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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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» fl\ They*!! serve you better and longer! T O SAVE money, and keep your equipment in the best of condition, use paint fr ee l y on your wagons and implements! Du Pont Motor Truck and Wagon Enamel Paint gives a hard gloss that stands the wear and tear of r busy fa rmin g season. Come in and see ns next time you come to town. Nellurt Lumbar Go. Authorized Agency PAINTS-VARNISHES.** LNAM ELI -! ailllllllHIIIItlllllllllilllllllllllllilllillill U = _ s Vacuum Sweepers — Washing S 5 Machines—Wiring and Motor = Repairing S ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES = COMPLETE LINE OF GLOBES = 5 ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL = I EQUIPMENT r i g g I g = SEE — F. E. Wilbur At S undersseier* lllllilllilllllllllllllililllR £ j j It Is Not Necessary TO DEMONSTRATE THE SUPERIORITY OF N. B. C. CRACKERS AND COOKIES—Millions of users of N. B. C. crackers & Cookies the world over demonstrate their goodness by insisting on them—Our stocks of these delicacies of food are always fresh and complete. RETURN THIS AD WITH 40c AND RECEIVE A 55c PACKAGE OF N. B. C. CRACKERS Specials- Saturday Only Kernel Walnuts. !4 lh. Can ... 6 lbs. Powdered sugar. Swans Down Cake Flour, pkg. Fluff Cake Tour, pkg. 4 ozs. M. and R. Vanilla . Vi lb. Coooanut..., Vi lb. Hershey Chocolate. 1 qt. Finest Molasses . 35c 60c 45c 35e 50c 25c 20c 25c McConkey Merc. Co. Fone 72 Belt. Montana . /J - - — ICs I rrs EE 3 ag PROOF of SERVICE HEN a bank satisfies its customers in such a manner that they recommend this bank to their friends and associates, we believe this is proof of service. w SERVICE IS— CAUTION DEPENDABILITY ABILITY . KNOWLEDGE SAFETY ACCURACY TO sum up- SATISFACTION Farmers «& Miners State Bank Local Items of Belt and Vicinity . — St. LUKE'S CHURCH Lee H- Tom*. Pastor. Church school 10 A. M. ST. MARK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday school 2 o'clock p. m. First Maas 8 o'clock a. m. High Mas* 10:80 A. M. Benediction 7:80 P. II. CARD PARTY The ladies of the Altar Society will give a card party at the Parish hall( Wednesday Aphii 21st Lunch wflk be served. Play begins at 8:30 promptly. on Mrs. Arthur Nebel of Geyser is (visiting Mrs. Hocke« a few day ? Bobby I.ewof Armington Is spend-1'" ing a few weeks visiting his aunt and uncie Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris while lecovering from an operation. and Atkinson attend this week. I e< i to business in Belt Tuesday. | Emil Maki passed through Belt Tuesday on his way home from Great i Falls after visiting his family for a ■few days. ; Mrs. Lem McCoy and son Ben shop iped in Belt Wednesday. biffas Arloine Depew and Oliv« Crowe of Little Belt spent a few hours fa Belt Wednesday evening. Mrs. Harold Shannon was visiting, in Belt Tuesday afternoon. Born to Mr. and Mn. H. H. Sauers of Helen, on Appril 7th an eight pound son. The mother and babe are doing finely. ■ w — NOTICE — The members of Olive Branch Re bekah Lod*e No. 26 I. 0 O. F. «rill (five a public card party at their hall Saturday night April 17th. A dm. 60c. Play .begins at 8:30 sharp. Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Hammer shop pped in Great Palls Tuesday. Mrs. James Bough and son Law rence shopped in Belt Tuesday. Bill and John Matila who have been in Butte ,or the winter returned to **»»* htm,e on L»« 1 « Balt Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Atkinaon at tended church Sunday. Me«. Rush and Fluhr were G rent I Falls b^ness visitors Friday. State Highway Engineer Boneateel hew> wl 'th tw0 ««s'stants making * preliminary survey of the Belt main thoroughfare. He is running a line now determine the renter of the 8treet lÄter cross-sectioning will be done and an estimate made of the 1 probable cost. Bee Stuffel is home from Grea. Falls where she has been employed. On Friday she and her mother will leave for Shelby where Bee will hav*. a part on the program of the Eagle's convention . W. C. Blomquist, G. W. Stoffel «nd \ A. S. Hamment drove in to the county I seat yesterday, Erasmus Nelson was shopping in town Monday. M „ Walfred SheWon drove if| j ^ the sheldon ranch ^ w .... Mr. and Mrs, Lew Clergy, Mrs. Schroeder and Genevieve Schroeder visited Great Palls Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Meriding and baby daughter are visiting Mrs. Meriding*» .parents, Mr. and Mrs. John William (son at Raynesford. Mr. and Mrs. Monte McCarty are home from an extended trip to Utah, Nevada, Oregon and Idaho. ThaJ | have refitted the hotel at Raynesford I and will be ready for guests hereafter jlliey will serve the supper for th«. next school dance on May 1st. j i Jude Rubber