Newspaper Page Text
BROeSBeK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 8 TOMORROW Fancy solid pack peeled peaches, large can and heavy syrup, per can .........O...... Finest preserved strawberries, its tn ip lttnd can; you will like them: can..............25 Queen O(lives, large size, in ilk,. quart..5O. German D)ill Pickles, the right site, 1It...104 Fancy small French PI'C., Ier canll......17 (rean Corn, tender anl sweet, two canIt'4.21 We have all kinds of coffee, Irnm ie poundI to 4'oc. and caan suit the 1m st piarticullar clih'e drinker. You can make i lltt a . cliups to trol fro n111 e plnnllld. The ,secret in iofee is to kno hlow to isnake it, 'try ,sur ll,tiiman loouse lillnd, and we will gearalnlc yuu will lhave the i 'ne t cup yul cv ,alt wtilh; pcr poundl, 35c; 3 loun llll............... OO ImtortCed shelled Jorl n .\hnn 'l,, Il .i...50 Jerkey Itte.. ..... pn.... .......... 1O Lake nuperior Salc t \hitt e li-h, per I1 10 \V Lou or yellow tern Meal. to Ili salt. Ken French 'mall pit Plottint, pIndm...... 50 • innan Iladdis. hancy stock, putlnd...... 15 Yuen, a fine grounttated wheat, per package ...............................10.. Shaw. Sciftiring Pancake lnhur; two packages fr ...... E"0 Prompt Delivery in ('ity Only. Sick or Well A Hot Water Bottle Is a nlecessity ill every holu,e nowadays, he a Tlli ciency of hIot :lapplications itn cas'es of tolh I ;iclet, earache, faceachi , cr:allltl , etc., is too well kitownt to need Ilmention. 'lhe llot Water lont tie makes the treatment most convnicnlt. \\'We have Ilit \\'atr Iutlles ill ;ln assort'ment of sizes a0 I of tiough wea:rabllc riubber. Special price, while they are in our s:tre withiliw: 1Un1 q, , rt t...............400 'Iwo ,llt:lrts.............. 50 Three quarts .............60 Paxson & Rockefeller led Cross Drug Store 24 West Park Street, • Butte A SUIT CASE OR ENGLISH KIT BAG Is not only an acceptable present for Christmas, but causes whoever re ceives it to think of the nmany pleasant trips for the future in store. We have them in all latest styles and prices within the means of anyone who wishes to make a most appropriate gift. Prlitchard-Harrison Carpet Co. Corner Park and Main Streets ALL OUR PATRONS Who purchased goods here who desire to have size of rings changed or have en graving done, are cor dially invited to call during next week. We will be pleased to make any exchanges or corrections. . . . Towle & Winterhalter Jewelers and Opticians 28 West Park Street Nixon Cash Grocery pos UTAH AVENUI Fresh Eggs, guaranteed, per dozen ........................ 0 Macaroni or Vermacelli, package.10O Fancy Corn, per can.......... 10 Utah Tomatoes, per can ........ 10 Jersey, or Shady Brook Butter, per pound ................ ....30 JEFFERSON COUNTY GETS FIRST HONOR MISS JESSIE GOODRICH LEADS THE STATE TODAY IN THE WORLD'S FAIR TOUR CONTEST. BUTTE GIRLS ARE WELL UP Tctal Today Is 15,629 and the Grand Total 867,964-How the Candi dates Are Stacking Up. Fiftreen thus,9nold fve hundred and tnenty nine votes were cast today in the inter Mountain's World's Fair tour con test. This nmakes the total vote to date 867,9(64, and only three weeks more in which to vote. '['bat is a vote to imake a politician's eyes stick out. Miss Jessie (oodrich of Jefferson county is highest in the state today, re MISS VICTORIA CYR, Of Frenchltown. one of the candidates in the Inter AlMount,n's World's Fair tour cnteifst in AlisJoiula county. cciving 3.,967. Two Silver flow county candlidates take and third places re in thei ..tate today. l'hcy are Miss N:tniie .McN.:uara, with 3.33K, and li'.s Alice Jiackson, withll 1515. Fourth in the litie today is .1iss Latra Ilarpfr of Itavalli county, with l.-vO. while liss I.aura kilalliani of Silver liow county, with n14, is fifth. .l1isses MlX iiinara, Jack.on anid Kilgal 1,i are ripectiv ely first, seconlld anld third in Silver Iow countiy. The followinit young ladies received votes in counties oither than their own to day: Miss Harriet Quigley of Powell, ill I.eowis ;nd Clarke; Miss Mamic M11Rea of Itradlwater, in lDeer Lodge county; Mi's Mary Slack ofn Flathead, in I)eer I'lo:e county, and Miss Rose i;ayl ord of iu,,.r cunity,. iii lieer lilodge county. .lit o loy Il s of Victor, tacvalli coun Iy. 'h, ii .., ,of the lpro inleit candidates nl :,ib t e ln of the Sia le, iS in tf wn visiting h-r iter, s. R. (G. Young'it, and will :it nll thel Il t clier' in etilig ill Aniacllnda. She wa\ a callir at the Ititer M11untain otti'tr today. .li s Jessie (;O 'lrich of W hitehall. Jef fr n coun.ity, also a leading c.itlilate, e.d1l today at the hoime allice with a liit of new susIl\ lt ri- rt. .1i- .