Newspaper Page Text
BACHELORS ARE TO KEEP OPEN HOUSE IT IS THE CORRECT THING TO RE CEIVE LADIES TOMORROW, NEW YEAR'S DAY. LADIES WILL ALSO RECEIVE Something of Those Who Mean to Wel come Their Friends in the Style That Goes With the Holiday. T'lhe 1ltlatioll of kter!iug opIeln-housel itt liln;ier of the gay bachelors of the city. As this is the first lelap year since 1t8'.t tihe imen feel it iquitte hlehootes themt to be olif the ight silde of the hearts of the hliies. at il it i i the ge . eral senthimt t lii dily that all shouli keep .open-house. Thlere is stuoethittg of ai controversy amoIng tiihe te as t io the proper tdy to rtciir e. Somte In isit that it is New eatii tiny, while otherst claimt the day after i i "Ladiie' lDay." It might lie itll for the menc to decide o the day at once, as itt might he a IIr.ct. of lnth lll.r'as lt fior the ladlie to call oft the w.ring day. To Clubrooms. hIt is ru.o.,ored thlat a nolmber olf the acihelor wiiho have ollt homesllt or iart - mleits in ahiclt to receive will disipense hinpitality in the Silver low club roomts, the rlllthl cad lub ro :. and the lePhii dh.toi club rooms. while tIhose having assisted by well known society inctt. There will also Ie a few of hlttue's so ilety women hiI l will rcciv e totorllrow afternoon andi e'cning, among thent .Mrs. A. T'. .MIrgatt atid Mrs. lEpping. Those chltartning woment. will he a..sisted by Miss Wilcox. Miss Mcl.emtahatn of St. Paul. Miss Iickford. Miss Skyrtt'. also Miss Iatute ale i oif lheleat. MrsI. J. K. Ileslt atd Miss Ilattle Vountign will he at home to their friends ii tite late afternoon ita l evening1. A nunit hcr of the pretty girls in society will lhe ith i 11 Mrs. Ilesict Ito assist in receiving. Several of the other society twomen it the city hate sent out invitations t", friends who have been requested to call ftim .I o'clock to 6 o'ctlock in the evetning. CIRCUIT COURT GRANTS A WRIT OF SUPERSEDEAS No More Inspections of Michael Devitt Until Appeal Is Tried. A telegram received fromt San Fran cisco t nilnotiInces that the circutit coutrt tof lappeals yesterday afternotton issutdi a writ of suptersedleas in the Michael IDevitt in spection case. The writ stays the opera tionll of the ilnspection order of Judgtle Peat Li unltil the circuit courtrl can review 'the lower court'ts actlion. The matter was set for thearing in Satn Frantcisco. Febrru-tt itry t. The inspectors were in the Michael Devitt today. leaving the property this iafterttoot. They had not hieard of the stay order until tihey left the mine. It is nit exlpected there will hie ftrthter intspec tiunt until the court has reviewed Judge itt itty. LITERARY NEWS. Jack London's Success. No writer tiIiy has initerest for a Hiller circle if readers than Jack Lon don. only :.7 rtty, ul.dcard of by the read ing world three. years agoi. lit these three years have beent fruitftiil. First there was "The Son of thle \\ilf," in the spring of tiuo, a collectiotn of short stories; thtuli "The Gid of His Fathers," "Children of the Frost." "'The t''rise of te I)azzltr." ..