Issued .E.ry Evening, Bxrept Sunday.
a6 West Granite Street, butte, Mol'.
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Editorial Rooms.... ......426--3 rings)
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The blutte Inter Mountai has branch
offiees at Anaconda, Missoula, Lioaconan,
and Livingston, where subscriptions and
advertising rates will be furnished upon
The Inter Mountain can be found at the
following out-of-town news stands-East"
en Newu Company, Seattle, Wash.;
,shanks & Smith, Hotel Northern, Seattle,
Wash.; Salt Lake News Stand, Salt 1.l.. ,
Utah; Twenty-fourth Street News Stand,
Twenty-fourth Street, Ogden, Utah; Bar
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Hotel, Portland, Ore.; Postoflcre News
Stand, Chicago, Ill.
Tll'I 14S .lY, ) lti*;l.M 1Is t ,s, tu.3.
An audience of 1,200 people, al:oost ex
clustiv'ly woment aInd chillren, is gathered
ill tile newest and nnost nlolcrn theater
in Aimerica for an afternoon of aitlnue
nient. 'I ht ta.vdry stage trappinigs of a
spectacal.air performancet' are ignited by
rlect ic wire. The fire proof curtain
ulnder prItsure of the dr:ft caused by
thi: ftlaes cannt be lowered more thant
half way. there is a panic. an explosismot
of over-heated gal, the lurl'esyue perforns
anlce is tra;.,formed iinto the IImost terrible
scene of agnilting ideath, and the count
of victimi excstils half a thlousat1ul.
L:tangluttve i< inhah:duath to victure such
a calamnity. l1 msll nit commonpllllace de
tail- ate of c:haracter to aippall thie mindl
a 1 i:ake the heart sick. FIr each of the
tmisiute, of str;iggle and sutftering tor the
hutndredi' thlus called to di'. there are
tours of suspense atnd days of angtuishI
and .tar- ',f -iris fr 1l, ,ll In of rela
ti a.::1 fri i, . lh shadoh w of a
great grief . .bis miay fall lluponl any;l of us
witho, t - w , rti . it acrioss' the thrl di
h ,I1 of the iros year.
\\Wi, mn., :th li new guide lineis front
t';p.rience, may sick to locate the cause:
f ,t the t eoll: t ',alctt'.t. Igntt ral, criti
ci,:, and cl.im ir tiay :' hI to the mir fir
tilt, of th stI ' whit, failel inl their best
li:tavolrs. \\ith the facts tllh s far kllown
as reasi.s., i-ti' mright as properly hioli
thie' achitets of Lisbon re"sponsibli' for
tic hdead ilcscath tIe(' earth stuake Ideris as
to charge the ownlers a;ndl Ildel'rs of
the Irl'i luois tht lt'atr withl conlributlion to
the awful events of yeste.rday. The
buihling wan not constriucted in disregard
of approved rules anid in contlrlmptrl of
the safety of patrons. It was the latest
prdlurction of the hest skill and material
vhllih exlt'ri'cnte anIt knlletuldge couth
5uge.'t and which lavish 'Xl)cttllitltrc of
I'nit')y couhld seculre with especial care to
insure' -aftty. The resutlts furnish a last
t g iobject lessont in illustratilon of the
inlftiicisncy of htmtan knowl'ledge anti
rtn,lertll illelltiol to safgllnard htIuItans life,
butI t if .ch t a sxrtictire as this is dl',escribcd
tIo have beein, and still existing with even
ithe plush furnishinsgs unscorche'l in tmany
Iiarts of the lhous.e, then every playihotuse
in the' world tmay ie proiperly condit'tisned
and prohiited for publlic use.
Are you a citizen of Montana? I)o you
regard yourself as possessed of average in
telligcnce? ('an you reason fromt an in
disputable fact to a rational conclusin?
'inll you distinguish between a principle
and a prejudice? Do you derive your
livelihood from politics or business,
through "graft" or by industry? Ilave
you ralized that there are duties of citizen
ship as well as rights of citizenship, and
that if the former are neglected the latter
may be lost? Is the right to vote
esteemed by you as a priceless heritage or
as a valuable conunodity? Would you
prefer to have justice measured out to all
alike, at one price to all, or would you
choose to take your chances fromn judges
who maintain bargain counters?