\iimie Icainitara of Silver flow coiuniity called on fricnd' in Anacotnda to day. The rc.utllt of that call, inl votes, in today's table. 'h Itllmail tola y uliiought votes for the f,(llwinig canliit. es \li 'es KathIl.tlllln Sw\ nstruttn. M:ladi.nn; Cathariine I'ereit, granite; Alice Sager, lver Iodie: Iinirtet (uieley, Powell; ('hri,.tiine I'rie;,.i. Iiro,:adswati er; Itsic 1"owlic, \li: ,.er; "l.y I.. (hIl., Ravalli. \'I. . Ile todayl inl Iutte for ithe ful '.wing out of to.n. cainlilate",: .1 i-es .hlaui Morn ay, 'teton Etelrl ('ham her,, Iavalli; Li.i, MNir ow, Madison: Ethel ;ilchri+l. I;r;anilte; e;rrrludei Slearrr , Granite; tIhrhe ( lark, I':ii.; Julia t'udtiy, Deer L. oti.; L t iie . ihtl ht,.h leaverhead; Il:'rict r iuhii ley, I'tw tlll; hJe'.iL (oolidrichi, JIeffet'Aon; Ihli.l . r. a l.. i Lew;i and la(' 'rke. ; Rase i;ay. lord, Custelr; lran'.s ('Cooper, 'iT',oni Nina ;raha lii, Deer I. Kl; I tiria Mlarhltall, Miadi -Ii: Myra '' Tr, ri "'. L. wi I (ttla ke: Iathe I iln Sw,.mlrum. l a . ,li".s ; Mabelh l .cl;rrgor, I.ew i anid ('h4 t .. FAIR TOUR CONTEST IS TO CLOSE JANUARY 19 Three weeks fromll today, at 7 o'clock in thile evenilg f Jlanitmary 19, the inter Moutu tlilan's \World's Fair tour contest closes at all of the -.6 oliiccs iii tlle state where the cllltest is beinig conducted. The Inter .louiitain will lie able to an' inounce, tnotllicially, the winners on Jinu ary -o, buit it doubtless will take longer for the olfficial retult to be aiinounceld, as the judges in each of the counties must count the vote. Votes in the mail at the hour of clos ing will not lie countiled. All votes must Ie ill the oflices at that time. If you pro iuse senldilng in votes late by itail, lie sure to allow plenty of timie for their de livery to the llict, addressed. No mloney forl subscriptionii carrying withl theit slpecial coupons will be received after 7 p. in. oil that date. Please bear this int midill youlng ladies. It may meani a trip to the fair for you at the finish. Another thing to be impressed on your mind is that agents of this newspaper will give out no information as to the standing of the candidates, other than that al ready contained in the daily tabulated statement. The polls will be closed promptly on time and the ballot boxes are not to be opened at all on the last day until 7 o'clock in the evening. Candidates with their friends may visit the different offices at any time to see the vote counted. In fact, the Inter mountain urges them to do this and to do it particu larly on the evening of January ,g. Almost all the young ladies in the a6 separate contests are working hard for the trip. Some of them have a inumber of votes pledged for the latter part of the open time. The question is asked fre quently, can a person buy coupons? In variably it is answered decidedly in the negative. This newspaper will countenance no buying of votes. Coupons are given with paid subscriptions, but the Inter ,Mountain must be given a genuine sub scription in return. It must have a genu ine name to which to send the paper. The plan of sending in a 1)t of money at the last minute will not be allowed in this contest. Unless the names of the sub. scribers, the receipts and the coupons are Here Is the Way TheY tand Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Fa r Tour Contest BEAVERIIEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. MADISON COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock... ...4,., ...... 17.739 as 17.764 Miss Katheryn Swanstrum, Blaine ............. ....... 5,60o 143 5.753 Miss Nannie Mcl.oughlin, Dillon ..... .. .......... 13,803 47 13.85o Miss Maud Northway, Ennis........................ 3.247 35 3,28 Miss Lottie McIntosh, Dillon ......... . . 13,605 73 13,678 Miss Fannie C. Reilf, Virginia City ................ 3,043 17 3,o070 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City .................... 2,138 2,rj8 BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss l.izzie Morrow, Rochester ....................... 1,575 76 1,651 Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend ......... ......... ,237 o,237 Miss ,,taybell Sparling, Ennis ................ ....... ,382 1a 1,394 Miss Maud Pennell, Townsend .......... .......... 9,85 9,825 Miss Gertie Kohis, Virginia City..... .............. 769 769 Miss Mamile McRae, Townsend.................... 6,3o3 *3 6.326 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan ........................ a 8ss 127 Miss Christina Erickson. Townend..., ............. 