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M»,ni II0ÜSTR ALIST, DIES Complication« Sot in After Thro* Op érations In Spite of All That - Médical Science Could Do Berlin,—Hugo Stlnnea, the most powerful figure In the Industrial life of Germany, died Thursday, April 10. There Ijad been no hope of his re covery for many hours, and the fore most medical skill could do nothing agiinst the ravages of disease. Three major operations had been performed, the first about four weeks ago for gall stones, and it was owing to the Im possibility of keeping the patient quiet, according to the surgeons, that com ' T plications arose, necessitating further operations, the last one Sunday. It was also reported that pneumonia de * • véloped. The far-reaching business enter prises of the man, his great Influence among political leaders and bis eccen trlcftles had. since the war, taken strong hold on the German people, and bis death, though expected, has caused anxious speculation as to who ma< aylse to take his place. Hugo Stlnnes was spoken of In con ttpental Europe as the German wh( owned everything In sight, and fron the peculiar pleasure he found in con flding the size of hts fortune to al' who would listen, the details of hl» vast Industrial enterprises and th« extent of his mining, shipping and newspaper holdings were never lefi very much In doubt. The industrial prince of Germany cared nothing for luxury, and had m personal extravagances. W« . owned several motor cars, but usually walked or rode In a trolley car. If his pres ence were required at one of thi mines, he might be seen plodding aloni the street with a group of blackene« miners, or else clinging to a strap It a street car surrounded by his work era, who treated him as one of thel: number. His apartments were modest, al though he owned the hotel In which h< lived. His country place outside Ber Hn was a simple cottage with a llttb garden. LID AGAIN CLAMPED ON NAVAL OIL RESERVE* Washington.—A new naval oil pol Icy. designed to safeguard the govern ment against any such leases as thos. granted under fonder Secretary Den hy. 'has been announced by Secretar Wilbur. In a letter to Senator Hale of Maine chairman of the senate naval commit a tee, Mr. Wilbur declared that leases or contracts will he made hj the pavy department without the per sonal approval of the secretary of th« navy. "No further leases will be made un 111 expressly authorized by congress.' he continued, "nsless It appears to my satisfaction that such leases are ab solutely essential to prevent the drain ing of oil In the reserves hy wells drilled adjacen^ thereto, and unless 1 ( further appears' that such leases are fully authorized hy act of congress and M In that event such lenses will he made . only gfter comp etltlve bidding." 'n< Stone Takes Oath of Office Washington—"Harlan P. Stônê of New York, taking up the post of at torney general has announced as his policy the keeping of the nation "In the straight path of Justice under the law." Mr. Stone on his arrival here April 9, conferred with President Coolldge and then after Inquiring of the White house policemen "where the depart ment of Justice Is" went to his office there. Mr. Stone took the oath of office In the private office of the attorney gen eral. There was no ceremony. The oath was administered by the depart ment's appointment, clerk. Submlt Reparations Plan The reports of the experts who have been engaged for the past three months in the task of ascertaining Ger many's capacity to pay reparations, have been handed to the reparation commission, under the chairmanship of Brigadier General Charles G. Dawes and Regi nald McKenna, respectively, have gone deeply Into the intricacies of the many problems connected with reparations, and as mentioned In fhe covering let ter. they approached the task "as bus iness men anxious to obtain effective results." The two committees Fascist! Wine Election Rome.—With two-thirds of the total election results now available, overwhelming victory for the fascist! is assured. There only remains to be seen what seats candidates on the op position tickets have obtained. Of the opposition factions, the Cath olic party la far the strongest : next in line are the Unitarians and maxima lists, then come the communists and the republicans. an Farm Aid BUI Rewritten Washington.