\ I)aughter oif the Slo,," "People of the A:\byss." "IThe t';il of the Wil." mul now, beginning in the Janiut'ry I'entury. "The. Sea Wo\\'lf." The story of the young writer's early privaltiolns and hardships ate fairly familiar now to most of his readers: his boyhood on a Cali frnia rancht'l; the few years in t )aklanld, helitre he iirst found lhooks; the roughlt )yeai kltockiiig arounid S.ian Francisco harlor and ttbefore the masit; the dt;arly litoughlt elots to securett all education, thoarted in his frehitman year in the 1'nivers'ty if (:lifornia; the desperate ventllure inlto thle Kllondike, w\henclc lie broulght 'lick no gold, but a wealth of kinoiwledgie intl fancies. No writer, critics ;igr'. l. has so deely imptlr'esse uIponli hlii realders iwhat 1. I.,iLndon hais ter.ely called the fear of the Norti. Oif liin Fi. F. Il'arkins writes ill the I)cemb:iiler erary WIrlidl: "Consider the writer's youth, will hlti lanck of shoolini , anilll hia litter alieniiai)lo frim what is iipompoitlusly splokein of is the intelllctuial life, and you have new proof of the fact that the artist is born, nlot imadile. "Mr, Londoni was miarr'ied .\iril 7, ltoto, toi Mi..s Itessie .ladlei'irn of t)Okla:.iil, and lit lives in liediiiln t eiglihts. i lhiict rise over ()aklanil and give a siplelldid v'i of the Golden Iatc---of the bay out of which lie once sailed, as a n ordlinary deck nitl. lhe is still interested inl the con dlition of his most humble fellowmeni, aii. dutrinig a recent trip to Iiinhtlnd tiinglel for a ctplile of monlitls ith the hiard prtssed resildents of the tFast Eiull of SLondonil. aind for weeks imore with the hop-pickers oi Keint. "Naitiurally lie has a strong liking for uiitdoor pastimes. Hlls luiili, is st.irlyl lis face ruggied, smooth sha en ind kindly' dais gray eyes express his every emotion: his itianiter is that of ai shrewd but genial mal of the world, lie is to daiy the ablest writer of tiction in the far West." "The Sea-Wolf." Jack London's latest novel, will hegin in the January Century aldl run serially through the year. "l'Those who have read the mantiuscrilt believe ihat the yotlng writer has wrotught with the greatiest skill anld power lie has thus far shown, in this tale of sea-life, which ate knows so well, and in delineatio.. of the ciharacter of the strange W\\'lf Larsen. Suggestion. Suggestion, it mllagazine of the new psychology for health, happiness and suc cess, 4020 D)rexel Boulevard, Chicago, con tains for January: Psychical progress; Physical Ideal; The (reat Psychological Crime (review) ; The Tissue Salts; Philis tine Philosophy; Distilled 'Water, O)steo pathic Legislation; Facsimile of Ingall's Faitmouts Ploeat, "Opportunity"; etmsi Not the Primary Caelse of Disetase; lThe Riddle of the Universe: the New Captain of the Men of Death; Editorials; Departments etc. 