3.'74 6 3"980 MEAGHER COUNTY Miss Carrie Holloway, Townseal........... ........ 389 3,189 Miss Bessie Fowlie, Dorsey. .......................... 11,s74 6 11,280 Miss Ilela Parker, Townsend ........... ........... ,o59 ',059 Miss Clara Chapin. White Sulphur Springs......... 9,6a3 9,6as CARBON COUNTY-- Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs......... 5,414 5,424 Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge ...................... 4,066 4.066 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs......... 1,o09a 1,09 s89 Miss Effie Tipton, White Sulphur Springsings......... 9 9 Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge......... ...... 1.51589 ,89 Miss Maud Fuchs. White Sulphur Springs............ 9 9 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge ....... ............. 1,309 1,309 Miss Eva artfield, White Sulphur Springs Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge........ 4 a is Ev............lartfiel, Whit4 Sulphur Sprin Miss Maud Chapman, Red Lodg.. .............. 8u MISSOULA COUNTY Miss Eva Ro ns, Red odge2 2 Miss Beasie Taylor, Missoula.......................... 6,939 302 7,241 Miss Nellie Gurr , Red Lodge... ... .. 20 Mss Victoria Cyr, Frenhtown .................. . 6,8o 6,835 Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula......................... 5.3a5 36 5,361 CUSTER COUNTY- Miss Nellie Longstaff, Missoula ..................... 5,o18 87 s,10o Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City.......... ............ 3,38 17 3.335 Miss Florence McQuesten, Missoula..... ............. 2,339 76 2,415 Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City........... ......... ,92a 2,922 Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula........................ ~,67* 1,671 Miss May Drago, Missoula.......................... 314 314 CASCADE COUNTY- PARK COUNTY Miss Netta Gervais, Great Falls.................. ..... 4.909 4.909 Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston............ ......... 14,04 87 14129 Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls....................... 367 3,7 Miss , Livingston.........2,824 12,838 Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls............. .... 5 225 Miss Etta Hru Vance, Liv ingston..................... 8... ,a4 4 a2,838 Miss Maud Ii. Vance, Ilvingston..................... 844 B.4 CHOUTEAU COUNTY- Miss Nannie Nichol, Livingston..................... 63a 632 Miss Clara Hassock, Havre........... .............. 2 1,362 Miss Edna Turner, Livingston............ ....... .* 4 42 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook....................... . 593 593 Miss Elna Driscoll, LiJvingston ............... ...... 3 13 Miss Marion Auld, Havr.......................... 55 155 Miss Elsie Mercier, ivingston............ "...... 8 8 Miss Rose Hausen, Livingston.. DEER LODGE COUNTY- POWELL COUNTY Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda...................... 2,335 285 12,620 Miss Mable Beaumont, DeL r Lodge................. . 10o,206 17 1o,223 Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda........................ 1s,.o8 .- 12.237 Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir............ ....... 9,246 18I 9,427 Miss Alice Sager, Warm Springs....... . .............. 6,2-4 58 6,732 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge.......... ..... 6,243 45 6,288 DAWSON COUNTY- RAVALLI COUNTY- Miss Ruth H-unter, Glendive .................... .. 4.239 4.239 Miss Floy L. Olds, Victor ......................... 13,904 173 14,o077 Miss 11. May Johnson, Glendive..................... 3,331 3,131 Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton....................... 7,969 1,296 9,265 Miss Jessie Jones, Gendive..... .......... .. . 2.46 2,462 Miss Ethel ChamLers, Iiami!ton........... ...... 4,076 137 4,213 Miss Ana SiJones, Glendive......................... a,2 2,292 Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville ..................... . 761 250 1,0o1 Miss Mary sborimmne, Glendive.............. ..... · ,72 z,71o Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis.................... ... 755 755 Miss Emily C. Pickering, \iaux ................... . ,601 ,Gio Miss Lilla Semmons, Hamilton....................... 728 728 Miss liilda Foss, Glendivc........................ .. ................1,0276 *76 Miss Cora Adams, Hamirtun.......................... o o 110 ROSEBUD COUNTY FLATHIEAD COUN'I' - Miss Floy A. Westaby, Forsyth................... ... 6,o068 6,o68 Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell... ..................... 