Newspaper Page Text
Don'tHiss a Fortune. Youmay if you do not^read the Want Columns^to-day. 'mmmonana 33HJ Don'tOwe a Dollar. UOmtAMA HASCASH IN THE TRIASBBY EntirelyOut of Debt. VOL.30-NO. 25 HELENA,MONTANA TERRITORY, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1889. FIVECENTS r MASSENABULLARD, Attorneyand Counselor at Law, ULIMA,MONTANA. Willpractice Id all rnnrls of record 1b tha Ter^^ritory. Offlca In Gold Bluak. NOLAN^ BEAN,^Law Office^Gold Block HELENA. MT R.G. DAVIES, ATTi'HNEY-AT-LAW, ROOML AHMBY BLOTK. ^ helena, m.T. DR.M. ROtKMAN, PhysicianSurgeon,Acooucher. Oca list andAuriat XiDbtrof Hen Frencieeo Medical Society, alac^Nevada Slate Medical bociaty OCco- Parcaea'a ra* ttore. corner Above Main^And Bruntw*v. Entrance on Broadway nnd Jack^^on. Helena, Montana, i unsnltaUont In German^nod Bnrtlsh. Eye,Ear, Nose and Throat. DR.M. G. PARSONS, Fifteenyeera' axperlance aa OCULISTAND AUR1ST Performaall operations and treat* all dlaeaaee^Of the My*. Ear, woe* and Throat. Corrects er^rora of vision and adjusts tflaaaaa. Officelift and 107 Grand ht., and 104 and 106^Breckf d ridge Hi, J.H. FRENCH,^Veterinary Surgeon OFFICEJoa. O NaUl a stable, corner Mat^and I'rtce strata. MONTFORDSBACON, M D.^Physician, Surgeon, and Oculist, HK1.ENA,M. T. BpedaJattention given to the lye. Ear and^Throat Fullassortment of artificial eyes. W.LONG, VITPIUINAH AUdOROM OFFTCMBrack A Fleher't Stablea. Lower Mais Wtteal TeieoaoaeWo MS FRENCHLESSONS. PROF.A. DAUSE, Lataof Watiater Ualrerslty, Pa. Room a Gold^Block. A.M. SANDS, TYPE- WRITING AMD AmanuensisWork. Offloawith Paulsen A McConnall. H.BAUER,^TANNER ^ DRESSER, a' k . ''0 t.i*rrmf Btrast Helena. M. t, 2,ramaa*.a. ft ^ oovaaix. /AULSEN^ M'CONNELL, HTTFOTP AtttndStnc'ly to Arch/tocturaJ Work Planaand epectficstions drawn Work aoper^aad. officeSttlenn r1^*k. Helena, Montana. .G. W. MERRILL, Bolea I't-ui for tha CarbolicSmoke Ball and Debel-^lator, will^a arantee a tore cure far catarrh, aetbina,^bronchitis, bay fever, cronp, cold In the head^cured tn flfWn mtnu'es. Fre^ teste trtven at our^offlc**, room 12, ov^r Pnvnters'a driiir atore, foot^of It.- adway, Helena, Montana Agents wai ted^In every illy In t**rrlt#rv Pure cure for ekk head^ache Price of hmoke Ball $'i Price of Debell^at' r $1. aent to any part of tha territory. Bead^fonr canta tor poatr a. -t- J0HN#A.SCHNEIDER. FRESCOPAINTER, No.3S Houth Davis Htreet. Po Box 7k5, Helena, M. T PublicbutI'llnm. churchaa and dwellli jr. honaea^decorated In the latitat)la Willfurnish designs Her orated II n W A^Clark a and M J Talbot'* residences. Hutu. Beratrhwork ^nl Kmtasead i^m tmentation,^patented, a ape* laity THE ABORNLOTTERY Successof k Scheme Assnred IMPORTANTNOTICE:^How to Make Remittances: Memitby Postal Note, Express,^Money Order, New York or^Chicago Exchange or^Draft. PKICEOF TICKETHi^MafU Whole Tick ale* , oo l l II HATBflt BookofSWhale TUkete S to 00 ^okoil O a bole Tli kfti40 OO Hookofil* U hoi* Tlrketa| OO OO FinnT1 chela, $ | ^ m^ U. Avereon can order aa many fifth tfOElTl^aa they may desire, all op pirraniNT ni earns.^Address all h-tiers and reml't moes to TUBMONTANA 1NVEHTME t omimny, lielens,Montana. USETHE BRANDOF Hams^* Breakfast Bacon CUREDAMD Smokedin Montana BYTil* IMTAUmiM Nil PKOYISION CI. Packera. Carers aad Sm ok era of Choice, Mild'y Cured Meats OFFIte -hetttaataaar ButldJe^. ThePlymouth CLOTHING ISOFFKKINU Bargains in Fine Suits, OVEECOATS, GENTSFURNISHING GOODS, ETC. Calland See us Before Purchasing Elsewhere. LEVY^ ELIA8. 0.O. ASH BY. O.A. BROADWATK1 JPIUM MorphineHabit Cor^4 la lO^to tOi\e pay till ear*/- Dr.J- apneas. LakoaMO.Okla S.C. Ashby^Ho. HELENAAND GREAT FALLS. SWEET'SPATENT Common Sense^ ^Arctic^ and ^Manitoba. BOBSLEDS. 1Mitchell^ Farm and Spring Wagons, FineCarriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Buckboards, RoadXarts, Etc., Etc HARNESS,BARB WIRE, VICTORFEED MILL. WALLTENTS, vv AOON COVERS, ETC.^FURST ^^, BRADLEY HARROWS,HOOSIER DRILLS, DEDERICKHAY PRESSES HailingTies, .Etc., Etc. T.C. POWER ^ CO., JOBit K KS AND DEALBKH IN MININGMACHINERY! AgriculturalImplements, JuHtracelvtMl, a large tttock of Bement^c Son's Celebrated ^ Maine ^ and M Brown BOBSLEDS. Deere^ Co. Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows. SCHUTTLERAND RUSHFORD TUBULARAXLE AND STEEL SKEIN WAGONS. FINEHAND-MADE^Carriage eiTi cL Heavy IT ea^~m Harneee. OnrHtock of fine CarriageH aud Bugglm 1h the largeet and moat complete ever^4bown In Helena. Afull line of Miue and Mill Huppllee embracing Blake Steam Pumpa, Revere^Kubber Co. Mechautral goodn. Common Beuae Whim, etc., etc. Sendfor ClrenlaTH and Price Ll-t 8t*amboat Block, corner of Main Htreet^ind Helena avenue. F.S. LANG ^ CO. (INCORPORATED.)WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ranges,Stoves, Crockery, GLASSWAREAND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Granite Iron, Copper and Tinware. MarbledGlassware,Bohemian Vases, F;ilmettenGlassware,Mush and Milk Set^, JapaneseChina.China Dinner Sets. OPAQUECHINA, DECORATED AND PLAIN. HavilancTsChina, Decorated and Plain Cupsand Saucers, Salad Sets, I'E ORFAM SETS, WINS SOTS, ROCHESTER LAM PH. 41Aurora^ Quadruple Plated Silverware, theBear in the world. UnionBlock.. CARVER'SCREATFEAT SuccessfulCompletion by the Cham^^pion Marksman of His Endeavor^to Hit 60,000 Balls. EFFORTWELL PAID FOR. The Tell-Fahey Fight Declared a^Draw After Tan Rounds Shu-^maker, the Pacific Coast Cham^^pion, Defeats Faulkner. ATTENTIONLADIES! Haveyou Heeu the Finest Llue of Evening-^ Party Slippers Idrndrenwl Kid, Beaded, ever tn the Weet. If you would like^to *pe them call on F.t. GAGE. ^ CO., No.: 25 Upper Main St HiNNBAPui.iN,I'. - 31.^(Special u^ the^Independent. (^ At 2.30 Sunday niorntn*^Dr. Carver completed the moat stupendoufl^feat of markmnanshlp ever attempted. At^lo o'clock Monday mornlnK laat he set out^to break 60,000 Klaas or wooden balls In six^days with Winchester rifles, lie accom^^plished the task tn seven and one-half^hours less than Win time allott^(t. He^looked pretty tough when the last Win^Chester was uu'oaded. Ills eyes were red^aud he hardlv looked like the man who^opened tire at wooden balls at 10 o'clock^last Monday morning. TheSO.OcsrtrtdKes^which he had shot weighed 160 pounds.^It was a curious scene presents at Wash^^ington rink Saturday night as Or. Carwf s^great task began to draw to a close, and It^seemed assured that he would complete his^required oO.OOO targets before morning^broke. At \2 o'clock the score gave him^credit for 5H.7O0 targets. Though his arm^pained him terribly.there was not a shadow^on the face of the doctor. At 12 o'clock the^battery waa applhd to his arm once more.^Previously a physician had given him a^hypodermic injection of morphineto soothe^the pain. The doctor's eyes were blood^shot, though his face was resolute, and he^complained considerably of the Jigbte. The^doctor receives %%500 as the reward of bis^effort. U lifni a Draw.^Minneapolis Dec. 31^(Special to the^independent.J^Jim Fell, the Michigan^champion pugilist, bad his first fight In the^northwest, in this city, early Suuday morn^^ing, with Mart Kahey. The Minneapolis^man's last aerious encounter was^with John P. Clow, when he was defeated^In ten rounds. The right of this morning^waa also ten rounds, and euded In a draw.^Uoth tueu bled considerably. Kahey se^^cured the only square knock down. Montyand Pl*c^- ElPaso, Tel., Dec. SI ^ Mes^r^. brad-^ley, McLean and winters, the leaders of^the sporting fraternity of El Paso, Texas,^today poated a letter to the backera of^Sullivan aud Kilrain,offering them a purse^of S10,000 for the match to come off at El^Paso. They guarantee them protection. FaulknarWortUd Seattle,Dec. 81.- (Special to the Inde^^pendent 1^The wrestling contest here^Saturday night helwren James Faulkner,^champVn lightweight of toe United States,^and Peter Schumaker, champion all-around^of the Pacific coast, two falls out of three,^for 3260 a Hide and gate receipts, was won^by Schumaker. The first bout, catch-aa-^catch-can, lasted six minutes and twenty^seconds. Schumaker threw Faulkner in^the second bout, (irieco K^.m*n, in fourteen^minutes and forty seconds. Schumaker^again threw Faulkner iu the third bout,^which waa catch-as-catch-can, In nine^minutes. THECREE QUESTION. ThaHouta to ba Callad Upon lo Maka Somi^Disposition o^ Canadian Ratucaas St.Pali., Dec. 81.-[Special to the In^^dependent J ^ The housp committee on^Indian affairs will he called upon to deal^thin sesnion with a question Involving^already considerable diplomatic corres^^pondence and likely to call for further ne^^gotiations from Canada. Soon after the^Hell rebellion was crushed out In 1HH5,^about 160 free Indians, who had been^Identified with the rebellion, came over the^line and estai)linhed themselves at various^Indian agencies in northern Montana, hut^more particularly around Fort Asalna-^bolne. They have all gradually gathered^at this post and here they have been cared^for and fed by the I'nlted States govern^^ment The question of feeding tht-m has^been a source of much annoyance to the^Indian bureau. On several occasions It^has drawn the attention of congress to the^necessities of these Indians, but no appro^^priation has ever been made for th^ m Aa^a result the president has several tiiiit-s^been compelled to order that funds for their^sustenance bo supplied from the 360,000 Met^ailde by congress for the support of Indi^^ans having no treaty funds. Minori Lucky Cacapa^Bttte, Dec. Sl.