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Fifty Years the Standard BAIIN6 POWDR Improves the flavor and adds to the healthfulness of the food. • PRIORE AKING POWDER O0., OHIOAQO. SEEK ADMISSION TO A. L. U. UNION 1WO THOUSAND SHOEMAKERS IN SAN FRANCISCO WOULD EN LIST UNDER BANNER. DISSATISFACTION GENERAL 'Frisco Workers Do Not Like Policy of National Shoemakers' Union and Would Leave That Body. Word has been received at the headquarters of the American L.abor Union, in the I'ennsyl vania block, to the effect that 2,ooo men, women and boys, mulmbers of the Shoemakers' union, San Francisco, wish to withdraw from the national organization and conie into tie fold of thle A. i.. JU. 'lThere are eight large factories included in the seceding party. The Shoemakers signify their intention to apply immediately for a charter in the A. L. U. The local body of San Francisco is dissatis fled with the policy of President Tobin of the National Shoeworkers' union, and wish to fol low the lead of the St. Louis unions, which recently came into the A. L. U. A magnificent display of Ozotonic in Hennessy's Grocery department windows. Don't fail to notice it. LITTLE ITEMS OF NEWS OF THE GARDEN CITY Missoula. Dec. 3l.-The South Side Whist club met with Mr. anld Mrs. M. M. Joyce last night. One of tihe most delightful of straw rides occurred last evening when Misses Aver, I.eta May, l.illian Sherwood, Ethel Ambrose andl l)aisy Kellogg and Messrs. King Garlington, L.awrence Goodburn, George and Glenn Ambrose and Will Dickinson rode around the suburbs of Missoula to the music of jingling hells. After the ride supper was served at a popular hotel. Hon. 1T. H. Carter, ex-senator and rep resentative, and prominent republican poli tician, was in the city yesterday. Dr. W. P. Mills, who was injured re cently while driving, is able to be about and has returned to his ranch on the 1.olo. Miss Grace Burrell of Marysville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Mason. Charles Halls is in Deer Lodge on busi ness, There will be services in the German Lutheran church tomorrow at to a. m,. Rev. Gustave Mertz will preach. State Veterinarian M. E. Knowles re turned last night from the Bitter Root, where he has been examining horses in lumber camps, and found them free fromt disease. H. p. Moore of Seattle, a former resi dent of Missoula, is in town renewing old acquaintances and looking after his ranch interests in this section. He is practising law in the Sound City. Men of the Smart Set! Now is the time when the male mem bers of Butte's smart set should look with care through their wardrobe. It's the season of fashionable func tions, and the proper things for after noon and evening wear demand care ful consideration. New Year's calla are to be made, and call for a strict observance of fashion's latest man dates. In this connection we call your particular attention to our exception ally complete lines of Full Dress Re quisites in Shirts, Ties, Vests, Gloves and Mufflers Most of thenm being not only the latest creations, but in styles and patterns under our exclusive control for Butte. I. Mdttingly Hatter and Furnisher Successor to Smith & Mattingly 117 North Main St. GETS $2,000 AS A GIFT ON CHRISTMAS St. Paul's M. E. Churcch, South, Re ceives a Handsome Donation One (o the pleasant things which Santa Claus atided in btringing to St. I'aul's M. E. church, South. in this city., was $-.noD as payment on the church debt. 