135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B
We are cleaned out of all our old stock;
couldn't sell you any old goods if we
wanted to. Good Groceries Cheap.
Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs.25f
iMontana Ranch Eggs, dozen......400
*Brobeck's Best Creamery Butter, lb.304
Extra large Cucumber Mangos,
three for ............... ..........25C
HI. O. Oatmeal (special), package...150
Heinz's Brandy Flavored Mince
Meat, ready for use (special); 11i..15¢
German Dill Pickles, per quart .... 10
Large Box Wealthy Apples......$1.00
Fresh Oily Shredded Cocoanut, in
bulk, pound....................254
Fresh Roasted Pecanuts, quart........60
New Pack Peas, per can, 2)1, 15c,
aoc and...........................5
Minnesota Sorghum, '.-gallon, .5c;
gallon ...........................6 5
Log Cab;in, Old lManse, Scudders, all the
staples in Maple Syrups, per
gallon .....................$1.35
Coffee, all kinds and all prices, from
10 to 40C per pound. Satisfaction
gua.r:anlteed or noliey back.
Small Sour Pickles, in bulk, per qt. .154
Finnan Iladdies, fresh and fat, per
pound ...........................154
Popcorn that will pip every kernel,
pound ............................7
Prompt elivery In City Only.
Have little effect on the
skin of those people who
A few drops rubbed on the face
or a small amount used on the
hands beyfore going out is an ab
.,l'lute preventive of roulghhllness
or chapping. It is not sticky,
and gloves may be worn a mo
ment after using. It is refresh
ing to use, and delightfully fra
grant. Menl find it a great thing
.to use after shaving. agO.
Red Cross Drug Store
24 West Park Street, Butte
You take from our Entire Stock of 85c
Brussels Carpets, anly pattern, any
quality at 63c yard. 'his is the best
Carpet 1Bairgain in the city.
Carpet Co.
Corner Park and Main Streets
Who purchased goods
here who desire to
have size of rings
changed or have en
graving done, are cor
dially invited to call
during next week. We
will be pleased to
make any exchanges
or corrections. . . .
Towle & Winterhalter
Jewelers and Opticians
28 West Park Street
Cash Grocery
Fresh Eggs, guaranteed, per
dozen ....................3O
Macaroni or Vermacelli, package,l10
Fancy Corn, per can..........104
Utah Tomatoes, per can........10 ]
Jersey, or Shady Brook Butter,
pie pound..................0...
Grand Total Is 888,918-iHow the Candl
dates for the Trip to St.
Louis Are Running.
Just to make things more interesting,
the Inter Mountain's World's Fair tour
contest took another big leap forward to
day. The total vote for the day was
I1,5s ., making the grand total to date
Miss Maud Chapman of Carbon county
Of Aissoula. candidate in the Inter MoAn
tain's World's Fair tour in Missoula
takes first rank today, receiving 3,007.
Second in the state' today conws Miss
Clara (:hapin of Meagher county with
2z,an. Third in today's list is Miss Julia
('udlihy of Deer I.dge with 2,064. Fourth
place today is held by Miss Laura Kil
gallanl of Silver Itnw county with 1,778.
Fifth today is Miss Margaret Mcl(ae of
IRuschud county with I,,89.
It was a big day for the out of town
Miss Kilgalian is first today in Silver
hlw county. Second in the county today
is Miss Mamie McNamara, with 75i, while
Miss Alice Jackson cromes third with 647.
Miss Harriet Quigley of Powell county
received votes todlay in Lewis and Clarke
anll l)eer counties. Miss Mantic
McNamara of Silver low county and Miss
Clara Chapin of Meatcher county received
votes ill Deer Iodge cotullty.
Votes wire received in the mail today for
the fllowing":
MIes.rte JIesie Go(;idrih, Jefferson: Maud
(';i.;aIIIttI, Cart iot; F i,,wlie. Meagher;
I,.lJ I. awler. i.,lwil niil larker: ,ustiy Moore,
I;;alliatin; I.izrie Morrow, Madison; Catlharnne
I'trrent, Granite.
