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Belt Valley times. [volume] (Armington, Mont.) 1894-1977, April 24, 1924, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

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Halt practice has begun although the
weather man has been turning on a
cold breeze with very little sunshine.
The team worked out for a couple of
hours Tuesday evening in the presence
of a goodly number of the faithful and
the evidence was inspiring. The in
field looked good. Last year there
was a hole somewhere between second
and third that you could drive a com
bine through sideways but this hole
seems to have been filled. W. J. Low
ry is filling it and he handles himself
like a professional. Knight on third
is in good form, Adamson at second
is going strong and Spec Daniels at
first is stabbing them all. Vem Dan
iels in the receiver's box hasn't missed
one yet. Culver has his batting eye
and the team plays together. It is
too cold for pitchers to work out very
bard, but do you know—we have the
hunch that w* have something.
Stockett has brought the entire Le
b'gh hall ground down to Centerville,
bleachers, diamond and forty acres of
Judith Basin county along with it, and
has parked it alongside the high school
we understand. If our grounds don't
prov« satisfactory or if there should
happen to develop a jinx in connection
with them, we might run over some'
dark night and swipe the whole out-i
fit. It will probably be left unguard
ed. If there should happen to be a
few good players asleep in the bleach
ers we might bring them along too.
The Leader says that the Miners
swear that Belt shall not win a game
on the Centerville grounds this year.
Sounds bad, doesn't it?—but if they
get to going too strong, here is a tip
for some of the fans; Find out the
brand of liquid dynamite that some
of the Belt players sampled last yea*
and send a few gallons over with their
compliments. It is almost certain that
even the Miners could not carry the
We would suggest to our neighbors
over the hill that we might furnish
added attraction to the fans by build
ing something like a judge's stand out
in front of the bleachers and open on
all sides in which to incarcerate R.
W. Wilson and G. W. Merkle during
the games. It would be as good as a
score board. Any one could tell
which team was ahead at any moment
by simple watching these gentlemen.
Should we be lucky enough to win a
game over there it might be well
be prepared. It has been suggested
that the road up the hill at Center
ville be widened enough to allow
cars to mount it abreast and that
something like s pig-chute be «on»
s true ted from the top of the hill west
of Belt in order that there might be
no delay in reaching our own stamp
ing ground. Of course when there is
Wone valley irrigation project this
year for the purpose of ascertaining
Russell G. Woodward, war veteran,
, a game over there no one in Belt would
think of staying at home but the best
of generals before going into battle
map out a line of retreat. If the
Miners would kindly see the county
commissioners before May 18th and
have this attended to it would relieve
the spirit of apprehension in this
As for the A. C. M/s and the Pow
ers, they are keeping their hole cards
buried and we don't know whether
they have a pair of deuces or a bob
tailed flush. The Great Northern
team is also an unknown quantity but
there has been so much stuff printed
about the West Sidere that we shall
expect them to uncover a real team.
Creamery produced
10,600 pounds of batter during month
of March.
SIDNEY—Three hundred acres of
peas will be grown on the lower Yel
if pea culture is a success.
deputy coirnty surveyor and a resident
# of Great Falls for many years, has
been given the unanimous*vote of the
county commissioners in appointment
as county surveyor, succeeding Robert
Day, whose resignation is effective
Mr. Woodward was deputy comity
surveyor prior to his enlistment in
the army In 1917. For the last four
years he has been chief deputy and
was largely in charge of the work in
the field.
k r Mr. Day's resignation comm at a
time when he is completing his third
term. Re will lesve here for Chicago
on May 1, hot otherwise has not di
Examinations looking to entrance
into the high school by pupils who
have completed the seventh grade
studies in some subjects and all of the
eighth grade subjects will be held on
May 22 and 28 at Great Falls, Cas
cade, Belt, Stockett, Sand Coulee,
Simms, Fort Shaw and Neihart, ac
cording to Miss Clara ftiris tison,
county superintendent of schools.
The examinations are held under
supervision of the county examining
board, which is composed of Mias
Christison, J. E. Young, superintend
ent of Stockett schools, and Miss Lucy
Major, principal of the Washington
school of Great Falls.
Teacher Exams
Examinations for applicants for
public school teaching certificates
will be held in the county court
house on May 1,, 2 and 3, according to
Miss Clara C. Christison, county su
perintendent of schools. She explain
ed that these examinations will be
held in county seats throughout the
state ,n order to 8ave mone y ,or the
: applicants, but that the papers will all
| be marked by the state department of
! public instruction in Helena,
examinations will embrace
three certificates. The lowest stan
dard is for the second gra
cate, then the first
and then the professional certificate.
The grade does not apply to the class
es in schools but to the standards of
the teaching profession.