and Will Hubber drove to Great Falls yesterday. ..j John Healey who has been sufferi^ for some months from an injury re j eived in France has gone to the Vei-j eran's hospital in Helena the • tee ov 1 physicians will give him the er. Hé expect» tö be huthc ag '.i n with in two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson ing in Helena this week. Among the out-of-town „visitors! seen in Belt yesterday were Joe Ko priva of Lower Belt, Gabriel Haglin of Little Willow, Th^s. M : tol ol Wayne and Charles Beckstrom of Kibbey. are v: It is reported that Walter Kennedy formerly of Vaughan and Ulm, who was arrested for transporting liquor!a is, through his lawyers, trying to havtjMiaa the evidence in the case suppressed lx cause of the officer not being in pos session at a search warrant. There are many people in Belt who wouli be perfectly willing to help in sup pressing it Thos. Glynn made an early trip to Belt yesterday. ~ Henry Daniels of Hughesvillc drove! i through Belt on his way home from Great Falls Wednesday . la«. Culver of Stafford has beeu jkere this week looking after busi-j ,nw * interests. % H. C. Nebel of Albright wa.« ih j town Tuesday picking up more men' (f'-r the rock quarry at Albright. One of the chief markets for limerock now is the sugar factories which use large quantities. Bom to Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Young of Gmi Sd. o. April W. « MARCELLING Second door below the Tiviy Laun dry. Jessie Sampson, Pinne 89 iV ■ AT DAHLS - FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Dry Goods Department Ladies Ribboa Trimmed Elk Sole Tilt Slippers Valut $1.35—Sale Price | .75 Ladies Two Tone Black and prey Elk Sole Value $1,26 Sale Price $ .65 Grocery Department 1 !b Soft shelled English Walnuts—Value 35c—Sale 25c 1 Medium Jar Soluble Barrington Hall coffee Value 50 r Sale Price 25c Th?» size aoluble coffee will make 40 cupe if directions on package are followed » -WALK TO DAHL'S AND SAVE DOLLARS" Page Fir*. 4f ~ra™L'. ~a =f llilifill / | + — — ■ -♦ BiÇ P rice 10 Days 10 Days i 11 # k Only Only To Reduce Our Stock of Standard, High Qual ity Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, China, and Toilet Articles, We Are Put ting Everything on Sale at— :== S ~ = ss = £= I SACRIFICE PRICES 4 LARGE LINE SILVERWARE — of For vour table at Wholesaler's prices to ua Watches and Jewelry BBS ~ Gut Glass ami Toilet Articles AT ABSOLUTELY WHAT THEY COST US = = = at prices that you cannot refutte. June and Commencement Are Coming\ i HERE Is the Place! To Buy Wedding & Graduation Gifts NOW Is the time ! -■ t E. H. SUNDERMEIER BELT. MONTANA v • >. __ busy again in her ga r d e n of bea utiful rose» ana other flowers after having «pent »ev-j era! of the winter month", in Seattle. She like« that climate but can not stay away long from her «»ns and their families. Mr«. J, A, Healey Ralph Bemi« and family were driv ing on Sunday up the Ricevillt roao To their delight plainly, alongside thv !read and « few re« 1 * the car, they saw a deer which looked at then: for moment and then leisurely departed, Elsie was especially pleased be «me this was the first wild deer that she had ever seen . BASEBALL FANS NOTICE — A baseball meeting will be held Friday night April 16th in the Li- ! ibrary of the high school building at 8 o'clock. All ball players and fan» are urged to he present. NOTICE TO POULTRY OWNERS "N*«« 1 to run at large, Gardens, lawns and parkings are be ing seeded. One old hen at large will [fa m f ew hoars undo the work of a >MW , | ^ ^ upe „ Committee. After April 16 all poultry must be securely penned and at no time be al son on tame chickens at large begins immediately, . H. W. MILLARD, Mayor j Isaa c Raa ilo T it sbnai ped in Belt Wednesday. - ' • $5 REWARD $6 Further dumping of ashes or rub bish at any place within the City Lim ,U is »•"»»* prohibited, except where (" r| tten P««lission is first secured froni Mayor or Clerk. $5 reward will be paid for information leading to arrest and conviction of anyone dumping except as her eh-, provided By order of the Mayor and City Council. Leo C. Graybill, City Clerk. f* CROWN I OVERALLS ! J ; UNION MADE a « Come in and see these super work garments. They're the choice of 4,000,000 men because they give perf comfort, and because they're the world's moat durable overall. set Fit—Weight—Service This is what Crowns give you. They're big, broad, full, generous, roomy—eewed to stay—strong enough to rftand the grind of hard daily work. Every pair backed by the CROWN guarantee. And they cost no more than ordinary overalls. Union m a de. HAMMENT BROTHERS Lunch Counter AT BARNEYS Open Till 12 P. M. PASTRY AND MEATS Home cooked Short Orders a Specialty O, M. OLSON. Prop. Great Falk)—Black Eagle district will have new $26.000 sewer system.