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IrFR('R T'rllE I1'.\:S rheeome eriusly affected .uhmit i an xami'lati1 n 1 V our (iram h te Opticianl. (I' ''I TSIS you the correct fittiln g lkdase hich \will relieve the )yr ,tr;in aId Il.i:a - Sches. \\e guarantee Satiifctin in all brainchs. K[PPLER J[W[LRY CO 112 Main Street, Anaconda Daly Bank & Trust Co. of Anaconda, Mont. General banking in all branches. Sell exchanges on New York, Chi cago, St. Paul, OmahFa, San Fran cisco, etc., and draw direct on the principal cities of England, France, Ireland, Germany and the Orient. Deposits fromm $1 upward received. CORRESPONDENTS National City bank, New York; First National bank, Chicago; First National bank, St. Paul; Omaha Na tional bank, Omaha; Bank of Cali fornia, San Francisco. JOHN R. TOOLE - - - - President M. B. GREENWOOD - Vice President LOUIS V. BENNETT - - - Cashier F. C. NORBECK - - - Asst. Cashier THE MONTANA. Anaconda, Mont. Exclusively European JOHN S. MARSHALL MINT For New Years All that's hvt il Win 'is and Liquors, Inslprte l Brandly, .I heIry, lPort, Irish and S.lotl.h Whlikey. We ilml),rt these gols ,direcvt frolm lEuripio. Extra (' lif',rniat Brmnuly, ('ali f'tia lWine null I..t Kentu'cky uestic ('igars. I'aiiiily tradle .t l"M'iiatlty. THE MINT family Iiquor Store 311 Last Park Ave. Tel, 103 F Anaconda THE . ELITECAFE Everythlng Good To EAT, DRINK and SMOKE Come Once and You'll Come Always 117 E. Park Ave. ANACONDA THOS. CHAMBERS, Mgr, CHAS. W. FRENCHi Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Liquors Agent for Budweiser and Pabst Beer ANACONDA, MONTANA OUTSIDE CITIES ARE WELL REPRESENTED IN SESSIONS S'I.It IAL 'It T iE INIIER MONi t N''AIN, Anacunda, Dec. 31--- rof, R. J. 'uttn ningham of Fort Benton lbrought his full corps of teachers with him to the Montana State TeaIhersI ' association. This shows in a measure the lively interest taken by the teachers of the state in the meeting. Superintendent John McKay of Mis soula, bIrought 33 out of a possibtle 34, which is doing pretty well of itself. The missing teacher from the Missoula sc~hools was ill or she too, would have crome. l-elena sentt a large delegation and Butte was well represented. COUNTY BILLS FOR SALARIES Thell contllly conmissioners are engaged today In auditinllglthe nhlary bills of the coulntl . T'he commisslionlrl will pay especial attelltion to these bills and carefully scrutihize every itt., 'They will alsu examine the quarterly report of the Ishie is oflice, which In compltted form is dtv fi, the hands of the cc itl ssioncrs. ANACONDA NEW YEAR'S SERVICES ST. PAUL'S AND ST. PETER'S ARE BOTH TO MARK THE ANNI VERSARY WITH SONU. . = fq." t l : I e' . li I l., \ 1"I , . i { ( '.II l 1 1 1 '. . 1, I" '. 111 1 .I i1 1. I! hi''t :111"11 ' Ih , : 1 - i 1i 11 (I 11 1. 11f .. tI' ,ll hl i ll - I,:i , I 1'r''1 yL .- ,- .i'1 ," 1,!11,.,(. . I '' lll h > I I ~" . " . tll |',tl' 1I1 ý 1 ,, 1''. 11 : (. t. Il 011', 1, . 1 0' I "'r I '1. l . ' 111 - I.h . 1' ),)I. · I,, "1,."1 I .I'' II.'', I '. , I \l.., I. i ,I lh , lll - II I , It I. 1 \I, ,n , ' , , .