'filhe magazine will appeal to those inter ested in psychic research, suggestive therapeutics, the developing of will power by auto-suls'estion1, aind kindred topics, -[. Store Open Until 10 Tonight - The Last Dayof the Old Year Within a few days we shall take our semiannual Inventory of stock and balance our books for the current six months. It is not the policy of this big store to carry over one season's goods to another; therefore we are cutting prices to the quick that we may quickly close out all winter goods, holiday goods and broken lines of strictly staple articles. It's Far Easier to count Money Than Merchandise Holiday Goods ehildren's Winter eoats In Hennessy's Notion Dept., Main Floor Choice of Our Entire Stock of New Garments Going This Week On Hennessy's Second Floor This Week CPar tic at Half Price Fifteen Different Styles ToTHE PUBCIt ,,,in, ,. .,,, ti, I,, :,, f, Values up to $10.00 for o" GreeK It e Sm,,la (' 11 t ,1 ti. Nih.lihtl i . f$ (Ct hri. Ptshe t h Ii.n u ly ,, , ha tlithiI iig \th I , :l h, i ' r ,la l h l ' , at ,. h ,liv t it , t U f)D E KR S I. E D h a V t f r m e , ,.t , r ,, I ,, . ;I It ig lo t if ,1, ., t t ' t1 ,1.11; 1. i i l r, .n11 I . ,1 .,,; Ioa l -. Th , .v I, II \ .ll ,,11 1 ,,I ga il ,,, .,, .. 1m ,,I ,, \l ' 1i 1 1, ., \\ , 'hi1 1 Ca.p rtntr lp for t th period 1 ,,r til ` h,,1 iI;1\ ,,,n-,,n -till ,,n it; i . h , leaki,,. - Ilh;,, i,,lt,1 ,. 1 il. lin,... 34,, . i,,111u1 1.. IIrI,.ahlltl ;,,1, \1 3l ,, ". I(',,,lriol . O t h. i fllstvc to h, v 1 i i i- l a l, , h i ilu t 1 - II ia tlr'l, | ii ti t l l I i li i , iI:, i i , : 'i o, , -lt i rii,-.I - i i / P it a.illt I \ ",' o ap op at ,CtI I G tTJ 111 1 1131 I 't r Altl , 1111 11' i II-1i1,,p hstt- n l r-lf li g II* i t ilo s nv ie isfon o i .t Pr .en and n o rhy \ i (,, 14 iii lint ý+" k"l-r t ' 1"" ºI"- ill -\ N Wonmen s Fine (IPne() . 4.Y. dtA t 4hy011o t IlI. I y, \10 I,\,r f' r - A .11 Shirt Waists ,h('l~iU'tlUlll1 1 1;',iu ii ll 11;111" lri,',-'' 11 - `` ,i 4.111h. "'olh'1" m11 '"1'l ""I'l"'xiý 1111 ''" "i. i~i '' $ 2 l1,,,t, 1,,",., ,,il', .,4t,, ,.,1 Values to $7.50 for 1r' , m irrrms, ....-i,, rolls, all11n .1 ;1,1 1,th(,.,. ,ni,,1. til.,in ss ,,,, s See T, ,em T oday. * 1 1tn ark,,i a,1 foll,,w,.: 33e and 50c Tables. 20c 75c and $1.00 Tables, 40O Tiosl h lat t'11 w .i l I I I I.'rli a.,iii l 1 \'i 1 tal - i 'lI,- ,11 ~ ,. ,i 1 li .\ srt' y a 11 . 't lt i1 , ,i f m ill i lk - l lo u h ol es, hni, h a4 lk er, lenh r 1 ( it 1' 1,i r 'l. .'s, 1)1'111.1,ii lili, - low I'('.11 \ 1h ,1 9I .. I'n11111, l1;IIil \ I, 1;111'i4, llt\"l torN. a;i g 'i h 11111 ag ii 1 t , i 111.:. h (l tri - Iitii'a1' hia i,., , aol't h1a1 P.. 1.ilhiir1 3an1, l \ . VIl1'a 1.V\'31 :i ht a e-ta Ikil. i illlt'..: 1. Itl ;liill h'- 1'7 i i' I"V tlr liv'l -ilk ,l1l(I itllill 'lhi rf lii\r.s, e a ll ir ai i, ' t ii.i 4,1, il )\ h 4I'.s, vioad' er I l(' e. , aias. 1,1, - 1i'ai1t1, h 1 1'i ti\', Iii'al, Ii i', ).'I ii. ii ' ,iI I ' e I 1 i 'i 1 ti1 \\'7aI 1t i ', ",l ii li . 