OCR Interpretation

The Butte inter mountain. [volume] (Butte, Mont.) 1901-1912, December 31, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025294/1903-12-31/ed-1/seq-2/

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135 W. Broadway
Telephone 691-B
Start the New Year
right and drink Hoff
man House Blended
Coffee, it's the best in
the world, 35c per Ib,
3 lbs $1.00.
Brobeck's Best Butter
per lb 30c.
Happy New Year
to you all
Have little effect on the
skin of those people who
A few drop, rulhed on the face
or a smll amounrt used on the
hands before going out i t an al
solute preventive of roug(lhhlness
or chapping. It is tnt sticky,
and11 gloves may he worn a mno
ment after usIing. It is refresh
ing to use, and delightfully fra
grant. .Men lind it a great thing
to use after shaving. 25c.
Red Cross Drug Store
24 West Park Street, Butte
You take from our Entire Stock of 85e
Brussels Carpets, any pattcrn, any
quality at 63c yard. 'This is the best
Carpet Bargai in ti he city.
Carpet Co.
Corner Park and Main Streets
Who purchased goods
here who desire to
have size of rings
changed or have en
graving done, are cor
dially invited to call
during next week. We
will be pleased to
make any exchanges
or corrections. . .
Towle & Winterhalter
Jewelers and Opticians
28 West Park Street
Cash Grocery
so Pounds Sweet Potatoes...... 256
16 Pounds Sugar............8 1.00
H. O. Rolled Oats, per pkg.12 1--20
so Pounds Lard...........$....1.00
5 Pounds Lard ..................50
$ Pounds Lard................356
JUST 16,574.
Miss Mamle McRae of Broadwa.er
County Leads State Today-How
the Candidates Stand.
Another oodl vote today piledl up 16.974
adllitional votes in the Inter Mounttain's
\Vrld's Fair tour contest. This makes the
grand total to date 9o3,49j.
Now it is the 900o,oo mark which has
been passed. The next imiportant mile
Of Wir'l-m Springs, one of the r(a lidsh'
in the Inter Mountiin's World's Fair tour
cotlst iin De)r Lodge county.
stlone onl tile course is that ma;trked one
.Miss Malnie MlRt Il of Brroadwater has
tih IIIghest vote of the day, 3..13.3. Next
to ltier comesl Mis Mtabel Stipretailt of
Iergus county with .1,ait, while third is
Miss Alice J;akson of Silver Itiw county
willth 1,445s. "irth foir the day is Miss
(;ertic Shaver of (Ir;lite county with H16,
4tl,1 fifth is Mliss M:llti McNatItar; of
Siccr flow county with 761.
liss Ja;ckson is litst in Silver tIhw
tlllnty :ltoday a d il s ~i cN;tI:I ra is s'c
aindl. Miss ('otincitey, whi, has 531 votes,
is third today ill the county.
The lInter Mollntainl has to chironicle ti
,iay with regret that Mis., Nell Lloyd, ttne
of thell prominent.t c:anllidattes in Silver Blow
coiinty. has withdrhl;wt from the coniitest.
Ilhr iuthler's illness was the cauttse of this
'Todaylv hiroiught some more dlevelitlopments
to al;ike tlt close'i race in Itroadilwater
coitlly more interestilg. The votes to
day brought the 4Jqlidaltes even closer
toghlltcr. Miss Mantic tMckea stands first
in tIlhat countly now, with 1 ,o42 ; Miss
RItia S.cha;.tf second, wtIth 1,79 atd .Miss
l;tatl I'etnwell third, with ti,.W o.
Iv)eer l.odlg. count)- aga;lil was goodl to
the iutside catdidaltlts today. It gave
votes to Miss Floy OtIds of lItvtlli cotn
ty, Miss ()ro Fi:i, Miller of 'Powell
county, MIiss RoIt, , G(aylord of ('tster
taittly alld Mi's l:iaie ..cltin of I'road
w;ttl'r coulatay. NMiss I.rri ttQuigley of
Powell cotity rtceived votes today in
I.Lewis aindI 'lark.e county.
