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Belt Valley times. [volume] (Armington, Mont.) 1894-1977, December 03, 1925, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025296/1925-12-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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historical fO^ierr
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25c and 50c
DEG. 4

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1«, l§25.
Former Arlington
Passes Away
in Washington
Mrs. Arthur Swett, a former resi
dent of Great Falls and Belt, died
Saturday morning at her home in
Longview, Wash-, of pnuemonia, ac
cording to word received in Great
Falla by her sister, Mrs. Gray Klock
The body accompanied by the husband
and two childen, arrived Tuesday
morning and funeral services and fun
eral services will be held in Great
Mrs. Swett was a native of Belt
-where she lived virtually all her life
until four yean ago when she and
her husband moved to Greet Falla.
They reaided there two yean before
going to Longview, Wash, to make
their home.
The deceased was 23 years old and
is survived by her husband ond two
daughters, Imogene, 4 years, and Haz
el 11 months, and by the following
sistera and brothers: Junes and Rm
. . .. . _. __ , r.
Ashworth and Mrs.. Gray Klock of
Great Falls, Miss Isabel Ashworth otj
Belt, Mrs. William Cameron of Mun-j
roe. Wash., Owen Ashworth of Sand
Coulee, Adam Ashworth of Lehigh.
Charles Ashworth of Foreman, Neby., ;
and John, Ralph and Norman Ash
worth of Butte.
This first account of the death of
Mrs. Arthur Swett is taken from the
Great Falla Tribune to which add
the following.
The funeral was held in Belt Tues
the floral offerings of which there
nearly all the brothers and sisters of
the deceased besides the relatives ot
the husbands. The church aras filled
with friends who had come to pay
their last respects while the odor of
the flora! offerings of which there
were a great number permeated the
Rev. J. A. Pine, pastor of the First
, 'Christian church of Great Falls offi
ciated >nd waa assisted by Rev. H. T.
Stong and the M. E. choir. Burial
was made in Pleasant View cemetery.
Mary Ashworth was born at Arm
ingtm, October 2 1 st, 1899. She grew
te womanhood in this vicinity and
after the death of her parents lived
years with Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Armstrong. She was married
to Arthur Swett on December 21 , 1920
To this union two children were born,
Imogene now 4 years of age and
Hasel. 11 months. Death resulted
from pneumonia at Longview, Wash
November 28th last.
Her untimely death is mourned by
a large circle of relatives and neigh
bors, her family and her husbands
family being known by almost every
one in the valley because of long resi
dence here. She was of a genial
pleasant disposition, devoted to her
family and her motherless babes and
bereaved husand have the heartfelt
sympathy of all who know them.
a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture, will j
come to the Pythian Theatre this
This picture is said to be somethinc
entirely new in the way of crook melo
It concerns the adventures of a trio
of crooks who leave a dime museum
and during their criminal operations
give rise to a. romance that lends a
great quantity of color to the plot.
It is a film adaption of C. A. Bob
bin's story and has a peculiar twist '
that tew never been seen in any other
play of this type.
Director of Crook Films
Tod Browning's "The Unholy Three,''
Tod Browning who enjoy» the repu-j"*"^
tatted of being the most successful j
underworld film director In the busi^
ths direction i
of the picture Brtrifofog tew been
d ire c tin g crook films for many year»,,■
ending predmstton* of
"Outside the Law." j
Mae Bosch, who has done such ex
eettent work during the pert lew !
years notably "Bread" and "Tiu
Christian" mid who now is a Metro
Goldwyn-Mayer featured player, por
trays the tending feminine rote—an
ness was responsible
one of hb
that Mwd
(Con. on last page)
Mr. and Mr*. Casper Gonaer oi
Great Falla announce the engagement
of their daughter, Ruth Eliaebeth, tu
Edward StHea Lease, the wedding to
take place at the First Methodise
church. Thursday evening, December
Miss Go user is a popular member
of the younger set She is s graduate
of the Great Palls high school ano
spent one year at Northwestern Uni
versity. Evanston, III. She also at
tended the Univanity of Montana,
Her sorority is Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mr. Lease is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. T. Lease of this city, and
graduated from the University of
Washington in 19*1. His fraternity b
Sigma Alpha Bpeilon.