Cant you distinguish between a soulless
corporation and an inanimate stonc.boat?
If so, which, in your judgment, is
designed to develop the state and pro
mote its welfare? If you are employed by
a thieving corporation are you not an ac
cessory to the crime? If you find satis
factory and profitable employmen.t at hon
est industry for a corporation, why should
you seek to injure that courpany to please
blatant demagogues and conscienceless
Iprevaricators employed by a rival corpora
tion ?
What is the price of kerosene oil in
your neighborhood? IIow much do you
use in a year? W.hat would the Standard
Oil company want of the government of
Montana? Would it affect the price of
coal oil if a lot of sorehead politicians
backed by the United Court and Copper
company should be elected to office, or if
Judges IIHarney and Clancy should be re
placed upon the bench by men above sus
picion of improper influence?
What does any corporation want with
control of the forces of government? What
corporation is seeking such control in
Montana at the present time? Is there
more than one corporation in the state
engaged in other than legitimate business
within the state? Is there any other than
the self-styled anti-corporation corporation
which has need to confiscate property
by court decisions or which is en
gaged in that business? Do the legis
lators and the judges in Silver Bow
county represent the public interests
in their official conduct? What cor
poration do they represent ? Do you know
of any other counties where judiciary and
legislators are so servilely and halnmelessly
the tools of a corporation ? )o you know
any other corporation that has employment
for officials of that kind in work of that
sort ? When the oflicers of such a cor
poration engage In organizing new par
ties for the' avower purpose of securing
control of tile governlmIent of the state to
save it from corporation ride, are they
pr omlptedl by concern for the puiAblic weal?
Are you so fearful that mtne blatant
ldenitn:t ;tem will call you a clatm that you
are anllitiIs to have the world utnlderstand
that you are a lobster of the hot water?
The address of President Penrose of
Whitman coellege, Walla Walla, Wash., be
fore the State Teachers' association last
evenlintg at Anlacondtla was onie of the par
ticularly able and timely talks made he
fore that ortalni/at llli at its prsent gath
ering. "';old (itizrenship" in this epoch
of American1 progress is a subject in which
all the people should he inllrreste'l, It is a
favorableh sign when ment of the character
and sat lling of PIresident Penrose eln
phasize the need of good citizenlship and
munticipal govCernmentI 1t reformnl to asseinblies
of the character of the state teachers' ,s0so
I'resildent Penrose's adnlress is an in
dicatiton that numen of education, high char
acter and putrest pattittisin the country
over are realizilng, :lt the people of Itutte
IIIow realize fromlll unfortuiInate experience,
that there is need' for itmprovement and
putrification ini the conlduct of municipal
afllairs. It has tibeen said that the great
evil the reputblic now has to comtiat is cor
ruption in the administration of the affairs
of cities. RIecentt rivtilaltiols ill the larger
counllllll ities of the countiry, as well as the
experience of sma:ller cities like Itntte,
show that this s.,t ituient is noti far from
the abso'sttue truth. I'Preidellt I'Penrose be
lieves that the rlttemedy lies ill improving
the class of citizenship and in individual
eitrt for bettermentt.
It is not entirely a new idea; President
Roosevelt iland other high minded men have
uittered the satie th,,louht rlpeat'lly. and
it is generally rt togniit l that in it lies
tlihe real s.hlutiin iof the dihtllllty. lMake
better cilizins aInd youl imake bltter gov
erinent in all its branches. Aind a man
e;tlllnot hIe a good ) it itin utlsts lie luses
the ptoser that is in his personality and his
ht.llot to keep corrupt tuen tiut of ,llice.
\\'hen edutcators like I'rsidtent liPenrose,
himself a young, active, high mindledi and
igOtrms slptritntn of Atmerican lt;tlnhooil,
ittd g,'od citiztensllhip to the list of subjects
tlhey exp.tul to thoshe whlte intellects
they are traitin;;, thity do muctlth to cure
ixerl ting evils. It is ag itatition of this sort
that ulttimtately will iing about a higher
;taitlartd of mittll ipal gotIIInmI tt ill
American titlic;.