1 hii ItIl, ne ah el ai se i.nll 4, 11 3i 1 1. - tr 1 .. iill, h.rii is. fine ti11 ttii l lilt \\;11 .1 , I l.II h0 ,,rii \\:11-1 1,' lh1'1 a ill, ;l ill. :111l t1,h ' {I'II-l's Nark'1, ho~xv.-i l~lid hun(lihitg... \\R-4, "1 aloofl hlllilt \\1111( turd'l 1.1,/"$.. $1.25and $1.50 Tables, 65e $2.00 Table Now $1.00 kiI:;. \'iili, li I, x;.:i1 Lini 331 t $.:'.31 11I. Pretty Dull untdo p er 1l\4,., 'l'hi. nl31,i1 1111\" Ii a nisi h ti ,,i 1.,'i,,1".,'.I, 1...1,, s, l ,.,,;, . i. t ,,l4 4,.,:,::,, 1..::::.:4.0" Women's Winter coats Silk Petticoats .aving I e. t, hinil ,"h1 . . niltlnth .11 'wri.ii zf hti'.r.sol ht .4 isL:, work iui.ilih ..a.i, t'tilt a 4a is. s.liriililhs, I. I iOaN. li i . il t r i ilar ,lit - iA t Price Only $ 5 E ach 11 rrfunwry 1111t niktt artlile$. tunre it S1.011 . w lor h u le. ('llr il 1ve of o1r3 . t l u el in. n e l e'. 1 ig l o (' o t live lo lls.ilti il. \. = II t, 4 N ow.i ii' \ it( 1 i i1 il. ' lh i11 f1 ''iillh. f \( li.a i t'l i1, for ol l, l' the . 1hil lill Ih r(', A i'('\ 1 , ('4 ,Ii" II, i l ', v . ir 1( tI 11i 1if Ih ', \'a i..- ii1iiii iirt1l )v, ' 1' , , l a.I,, 'a' lgs of al litt i Ill ii ii iiiiil 'itii' ltat \'aiV (.liii, . h Ii. tl i' l iiu~ l ih I t~i ilr,., ., l\ v \i .. Nita,.li thu; \'ai'.a hitl,. .ti'ah, ,, hlii\~',' iiialtlll 'i ua 'u~ aali li iiiiia-,lr ,IIrll',~~ I au. ab1t atI,,H 111111 I l ., Nl. 'sw,,ll ii 'all'( ii\ l iu t Iaho I lliled . ;;' o il h t rI h . k l.$i y i hllh.t ii, ii 'll i n bll, wi$h4 llls La\t1int il i h t 1111- ihil \u I' ut ii, hi -' . .i i ' hi 1 a a, I ni4 n : iiia N , W om en's H osiery C hildren's H os.e liiiig a ti'i silk liiiiiis. Six,( fri i, ::2 t, iii i ' -I . rituitliirl \,' lla it Ii t Ii :,, t a $11i1..,, ';i rt l-kliii', .A " iu'lhll J. 11 loit fo wr mm 's ill lit. ,' ,i tgirl, ' thine (hi rm n anidll \'1 llii . e, fr,,ni 1!i.,i Io '.1:l.;.i, 1'$113 1ill : .1 ti ; 1ullf liniilif ili s oili 1irl'. Irh, i ,)i k ,,1' 1111'-1' ilhi w'4,, k a1nl ..a m eriii ' st ' I k ing .s, iihiin 11111 I rilnl ,h a ni ei r i'o tol-,.ingi.i, ii Il li e. i 1i.,',I -I- Iii +).1111 iI. ri'btwl. a \ it da t lihhe .al a. i l, i i .h1 tih1. 4. . i.V irl hr kin linta.. \'aliie ' to $1. a11 1. _,,ill hl _lose i_ _ _ ill' _ __veltinil \1li 1" 11) to $1.110.l : l iii' fri" $ (;lI ;1 1ii ( ior $1.11." Shoes Given Away Suits Made to Measure In Hennessy's Shoe Dept on Granite Street solutely Free for ost o Makin At These Prices AIbsolutely Frefo ost of Making55E It'"s Virtually S o. 'ro keel) oiur ( vxl tl't !'1tiss i i(l': s utiial tliiu iniiaiiy I .iustitants i its- y (i irinsg u lt lull selii..nii, Int to close Anid it's all 11'('11s.' iwe ull4,, out sc\'e(iil most alesir(Nlle( i ll [silk un1il silk iiiiI a aou l aoli'(e s iittirii is, 'a1i ia, ke 11the follo hint (,tig i 'lrN : tlaiot to take Ie (tiitit if itotk 'iL $45.00 to $60.00 Dress Patterns a'aoilt to aa. aitit 44'it-1ui lirifk uii li ,,e , ,t ,-t I t i ,,-tma ti \ill 4,.'