7,219 51 7,270 Miss Margaret McRae, Rosebud............... 5.854 5,854 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalisle.l. ....................... 5,72 336 6,o56 SILVER BOW COUN'IY Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell............ .......... 5,678 go 5,768 Miss Mamfe MeNamara, Butte..................... 49.677 3.338 53,o015 liss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell..................... 828 828 Miss Laura Kiigallan, Butte.......................... 50,46 944 51,406 Miss Donna Schenck, Libby............................ I Miss Alice Jackson, Butte......................... 49,794 1,545 51,339 Miss Julia GMiss Juliella LloydGildca, KalispellButte............. Miss .ell Lloyd, Butte .......................... 48,803 168 48,971 FERGUS COUNTY- Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte....................... .. 39,175 528 39,703 Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown............ ......... 6.6,32 6,63* Miss Clara Burkard, Butte ......................... 24.732 73 24,805 Miss Mable Suprenaunt, Lewistownl................... 4.071 27 4,1o6 s iss May Rodda, Butte ............ .......... " .. . 7,081 7,081 Miss Grace Mcllugh, Lewistown................... 480 480 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte.................. 3,695 9 3,704 Miss Olive Beakey, Butte............... ........ 2,061 2,o61 GRANITE COUNTY- Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte ........ .......... 1,602 s,6o0 Miss Catherine Perrent, l'hilipsburg ................... 6,737 7 6,744 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte.............................. 1,504 1,504 Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite ....................... 6,185 4 6,189 Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte............................. 599 599 Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg ...................... 4,008 4,908 SWEETGRASS COUNTY Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond.............. ....... 3,836 11 3,847 Miss May Marley, Big Timber........................ 10,33 o10,313 A T COUTY- iss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber ..................... 4,178 4,178 GA..ATIN COUNTY- Miss Ethel Browning, Big 'imber ................... 4,001 4,001 Miss Grace Griffin, Bozeman ......................... 5.366 22 5,388 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber....... Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman .................... .... . 5,001 12 5,103 TETON COUNT' Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman.-.............. .. 3.897 3,897 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby......................... ,9 34 ,143 Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade......................... 3.237 8 3,245 Miss r, elby ..................... llo9 34 43 Miss essie Van Zandt, ozean... .. ... 1,519 519 Miss Frances Cooper, Chouteau o ..................... 299 5 304 Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeaman..................... 686 686 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Chouteau..................... 159 159 VALLEY COUNTYY JEFFERSON COUNTY- Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow...................... 5.4-6 5.426 Miss Josie Noonan, Basin.... ... . .......'. ... 14,940 14,940 Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow...................... 2,263 2,263 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall.................. 7,203 3,967 11,170 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Regina Bear, Basin........................... 7,308 7,308 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings ...................... 6,858 45 6,9o3 LE\VIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings ...................... 6,679 31 6,710 bMiss Delia Lawlor, Helena ........................... 3.805 50 13,855 Miss Della Walters, Billings........................ 262 26a Miss Mable McGregor, Helena......... ............... 7.914 48 7,962 ,Withdrawn.................................. 87,398 87,398 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena........................ 2,205 13 2,az8 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena........................... 626 5 631 Total ...................................... .. 