\I. , I.II, ' " i' It. 1. I 1 I . v 11 ' I "1 1 , , , ll .. ', " , , ,l l II t' ' L 1 11 , , , .' .1 Ir ., t ' . , ' , r I " , .I I I, .. ,I l. . I ,.,. . . I ' :,, I I . I. h I . ,. · 1 1l, , 1 1 ' 1.!,, \ . . . . I" \ . I I , 1 \ II. . 11 1 1 \ 'I I' I I' .. t, 'I \I, , I .,' 'lh , , Xi . , h , , ' I 1,,'.. '.1 I 11 4 , , I.. 1' . 1i,, I , i l.. '. 1 , \ -lt, I 'l,, ,. . 'I'I 1 ' ".1 1. 1. II I , 1 I 1 . \ . .. , .,t r' h , , , , , I" 1,:1. 1" .111 .I Ii i I I 1 '. 1: \ I 1. I' I \\ 11' -I . I.....! .1I It'Iti, I'',: A. MASON IS IN JAMIL GETS INTO LIQUOR AND TROUBLE AND ROBS YOUNG LADY OF VALUABLES. \lh n el h I ), ,' t . I I i I \\ ,1 I. i. r' lh i ) \\ \\ . \\, h h+ l 'i , :, 1 ,t lH r *I ,,I + : ,, .i'' , I th - .tI , " I , -- II II t "I II 'i, . \ ,. ,, , ,I II', ': . , ' , ,1 . ,I ,,l .1;. i Il l~ l, I' ?-, III i 1 ',:; , . .,' , 1. .,t , , .11 .1 itl11 ., ,1 h I ,. I . .1 ' .I I'.t i . . t 1 +I ,\ ,is it. .,, It ,I , 1, l ' t I . t I, I l h ,,lii-.. l -h I.. , : . II,- , ..... 1 ,l , ,' . i I . .'e \! I . ," " ('I,.. i +, . \ . 1 f,. I i , , , I ',hi ,I t ,nI , ' \\ll ./ I 111 1. I,, . 'a t . . i. t i A, MASONIS IN JIlL GETO ATTEND THE GOLDEND TROUBLE OF VALUABLESWEDDING OF PARENTSS . \ul ,, hin. l I t t. ' . l i th . 1 I, . I, ' . I,, ',l I ", t ,t , i'L l . 1 , 1,1,' . 11- 1- ' I ., 11.' , , " l.. t i t 1. 1..,. i." h 1, : . ,, . ' " ''hidh, ahl .l 1 11 ,,1 TOi, ATTEND THEll-.i l GO, L DENhli' '~h++ W EDDii lt'l"h"IN O,.,,F, PA'R ENTS, I,!, \l , rh'. t1m. 1)11,., h,' hc,,,ig.' \ . I a l ntiid l.e Air.11111.1o. \t it,., t h~tI 1kit \ut . ill; ., l tut g tltt, n , ,hlitt t ,f ir- . JIIi-I ,,n ' ,::it'-, Air. and All . .\cu!u tt. ] i uth't . tl. M rl.. [,J u-lo n lt It'I -" , . 1. ; ' kt t l. :I1,n [ i l tl' i |t thl, hllilcl ol h p:bltt.: -, t. h \\I - lll. llli\,'ll.n . I h, h l hlt II tlllll ll y 7 in tilt- .pnl. I lllu , of 11t 1 it 11,lln. It h0int ti'' , ", 'n a gre at. w illt ago tIsIt \il. 111 11 . .I ,i, l-,, to i (linll hll the hftl lll :; II - \ r o'; I rIt. Joll ll -tllon's I l'll t at I) r',"r I .Odge. HAS COME 400 MILES TO ATTEND CONVENTION . tAnaconda, )c. .31. F. I. \W'ilson, prin cipal ot the I'tulbrtton ls chools, enjoys t ithe distinction of hi ig crvoe a greater distalce thani an ll y lil ell hl r in att(l ll t'lllnalec at the assotciatilon mitinlgs. M1r. Woilson lans traveledl ne;arly .ton miles to he present a lilt t .he litis t ;.ud he says it is worth it. iu'tlbertsh i hltas teCe itly conpletel a new, Iandsomle schooil hitlilting which cost $.,,,oo,. The buildin I is smodern in all its equipml ntt s tudt it it crti lit to the townit, ANACONDA BRIEFS lis s t Mart iv nd ate Nevin i . ite t ire vi iting in the city. "I lie Ih'l'-lan Iamb toat trill he g cI aI attay this cvt ning at .\lihn-' )partment l Sitore, Alit Maltu'trtt .t citue ,of I ,ttaienId is at. Mis Ntelliic c: tthton of l)ecer t.ulge is lisiting h'iindis in Anaconda. AliS Alary lc.\tlahon ittl lti Annie I l'lthien of liltte are visiting .