Perhaps as valuabhlte a stiggt'tinl as any
ytet made at tihe meeting of the Montana
Acadulemy of Sciencle, Art anid Letters at
Atact',ola, is that which :aime from the
lips of l'resitltnt i irr l on i the first day of
the s stsi.n. that was for etiffort to se
cure a state geolotIgical anid bioloical sur
tvey of Montana;. Arcinig tn thle sttggtstiii,
the academy haII, ltllhrizetd the president
to appoint a contmiltt't of five to present
the siulject to the public.
\V'hile the fedleral goverlltmint geologic:al
surve'y is doitng a sptlendid work through
ouLt the cotttry, it ca;tot be cxpectedl that
it will give Mil-tana all the attention that
thei state requires. Soi far, the federal stur
vcy has mapped eomparatively few quitad
rangles in Monttiana. It is working all the
time, but the litld it must cover is so large
tand its force and resources so small that
the completion of its wosrk in Montana is
yet Itmanty years tlistant.
The value of a geoloRgical as well as I
biiollogical survey of the state will lie in
estitl'ihle. As a imteatns of attracting it
vestmiet, mitakinig Itmore widely kniown tile
ltundislputed mitad illllltense resources Mon
tana contains and exploiting the possibili
ties in developlment, such surveys will do
inestimable good. The experience of other
states proves this. It is no tnew or revo
lutiontary thing whlich Pre''sident Elrod sug
gests, but smrlcthing thie practicability and
value of uwhichli is alreadty proven. It is
thoped that the agitation to be begun by the
acadently will be sutccessful.
Mr. Bryan declined to talk politics in
a London interview because he said his
remarks might he misinterpreted in the
United States. Ilow very foreign William
has become I
Mayor McClellan talks about giving
New York good government as if he
were the -head of 'T'ammlany instead of the
Mr. M:acGinniss has gone to New York,
but owing to the irrepressible conflict
betw'en tihe coltinous vocal performances
of this versatile young man it is impos
sible to tell whether his visit to the me
tropolis is with the purpose of delivering
a gold brick or buying one.
If "Parsifal" is produced in Chicago the
performance will have to be cut down to
eight hours or the T'eamster's union will
have to learn why not.
And at this time we desire to wish to
and for the Ion.. Pat Mullins one (i)
Happy New Year.
It will save some unpleasant moments
to swear off prior to getting off.
W\ilshire's socialist magazine declares
that a falling off of many thousands In
the socialist vote in Massachusetts is a
very creditable showing, all things con
sidered. It is, indeed.
Entirely free from prejudice, with no
other candidate in mind, and with only
the most kindly wishes for the lion. John
Lee Webster of Olmaha, we cannot avoid
an allpprehenll ion that the carefully adver
ti-ed effort to boom himn for the nomin-ta
tiln for vice pr.-idlent may have a new
variety of brcahfast food c 'ca':led about
it someu here.
What Colombia really needs is a refer
enduul for her initiative.
In figuring on the age of Ann tomorrow,
add a new year.
By using storage eggs for "TomnJ.
Jerry" you may get the rum flavor ,w
out the expense of the rum.
Next year lincoln, Neb., will expe.t
a eIturn visit fr;omu the European nolility.
Thrifty Eastern Lumberman Has Cali
fornia Excited.
[Goodwin's Salt Lake Weekly.1
An Eastern lulmberman has purchased
the big trees of California, and either as a
liluff or in earnest threatens to cut them
down and manufacture them into I uhbel.
California is alarmed and is floodin con
gress with petitions to purchase the land
oft which they statnd and make a national
park of it, that the trees may he pre
served. We enlldorse the request, but won
der how the rich men of California can
stand by and wait for federal interference.
Those trees are one of the natural glories
of California and they are unlike any other
glory. No other state has the means to
rivel then.
They are a group of Nature's vegetable
Rifel towers. W\'hat are the rich men of
California thinking of? They want to do
somethliing to pIerpetuate their names. Why
do they ot tlrln to tte Big 'Trces; but
the land, create a park there and thenl
transfer it to the state, adding a fund that
will keep horticnlturalists and watchmen
there for all time. 'Thens the old name of
"Mariposa fIig Trees" would pass away
and tie forogtten aild in lieu there woulil
lie "The Smith 'Park" or "The Jones (;ar
dens," or "The Rogers Nursery," or sole
thing else. The doner might provide him
self a t tol, there, and then lie would rival
Egyptian kings and securing a stately place
fur sepulchre. 'Iwo hundred and sixty
live years ago John lHarvard gave to the
college that bears his Ilame, the nucleus
of a library and a sutl of money.