'This church has been unlder a great disadvantage ever since the new edifice was built sonmi years ago, but owing to to te generosity of the public and the hart work of both menl and women in the congregatiotn, the debt will soon be entirely paid. Rev. Mlr. Bergin is the pastor, and since his taking charge of the church this fall a new spirit has been ilfnused andt the church is taking on its old stability, adding nlemlbers to its roll atld the various so cieties within the church are progressing and growing in interest. MORMONS HOLD CELEBRATION Mark Christmas Season With a Tree and an Evening of Dancing. The Mormon congregation of this city celebrated Christmas in the church in South Butte last evening. After the close of church services all adjourned to the hall. 38 East Park street, where a greater part of the night was spent in dancing. At the church a Christmas tree, laden with all the delights of the season, was enjoyed by the children of the Sunday school. Every child received some pretty gift. There were also recitations and songs. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is in title condition in Butte and the ntemtlership is constantly grow ing. The officers in charge are J. V. Leonard, president; G. A. lHunter and G. W\V. HIulse, elders. Elder U. W. G(;range of Helena is a visitor here at present and was present at the festivities last night. GOING ON IN PHILIPSBURG SPI'ttIAt. TO 'rttE INTtER MOlSI NAIN. Philipslurg, Dec. 3t.--Fred Malette of Granite left today for a vacation at liun ter's Hot Sprinlgs. County Assessor \\'illiamn Enuderlein re turned last night fromt Butte. The machinery for the new mill of thile Milwaukee Gold Extraction comlpalny at Red Liott has arrived and will be ..auled to the mnine at once. The mnill will he a cyanide proposition, with a capacity of treating too tons per day. It is expected the plant will he up and ready for operation early next stttnnier. Superintendent G. II. Savage of the cotm pany is here superintending hauling the mnachinery to the mtillsite, 18 miles distant. NEW UNION HOLDS MEETING The ltoitblacks and Porters' nition hielt Its first regular meeting last night since organiza. tion, at .w6 W\est (;ranite street. Election of officers and d(iscushing questions t affecting the organizalion anld labor in general were features o. the first meeting. The union was addressed by U. C. tRoss, who gave the new organization advice as to how to be successful in the tundertaking. The officers elected ares President, J. C. Allen; vice president, Charles IBlack: vecretary. J. II. Wilds; record. ing secretary, George Smith; financial secre tary, Osborn Fenner; treasurer, C. C. (t'iamlp bell; inside guard, Ed Ilughes; ioutsidle guard. Ernest Mtay; delegates to 'tradles and Labor assembly, J. C. Allen, WV. Reed, tishborn Ien ner and J. II. G(ordon; business agent, \Villiam Reed. The meetings hereafter will he held in the Pennsylvania block, on \We\dnesdny nights The financial secretary, business agent and treasurer were ordered to give honds of $Soo each. RUNAWAY ON PARK STREET A horse attached to a delivery wagon ran away on West Park street yesterday afternoon and near the corner of Park and Academy struck the carriage of ])r. Trainor and his sis ter. One wheel of the carriage was torn off and the wagon also slightly damaged, but no other harm was done. JOHN P. SCHMIDT FILES BOND Hieletna, Dec. 3i.-- The hond of John 'P. Schmidt, the new state land register, who will succeed T. ). . Long tomorrow, has been filed in the sutn1 of $tO,oom) with tile tUnited States Surety and GtIaranty company of Ialtimore as sureties. IIousekeeping is easy enough, so far as Schilling's Best tea baking.powder spices coffee flavoring extracts soda go. They are moneyback; make no trouble to anybody. WAiCH-NIGHI WILL BE WIDELY MARKED IAJORITY OF CONGREGATIONS OF THE CITY HAVE ARRANGED FOR OBSERVANCES. TO SIT THE OLD YEAR OUT Exercises, Social and Devotional, as Planned, and Who Are to Con duct the Services. Watch night services will be held in many of the churches in lButte tonight. These will begin in some of the churches at 7:1o o'clock, in others not until t o'clock. The programs for the evetingg vary, so.t hbeing entirely of a .osocial Ina ture while othellcrs are re.ligious and yet others have a Ipleasant asso.rtmtnl t of bothll social an|d religious. Centerville Methodist. In the CI tertville I. , l. church of which Riev. .r. II oc king is pastor, there will he a me'ti1ng of tilhe l'pwotrth lk agtue at 7:3 . )1tlicers for the year wlll he installed and at progra.1 ooitipiosed ot songs, recitationsl. readings and music will he enjoyed. A.