tominorrow at the prelinmin ary hearing of Flying IBird, the youtng Flathead Indian charged with the murder of Amilo, another 'aged Indian, which will be held tomorrow before the United States commissioner. NEAR END OF TRIRL Gravelle Case Will Prob ably Go to the Jury Toilorrow. CONFUTING ACCUSED State Calls Witnesses Who Contradict Statements by Defendants. 8170140· On~ IIII 1)1(k MOUNO. i | ii r atI, cll Il| j tlr l ,III(i,~ I(ti N*Itiui IHI"'- na, t Ii ' .0, Ihe t "imselh' ' * iii) hut iii liii hil (iii J11 ti 71) ). lii ·1( tiltl prt ihtl hine hsuititiull ti thle ti y i flit - Court Refii8ed Order. illtrow i fitirlio . T 'hi i n l t tii f t hei vii illercs :l s oflrd thi,. a tternoo :ll t'e atturey titu a ti o ut-urt jitt wht oil ith Ieal anita ttiiihh *Ittiyr bhiti in stat -ati-l(y iit ll l hi.lllllh tii llit..iC I ill ,tiiii \.l' e a s |w:I(II t'll Ill b' k(; ll'l 1 ()IfI hl' I ~lfll tl l titthhi - ti(; itit tu1111 shtlti ir lii t ll thi Ih-t i ntti tt , iay ,lte - €islkicle iti s ti NI r Ihal t's ih hisilt- (. li n i I c-i :iir Juily iii ifr tIii~ )-;ir .1itII st~int-'Il livelo ther st s t ii ii 9t rin g that uty a. t I.,t' tt ix- tistut llti's nit hM akiug hotm st. InI ,'\laitlndai, ,x.a w1 it ti. HIt' 0is lteo t.,irtil to piivt, by thie , ilt,,s that ! vll it would ic A-ciny i la , nid ll inO thl llto )ll y 0 . I tht daty th¢. SIte laiimis l it, alis.l al hihid it tht hi the th ' ti t thratni ilti Iittc r s ts , t u id tr tf the i N .t-h it' IT ; ttilt irsilhtsy i ima Court Refuled Orderi .hndget Raith de' lim, I in maik t'h." ,,r,h, Iiourvt,,.r. 'lhe c util .,,Il lthatl it ,il not lhok :as rhough th. evidehtew as p:ai,;linl larly, an-at.,lial, ..itnc Moi.t..lli r te.liltimony had bro,(n givel bi} othellr wt.s.lll ''.'. fromil Alla musin~;. a111, it woubtlh din' y -a I+long trial III Ilt'ct>.. i il>.. Patici'i'l II, Ili $ica, Irlo ii di lpatclhcr for' ih h ut. ill , A iiaii'liila &, I',.wiiic raiiilm inil, wa'l. e'Il td it lite hl niH lto ofllr ti stimiliiy reai' d ve. to Itrlinlt- till lli ar tllr hralllth. Gra~ve~ll h an t'lm hai lt , w n hi. lcfi thie lplniieltliiiry iol Jily) I16 hll nuilkl'i Itwaird I'iltll as~ for as, .ltl:llit, theni rull, h Ol I1., .A . R(. I'. tllihi to A illinl.llil .,r .lily ih o1 il.thi l"ca a id s.w ,rt, I,,,i tiwly, lith're wasl nl Itrailt opeiratld on1 ihe. branclth that day) at ihe timie clainiied€ by !ith acen'tied. Tlhe. state ,also soughlt to lirove'( bl thie hime w.itnlesl Ithait it wouldd hel v'ry easyl) 7or tile defe'idaniit 1t have com ¢llt, I t hillte flip day, miaiiledi thl. hlitter.. ai clalimill I y tl..iilied theret weretlt hre,( trainill n lily way thatl .lay, niakilig ilh, tip (iboil 01hilte to Anii na'.lll inl 55 miii uitll .. John Duve Called. John Ihve. sw ho lives nsar teatc.ilc. ;as then called to Ih(' h .t:nd t, r.beltl (;ravelle's Ictimtl, ly ahllo t the letter the ailiitttd wriliig at thIe' Tlh rratiilt ranch Ocobe ( r o. (;lavlcle said he wrote a letter to a frind iritiin i (;Il .,;w, this staie, iult ithei l sc .le coi tliis hei wirlte a rithrLitt itig letter It the iminlli:ilcelent of the (;rea (osavelle swor'te il, procured two 1'r. II I cent s flns fronti lwve and pilalte them lit the single letter hei "rite. lh.vie t.flay swire uliti tIl. c ,opl, iteL. Il ,aid that intiletad of (,ratlltl wriltig , li letter he wrote two and the witit'ss raie lhill two 2 cen.t lipostage stamps. J. i,. llinsi, a liveryman of t;iac.,h.adt 