As the years have unwound and the
splendid results of the great university
have become mollre and more tnarke4 and
appreciated a halo has formed around the
name of the old man, and in memory he
stands out about the most honored mian of
his time. Some pretty good scholars
would have to go to their books before
they could thiink off hand of any other
Inlt who was famous two hundred and
sixty years ago. So we fancy that the
a;im-l of tile ma11;1 who would purchase andl
lihequcath the big trees to California would,
after a while, dIraw to his Umemory some
thing of the colossal glory that attaches to
themi. 'Thecy have been a splendulir of the
earth while a hundred g'eneratioins of men
lhave lived and died and they are liable to
lie as imuch longer. W\hat better monu
Illenllt could ally lman have hits namIlle Iem
lo.sedi upo? We are astonished that no
Californian rises uti to do service for his
state and to linki his name forever with
tile other giants.
Strange Effect of the Impressive Per
formance Upon New York Culture.
[New York Times.]
The question how the man who wishes
to he in strictly good form shall dress
for "l'arsifal" is profoundly agitating the
consnlltoity. The 1'attanta imbroglio, the
grave problems of the Orient, the munici
pal slate, the open shop--everything, in
deed, which claims public attention as of
engr)ossing interest, is for the moment
subordinated to the question, How should
a gentleman dress for this two-part opera
of indeterminate length, which begins an
hour before the proper time for evening
dress and may continue until evening
dress will become as incongruous 'hs it
usually appears at breakfast ? Those who
are willing to forego food during the in
terval, and will devote the time to run
'ning home and changing their clothes,
may dismiss the matter from mind. For
them it is not a problem at all. 'They cans
come in the afternoon in frock coats, and
reappear after recess in the sombre glory
of the expansive shirt front and the regu
lation swallow tail. But for the average
mant this is scarcely possible. He must
elect a day or evening dress. If he chooses
the former, he will realize before the
night is over that his indiscretion is ex
pressed in cresendo until, somewhere
about midnight, it will attain to what the
mlusiciatt will recognize as fff. On the
other hand, if he prematurely assumes
evening dress, he will have the satisfac
tion of knowing that his offense is ex
pressed in the diminuendo and that within
an hour of the opening of the opera it will
have ceased to be, leaving him in perfect
form. Probably most of the fashionable
men will choose the latter alternative. Ia
the artificial light of the opera house event
critical people will forget (during the first
hour, at least.) to look at their watches,
and when this occurs to them the dress
coat will be all right.
To Study War.
The German emperor has romlplied with
the request of the Chinese government to
permit eight Chinese officers to enter the
German army for the purposes of study.
Brother, whate'er the world hath tauglt
ltowe'er diverse our feet may roamn
(Our love can center in one thought
Which leads us to our youtthful home.
An humble roof with honest hearts
Contentment, graced with willing hAds,
More beauty to a home imparts
Than heritage of house or lands.
What though no art our windows stain,
No' costly carpets spread the floor?
The lilacs peeped in through the pane
Tihe grass grew green about the door,
,No paintings graced our narrow hall.
With mimic monntain, wood. or rill
The greatest Master of them all
laul hung Ilis work on ev'ry hill,
From boughs, where robins build and sing,
Like snow the apple blossoms fell;
S'lhe wild grape twined alove the spring,
The poplars shook above the well.
The sparrow built his modest nest, .,
Anid sang no song prescrilbed by rl ; : I
T'he swallow smoothed his slaty crest,
Or dipped it in the crystal pool,
The little plot ouir mem'ries till,
Ilright poppy-bloom and saffrotl yieldsi
The wild rose gemts the craggy hill
And yarrow clothes the scanty fields,
Some sunny gleams our hearts recall
That vandal time cannot decay;
Some shadows o'er our mem'ries fall
That sunlight tte'er can chase away.
-J, Judson Lord in Springfield (Ill.) Jpnitl.
