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**** Bisto r>cu! Ltb, ary i B.V HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Saturday Evening S. Athletic Ass o. Play K Belt Valley Times S \ I r* <■*4 ? * • *2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE BELT, MONTANA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 VOLUME 28, NUMBER 25 City Council Services From State Examiner Office t A bill from the state examiner's of A hurried search of the records by the mayor failed reveal the fact of payment for the , . . services claimed m the bill, and the matter rests until a detailed search of the records can be made. The mayor was under the impression that war . , , , . . . ranis nao oeen issued in payment oi the examiner s fees for the first three years specified in the bill, but was not positive in the matter. AH councilmen were present at the «Âricïrsrwkfwïlu,,... absent from the city. G. G. Nohl appeared before the body with the statement that a charge for sidewalk construction in 1919 anpear-1 ed in the citv tax list of Ethel Nohl J and cited the' fact that the said side walk was constructed in 1916 and the cost of same paid in full in 1917 Mr. Nohl stated that he realized thé cor rection to be properlv made would entail a rewriting of the assessment roll and a complete checkup of the sur veyor's work, but desired the council to pass some sort of a resolution >n order to nrotect the title to the nro perty in future and to show clearly and officially the error existed On motion the citv clerk was instructed to "So" ™" Palls, who was in charge of the work of sidewalk construction in Belt in 1919, and request him to correct the error, and also instruct the city treas tirer to correct the same in his Records, Mr. Nohl thanked the council and re tired. The city wateroverseer reported mimpfng 3 0W1.000 niton, of «.tor io November, a drop of nearly a million gallons from that pumped during the -1--- 1 fice for fees amounting to $200 cov ering the years 1918-19-20-21 was the first topic to come before the city council at its regular last session • Thursday evening. « ft . n , n _ C PQf nor Ranph Ram Flo OlugjMI^ ndllull Du ! II Uv X J w . . - . ctmvofl Yoctorflav hv Firo dllUjCll ICMClUay Uj rnc t,- ,v n V- , T'nriré 'i np 7 nch 0 ™letdv VlTr Jd?^ r i ay TS it Kf y n d c 1 th€ b t! rn r nd ^f d rvwimof « . or , c 1 ' re L atte nu , ng t Oj ssSsr; SÄZ fu n.,. aestroyed the house also. There was only one calf in t L hp anl 6 ° f ' was burned. ». •"P'""". th *,' i' wa * TJ" Mr ' darin* the d„ Without *ivln* Ihr remark much attention Harv enquired Wh ftold 8 bv fa th h e e f the e r n t d h ed t wJXAvf Ä he r Uldn f Ms. Siegling was "not "LTlteTZ place, but afterward he appeared and • - when questioned indifferently stated} that he did not remember whether he set the fire or not, and apparently did not care. The Weggcland boys, attending the Goodman school, noticing the flames, went to the assistance of Mrs. Sieg ling, who with Mr. Siegling was alone I ä/Ä^S'^r^iRBCBipts section hands, coming down the Nel reaching Armington telephoned £ Herb Siegling and V. Ross immediate ly got into a car and went la the ranch, reaching there in time to save e thousand bushed# r*t wheat stored in ] the bam. which had not yet taken fire ; : The holiday vacation oeriod for the teachers and pupils of the Belt dis , trict was decided upon to begin Friday ' ni«4if »w* m K<.r 9?°«nd endirxr Tnes- 1 ääs ÄÄÄ.Ä there wa, considerable informal die, tbCr T JS!L M ^udI. CuL^rt^rt^aWe^ddi tion to the enn.lCmt "n b^h the i grades and the High school since the onening and a substantia! increase In"® revenue to the district derived there from While the need of an additional buildine was touched upon in the gen eral discuasion ft apneered the r on « rmans nf ooinion that snvthing in Um w Ty of JxDMn,Zr ^ "t of toe quc^ 2 uTSXnTstS of X ^ SSv ÎS,» . -M.I. « î mi »Sid the opinion that there was eï%£T *mrnhr m keegtog jrp lhe mrw—trt «txndMftl «f «nrftwimt Ä Si in the way of financial burden* CO y WHS tell Schools Close 23rd for Week's Holiday Vacation f -1 irrigation months. No report was re ceived from the city treasurer. Warrants Nos. 5033 and15061, drawn on the