852,435 15,529 867,964 a- I ý ý a I~ 6,1 do P o VOTE *OR Jan. 5, ' 04 r11/3 COUPON ;ii 11-5 VOTE/i ON ORDEfO¶E made out in clue form and the coupons voted by 7 p. mn., January sg, they will qot be considered and the coupons will not bd counted, oo matter what the subscriptibhl :ILmount to in dollars and cents to the Iltter Mountain. TO CONVENE AT THE FAIR There are two important national edta c-ational meetings scheduled for the near future. One will be the convention of superintendents in Atlanta, Ga., February 2.3-25; the other will be the National Ed ucational association convention, wthich will convene in St. Louis, July 5-6, dur ing the World's Fair. It is expected the Atlanta meeting will, be a general rally of educators from all over the country for the purpose of com paring systems and discussing the best methods of teaching. The meeting of the national association is always a big event among teachers, and, this coming year it promises to surpass itself. The convention was called in St." Louis for the purpose of giving the, teachers an opportunity to see the World's Fair and the educational exhibits. The rare opportunities this offered t teachers will no doubt be appreciated, the combination of convention, discussi n' and exhibit-studies is something not before enjoyed. John W. Cook of DeKalb, Ill., is preil dent of the association, and will give 11 particulars regarding membership and rail road rates, as will also Irwin Shephetid, secretary, Winona, Minn. HEADACHES FROM COLDS Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause. To get the genuine, call for the full name. age. AT THE ORTON RECITAL A fine musical program was given at Orton recital last night in Urton hall. PIf. Gustav Fischer or Anaconda had the affair -sa hand assisted by Mr. George Greenwood of Anaconda, who played two piano solos. Mr. Fischer was formerly first violinist of the Thomas orchestra in Chicago. Following is the program as given: (a) Air on ithe E string (Bach-W\ilhelmJ); (b) "Preis Song," from the Moistersingers (Wagner-Wilhelm; (c) "Hejrekati, Scene de is Csarda (Teno-Hubay); piano solo, "Scherzo" (Brahms); concerto, G minor, for violin: (Bruch), adagio and finale; piano solo, An dante, Spianata (Chopin); violin solos (a) "Serenade" (Pierne); (b) "Arkansas Traveler"' V'ieuxtemps; (c) "Gypsy Dance" (Nachex). vMASONIC CEREMONY. THREE LODGES OF HELENA CON VENE--BANQUET FOLLOWS SERVICES. SI'ICIAL. TO TIIE INTER MO'tNTAIN. Helena, Dec. ag.--Last night there was a notable event in Masonic circles when the newly elected officers of the three blue lodges of this city were jointly installed by Grand Master H. S. lHepuer, assisted by Frank D. Jones, who acted as marshal. Following the installation exercises, which were witnessed by malny members of the order, there was a feast in the banquet hall of the Masonic temple at which a number of toasts were responded to. The officers installed were as follows: Helena Lodge, No. 3-Worshipful master, A, C. Schneider; senior warden, W. E. New comb; junior warden, M. h. Ilenniger; senior deacon, D. iR. Wallace: junior deacon, Albert Ihawkins; senior steward, W. W. \\'heaton; junior steward, Alfred Cullen; sec retary, George Booker; treasurer, It. M. tarchen. Morning Star Lodge, No. 5-Worshipful master, Lincoln Working; senior warden, Myron Fish; Junior warden, William Sea. strow; senior deacon, A, S. Hlovey; junior deacon, Joseph Chivers; senior steward, P'. H. lluber: junior steward, David Pizer; secretary, J. J. HIindson; treasurer, W. E. Frederick, King Solomon Lodge, No. g--Worshipful master, Louis Israel; senior warden, John Edgerton; junior warden, A. P. Dorrance; senior deacon, William Dryburgh; junior deacon, C. H. Riefenrath; senior steward, I.ouis Weigel; junior steward, Dr. L. K. IIolmes; secretary, Emil Kluge; treasurer, Joseph Gans. Henry Cowden is tyler for all of the lodges. A magnificent display of Ozotonic in Hennessy's Grocery department windows. ')Don't fall to notice it. EMPEROR WILLIAM IS WELL Berlin, Dec. ag9.Emperor William probably will give up his projected vaca tion in the south of Europe, as it is said he no longer feels the need of rest from public business, Arrangements are making for the usual winter court funct.ons, es pecially those of January l8 and ay. Wanted-By the Symons Dry Goode conpaay, ticket bearing numlter 75,907. Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eonditions: First-Any young lady over s years of age may be nomalated at any lime on blanks provided and by the Indorsement at thre well known citsens of the county in which she Second-Three Judges agreeable to the eandidates shall be selected to ofolally as. soones the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Mlssoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote In one cannot sweet the others. Matters properly concer ang the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to same a proxy if unable to attend her. Fourth-Votinag ill commence Monday, October so, and close Tuesday evenilng at y o'clock, January so, rpas. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cuat from the seml.weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. AU coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are givren as follows, Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain ............. .. ............ ................. .. s Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. as Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, S1, a special coupon of so Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptrees.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly in months, $2, a special coupon of Ioo Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Dalily lanter Mountain 1 month, 75c, a special cuopon of .......... (Paid is Advance Subscriptions.) ............ 4 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, 4.00oo, a special coupon of ............. (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .,.......... a Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 3s months, $, a special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions. ............ so Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or malled to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at eay point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced In the evening papers Headquarters and Voting Places Dacverhead County-A; . ohnon......................................... Dillon Broadwater County-Byrne Bros.................................. Townsend Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hickox ................................. ........Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge................................................... Great Fall Chouteeu County-George W. Crane .................. ................. Fort Benton Custer County-J. H. Arnold................ .......................... Miles City Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson................................ Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Office........ ......................................... Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cornell.................................................. Lewistown Flathead County-Walter Hunt........................................................ Kalispll Gallatin County--E. F. Hnley .......................................... Boeman Granite County-Charles Williams .............................. .... .......... Philipsbur Jofferson County-J-. H. Rule .............................................. Basin Leows and Clarke County-Moors ook and Stationery Company ................ Helenae Madison County-ames Powell ............................ ...................... Vrginia City Meagher County-L. B. Jobb .................,,......... ...............White Sulphur oprlngs Missoule County--Wnstanley's Office.. .... ............................... Missoul Park County-Blnshem Hinmert................................................... Livingston Powell County-The Kenyon Store.................................... Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts.................................Ham........................ ilton Rosebud County-T. 3. Thompson .............. ..,......................... Forsyth Sliver Bow County-Inter Mountain Omce ...............,................. ;........ Butte Valley County-Mrs. Bertha Kamphiar ........ . .....,..................... Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake. ......................................... Choteau Yellowstone County-Stockwell & Emmons.......................... ............... illings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerford........ ................................. Big Timber FUNERAL OF MRS. RUTH HOAR Worcester, Mass., Dec. 9.-1The funeral of Mrs. Ruth Ann Hoar, wife of United States Senator Hoar, was held from the Church of the Unity yesterday. Dr. Ed ward Everett Hale of Boston contducted the services. The body will be taken to Concord, N. H., for burial, cw~EsaC.MhO10sPsv, O.P~iDW~ 4W? be. 25 HER MOTHER IS VERY ILL San Francisco, Dec. ao.--On the stclamer Siberia, which arrived from the Orient yesterday were Mrs. Lloyd C. Briscom, wife of the United States minister to Japan. Mrs. Griscom is returning honme in response to an urgent telegram, telling her of her mother's serious illness.