Too Much Detail Required.
"A,' ,:ant a mue riu.ge license," s'.l a
colore"l man today, as he aplro"tchlel the
clerk's desk where the licenses are issued.
lie ga've his name, but when it came to
the ?Iri le he could give no inform:ation as
to her parents, age, residence or present
"You'll have to tell ne where the hri!e
resiles and who her father and nm,ther
were and where she was born," said the
"WVhut diffunee do dat make so long as
she gwine ter marry me ?" asked the
"All the difference in the worhl. We
have to make a record of it," replied the
"Well, dis 'omman whut I gwine ter
marry is somltners on de road furl Kansas,
and' I 'clare to gondlness ef I know whar
she wuz hohn, whar she cone f'um, an'
whar she gwine ter stopt, but ef yn' give
me decn license I'll watch de trains an'
ketch her when she comel froo. She writ
me dat she's coumin' dis way an' will
imarry lme."
"Where is your homne?" asked the clerk.
I.ordy, mussy, I ain't got none, jes trab
bel roltl' de country an' amn fust one place
an' den t'other, but I sho gwitne git dat
"Well, you get the girl first and then
come around anti maybe we can sell you
a license," he was told by the clerk.
"Well, ef yo' is so p'tickler 'bout it, I'll
jest staht out an' meet dat gal In another
county an' git marr'd, kase I doan believe
yo' license is wuff de price, ennyway."
And he departed.
The Heroic in Romances.
Keeper-Why do women make heroes
not of wife murderers and bring then
Visiting Iady-YVou know these lady
killers are so attractive.
Disregarded the Scale.
First Porter-id l ie give yo' de tip?
Sreoil I itto--Naw, he didn't; he jest
landted de whole boot ont tle.
Where Thought Gives Pause.
aclhelor---I hear you are going to be
married ?
Tl'he Friend-I had not thought about
such a thing.
tacheldor-If you are gointi to think
about it, there is little chance of you tak
ing such a blind step,
Dluncan McRae and family expect to
leave this afternoont for Salt lake city,
where they will make their future home.
Mr. McRae, who for two years has Ibeen
one of the buyers at liennessy's. has ac
cepted a similar position with a Salt Lake
R. K. l.eggatt of Seattle, formerly resi
dent of liutte is in town.
C. 11. Batten of the Northern Pacific
secret service is here from Helena, where
he has been attentling the (;ravelle trial.
Enmerson Hlill of Red Rock, a former
member of the legislature is in town.
Ellmier J. Carter came from Missoula
yesterday afternoon.
S. II. Ilerlcr, grand master of the Motn
tana grand lodge of Mason was here froim
Helena yesterday afternoon.
J. I1. McShane and 1". J. McShane of
Omndha, the well known railroad contract
ors who built the extension of the Mon
tana railroad to l.ewistown, arrived in the
city last evcning from the south and left
later for.Harlowton. They came to Mon
tana to close up their business with the
colmpany. Both report that the winter in
Nebraska -has not been very severe thus
far. "Nebraska is very prosperous," said
one of the visitors. "The farmers had
great crops and are not complaining about
money stringency or hard times."
British Rentals.
There are 7,672,848 houses and shops in
Great Britain. Of these only r,51,99'8 are
private dwelling houses of mtore than $1oo
yearly rental.
A MILITARY W\VOOLTEX COSTUME-Cadet blue cloth .furnishes this military
idea from John Wanamaker, and the bullet button and gold braids carry out the
material effect. The coat is slightly bloused into the belt, and the sleeves puff
into the cuff in similar style. Tho skirt Is plain, deep plaits being out Into each
gore and flaring below the knee. The hem is bound with velvet to match. The
hat, too, carries out the same idea, and is in brown beaver, the crown encircled
with gold cords and a Ihussar plume dropping over the brim.
.1 · ·::. ·' . .
"Lost River."
Stlthern Indiana, worre Last river flows
tunrl,uen Iy for six it::, . on the s;urface and
dilsppe.:. in a slutlcrranlan channel as sud.
denly as it rises, is the picturesqne locality
chosen by Jon elh Arthllr for his big scenic
drama, "Lo.t I:iv\r." While sensatlonal incl.
dent ar:e fruJ lanlt and strong dramalic situi'
lions termiltr' every act, tlieie i:s a rural sime
plitily ,oi ":.t'in s in tie qulieter scenes of
the ;:,y twhith evoke tender memories, so that
"l.ot liver" aplpeals with equal force to occuo
paRnts of the parquet and gallery.
