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PEOPLE «ROUSED OVER R, R, PLÄNE ANNOUNCEMENT BY N. P. AND a N. HEIGHTENS HOPE SEE RICHET-LEWISTOWN LINE Territory to Traverse Largest Single District In Entire Nerthweat ' Without Railroad People of the whole state of Mon tana and especially those who reside in the district between Richey and Lewistown are greatly interested in the announcement that the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern rail roads are laying plans to immediately construct steam lines to the Circle district The country extending from these two points, a distance of approximate ly 200 miles, and from Miles City to the Great Northern main line, about 125 miles, comprising an area of more than 25,000 square miles of territory. Is the largest single region in the northwest which is still without ade quate transportation facilities. Activities by the big lines has brought renewed hope to the minds of the people throughout the entire dis trict that a railroad from Richey to Lewistown may not be an idle dream. The Northern Pacific extension as announced by President Donnelly will run northward from Glendive to Brockway and Circle. This branch and the proposed new line In the Bit ter Root from Florence through Stev ensvllle will cost about The Great Northern will build from Richey to Circle, a distance of 33 miles, at a cost of $900,000. The announcements by officials of the two roada of their Intention to build In eastern Montana followed the sale of the Milwaukee at Butte. These announcements also brought out the information that the Soo and the Mil waukee had surveying parties in the same portions of the state. $4,000.000 STATE TABLOIDS Ths new $30,00» bridge across the Milk river at Havre will be open for traffic about January 1. • The California deep test well be ing drilled in the Cat Creek field is now down over 4,000 feet, it is said. More than $4,000 has been subscrib ed by the farmers toward the con struction of a new creamery at Cul bertson. It Is reported that a manufacturing plant to build steel railroad cars Is to be located at Lkarel, Yellowstone county. • With the bringing In of 10 wells the past week the Kevin-Sunburst feltd had a total of 651 commercial producing oil wells. Nearly $50,000 went Into the state highway fund last month as the pro ceeds of United States royalties from oil operations on federal lands in Mon tana. : A leasing campaign in the Head light valley near Cut Bank is to be launched In the near future with the idea of giving the structure a tost for oil. A subscription list for stock in the Windham Agricultural Hall assocu tlon is being circulated. It Is esti mated that the ball will cost around $3,600. County commissioner« of Silver Bow county hare voted to donate to the government on 80-acro tract as a landing field if an air mail route pass ing through Butte is established. Compulsory military training at thé Montana Slat* hBRMWPREE, - : which is being a g ita te d toy students, was put to a vote, and of the 279 expressing a preference, there were 173 for and 106 against. Montana hall, one of the oldest buildings of the Bozeman State col lege campus, which has been in proc of being remodeled since last Juqe. will be ready for use again by January 1, it is announced. Several large Montana daily news papers are offering special prises on corn and pure seeds for the Thir teenth Annual State Corh and Pure Seed show, which wilt be held at Sid ney, January 26, 27 and 28. When the Havre high school foot ball team returned home last Satur day from Butte, where it had wrested - jjhe state championship from Missou la by s score of 39 to 18, more than one thousand Havre citizens were at - the depot to welcome the heroes. Harry Jacobi, largest indlvldoal owner of black foxes in the state, whose ranch is situated on Hie Teton river, boa Just co mplet e d vaccinating the foxes as prevention of distemper. At the present time Mr. Jacobi's foxes number 60: He has sold a large num ber during the last year. Many of them are sold as pups to other breed ers, and some as pelts. Mr. Jacobi sold 18 pelts lost year that average $305 per pelt ~ ess C, 8 . Milhiser, manager of the Sid ney factory of the Holly Sugar com pany, reports that the 1926 sugar cam paign was very satisfactory both from the standpoint of the company and the farmer. Etforta are being made to raise $40,000 in the sale of Christmas seals by the MonUna Tuberculosis associa tion. ... Much interest is manifest among ers in the report that black bass I been caught -In the Fathead ongt river SEASON IS FAVOfUBLE fob me ran State Summary Shows That Supply of Animal Food la Better Than for a Year Ago The feed supply situation in dis tricts of Montana where winter feed ing is done, excepting the hay feed ing section of the Big Hole bulb. Is favorable for some Increase in feed ing of cattle, aheap and iarahe over that of last season, according to a summary of the situation issued by the state department of agriculture at Helena. In the feet factory areas of Billings. Sidney and Chinook, supplies of pulp will total larger than last year, as will also grain feeds except corn, with apparently about the same supplies of hay and roughage as a year ago, al though hay is priced about $1 per ton higher, due to a somewhat shorter state crop than last year. Prices of feeding cattle hare ranged about the same level as a year ago. although the recent tendency has been to strengthen, while sheep and lambs going on feed have been se