\mo1ng lhose on the program will he l Miss Kate \oorn,., .Jlennie Ilawke, I lla lD n stan, W, i1. Jo. ll.s. J. 'l'allack, Marguerite Davis. Nicholas ()pie, John tohi. Mamnic Pope. \\ illiam Richards, Harold Jennings. In tl'e tahllau ill i h Mi.sss I.illit Ilaidi and lei nic l y. .At , o'lock Rhv. Mr. lhavard of the M ntain Vir.tvw M. I' church will cnl duct the su i ices andil deliver a .lshort a drvss. After this thiert will hli a social session, and i fro.l i t to iidinigltt devo tional servicevs will he chul. At Christian Church. Arrangemt'nt have hiern imaide to have a social session uiit ing tithe liist part of to night in the Chrlistian church wiith an oyster supper an liater service will IIh letl and a short sermon pr.tachllcd y .ev. .Ir. which tchangei every hillr. ai.l at to o o'clock there will he a trot ing of the Stiu day-school hiard witll tlectiont of tficevrs anl teachers for the yelar; iIo it ii o'clock a social hour and fruit it Io a ot' clock Ii program of brief addresses, music, songs anld readingsliIg' closing with devotinial ex cisei. Finnish and German Lutherans. In thie Fintish church thet i;eriian Lutherans will holi services toniglht at 7:3. o'clock. The Lord's super will be ad mlinistered. At Mountain View. Services will begin at q o'clock in the Mountain View NI. E. church. D)uring tlhe first hour R'ev. Mr. Iloiking of Trinity M. E. church will be in charge and deliver a sermon. The next hour the Epworth letague will be in charge and a program will be given from it to iz o'clock. Rev. Mr. lovard will deliver a short serumon and close the services with convocation exer cises. At St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal. St. Paul's M. I. church, South, will hold services bieginning at 8 o'clock, lasting until midnight. BEGIN SERIES OF SERVICES The Methodist church in Meaderville began a series of revival nmeetings laist night under Rev. Mr. ('rouch, who is pas tor of the Walkervillc soand Meadcrville churches. The sermon last night was by Mr. Crouch, anid the subject was '"Self Examination.'" This is the first of a second series of ntcetings. The other was given in Walker ville and tet with great success. Judging fromt the large attendlance last night, there can he no doubt of the success of this series in Meaderville. CORONER INVESTIGATES DEATH OF RAILWAY MAN ýl '|l l'.A1. '141 'i II INTIl t M it' NTA I IN. Kalipll e llt, Iie1. The corone it iy es lti. gating today lhO death of V. V. 't*:ary, l l. t. an1t roadmlahter of the Kali-pell division ol the near Pl l o . tlaltion, a short dilt e lll ast l io here, Ihe wi, ridtig tin a "pirteder" wilth lSection Iorliriiniii Juolihn l tilloti, idt were goinig thrliough Sd"ep ruin a curvel whien the \VWesthuliii psselllger trai;il srllick theim. (;i;iry 'was hlurled against the sides ofi the cut iand in stanlly killed. DIillin was badly hurt imtllilay live. Tlle ldead an an aIrglv' eln d l tol thler and sometti nmirriled sister. livinlg hre. WANTS THE ESTATE DIVIDED Kalispell. Ive. . C. IE. Coinradil, Jr., has petitionedi the ditri-ti court to nullity the pro. vision tof the will of the late (. I. ('o rtil, that ilth I teintle oif the dead mnillionuire lie not uindividedil for ii years, ior until the youngest child and heir libecomes of iaget. The petititoner is diesirous of having the estate divilded atl a ite anid asks liito have lthe held in trust tealtire of the will set asiile as illegal. TO HELP BILLINGS CHURCHES itPECIAi, TO Till. INTIt SOIt l'N'IAIN, lIill igs, Ilec. 31.