1estifited th t wvhtn (;rlav ll brought his horse to tih e sidl,l. cltoblir t, the a inimal ilresented the appearance of lieavi. betll iddlte (ito or more iniks, while t ravelle .'lain , he had Conly ridden llthe annal from, I;reat Vals, about 27 mtiles. (;raville hlairud thatd on . th flip he stople d at Plii and went into the saloon. C Irioilpher Nolan disprioed this by swearing there was ni saloon therte. This testilmolly was for the purpose of imipeachinig Gravelle. Maps in Evidence. John II. Farmer, a civil engineer, of iered in evidlene mlaps of Montiania, show ing distances between ihIhena amd IButte and I'riest's 'tass, where Gratvlle lived, iid hlttte, with tile idea of proving to lthe jury that the distance was inot too grIat fromn Huttei to either of ite Iplact, it, pre sent ravelle lt -ving ridden them in onet. day. Gravelle claimed he was at Priest's Pass Sep.tember t, theil day of the explo - ionl on file street car track iear Coltttlbia gardents in Blutte. The state, by Mr. Farmer, claimed it would have leen possible for thi defend ant to have ridden from Butte to his ranch in a short time by the tmost direct rlte, as there was other evidence that Gtravelle was seen ait the Coty ranch, near P'rie,'s lass, Septeimber t9. Begin to Sum Up. William Muth and Gti . hi. Hill, testify ing ais hand-writing experts, swore that the writing of Gravelle in the courtroom yes terday, when Attorney Wallace prevailed upon him to write the names of the places he had visited searching for horses, was similar to the writing in the threatening letters, although there was an apparent effort to disguise yesterday's writing. William John, a rancher, living near here, and one oither witless were called and the state rested. The attorneys then began to sium ttiup after the court had instructed the jury. STANDARD OIL CUTS PRICES JIY A ssO iAT1rx PftI.S8. Pittsllurg, Pa,, Dec. z9.--The Standard f)il company made a reduction of five cents a barrel in the price of high grade petoleunt today and also made a cut of two cents in inferior grades, Crops in Porto Rico, ItY AS 0t(IA'I'I itlitl.SS. San Juan, P. R., Dec. -,j.--Official re ports from various parts of the island show that cotton is spotting, due to the continued rains and indicating a possible set-back for the enterprise, The coffee picking is finished. The crop is better uid larger than that of i9o., The sugar yield is not generally satisfactory, RUSSIA RUSHES 108 BRIGHT NEW GUNS TO THE ORIENT DOGS OF WAR SAID TO BE SUPE' , TO FRENCH FIELD PIECES ' BARK AT THE JAPANESE w LATTER ARE PREPARING FOR MIGHTY STRUGGLE Governmemnt Invested With Practically Unlimited Credit for Military Defense in Case the Worst Comes to the Worst With Russian Bear. IIY l14..l I.qllI I ' PHIMS, Moscow, Ih'v1c. t. I rwlve batteries of the four rgrenadie, r IuIgai.,i s f ti rhi .tll lily i+.ationud in lIand arintit \h. ito w hatile Ibe:n helected fIII r ,c lic i the fai r I asi, alnt have wecrited uew gºun, whi.'h the u.,in111 1atillcri'sl' t l plm U e , spi ttfr Iti thI , Flctnch fiehl piticr. The early she partuIt ot thic" oI thoset hlttri,, is ex pectetl. which will place 1,lt lihid groms with the lal"h . tyZl i im'nt at the dil.po ;t ol Vicrroyl A\ xirit. It i s;.aid helre that aiill the v ljituinjri1 s living lat theii Iihouis wlu as r.ºiinati..s ,i high c(hiIols are privilegal I tiserve ,nly a yiear with Ithe c.. ,.ns, lhav ht.e idahred into hutruls k4. watild hasl ha ' be ll rn p ted 11ho'1 ' to I. t h prestint. Japan Ready, 'T',kin, 1 h .. . 