\rs, :M. Alt. llale. I]. ., .orcorn ' f H[lute is attending the ions ofi the Teachelo rs' atsociatiion. Ali s Alice Sager of W\\arm Springs is in the city. P'. .A. Leatmy, foirmerly pritncipal of the Butte high school, wam in the city yesterday, W. JL. otlloway, asociate justice of the supreme court, left yesterday for Ifelent. after delitvering an tildress before the State Teach erl,' asocatiton, A l]trge numbtl of Butte teachers arrived on the mng'll; trait) today. TEACHERS ARE WINDING UP SESSIONS I (' , ,tll it.i. i ' lIsit. , (tS" ti nt.) ., 11t' 'niph it u flia t' titti I if e o w ea tra.ining u th,+ pliU,,'* hood'. "\ f..; \<.t., b-mrn * .,ir be, "our • - h ,, ld w il h . , .s h lt ' t w hilt l iti tl t |it i l cool r', Inne , intl all one. bhlfnI us11l it b roillf,' ii t al i,'fi i tilt li t lii. E Olit l ii, ti.'lrl rti' l tiltf + 111iI. 1f1I llt t I"i . 'I. litPX Ii'I h -,lfi l, i hii' . +Iti -; i'iii 1.t i l tl ' f i ll ll t I i t ''. " ' I if' li . ii it .1 + I ti i ll l'lii I I 1i .i+ ]l tl'.,' lr pr w s. l. I I,. I)C.el ,, I*ii ' i "s tlt1 lh r a,, H bh l,.,'i ,, countyv th l a: -,'b,.,1 H ghler Elducation. \itt t. ll ; rI t 'iI if l lit I ll IIet. I I'i|i' \1,,,:1:1( " 111 \ , ,' ... n ,fl h.r l';q r ,,h1(· ,l ,,it: 1 l ,,l Id i h\ ( 1111,,+, )( --, I+ I( ·l,' It|l l +i· +h, " h,,,,l ,' %( 1 :+ . I lh( . ,+,ll ....., I+,I l,.+ ,,i+ IIIi ,, ,,,+, n Iu n l, ;,;,~l ,, h' r.. "'I l h+' ,II·' . t:h .l 1 I IhH '. .1,; l l- ,1l I i t i 'l tll , tit, : 1+ . b ", l I 1 , .1h r i "m it'1' In Receplitvt ant'l Ball. ,'h1 t, 1,,"111·1 ,l,:'i+,,, ,hu'.1 l.h,' ;,ilif. J1 t+, i,.~t l i, - )'' ,I' \ 1.i t t i titi t at - ,iii vui' n li. I 'l,' I. Itt I i ,li 11 , t ,,iii ii ith' l i ih ' ililit hIi.iI lt l ii' I f elitlt i' . :t- -it it " h ti i+' itt, ,t i'. *I, lI +itl' Il' I i .111 )tl l ,lll. "+ ;ly. l' Ill+ ,I |'I:'1 'II H I.11( ,.~ i to 0 ? 41.111* if , i, t' Nlt. i ui. 1 - i, t,,' i I,. tI, t. I t' -Ill, , tu lv ,III -1,ti . l iif lit i .+ll.I t\ 1 ,1 '. 1 -, ;, t 1 "rl f .'h ' th,,,l'." , i tt h ' fll'lllllt' "iti'' . fi t-II IliI i 'l:'II ,it-' IILII.C \:II( I. II I rrdl~ ll·l \\.: 11 lI IIlukens U h l' i ilt ' .i 1 ' it ft h' l imi-l, i ,trt g flit' I.. il lut i- . , h,,l,. l I l,,ll y ;illl it, ''id lh I. '1, . ,' I ,ti-i ' - I. t hiil .i -lif i rili ,, i, th el .,b , h ,,l ,. P,-,, I ni ol, l .+ . i,, x.d'\ it i I , l lli i :i . t\ . it ,,h ,ti ht IS Il' '¢ti-l'', i' 'i I f,. lit'l li .II i' i t lll. irll \ \ 'i.1 1i.. i'i ,,Im ii' h l vt ,lt' - ii.itt t, tu , 'l". I tl ). 9'l 'l + " II e i , n th e -,,'i i..l'|+J \ llinilll :+ 1.I' 1h',,l l ll(·illl 11.11l lilt'1 (· 1 1hn·1i· ,lug,,'- .'+IH, . ,I(1· l,'r ,,. ,',l,(·.( v,,,:d l )'1tt (' i S1'11(1-1\ 1tlll 1· 1 .l- I ,, H',. m Ii L'+.lh , lh -..,I th,+ ,,,,. p,, n ed b all la+ t ;, i gh, t the l t h,,d }.l,,,ll..l ;I,. ll t,. i t. .A III ( ib (1I(·I l it ;1 1ir l ll t,, o wnht n,, :,,-, t'll , : ltll,+ . I l" II+ .'l I,,I h i .n e i th,. - h ,,- 'lh , n iolu', xshin' m+ l,+,t t~ h t' \'+ii;i .I b s de.tlt.+ },+ t o th e , iri th I,+ I'*l th n I , ai. bh, i ,ll,.;danl li~ t r h.; r;11 t. f+,l,,+ i .t mp hy r t, e l,' b,, I I,hI' t hed I als rs o JosI n el tym .n s \It..1 g '.uL h I) .,,1' ,,f Ibe,'.,r pa 1,, ov-.m hn, ,I' ht r to ,hubt n ', ,,l a to wron. " lu-ti" u'hy l'n , h.'t r i", th I + i m', sl l''l +th \+.;ited Statle \I -. I,-t H . ;e i up to \ub't" t lleli';l r o l I; I M r r I~n t,' rhl .:. ,' t ,,lin of I ,it 'd thi nes th . h\ 11 tin l rh llW -t.. . Ih+' \';,t t ',,in lu liivh a ,, hh th+" l yi; u;, l,. to hal'.. t~r , h rough, t \e -,",, : pnH I nt,, ol d h n I',,,f h~ltim l .I . f I"tho. TI, he fo tba %. h. v er ka~lru so. pt t ol dsh she t ,o t l.a t ti ioiki iii iii i%11.1ta \iiri until-,'. \ ,+: ',, .Ir H I ),..'