Newspaper Page Text
POLICE RAID THE DOUBIOUS SECTION WOMEN OF REDLIGHT DISTRICT HAULED INTO COURT TO FACE THE POLICE JUDGE. DENY HAVING PAID FINES Purpose in Raid Is Said to Be the Exoneration of Court-First Raid on That Section in Months. For the first tiue in some months the redlight district was raided by the police last night and about 6o female denizens of the shady realm taken to the police sta tion. where the payment of $to each was demanded of the district women to secure b1onds for their release. Nearly all the women of the district were taken into custody, only a few of them, who some how got a tip as to the intended raid, es caping. Some of those who escaped last night were brought in this morning and paid their "fines." A statement by Judge loyle, of the police court, explains the reason for the wholesale arrest of the u omen of the redlight. lie says there has been for some time past a good dtl of talk rela tive to the collection of lines from the women, tlhe money collectc1, it was said, going into the pockets of police officers and the court since the old system of fines was stopped by order of Mayor Mullins about two months ago. Denied Having Paid. The judge declared that it was his purpose to show that no fines had been collected and disbursed as had been hinted, and this morning, when a number of the women appeared in court, lie asked them if any collections 'had been made against them as had been reported, stat ing that if any of the women would swear that such collections had been tIlade there would be no prosecution. Not one of the women testified to hav ing paid any money to any of the police officials, so the judge feels that he has been exonerated of the charge against him and his court. Up to noon today 57 of the women had paid their "fines" and Judge Boyle said tihere were a few more to appear. The warrants were all issued by Judge Boyle on his own initiative, though it is said that the procedure had the approval of the mayor. DILLON MEN ARE TO ENTERTAIN TOMORROW *PECIAL TO TlE INTER MOUNI'AIN. Dillon, Dec. 31.-There will be a re v.lal in the usual order of New Year's receiving here tomorrow, when the men Aill be the entertainers. Those who have )nnounced their intention of receiving are: br. H. II. Swain, W. C. Orr, W. V. Kings bury, F. E. Foote and a party of young men, who will receive at the Mctlelt hotel. TWO LIONS AND A PAIR OF BIG TUSKS SUCH IS THE GIFT ,EMPEROR MENE LIK OF ABYSSINIA SENDS TO THE PRESIOENT. DY ASSOCIATED PRN:ss. Jibutil, French Somiland, Dee. 3t.-The United States expedition to Abyssinia, unlder command of Consul General Skin ier of Marseilles, which arrived at Adis Adeba December I, has successfully car ried out the principal features of the mis sion. A treaty between the United States and the empire of Ethiopia, opening for the lirst time friendly commercial relations, hass been negotiated and signed. Emperor Menelik has also given his formal acceptance of the treaty to partici pate in the St. Louis exposition. As a personal tribute from Emperor Menelik to President Roosevelt, Mr. Skinner has been charged to deliver to the president two lions and a pair of elephant tusks. Each membler of the American party hIas been tendered a decoration, the ac ceptance of which is held in abeyance, owing to thile official chllaracter of the expe dition. The closing audience granted Iby Emlperor Menelik to Mr. Skinner and the leaders of the American escort was of a particularly cordial character. COE COMMISSION CO. STOCKS AND BONDS GRAIN AND PROVISIONS We Have Over 15o Offices. References: 175 state and na tional banks. OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST Out-of-town Business Solicited. C. C. COE, Corroespondent Branch Office, Hirbour Block PERSONAL, confidential; promptness guaranteed. Boa 685, Butte, Montana. CLEANING AND DYEING PAUMIE'S Parisian Dye Hlouse-All work guaranteed. No. 6o West Galena street. 