-[^peclal to the Inde^^pendent | - A miner named L C. Masaey^had a narrow escape from being blown to^atoms at the Illbernla mine near Burling^^ton this afternoon. A premature exploalon^occurred In holea which had been charged,^but not tamped. Through carelt'SMneas the^man allowed a stick of j^wder to Ignite^from a candle, th^ powder falling over the^charged nolo*. He waa In the shsft and^couid not get out of the way before the ex^^plosion occurred, but fortunatejy no great^amoun* of rock waa blasted. Ills injuries^consist of severe cuts about the face and^eyes and contusions all over the body. He^wm carried away apparently lifeless, but^revived in alM^u*. an hour and will be all^right In a few weeks. Far-go8 hock ad Fakoo,Dak.. Dec. Sl.~[Special to the^Independent. ]- Fargo society Is all torn^up over a seusatioual epinode. A bout^'Nov 1 a man calling himself Dr. IshN^came here from MlnueapolU with a woman^whom be called his wife. The doctor aoon^had a good practice and he and his wife^were welcomed in the highest social circle*,^where they became popular. It has Just^transpired that the man's name la not^Holmes, that the woman Is not his wife,^hut the wife of an aristocratic Tennesaean^and that''Dr. Holmes,^ who was a aalsv^brated doctor In Tennessee, eloped with^the woman, who is the daughter of a tor up r^governor of Delaware. The couple have^left town. FENCINGPUBLIC LANDS. ThaCaaa of Manon Flaharty to ba Dad dad In^tha Unltad Htaut Suprama Court Washington,Dec 31.^[Special to the^Independent!^The firat case to prevent^fencing the public domain ever brought^here on appeal, was tiled in the supreme^c ^urt of the United SUtes a few days since.^It is the case of Man. u Flaherty against^tie United States, on appeal fr^tu the .su^^preme court of Montaua. In IHSS Flaherty^fenced the weat half of section 3rt, township^6. range 6 east being In Uallatin couuty.^TbesecMon is one which the law seta aalde^for school purpose*, and both on this ac^oourit and the fact that it was a part ot the^public domain, which had not been settled^by entry, tt eras held that Flaherty waa a^trespasser. Under the act ot Feb. 26, LKK6^the United Stales district attorney brought^miii , against Flaherty to compel him to^take dowu his fences. Flaherty set up^n i claim to the land, but teudered a de^murrer to the J urlsd ctlon of the court aud^the unconstitutionality of the law. The^demurrer was overruled, aud Flaherty car^ried the case t ^ the supreme court of the^territory on the same pleadlnga, where the^decision of the lower court was sustained.^Chief Justice McConnell upheld the con^stitutlonallty of the act of 1HH7, and aasert^the act not only gave the court jurisdiction^as a United States court, but also an terri^^torial court*. He upheld the right of the^mm miucnt to ttet aside the aixteen and^thirty-six sections for school lands and un^^til they are sold and the money paid into^state or territorial treasury asserted they are^under jurisdiction of the Tinted States. WillRatuma To-Day^Butte, Dec. 81 -[special to the Inde^^pendent |^From an unofficial source It is^learned the Anaconda company will partly^resume operations to morrow morning.^The Montana Union has secured two en-^glues from the Northern Pacific, and will^make strenous efforts to keep the works^aaypUod with ore and fuel. SEVENSERVANTS' SINS. aftlMlttlppINtgroat Polton a Family and Ba (^Flea to tha Houta and than ^Ola^^paar NewOhi.kan^, Dec. 31.^A special to^the Times De hum1 rat from Greenville,^Miss., says: ^Two weeks ago last Satur^day Col. Paxtou's residence, near Areola,^was totally destroyed by fire and it is now^known the tire was the work of Incen^^diaries. Seven of the colored servants,^five men and two women, were arrested a^few days ago and kept under guard. Two^of the priAonera cxmfeased their guilt. A^woman employed as cook had drugged the^coffee and but for the fact that two mem^^bers of the family were absent at supper^time the whole household might have^perished. As It was, Mr. and Mrs. Frank^Aidricli were able to arouse Col. aud Sirs.^Paxton ouly with difficulty when the^rlames were discovered. The prisoners^Sis* con:eased that one of them sUajd at^each door with an axe or gun to kill any^member of the family that tried to escape,^but the slownena ot the tire alarmed them^and they tied. The news received to day is^to the effect that the seven prisoner* who^were |sjff arrest disappeared last ulght,^'some *hat mysteriously.' i here ooes^not appear to have beeu any motive for (he^inceudisry crime, beyoud that of robbery^and pillage. WILLFIGHT THE TRUST. iha at Paul Dlttlllary Oompany Mea t tha^Cut ot tha Comblna. Piiii.aiki,chia, Dee. 81.-(,. VV. Hicks,^I ice president and general mauag^-r of the^f\ ^'a:il distilling company, Is stopping In^this city. He said to night: ^The whisky^trust having declared war against the St^Paul company by reducing the price of^M'Ji wines 10 cents per proof gallon, his^company would to morrow make the price^of high wiues31.Ul, which Is three cents^under the figure named by the trust. The^St. Paul house,'* he said, ^is owned and op^^erated by meu of the highest financial^standing aud ability In the northweat The^trust, since its formation, has steadily ad-^winced the puce o| ln^li wines to fictitious^figures, making thereby enormous profits,^a huge i^art of which is set auart to tight^the M. Paul aud other imllvicfuat diatillers.