.e jl tI I ' i'h r,. . s i i, it M +! r s , r .\ I m' lynVl V , I'.lb, ,I" nillt t ;tl I+tn+aim ,,I he IIw It'+11111 I t, l . 1 41 l f l - . t 1iI.+ ;li t ri t't Chl! 11, + i.t 111'tt I H itll h tn alhl I tl : tl,.d. forI bh,' l)+mh 't ,il l h , 1 I o , 'i St+',t' ,I l'ilman \| in \all ,' w ell re - Fire in the Flood Block. stullllllp. c:arel. h -ly thlrI\ i1n I jlr conlll illn in g , p a lm tre , in : ' fl'r , t \s iunld v o f 1., I. I),lighl's , igar -tore ill the FIloo bllwk, ca l li re ti afternoon, d the Ic partml ent had to be called uill to e€x tinlui-h it. "1 lI d.nale Ii' ,'n i.,ted mostly from l 'll r ll d ;a u ntmllllI ted to ;tinb t $1110, cover1d by illvnur. IAVE NEW QUARTERS NEW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY WILL SOON BE LOCATED IN ORTON HALL. I le ilmembers of thIe inew t'ristian Scinclle. ncily ill this city \Itho have been hohling .ervics in the I'clisylva nia blck, n ill he located in new ilarters by Sunil,ay. The society has grown so rapidly since the arrival in this city of .Miss Peck, the first reader, that it was folitld necessary to get a largr hall ito ac cotinollate the alliliences which gather each Sunday and \\ednesdlay night. TI'hli news place of imetintg will be t.h ()rtoni hall, . i5 North alin street. The nlew qutarters consist of ai large hall with a seatiill capacity of 175, r'Catillng roomll for the iecoitiitiodation iof thlls( ,ioi (hIe dire to Imeet it snmall groups to read (Christian Science literature aind private olfceea for the lirst reader. These roomts are fitted utp with hattd soime carpets, furniiture alld pretty ftur nishings. The members are justly proud of the new uItarters and extend a cordial inviation to all to attend services 'there tlexi Sunday miorniing. Miss Peck is first reader and ,Mrs. l.)orothy 'frevarrow atcond reader. Polygamy Deoreasing It is stated that polygatmy is becoming Increasintgly unpopular in Turkey, and that consequently the ()ttomlall goverlnlment is faced with a depopulation problems. The sultan has just published an irade con demning the new tendencies. JOHN GEACGHTY IS ACROSS THE DIVIDE ONCE WEALTHY MINING MAN DIES OF ASTHMA IN HOSPITAL VERY SUDDENLY. WELL KNOWN IN MONTANA Deceased Was Formerly Prominent in Mining, but Had Lost All He Had -Still Kept at Prospecting,. Inhn tll r;t tyli . ly, o{ I ( f lilthe 1h "t t11ln1 1 it lu ct'i itr illl kno i ttn the' titniiniug ;l llk of mtyh . t tl i tlll t, l it tellh rn I, lit'.. uiet st rthh ttly itt St. it 1r ' h ,p, .t.l c h i t th .', lot, k llthis 1 rninti , to ti hit h pll: i ll hall ih I t I:,kt' for t rIyi. ll( nlll t. r Once Wealth aky. the It,, p t' t I t,, b I in. ;-n I ti ,,r it . it i liritl, t I. t- lar it 1111i t i Itt 't i lt ht1 l t ri. . llly l ihe.r yl 1 h tl i t h i I b'It ii arttl n. i, l ti c. Sirn; illy 1l:.1 tutu for Itwo or Ihtrr t ye; r it,'it I.rtt Iin .lli llt hmt111 ,itt. l tllt ha; l (1i' - t1, t 1 i-1 into ,\ l hat , ,II I ll ll r ll'l clt" r - ·Iil t',wl iii: lhn r t h -. b ii l t ilhlv d ' .,I - that hI; hitter thagi \ hilt, hilt ni, lilbing tht .terhi;an to titi hu.