(Great Falls Tribune)
Ted Wynegir 6ms
To Chicago Gonvention
; h. E. Cameron. Cascade county as
...... „ __
; ncultural agent, left Friday for Chi
0 ** 0 to attend *• ^relational Hay
and G r*in >how, November 28 to No
vember 6 . Robert Dawson of Simms,
Ted Wynegar of Belt and Raymond
Plath of Great Falls, club member*
who will represent this county at the
club congress in Chicago, accompanied
Mr. Cameron.
The Milwaukee St Paul
railway is making the trip possible
for the boy*.
Marquis wheat grown ter Le Roy Rir
f4 *
by of Simms is the main entry of Cas
cade county at the Chicago show. This
wheat won first prise in its class at
the Pacific International show in Port
land recently.
A. J. Ogaard, state agronomist at
Bozeman, is in charge of the Montana
Armington News
Rev. A. C. Snow and George Woods
were dinner guests at the G. B. W«*t
home Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cooper were
business visitors in Great Falla Tues
day and. Wednesday.
Sam Yaklich was a visitor in town
Mrs. W. P. Pilgeram and son Rayne
Mrs. M. Richardson and Mrs. Laura
Hockett of Belt spent Thanksgiving
at the home of Mrs. Richardson'c sis
ter Mrs. M. W. Larson of Gpmt Palls.
Mart Owens of Raynesford was hers
for coal Wednesday.
Grover Abernathy of Blythe was
a business visitor here Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Childerfaose and
son Alex spent Thanksgiving at Mer
ino visiting Stewart Alex returned
Mrs. G. B. West entertained La did
Aid Friday afternoon. A profitable
and enjoyable time was bad by all.
On Friday evening December 11.
r« t . Lsk, ifetten of Great Falls wih
deliver a lecture at the school hous •
her« Everyone is invited to attenc.
and hear this prominent speaker. He
comes under the auspices of the local
Ladies Aid Society. A silver offer
ing will be taken.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy St r vos« and moth
er Mrs A Servos« and Mr and Mrs
Abs Morris' spent Thanksgiving at
the home of Mr». Servos/« daugh
ter and son Mr F Servoss and Mrs.
r»»i iniint
Thia community was shock«! U,
0 . Art
wa * J®™ "f* and a,ao a ? ent ah
r ^7*°" day * She ,
* ^ °* 7*"°^ b er< * V6d * a " 1
ily ^ th<> BTnc * re 8 ™ paUly of ah
The Wellington family spent
Thanksgiving at the Dawaon homtv
Isabelle Lowry and mother left the
end of the week for an extended visit
Great Falb and Butte, Mrs. Cana
van of Portage is relieving her.
Mr. and Mrs. A Moms Sr. visiteo
Thanksgiving day at the home of
their daughter Mr». Waiter Fish
—^ I '. ii riijjffwii ii i'Ti; Tt l itni i ft i d s rfr i . -
Ricevilto School thswvo Educational
Week By
t '■
The week November 19th to
twentieth being National Education
Week the trustees of the RiceylUe
school decided to vary the monotony
of the routine wdHt a hit Accord*
ingiy Mr. Nebel secured permits
visit the smelter on Tuesdoy. Four
car* containing twenty-six persei»
left Rice ville at nine o'clock reaching
Great Falls just as the pupils of the
Hawthorne school were filing in
work after the morning recess. It At
not make the holiday leas real to set
other pupils going in aa usual.
At the gate each one was pr—ented
with a beautiful lithographed bocktet
describing the different departments
and processes. Four guides were fur
ished to show the party through.