—The house agriculture committee has rejected, 11 to 8, the Vplgjht amendment to the McNarv Haugen agriculture export bill which .agsy. o f .i ^ needed by rtSTrtïr? ttîT*" %ÜÛ ÏB>V<irtM ,,, Continuing Its redrafting of the bill. «he committee decided that the board te charge of the corporation's affair* he composed ot five director«, tm,*t whom would be .the secratary of *$s9ehl tatet * JAPANESE PROTEST EXCLUSION ACT Op NEW IMMIGRATION BILL SUBJECT OF DIPLOMATIC EXCHANGES BY HUGHES AND HANIHARA 10. re It was curtailed, has been reduced to concrete terms for the first time In an exchange between Secretary - Hughe* and Ambassador Hanlhara. The diplomatic exchange, calculated to clarify the Issue over Japanese ex elusion which has been raised in con gress during discussion of the new 1 m migration legislation was forwarded by Mr. Hughes April 11, to Chairman Colt of Hie senate Immigration com mittee. it QUESTION OF 6000 FAITH Jap Ambassador Claim# Famous "GantIsmsn'a Agreement" Has Been Rsliglouaty Kspt Washington.—The famous "gentle men's agreement." under which Japan ese Immigration .Into the United States Heretofore the International under standing between Washington and To kio on the snbject has been based on a long succession of exchanges and precedents, and the exact terms of the agreement never have been reduced to precise form. In reaffirming the principle of the "agreement" the Japanese amhnssa dor's letter to Secretary Hughes de nied charges by Pacific const senator* tjiat the understanding has not been observed scrupulously. It was assert ed that Japan la willing to continue the arrangement In force with full promise of Its observance but would look with serious doubt on proposals for a more drastic exclusion provision. The proposed exclusion would not only "seriously offend the pride of this nation," the letter said, hut would "In volve the question of good faith and therefore honor." Ambassador Hanlhara said his gov ernment would be willing to enter ne gotiations looking to modification or change of the "agreement" If that seemed necessary. PRESIDENT WARNS CONGRESS TO KEE» WITHIN THE LAW Washington.—President Coolldge, In a message to the senate April 11, art vised that body to maintain Its "con stitutional and legal rights" In con ducting Investigations. The president supplemented his mes sage with a letter from Secretary Mel lon In which the treasury head d«* dared that should "unnecessary In terference" with the proper exercise of his fluty he continued, "neither 1 nor any other man of character can long take responsibility for the treas ury . 1 The message, conched In direct lan guage, was occasioned hy the act'on of the senate committee investigating the Internal revenue bureau In employing Francis J. Heney of California ns sp«* dal prosecutor at the Instance and at the expense of Senator Couzens of Michigan, a Republican - member ol the committee. _ é Employment of Heney was declared hy ;tho president to he In conflict with law and a procedure li k e l y- to t hrow the government Into disorder. "It Is time that we return to a gov ernment under and In accordance with fhe usual forms of the law of the land," the president said. Commission Approves Finding* Pari*.—The reparations commission Friday, April 11, officially apprbven the report submitted to It hy the ex perts' commission on the German rep «ration question. * The recommendation of the mum's slon Is that the report be approved conditional upon fhe acceptance of It by Germany. The commission was unanimous In registering Its approval. The reparations committee will hear the German renresentatlves regarding the report on Thursday, April 17. Coolldge Plane for Farm Aid Minneapolis.—President Coolldge's proposal to have the new $ 10 . 000,000 Agricultural Credit corporation to as sist farmer« In sections of the north west wheat-growing territory toward diversification will he formulated Into workable machinery at a meeting here April 14, It Is announced. — Wrecked Ship la Sighted Wilmington, wrecked ves sel bellev«Hl to be the British schooner. Maid ot France, eight days overdue at this port from the Barba does, was re ported a menace off the coast. investigate Effects of Magnetism Reval. Esthanla.—An lornless ship will sail forth Into the Baltic this spring to Investigate the effects of terrestrial magnetism on navigating Instruments. ett , counli i.l p ,ace 7 brause plaque to ^ tbe place where the first pub ne "morte" was shown. K WB * 0T> D«- 2*- MM. that the Lu To Mark Sits ef First Movie Show Paris.—On the building that Is re placing one of the famous cafe* of the Boulevard de* Capucines the Paris mlere brother* projected their first flliÄ hHvrt an attdtotK*. The scr e en was stretched la the basement of the Grand cafe, for genera Gob* a favorite haunt of bouievardiers. now in course of destruction to bank. raom fop a BONUS «NO TH BATS HAVE RIGHT BE WIT Republican Leaders Confer to Décida Which of Two Moaeuree-to Have Priority Washington.