-f it.l hy e 1 I vil .111~l h u', to l .te c 5 erri r tIt.l h le - I ti iti.r. t l ititcr iI ha I It ti ilaic- let4 1 .it led i, ti%;I, ilfL. thatl the. Stn 'it ti i kf.lt1g. ind ; I ri , te'te l111.' l l. 11t I.t the li ul in e t ' Ii u hi11i ,t. r 11 nn1 11t1t1i , i (.rler 'l)ght S~-r-d Wita . Once Wealthy. Ih. e oldh ,1 t eth' 1.l1, u1tit -ittt tk .i lT i, lu edIl t I tiil lttll lYt pori.Ii lt in hts itI nltI ' *tIti , .ll111 ini thi youlll lir tI ' .ys of ' omna n. '. tIninog ttet e c"t, he no, tine of S a1, Iutrr llr .ll n c .r e rt',l a t lh111 1 minles I;..t hate t no to t( w rait ta ith atdl 9t r ,4 1 t1in , in lh it lilt, h:a l lI ,l-erli .s il hii Ii, a lli. th tmere %,',rthll m llim ,,. lh, w.) tht 1l ti e a .rantil with -,tlch Italy : nd ', ,,, ..o J hll \\ . lwi ,k t .. tilth h ,-e r , *1.1 f \I "t Wll '. t ,e i at yi, m ' 1t1' ,t imil t"1 II Inr, ill llit tilmt", I tl thl .ll h *t -n i'.s i,41 itna.l th le't, 1til at thilt 4'1 il4 itam re thivetl in tt ry ,traiih tt .i l cirn tltllttatllces, t'1ilu h he .till ontlcl ; ittntnher of proper t, ai t - ; rt,. 're tltd'l as 1.|1ost the most plt".1isint' in thet .tale. It \ea, for the lurp,,e of sectring .rln s }itt . w itlh hirlc to dev hrlo "I swill of thle mlti,. fro' n \ irgini;t Iity, that lie amne In ,lti.e about ht ,ek aIo,. \ r hil t i lln h t. aitl Kinilta iha.l worked andl pros p '' h." l tngetlhcr ill this utill| Il.any other -t' t ',or ylst- it, tlli the wanrlm °t 1"lli00 1 ,, o r m"uul'"a shlp li;tdl t:ro 1n uIp hbtwi.m the tiG ;'y,,hty 'a, , abohut S years of age ica t, wt.h1 hiot $ year, odh adl almost his twhole life a.l tI, n . p.. nt in the tiniing lt in s of the \\'Wet. So. far as is knon nilnt f-,o many eiars lutist had hetrnl .hier cat.r he happr-s.d to beIt, hut for the past Well Known and Popular. The"re h. as prrhal., oth, I hatter known wn tit all the miuintg sips ,I the state, 1l.r. lh' H e was :1 n ian of the highest char v,:I, ;,s coi' :,, hi, hmtl; : Nohl l a hle mnany l i' l , anIIIi \W i ' " r llole ilo i y all u, t ill the esnd hbak to the earth front which lhe h;ol t,,ken it. for he \.wa . constantly it mi -li.;d lopenl g i en - min's. lhe was alb.i. rer dy tIi assist a friendl. uso l it is a:ý, h;1tt" , ;o n y sttreet." -rdl ing t' ilf i. ,lgrtln ilntl, Hl i t. ke piace I II0 'ro 1'a ri'ItII 1iiii Are You Wearing Glasses, or Are Your Eyes at All Defective? If ~o. tthen ytou ,hotll have youttr eyes ',,;iinea l I 'l the ec tpecialists, 48 W est I'arlt. the Frunk t tplical Parlor and Eye IIERE WITH PRISONER IxALISPELL DEPUTY HAS CHARLES SMITH, WANTED FOR HORSE STEALING, IN CHARGE. Ihlp ty Sheritf I. A. I)onalte of Kalis 'II l tie in fr) m tlillings last night withl I harlt, Smth, thte negro arrested in dlli, , o i the chiarge I f stealiing a horse Sui cutter irou McKntigltt & I.etiis of ,blispell. Smith, it is alleged, took the