'Phone 747-A. French dyeing and cleaning. TAILORING DAN CALDER, TAILUR-New aOsigns n fall and winter woolens. No. gao North Main. HiOME in confinoment. 647 Mouth Main. Tel. 967-P. . .--F 11111. d & WiiNIMCIL, successors to Johbs R. Dlptyl assayers and chemists; bullion melted and assayed or purchased. No. ass Hamilton street, Butte, Montana. l'JitMAM ItUGV;, assayer and chneist. N.. 430 North Main street, Butte. 1'.'iT%'ATtIICK & L1Wi, emaren succes. sors to A. 3. tobser*w . ke. soll North Wyo. mlng street. 'Phone 659-I.. P. O. Boa .s4. at iiroaon's Loan Oflice, No. io B. Park St. NEW YORK STOCKS (Reported by Coe Commission Co.) New York. Dec. 31.-The opening and cloa. ing quotations on the stock exchange today were as fohlows: Open. Close. American Ice ....................... s8 9 do. preferred ..................... J3:6 33'1 Amalgamated Copper ............... So 5t1:6 Anaconda Mining ( opalny....... 78 79'h Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe..... 6.$j 70 do. preferred ..................... go% 9o? Btaltimore & Ohio ........... . 79.i 7914 Brooklyn Rapid Transit........... a4 52 Canadiani Pacific ...................l.. t o' , Chesapeake & )hllio ................ 33.V 331. Chicago & Alton................... 34 34)6 Colorado Fuel & Iron .............: 94 30 Chicago Great \\esternt............ 10r6 16' Consolidated Ga(;s..................194 194 I)elaware & lludsoi ..............t67 167 Eric....... ........................... o' 9 do. first preferred............:... 64a 686 Illinois Centra ....................t3;4 IJ13. L.ouisville & Nash;rillev............oM.n. tIo"i Manhattan ('onsolidated ........... s4 144 itl., St. P. & S. Ste. Marie........ 5;7~ 5614 Metropolitan Traction ..............4 t 14'6 Mexican Central .................... to!i to Missouri, Kansas & 'Texas........ 27 17' Missouri Pacific .................... 93! 9.14 New York Central ............... .toi t'i Norfolk & Western........... . SS 57S horthwestern.......................46o 1(0 Intario & Western......................' 2.i I'ennsylvan:tia Railwayi ............. to tio P opl, ' ;ni ................... ..... ... 9 98' Iepublic Iron & Steel............ 7' 7% d',. preferred .................... 42 42 Reading......................... ... 45. 45'/ d,. lirst preferred................ 77' 77', r.uck Islatnd........................ 24: do,. preferred ..................... 6: 6a Southern Railay'................:.... S soy do. Ireferred...................... 79 79 So.thern Pacific............... 49' i 4901 Smetlter........................... 49.; 49% Sugar Refinery ................... 21'7'.5 at" St. I'aul............................146 4..6 'I ennessee (5 al & Iron .......... 381t 38J4 'I exas l'acitic........................ .j 6 I 'niont I'acific...................... 80. 80o U'nited States Steel................ I:t 12' do. preferred..................... 58 57'1 W\aha.hl............................ :1' 2'4 do. preferred .................... 37 37 \\'estcrt ('nion..................... 86! 6,; 1\i5.con'lln Central................. 17 17 Monlry at 6!,/ per centt. Total sales, 374,10o. Boston Copper Stocks. (Reported by C'e Commissiotn Co.) ioston, tec. 31s. lToday's mininlg shares on the stock exchange cwre listed as follows: Amnalgtnmatcd..................... . 5t .. Anacoda ................... ........... 79* . . (Iscotla ................................ 59' 61'5 Parrot ............................... . .. (a :3 Mohawk................................. 38 f136.' I)al \\'est .......................... 35.;JO36 'T'alnmarack............................OS 10 Itah C'onolidated ............... 3I 01'.3:' Shann, , ................................ 77;w 8 Cop er Range ......................... 47!0".. ('Centennial ......... ...................... 16.4 16 T rinity ................................. 5 ( . i U'nite-d .tates As ing ................ 18· M 6 .. Io)mimon C'o l ........................ 714 '"73 IDominiltl n roin ........................ to (0 .. \\'olvel ine .............................. 69 0I 70 WALL STREET TODAY BY AS.\Oc'tlAI'tI) I'ItKSS. New York. Dec. . -'The stock market today was dlll and tslgish hut firm. A rise ofr If in .\malgamated Copper contributed largely to the tolne. Ito,lns were steady. The a1bsence of pres.ssure rather than any de mIland caused na illtll r tolle. Alalgamatedl ruled dull around the highest and there was soule tbuying of Sugar, Atchison and t;he Pacifies. Atchison was run up t.4 in the late trading with some heavy individual transactions. Chi. cago. St. Paul, .Minneapolis. (Olllaha rose 6. The P'acifics hlrEllened slightly. Amallgamated rail off to fractional losses .,n realizitng. The closing was dull and heavy. St. Louis Corn Goes Up. ItY A.:O('IAT'ED PRESS. St. l.ouis,, Mo., I)ec. 31. -During the closilo hour on 'change today December cornl ad vanced 14 cents over yestcrday's close. 'T'he frantic etforts of shorts to cover caused the option to advance to Go cents at the close, and that was made the settling price. The shoart interest was estimated at from11 50,o00 to 50o,uoo bushels. New York Silver. BY ASSOCIAII I't PRItSSI. NeS York, Dec. 31. --lar silver, 56/c. Mexican dollars, 431~c. St. Louis Wool. fl AStStIATED PHRIHSS. St. louis, Mo., Dec. 31.-W)ool, nominal: territory and westernt mediunms, t8a t19c; line lmedium, 15S I7c; filne, t5st16c. Lead and Copper. flY A`SOCIATE'I;D PREISS. New York, Dec. 3l.--Copper ant- lead mark:t steady and unchantgd. LIVESTOCK Kansas City Livestock. IY ASSOCIA IED) PRERA. Kansas City, ),ec. 31,- Cattlc--Receipts. 300oo head. Mo\arket iigher. Native steers, $3t.6oS 4.73; native cows and heifers, $.S.40u,03,?5; stockers and feeders, $3.4'5&3.75; bulls, $2.2.50 3.l0; calves, $2.so5d5.60; western steers, $3.40(1' 4. o; western cows, $1.50.l J,9o. Ilogs-Receipts, 8.o,0 head. Market 5)rtoc higher. Iulk of salne, $4.550j4.70; heavy, $4.55 (i44.75; packers, $4.55s6.4.63; pigs and lights, $4.350" 4.70. Sheep--Receipts. a.noo head. Market strongt to soc higher. Mluttonls, $3,5..4.35; lambs, $475e. 5.65; range wethers, $3.Suoa4,so; ewes, $-'.u1' 3.55. Chicago Livestock. BY ASSOC'IAT'tlit t'RISS. ('hicago, Dec. 31.--CattLe--Receiptls, 5,000 head, Market steady. (;ood to prime steers, $4.950n5.65; poor to medium, $3.5ori1.9n; stock ers and feeders, $1t75@4,oo; cows, $1.536t4.25; heilers, $.0oo14.75; canners, $,4o; bulls, $3.5o('4.S5; calves, $2.Sola.6.75. Ilogs--Receipts today, 32,o0o head; tomor row, 0,000oo head. Market steady to 5o higher. Alsted and butchers, $4.s55t4.9o; good to choice heavy, $47354.90; rough heavy, $4.45k,4,7.; light, $4.40os.7o; bulk of sales, $4.65ro4.80. Shecp--Rcceipts, 5,oo00 head. Sheep and lambs, steady. Good to choice wethers, $3,753 4.50; fair to choice mixed, $; wtesCte' sheep, $3,25.4t4 5; native lambs, $4.e5r6..; western lambs, $5oor G6.aS, FOR SALE-FURNITURE lOR SAl.E-l'urniture of a laroom houtIq, in good location, and house for rent reasonable. Rooms all rent well. You can make a home of it and rent rooms at a profit. Smith & Jet" fries, t9 West Granite. HOTELS-LODGING HOUSES THE OUIIIhERN HIOTL. Butte's Popular Stpplng P'lace. DINNER, eo s t $ t t i DINNBi. e'p The best meal sad best cooked food for ass In Butte, Yent get as much. of say and. **V dish offered on the bill of fIrs as yoe wish. Cuisine unexcelled. DAN TLE\VEY, Proprietor, amisls West I.roadwayj. teiytoa su -iqr WANTS One Cent a Word. DEATHS AND FUNERALS Iltit)(E Sidn.ey it., the a xear and a months old son of 'Mr. and lMrs. J. 11. I, Hdge, died this morning. The funeral will take place to* morrow at a p. m. front the residence, No. lo5 \\ tlliam, street, North \V'alkcrville. FOR RENT-ROOMS ýi'Uýý:ý7 r-oom.s 1"ue;. ed aIto( "iTs bousekeeping. Upton block, 4I2, 8S. Main. 'HlTEL. U rXFORU -Rooms $to up; tirti~cl5ra modern convenetenees. South Main. FO()R RENT- Roots cheap at a'a West Broadway. Ioll RENT ---awo furnhihed rums,. No. Gap Wes't Granite. TiHE lIamilton--Location centlal; new man. agerment. i:loCE lurniseied eomwn Yuk J blush. 