The wire mill was the first and
most interesting place visited. There
they saw red hot ingots about six
feet long passed through a succession
of rollers and dies until they were
as fine as a thread and about four
miles long. They also saw how trol
ley wires and great wire cables were
• At the zinc plant each child was
presented with a tiny zinc ingot hot
from the molds. The children got that»
first glimpse of molten metal and saw
how the dipping and casting waa
done. Each boy immediately resolved
that when he grew up he would be
an engineer of one of the gigantic
Yet the zinc plant was not
-t---- -~rr t--
Neihart -News
Mr. and Mrs. William Maki ano
daughter Evelyn of Merino arrived
Tuesday for a short visit with Mra
Maki's sister and brother, Mrs. S. ST
Seiger and Mike Mikeson. They re
turned home Wednesday accompanied
by their two youngest stetere, Jennie
and Fannie Mikeson, who spent the
Thanksgiving vacation with their par
ents, Mr. and Mra. Mikeson of Merino.
Dr. Wells was a passeneger down
, _ „ __ . .
to the Falls on Wednesday's stage.
There he met his wife and children
who had spent several weeks with rel
stives in St Louis.
Mr. Anderson came in Thursday to
have Thanksgiving dinner with his
daughter Mrs .Annie Moore.
„ ", J ... .
Mra. Grover Warmbrod and f^
ter Joyce arrived from Great 7*^
Wednesday and rem.inedtill Monday
vr.lt.ng with Mr. Warmbrod and other
w Ve * _ _
Mrs. B. Sturnlan was a Great Fall.
visitor the early part of last week.
D. L. S. Barker went to the Falls
on business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O Bailey, Miss
Mary Frances and Allen Bailey were
passengers to Great Falla Thanksgiv
ing day returning Saturday .
Miss Mo 1er of the Dyke returned
home Sunday after spending fiv^
I Great Fall»,
Geo. Bennet left for the Falls Mon
day to transact business.
Bob Reilly spent Thanksgiving
Burr Leyaon, who while on a trip
40 Boston took unto himself a part
ner > returned the past week, but hi
j returned alone, the fair partner re
! maining to look after business affair»,

tile fortunate ones being Alice Lun»
ford ' ^ Gructer. Howard Tripp,
8nd Ne,Ta MacGibbon. |
Mr * nd Duvo '* anf * tour child
ren last week moved into an apart
ment in the Park Hotel. They just
moved to Neihart Mr
voie having secured employment with
Mr. Krntcher and Mr. Shill.
H. L Heath and W. E White mot
»red into the Falls Wednesday where
they spent the vacation with Mr.
White and family. (
^ Mm. Albert Miller this week has as
her guest her steter Phyllis and two
children who recently arrived fron.
Canada and have been spending MOM
time with their mother Mrs. Matt
Sand of Great Falls
Mrs. Mag raw «nd two children. Do.
Oi.terb «ad Jack, came down from the
Dyke Thanksgiving day and went int>
Thanksgiving week was ushered in
by a birthday a day being celebrated,
the a very popular place owing to the ef
j feet of the fumes on the eyes and
nose. It was while the party was
this building that they met Albert
to After all the departments had been
visited the party was taken to the
beautiful club bouse overlooking the
Black Eagle Falls where a delicious
banquet was served by the manage
t> ment
then after watching a bowling
tournament all were taken to inter
view Santa Claus in the down town
Milton Peterson has located in
Great Falla where he and wife will
make their Imme. Ali the young people
as well as the older ones regret theii
departure from Belt. The Petersons
were the seme of hospitality and their
hogae on Little Belt was always open
to their friends. They were just s
shêrt drive from the city and their
chances to show their hospitality were
many. An informal farewell petty was
given them just before their departure
While many were present the rest
would all have been there had they
only known of the affair.
Billings—150,000 pounds of turkeys
for eastern shipment brought growers
pupils going to their homes for a few
My. ÄJK j Mrs. T. F. Hogg *nd child
ran were Great Falls visitor» Friday
' Bnt j Saturday,
the Falls from where they left tor
Butte tor a visit with s friend.
School closed Wednesday evening
tor the Thanksgiving vacation, the
Mrs. Lease, Miss Lease and Mrs.