'ote. were received tntday in inlite for the
following out liof I town all idates:
l.\t,s + Vctoria (yr, M\ssoulia; I'loy L.
lith , IHlivalli:; uih (liiChamber.. Htavlli; Nellie
I,tatstatt, Mis~otla; Dlitia Lawt.or. Lewies and
I'llirkt ; alel S illiellnannllt, Ierglus; I.izlie
Mnorrw., Miolltl,)ll; Mabel McGlregor. I. lis
l (t i ik:; itl rglrt lMoitvtae, Itostr ud; Jnsie
Nionit:t, hTeron'rii Pearl )'Neial, Missoula;
Maud NI i lit raiy, 'ITehit; Har icet (.utigley,
lowell; Frances Cooper, Telton; Lottic Mlcln. li.avtilhiaid; Minnie V. Niord, Yellow
tnlli : .il;a hibil lt , tlloutteaut; race (;riffin,
;alat in.
.An:,lhr l-carge llntlle of votes thearing no
ttint' wla";vecr was receivied in the mail today.
Sit ii t envelopei containing them was the
nimbi f aitt pa .-flice box, andt lacking any
llrther data the Inter Mountalin was contm
ip'llied to se.nd the couponls tiack to that iox
itntiier. It iis :treles'n. ss of this sort in send
iln i votes that costs tthe candidllates iaty
Ii lto-.
Mis Nina TIthilatul of Fort ltentonl is a new
etliy todlay in the ('hlhlteiau untlly contest.
Miss Netta G;r aiis of treat i alls, Teai er In
the (':t'tode coutily cnteslt, Is in tite city, anit
wlat :i S isitlr ye letitiay at the homeut oice,.
St. I.ouis, De. 3o.-ITmntediately after
the holidays a bill will be introduced in
congl'res, giving permission to foreign gov
ernitontst and other exhibitors at the
I, uisialat I'urchase exposition to donate to
religious, phIilosophical, educational, scicn
tiic or literar'y instittittons, without paying
duty. the exhibits broltht by them in bond.
The hill was drafted by the United
Statles treasury depalrltment olt the sugges
tion of Senator tockrell of Missouri, in
,oniiultatiotn with the exposition otlicials.
''lIe contract for the erection of the
Tl'siniesee builling was awarded, the price
being $8ir,oo. ' his structure, which is to
be a reproduction of "The HIermitage,"
the home of Anldrew Jackson at Nash
ville, Tenn., will stand on the hill south of
the temple of fraternity.
Itching, Blind, Blceding or Protruding Piles.
Your druggist will refund money if PALO
OINTMENT fails to cure you in 6 to r4
days. soc.
ltiismarek, N. P., )ec. 3o.--Cattle scab is
gainilng such a foothold in the western part of
the state that immediately after the first of the
year .overnor White, at the request of the
stocklgrowers of the state, will appoint special
inspectors, with instructions to visit the cattle
country and place under quarantine the ranges
of those herds where scab is found to exist.
The Cattlemen's association is fearful that if
some prompt action is not taken the United
States government will place a general quaran
tine upon the district west o, the river.
Cattlemen are dipping their herds in many
cases, but in some cases infected animals are
allowed to run at large carrying infection from
one band to attotlher. The cattlemen also re*
quest the governor to have dippicg tanks built
by the state, but there is no appropriation for
this, and it is not likely It will be done. Scab
resembles mange in other animals, and is read.
ily cured by dipping with an antiseptic solu*
Council Bluffs, Ia., Dec. 30o.-Neely
Zinuteroman and George Burk, the negroes
who Monday night nareowly escaped
lynching at the hands of an infuriated
tmob, were taken last night to the state
penitentiary at Fort Madison, Ia., for
safe keeping.