0 West Park. FOR R E- Transtent .onms. s Coloriado: FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SAtE -The bent rantc in the litter Root valley fotr the motney; ;so atrie, im. proved: $.,.o Terms if desired, iR. Ah. oub. ban Realty C'o. M issoula. FOR RENT-FLATS FoR REN'r--'l'hree room modern bIrick liat; porcelatm bath; garland range; electric lights; desirable location. Apply to Morley & 'huomas company. 46 East BIroadway. TRA..SEISRL MUNTANA 1TKANh'VER CU.-F-reight trae. ter; moves engines, boilers, sales, macltnery of all kinds; furniture van and storage; piano derrick for use in difficult places; dealers in coal and wood. Telephone as. Office: No. as West Broadway. W. J. Christe., manager. lii N iFWiTiLIJ'S _iX or 'phone oo. BOARD AND ROOMS lU(tIARD and room in private family. 469 East Park. MILLINERY WINTER Millinary at greatly reduced praces. Mrs. Hughes' New Mill Inert Pa'rlors, 647 Utalh avenue. MESSENGER SERVICE K.INt, \'tJ(LL)'.1UUX or telelihone 0on. MaCauley. asa south Main street. FIRE INSURANCE REYNOLDS & McDOUWELL, leading Are insurance companies. Correct rates and prompt adjustments. 46 East Broadway. MASSAGE ...s. PLAN''Ti)N, "scentific masseur, electric treatment and vapor baths. aa5 Nortl Main street, Raoom 2. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS \\ AN'I'EI)-T''u hire leant and light wagon for hunting trip of few days. Address Z., Inter Mounitain. H)anicur . en RI on ay , . her a, from Mrs. Hanson's parlors, Sas f'rancisco. 4s Owaley Block. c)Mces: Nos. ar4--ry Pennaylvania building. 'Phone op7-B. HOUSEMOVERS EXPERIENCED housemover. Edgar Dayton, 418 South Ohio. Tel. pay. Office a E. Park. DCULIST AND AURIST DR. T. A. GRIGG-Eye, eat, nose, throat sld lungs; prices moderate; terms cash. No. 4s HIirbour building. 'Phone p4--A. ._ sToYLBRAR! NA SCOTT, the stove mau, hu moved to No. raS East Park. 'Phone number, 894. dolin. No. r48 West Granite. 'Phone s64-AM. expert repairing work guarantecd. Charle Mlack, No. ',4 North Academy. NOODLE PARLORS NME 1WAll Noodle larlors--lmporters fine teas, noodles. Chau, Suie Metwah Co. No. s39, corner Mercury (the alley). MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, salary, time checks and all othet security, at low rates. Busluess confidential. Butte Chattel Mortgage Co.. 58 W. Park st.. first floor. MONlEY O LOAN-Loans on furniture, real estate or any securities. Montana Chattel Loan Co. Office: No. sob Clark block. SLESMONS & l(tuoTil will negotiate a loa for you on real estate security. Ruon:s a, a, S, Sliver Bow block. EEE. ' -'U I Arn turnturc or any secu. riltes. Edward Ch.pman, Room a, 77 West Broadway. '-T)ANS-Mloney to loan at S per cent; no delay. Hall brothers, No. 48 East Broad. way, Blutte, Montans. M'ONi- Y TO LOAN on any kind of security. The Davenport Co., No, sis Hamilton street. .;I bALE irst-cluss hack outfit and three fline horses at one-quarter of actual cost. Address Box 743, Butte. HAIRDRESSING AlM1t. A. UJI 'ItitLiT'L, Ilairdressing, mani. cure, chiropodist. No. sr4 West Biroadway. before January a at less than hall price. All goods cheapest in the city. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods in the West. The South Main, 236. 'Phone 857M. I(;II:EST' prices paid for household gooWff. Feldman & Co., 1u7 West Park. 'I'hons 975.