^The retail dealers know they ought to pay^about 31 26 tar gallon for their goods. No^matter how much the trust raises prices,^the dealera will not pay jobbers a raise, In^prices, and consequently th.i jobbers are^the ones who are squeezed. vVe, do not^want to carry this fight to its farthest limit,^but if we must go into Africa we shall not^object Our aim is to do business on busi^^ness methods, with a tair return on Hie^capital invested. 'huft at Mlatoula. MlHHoti.a, Dee. iii.-|Special to the In^^dependent.) The police are busy trying to^rid the town of thugn and footpads. A^man by the name of Donahoe was knocked^down and robbed of 34U and other valua^^bles last ulght One or two unsuccessful^a'U mpts at the ^hold up^ business are^also reported to have occurred last night lit'tte,Dec. 81.-|Special to the Inde-^peudeut. ] ^ The poli. e torce raided the vags^aud rounders at an early hour this morn-^tug and lodged about ten In Jail. On com^lug up for a hearing to night the Judge^fined each one 3100 and costs, to be paid by^Wednesday, or leave the town. The latter^proposition will be accepted. Johnd O'Farrtll't Funaral. ISi:tie,Dec. 81.^(Special to the Inde^^pendent J -The largest funeral ever held^In this place was that of John J. O'Farrell,^whose reiualua were consigned to their^fiual resting place today. The Emmet^ttuard hand and two military companies^took part, carrying arms reversed. There^were also 600 members of the Miners union^and a delegation of 160 Anaconda people i n^foot Following the hearse were the mem i.f the Silver Ito* club, and then SSaM^a line of carriages estimated over a mile Iu^length. Requiem mass was couducted at^the Catholic church and an eulogy dellv^errd by a priest, after which the proeeaaion^marched to the cemetery. ThaHaytron (Jon att^MiNSOt'l.a, Dec. 81.- (Special to the In^d pendent. |-The special term of the dis^^trict court is in session here for the purpose^of adjudicating the lleyfron Mahoney con^test The plaintiff is still Introducing ter^tlruony, and It Is generally considered thst^he Is making a strong case. The court^r -on, has been full all day. Judge De Wolfe^Is rushing the matter, and will hold night^sessions until the case is settled. OodatComing to Hit ^ata^WlMMIFKO, Dec. SI. ^(Special to the^Independent.)^Godas, the Montana mur^derer, whose extradition trial occurred two^weeks ago, and who appealed unsucceas^fully since, baa been taken from Kegina to^Helena. aDakota Town Scorchad^lioTTlNEAr, Dak , Dec. Si. -(Special to^the Independent ] Several buildings war*^burned here today. Lots, 391,000; In^^surance, 312,000. Arrattadfor Bigamy^Low m.i. Mass., Dec. Sl.-Mrs. Mary A.^Long Haake||t third wife of Kev. Mr. Has^^kell, a retired Congregational clergyman^of Itdlerica, was arrested thia afternoon^for bigamy on SMStaint of Kev. Mr. Ha-^kell. Jauies ^i. Wilkinson, a prominent^real estate agent, who wan married Feh. 7^to Mrs. Haskell in New York, has left the^city wiiii some of Mrs. Haskell's money. THEMAILJERVICE. AaOrder From Postmaster-General^Dickinson Classifying: Railway^Mail Employes. SOMEWHO ARE EXEMPT TheCivil Service Commission Pre^^pared to Aid All Applicants Who^May Want to Contest For a^Position. Washington,Dec. 81.^P^^stmaster-^Oeneral Dickinson has issued the follow^^ing order, classifying the employes of the^railway mall service under the civil service^rules and regulations: ItIs ordered that all superintendent!*,^assistant superintendents, chief clerks,^railway postal clerks, route agents, local^agents, mail route messengers aud other^employes of the railway mall he and they^are hereby arranged In the following^classes: ClassI^All persons receiving an annual^salary of ^KO0 or less, or compensation at^the rale of 3*00 or less per annum. Class2-AU persons receiving n annual^salary of 3UO0 or compensation at the rate^ot 3V00 or leas, but more than 3*00 per an^num. Class8 -All persons receiving an annual^salary or 31.000 or less, butgnore than 3900,^or compensation at the rate of 31,000 or^leas, but more than SWO per annum. Class4^ All persons receiving an annual^salary of ^1 .in) or less, but more than^31,000, or compensation at the rate of^31,200 or leas, but more than 31,000 per^annum. Class6^All persons receiving an annual^salary of 31.400 or less, hut more than^31,200, or compensation at the rate of^31,400 or leas, out more than 31,**) per^annum. Class^^ A It person* receiving an annual^salary of 31,600 or less, hut more than^31.400, or compensation at the int.