horse ;nd cutter a d drove uiI"f with it. old alfter '1,ls,,inlg to the pro ertly enlt to Blilliu.s, I here lie \Itts hLtgin.g aruull the race t ack. A\ telegram ttas sent to that city to the rilt' si f fce antil two houtrs after its Itceiit the ptriso er was in H)ody,. Smiith gives as an excuse for makiing v ay with the uitter ait il horse that lie w s;is drtmk aulnd id not know what the was do I'h' missing property has been located ad uDeputy I)ontlahtte will leave Smith in jail itn Butte while he goes for the stolen horse ald cutter, after which he will take his uman to Kalispell. Smith's fascintatlont fr the race track led to his capture, its he wentt itmmediately to lillings, where there are some blooded ihorI , attl was hanlging about the track o ten atrrested, CHARITY BALLS BY ELKS HAVE NETTED $6,079.11 srt EiIA, TO THEi INTlER-tl Mti Nt AIN,. ltelena, D)ec." .---Tlhe Elks have given in all six charity halls in leletna and these have netted a total of $6,079.11, accord ing to figures given out by the local lodge. 'I' tc money has been divided among dchartt aine institutions. It is expected that the ball to be given by the order January 11 will he tip to the standard in attendance and results. A Queer Savings Bank. A ra.lpicker in london recently foutnd money to the value of $tau in a basketful of rags for which she had paid a few pen nies to a chambermaid, who did not know that her mistress was using it as a say ings bank. TIHE COPPER CITY Happy New Year To All. Store Will be Closed All Day Friday, New Year's Day. COME SATURDAY For Big Bargains in All Winter Goods Jackets Suits Furs Underwear Boys' Overcoats And everything ready to wear for men, women and children. Marked at prices that will clean them up quickly. THE COPPER CITY Butte, Anaconda& Pacific Railway Co. Passenger Time Table, Sunday, Dec. 6, 19o3, W'ESTBOUND. EASTBOUND. Local and Leave Arrive Local and Leave Arrive 'l.rough Trains. Butte. Anaconda Through Trains. Anaconda Butt;. No. 1-B.,A. & P.10:15 am 11:10 am No. 2-G. . Local. 7:U0am 8:20a ,n No. 3-Overland...12:l p m 1:10 pm No. 4-B.. A. & P. 8:55 am 9:50 am No. 5-B., A. & . 5:00 pm 5:55 pm No. 6-B., A. & P. 2:00pm 2:55 pm No. 7--. F. Locl.l1O:5 Opm 11:40 Pm ,No. 8-Overlaind... 6:50 pm 7:40 pm To make connection with Northern Pacitic Railway t Westbound) trains at Durant, leave Anaconda at 1:oo p. m. and 6:So p. m. To make connection with Oregon Short Line Railway at Silver Bow, leave Anaconda at s:oo p. m. Train No. a leaving AnLconda at 7:3o . . . runs through to (treat Valls without change. Train No. 8 leaving Anaconda at 6:5o p. m. runs through to St. Paul via Great Northern Rallway, without change. Tickets on sale at City Ticket Office (Grea t Northern Railway), 41 alain st:ret, Butte and at Passenger Station of the nutte, Anacon da & Pacific Railway. SUIT IS ADJOURNED PHILIPSBURG MINING ACTION WILL BE TAKEN UP IN ANACONDA AFTER NEW YEAR'S. lh ililpsburg. IDec. ;.-.'he trial of the Apex mining suit, involving ore in con truvertsy tIetweel\ the ow ntrs of the Tiger and the Nancy lanks. was temporarily concluded here last nighlt. 