cured at lower prices than a year ago with the recent tendency of further weakening of prices, especially in the caae of old sheep. From present indications there will be some increase in numbers fed in the factory areas of Chinook and Sid ney and in the upper Yellowstone val ley. with indications of decreases in some sections of the lower Yellow stone and Big Hole basin hay feeding section of Beaverhead county. State Farm Briefs Twenty-two cars of fattened lambs were shipped to Chicago market from Cascade by feeders in Chestnut val ley. It is expected that the new oil re finery to be erected at Billings by the Russell Oil company will be In opera tion early next spring. Net returns to Hill county hog and cattle growers from the sale of live stock shipped through the Hill County Marketing association during the last three years ending November 20. was $229,998.95 The Northern Montana Alfalfa Growers' association of Blafne coun ty has already sold fonr carloads of seed, receiving 18 cents for No. 1 com mon. In addition to this, several small Mies have been made direct to cua tamers. During September, October and No vember stockmen of northwestern Rosebud county shipped more than 376 cars of livestock, consisting of cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, over the Milwaukee railway. The ship ments represented approximately 65, 000 head of livestock. Three families from Britt, Iowa, ar rvled in Hamilton to make their homes in the Bitter Root valley. They are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lameroux, Mr. and Mrs. William Hefner and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Longbottom with their children. The Iowa people are a scouting party for others from their home locality. Arthur Beedle, who lives on the Rosebud flat .near Forsyth, has seed ed 460 acres of winter wheat this fall. Wheat on this same field this year yielded 23 bushels to the acre. Ap proximately 2,000 acres have been sown to wheat on the Rosebud flat and in adjoining vicinity this fall, and the grain is sprouting in good shape. A special round trip rate of a fare' and a half has been granted Jointly by the Northern Pacific and the Mil waukee railways to the annual Farm ers' week and Montana Extension Workers' conference at Bozeman on January 8 to 7^ and to. the annual., meeting of' county extension workers from July 8 to 12. A series of ten successful communi ty meetings and motion picture shows In Phillips county, arranged by H, I* Lan ta, county agent, were attended by 600 persons. The most valuable fea ture of each meeting was the discus sion of various methods of cultivation on non-lrrlgated farms. TMs discus sion was Illustrated by charted re sults of dry land farming experiments carried on at the substation and va riety tests conducted in Phillips county. Montana, noted for Its copper, gold, oil, wheat, and livestock, has one coal mine that contributes 60 cents a minute to upkeep o- - the state and county. Mining its coal and loading it on care with a single sweep of a giant electric shovel, the Colatrlp mine in Rosebud county, south central Montana, produced daring the past 1$ months more than three quarter« of a million tons, or about *6 per cent of all the coal mined in the state, rec ords of the state to* oo sembled tor Us biennial Its average over the year period waa 300 tons a working hour, running at the production peak of 1,000 tons an hour. It has been estimated that the supply at the present rate of mining will last 100 years. show. Due to failure to comply with all requirements of the law, the special election to vote on a $160,000 school bond issue at Great Falls. December 18, will not be hold until February. Income to the state from its oil and gas leases shows an Increase of over 860 per cent from 1917 to 1926. /From 1917 up to and including November 24, 1928. the slate received $546.341.9* from this source. In 191? the Income touted only $402.60, while this year has seen $346,017.08 flow Into the va rlöos auu funds Î 0 Mystery of Radio Yet to Be Solved "Winter Blanketing,'? Fad ing Static, "Dead Spot»,*' Not Understood. There la still plenty of mystery In radio. What do we know about the "winter blanketing" that interfered with reception Inst year, or about fading and static? The use of radio for controlling mobile bodies and the transmission of light, heat and power may be possible. But. excepting the controlling of mobile bodies, few ex periments even have been carried on in these special problems. Short ware transmission, the latest economi cal and practical means of communi cation. is still not thoroughly under stood or mastered. Engineers Are Puzzled. Most engineers admit that we know little about what hupjicns In the ether after a message leaves the station until it Is received at another point, and In this field alone, considerable research must be carried out. Only a short time ago several congressmen Indulged In a vigorous debate over what ''ether" was. and as a result the word, usually used to describe the media through which radio waves are Audio Amplification Intensely Developed The modern audio amplifying sys tem Is one branch of the radio set which has been under intense devel opment. There are three major audio systems In use today. These are transformer, resistance and Impedance amplifiers. Which Is the best is a mutter of conjecture, and engineers will never agree In this matter. However, audio reproduction Is a matter of taste, and the type of am plifier that one likes best