—Final action on the w ^ legislative fiscal program has been put up to the senate when the finance com ralttee reported out the bonus measure and revenue bllj, Saturday. April 12. Republican leader* Immediately called a party conference to determine which measure would he given priority while spokesmen for the two parties prom Ised early action on both bills. j The bonus measure was approved by ! the finance committee us passed by i the house without the formality of a : At the same time Chairman 1 Smoot made public a report estimating j fhe-revenue bill as framed by the com ! mlttee would cut taxes in the next vote. calendar year f50.980.444 below the amount of revenue which will be need ed to meet government expenses. Desplte the dispute over the cost of the bonus bill and whether funds will be available to pay for It. Its passage by a comfortable majority has been freely predicted. The bill, which pro vides for cash payments to veterans not entitled to more than $50 in ad justed service compensation and 20 year endowment life Insurance policies to others, passed the house by a vote ot 355 to 64, Senator Simmons of North Carolina, ranklng Democrat on the finance com mitte, has announced he would pro pose an amendment to the bonus hlfl from the floor to Incorporate an option for full cosh payments. Washington.—The authority of the senate to ask him the questions which resulted I n contempt proceedings against him was attacked by Harry F. Sinclair April 12, In a demurret filed here in answer to his contempt Indictment. OIL MAGNATE QUESTIONS AUTHORITY OF SENATE a! The demurrer followed In the main the legal contentions advanced by the Sinclair lawyer when the.oil magna"* and lessw of Teapot Dome last ap peared before the senate oil committee and refused to reply to a long string of questions on the ground that the in vestigations were without authority and that his evidence should be re served for the courts. Sinclair pleaded not guilty to the contempt charge Immediately after fhe Indictment was returned ' two weeks ago. The 15 paragraphs of the weeks ago. The 15 paragraphs of the demurrer cover a wide range of ob jections. even challenging on technical legal grounds the present organization of the senate Itself, which It 1s de clared Is not "In accordance with the provisions of the constitution and laws of the United States." é Lockout of English Shipyards London. — About. 100,000 shipyard workers throughout England are locked out In consequence of the fail ure of the striking members of their unions In Southampton to resume work April 11. In conformity with the nltt mntum of the ship building employ ers' federation. The lockout Is Inoperative only at Southampton where the yards are be ing kept open for the return of those men willing to gn back to work. When ever the Southampton members of any of the unions Involved resume labor the lockout against their fellow work ers In other yards will be withdrawn, the employers declare. Age Pension for Argentina Buenos Alfes.—A national old age pension law, recently enacted by the Argentine congress, Is regarded as unique In such legislation In that It makes provisions for nearly every em ployed person In the country and cre ates probably the largest pension fund in the world. While the bill was land ing It was hailed ns a great step for ward in social legislation, but now it Is being, severely criticised us being de fective In many respects. Greeks Vote for Republic Athens.—The Greek people April IS voted for the establishment of n re pubtlc. The government made It known In the evening that a Mg ma jority in the plebiscite held through out the country favored a republic. .The Greek national assembly March 25. p a ssed a re solu t ion 4u favor «»f the overthrow of the Glueckshurg dynasty and the establishment of a Greek re public. - Packing Houses Close Los Angeles.—All packing houses In Los Angeles county were closed at midnight. April 8 . by order of federal and state officials for the purpose of permitting a thorough disinfeotioa against the foot and mouth disease. The date tor reopening has not been fixed. Mary and Doug Off to Europe New York,—Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Plekford sailed on the Olympic April 12, on thetr "first vacation In two years," a trip that is to take Them back {a California by way of the far east. Farn» Labor More Plentiful Washington —A shortage of farm la bor cm April 1 has been announced by the department of agriculture which estimate* the supply at 9Ü per cent of the dewmnrt A year ago the supply t of the demand. smE norms MEET M BUTINES — Elect Officers for Coming Yhar After Two-day Conference Featuring Rotary Principle« The annual convention of the Sixth I district of Rotary International, which, ,* comprised by the 14 Rotary club* |„ (he state, was held in BUllngs April g Rn( j 