- of^31,600 or leas, out more than 31,400 per^annum. Class7^All persons receiving an annual^salary of 31.sou or leaa, but more than^31.600, or compensation at the rate of^3I.H00 or leas, out more than 31,600 per^annum. ClassH^All persons receiving an annual^salarv of 3*^,000 or leas, but more than^81,MOO, or compensation at the rate of^32,000 or less, but more than S1.K00 per^annum. ClassV^ All person* receiving an annual^salary of more than S'AfsN) or compensation^at a rate of more than 82-OO0 per annum. ItIs provided that no person who may be^appointed to office by and with the advice^aud conaent of the senate, and that no per^son who may be employed merely as a la^^borer or workmen, not including any per^^son designated aa a *kli:ed laborer or work^^man, shall i^e considered as within rlaaatti^cation, and no person so essplofsd shall,^without examination under the r'-M aerv*f^^^rules, be assigned to the iaSj a of^classified service. It Is also.udered that no^persim shall be admtUed InU; au^ place not^exempted from examination by the civil^service rules ir any of the classes above^U Hgnated, until he shall have passed an^appropriate examination prt pared by^the l ulted States civil service com^^mission, aud bla eligibility has beeu cer^titled to this department by the commls^slots.** L't,-r ti^^ foregoing olaaslfl ^. ^f th^^railway mall service and the jjoS ^^' the^civil service commlsrlon the .'ollowlng^places In the railway mall service an- afl^empt from examination, one general su^^perintendent of the railway mall service,^one assistant general superintendent of the^railway mall service. Thefollowing notice has been Issued:^The I'nlted Mates civil service cnminlasion^is prepared to furulsh application blank*^to persons desiring to oe exauilued for^entrance to the railway mail service upon^leijuest therefor in writing. The times and^plaires of examination of each will l^- an^^nounced aa soon as the rules regulating^admission to that service have beeu pro^mulftated. All Inquiries on the subject^should Ire addressed to the United .States^Civil Service Commission, Washing'mi.^D. C. MAYCOME TO TERMS. ThaBrotharhood of Enginaara and tha Bur^llngton Oompany Llkaly lo Compromise). CUK'Aoo,Dec. 81. The conference be-^tween theotliciala of the Hui llngton road^and a commitbe of engineers representing^the strikers was field to day, but Adjourned^till tomorrow. After the adjournment of^the conference, Wirt Dexter, solicitor for^the road, said the meeting was ouly an In^formal one, hut that the committer would^meet the officials again to-morrow, and it^waa almost a certainty that the trouble^would be patched up then. It is the gen^^eral opinion that at the meeting to morrow^Ihe committee in behalf ot the l.roih^^ i hood will declare the strike off,^and such of the strikers as can be^used, will Ix- given employment. A dele^gate to the engineer*' meeting, w hone name^is not given. Is (juoted in a ha-al paper as^saying that the statement that the hrother^hood would cease financial support of the^xtnkers after Jan. 1 was true. The affair^had already cost the brotherhiHNl nearly^half a million, aud aotuethlug had to be^done. fineof the leading spirits In the^recent meeting of railroad engineers^says that the object was to consider^the tact that had come Into the possession^of the brotherhood that all roads running^out of Chicago, except three, had been^helping the Kurllngtoti in its fight with the^striking engineers by blacklisting the^strikers Undeclared that unless this boy^sot ting waa discontinued soon the biggest^strike ever seen In this country would be^inaugurated, paraltzing the railwaj trans^portation of the entire country. It^elude all classes of railway labor. illin SETTLEDBY HIS MOTHER. China's(Soy Cmparor Alraady tha Potaaator^of Thraa Youthful Wlvaa. Washington,Doc. 81.^The department^of stale has been Informed by the minister^of the United States at 1% kin of the follow^^ing edict of the empress dowager puhlinhed^in the iVkiu tia/.eite Friday, Nov. 9th,^1HHM: ^The emperor having reverently suc^^ceeded to his exalted Inheritance and In^^creasing day by day in maturity, it la be^^coming that he should aelect a virtuous^consort to assist In the administration of^the palace, to control the emperor's official^household, and lo encourage the emperor^himself In upright conduct. Let, then^fore, Veh Ho Na La, a daughter of Jlepi.t)^Lieutenant tieueral Knel Hal Aug, whom^we have selected for her dignified. ^drt m^i*^character, become liei s otnsaort. Aspecial further edict of the same daV is:^- Ta Ta I.a. aged 16 years, daughter of^Chang Usy, formerly ^1ce president of the^tHiard, become tUo aacood consort of the^first rank. a^4 let Ta Ta La, aged 13, alao^tii^ daughte r of Chang Hay, forsaerly vice^president of the f.oard, become the imp* rial^eofXaaaw of the second rank.