is Judged purely by ear. It is a good practice to hear the various amplifiers before building one. At one time It was generally accept ed that the resistance amplifier was superior to all other forms, but trans former engineers got busy and the re ■alt is that a large majority of ex perts prefer the modern transformer system. The new transformers do not have the limitations of the old. Most of the new transformers reproduce over the entire scale without favoring any particular band. The capacity has been kept at a minimum, and the transformer Iron which Is used today does not saturate as did previous ma terial. If one has an old audio amplifier It would pay him to equip or have the set equipped with modern transform ers or other audio systems. He will find a remarkable difference In re production. . Improved design of audio frequency amplifiers has also brought forward high-voltage amplifiers which are com monly called power amplifiers. Such an amplifier furthers the Improvement In audio quality for preventing over loading of the power tube. The power amplifier usually consists of one stage of audio frequency, a tube, power rectifier tube and a step-up transform er for Increasing the voltage of the house current and a fitter system to smooth out the plate voltage.—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. | Greater Volume, Tone Wonderfully Improved Circuits have been modified to per mit the use of sensitive detector and powerful amplifier tubes brought out in the last year, thereby g;vtug the receivers greater volume -and a de cided tone Improvement. The most efficient power amplifier tubes so far released, such as the UX-171 and CX-371, are so designed that their greatest sensitivity Is at tained when applying around 180 volts ob the plate and using 40 volts of "C" battery. This has brought about the neces sity for ample current supply. When using over 200 volt« of "B" battery, the apace requirements and mainte nance coats Increase to burdensome amount» The new power tube alone requires a current of 20 mil lea in pe res, which, when combined with the drain from the other tubes, lowers the volt-, age of a battery block to the point where distortion In reception occurs. So "B" eliminators are rapidly grow ing In popularity. Great strides have been made to utilizing the one Inexhaustible sup ply of electric current—the house lighting supply—for taking the place of batteries for the plate supply. This Is accomplished by stepping up the regular alternating current and pass ing it through a suitable rectifier àoé filter system to produce smooth d. c. without pulsations or ripples. Theiy> are also a number of "A" power units and they bid fair to in crease rapidly. When the line voltage goes op or down, as la the caae where isolated power plants supply the current, the slightest variation upsets the bal ance, uni ages are supplied from the same source when variations In "R" .volt age are offset by variation« im "C" voltage and the result log piste cur the "B'' and "C" volt sent, was left out of proposed legisla tion. since the congressmen could not agree on what It was. Among a few of the other mysteries of radio which still withstand the ef forta of science are the effects of fSe Aurora Borealis and sun spots on radio and the cause of the so-called dead'spots, where reception of prac tically any -type of radio waves seems i m p o ssi b le . 1 - Although many practical uses have been found for radio, there are many possibilltles which only the far-sighted scientists can predict and only the skilled and experienced engineers can carry out. Radio for Many Uses. The adaptation of radio has been applied to many practical uses besides ordinary communcntion. It Is used to operate relays which throw switches In power bouses at considerable dis tances from the main plant ; It is nsed In several ways to aid navigators of the sea and air, and Is now being adapted to railroads as a means of control and as a safety device. It is also found of great benefit In trans mitting tlfne signals practically throughout the world, which enables scientists and explorers to establish accurately points on the surface of the earth. Its use In peace is general, and its use in war includes many ap plications besides for comm ont cation, which the military and naval authori ties will not reveal or discuss. rent value remains balanced at the point of best tone quality. This radio power supply unit will deliver 85 roilleampers at 200 volts, with the detector voltage variable from 5 to 90 volts, the Intermediate amplifier "B" supply from 20 to 125 volts and each "C" supply from none to 45 volts Individually, thereby per mitting the exact voltages to be nsed to operate the tubes In the receiver at their greatest efficiency. Ground Deep Enough to Strike Moist Earth Tests made by the United States bureau of standard» indicate that the ejectrlcal resistance of ground con nections Is very much higher at some places than at others. By plotting these places on a map, it has been found that they were In tracts hav ing sandy soli and subsoil, throdgh which the rain passed down to a lew ground-water level. As a ground con nection. which is generally made hy driving an iron pipe Into the ground, must reach a moist place In order to be roost effective, the pipes had to be driven deeper than usual in these sandy places. Some years ago the geological sur vey of the Department of the Interior made a careful study of the ground In and around Chicago and mapped the