Tle plit is somewhat Intricate, but the mlin
theme is the love of ob Illessning, a young
contractor, the junior partner of Middleton,
and llessing, who are building an aqueduct
over Lot river for O(ra, the I.ttle Ifousier
heroine. ltlesing, however, is cngag'd to his
plartncr's dauhlt r, (iladys, who is recupera.
ting at the faslhinhle \'est lBaden Springs,
not far away, and who, in revenge for the
slight, mtakes no end of troubtle for little Ora.
'his is finally cleared up by the discovery
that O)ra is the half-sister of (;ladys, her father
having contracted a former marriage, secretly.
Illessing has a numttler of exciting advnuttnrs,
inrluding a strike anlong his laborers onl tlhe
aqnteduct, who threaten his life.
tiOnce again as he rides his wheel along tih
towpathll of the canal at topI speed to avoid a
coinltg storm, his life is threatened. The vil.
lain with uplifted knife is even with Blessing's
rear whI.el, when little Ol ra, who is riding last
to overtake them, fires a shot from her revoli
ver, which shatters the villain's wrist.
A Ieal of thunder drowns the sound of the
shot and the hero rides on unconscious of his
narrow cecaple. 'The panoramic scenery for
this incidlent invests all tile figures with an
applearance of riding at a terrific pace, while
the sonnd of thunder, wind, rain and the vivid
lightning flashes add to the realism. "L.ost
River" will appear at the Broadway on Friday,
January 4.
"A Chinese Honeymoon."
The new attraction coming to the Broadway
on Monday, January 4, is the mutch talked of
nu-lcal success, "A Chinese Honeymoon."
The American rights for this merry jingle of
()ricntal comedy are contro,lled by Messrs.
Samn S. Shulrt, Nixon & Zimmerman, and
amitng the many lmustic:al comedies produced
in recent years none has earned greater plpu.
larity nor more fully deserved it.
The cast includes Jothn EI. lfenslhaw, wtose
ability as a comedian makes hint a valuable
factor in any production in which he assists;
.\Miss Stella Tracey., Miss Toby Claulde, the
dimintive comedienne, wllose impersonation
of lFill ricot, in "The Itelle of New York,"
is a pleasant memory; Miss May 'Ten ilroeck,
tile eccentric comedienne; Charles Prince.
formterly leading conedian of the New York
tlheater; W. II. Clarke, the wetllknown basso
of the Castle Sqtt're and Ilclnrich Opera cotin
panic.; ,Miss Frances Knight and Edwin
Unpatriotic Political Shirks.
[Boston Transcript.]
Patriotism, like charity, begins at honme,
provided it begins at all, and it does not lie
in protestation, but in service. The man
who neglects his political duties on elec
tion day is merely so much social lumber.
lie is of little value, even for ballast.
Patriotism works from the center toward
tile periphery. It has its beginning in the
home. If normal and healthy in its
growth, it gradually emblraces larger in
terests, the good name and general wel
fare of the community, the town, the city,
the state and the nation. l'atriotisnm can
not tw developed along any other lines
and h)e natural and getuine. The political
shirk may be moved out of his apathy by
events accompanierd by great public excite
ment, Ibut he is life the man swept into a
general maelstrom of contention by some
strong revival, but who usually recovers in
a few weeks or months. to be farther away
from the instrumentalities of grace than
he was before.
Say It.
[Boston lHerald.]
The reported disappearance of the Sea
of Azof*recalls that old remark that the
sea ccaseth and it sufticieth us. Articulate
that, please I
The Smart Man.
[Washingtoin Star.]
"De really smtaht man," said Uncle
Ml4en, "is de one dat has sense enough to
know dat he's liable to be fooled de same
as anybody else."
Dick P. Sutton, Manager. 'Phone Ii
Last Season's Big Success--Two
Nights, Commencing Friday, Jan. S
Jules Murry's Big Scenic Melodrama,
Lost River
Direct from its Great Run in New York;
300 times in New York; too times In
Boston; So times in Chicago.