High school students who will be
graduated this year and who desire
may take the examination for second
grade certificates at this time, Miss
Christison explained, and added that
the marks will be credited to the ap
plicant who cannot qualify for a teach
ing position in Montana util 12 credits
have been earned *t some state school.
The second grade certificate quali
fies teachers for two years, at which
time they must show that they have
progressed in their work.
Miss Christison also explained that
on September 1 many changes will be
made in the examination requirements
of Montana teachers. State and life |
certification has been transferred
from the state board of education to
the state board of educational exam
ine rtifi
te^ certificate
to. . . . .
tTamm * «qu.rements .re
a * " ,ne 7 eeks . ... .
ten!"* ^tes of examinât, on w.ll be m
* yan , r ' , ...
The county boards of examiners will
be recommended by the county super
iners. The requirements as to age
and citizenship are unchanged. The
The new regulations say :
"No certificate of any kind will be
Macula,cApnll9-E^F^Chck) !
MonÏanT next faB as football roach.
He will also have charge of Frosh has
'"S^k^ÏTto the athletic depart
Lent to relieve J. W. Stewart, the*"
present coarii, of one line of athletic«.
Stewart will continue to be director
of athletics, and will be able to con
centrate greater attention on varsity
basketball and track. Captain Cum
mings of the military department,
wiB teke OTer the footl«ll
squad and has offered to accompany
this season's baseball team on its wes
tern trip. .
Click Clark groluM fron. Ulc
Un.rcr.ity of «ont», in JM7, R,
played end on the varsity teams of'14,
'16, *16, and starred in the Syracuse
game, after which be was picked all
American end by the Syracuse coach,
Be is an experienced coach, having «
reeled «eMeti— ta the Midland High
school. North Dakota, end coached at
Everett Washington, where he ne
Mr Clark will arrive to Missoula i
about September 1. in outer to start
fall training
issued after September 1, 1924, to a
person who has not had four years of
high school or its eqqjvalent and 12
quarter credits of professional train
After September 1, 1926, 24
credits of approved academic and pro
fessional training will be required and
after September, 1929, ' 48 quarter
"State and life certificates will not
be issued after September 1, 1924, to
persons who have not have at least
two yean of college, university or
normal work in advance of a four year
high school course. This does not
apply to renewals of certificates is
sued previous to March 1, 1923.
ceedeti Hacrshaw.
An enthusiastic meeting was held
in,the Odd Fellows ball on Monday
night at which plans were laid for
clean-up days. It was decided that
th TO d«., May 1-8, b. .« .part for
this work.
It is expected that prior to these
dâtes all householders will have their
own yards cleaned and all aahes haul
ed away leaving these three days for
community effort in the cleaning of
vacant lots, streets and alleys. Poai
tively no ashes will be hauled for any
one, but rubbish which cannot be
burned will be hauled provided that it
is pHed In a place accessible to the
Soon the trees will be in leaf. Soon
the numerous well-kept lawns will be
green and it is the desire of every cit
izen that the streets and alleys of the
town shall not cast discredit upon the
rest of it. To aid in this community
effort will confer honor upon every
man, woman or child who assists. To
don old clothes for a day, to grasp a
rake or a shovel and to work until
weary in the service of the community
is one of the privileges of the public
spirited citizen. The Legion at al
ways are taking an important part in
this affair, the lodges .and other or
ganizations will assist, and no one
will be denied the opportunity to do
his bit. It will be difficult to convince
the multitude of one's hundred per
,_ 1
By the Pre«ident of the United States
WHEREAS, It is essential to
continued comfort, welfare, and pros-jl^d
perity of the people of the United :
States that abundant forests, widely |
distributed and maintained in a con
ition of high productiveness, be for
ever wisely conserved a. one of our
greatest natural resources; and
for ZäZä
other 1ont \ P^odocU. together with
•« we "Ire dre^TnÎ Son «^r
^ are renewed through growth .
WHEREAS. The most formidable
—«*y of forest destruction and pre
of reforestation is fire and, of
the fire, which annually devastate vast ,
areaa ' f°^r~ütw» are MCnbed m ori
**" t.|bo*™iMW«*, nd.11
m *y ** controlled and made innocuous
through prudence, care and vigilance;
IDOE. Prcidm. of the United Stete».
do 0^ up«, tto Gor.mor. of tec
various stole* to designate and set
apart the week of April 21-27, 1924,
as form protection week, and, wher
ever practicable «ui not in conflict
with state law or accepted custom«, to
celebrate Arbor Day within that week.
I alao urge all dtlzens, either in ssso
dations or as individuals, all school*,
and the press of the land to give com
mon thought to tbs protection of <*,r
forests from fire to the end that. In
I«» fotur. aa to the past, these forests
cent Americanism if he does not turn
out on a day like this. Belt can ac
anything when all its citi
. ..