street fund through error, were presented by George S. Browning for correction and the clerk was instruct ) ed to correct same,by preparing a res toj olution transferring them to Improve ! Distr ) ct . No - 2 ' „ , . ! The much discussed matter of rals j nfi . tbe revenue of the city by licenses for poolhalls, soft drink establish nients and similar business enterprises i w ^ c * 1 has been before the council off - I and on for the past three of four ^ yeara> ag . ajn came up for a thorough • discussion, but no definite action re j suited, and after allowing the current \ b '^ 8 as audited, the council adjourned, — . n| . ft. . NOUf Q (1 ft [11(1 V. Til flTO "CIf u||U UIU OiUlliu .1 PI *•/%■•»***•*«! flsali 81 rlTPfTlPriQ' K 51 i I Ul "ll ClflCllU Dull _ .n , , •- . , , , A * d ,f tun * 8 an d several new °# e "'rl? d ^fî WI pro ^ ra J n Da / S carnival, to be ecember 30-31, if the elaborate îu | U n t ^r departmeJt mateial ze irü . .u « aeparcmeni maieranze. 7^ the , affair will be a repetition of as ^ y ear s success there is little doubt f 8 cho8€ ,n c " ar ^ e ^ av ® benefit of fszzu-r-rv!'' t v, ev intend »hall mart ih,. ».éont - the hivh snot in fupv «.„.ini nr a As an entertainment that .' nnB „i, ! < 0 all the peoole reirardle«« ll , r i ;" n dition the revfval of ?he recreà j tions indulged in bv the virile and nur I ged sôuls who rJ?.nli fh ïr i ^ f n t h e days wluifVach man was a Taw hi„S? i nB . to his own individual ii.rMa Ki.a ! ä popular note thaUa lrres.sfihle Th! people whom Harte V^e Twifn I5d (W P r literary hJhS haw in nrint aS S^nlu^ and Russell hiiv 4 ' n r. •crvwi nn* 1 v * ha l vepas 9 e d < o n P but e their achif'venréTfta «rd rffiitSa have L?an f? e 'Tfir**" ^ ineff iccable and .An. ialK- t tr descendant« liv ** , ; nossessés an abJrtdn^ df f t ( h PS K 1 K vmt n .t Ï ? : ful imitatioli th ^ atUfm P ts at pIa y ■ "s'».»«« fX™,ï z p cnineiarrioay U° I ^ n, ^ p J n ^ har f e J carnlval fl e d t!*u 'T^' !Ä e P S« i î \ Tï* £ d «'d '"Tftf"Ä special invitations to notables of the, M^lrTlnd ' Shaï' : rard were named 1, tLf : ad « A special meeting of the fire department will be held Thursday evening, December 22. at the K. of P. cIub ro °n'- to perfect the final ar -, rangements. ——- ! W m. Fiuhr of the Belt Valley j Creamery was a, business visitor In Greal Falls ysUTday - Indicate Biggest Wheat Crop — , pl«*<l with a conservative estimate of the amount of wheat still in the hands, «ff the farmers, it appears that the [1921 crop of wheat of the Belt Valley is one of the biggest in the aggregate ever raised here. M. Kotchkin, man ager of the Farmers Mill A Elevator company, stated that on Monday even ing his receipts of wheat for the sea «> n amounted to an even 100.000 bush-! ei *. * n<1 U P 10 yesterday noon the re. "«»Pt* at the Rocky Mountain eleva tor, according to Manager Brady,! -ss 1 " Z iï'n". ! S7.'rrt,rt 5 "o«.ît during the past week, though not a day puses Wiüiout several load, be handled The »borp rise in wheat price, last week brought In quite a. few loads 8 »*" nearby farmer* who were sup P°«ed have haujed their entire crop c* r Ty in the season, and this fact is inclining the elevator «Ten to the be that a number of farmers still bold a part of their crop. The bulk of tK wheat that in »V torroers bin, is In the foothill regions, where a* -2 — h» 7 »<. . long distance from the elevators, and .1« thiwAtog was dime lato w tn« »«Mon. eonsMOrYitly it Will be ~~ WortTST^ta Ml .n : reach the market.. According to figures given out this weak at the two local elevator*, ceu Start Something < -■* • i) ^ o . t"\C l f ? * CommittCC KepOlt SetS Ott t IfC" _ _ . . \ir nr l Ç A mOni* ( miflfV V^UUlll y vyiill^iaici ! A volumimous report by a commit 1 tee appointed by the Cascade County , T i Tax P a y ers League. makes some charges in the matter of county ex penditures after an investigation of the county offices. The report is in-j formal and states that county govern-> ment in several respects is being con-jui ducted on an unbusinesslike basis, that public funds are being paid to private concerns for services that could be bet ter and more economically performed by county agencies and that there .. duplication and even