.,. I:,,i W ith M aking for $30.00 SI l',, ll,, . til t r i t g it ,,il 1 t ) l i ( i l 21 - ilk i-a tt r;, , : 11 1b1( foe' -hirt w1 ;i-, 111'v,,, i,., 9 \,.1,,' \,,. 1,,,, 1, 11, 1' ,I,,.., 31,,4, 11,,, 111 ,,,.,.,,., fi.l',, ,,11,, , ' I, , , , 1 - ,,,, I',, :, .., , . l,,., ,i,..i ,.,,.,l,. atin. , ll 1e. Now w, I.t a v luti h, < v, i ,h il, , , r, I l w rh r, $1,. t lul B ox 111114 e a l \ 'i tw ln4,\ il , .lillll ll\'311 I ' litil* i ) l1 \" r 11 1 '-- li; iiL, allp l flir llei t I'rl"4, ,)I' V l ( k 111,1,li 11:. " h li' '11 \', 11 ." - 1),1 i. , ll ju;tl,.Ir II 3111I 11,11.IIis "",ill" f lr ::(11.0,1, wit Ii rail t i.kes, ,Iii 'alh iii'p \ \a dilIht rs w', ivit v1i , kyi t,, $60.00 to $75.00 Dress Patterns 13; box. I,1,1,r,, \'h,, ,(11 , 1 ,,.,' With Making for $.15.00 '=r,' 1 .1 ; ivn ,1 3 , w 'e w ill \nt,,1i."'y ,, ,. ..r .,,..,...l I,,n.l ]r ,'l , . ..4,. ,.ll .zi , L, . . 1"31.' , ili iall u I try . ,i k ,, . If ,, 'ant , , il -*rh l i'n t if l \ 'rl i I'r,,i i, Ih.n llh i ni$ 7 , a "all In and W e'll Tell You More J. ,.li., ,' tla li i ii,,i titijl i,,,ii i ,,i, ri,, l.tI,. . Slippers Only 50c Pair Wtnhsome Wool suit Pterns Men's, Women's, Misses' and &hlldren's Making for$35.00 •ee 8 a o f s i p r , b o e l' ,in ' ,t o f . ll3 rlly litlil wll'. v ,l fl',li .;:.7.,',0 t, $ 1..00 ,,libh, l I hn , ', t4 I-tl ,,1' sltr ,i ' , sm llll o'l-- __ ii .l i t~le t0 III nstIll liri- ii, ' f't ' , dit' a rlgl' e, Ilh , pll ilot ria ni II, I iinlgii g illll. Winu..I a!. ,x(l'ifP -t\','I -lill lP lfe . ...n , iui,, felIt sliplpir- ,il hlthti r , Wool and Silk Mi'ced Patterns aliullut t's, I.ilhit in s1,Iii' 'ii, ... , * With Making for $140.00 ainui slighl. ,tut I ' ,tthtrs, t, liolinlll f i nir l l\,,i thaI,. lilli ai do lalydi' .... - " ..I' ,*., ,,f 201 bllaimii.,lll. putlllrll. w\ rfi' i f'raiii i15.1. 010 $I , ,Ii00 Old Women's eloth Gaiters SOc -- --- ~-I,, r,. , ito. I a 'r t it 'at hotiti ,ri wii il I lii li hinasv $ , I It ,. 4 in tiz, i l _)1'1_ I_ )I_ _ H'_ _I,\_KI_; I I",I_'.\lI_'_.\ I'_NT w i___,_'__...___,lli___ _l___ _,l__._ __rlil __.\lh $1.00 Rubbers 25c $6.00 Shoes $3.50 tut1iN i twh *iti '. ii guiti/,''l Tat, nil0J it iti'aii. t~ : i~il tti iii\ ii' -tia.v a,'l , I iir. lt ti t. At Hennessy's Big Store till.l. rfii. 2', p( lilii' t'iiiilii Ihti tiiaiiat*)'., llit ii, \'{ hi;iv'a Infants' Shoes 50c hi ititil y Iiii l hit I. i t. tia iai \\ ' fill n big ble' l thh, \. i ni h riii ' \villlii ' to (h .lw , i ihe b i Int ."',,,,,,<.'"",, ",.'""-,,. "" '',4,,.,. ". "''" ...'" " ," '"e"" Our Window Display. WAS NOT ON THE SQUARE Pool Game Hall Played in Cheyenne Was "Understood." Fred 1. lHall, the champion pool player of the world, has been taught a lesson tby his recent experience in Cheyenne, Wyo, Hall met Charles Kitzmiller in a game in Cheyenne and. allowed the latter to defeat him. Immediately afterward the news of the defeat went forward and h1all was com pelled to acknowledge that the