I aI- NI Maria ,l .\111h. (htl t.eatl ; L.atra
Ilrter, I cav ll:i; XI. it i Iill, Itiratrh alI; lly
.. I 1is , .iv;tllh: 1 l t11 .1 Nl1c reg , le t. antt
('tik ; Iltuby M Itoita, tallitit; .\aleii Skager,
1)or L dlg'.
\.wi' well.tt o'1 il, aV in Ilutte for the folo
towing ut of tit( caltdidates:
I. thes Nlabeli Mlcit'egir, Lcwis :ittai Cl(ticrke;
M\inie \'. Ntd, Yel!owv,tone; (;ertw Shearer,
;r;nits; K latl r it ta;ut tirlin, )laisi.u,; Jes
ti" oI 'risth, Jillt iion,; Iiatal ,I'lrray, Teton;;
I)'i I .:awler, itti, iiw.lI I'ltlre; Margaret
\tal :ec, I(, e.lh d; I-ath el (;ilchrist, (irattite;
t\labtl Ittat t.itit, I'W ll; Iitti lctl ttullo,
Itan:' teh at; Ilt iiilt l ltigllhy, l'owell.
.Miss Cruse Plans Trip.
Former Sei;ator I..e . antle has re
ceived word triji Ilclena todaly to the
litect tihat Miss ('ruste, chairman of the
oiman's auxiliary committee, has planned
to make a trip thlrotuglh the wsestert part of
the state. This trip will he fur the par
ioe of interestillg the Vwomen of the va
rious counties in the work if assisting in
the decoration of the 1lonitana building at
the World's ilDir.
.\ short timle ago Miss Cruse and Mrs.
W\. W. Chcly visited several counties in
thie middle-east of the state and met with
enthtui.astic re oitses froin tie women
Frntil thie way things are progressing un
der the Inanageluent of .Miss (:rune there
sem ll. Ino doubt ibut tihe Montana building
a ill be furnished and decorated in a nlan
nor it keeping with the reputation which
the state has for generosity.
Miss Cruse is also plalning to have a
few refreshments on the side of such qual
ity as the western man delights in. There
can lbe no doubt regarding the popularity
of the Montana building when once its
doors will have biceie thrown open to wel
come the people anll dispense hospitality.
Senator Mantle stated that work oil the
building was progressing nicely and it
would be ready for occupancy on schedule
It is also possible fromn latest news re
ceived that any one desiring to make an
exhibit could do so as a "private exhibit"
in the manufacturers building. Any artist,
inventor, sculptor, musician, those hav
ing a fine collection of china, could get
space for such exhibit by addressing
George \V. Parker, chairman Manufactur
ing and Liberal Arts, St. Louis, Mo.
These exhibits can be sent through from
here with the other exhibits when the same
will be ready for forwarding to the fair.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec 3.---Space 6oo by
i5t feet has been granted by the World's
Fair to the German government for a
unique outdoor transportation exhibit,
which will show the practical working of
German railways under government con
trol in that country.
Carl E. Meyer of the "Balloon Farm,"
Frankfort, N. Y., has been appointed su
perintendent of the aeronautic grounds
and buildings and will report for duty
February I.
The climate of the f(erman cololy Kan.
crun, in Africa, has been found favorable
to tea growitng, nad the gov\'.rment has
planted a large tract with tea shrubs,
Here Is the Way They Stand
Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Pair Tour eontest
DEAVERIIEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. MADISON COUNTY- Last Today's Total.
Miss Maude 1 Red Rock.... Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote.