Maxtor all went to the Falls Thor»
^ morni . nd on Sund , y
Géorgie Une esme up from the
Falls Sunday evening for a visit with
his grandmother, Mrs. Lease.
_ .
Mi " 8u,ta Ledbetter ' • Naihan
girl, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
lDmrê Ledbetter vrea married Thanka
irlvillf to Thom«« Gordon. ^
£ le wi)] make ^ ^me f„ Great
FaI]i ^ they have ^th reside.
for a number of years. They have the
flf thejr frjendl( here
D. I. Hayes was a visitor in tiu
Falls Monday.
j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Falter and little
Virginia Tripp came op fron.
the Falla Thursday for a visit at the
Ro«! Tripp home,
A very fine largely attended dance
waa given Thursday, a masquerade
affair that bids fair to eclipse formet
affairs in fun and jollity.

4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + .:. + +
tal as a result of a car accident Wed
nesday night of last week. His < ar
... ... ,_. ,
but he was badly bruised and sprain
ed one shoulder. ?
Mr». Keith spent the Thanksgiving
holidays at her home near Fort Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gulden and child
ren had Thanksgiving dinner with
their brother and sister Mr. and Mr*,
Paul Golden in Belt,
Mr and Mrs. H. Smith were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mr*. C. Felt
man Thanksgiving
Mias Katie and Pauline Burchal
and Mr and Mr». Emile Fischer were
guest« of their parent« Mr, and Mrs.
Burehak Thanksgiving. ,
W. H. Jones and son Robert wer«
recent visitors in Gn»t Palls. Other«
making business and pleasure trip»
to the Elect™ city were Miss Evelyn
I .ander, Geo. Knight, Mr. and Mr». V.
Fischer. Mr«. Minnie Holland and
Sam Loy is in a Great Falb hospt
turned over on a grade near his home.
The x-ray showed no broken bones
Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser
mon by the pastor.
Evening worship at 7:80. Our
ening meetings are informal, bus
there is always tits devotional spirit
as well as good fellowship.
Sunday school at ( 10 o'clock .
Epworth League at 6:80. New mem
hers will be received. The meeting
will be led in the interest of the Bp
worth Herald, and will be led by Mr.
yer and Official Board meeting
thb Thursday evening at 7:80.
If you are not a member of a
ehuijph, then ere ask.that you corns
and join with us and let us work to
gether in the great task of develop
ing character so that era may haw
mors law abiding. God fearing people
whose hearts will be filled with the
idee of service.
V *
Wilke Loses Toe li
Shotgun Accident
Leo. Wilke last Friday while »lone
at lohn Sweeney's ranch shot the se
cond toe off his right foot with a
twelve guage shot-gun.
He wa« feeding stock )|nd saw some
magpies. H* slipped into the barn
and picked up the gun where it was
kept for the purpose and was walking
along to get a shot, the gun in hit
right hand pointing down.. The gut.
discharged with tile above men
from the inside of the greet toe ten
the bone was uninjured and the ac
cident will not permanently cause any
After the accident the boy got
the house and administered first aid.
Then telephoned to Joe Bogner who
only understood who waa speaking
and the word "doctor." Joe got out
hie car and hurried to the Sweeney
ranch where he found the boy and
brought him to the Graybeai ho »pi
tal where be te recovering.
Gordon - Ledbetter
The mariagge of Miss Edna Lad
better, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
Dave Ledbetter of Neihart and Thom
as Gordon of Groat Falla, was sol'
emnited Wednesday at high noon at
the Church of Incarnation. Ths cere
mony performed by the Rev, Chris
toph Keller, was attended by members
of the two families, relatives and in
timate friands.
Miss Ledbetter wore a frock fash
ioned of blue embroidered crepe and
carried à hoquet of roses. Her at
tendant Miss Edna Lsdbtiter wore
rose crepe, Claude Duncan was bast
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon left for Butte
and other Montana cities, where they
will spend thefr honeymoon, follow
ing a wedding repast served at the
home of the bride's parents. On their
Edward Duffy, Marcus Ledbetter
Cody Ledbetter, AI Cordrey, Claude
The Basket social and dance
Shepherd Butte school was well at-1
,tended Saturday.
the Park hotel.