^ The em^peror Is between IN and 19 years of a** k# ThaRepublican fljatt It. Nashvilljc,Dec. SI. ^Chancellor Alb-^son to-day refused to grant the injunction^against Uov. Taylor, asked for by the^counsel for Creed K. Hates, democratic can^^didate for congress from the Third dis^^trict The Injunction was sought to re^^strain the governor from Issuing a certiri^rate of election to H. Clay Kvans, the re^^publican nomlnoe. WILLBEAT ITS RIVAL. ThaUnion Pacific Praparod to Protact Its Na-^braaka Tarrltory From AllOomara Chicaoo,Dec. St.^The movements of^the new company, which Is preparing a^line of i^ from Sioux City through^Nebraska and Wyoming to Ogden, Utah,^and which is alleged to be In the interest of^the Illinois Central, to afford tin* company^a western outlet from Stoux City, hms^stirred up the l.Tulon Pacific. It la author^^itatively stated the latter ts behind the^work now Mug doue between Sioux City^and Norfolk, Nebraska, to which point tha^L'nlon 1'actfic haa a branch, tapping the^main Hue at Columbus. Extensive right of^way purchases have recently been made^between Sioux City aud Norfolk, and^should the new company carry out its an^^nounced Intention to begin work In the^early spring, the l'nlon Pacific will bank^up the track between the two points and^begin buslneaa at least a year before the^new transcontinental line could get In shape^The l'nlon Pacific managers claim they^will be forced to build a new line in order^to protect their buslneaa in uorth western^Nebraaka. It Is claimed the Chicago a^Northwestern will join hands with the^Union Pacific to control the trade of that^section. Intha Hands of a Racalvor.^Cincinnati, Dec. SI. -An application^waa made this morning before Judge Peck,^of the superior court, for the appointment^of a receiver for the Cincinnati, Washing^^ton a llaltimore railway. The judge ap^^pointed Col. Orlaud .Smith, who has been^president of the road, and Henry C. Vcr^gaaou, vice president of the Merchants'^National bank, of this city, aa joint re^^ceivers. The petition was tiled by the^Kaimers' Loau a Mortgage creditors of^the company. Toe hill alleges a failure to^pay any Interest, and that it la Insolvent.^The Indebtedness on which suit ts brought^is the first Issue of bonds of the amount of^^t (Knmnsi. (in this Is accrued Interest of^^s;ui,uoo The BaWsaon a Ohm road,^repiescnted in the at lion, acquleaced In the^proceeding. It has a claim of 3H30.UO0 and^Interest. Judgmeut waa entered Mime time^ago against the company for 31^rU,00U In^favor of the Cheaapeake a Ohio^company. The bonded indebtedneHs^of the road is * 11. .^^..,ooo The unpaid^coupous due amount to 3710.H42, with in^terest from the time they tell due. The^earnings of the road since Us organization^have fallen short of meeting the fixed^charges In the sum of Sl.lHtiOOU Us In^^debtedness In interest and warrants during^the proceodiuga for reorganization prior to^IHH3 is SM6 tut), making its present Indebt^^ed ms* nearly 31.VtW.tMM), and to morrow^this will be Increased by the coupous fall^^ing due to the amount of 3VK.500. The^company also issued 37,5^M),uoo lucmue^homls in addition to the ludebtedness be^^fore mentioned. The receivers were put In^possession of the road and authorized to^proceed with Its management. Againsttha Northarn Pacific. Iam km low n, Dak., Dec. 81. ^ Judge^jtose to day rendered a decision in the suit^of the Northern Pacific to secure a per-^, tual injunction against Foster and Lai-^tour counties restraining the sale of rail^^road lands lor taxes of 1HK7. The caae also^decides about thirty other cases of similar^nature along the line of the road tn the ter^^ritory. The decision la In favor of (be^eotMMS, It gives the plaintiff a chance to^amend hi* complalut, but the case will^probably go to the supreme court on the^pleadings as they stand. The counties^, - aim the right to tax these lauds iu addi-^iou to the pin rata they .^^ ei^e ind^ r the^gross earnings law of the territory. ThaBaltlmora a Ohio Loaaa.^Nkw Volik, Dec. 81.^Judge Wallace, of^the United States circuit court of New^York, to-day deeded the lasue raised by^the demurrer in reference to the Arthur^Killbrl.lge between the Pennsylvania rail^^road company and the Baltimore a Ohio^railroad company, in favor of the Penn^^sylvania company. The latter compauy^claimed several million dollars for dam^ages ca'Bed by the bridge as at present^constructed. The decision of Judge Wal^^lace establishes legal right to recover for^damages done and now the (|uestlon cornea^forward as to I tie amount WHATDOES HE WANT Oan.LongaC*** In tha Flald for Favors at tha^Handt ot Harrlaon Chattanoooa, Tenn., Dec. 81. -At a^banquet to ulght at the Stanton House In^honor or the election of 11. Clay Kvans, re^^publican, to congress, a letter of congratu-^latlou was received from Oen. L mgstreet,^which was the feature of the evening. He^said iu substance: ^Chattanooga is the^centre pioneer of