Miss Maude ll, Red.. .......... ,291 G 1.352 Miss Katheryn Swanstrum, Blaine..................... .. 754 56o 6,314
Miss Nannie McL.oughlin, Dillon.................... ,879 16 1 13,89S Miss Maud Northway, Ennis.......................... 3,97
Miss Lottle McIntosh, Dillon.....,.................. 13,869 1 13.879 Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City................... 3,078 3,078
T)WAITER COUNTY- Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City.................... ,138 ,138
BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss .izzie Morrow, Rohester. .................... 1,689 1,689
Miss Mande McRae, Townsend............... ........ 7,0r8' 3,933 I1,oa0 Miss aaybell Sparling, Ennis........................ 1,397 1,397
Miss Rena Schnaf, Townsend...................... .,318 6i 1o,379 Miss Gertie Kohls, Virginia City..... .............. 769 769
Miss M:ud Pennell, Townsend........... . 9,87 523 o10,37o Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan ........................ 127 127
Miss Christina Erickson. Townsend ..... .............. 4,042 4.042
Miss Carrie nolloway, Townsend.................... ... 3,8M 3,189 MEAGHER COUNTY
Mi.ss Leila Parker, Townsend ......................" o159 1,0o59 Miss Bessie Fowlie, Dorsey .......................... 13,885 1,885
Miss Cl.ra Chapln, White Sulphur Springs......... 11,825 4 11,819
CARBON COUNTY.- Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs......... 5,424 5,424
Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge.............. ..... "....4,1,66 52 4,118 Miss Argall Anderson. White Sulphur Springs......... 1,092 1,o0a
Miss Maud Chapman, Red Lodge..................... 3,087 504 3.591 Miss EFlie Tipton. White Sulphur Springsings ......... 9 9
Miss Jack Fullerton, Red Lodge............. ......... , ,89 2a 3 ,591 Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Spr·gs ............. . . I
Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge..................... 1,3109 8 1.337 Miss Eva Ilartfield, White Sulphur Springs
Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge. ..... ............ 242 24 MISSOULA COUNTY
Miss Eva Robbins, Red, Lodge................... ........ 2 Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula............ ............ 7,263 33 7.296
CUSTER COUNTY- Miss Victoria Cyr. Frenchtown ......... ........... ...6,860 92 6.952
Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City .................... .,33 67 3,402 Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula........... ............. 536, 33 5,420
Mi Mararet artr, Miles City............. 5 a,927 Miss Nellie Longstaff, Missoula .................... 5,a. 59 5,280
SMrgrt rr, ils iy... Miss Florence McQuesten, Miss.,u;la.... .......... . 2,4s15 6 2.443
CASCADE COUNTY- Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula........................ 1,b7 ,7a672
Miss Netta Gervais, Great Falls............ .......... 4,909 4,09 Miss May Drago, Missoula........................... 314 314
Miss Nelly Short, Great Palls ................... .....3,067 3,267 PARK COUNTY
Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls............ ........ 5 Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston...................... 14.250 58 14,308
CHOUTlEAU COUNTY.- Miss Etta Hruza, Livingston....................... 12,q84 21 13.1115
Mis Clara laasock, vr............. . ................ ,36a 1,362 Miss Maud II. Vance, Livingston.................... 814 814
Miss Cora aNiles, (hinuok............. ............... 593 593 Miss Nannie Nichol, Livingston... .................. 63a 632
Miss Marion ules, hinooavre........................... 55 O 6 Miss Edna Turner, Livingston....... ................ 24J2 24
Miss MNina 'lAuilmlt, HaFort e. to..... .. . 5 5 Miss Edna Driscoll, Livingston................. .. 13 13
M.iss CNina o r . 5 Miss Elsie Mercier, L!vingston......... ............. 8 8
ILEEiR LODGE COUNTY- Miss Rose Ilausen, Livingston..........
Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda....... ...... ,30 141 14,44 POWELL COUNTY
Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda............... ......... 781 5ss arrit ey, O86phO ..COU Y-...................