---'lThe nilllnagemel nt of the I)onovan-Mc(torlick u tore hlis imail a lileral offer to the local churches, agree ing to allow thlen to have the plrofit de rived fromll the sale of goods ill the store for one week front January Ir. All of the churches will particiliate in the proceeds. Each day six younlg ladies from the differentl churches will assist the regular force of clerks. The undertaking is a inovel one and is expected to yield the chuirhes a halndsolme sumil. Everytllhing will lie sold for cash only during the sale. THEY ATE HIS BIVALVES lHelena, Dec. 31.- A nlovel suit is ilp for trial in Jtustic; of the IPeace Ueece's court. George Foote is suinlg Carl Weiss and George Mudding for $iSio damlages for eating oysters he had ordered for himself. Hie claims he ordered the bivalves ill a local saloon and they were placed before himt. lie fell asleep, and during his slum hers t e others ateir thenl. When he made complaint, lie says lie was ejected from the place Annual Ball Tonight. This is the night when the Robelrt Emmett l.iterary society will give its annual ball in Hibernian hall in Center ville. There will be a long program of dances and the reception committee states that everyone will be assured of a pleas ant evening, VOTE DOWN NEW A. L, U. STATUTES HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EM PLOYES DO NOT APPROVE OF SECTIONS OF LAWS. UNION ELECTS OFFICERS Thomas Foley Becomes President and Carl Cornelius Is Re-elected to the Vice Presidency. At the meeting of the hotel and Rer tnurant Enimlo)rs' union No(. 2 list tnight, I two sectioiin of the towt 'on.titiution of the At1lericii .1 abor iunion were voted downI. The ,ectii'n relating to the coin puilsory sii.,scriltinil to Ithis 1Ameicrican n I.a hsr '11iiont hoirnal wa. il.otihins to the rµi.. ivitatliult, a. .va also a i 'tltion rte latinll tio an as. ."~ itet' for the di .f.cinse luu pi. The r lma1i1 cr oI the ctitit-ii t utioin, .wa: a;Id.ped a.I11,.2 n11 1111on'11 \ly', h It o.Ic ti r tl. .h'.'tcd at : l'r . t,hllelt I'ho I.; l ey Ie'; S i.ce pi tlidi t l atl ,u lr Ih 111, t I. t N. I til il r lco o ltu . A1(l cy. \ I., \Ii \ il .,o . Ir electt tl tii 111. er, i . 1'. t I Ihorni, re t'l t'a l ; truslt . V. I'oi.t, "lmk iMoore and it, I'.. ti; alli.avi d, l I n.t's at ilh r lil w TrI a h's uii l Il abor .os,? em ly, F. \. . 'ronin, 'T'hana1 s I .ley t,.n, (h,t, h'., Il ter',n, ,1Jt Fr 11 \\ n'o,, ; Suiin i-cn. a Iii F. W. Cronin. unlii.iit uivi II i ,11I illt ; rlr · I ,I -u, I ' l tlil, i-t I l Promptl fork by D'parttmck cont Saves F. W . ' o in. V. lo,, at1 al ('. 11 Cou liin. .\ conu itctr' wt,1. appoilnite to collect r Surface Workinll s ofr the Mine lI.t iore to other nionts who ti-ui wilu to iwlti tl here. T ll I iot' l u ;l u It.stlln, tit 1 l' 1, yd1 ' ' u n io n r, 1( ,n tly p1 r lh a a,; d a fu ll -t111hil f i chair, and thle l s uaIIl it isf lit co. · rtthat 11 1 the city,;l tan til- tirtltc set EARLY MORNING FIRE THREATENS PARROT Prompt Work by Department Saves Surface Workings of the Mine. Flire ul ulrkie onl in the machinle uhop i lthe' I 'arr t ine tally thiss . u 11,oi li1g anid ill of the i inltr . . ' rl lc t ii l lllinr n tit c he part of the lilt, d a.rp;'lnl tl, however, pre vnu l thd Iii spr ialof thI l rla s nit d it i, ht e l t.ved thiulI the l s will nt heli very hI;eavy. iit iian tage :iis no tt sulliicin t i interfere Th ie fir i tils 1ntoin sd to the lnorlhei stt polstion of the h;e'hine ihiop and iwas quickly brotlght eit er control, othlluterws the lh.pI an.d ilhe hlksmith ishop ljoin tig would have, hbitn dei.troytd :1d the IIane. wouhl have spreadl to. the e1ngilne rooml, hafit lihouse ld ofther s.litr lace wor The origin of tlhe fris unklown, but it Is believed that saleceti - wires were re spo. ,ible. It i, thought that the ma chinery in the shop is not seriously dam1 aged. BARTENDERS' UNION ELECTS The Tlarhe1der ' union hehd a meeting ast night aed elected the followiung offi : 're -adent, T. J. t a'hlerly ; vice president 11i , Melordie; triaurcrl, F. M. Kunz; secretary, Robert