the new south, aud Mug^one ^d the first cities to elect a republican^coiigrcHNmaii pledged to the protection ot^AuiericMi liberty and American Industries,^she has laid nut a path to Industrial supn m^acy that her sister cities would do^well to Imitate Our party has to^see that Mr. Kvans ami M cry man^fairly elected shall take his seat. If^there were more ^Boh Taylors^ in the^executive chairs of the southern stales^there would he less complaint about a^lOpDiwaaed vote. Hut for the Morrill tariff^of l-' l Chattanooga would yet tie In her^swaddling clothes. Nothing Is so^timid and cautious as capital, and to get^it into your midst It must feel that It is safe^aud welcome. Milliona are locked up that^would hcglndly released and seek the fer^tile fields and rich mineral deposits of the^sunny south if the conditions were believed^10 he favorahle. Two recent events will^conduce to this end: Plrat, the ^StaSfl^action ot the lltrmiiigham sheriff; and, sec^^ond, the visit of the Birmingham delega^^tion to On. llarriHon. 1 trust (Jen. Harrl^^aon will meet with no factious opposition^Iroiu the south, for our people owe, him^more than we now can discern. The ap^proval of Cleveland's policy would be a^calamity, notably to our aectloti. Daathof Mrs. Schoftald- Wamiiinoion,Dec. 31.-Mrs Schofield,^wife of Major ti.'oeral Schofield, died of^paralysis of the heart yesterday morning.^She has Isaen suffering from the effecls ot^a severe cold, which developed into bron^^chial catarrh a few days ago, but she was^not thought to 1m* in danger until heart^failure supervened ouly an hour or two ba^^ton-death. Mrs tteaoft Id wa* the daugh^^ter ot Prof. W. II. C. Kartlett, formerly of theI uited Mates Military academy, and^now of the Mutual Life Insurance com^^pany of New York. Tha remain* will be^Interred next Wednesday at West Point. DaringPoatofnca Ruboary.^laniABAf'oM*. Dec. 81.^A daring and^successful robber) occurnd in the money^order department of the Indianapolis poat-^offlos at IJ.8U today. Johnson, chief of^tin iiioi ^ order division, was persuaded to^go out to the sidewalk to see i man in a^buggy. While he wa* out another man^hatl entered the office aud filled his pockets^with greenbacks to tho amouut of about^82,500. Laadvdla'tOutput Leadvim.e,Dec. 81. ^ The Herald-^I) inocrst to-morrow In its review of the^output of the camp for the year lrJM8 esti^^mates the total Ui he 8II.H30.2Q6. The out^put, -tooiirt t he valued upon the basis of^lead and silver quotations of lH7a, would^be greater than at any other time save one^In the historv of the camn Muidcttutor nit Monay.^Ha^mbai., Mo., Dec. 81 ^Amos J.^SMUwvii, a wealthy merchant, waa mur^^dered by burglars while sleeping In his^house yesterday. The weaistn used was^an ax. which, with StillwelPs p^^cket bta k^and 885, was found in an alley in the rear^of the house. NOMOREAMYSTERY. TheMutilated Body Found in Fair-^mount Park, Philadelphia, Idan.^tilled Yestarday. HOWTHE DEED WAS DONE The Victim and His Slayer Ware^Partners, and tha Murder Wat Committedin a Fit of Passion^^A Confession. Philadelphia,Dec. SI.^The^surrounding the finding of the mutilated^remains of the murdered man in East Pair-^mount park, Wednesday fast, has been^solved, the corpse identified and tha mur-^Asn r is in prison. The murder was a dia^^bolical tme, and the motive for the deed^waa to obtain the money of the murdered^man; but all that the murderer Is knowu to^have realized by his crime Is $40. Through^the published portrait of the dead man the^body was recognized as that of Antoioe^Schilling, and the murder traced to Jacob^Schroop, a partner of Schilling In a small^grocery store. Thehatchet, axe and saw used by^Schroop was found Id the cellar of his^house this morning, covered with blood.^The body was carried Into the cellar where^It was evidently allowed to remain until^the following morning. After having been^cut into pieces u was placed in bags and^removed to the place where found. Ihe^wooden floor with which a portion of the^cellar was covered waa bhaid stained In^many places and resembled a slaughter^house. Schroop*s wife, who la prostrated^on account of her husband's arrest, Is In^the custialy of the officers, and will likely^be removed to a hospital until she recovers^from the shock, when It la likely she, too,^will be placed behlud the bars on the^charge of having had a hand In the mur^^der. Themurderer was given a hearing be^^fore a magistrate to-day. He gave his^name as Jacob SchiMip, aged 68 years, and^said be was boru In Switzerland. A police^official testified to .Vhoop having confessed^to the murder of Schilling and the prisoner^was then formally committed to await the^action of the coroner. Late this afternoon^Chief Wood gave to the newspapers a copy^of ttie confession made by Scnoop, in^w blob the latter says the name of the mur^^dered man win Antoine