Miss Alice Sager, Warm Springs..................... 6,741 75 ,44 liss Mable Beaumont, Detr L.odge...... . o.a.s o· 30 1 ,33
DAWSON COUNTY-- bliss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Loc.................. ...... 6,288 5o 6.338
Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive ............. ............ 4'2.J9 4,239 RAVALLI COUNTY--
Miss Ji. May Johnson, Glendive...................... 3,3 3,1 Miss Floy I.. Olds, Victor............................ 14.344 89 14,433
Miss ie Jones, Glendive.............. 2,462 2,a2a Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton....................... 9,265 127 9,392
Miss Ana Simms, Glendive........... ......... .. . Miss Ethel Cnhaml:rs. Hamilton...................... 4,343 113 4,454
Miss Mary Osborne, Gletdive....................... ,710 ,t Miss Mattie Higins, Stversville..................... 1,03 1,0 3t
Miss Emily C. Pickering, Wibaux.................... ,6io 1,61o Mise May Dougherty, Corvallis....................... 755 755
Miss lHilda Foss, Glendive ........... ................. 276 26 Miss Lilla Somlmons, Hamilton....................... 728 728
Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell..... ..................... 7,270 7,270 Miss Margaret MRe, Rosebud.........................6,943 5 6,48
Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell................. ...... 6,56 6,056 Miss Floy A. Westaby, Forsyth..................... 6,068 35 6,o03
Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell................. .. . 5,768 5,768
Miss Mattie Hliggins, Kalispell.......-............. 828 88 SILVER BOW CO'JN'IY
Miss Dona Schenck, Libby........................ Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte.................... ... 53,766 761 54,527
Miss Dona Scnck, ib ........... .. Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte ................ ...... 53,384 129 53,13
Miss Julia Gildea, Kalispell............. Miss Alice Jackson, Butte................. . S5,986 1,245 53,231
FERGUS COUNTY- Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte.................. ............ 4o,ao90 53 40,82a
Miss Mable Suprenaunt, Lewistown ........... .....4,128 3,211 7,339 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte ........................ 2 4,858 71 24,929
Miss Faalnie Cook, Lewistown....................... 6,.;1 276 6,9.(18 Miss May Rodda, Butte............................. 7,081 7,081
Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown...................... 460 480 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte......................... . . 3,704 159 3,863
Miss Olive Beakey, Butte..........................2,076 21 2,097
GRANITE COUNTY-- Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte...................... 1,602 1,602
Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite...................... 6.264 8,6 7,080 Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte.............................. 599 599
Miss Catherine l'errent, Philipsburg ................... 6,897 2o 6,017
SMiss Irla Shrrill, l'hilipsburg................·......·5.332 512 5,824 SWEETGRASS COUNTY
Miss EtIrma Shel ilrist, Philrumo.......... . 3.847 4 3,85 Miss May Marley, Big Timoer...................... . o,313 0o,313
Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond........ ... .8 Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber..................... 4,178 4,178
GAI.LATIN COUNTY- Miss Ethel Browning, Big timber. .................... 4,00o 4,o001
_Miss Grace Griffin, Bozeman ......................... 5,428 2o 5,448 TETON COUNTY
Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman ............... .......... 5.215 25 5,237 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby.. ......................... 1,150 8o 1,t72
Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman .................. .. 3,897 3 3.900 Miss Frances Cooper, Chouteau....................... 308 308
Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade................ ............. 368 3 M Kathryn Kennedy, Chouteau..................... 59 19
Miss Bessie Van Zandt, Bozecma......... ..... 1.. ,51 9 M VALLEY COUNTY
Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow......................5,426 8 5.43;
Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozemuan` ........... .6 Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow ....686,46 8 5434
JEFFERSON COUNTY- , Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow...................... 2,263 2,263
Miss Josie Noonan, Basin........ .....t ......... 24,946 284 15,23o YELLOWSTONE COUNTY
•Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall................... ... I1,299 30 11,329 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings........................ 6,o09 137 7,n46
Miss Regina Bear, Basin........... .. .. ..*... 7,318 49 7.357 Miss Dora Radeulaker, Billings...................... 6,837 4 6,841
LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Miss Della Walters, Billings................... 262 262
Miss Delia Lawlor, Helena............................ 13,974 83 14,057
Miss lable McGregor, Helena ................. .. 7,8,1 243 8,225 Withdrawn.................................... 138,145 39 138,r84
Miss Myra Trorise, Helena................. ..... ... 18 a,2z8 T .