S ulnehrs ; btuintlss agent, . iL .. .Miller; inh pet tor, Ie. J. ('hit ler; u;ud. .lame, yena; trust...s, J. II. Rooney. Matt Slater and M. J. Adams; delegateis to central body, i '. .. Mt iller, W ill Nuadenac 'her :aod T"litlore Vande'r tburg. the alternaites of thilt luer are Max BHrger, II. .M1Mordie and Chris Saxhan. Dr. W. If. ilaviland was elected physiciani. SAM DEBBBER IN BASTILE l)butlr, one of the i ule iiii pli;ttltd in the ii1sagherty ,couth1trfyitiig cah e Itu i-ol two yellars ago, was taken from theit 1 'Pi p "'ree salo n toll l . t Pal k s l 'eet to the county jail list night to be cared for by the comity. The m ian was found blluding hadly froms the nose by (Hlicer ('M 1ian. l ounly l'hy sicia, Io11nn1elly attend1ed hit a,,I suc ceedcd in .l.hlckinug the ' flow of hlo dl. It is exp cta ,l Thal I) ulieb l r will be sent to the colully hospital. SCHILLING STORE THE PREY OF BURGLARS TIhe Schillingi cigar st(,r on West I'ark l'reet was entered by btuirglars early ye.s t,'r:ily tllorning ind goods to t(he value of ;nltit $ ;5 carried away. 'Ilhe rolbery was discovered by Mr. Schilling wshen. Ihe ,opened the place for Ibusiness ill the morin ing, andil he at once reported the matter to the Ipolice. ItDetective M.irphy began an investigation, blut tip to the 1 iretit tlio clew to the guilty party or parlies has bern sMCured. Enltrance to the store was effected through a rear door, thei door being forced with a jimmlly. fhe first thing to attract thie attelltionl of the burglars was the cash register, from which about $t in stamps, but no cash was taken. 'he showcase was rifled of the mnst valuable articles, such as pilpes, cigar hilders, etc., but the stock of cigars was left untouched. Suits Dismissed. A snit of the Anacon',ida ( opper \lining coin p,:ny again-t 1'lizabeth A. , rlio wi t, wa d i. ,int l by the plaintills ye st rdy. 'lht, 'ilt of the lIig Islackf,,t Milling c,,hrmp y again,,t ielia Itln i iandt oithers was also dtisinissed :n motion of the plai Ihiitfs. TWO KINDS OF CHILDREN Children that grow too fast and those that seem hardly to grow at all, both need Scott's Emulsion. It gives that rich vital nourishment which is the secret of all healthy growth. It rounds out the long limbs, and helps childre.q to grow without using up all their strength in growing. Mothers ought to know more about the wonderful help which Scott's Emulsion would give their children. We'll send you a saumple free upon request. SCOTT & DOWNE, 409 Paul Street, New Yorlb BROWNFI[LD- CANIY CARPIT COMPANY CLOS[ THEIR DOORS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby cautioned, at the risk of mental discomfort and serious financial loss to neither commence or conclude the purchase of any article of furniture, carpets, or other house furnishing requisites, until the opening of our an nual clearance sale, beginning next Monday, and continuing until we have sold lifty-nine thousand dollars worth of goods. In anticipation of this event and to allow Us time to arrange and mark down our stock we shall close our doors to-night, and they will remain closed until Monday next at 1t a. im. Comnmencing at the opening hour Monday morning we shall inaugurate another o' our profit annihilating bargain events for which you will lind no parallel in former Butte happenings ---save, perhaps, our own sale of corresponding date last year, which was beyond doubt the most rapid sell ing to and perfect satisfying of customers ever known in the state. In expectation of another similar rush we have provided extra help and bet ter facilities for quick delivery, hoping thereby to avoid a repetition of last years only disagreeable feature. In conclusion, we have only to say watch this space, and buy as early in the day as possible. Thanking you for past favors, with compliments of the season, Yours truly, 1HE BROWNIHELD-CANTY CARPET CO. Installment Plan Home Purnishers. 