0. ,'n m eri,"en. cy dili IIlnance ptl" . IIgII linst s1in t 111\I .I ts the tiivll t 1 r ial I 5 tI pr.Iut ali I unti I I c.eldil htr the purp ss 4. i r~y (1 lllllir h t Is II ) .. II .t !,ther ordinml,i r-. j tura1 i lnii sat iig, i rut. , t. thf iSrint I" ,.l ii ih ;l y, wthiCI aiis br ht c oiii r 11ii 1 i 1 . li i 0 1it cair an rtll i oitl il I'll' unp.ial nuhtuay h ;ead, tliallrtl'r, ill wair limsit ; lhitl,, ht, i i t . cr a;I tiiIon of a w~ar tolwi il II w tur litw. 'l'he, ordin 'a ",e , ill i, c. , i at , C 1111,h.l,) provide for all en.,..t n is,., LEPROUS RUSSIANS IN HEART OF CITY AFFECTED rAMILIFS HAVE BEtN DOING WASHING FOIl THI GOOD PEOPLE OF LINCOLN. 22 PERSONS HAVE SCOURGE Presence of Disease Reported to Health Office Which Is Makinm an InvectAgation. I1' Aits ut, I t. lll ,Iu I , ',. i mil. I, t h., lI i t. iO. A tpi i;Il to I11" W or ld 11 1hd fi ,, lII , i Lincoln ay .: r l -,r d,tr is nIr Ii Nml th nil II s, re, ii t l r y t/ ern l )to Ilhod h El=e, r J(hr,., that -s Rw.iain i tvingt in the vic inlly hi ave h'prsy. 'lht ;*lhew lh leper', it rltrrnd f nlo 'S infot I r t ri portt that a p ysik ;iani had liil, I t o I ti r t A.rl l ,i oi r i ;llli tariin in which to cire the i rpres. 'illhe hit.ri;ils have i l Ii doing wit hit ill f; in the ( iiy. hC illt orllu, lir. FILE A DEMURRER TO DOWIE'S BANKRUPTCY IYr f A ,()( IAt a I 1L 1I' S%,S. I'hi'.,o, tiD e. -. . Ill thle Uilit0d .taies ditlhi't court an at Iorney rcpresel. ing M1arihall Field & ('o. presented a petition that the firm Ihe made a party to a de liurrer in the hu nkrupty .ase of J. hn A lxanlder I )wie. Tihe colilmplay also askedi leave Ito have I)owie broughtl inito court for examliiiiat ion. Juiidle K ilnlliat decliined to accedl to tihe latter reisqlt iefore )owi retulrns fr mit a trill to Au.stratlia. FOUR FILIPINOS ARE TO DIE FOR DEED OF BLOOD BY ASSOCIIATED I'llNsl. JM;ila, Dli. Jo.--'Tht h llTprelme court Ihas coiiriimed tihe senten(ce of death impllosed uiilonl four natives who blutchered three tiuu riies in September, Igor . HE WEDS A BUTTE GIRL SPI'CAIA 'O 'I li1 INTIIt AfOIINTAIN. Livingston, IDec. E9---J. I. irunmy, manager of the Iivinlgstonl brancIh of Sher man & Co. of Ilutte, alnd Miss Pearl Kelly of ilutte were married here today. The ceremiony was performeld by Rev. Fathler Itlair at St. Mary's church at it a. ii. Only a few friends of the contractinlg parties were piresent. Mr. Drulnmy came here several miollths ago from llutte and has made many friends in that short time. OUT OF JAIL AND IN AGAIN Helena, )ec. n9.--Ralph Ilrown evi dently likes jail life. Hle was relcused from the county bastile only a short time ago after serving six months for the theft of sonime postage stamps in the Great Falls postoffice, and today he was rearrested on the charge of stealing some sampinp from the room of M. Silvermain, r mav. ing man, who was stopping at the Helena hotel, The theft is alleged to have been committed DecemLber at. lM ASSACRED idY AFRICAN NATIVES American Missionary and All His Party Wiped Out by Doos. NOTIFY GOVERNMENT An Ffl'ort Will B13e Made to Punish Plerpetrators of the Ol tltragle. II\ ' te l111 1 0 11 I1(I .Y ItI l ,,ill Ii l I. I till i . 0 i\\.ls h lli ,ll. I I, i.. ihi . i, i \lI ini il r 11111ll hI. 11~1~, Itt ,,,t ', l t. l~l. M IIi'II ,II|IJili lll | ltl . itI ll , li l I tII I ,llf l,, 1I l !. Ill l iii Itl *Il h I Ihi *L ,lh 1 i ih , l t 't. 1s I h ii ,ii .i lt liiH' \ii l li ,ii illl.ilt llNil, 11.11Iiii d Ii,,li I, 4 .11. 