9 The two-day program was ' fined to overflowing with what all the Rotarlans declared was "good stuff " J Alfred Atkinson, president of the J Montana State college at Bozeman, ar> d a member of the Rotary club of j t hat city, was unanimously and by ac ! clamatlon elected governor of th« i sixth district of International Rotary ' : Prior to the convention Lewis Ter- I 1 williger of the Livingston club had j been put forward as a candidate for ! the governorship by his fellow club men. but his name was withdrawn as a candidate by Walter Akam. pres)-| dent of the Llvlpgston club, who alsc nominated Mr. Atkinson and moved | that his election be by acclamation, The spirit of give and take which I exists in Rotary was further Illustrât- J ed when Prank R. Venable, secretary of the Butte chamber of commerce and a delegate to the district convention I from the Butte Rotary clnb, arose and moved on behalf of the Butte Rotar Ians that It he recommended to the incoming governor and executive conn -1 dl that-* they accept Helena'* Invita- 1 lion that It be chosen as the place for| holding tbe-1925 convention, The attendance at the convention I was larger on the second day than on j the first, the reglstfrtoih Ihrt'WWHfSU day morning reaching 275, about 1001 of whom were Billings Rotarlans and ! their wives and 175 out of town visit- j Features of the Wednesday 1 morning session were a discussion of j Rotary classification by Tom J. Davis nf Kutte, former governor of the dis- 1 ors. trlct and a member of the Internation a! commltte on classification, and an I address by IV. C. Bradford, field agent of the National Playgrounds Associa flon of America, and a New York Ro tiirlan, upon the "Economic Value of | Recreation. The features of the closing sess'on J d were the addresses of Chief Justice Lew L. Callaway, of the Montana su- 1 preme court, who Is a member of the j p Helena Rotary club, an address by the Rev. Henry S. Gately, of the Mis- j soula club, upon "Ethics and Codes nf I nP Ethics." and a friendly battle among I the delegates over the manner ln I which the expenses of future conven tlons should be defrayed. | m the ob de CATTLE EXCLUDED TO PRE VENT SPREADING DISEASE Helena.—A quarantine calling for the exclusion or Inspection of all live stock, meats, hides, fruits, fodder, veg etables, milk, cheese, butter cattle cars and even farm hands from the state of California was ordered April 9. by Governor Joseph M. Dixon to prevent the spread into this state of the foot and mouth disease. One-day-old chicks may be shipped Into the state, under the proclamation, nnder certnlln regulations, as may tree^i, shrubs "and rootAand biologies If released by the United States bureau of animal Industry. , _ ; ____ All formi of livestock, dressed car cases of heef. swine, she«*p and other ruminants are absolutely barred. So Is hay,-straw and similar fodder. Live- J stock consigned to other states cannot I pass through Montana unless nccom- I panled by a federal certificate of | health and shipped In sealed cars. Milk, cream, cheese apd other dairy I products are excluded unless It Is J shown that they are made from pas teurlzed or sterilized milk. Fruits and | vegetables must be shipped In new containers and only from areas ap- J proved hy the California agricultural | on's proclamation provides that all | sheep shearers, fahn and stockyard laborers in general coming from the state of California where the foot and department. Because of the extremely contagious nature of the disease, Governor Dlx mouth disease 1 s rapidly eating Its way Into the livestock Industry, must furnish sffadavit evidence that they have not been in Infected areas or | subject themselves to a thorough fu mlgatlng. ■ ; be made to the state hoard of ednea- j tlou at Helena that additional funds! be provided which will approximate $100.000 for the erection of buildings | *n the grounds of the state Industrial 1 school here. Following an Inspection Inatltution Asks More Funds Miles City.—Recommendations will j made at the request of Supt. A. C. I Dorr, a committee consisting of the J heads of three dvlc organizations ( reached the conclusion that a new | kitchen, a cottage and a hospital are needed to more adequately take care j *f the school population. These mat ter* will be laid before the state board af education at once. It Is announced. Wllaall Ships Swine WUssIl.—Since the first of October about 1,000 hogs have been shipped In c*r lets to the markets. In addition *t lasst 10S dressed porker* have been shipped locally to tbs Livingston mar kata. Reckoning the average value of sack animal at $16 the gross receipts to the formers of this section from this source alone fat in excess of $60,000 ah easily. It Ik leas than two years ago that is was difficult to obtain a car load shipment of swine In this section, *** P**®«* production could be ln flve-fold. News of Montons Brief Ni <• the New Roade Planned.