\. WAN,~ii-S,, e'cond.h-nd furniture ought n sold. No. 338 East Park street, Butte. Tel,. phone 686--. E. McNamar. OECHSLIT, West liroadway, iars highest price for household goods. Phone OSilU. MINING APPLICATIOI NO. 478, United States Land Ofice, fle'ens. M..ntana, November g, 96g. Notice Is hereby given tihat hcnry L.. JohbL sato and Andrew J. Johnston, whose postor, See address is Butte, Montana, and OJver P. Johnston, whoae postoffie address is MIt souls, Missoult county, Montana, have this day lied their applircation for a patent for isyt. linear feet, being is feet westerly and atr feet easterly from diseawery shalt, of the Kopper Moone No. 3 Lode Mining Claim, upon which claim enotice of Intention to ap. py for a patent was posted on the ad day ae ovember, Ipos, situated In Summit Vallte (usorganised), Mining District, Silver Iow county, state of Montans, designated as sar. vey No. p6g6, in the unsurveyed portion of ractlional Township a north, Range 7 west, being more particularly descrnbed aa followal Beginning at the southwest Corner No. I, 'Which is also Corner No. a of Survey No. beoS, in lie -a of Slurvey No. 60oo, a on a granite bowlder in place, with a mound of earth alongside, and marked 696a lot Corner No. I, from which tile southeast cornet of Section Iy, Township s north, Ringse west, bears south 75 degrees 36 minutes 48 seconds west, 9370.5 feet, and running thetnce north a degrees is minutes west, 17,1, (eetl thence north So degrees 45 minutes east tir feet; thence south a degrees as minutes east, 119 leet; thence south 63 degrees 47 minutes west, 187.1 leet to the place of beginning, con. tallling an area of o.7y acres, of which 0.063 acres are in conflict with Survey No. 6oon, not claimed, leaving an area ofa s.5a acres claimed. The location of this claim is of record in the Recorder's office of Salver flow county, lon. tana, in hook "U" of LAle Locutions, on 'age 465. The odiolnling cllmn to these premises are Survey No. 5007, Kopper Mountan l.ode, on the northi Survey Io. (oo4, Kopper King No. I Lode, on the east; Survey No. s6oo, Kopper ,oon Lode, on tole south, and a urvey No, 6soj, Kopper King No,. I.ode on the west. FRANK U. MIIRACLI, Register. Samuel lBarker, Jr., Attorney for Applicants. (First Publication, Novenlber 6, gon.) (YEklUliLICA1iuN.. . MINING API'I.ICATI(eN No. 4573 United States Land Ufltce, Helena, Montana, September a, 9ag5. Notice Is hereby given, that the Ilutte Land & Investment Company, ey brmncon V. Ken. per, its atterney.intfact, whose puostofl:ce address is Butte, Silver stow county, Montana, has this day filed an application for a patent for a13.6 acres of the Xenophanes Placer Mining claim, situated in (unorganized) Min. ing District, Hllver flow county, Montana, a notice of which was ported on the claim on the syth day of August, igoj; and beilng more particularly set fortll and described in the official examination and Report No. d76, on file in this office, as follows, to.wit: Lots a and a, and the east half of the northwest quarter of Section s6, Township a north, Range 7 west. The location of this mine is recorded in the office of tilhe Recorder of Silver how county, on Page 490, in Book b of Placers. There are no known adjoining claims to these premises. . FRANK D. MIRA('I.E, Register. Jos. If. Harper, U. S. Claim Agent NOTICiE TO STUCKIiULDERS. The annual meeting of the stalkhnllcrs of the Silver Dow National bank of BIutte city, will he held Tuesday, January 1a, 5904, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the banking house of said bank, for the election of a board of directors fSir the ensuing year, and for voting on amendlll. nient of tlhe articles of association of said bank relative to changilng the nunber of directors,. and for the transaction of such other business as may come tbefore said ureltinlg. FAYIT'rT.. IIARHiINGTON, Cashier. Butte, Moutatia, Dec. . to . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hercl.y givenr that the alnnual meet. ing of the stucklhulers , t i lia te s til ('ltn. pally will Ih hhld ill Ii ,,u Ni. , Iewisolihn blolck, lhlite, Mhliioatlna, Mondaly, the at1h dlay of Janutary, 9ot, at the hour of 8 ', clock p, n. of said day. Said nmeltinlh is for ithe purpose of electing a lihoard iof Iliecitrs for the unsu ing year, and for tIh Ilitanactiiu of lsuch lother business a Illimay lawillly uid regu~laly conleI lefolre tlhe u ieug. Sil.IIV IRVINI:, S.crreary. ilaird I lcceniib r 6, iil, nlat hlutte, Miloitnna,. AMb ltAl, IEttIrING.. The annual meeting of the stockhllders of the First National itank of Ilutte, will be held at the office of said hank, in Ilutte, Montana, on Tuesday, January is, 9ao4, between the hours of to a. m. and 4 p. m. The object of the meetig Is tilhe elctlion of clrectors four the ensuing year, and the transacltionl l any outilier business which may properly rcome before the meetillng. E. II. WKViIILI , Cashicr. Dated Butte, Mollltna. L)ecemlber it, tuoy. PREFERRED BY UNCLE SAM In going En , your letters travel by a most direo,t route. From St Paul to Chicago via the Chiago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Why not tray the same way lourself? No extra charge for riding on the Pioneer Limited. P. H. SCANLAN, C. A. Butte, Montana W. B, DIXON, N. W. P. A., St. Paul Six Million Dollars Spent by the U. P. R. R. CO. In improving what was originally the finest traok in the West. RESULT A comparatively straight and level roadbed, ballasted with dustless Sherman granite, rendering possible the highest rate of speed, together with the greatest degree of safety. The magnitude of the work must be seen to be appreciated. WHAT DOES IT MEANT Solid comfort, security and pleasure to our patrons. ARE YOU'GOING EAST? If so you cannot afford to go via any other than this ROYAL HIGHWAY. Furtier Information on application personally or by letter to H. O. WILSON, O,S.L., Butte, Mont. A CHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RY. Co. SANTA FE ROUTE THREE TRAINS DAILY Prom Denver to Kansas City and Chicago. Also the direct line to Galvecton, El Paso, City of Mew!oo *nd the mining camps of New Mexico and Arizona. For particulars about REDUCED RATES EAST apply to C. F. WARREN, Gen. Agt. ,11 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City. - .S VlYI 4SMPA ?M5N W ' These Cars ate on the new "GrcatWestern Limited" Every Night between Chicago. St. Paul and Minneapolle. It you wish to travel in the most conltortable way, nothitng can approach these momsm. The price of a berth is only $2.50, or u0c more than at berth In at standard Pullm:n Sleeper. All toilet neces sitles hot and cold water, electric berth and cellling lights and elec trichaircurler heaters For further Informat ion Apply to .I. P. PIassener Agent, C hiJ aub Laf llouts cag >, Ill. NORTH COAST LIMITED Observation Cars Electric Lighted Steamn Heated BUTTE SCHEDULE WESTBOUND. Arrive. Depart. No. 1. North ('oaat Limited............... :80 7:40 p.m. p.m. No. 5. iurlington Ex pr s .................. 00 :10 No. 13. Twin City Express.............. 11:80 - a.m. EAST'I'BOUND. No. 2. North Coast Limited................. 1:45 1:55 a.m. a.m. Sleeper for this train openrt i, 9:o p. m. for reception of palssengerT No. 6. iurthington Expre ................ 11:30 11:40 p.m. p.m. No. 14 Twin C(ity Expressa............... - 12:45 p m. No. 1. *orth ('oast Limited, f otn St. Paul lad Easterl points, to the Parifir coast. No. 2. North Loast Limiteil, from the 1a. citic coast to St. Paul, Duluth and prnciapal Eastern points. No. 5. luslrtigt(on ]xpress, fronm Kanslaa City and all 3. & M. Ifaihlad points and ill N. P. points west of lillting tu b:attle and No. (5. arrlnKgtn xn l,:ep, ~r, li :eahl-e and 'I acoma to lhlings and all tI. ,k M. Itailt road points. No. 13. .ocal connection from Twin ('aty Express from St. Paul and all tastn points. No. 1.t. Local conner'ion wilth 'I win City iLpress for St. Paul and all points I:ast. Passacngers for 'I win Itl llges, Slhelrian and Alder leave liutte at .:4S p. m. dalily except Sunday, changing cars at Whitehall. On re turn trip train leaves Aldet at 8:oo a. m. con. necting at Whitehlall with No. S arriving It Ilutte at a:oo p. m. I'assengers for PI'oly and Morris teave Btltte at 1:45 p. m. m.daily except Sulndlay, chianging cars at Sappington. On rcturn tlip leave Nor. ris at 6:jo a. m., Fony at 7:S ua. rn. connectngl at Suppingtlon with No. Ij arrivitng