shores of a lake which was In existence at the close of the great Ice ape. By reference to this map, an electric com pany of Chicago took advantage of the work of the survey and drove their grounds to the required depth. For the reason stated, grounds vary In efficiency In different sections. Where pipes must be driven for a ground, they must go deep enough to strike moist soil, ' HINTS FOR RADIO FANS The plate voltage for detector tubes k varies with each tube. • Radio waves penetrate Insnlating iMrterts). hot are absorbed by metal. - Two or three weeks is about as long as the average battery lasts on one charge. A radio listener who* Insistently twists the dials of Ms or her set might be compared to a "movie" fan who entered and left fifteen or twenty dif ferent motion picture theaters In a night. When erecting the aittenna. make sure Insulators are glazed and corru gated so water will ran off before It adds bothersome resistance, make provision for lowering the an tenna occasionally so the Insulators, and even the wire Itself can be wiped free of dirt. A good way to clean a crystal which has lost its sensitiveness Is to im merse it In ether. Place the crystal In a small bottle containing ether, shake the bottle vigorously, after which remove the crystal with ä pair of tweezers. The crystal should re turn to Its normal strength. The number of turn« specified for a coll of given diameter will vary ac cording to the dielectric constant, or type of insolation material, of the coil. If the tube has an onosualiy low dielectric value, more turns will be needed, and if the vaine la high, fewer turns will do. For local «tattoo*, for Instance, the find sadio atag« I« usually Also When wiring a radio receiver which oses a variable condenser for tuning the secondary circuit, the sta tionary piste« should be connected to the grid of the detector tube. Of course the rotary plate« should be connected to the filament side of the coil. Never use more tubes than are suf fielen? for the results desired. It fre quently happens that Inexperienced, operators will have more tubes bam tug'than are necessary, and then de -tune to lesest) the vol -.— •—a THE WORLD'S GREAT EVENTS ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE by Dodd, Mead A Company ) Charte» V A GOUTY old man sat In a mon astery cell, surrounded by doz ecs of clocks and watches. people think ailkar < The old clock f anci er was C T ia Hea V, who had given up affairs of state at the age of fifty-six, and who was spending the two remaining years of his life In monastic retirement. He had had a half century of experiences such as lent a certain pathos to his complaint about the clocks. Born In IV)« to the greatest power ever In herited by mortal man, he had risen to heights reached by no other rnier of his century and had lived to see his roost cherished plana fall to pieces. Here are some of the titles that Chariea fell heir to. as a* mere boy: the archduchy of Austria, the sover eignty of the Netherlands the king doms of Spain. Sicily and Navarre, and the rulershlp of all Spain's American possessions. In addition to this, when only nineteen, he was chosen emperor of Germany, and at twenty-six was crowned king of Italy, He ruled four nations which had noth Ing in common and no ties of mutual Interest. These facts, of course, led to endless rivalries, revolts and inter national complications. Moreover, a throng of outside ene *\ cannot even make two clocks Ock in unison," he whined pee^aWy "No wonder I failed to make millions of mies rose against the young monarch Francis k king of France, who had been one of his competitors for the German crown, promptly declared war on him. seizing the duchies of Milan and Burgundy, which Charles regard ed as his own. Soliman, the Magnifi cent (under whom, from 1520 to 1560, Turkey reached Its pinnacle of great ness). Invaded Hungary, advancing to the very walls of Vienna, and, with tils fleets, held the Mediterranean, menacing Italy and Spain. The Neth erlands, too, were ripening for revolt, while a furious revolution broke out in Spain. Added to this, an Angnstinian monk it Germany. Martin Luther, defied the pope, protested against certain tenets of the Catholic church and advanced a "reformed" creed. He drew to him thousands of Germans, his adherents becoming known as " Protestants." . The security of the Catholi c church, of which Charles was the acknowl edged champion, was thus menaced. Altogether he had his hands full. To beat back France's armies on the Flemish frontier and In Italy, to check the Turks on the Mediterranean and In his own duchy of Austria, to stem the tide of religions disagree ments and to reconcile clashing politi cal parties—this was the task before hlfn. He entered on an eight-year war with France, during which he drove the French from Italy and cap tured King Francis. He forced a hu miliating treaty on Francis, This the latter at once brolee, but In a second war was again beaten. Soliman led a great Turkish army over the German frontier and Charles advanced In person to meet him, and drove the Turks back to their own territory. Then *Francis, forming an alliance with Soliman, again invaded Italy. But Charles opposed the al lies so successfully that they were soon glad to sign a treaty of peace. The revolt In Spain was put down and the Netherlands Cor the time ap peased. so Charles had at last time to attend to the Reformation, which, under Luther, Melancthon and other teachers, had by tlis time swept Ger many