contest was understood. Evidently Hall wished to trim a few of the lambs of Cheyenne and did so, and finding the contest chalked up against hint as a defeat, had to uncover the whole scheime. In relation to the ('hey enne game in which lie lost by a score of loo to o ie says: "'Why, there was nothing to it. Kitz miller is a good fellow, but not especially brilliant at pool. I could have played all rountd him andl made ioo points while he was scoring .I5 if I had tried, but I went into the contest promllsing to let hint win by a fair margin. I didn't know he would noise it about the country or I wouldn't have done it. "Doing mlly best I could have rolled up while he was doing ioo. 'To prove Illy sincerity, if Kitnziller can he induced to meet me again I will deposit $2S to be for feited in case I do not double his score. lie ca Iname his owu conditiuOnl and it c.a1 le aritlltgedl at ally Chli) lie may sc hI(t." Iall adlverlises himself as the only pu.ol player ot arth ho canl pocket foulrteenl halls at one shot, To miake this six balls are placed in the center of the table, two at etach of the side pockets. The shot is mulde from the center of the etrd of the table atl one of the balls in the middlle is sent to each pocktt in such a annllllr as to puit the others inl, lie sakes a spe cialty of exhibtition and faincy work. Found in the Tiber. There wtas found in the 'J'iber last yetr the bodies of 16.,5o tlogs, ,,355 cats, t,63o rats, 79q turkeys, 3 pigeons, 377 caniaries, 5tO other birds, ,71 2 hares, ui rabbits, 5 hcop, is iarrot antd a snaky. FOOD PRICES IN PHILIPPINES Ncessities Come High in Manila, Accord ing to Advertisements. \lMaiy travellers in the 1'iliippinesc, as well u. many who have had to live there ion duty, have repottedl that the cost of living is hig',, hlut paurticulars have no>t often bIelle sit forth. An advertisemllent in the Maniila I'ree~dou of prices of provisions at the "Philippiln cold stores" aflords sonic specific kinowledgte oi toie Pubject. For beef the price per ipound is (;a cents): Sirloin, 55; rIumn , 55; topside, 50; round steak, 45; rib roast, 45; blade chuck, 40. For mutiton the pound price is:, 45; shoullder, 3,K; loin chops, 35 to 45; stew pieces, u5. For pork:, 6o; loins, 6G; corned pork, 45 to 5'). Rahlbils alre 9o cenits each, hlrts 7 Cellnt, calf's liver 4o cetit a p',und, Ibsualsgl 40, lmnOkerld c(llI 45, sahlOll 15 to Go, holney 4", 1ii1l butter $1.oS. Most olf thlie melts are iuhportcd, of course, biut they are rtather incessary to the diet of ani Almerican. It mllllut b taken into acrcount1n, alao, thait phe currency is silver. I)oul *tlcls there aire native diet----fish anld rice, for e.sinple--th:iat are cheaper. Bit the lsupply of 'ice is now rather limited, and the loctl igovcrnmcnt is procuring cad distributing it to the fran i..hing. Winkle-1 have been over in E.ngland visiting the nobility. Van Antler-What did you think of our American girls?---Tuvwn Topics.