at Ifutte at ar:Jo a. m. W. I M;tIllRIMAN, Geldral Agent, ce ncr Main and Park ltreet& THE BEST FRIEND THE NORTHWEST EVER HAD "The Road That Made the Northwest Famous." LEAVE BUTTE. For St. Paul, East and West, Daily --- - - 8:00 p. m. For Great Falls and Local, daily - - - - - - - --- 8:40 a. m, ARRIVE BUTTE. From St. Paul, East and West, daily ------- 12:05 p. m. From Great Falls and local, daily ------ -10:35 p. m. FULL INFORMATION FROM City Ticket Office, No. 41 N. Main street, Butte. J. G. NASH, C. P. and T. A. DENVER & RIO GRANDE & RIO GRANDE WESTERN Travel During Fall and Winter The journey to the East via Salt Lake City and along the shores of the Great Salt Lake, through beau tiful Glenwood, Colorado Springs and Denver Is one of uninterrupted de light in winter as well as in summer. In fact, the fall and winter seasons add but a new grandeur and charm to the travel scenes and infuse an element of variety and beauty to the unsurpassable wonders along the Rio Grande Western & Denver and Rio Grande lines. Through sleeping and dining car srvlce. Personally con ducted weekly excursions. For rates or information apply to' A. B. AYERS, C. P. & T. A.: G. W. FITZGERALD, Gen. Agt. Ticket Office 51 E. Broadway, Butte. DALY BANK & TRUST COMPANY OF BUTTE Established 1882 Incorporated 1901 Capital $100,000.00 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS JOHN 0. RYAN - -- -- President JOHN R. TOOLE - - Vice President C. C. SWINBORNE - - - Cashier R. A. KUNKEL - - - Asst. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK JOHN A. CREIGHTON - - President 0. W. STAPLETON - Vice President T. M. HODGENS - - - - - Cashle J. O. HODGENS - Assistant Cashier R. B. NUCKOLS - Assistant Cashier Under state supervision and juris diction. Interest paid on deposits. Sells exchange available in all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Collections promptly attended to. Transact a general banking business. Directors-J. A. Creighton, Oma ha; C. W. Stapleton, A. H. Barret, E. D. Levitt, S. V. Kemper, T. M. Hodgens, J. O. Hodgens. Corner Main and Park Streets, Butte. W. A. Clark J. Ross Clark W.A.CLARK & BRO. BANKERS Transacts General Banking Business. Buy Gold Dust, Gold Bars, Silver Bullion and Local Seouritiea. Boxes for rent in safe deposit vault. Sell exchange available in all of the prinoipel cities of the United States and Europe. Special attention given to oollec. tlons. ALEX J. JOHNSTON, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BUTTE (Established 1879.) CAPITAL - - - $200,000.00 GCNERAL BANKING Drafts drawn on all principal cities of the world and letters of credit issued. ANDREW J. DAVIS - - President JAMES A. TALO'OTT -V~ce President E. B. WEIRICK - - - - - - Cashier J. S. DUTTON - - Assistant Cashier (. {. It '...,1t. I' , . 1. 1I . Jimt I ., v ,e f lI' I y t I gIy t tn, I b1 i ler., SILVER BOW NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 This bank solcits accounts, olforb prompt and careful attention to bu:,inccs of customers. Collec tions promptly attended to and re mitted for on day of collections. Sell foreign and domestic exchange, transacts a general banking busi ness, pay intcrest on the deposits. Directors-Charles R. Leonard, F. Aug. Hoinzo, S. Marchesseau, A. Balmforth, R. A. Louis, C. W. New ton, T. R. Hinds, John MacGinniss, Fayette Harrington. Butte. Mont. Cpital1........4$soe,oe*.e Under stae supervialon. Five pw eett Interest, pryTble quarterly, paid a- deposits. Money to Loan on Reat Estate ,. AU L M EINE..........President AL. ,. CI L t!'NTS............Cshier PULLMAN, DINING AND LIBRARY CAR ROUTE TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis And All Eastern Points,. Short 'Line to Colorado, Arizona and Mexico San Francisco, Los Ange!es (Ocean or Ral.) Portland and Pacific Coast Points TIME CARD Arrive Butte. I Leave Butte, No. 9, 6:30pr No. 8. 4:45 pm Ticket Office 105 N. Main St., Butte, Mont H. O. WILSON, GENERAL AGENT.