—The forestry service will build 17 miles of new rood this season, It has been an I n i ounced by Supervisor IV T. Ferguson, this work to be done oil the Crooked _ . , . ° reek Project, Red Lodge Creek stä t,on> Ro8k crw?k • and Lodge p °l® ' creek - Work wiI! ® tart Mav 1 Some of the «inlpment Is on the ground at J prwent at the Croojced Creek project, J Nine mI,e ® ot Dew road 0,1 ***• Crookad Creek project will be con 8tructed and fr«™ the point where It rMchPS ,he border of the national for eRt ' fhe citlzens of Cowley will tie onto ' !t wlth a re P alred road that they are I P re P arin * to- put In shape to accom modate travel. New road on Red LodKe creek will extend three miles, Rork crM?k ,hrae h 1 "® 8 and Lodge Po,e creek tbree mllM - Normal Collage Additions. — The Plans for the new buildings to be erect | Pd at the Montana State Normal col I practically complete and It is expected J that actual construction will begin In tlx* Immediate future. With the bonds disposed of and the money on deposit I ln Helena banks, nothing remains to block the path of the building pro «ram to he carried out at the state ed «rational Institutions, A new library, gymnasium and heat ln * P ,an t «re planned to be erected. and President S, E. Davis of the Nor Inspected the building plans for the new buildings, lege at Dillon this season are now mal college, while In Helena last week Famous Mine Again Operates.—Gall Ing thousands of men to work dally over a period of 30 years—then a grim, grave-like silence for 14 years—the whistle on the big mill at the Drum Lummon mine in Marysville has re opened under the authority of the new St. Louis Mining and Milling company, Thirty men are now employed oo-the property, which force will be increased within two weeks when the stamps again will start dropping on ore that for years made the Marysville section Montana's greatest gold producer. Mine Shows Good Prospecta. —Monl d n Minerals company, a Spokane syn dlcate, reports that It has cut a large body of high grade lead ore at Us p asa creek mine. 25 miles north of Bozeman. f are n f n gfip-foot cross-cut tun nP ] nnf j j S presumed to be fhe down xrnrd extension of the oré h*-dles en countered In the upper or No. 4 tunnel, The ore ls there exposed throughout m ore than (WO feet of tunnel and cross cuts extending from grass roots Into The ore was encountered cuts extending from grass roots the mountain. Civilian Aid Appointed.—-Secretary of War John W. Weeks has announced the appointment of H. S. Hepner of Helena as civilian aid to the secretary of war for fhe state of Montana In the matter of stimulating public Interest fhronchout the state , In the citizens', training camp to he held at Salt Lake City this year. Mr. Hepner will be "the chief civilian agency In the state of Montana in nss'sting th' war de partment in matters of personal pro curement." If j ' 1 I 1SSSS SS * IMM»M11»UMi HI MHMI • «tiiiiimti Over the Great Divide Pt*w»ni il — - wk* hav* earn* ta tha a*4 al tha trail J Anna I Brown, at her home hear Silver. She I was horn In Norway eighty-five years | ago. and came to Montana in 1871. DUNSTAN—Charles Dunstan, died BROWN—Death has claimed Mrs. Brown, widow of William I at Boulder at the age of R5. He was J born in England, ami had resided In Jefferson county for the past 4C | years. J rane, 77, a veterinarian of Great Falls, | has been claimed hy death. He came to Montana from Illinois 40 years ago, JETTE —Fred Jette, a teamsrer of Helena, died at the age of '70. He | came to Helena in 1878. COCHRANE—Dr. Alexander Coch QUOTATIONS OF INTEREST TO * MONTANANS | Station Baals at Points in Montana Taking a 39'vCent Freight Rate to Minneapolis or Duluth, Week Ending April 12. Grain Prices j Dark hard winter Hard winter_ Flax : | No. 1 flax _ 1 No. 2 flax Per bn, _$ .91 Wheat: No. 1 dark nortbern. j No. 1 northern.:_ .87 .85 ■90 $2JH 1.9T I, Chicago Livestock I Cattle—Top. $12.35, average-$11.00 J Hogs—Top, $7.