ETC. Saturday Matinee, January a. 1904.
A play for Everybody and Not a Dull
The Story of the Play.
Is as sweetly natural as the breath of the
fields; the good folks who move in its
scenes are real and their honest humor
and every day views of lift. are cheerful,
while throughout the clever chain of
events runs the golden thread of a unique
love story.
Priccs-25c, Soc, 75c and $r.oo.
Saturday Matinee, adults 5oc ; children,
aSc. Seats now on sale.
Seat Sale for the Chinese Honey
moon Opens at 10 a, m. Tomorrow
No Orders Taken by 'Phone First Day.
Sunday, Jan. 3, One Night Only
Grand Production Of
Seats on sale Friday. Prices, ase, 5o0,
75c, $z.oo.
Dick P. Sutton. Mg:. Phono 888M
Week Commencing Matinee Sunday. De.
cember 27.
One more week of lHarley and Archer,
the hit of the season.
The Waltons, Chinese Impersonaters,
first time here.
Hank and Lottie Whitcomb, first time
in Butte.
Lucille Everson, the Queen of Song.
Geo. Campbell, a Novelty.
One thousand feet of .r.tported Parisian
Pictures. All for toe and soc.
Sppecial ,Matinee New Years, January z.
Saturday Matinee, Children's Day. Any
child to any part of the house to cents.
Main and Park Streats
Week, Commencing Matinee, Sunday, Deo
cember 27.
Katy Brady will sing, "Mantma, Buy Me
a Baby," illustrated.
Those favorite giants of strength,
Blaine and Denatti, in new act.
Miss Opal Ross, I)ansuesse Supreme.
Talk of Butte-and good one-Schwartz
Children, in new act.
The best ever-live ones-Hanford &
Hart, in their latest creation, "The
Detective and the Maid."
New, novel and up to date Imported
Pictures. Matinee every day.
Butte Concert Hall
Geo. V. H. Shaver, MOr.
Best Test for Candidates
[Philadelphia 'Ledger.]
The search for a suitable presidential
candidate is a fascinating game, and from
now on many names will be paraded be
fore the pwdlic on exhibition, as it were.
A ready test seems to be needed for the
guidance of the people, and there is no
better than that given by Hamilton in the
Federalist, which was a hope, and thus far
has been in the nature of a prophecy:
"Talents 'for low intrigue and the little
arts of popularity may alone suffice to ele
vate a man to the first honors in a single
state, but it will require other talents and
a different kind of merit to establish him
in the esteem and confidence of the whole
union, or of so considerable part of it as
would be necessary to make him a success
ful candidate for the distinguished office
of president of the United States."
'May Veto Relatives' Marriages.
[St. Louis Post-Dispatch.]
King Edward VII has given his consent
to the marriage of his niece, Princess Alice
of Albany, to Prince Alexander of Teck.
It seems odd to Americans that an uncle,
not a guardian, should have the power to
forbid the marriage of his tiece. But the
king of England has such a power by act
of parliament. This act provides that all
descendants of George II, except the issue
of princesses married into foreign houses,
are incapable of contracting a marriage
without the consent of the reigning sov
ereign. So King Edward may fonbid the
marriage of his sisters and his cousins and
his aunts of all degrees. Uncles and
nephews, no matter how remote, may
marry whom they like if Uncle or Cousin
Eddy's liking coincides, but not otherwise.
Not Complimentary to Chicago.
[Indianapolis News.]
Tn the last year there have been utS
homicides in Chicago, besides a large num-a
ber of assaults from which the victims re
covered or partly recovered. According
to statistics just compiled, there were in
Paris in the same time i5 murders or at
tempted murders, and in London o,.
Roughly speaking, there are eight times as
many for Chicago as for Paris and six
times as many as for London. Certainly
there must be special reasons for this. Lon
don and Paris, with their vast populations,
their poverty and inequality of conditions,
should by general average have many more
murders than Chicago, for life must be
harder there,
The custom of making belated Christ
mas presents on New Year's day is
growing. We have had a large trade,
but such a stock as ours is never ex
hausted and a suitable assortment re
109 North Main St., Butte
Largest Drug House in the State