triplication of ex penditures and efforts by certain coun ty officials. The administration of the county P° or farm ca »>e under fire in the re-1 port, the investigators claiming that the farm, instead of being self porting was unproductive and a source 0 f expense to the taxpayers. It is also charged by the committee that many 0 f the county dependents are not being cared for at the poor farm, but are be inR: Rent to the 9<?v, ' r » 1 Great Falls P ri ' " annual T «P« nw $25,000 to the county. The report ca n ed attention to the fact that many 0 f the county patients could be treated a f poo r farm and suggested that, ,h - ~«î ° f «• county could construct a hospital and »Ornately effect a saving of $46,000 a S$ ar ' , , „ The report also called attention to * C T 8 of iture in ^ T ay coun ^ 8U PP^ es ' a ' at the mi,oa ^ bi,lfl of certain county uln * *° f ° Und '' onsiderab,p 0l ™. reat \ al18 . . W , hen at the mPetinp of the J pa Ç? c Frid *y ; L - R pre *.* nt and wa ® mo, î ed to rpmark ™ irardine the suirp'estion in the report o* at r a ^ ra î' <> charges of County Surveyor Day in using his own car he t "I have done my utmost,' Mr Korn mpr8 sa '^- "to compel the use of coun ty ' owned car ® ' n transactin,y county hu8ineH - hut 1 have B,way * bepn OD - nosed by the other two commiasioners. When I have opposed the allowance of s,,r,e,: 7 Dav. wh,ch often amounts to a consul ^ble sum. my stand Is overruled bv th '' other who seem to believp U is nro ^ r to 8 SÄ» Ä J" ,„d roïnlv .ItomrV. .M« in hiring! * * y . , __ , _, V. --'^s7bootlcggcrt and gambler,'". ' T not saving snvthing against the«, 1 tbF>v m<>an alright , _ - - — ___ - _ . , D " « [|] JOntt Jtf. 1 hUtUler, t,SQ. ] Ul-Uj r~)l--—Iran--JT--IP J V tgi fiSfr '~-■*> l M Jbj J&} It, dSßfi né \ uUL>®;Y , Jf' ( y— 1 *- ■ - ' yiJnv " ' E I __ - , I. f Gdt. AWT î M 9 ' jf 1 J flw'/ v A 1 Æfî / . tÄjf ^ firn W 1 fvjfl / « s* IJJ uL « M l Llga^ "Tm—#J ^~/,bL jfZ \ \ fr - *'1* - J &\T V\. J \J' -T \^ B nr ^ rtVV _— -J*r gg^. ---sMcas. ■ m:* vsi*A m tfttaot mtiit -tümf OUV't* Ç «uWFlf , we? H I - D r BOBflTHSETS60DBS, *200 a a. —w».rt Judge H. H. Ewing, Andrew Boboth pleaded guilty to the charge of illicit selling of lijuor and was sentenced to pay a fine of $200 and to serv e 60 days jail Boboth went to Great Falls! yesterday noon, after being allowed tolin come to Belt to arrange bis affair* begin serving his sentence Boboth was arrested about six weeks; »go in the general raid made through out the county in which 6« alleged bootleggers were bagged He at first entered a pie. of not guilty, but when th. »«. U, trt.i rt-t.jrt« h,. guilty. He operates the place on WgL '** known »« the Anaeonda wif, and nmp Prt-d U. h. th. — ta t. B«ii at .**. *•«*»» ^ During the number of years 1 served ^« county „ sheriff, 1 never spent a nickel of the public s money for the , crvlc * a 0 { a detective. When 1 spoke 0 f these expenditures to a taxpayer the other day the present sheriff threatened to 'knock my block of,' but you can reai assured that 1 am going stay with the boys who are striving to reduce taxation. Mr. Kummers also stated that he had done all in his power to curb the pow er» of the county officials in making minor purchases. County Surveyor Lay took excep tlon to the remarks of Commissioner Kummer» and m an interview next day is quoted as saying: 'The remarks made by Mr. Korn mers wi the effect that 1 have three sup-(county cars at my disposal and am re jceiving 20 cent* a mile for the use of my private car, and that 1 am getting rich, are the statements I object to. Kummer* saw to it that he told just enough of the truth to mislead the P ub bc. He attempted to poison the ^P le ' 8 minds against my department j and concluded with an absolute un-l,,. truth. The commissioner was unjust in his remarks, and was prompted by bitter, personal feeling and jealousy, -n»» «. ...~ u ,,„.J.