"* P" 11
« " «xpectod that schools and bus
iness houses will close on Friday ai
terooon and that all school children
who help will be given a free ticket
to a matinee at the Pythian theatre,
The meeting spoken of above was
presided over by Mayor Millard and
the following committees were ap
_ Advertising—Leo C. Graybill, 8. A.
Mrs. C. W. May. Mrs. Ray
Essay Contest and Matinee—J. R.
Cenveyancea— E. E. Coleman, C. C.
Simonie, Wm. Marsh.
Districting— H. W. Millard, Dr. J.
W. Graybeal, Mike Schmauch, Leo C.
Graybill, Mr^. Chas. Jennings. Mrs.
N. H. Browning.
It is expected that County SaÀitary
Officer Shea of Great Falls will co
operate with the local committees as
he has always done heretofore. The
roads are being graded and put into
as good shape as possible before the
general cleanup so that the whole
town will be vastly more presentable
and sanitary when this work shall be
may supply us with wood, protect the
purity of our streams, and otherwise
serve the people of the United States.
hereunto set my hand and caused the
seal of the United States to be affixed,
Done at the City of Washington this
thellSth day of April in the year of our
one thousand nine hundred and
twenty-four, and of the independence
of the United States of America the
°" e hundred and forty-eighth.
^ ta " ff state. I
____L - __
On Saturday night the school board ;
gJJJ® JJJ. ^ j g Pear .
ao n was reelected clerk- The commit
not announced . The clerk
^ the folIowing teacher,
£ ^ return; Mrg .
} g ^ Mi
B]fike w j and Ralph Oertli. |
ol ^ faihd to , itn fei,
u |
' __ :
_ o Billv i
" y,, y"l
Grca Fa , I# J
P "f"*
las * .
The high school track meet
** he,d ln Great Fa,U 8aturday
The trial of L. B- Lockhart has been
postponed owing to the severe Illness
of the defendant from blood poisoning.
Twenty-efx hour dally air mail aer-y
rice, coavt tp coast, planned by post
office department beginning July L
The American Legion is planning tp
put on a Fourth of July celebration
Beit this y«ar.
Six stones have been received to
mark the graves of soldiers on Me
morial day en which there will be
I special services at the cemetery ac
, cording to the Legion ritaal. On May
2nd there will be a meeting to perfect
plans for the Memorial day services.
This meeting will be held in the club
rooms of the Knights of Pythias and
already invitations have been sent to
the different lodges to send represen
tatives to this meeting in order that
plans may be perfected to have a gen
era] celebration of this day in honor
of the nation's dead.
Easter Ball
The Easter ball given by the
Knight* of Pythias last Monday even
ing was ona of the moat enjoyable
dances of the season, N sari y 100
couples were in attendance who danc
ed to the inspiring strains of music
furnished until three a. m.
The Pythian Sisters furnished an
abundant and tasty lunch which was
There were present a large number
of young people from Raynesford, Gt
Falls and other places.
The hall had been elaborately dec
orated by Bôb Heron, Ernest Siegling
and their aids. These were in the
colors of the K. P.'s and elicited many
admiring comments. The next big
affair in Belt will be the baseball
dance in two weeks for which The
Times bespeaks the good offices and
cooperation of an the citizens of the


CHINOOK—May build $27,000.00
combined assembly hall, gymnasium
and central heating plant for schools.
Crop prospects considered bright fa
Valley county. .
BOWDOIN—460,000 pounds carp
shipped to New York from Bowdoin
MALTA—Phillips County Publish
ing company incorporates with 126,000
capital stock to publish Phillips Coun
ty News. First issue will be a&ut
May 1.
DILLON—Livestock convention to
be held here April 24-26.
LIVINGSTON— Northern Pacific
starts construction of J200.000 boiler
Montana farmers will plant increas
ed acreage to feed crops, flax and
beans. Wheat acreage to be reduced.
BUTTE—$600,000 pledged for reop
ening of Vegen Brothers' bank.
BRADY—Virtually all of land in
16,000 acre tract east of town filed
upon by homesteaders.
Construction of six miles of^Olney
Fortine section of ^cenic .Internation
al Parks highway authorized by sec
retary of agriculture.
BUTTE—Plans being made for civic
TROY—Survey of proposed road
connecting Iron creek. Lake creek and
Bull lake ordered.
WHITEFISH—11 miles of Tally
lake federal road to be built this year,
SAVAGE—Carload of horses sh.p
^ to the co«t
ENID-F.rs State bank at Enid
endI First National bank at Lambert
"siDNEY-Jcs. Connor to plant 280
acre field of corn this year.