-50, average ( Sheep, fat wooled lambs—Top— 16JW tun 7 2t | Choice ewes Bar silver, per ounce Copper, per lb._ Lead, per lb. _ Zinc, per lb. _ New York Metals 6414 c 1 S*< 8 Uc 014 « Governor Makes Appointments— Gov. Joseph M. Dixon bas announced tbree appointments on various board* nnder the state government. Tha Re«. Frank E Carlson of Hel ena ta. bah member of the state board ef charities and reforms, succeeding Dr. J. F. McNamee. whose terra has ex pired. A H. Stafford of Bozeman was sp ill EE pointed to succeed himself a* a ber of the state board of hail insur sacs commissioners, T. J. Sweeney at Bed Lodge wsa ap State beard at dental egjuuihef*. •M * FLOOD HITEBS BEGEBE IH HARDIN DISTRICT Cooler Weather Leaeene Danger In Big Hern Valley; Flood Dam age Being Repaired at It Flood waters In the Little Big Horn and the Big Horn rivers which Mon day night, April T, threatened the railroad, the highways and spie II towns along the banks In the vicinity at Hardin and Lodgegrass, are reced ing under the spell ot cooler weather and It Is believed here danger of far ther damage has passed. Both rivers are still running bank full, but water, which flooded the low lands and ran over the Burlington tracks near Wyola, has receded. Water, too, which flooded streets and at least one building at Lodge grass, has receded and flood damage Is being repaired. Considerable damage has been done to the Custer highway as a result of the high water In the Little Big Horn. Railroad damage was not auch as to stall trains. 4 Spring Camp at Forestry School The ninth annual spring camp of the school of forestry will be held on the north shore of Flathead lake May 10 to 18. Approximately 80 students and five members of the faculty will attend the camp this year, according to Dorr Steels, a professor In the for estry school at Missoula.' "The camp Is located at Yellow hay, which Is the property of the university, and Is In a wealth of timber country which makes It an admirable location for the work of the school," said Pro fessor Skeels. "The purpose of the camp is to give the forestry students a chance to put Into actual practice the knowledge of the courses they have been studying during the fall and winter." Rapelje Men Purchase Bank A group of farmers and business men of Rapelje have taken over the Interests of Roy J. Covert and asso ciates In the First National bank of that city. The new officers of the bank are W. J. Soderlind, president; John Raab, vice president; A. B. Richards, cashier. Mr. Soderlind has been with the bank since It started and has been a resident of Rapelje since the first stake was driven In platting the town In 1917. fanner of the Rapelje district where he has been engaged In farming since 1910. Mr. Richards has been with the bank as assistant cashier for the last year and is Interested in ranching at - Mr. Raab Is a substantial year and is Interested in ranching at - Gibson. of the be de »*. *y • - A A Ford* for Cow Puncher* The Fry Cattle company, op- A A crating a big outfit 80 miles A A west of Sidney, have bought a A A rerauda of five stem-winding A A Fords, to be used by their A A "buckaroos. Guy McConaha, foreman for A A the outfit, claims he will enter A A his men and their mounts in A A the next American Legion A A roundup on July Fourth, and A. A that with chaps and spurs. A A there will be no leather pulling A A by the Fry cowboys. A A A A A _ A A A AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA Place Trout in Fishless Stream The forest service has made plans to stock the headwaters of the north fork of fhe Blackfoot liver with native trout In June. All the planttfig will be done above the falls, which are more than 50 feet high. There Is not a fish of any descrip tion In that territory of 100 square miles. It was stated by J. H. Clack, fire assistant of the Missoula national forest. The streams at the points described are said to he Ideal for trout—cold, rapid, full of eddies and running through lightly forested and meadow lands, where plenty of feed abounds during the summer time. > New Buildings for Normal College With the state educational bonds disposed of and the money on deposit In Helena banks, nothing now remains to obstruct the building programs at tli eî? state educational Institutions which means the addition of a library, gymnasium aud a heating plant to ^he buildings on the Normal college campus at Dillon. \ i Incumbents Win City Election Percy Wltmer as mayor and Robert H. Fletcher as councilman will remain In office two more years as the re sult of the election In Helena. Wltmer defeated Henry Kaln, 1,671 to 1,014. end Fletcher won from Wilbur Houle, I, 677 to 1.Ô01. The total vote for may or was 2.686 as compared with a total registration of 5,007. County Attorn«/ May Rsoign County Attorney L. A. Brown of Poplar, who has been in the South for several months In an effort to reçu per at* hj* health, la advised by hla phy sicians to remain there. He ban been ill during a large part <»f the last year and à half and spout long periods at V hospitals. Bta original Ilia and U U understood that hla present trouble Is rheumatism. His friends in the county will share the re gret he expresses at the necessity for qulttiag the office to which he van elected In November. 1922. - was / i