«. road and bridge work besides my own. The road supervisor uses one and'my field engineer the other. The third car j s „ Hudson used by the county superintendent of schools, by the com missioners and any other county offic e r who has any business in the coun. try. This last is charged against my bovortment. .l.houkh it .., used m other work. -If the ^ public is anxious to know ^bat use is «ade of the county cars it nnght be well to investigate and learn Who drove the third car during the summer, and for what purpose it mused. Mr. Kommers has didveii that car more than any other off.cial year. "Mr. Kommcr's atatement to the as sudation was a grandstand play from »tart to finish. If he is sincere in his av °wed desire to cut county expense, he could recommend to the other com missioners that the boanl wind up it* •• ™ riv •• i 1 »'" 111 ' >»»*• m onth and adjourn. The board once conducted the county's business in i froni 8ix u , n daVR . b y t , ob „. rv< . that Mr, Kommers collé ts a salary for evil S STÄffi 'tb" b p m uï,ic h '.h:! S Whether „r not the .cti.itie. of the ir.r. c,n i« any real benefit to the taxpayers or not, it certainly appars to have stirred up things around the court house. | BOW CASE UP OR SATURDAY w. ». of «...„. «... » Berg and Isabel Lowry, in which dam **** ™ J. injurit ., ^ **" arf ** k « « «>" mcurreil while said cow was in castigating the back yard of lbe house Armington «copied by Misse, Berg and Lowry, is called in the district »ftort on Saturday The alleged d«m age to the cow occurred a year ago last September, and the rase ha. been put over from time to time, but is ex ,~ctod to be fought out to . finish this Urne. Leo C. Graybill is attorney for . . > , U) uuna 4 Saturday, Uer^mrH'r .'«r. Nrt. Pny c n,,.-n * •*' rvrtfi n * n £ Mater ial io B. V . H. S. Lineup Tlie Belt Valley High School Athle tic association are determined to put a real basketball team in the field this . . , . . . sea * on and **>?* who 9uccwd »' making the quint intend to compete in the state tournament at Boieman next » pr i n g There is little doubt but what wil , have , 8tro d this * * season, as all of last year's team aFe out f° r practice, together with several very promising candidates who have hopes of getting in the game also. Active practice started last week and »very evening is given to two or three hours hard work under the direction of Coach D Amour. McCoy, Pattaner, Butts, Lester, Shannon and Spogen of, * a8t years team are determined to —-- I umL sa »Mas saw I. 9 TO Û] a | |||l K PflUl fif VU I II U I UUIIIlUl llllUl IAI V jams WRflflRfl TRmRrflRY ■" *11111111 I UUIIII «III J - ., h f .v h • j . , . j and Mr8 William Junkermeier of Armington coulee, Mis* Garnet Junk. ermeier was joined in wedlock to Lin-, coln jr WeKmr of Great Falls, Rev, . . . „ ... . „ „ Chr,aU,ph Kellar of Great 1<alU offi * ciating. The weddinK took place yes terday momina at 10 o'clock, the y ^,^ «. th ,. !o-cLock" train for Los Angeles via Salt Lake,, and after visiting other coast cities! will return via Seattle. They will be at home at the Lexington Apartments, Great Falls, after January 16. The ceremony was performed in the living room of the Junkermeier home, which was prettily and appropriately d^ocord for U» occo.loo Mr. if, H, Sauers, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and Oscar Juniutrmaiar, brother of the bride, as best man. and Ruth Junkermeier, niece of the bride. as flower girl. Mr* Oscar Junker meter presided at the pi*no, perform ing appropriately to the occasion. The this)bride was beautifully gowned in Hom .me «ilk, wfth of whh«i satin. Her veil of tulle was entwined with lilies of the valley, and is dis tinguished as having been worn by her mother at her own wedding. The bride also carried a large bouquet of Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley * mediately after the ceremony to the bridal party and guests, the table be-l ing beautifully debated with pink he predommating color. Ä Sr™ S ta the Northern office, in Grjti«** Kail« Mr. Wagner is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and hold. » R.