During the afternoon the men were
taken before Judge Wheeler and waived
preliminary exairnation, The judge then
signed an order for their.renoval and the
men were hastily spirited away to Fort
Here Is the Way They Stand
Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Contest
BEAVERHlEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. MADISON COUNTY- Last Toi2ay's Total.
Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote.
Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock.. 1........... .. 7,764 Sa5 18,291 Miss Katheryn Swanstrum, Blaine..................... 5753 74
Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon .... ............... 13,850 29 .3,879 Miss Maud Northwsy, Ennis........................ 3,28. 15 3.297
Miss Lottle McIntosh, Dillon........................ 13,678 291 13,869 Miss Fanale C. Reif, Virginia City................... 3,070 8 3.078
BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City .................... ,18 2,138
Miss L.izzie Morrow, Rochest ....................... 1,651 38 1.689
Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend ...... ............. o10,37 8 10,318 Miss .,aybell Sparling, Ennis........................ 1,394 3 1,397
Miss Maud Pennell, Townsend ....................... 9.825 2a 9,847 Miss Gertie Kohls, Virginia City...................... 769 769
Miss Mamie McRae, Townsend............ ......... 6,326 763 7,089 Miss Rita Marshall, bheridan.................. ......... 127 t 7
Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend .................. 3,980 6a 4,041
Miss Carrie followay, Townsend .................... 3,189 3,189 MEAGHER COUNTY
Miss CLeao Parker, Townsende ........ .. ....... . 3,o9 3,059 Miss Beasie Fowlie, Dorsey S......... ........... s11,ao 605 11,885
Miss Clara Chapin. White Sulphur Springs........... 9,63 2,3oa i,8aS
CARBON COUNTY- . Miss Catherine Iees, White Sulphur Springs......... 5,424 5.424
Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge................................ 4,066 4,066 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs......... 1,o09 1,092
Miss Maud Chapman, Red l.odge....................... 8 3,007 3,087 Miss ERflie Tipton, WVhite Sulphur Springsings......... 9 9
Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge..................... 1,589 1,589 Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs............. . I
Miss Fannie Rourke, Red. Lodge................... ... ,309 1,309 Miss Eva Ilartfield, White Sulphur Springs
Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge .............24........ ' 42 MISSOULA COUNTY-
Miss Eva lRoilbins, Red Lodge... ...........2...........1 2 Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula................. . .......7,241 2 7,263
Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge ....................... so ' o Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown................. ..... 6,835 a5 6,860
CUSTER COUNTY- Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula...................... .. 5,361 8 5,369
Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles Cit3y................... . 3,33s 3,335 Miss Nellie Longstaff, Missoula .................... 5,10o5 u6 3,202
Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City.................. . 2, sa Miss Florence McQuesten, Missoula................ 2,4S a,4t5S
Miss Margaret Carter, Mil City.................. 2Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula........................ ,67* 1,67*
CASCADE COUNTY- Mist May Drago, Missoula.............,.............. 314 314
Miss Netta Gervauis, Great Falls................ 4,909 4.909 PARK COUNTY
Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls. ............. 3,067 3,067 Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston........................ 4,1t9 121 14,250
Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls....................... 225 a25 Miss Etta Hruza, Livingston....................... 12,838 146 1:,984
CIIOUTIAU COUNTY-- Miss Maud H. Vance, Livingston..................... 814 814
Miss Clara Hassock, Hare......................... 1,362 1,362 Miss Nonnie Nichol, Livingston.............. ......... 63a 63
Miss Cora Niles, Chinook............... 593 .............. .59 Miss Edna Turner, Livingston....................... 243 143
Miss Marion Auld, lavre........................... 55 55 Miss Elsiena Driscoll, Lvingston....................... 13 13
Miss Nina Thibault, Fort Benton............... . 5 Miss ElRosie Mercier, L!vingston....................... 8 8
Miss Rose Hausen, Livlngston ........
Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda.................... 12,62o s,161 13,781 Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir................ 9,427 1s,o0 10,449
Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda ...................... 12,237 2,064 14,301 Miss Mable Beaumont, lDetr Lodge................... 10o,23 10o,23
Miss Alice Sager, Warm Springs.................... 6,7.2 9 6,741 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge............ 6,288 6,s88
Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive ........................ 4,239 4,239 Miss Floy L. Olds, Victor...... .................... 14,077 267 14,344
Miss H. May Johnson, Glendive...................... 3,131 Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton.......... ......... .... .9,26 9,a65
Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive......... ..... .......... ,46 2,462 Miss Ethel Chambers, IHamiton....... ...... 4,a13 *28 4.341
Miss AnJ Sionss, Glendive........ ....... .,a9a 42,292 Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville ...................... 1,0 1,011
Miss Mary Osimmsorne, Gldive............. .......... 1,710 1,7 S Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis...................... 755 755
Miss Eary C. ieri, in............... ..... 1,61o Miss Lilla Semmons, Hamilton....................... 728 728
Miss Emildy C. Pickes, rilendiva................... 76 276 Miss Cors Adams, Hamiton.......................... Io 11o
Miss Hilda Foss, Glendive ............... ROSEBUD COUNTY
FLATIIEAD COUNTY- Miss Margaret McRae, Rosebud...................... 5,854 1,o8g 6.943
Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell......................... 7,270 7,27 Miss Floy A. Wostaby, Forsyth......... ....... .. 6,068 6,o68
Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell........... ........... 6,os6 6,856
JN' MiBessie Tate, Kallispell............... . .. 5.768 5,768 SILVER BOW COUN'IY
Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell......... ........... . .8a8 828 Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte............. ........ 53,015 751 53.766
Miss Donna Scheuck, Libby......:.................. I Miss Laura Kilrtallan, Butte..................... .51,406 1,778 53,184
Miss a , pell........ Miss Alice Jackson, Butte.......... ... t51,339 647 51,986
Miss Julia Gildca, Kallspell............. Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte..... ............. 48,971 142 49,113
FERGUS COUNTY- Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte........................ 39,703 587 40o,90
Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown...... ... 6,632 6,632 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte............ .......... 4,805 53 24,858
Miss Mable Suprenaunt, Lewistouw ................... 4,106 22 4,128 Miss May Rodda, Butte................................... 7,081 7,081
Miss Grace Mcllugh, Lewistown ...................... 480 480 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte.......................... 3,704 3.704
GRANITE COUNTY- Miss Olive Beakey, Butte............... ......... .. *,o6t 1l 2,076
GRANITE COUNTY 68 Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte......... s,60 ,6o2
Miss Catherine Perrent, Philipsburg ................... 6744 153 6,897 Miss rgaret Loun, Butte ................ 599 599
Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite..... ............ ... 6,189 75 6,264 Miss Ruth Carlson, ButteY................. 599 599
Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg...................... 4.908 404 5,312 SWEETGRASS COUNTY
Mis3 Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond....................... 3,847 3,847 Miss May Msrley, Big Timber...................... 10,313 10,313
Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber ............... ......... 4,178 4,178
GALLATIN COUNTY- Miss Ethel Browning, Big 'timber ..................... 4,001 4,oor
Miss Grace Griffin, Bozeman.................... .... 5,388 40 5,428 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber......
Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman............. ...... ..... 5,103 so9 5,21* TETON COUNTY
Miss Mamie Oakwood, ozeman ......... ............. .... 3,897 3,897 Shelby............,43 1,150
Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade......................... 3,45 23 368 Miss Maud Murray, Shelbyau...............3............ ,43 7 08
Miss hiessie Van Zandt, Bozeman .......... .......... 1 .,319 1,519 Miss Frances Cooper, Chouteau....................... 304 4 308
Miss Bessie Van Zandt, Bozeman.....................6 88.... 1 ,' Mass Kathryn Kennedy, Chouteau..................... 159 159
Miss M.innie Stubblefield, Bozeman..................* 686 VALLEY COUNTY
JEFFERSON COUNTY- Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow.................. ... 5,426 5,426
Miss Josie Noonan, Basin...... ........ ... 14.940 6 14,946 Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow...................... a,6 2 ,263
Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall....,,............. 11,170 129 11,299 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY
Miss Regina Bear, Basin................,,.r ........ 7,3o8 7,308 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings............. ....... 6,903 6 6,909
LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings ...................... 6,7:0 1a2 6,837
Miss Delia Lawlor, Helena...... ...A .*.. .........*..... 13,855 119 13,974 Miss Della Walters, Billings......................... . .62 26
Miss Mable McGregor, Helena.. ..5U .'............ . 7,961 o0 7,982 3Vlthdrawn ............., ,,... ................... 88,902 88,90a
Miss Myra Trerise, IHelena........ ,.... .......... ,a.8 ", 8 --"21 - - -
Miss Carrie Ward, Helena........................... 631 631 Total ... .................................. 867,964 18,954 886,918
~~~ I' 9bU~s,~~
··-~,--.-...~ -- ·~r
VOTE r Jn 6
m'. C U/PON /1'f.$T B VeO7E ON Oi? BEF~ORE
A complicated question bhas arisen ovae
the payment of license by a Dublin
t;ulch saloonkeeper. This particular
gemtleman has his place of business l0
cated within the mile limit of Butte and
also within a mile of Walkerville. The
law states that saloons within a mile of
Butte or any city, shall pay the same
license as those within the limits of such
The Dublin Gulch man is willing to pay
his license to the Hill City, which is $60
less than in Butte, but he has been called
upon by the Butte tax collector to pay up.
The aggrieved party also stated in his pro
test against paying the Butte license that
other saloonkeepers in the gulch did not
pay licenses at all.
The matter was mentioned td the cl
commissioners. It was their opinion that
the Gulch man should be allowed to ,py
$24o, the Walkerville license, but` tie
treasurer declined to accept it, as he felt
he would be held accountable for the dif
ference between $300 and $240, the hB3tt~p
license fee. So far the saloon man ,.as'
not paid up, and declares he will not inetU
the others pay for the same privilege.
Compulsory Eduoation.
The Argentine republic now has a cota
pulsory education law.
End of Bitter Fight'
"Two physicians had a long and satub~~'
born fight with an abscess on my right
lung," writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont,
Ga., "and gave me up. Everybody thought
my time had come. As a last resort I
tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. The benefit I received was
striking and I was on my feet in a fetw
days. Now I've entirely regained my
strength." It conquers all Coughs, Colds
and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaran
teed by J. T. Finlen Drug Co, Pric, .doO
and $z.oo. Trial bottles free.
$2,000 WORTH OF
It is expected that the fines collected in
police court and turned into the city treas
ury for the month of December will be, in
the aggregate, more than $2,oo000o. Fines to
the amount of $i,soo have already been
collected and turned into the treasury. Of
this amount $8oo is from fines for gam
bling; $6z5 represents fines imposed upon
slot machine proprietors, and $75 miscel
laneous court fines.
A fine of $rSo was imposed by Judge
Boyle upon each of the gambling houses,
except that operated by a number of Chi
nese, which was fined $5o. The slot ma
chines were taxed $5 each. The fines col
lected indicate that there are five gambling
houses operating in the city besides the
one run by the Chinese, and 125 slot ma
None of the fines was this time col
lected by the chief of police, as was the
custom last year. The fines were imposed
in the police court and the amounts paid
to the clerk of the court. The chief of
police did not consequently retain the so
per cent of the amount of the fines, as
he had done in the past.
No fines were imposed during the month
upon the women of the redlight district.
Butte Barbers Elect.