from end to end. peror had cr ush e d every mUttacy ft» and had humiliated every royal rival ; but here, in this new religious move ment at home, he found an opponent ne could not conquer—a power that throve under persecutio n. Council after council was held, Kheme after scheme proposed. Com promises were suggested, but found favor with neither party. As If this one setback had undermined his whole edifice of greatness, so the failure of Charles In reconciling the religious sects was followed by a aeries of new disappointment» and misfortunes. He bad hoped to bequeath all his power and possessions to his son Philip, but to this the German electors would So be foresaw that on The era not agree, his death the mighty one-man empire he held would be split up as bad those of Alexander and Charlemagne. To add to his worries, Henry II (son of Francis I) of France, backed by other rulers. Invaded Germany and captured several Important citiea, notably Metx. Charles sought to re capture Metz, but failed, and until 1870 It remained in French hands. Charles made one more throw the dice against fate. He arranged a marriage between his son I'M Up and Queen Mary of Bpgiand, thna forming English alliance tp strengthen Ms power and that of the Catholic But the couple had no chib an own church. dren to perpetuate thg scheme. His most cherished plans set at naught, his own subjects refusing to be guided by him In matters of re ligion. his health broken, his terri tory successfully Invaded, his »on de tarred from Inheriting hla chief po» sessions —the combination was tqe much for the old emperor. He gave op his throne and left to others the helm of state which would no longei * obey hla enfeebled hand fils was that saddest of teres : The fate of the agm who outlives the greatsesa ha 6 V If Back Hurts Begin on Salts Fluet» Your ■ Kidneys Occasionally , «BT. Drinking Quarts of Good Water No man or woman can make a mis take by flashing the kidneys occaslon 9 ' well-known authority, rich .food creates acid» whlctTclog the kidney pores so that they sluggishly filter or strain only : 2S Too put.«« (be w aatu and poisons from the blood. Then yon get sick. Rheu matism, headaches, liver -trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders often rome from slngglsh kidneys. The moment yon feel a doll ache In the kidneys or your back harts, or If the nrine is cloudy, offensive, fall of sediment, irregular of passage, or at . tended by a sensation of scalding, be gin to drink soft water in quantities; also get about four ounces of Jad Saits from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and yonr kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lithla, and has been nsed for years to help flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to activity, also to help neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer cause irritation, thus often relieving bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lithla-water drink, which every one can take now and then to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby often preventing serions kidney complications. Stop Coughing The more you cough the worse you feel, and the more Inflamed your throat and lunge heal. become. Give them » chance to Boschee's Syrup has been giving relief for aizt> years. Try it 10c and 90c bottles. At all druggists. If you esnnot get it, writ* > to O. O. Green, Inc., Woodbury, N. J. N Try the New ÿ Cuticur a M Shaving Stick FMr Lathering Little Pollyanna Saw Bright Side 8 . G. writes In great dejection : "There is nothing in life for me now since the shattering of my firm be lief that movie serials never end. I have Just witnessed the tenth and last » installment of a thriller, and the de nouement 1» I think, worthy of note. The sister of the villain, who compli cates the plot dreadfully by being the finest little woman in the world, rides np on her galloping steed to the scene of a bloody combat between the hero and the shameless rascal, but only our hero Is visible, his bead bloody but unbowed. . =« "'Where,' pants she, 'where Is my brother?' "Onr hero walks with bowed head to the edge of the cliff, and points to the ledge below where the villain lies . crashed to a palp. . " 'Oh, well,' says onr little Polly- • anna, 'he was only my half-brother, anyway.' ''—Kansas City Times. Trace Scarce of Rheumatic HU Rheumatism long has been regarded as a more or less harmless, though ^ often painful, affliction. Today, how ever, medical men who have made a special study of the disease are con vinced that what la commonly classed as "only rheumatism" may actually be any one of a number of serious nerv ous disorders. Some remarkable discoveries hav» quite recently been made by Dr. Henry P. De Forçât of New York city, and Dr. Horace Q. Baldwin of Tanner» ville, N. Y. They have fonnd that va rious forms of "rheumatic" ilia are due to mechanical nerve Irritation, and that the seat of the Irritation ap parently lies in a Joint at the base ol the back. By setting this little bone In place they claim to have brought relief to sufferers. Power Cable Under Sea Electricity at 60,000 volts pres sure Is now being carried by a sub marine cable serosa the Baltic sea from Helsingfors, Finland, to Copen hagen. Denmark, where it la nsed for lighting and industrial purposes. All the Same to Her She—What la meant by the pipe of peace? He—I can't Imagine! Never smoked a pipe in the house yet bat my wife made a fuss over it Bette? be silent than speak 111. SSI c 5 « Ludefs