111 1 Iii, ih ' l i I hi I lti lil ll, I 1 II l IIsiiliher it ,i i.1 1111 lilt ti IIIm ii i . ,i i 1. 1 % , Ipl ,I . I. i l I,, bn k n1.. .\I n h i% ui sei . 1 1.I th ii I hIl,1h, .lw'llollllt hii Ja ll.l tlollll I l hi.!m I ill ,l ,l .il ' Ia ha . . .1, t t11 . I . \lh'il, Ililt i ii l, l l t l l .l ill, liiti k r lln l I ill th killin , l1 te hml ;s Iarl. c l - l nl Ii ii, lll i.ilr ll. :11 1(1 · hi'. ill~ II;( ilii iii (·I I )l vid,,iabhh. hll,., iii hl, 1 ililh Iaul · i llo I~ lllcll 'I ""' i~tilp ', h 111li III il' Iiil·.l l %111'11 () '1 Ill' IilM ill'i l c I ~ Il llfl~lli ll' l I l. l *t l \V'l' hlllli iilll i .I~.Ill' :ililll';)1ll'd ,lilil lril'il lin pro'a~ll thl, Ib .ly oI Ihl' isli. aItIr hie, Ito. \, 1 t +.l, , II to (i II h11 I,,us II l I il l t 1 iI hiii . lll i ,It . II It (. 1 I iii Cblood.l i l im in i ) i l. Il th II 1 ,. k \\l IhtIl e nll l sl w II ll thii. white. !11 1 \( 11·1ii 111 1 I ) ill · Iht'l llll ,ll Ih Ilr liS B Ii at we ' 'l il n ill hill m ll now i \ lih , will hiIlll', hi' . \isll y ' to. IlJ ll k llf Ilw r l u 1o Ill ,! kill il.." ;1 hus.\1 to 111111) I s .n Ilw \tarted of th scl'l' ll'il'% IIl zllil('· HIlll i1 Vir'. Ill m'~lt'li(ili. all .Ilh' itif llllli u iiil llt , 1i h il:\\ i I 11h , .ii i hli i l 1il l h i. e Hl· 1 llll Iit1 il l,.i ill tl ic lnutlli tl Cu fInfrietCl li 0tph(I sil DERAILED TRAIN IS WORK OF WRECKS Pittsiuri &. Lake Erie Par.i"nnler Leaves Track-- No One Hurt. :\I ak I i t . I I lltCi' I ,n h " npI , r It inI, lh aviN I, - i'lllltlri, i t I py , ~,', , Ick i lilt l h I t it ;;lhu ll"w it , d , ty ;it, .it tump i, wlo k Ibth train. 'I i tu I <;, a nsisttel of livt' day coat h .s .,0 lwN o I'li and lns,'.ly all ltflt the Ira; k, I, tit io out wa, wv it thly ijur, 1d. A s'pikr hbad l,", dhiv,.n inlt a ,wtthll. ONE IS KILLED AND TWO MORE MAY PASS AWAY Limited and Freight on the Panhandle Collide Frightful Results. IIY A",-OflAlIf ,I IAi lf 11 S . Fort Way.., Ind., l)ec. 29. -l.imitd trm:I No. 5, we-Ibmtolv, o., the l'tlnlnsyl vania railttal, was partially wrecked today iin a rear iml u ' llisiou with a freight train i cltr l.arwill, west of here, Hag g ema;,nm, 1<a;l nilr was kille". EI'gineer Hlhrbert of tht. limihed wa: pinc,: under thei wreckage of his engine and badly injured. Fireman Fliter Staffolrd of Iie i.iited wats also scri.tisly injuredI. I ree' portlers and IIt. C(. .uti er of Norfolk, N ,h., attd S, . li, tit~ t o I hicag,, pu t. ,.trice , were hurt slightly. 'I he wrck wa; tin t. o a i.i-take by Fiteginer i rowtel of tll in read ing ord .er ,. (IiI ncc~t:t t of a had itretch of track near he wrcck oct'curred, the .iuiiltctl wa, rm'IuIg at a very ntoderate linlg at a terrilic petrl, Ias it was behind tile.t. BOY LOSES A HAND GREAT FALLS LADS FIND A BOX OF DYNAMITE CAPS AND EX. PLODE THEM ALL. $PIEC:IAL ru TrHl INTER ll MOL'NTATt., Great Falls, Dec. 29.--T"he deadly ful. minatitg cups used to explode giant powder are responsible for ar. accident that oc curred here today, criIppling Walter Brown, a boy, for life, He and another boy found a box of the caps near the street car track on 17th street, according to their story, aind boy-like, began to ex. }lode the things. '1'o entire jkex went off and young Drown lost his right hand, which was frightfully torn and mangled. The other boy escaped with a few bruises.