The wedding guests included Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs
Leonard Ledbetter, Mr. and Mrs. C
A. McKinney, Mias Odls Schobcrg,
Miss Eva Duncan, Miss Una Mayland
Miss Gladys Ledbetter.
^ftdeide Fischer Jr. is enjoying *
nrw radiola. He recently bought a
Portable set.
- |
Mrs. Mack Depew passed through
Belt Wednesday on her way to the
Ci owe school where she visited hn
daughter, Arloine who is teaching
(Great Falls Tribune)
sons, and Mrs. R. E. Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. V Fischer and som,
had Thankksgiving dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. A. Fischer, Sr.
Mr»- Gas Peterson and children
came out from High wood to spend
the holidays with Mr. Peterson.
The sale netted
Fire Threaten
■The Old Custer
School Building
Yesterday morning one of the
nn of Miss Elsie
« room at
Custer school saw amoks ooming from
one of the partitions in the
and announced the fact to his
who immediately verified the
The bell for fire drill was
ely sounded and the six rooms
ed out in excellant order.
tion proved that the woodwork
the furnace pipe going to an
broken through the plastering. Mi •
small hose was rapidly putting
the fire when the fire engine reached
The ioee by fire is small,
covered by
Steps were immediately taken te
repair the damage and school waa re
sumed in the afternoon.
The training of the children
of mind of the teacher-
prevented «ny attempt on the part
of the pupils to stampede, liter»
neither loss of books nor wraps.
One small boy was weeping
ly as he told that his new shoes aft
wrapped up in a box wen# Hi Om
school building but hie face was
grand smile when the box was placed
in his hands.
The Coster building is well-»quip
Rite Camp returned to her horns fee
Beit Park after several days apart
here visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wa. J. Davte
Monday to their hems at
impossibility for children te he trap»
ped in any of the rooms.
monarch nmm

Havre, coming here last week . 9 »
«pend Thanksgiving with their par
ente Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Edwards.
Mr. a ad Mrs. Arthur McCafferty
spent Thanksgiviiqr teere with Mrs.
McCafferty's mother and father.
Mrs. Harry Bridgeman
through Monarch Wednesday on bur
way te Neihart where she will vtek
her mother .
Edward Thorson ret u rned freu»
Helena where ha wp* a business visi
tor of several days.
Mr .and Mr*. Louie Busch wan in
town Monday shopping.
Miss Minnie Kruse who spent the
holidays with relatives at Valter re
turned here Sunday to resume her
school work Monday.
Mr and Mrs, Frank Price and child
ren of Hughes ville left Wednesday
for Sand Coulee to spend a few daya
with relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Georgs Hubber are
the proud parents of s daughter bon ■
November 28th at the Graybeai hos
Howard Wixson who is attending
school in Belt took advantage of the
tow days holiday last week and vis
ited here witr home folks .
C. L. Lamuian returned from Grant
Falls Saturday where he was a visitor
I for several days.
j Mark Jones came over from Utica.
Tuesday where he is employed in the
sapphire mines for a visit with hte
sister Mrs. Leonard King.
William Danielson took in tho
Thanksgiving balls at Beit last
Mrs. John Sanders who has been
receiving chiropractic treatments In
Great Falls returned to he home Sun
day much improved,
R. A. Mack is a visitor In Missoula
this week attending matters in
nection with his work with the Bsr
*»;«*„ of Public Roads.
M L Evan „ took his car to Be*t
here Friday. _ „
Quite « number of town-folk» dtr
tended the Thanksgiving **
Neihart and repo "ted a lagRe ©rowd
ami a very g<«4 *'*"7 v
Alice Larkin rcturngj to ±
day after a brie! **^ *****
guest of Nett« dft
len< * t * le dance at Metnart.
)a8t week to r »p, ired «fier his
cident a short time ago. He returned

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