^wa^lompany 'to GrTaf p a ll 8 y ' _ Deoutv Sheriff Ed Donovan of Nei-1 hjm wag { Belt ovrr ni ht Thursday returning from Great Falls where he assisted the sheriff s oÆce ln a gamb ling raid '__ , # Funsf al Ssrvicos of ■%« n 1 * * Pioneer Physician „ ' waB a member of Palestine lodge, A. F. A A. M., at Stanford, the funeral srevices being conducted under the ritusl of the fraternity by W. M. Les ter of that lodge, assisted by Rev. AI « xander Alton of Belt and Rev Snow of Raynesford. Messrs. Meredith and : Packard of Stanford and Messrs Me Conkey, Kierstead, Kennedy and Le land of Belt also attended the funeral, W r p "' i Ä Ä Ä "* " Pv * ; ,d : ö*'- Williams came to Montana 45 year, ago a* an army doctor, with the; rank « f m *> or - HewasiiUUonrtl.tstory. Fort Keogh, near M «les. City, and later itt Fort Magtnnts, and over 30 years ago resigned from the army and lo"»b-, [td at Barker for the practice of medi cine. When the Ba " k <' r mine* wer« ; closed down some 26 «g o. he ^ located »ranch on the bead o A ow creek and established a home amid beautlfu sunroundmg. tor J^wsl j years, later renmv^g to Megmb ÄSnTS -SÄ : ., i 4 K»r«t m . n and M> J • nmri and Umring Jïspo^ f . . , 2 H.d . m. * 1 . »< | The funeral of Dr. J. H. Williams, ■pioneer physician of the Beit moun tains, who died to Great Fall* Friday !jat the. age of 69, wa* held Monday at Dr. William* j hold their places on the team and are windmar into form in fine shape, but ft"* JewaU * Go a sack, Shirley and Johnson, corn prising the second team, are going to be real contenders for places in the first squad. Björne Johnson is a Sen 1 ' or , w 'f b basketball experience, trL* ?* SSjLS'JSSS!" AU**,». acting as temporary captain. All the players are in excellent physical con ditlon, as all of them were out every ( evening for the past two months on ( the football field. Most of them show much improvement in speed over last year's form and all of them have de veloped and added weight from last season. A schedule of games with other high schools of this district is now being arranged and Coach «* «• before the holiday*. „J," X!*' £1—1 "aÏ&i** 0 tre **' ury. the High School Athletic tion will on Saturday evening at 8 2^!°°^ £'Y® * »bow at the auditorium. Thl *. W> be ent * It ^' ment* gtven here this winter. The talent has been rehearsing for several | ' ve ** CB and 8 high class bill will be presented. Tne program includes » very funny pan tom mine entitled ''The Lamp Went Out, showing Eddie a, . t . l ?f hand80, J« Î** 1,0 f nd ; W ' i vuiimn. Imystery play given by » talent ed cast, a two-roel movie feature and »^Vtra I musical numbers. ABtok^ 1 " b. Un -hildren U ... l,, lla „.i in htlv j n _ a ^ t " £ " a fJ" ^ "ZmZT .Ä f .. debA «»ill nutstand é J n.ln' il* ^*d« a , f ^ t * ; , "rbi..k.tbîn tkrt.tï j tt88<)rl8,l " n , n ( ul ^ j'*'* I ? < ® ! »t énd .^Cl * nZZL.r ^ A ^.rtVb * V money * w,,rth ' resenting the firm of Mct'ue A Hteph „ 0(Gn .. tF . M lo( , t tk ' cha . r £* of the *V >r ? *L now JL* H : " ^ ïl Î «k "" Ä.T h "'JC* n " d " to » • C »' n *ttd al)U ünt! ' * nd at th * pnce8 »«med WHJLeïlÆ^.lâlÏ Ur 'SiJtaSrf ^ ( > ntra) 0*XW has been oper uted under that name for the past 10 years, opening first in the McShane building near the auditorium, remov m * Waldo Hotel building on the completion of that buildipg eight Thebusmesswa. orgmi i*ed and operated by Blomquiat Bros. until soH t.. May A Sampson in 191«. Mr, Sampson sold his interest to I'ercy interest in the buainess, but sold out w Mr ^ ^ * m " n,h assoc ia Who Kissed Barbara " a as good as any show ever put on here and no one can afford to miss it. Th.- price is 36 cents for adults and The proceeds for Benefit of Creditors Monday morning H. M McCue, rep stock has ago,. Alleging that $6 had been taken from the till of her store, Mrs. C. L. Hackshaw, proprietress of the ColUg« Bakery, caused the arrest of Mis* Min me Foratrum and her appearance bs fore Justice of the Peace P. J. Shields : of Great Falls last frwfay. Mrs. Hackshaw told the court that the defendant had been left in charge of the bakery several times and that In i pJM leged theft was £°'T r " Mrs Hackshaw M mMImt Mil for defendant n.ovÿ for dism issal of the case and the co'trrt TOstamed the motion *** ' *[ , that the complaining more than cimimstantia l - offer in "PP°îJ b< " **_. Coaniml lot Mi»» V or8t ^. » » not asked to take at the conclusion o t g he would file . dama fL« <t m X""' Mrs, Hacks haw for allured ■''ÏÏT'ÂUa- h» .h»*, tort» . _...... _ o , -nrt ttor-e wK îf^ Krfore «njtojed her ans firne _ in roo£ *" e * " Court Dismisses Gass Against Forstrum Girt ;