Schilling, and that^he killed him about 6 o'clock on the morn-^lug of Christmas day. He aays he arose^from bed about that nour and went to the^kitchen to get some f^md for hta wife, who^was sick. On ha^klng In tho cupboard he^found no victuala there, and turning to^Schilling, who waa in the room, accused^him of having eaten what had been left In^the closet. Schilling denied having eaten^the food and Schoop, becoming angered,^knock, -t him down and beat him to death^with a heavy piece of wood. He left the^body lying in the kitchen unMl 6 o'clock tn^the afternoon, when he cut off the legs and^threw the body and severed legs Into the^cellar. The next morning about 6 o'clock^he hitched up a horse and wagon and hav^^ing placed the dismembered liody in two^bags he loaded the hags into the wagon^and dmve to the park aud placed the bags^in the pipe, where they were found late the^same day by the boys. eweathebT amparatuia 1 ^au ^Jar at Hale na and at^Various Othar r clntt In tha Northwaat. Thetemperature In Helena yesterday, as^shown by K. S. Hale A Co.'s Yale College^observatory thermometer, was as follows: 7a. m., 11 degrees below zero; fi p. m.,^10 below; 10 p. tn , 4 below. Dispstchesto the Indkpendknt last^evening show the following conditions at^the points named at A o'clock: UrealKails^Clear, brisk northwest^winds, 2 above. Fortfienton^Clear, calm, light east^wind, 15 above. llutteClear, calm, 10 above. AnacondaClear, calm, zero. BattleCreek, N. W. T.-Clear, calm.^10 atMive. FortShaw-Cloudv, strong northwest^wind, zero. FortAsslnalioine-Clear.southwest wind,^^ above. TELEGRAPHICBREVITIES. JohnMatthews, one of the escaped Hald stnooaara,was revsptured last night. Theconference of Presbyterians of the^North and South continued yesterday. The proceedingswere secret. Forthe first time In years the Emperor^of Kussia haa aent friendly Christmas^greetings to the pope. itis estimated at the treaaury that there^has been a decrees* of ^16,000,000 in the^public debt during December. Duringthe year IhHM 383,579 Immigrants^landed In Casein Garden, New York, an In^^crease of 1.W77 over the previous year. Atthe president's New Year's reception^Mrs. Cleveland will be assisted by Hiss^Bayard, Mrs. Kalrchild, Mrs. Whitney and^Mrs. Dickinson. TwaItaliau engineer officers, in the dis^^guise of stone masons, have been arrested^at Ivaii-Gorod. The plans of Russian^fortresses were found In their possession. W.II. Illgglnitoihaurs Blue Valley Bank^at Manhattan K^ .closed yesterday. Total^liabilities, SI04.000; assets, S'JUO.OOO. Tha^bank was organized in IH^u. HenryHorner A Co., wholesale grocers,^of Chicago, are minus $15,000, and their^city collector, a telative of a member of the^firm, is missing. Indianadvices say cholera prevai's tn a^virulent form at trillion, on the Malabar^coast It is reported that 2 000 Christians^have succumbed lo the disease. TheLivingston Cloth Mills company at^Bristol. Pa, made an assignment yester^^day. The mlils are cloned and 400 people^are thrown out of employ incut. Thehealth of the King of Wurtemhurg^is again unsatisfactory. Ills majesty is In^diguaiit at his ministers' persi.-tent opposi^^tion to the reunion of his American^friends. YesterdayJohn Cochran, a small boy,^went into a sewer at Fittsburg with a^lighted match to hunt for a natural gas leak. An explosion followed which fatally humidhim. FerryH. Adams, of New York, has been^appointed receiver of the effects of James^II ingersoll. of Tweed ring notoriety.^Tb**re are Judgments against Ingerrsoll^aggregating over S100,000, and suits pend^^ing for$7H,0O0 more. EdwardHarrington, M. P., has been^sentenced to six months Imprisonment^with hard labor for publishing In his paper,^the Kerry Sentinel, reports concerning '^suppression of branches of the Natli league. No appeal was taken. HonMoses Mordecal died at Baltimore^Sunday of ossification of the heart, aged 88^years. He was a native of South Carolina,^ami represented that state in the United^aV.ates senate for two terms preceding the^rebellion. Duringthe performance of *'A Midsum^iner Night's Dream.^ at Berlin laat even-^Ing, Princess Adalbert ot Bavaria was^seised with a violent attack of hysteria^and had to be removed. She has since be^^come worse, aud it Is believed she will be^^come Insane. Thepresident has granted pardons In the^cases of A. O. Green, Jos I ah Klchardson,^Joseph H. Bylngton. William Sevlns and^Sydney Weeks. Tneae pers^ ns, with the^exception of Weeks, were convicted In the^distnciof Idaho of unlawful cohabitation*^Weeks was convicted of adultery. Onehundred and twenty priests havw^^ U'h. .1 a protest against the imprisonment^of Father Kennedy, found guilty of at^^tending meetings of suppressed branches^of the National league. The protest avers^the league la a legal rrganiaattuo, that^rather Kennedy's offence is political and^uut criminal.