48 to 54 West Park, 41 to 43 West Galena Street, Butte. Our Cefice Will be Open Saturday for the 11ccommodatlon of h Those Who Wish to Pay Their Hills.I Owsley Block, Butte. - CLOSE YOUR LEDGER FOR 1903 'lake ne inventlrry fi yolllr apaltihl nillt w ,nl w th il sll im.llllt whlhr tl lr Intt y ur )alanlce i% on Ihe right oled li l l h I ldti ,. tlive • yo, " ,rldl ill knII wI . l .rled ,e an ld pt tt.tI ,, xptllullnc ' dulrini the y.ear SW ily nIlt anli to yoiill pilriiintI w ith Iy inllVI. in inl t p l.ntuil I mun~ s rn t Ilinll W e tf' tr yio n th)' , et h n s lhllni tl t hii. ()Itu gaitnlii t i u lt l li lt t g pa ,ti n. I nII ':I tt slow, Either dlty or tight t. huul. ' Estabilshed 1890. Phone 68:1-*. RICE & fULTON, Props. LITTLE LEO MILLER LOST But the Four-VYear-Old Is Able to Take Care of Himself. I.t,,, I1w f, h l y,,arch il tm , , .t...n 'w MIlh'r If oII,, I , I ; Ho yllTId InIItt, 14-1;I'14- s,. arate d 1,u t11 hI , Ial theI ye.i t'l d;l y AIl l I tllt 3 , I 11 ' tS, II It Ii.' pmli.. , id3 w'a. it ki' d it i bhy ffi. t I, I ,d t u;1kh l 'to Ilh Iliy Bill. 'h111 IlI llw V l ti , twl Ill lll lla lly I'hl t al wa lh' it I ,' 1 1 I t ll-" oilta ` Ihl 3' r't1 . l w in h hlit 3 liv l ilvll a l3.3 t Ih , 114 , I 3a 3I3,1 1V It - h33l1 31 .ni. IIm 3It 3 1 'i r tlnk th3" b 3my l331131w3. ARE TO INSTALL OFFICERS The installation of the ne'wly €letedl i3m 3ln3cr3 33f the Iutle ltiartewl ers' tli33n3 will I lhe ill iextl \Vl3llnersdaly night, alnd inlllneldiallely foll3o wing this ceretl, llly ia so cial sesioti will he held. lnvijtti3nls will hie sent' toI sever;al 3n3.1,bers of ot3her or 14ganizatios3 3 i there will he slpeaking, singing ad1 a1 jolly 1good Iliin, Hefresh ii(nelts will be servrl. Ice Cream Sherbets, Frozen Punches, Neapolitan Bricks All Flavors, for New Years Fancy boxes filled with assorted fresh Choco lates and French Fruits, just the thing for a New Year's present. MORRIS & CO. 64 W. Park St. DEAD SHEEPHERDER VICTIM OF THUGS BELIEVED NOW THAT MAN FOUND IN HIS CABIN NEAR FLAT HEAD WAS MURDERED. HIS FLOCKS ARE SCATTERED Little Doubt That He Was Hurried to a Bloody End-Name of Murdered Man Not Ascertained. i''li IAt. 'l it 1111 INI It Mit I'N'tAIN. Kalilspll, ID cc. .i. Accordinlg to re ports rece.iv.ed frIom the Ilathead reserva tion, the shecp herder working for Aingtl McDonald antd ;lly Fruit, whose dead body was fountid in a cabini II the rescrva. tion, was murdered and did not die a niatural deathI as first reported. Mr. M]ltntall, who was here when the news wtas first received, has hurried to the scente of the killing. The herder was foundil with a bullet hole in his body. lie held ill his h;and a cocked revolver, indi cating that lhe was trying to defend him self when killed. His sheep were scattered over the stir rounding conltry, a prey to wolves and cioyotes. 'The dead mIlall's iamtle has not been learned. Second Masonic Banquet. sI'PE( IMl, To 9I1 l. IN'T'lEI MIII'N'T'AIN. Virginia ('ity, Jec. 31.--The Masons gave the second of their lantlquets and dances of the week last night. 'IThis was ini honor of the old folks and was largely attendedl. Presbyterian Church. I'reaching at it itl. n. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday by RI(v. Dr. (;roeneveld of tluttc. Sabbath school at ,-':5 p . Y. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:3o ip . I The morning offering will be for the board of htome ilissions. Never Lost His Hold. An olil negro in a neighborhood town atrose inl prayer meeting and said: "Bred. derin and cistern, I been a migphty mean nigger itl lily time, I had a heap er ups and downs-'specially down-since I jined de church. I stoled chickens and water millins. I cussed. I got drunk. I shot craps. I slashed udder coons wid my razor, an' I done er sight er udder things, but, thank the good Lawd, bredderin and sistern, I never yet lost sny religion," Blue Ridge Pos0t"