'The case will hle restumed next Tuesday in .Anaconda, the attorneys havinlg stipu lated to finish the trial there. Joe PI'le of Butte was ow the tandll inearly all day yesterday for the derfene. lle said he had carefully examined the two prloperties antld found nIo conntiectiont betweenll the apex of the vein ill the Ti'ger and the Nancy Ilantks workings. lie1 con tended that the course of thie discovery vein in the Tiger was north u:d south, througIh the south side lines of the lTier, where it apparently faulted. Richard Ashcroft, one of the original de fendants in the case, tol, the court that fro.m his knowledge of the Iroperties there was nothing warranting practical miners following the lead from the Tiger into the Nancy IlIanks workings. It was to o'clock last night when he Icft the standl. The defense still had a number of wit nesses to examine, and as coturt desired to atdjoturn over New Year's, it was mutu ally agreed between the litigants and their counsel that the balance of the case coutld he tried in Anaconda. As soon as the attorneys filed a stipula tioI agreeiing that Judge ('lelments sholthd havhethe sanIe jurisdliction in the case in Deer Inodge as in (;rauite county, the court made an order adjournling the further trial of thle case to Anlaconda. HAMILTON LODGES INSTALL sI''ctAL T'rt Tt, INTER Mato.'rtAN. llamtiltont, Dec. 31,.- he ()rder of the Easterni Star and the local lodge of Masons, held a joint installation o oitti cers and a banquet last night. The affair was largely attended, a number comint g frotm \ictor. DOW IS HOLDING HIS OWN Hamilton, Dec. 3r.-TJ)e condition of Master Mechanic Dow, whose arm was torn off in an accident in the imill several days ago, is satisfactory. His physicians now report that he will recover. In the E. E.' Paxon Estate. T.elsa Ml. Paxson, -as executrix of the estate of the late Everett E. Paxson, has filed a bond in the sum of $9,ooo, and will take charge of the affairs of the estate immediately. Minneapolis St. Paul Chicago The shortline between these three large cities is Ii The route of the famous North Western Limited "The Train for Comfort" Every night in the year. Before starting on a trip-no matter where-write for interesting information about comnfortable trav eling. E. A. GRAY, General Agent, Helena, Mont. W. M. M. ENRIGIIT, Traveling Agent, Helena, Mont. T. W. TELASDALI; General Passenger Agent St. Paul,Minn. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS TO HOLD WATCH-NIGHT TIhere will Ibe a Christmas tree lenter tainment and watch-services in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, tonight, Thle entertainment and Christmas tree will be for the children of the colngrega tion and a large attendance is anticipatedl. It has been arranged to hold watch night services after the entertainment. program closes tonight. Part of the evening will consist of a social hour, and later devotional services will be held at midnight. Lotteries in Europe. State lotteries add to the income of for eign governments. In Italy they bring the government $2,5oo,ooo a year. 4n Prussia the profits of the public lottery are ".4, a5o,ooo. The l)utch government gets the neat profit of £ 5o,ooo.