Miss Carrie Ward, Helena........................... 63 611 Total .................................... 886,938 :6,574 9o3,492
VOTE fOR . .. .....: ýýý Jan. 7, '041
Dow Did Not Expect an Attack, but
Mamma Bear Cached the Cubs and
Then Came Back to Get Him.
'Speaking of bhear stories," said George
R. Dow of the upper Yellowstone, who
was in Livingston recently, "I had an
experience with a big grizzly one time
that I am not likely to forget, particular
ly as I carry a big scar on my left leg
as a remembrance of her attentions."
Mr. Dow is one of the oldest residents
of the upper country and has hunted and
prospected all over the territory from
the canyon south of the city to .thb
boundary of the Y llowstone park, says thp
"It was in the summer of x888,"'b6
said, "about the end of June. I had
come out of the park and was making
my way down the river. I crossed ,tbh
Yellowstone near Bassett's ranch, oppo
site Cinnabar, and had gone up in lth6
hills on a prospecting trip. Just ov$
the hill from Cinnabar there is a large
basin, and whlle crossing it I happdhe8
to look around and saw a big gripzjy
with two cubs. She saw me about the
same time that I saw her and commenced
cuffing the cubs, making them run into
the timber. I had been told that any
hear would run away from a man unless
wounded, so I felt no fear, althougl;
it was about the first bear I had seen.
Had Cached Her Cubse.
'I lost sight of her >behind a clump
of bushes and rode along unconcerned,
forgetting all aibout her. In about fivb
minutes the pack horse I was leading gave
a snort and a jump ahead, jerking the lead
rope out of my hand. My saddle horse
also began to cut capers and while I was
trying to control him I happened to look
hack and saw the cause of the trouble.
The old bear having cached her cubs had
started after me and was not more than
s5o yards away and coming on the run.
I managed to jerk my rifle from its holster
on the saddle, and this operation at the
time the horse was pitching and jumping
caused lme to lose my balance and I fell
"A short distance away was a stunted
tree and I made for it as fast as I could,
not having time to load my gun. I
reached the tree about zoo feet ahead of
the hear and commenced to shin up as fast
as I could. When I had reached the lower
branches and imagined myself out of
danger, I felt the bear's teeth sink into
my leg. She chewed on it for what
seemed to me an age and then lot go.
She was standing on her hind legs and as
she let down I climbed up and got onto
one of the limbs. How I ever managed
to keep my rifle I don't know, but I had
it when I got safely into the tree, and lost
no time in shoving in a cartridge.
Between the Eyes.
"Mrs. Grizzly walked off a little way
and then concluded to return to the charge.
She came on a little way and stopped and
eyed me wickedly. Then she came on
again, and as she raised up on her hind
legs and put her fore paws on the tree I
let her have a .50 calibre bullet right be
tween the eyes and she dropped like a log.