^ ^ ""
PORT SHAW-Farmer. on Sun
River irrigation project plan to grow
Approximately 40
carloads of potatoes have been shipped
from the upper Bitter Root valley dur
ing the past month,
MISSOULA-Porest service au
thorizes construction of Olney-For-|
„jtino section of Scenic International
Parks highway-g I
GLASGOW - Wor t on topr™
ment, to Glasgow telephone system
costing $16,000 has started.
Sugar beet industry of Montana
Promi te, ron. idor .bl. cp nn.ion 1M.
^ mccori tewf-tecte ten- * «• l **
Chamber ofCommeree^
WIN NETT 26,880 bushels of corn
ha ^ e ^ marit f^d J J" J™ 1 cr '
egtlmate d value being $15,590.40
State bank will move to this . »ty and
open lo r WWW before May 1.
CULBERTSON—Taxpayer» to vote
BUTTE—Brown, » irukh _»« to have
direct connection with electrical power
Dr. Thoralf Scholdager, for 14 y se rs
a practicing physician in Cascade
county, died at the family home.
Ninth avenue south, Tuesday even tag
following an illness of two weeks. The
body is at the T. F. O'Connor funeral
parlors. Funeral arrangements «fil
not be made until word is received
from relatives in Chicago.
Bom in Christiana, Norway, in 1MB,
Dr. Scholdager studied medicine at the
Royal medical college there, graduat
ing in 1907. He took a past gradual»
course at Vienna, Austria. / He
to America in 1909 and for a
maintained an office in Noi
' 'aScot*
before coming to Montana, j He prac
ticed at Beit and Sand Copiée for Mnr
eral years and for the
was located h» Great F
Surviving relative« include the wid
ow end three children, a cousin In Chi
cago, e sitter living in Rome, Italy; •
brother who is en attorney in Chris
tiana, and two sisters living in the
same city. Dr. Scholdager had plan
Europe. This is the second dealt lu
the family, a son dying here April t.—
Wednesday's Tribune.
Harry T. Stoug, Pastor.
Morning -worship at 11 o'clock,
ject of aarmon, "Wayside Ministries.*
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Urn
pastor will deliver a sermon on **11«
Thirst of Jeaua."
Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Junior League al 3. Th« topic tar
this Sunday is on prohibition. Lai •
every Junior Leaguer be out and leur»
some facts about the value of temper
ance and prohibition.
Epworth League at 7 o'clock. Note
the change of time tor league and ev
ening service.
The Probationers' class «Hl
each Wednesday evening from 7 to t
oWaak. This . la»» .» conducted by Em
pastor for the spacial benefit of those
who wish to become members of the
church. But any one who is interest
ed in a careful study of the fundamen
tal principles of Christianity and the
doctrine of the Methodist Episcopal
church will be welcome.
Prayer service Thursday evening at
8 o'clock.
Choir practice Saturday evening.
A moving picture, "Lest We For
get," will be shown in the high school
auditorium on Thursday evening, Hay
1st, by W. L. Wade, state superintoad
ent of the Anti Saloon League. Ad
mission free—everybody welcome.
We want that our church shall par
ticipate in the observance of National
Music Week which will be May 4-10.
There will at least be a musical pro
gram for Sunday evening, May 4th.
Theodore Roosevelt has left us nine
reason, why we should go to church.
Please meditate upon one reason dur
ing each of the following nine weak*.
1. In this mutual world, a church
less community, a community where
men have abandoned and scoffed at or
ignored their religious needs, is g
community on the repid down grade.
At the requeat of settlers on irri
gated lands in Montana, Congressman
Scott Leavitt has introduced a biH,
H. R, 8707, which would make their
land taxable after proof of residence
and improvement has been filed. It
is represented that this would equal
ize taxation for the «appert of roads,
schools and other community develop
ment projects. At present the entire
burden is borne by settler# whose
lands have been patented. The WH
was referred to the house comnnittoe
on irrigation and reclamation.
Bo/.errfan, April 19.—In the second
annual state high school typewriting
and shorthand contest at Montana
State college today, Gallatin county
high schoo) had the winning team to
typewriting with Isabel West, first;
Claudena Opdyke, second; Cyril Cool
sten, third, as amateur typteto. TWs
team is eligible to enter interstate
contests at Des Moines. In the novice
champion typist, Elizabeth Nye *#
Dawson county came first, Violet
Yeager, Butte, second; Martha Waft
er. Great Falls, third,
accuracy teat Dagmar Debourg of SM
Lodge was first; the junto* one mte
ote teat. Lucille Tauactd, Butte, fkit;
amateur champion one minute tyjiet,
Isabel Wert, Galtotm
In the senior

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