The following officers have been elected
by the Butte Barbers' union: President,
D. J. -Smith; vice president, R. C. Ross;
recording secretary, George Ellis; financial
secretary, Burt Mendell; treasurer, IIH. C.
Gamblury; guide, C. J. Lane; trustees, C.
H. Wilks, R. B. Campbell and M. Costello;
delegates to the Silver Bow Trades and
Labor assembly, D. H. Smith, I, S. Wilson
and E. F. Dobson.
A magnificent display of Ozotonic In
Hennessy's Grocery department windows.
Don't fail to notice it.
Butte Inter Mountain's
World's Fair Tour Conditions:
First-Any young lady over sf years of age may be nominated t any timne on blanks
provided sad by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she
Second-Three judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officallay es
nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting
that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each.
Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote In one cannot
affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of
the majority. The wnner shall have the right to name a prosy U unable to attend her.
Fourth-Votlng vll commence Monday, October fs, and close Tuesday eveninl at
p o'clock, January 19, 1904. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons
cut from the semi-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All
coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for.
ifth.-Coupona are given as followas
Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter
Mountain .................... ................... . ......... Vote
Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 25 Votes
Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, $s, a special coupon of 5o Votes
(Paid in Advance Subscriptrens.)
Subscription, Semi-Weekly 12 months, $, a special coupon of soo Votes
(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain i month, 75C, a special
cuopon Of .......... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes
Subscription, Daily Inter MountaIn, 6 months, $4.oo, a special
coupon of ........... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)... ... .....s3 Votes
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, s2 months, *7.5o, a
special coupon of ..... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... ~ 00 Votes
Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or musailed to "Coupon
Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noes
Seah day sad the totals announced in the evening papers
Headquarters and Voting Places
Beaverhead County-A. S. Johnson............................. . ........................... Dillon
Broadwater County-Byrne Bros...................................................... Townsend
Carbon County-Mrs. at. N. Hickox ................................................Red Lodge
Cascade County-Thomas Hodge .................... . ............................ Great Fall
Cloutesu County-George W. Crane ................................. Fort Benton
Custer County-J. H. Arnold... ............., ,...............Miles City
Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson .............. ................. ........... lende
Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Oice ................................. Anaconda
Feragus County-L. C. Cornell........,................................. Lwiltown
Flathead County--Walter Hunt ................ .. ............. ........... Kalispel
Gallatin County--. F. Hanley............................................ Boeman
Granite County-Charles Williams .......... ..... ......... .. ......... Phillpsburg
Jefferson County--J. H. Rule............. ......... ....................Basin
Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Book and Stationery Company.............Helena
Madison County-James Powell ............................................... Virgini City
Meagher County-L. B. Jobb ....... .................................. White ulphur Springs
Missouls County-Winstaney' Office ..................... ............ . Missoula
Parlk County-Binham Hinman .................................................... Livingston
Powell County-The Kenyon Store .............................. ..... . ............... Deer Lodge
Ravalll County-Wynne Roberts ......... ........................... n Hamilton
Rosebud County-T. J. Thompson....................................................... Forsytb
Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Office .................... ........................... Butte
Valley County-Mrs. Berths Kamplhar ................................. Glasgow
Tton County-C. H. Drake..... ................ ................... Choteau
Yellowstone County-Stockwell & Emmons ........................................... Billings
SweIetgrase (County--L. M. ungerford ........................................ Big Timber
Three Commissioners Named,
Missoula, Dec. 3o.--Joel A. Moss, P. J.
Kline and W. H. Raymond have been ap
pointed by the distriot court as commis
sioners to determine the amount to be
paid by the plaintiff in the case of Se
eas the he Kind You Have Alw Bought
bastin Eflinger vs. Coll McClellan et al.,
as conpensation for land appropriated by
the plaintiff, but belonging to the defend
ant, for a water right of way. The first
meeting of the commissioners will be held
in Clerk Kemp's office February a.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money of it falls
.to cure. L. W. Grove's signature is oe
each box. aao.