The tree was on the edge of the basin and
right on top of a high hill. The bear fell
over the verge of the mountain and her
carcass tumbled tq the bottom, several hun
dred feet below,
"I got down from the tree and started
to hunt my horses and found them about
a half mile away quietly feeding. After
that niy.leg began to pain me and I sat
down to examine the wound. The flesh
had been badly lacerated and one of the
tendons laid bare. I bound up the leg
as well as I could and continued over to
Eagle creek, where Jihn Beatty was build
ing a corral, I told him what hr' hap
pened and after lie had examined the
wound he went with me to Bear gulch,
where Jimn Dewing and George Houston
were working on a mining claim. Jim
was something of a doctor and dressed the
wound very well. I remained with them
for saverdl weeks, for the day after I
Butte Inter Mountain's
World's Fair Tour eonditions:
First-Any younf lady over tp years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks
provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county In which she
Second-Three judges agreible to the candidates shall be selected to ofcially an
Bounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting
that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and ilsoeula two each.
Third-As In other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote In one cannot
affect the others. Matters properly oonoeening the tour will be settled by the wishes of
the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy ii unable to attend her.
Fourth-Voting ,ii! commence Monday, October :9, and close Tuesday evenlng at
y o'clock, January sp, .ago. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons
cut from Ihe semi-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. AU
coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for.
Fifth-Coupons are given as follows:
Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter
Mountain............... .......................... ............. Vote
Subscription In arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 25 Votes
Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, i$, a special coupon of so Votes
(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)
Subscription, Semi-W·eekly as months $, a special coupon of ooee Votes
(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain I month, 75c, a special
cuoponot ...o.........(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.); ........... 4 Votes
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.00, a special
coupon of ............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.). ,,,......... 20 Votes
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, is months, $7.50, a
special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.,, .......... soo Votes
Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon
Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon
each day sand the totals announced in the evening papers
Headquarters and Voting Places
Deaverhead County-A. r , Johnson .............. ,... .. ................. Dilloo
Broadwater County-Byrne Bros ................... ....,................. ........ Townsend
Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hickox............. ....................................Red Lodge
Cascade County-Thomas Hodge......................................... .......... Great Fal
Chouteau County-George W. Crane ........................................ Fort Benton
Custer County--. E. Anold .................. ......................Miles City
Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson.................. ....... .............. Glendlve
Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Ofico...................... ........................... Anaconda
Fergul County-L. C. Corneil............... ............... ........... Lewistown
Flathead County-Walter Hunt ........................................................ Kalispell
Gallatin County-E. F. Hanley ......... ............ ..................... Bozem
Granite County-Charles WVilliam ............ .......................... ... Phlllpsburg
Jefferson County--J. IH. Rule ................... .............................................Basin
Lewis and Clarke County-Moore LBook and Stationery Company .............,..... Helene
Ladlison County-James Powell ...... ........V.i....... ................ Virginia City
Meaaher County-I.. B. Jobb ...W...t.......... . ............ White Sulphur Springs
Missoula County-Winstanley's O.lce................. ................... Missoule
Park County-Binrham Hinman. .......................... ...................... Livingston
Powell County-The Kenyon Store............................ ........ .... Deer Lodge
Ravalll County-Wynne Roberts.............. ......................... Hamilton
1Roslbud Cotunty-T. 3. Thompson.. .. ........................................... Forlyth
Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Ofi..c...... ........................... Butte
Valley County-Mrs. Berta Kamphar...... ............................. Glasgow
Teton County-C. H. Drake .... ...................................... Chotoeau
Yellowstone County-Stockwell & Emmons ....................,.. .............. Billings
Swactgrass County-L. M, Hungacrlord .... ..................................... B.ig ''imber
reached there my leg was in such condition
that I could not stand.
"Dewing and Houston went back to cap
ture the cubs, but failed to find them.
"I have hunted bear a good deal since
that time without a mishap, but I never
take any stock in the statement that a
Lear will always run if not attacked.
:lays e Re3 ,r Lihe
ammmm-o *.m
cures "Cold awn.Dy.0 C n aDatev.W 'iY~'/ýn boa. 33q
They may do so In a great majority of
cases, but there are exceptions, as more
than one bear hunter can testify to his
Clara-Are you still taking massage?
Maude--I don't have to any more; I'm
engaged.-Town Topics.
- -- --- II

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