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MINE ON EVERY LOT. Recent Developments in the KENWOOD district, comprising the Bradford, Brooke and Syndicate Additions to Helena, make the above statement almost absolutely true. But there are other features of this part of Helena that out weigh the probability of finding gold in paying quantities, and those are the freedom from smoke and dust that ... KENWOOD Enjoys beyond any other suburb, the direct water service, insur ing purity and freshness, the fine view, the rich soil, school facil ities, street car service, good drives and numerous other advantages. Prices are now reasonable, and the present is the time to buy. My list com prises many very choice locations. 21, 215, 216, POWER BUILDING, HELENA, MONTANA.UT H 214, 215, 216, POWER BUILDING, HELENA, MONTANA. - DEA Of SKELETONS. bservations of a Philadelphia Sealer Who Has Had Twenty Years' Experience. :1, Do obuire's Quarters in Phila d~pcisl a Veritable Cham ber of Horrors. ver 2,000 Skeletons Imported Into This Country, but the Supply Is tuanning Short. To deal in the bones of human beings ould be an occupation repugnant to most en, says the Philadelphia Record. Yet in he vicinity of Sixth and South streets lives n old Frenchman who finds more pleasure in this occupation than anything else in is life. His store is a veritable den of keletons. The weather-beaten sign winging over the door, creaking dismally with every gust of wind, bears his simple legend: "M. de Robaire, Parfumerie." From which it is evident monsieur would have the world believe that he deals almost exclnsively in those per fumed waters so dear to the feminine heart. Every family has a skeleton in the closet. however, and monsieur's family, which consists only of himself, is no exception to the general rule. He has his skeleton, in fact he has seoree of them in closets and otherwise-the majority otherwise. The truth of the matter is, the old Frenchman deals in skeletons. Living as he does in a neighborhood thickly populated by ignorant negroes, who are, as a rule, very superstitions, lDe Be baire has found it necessary to ply his queer trade as secretly as possible. The "doctor" has occupied his present head quarters for the last quarter of a century, and enjoys quite a large practice among the colored people, who would have nothing to do with him did they suspect the weird do ings about the lt tle shop. The second floor boa.e of only two small rooms, the rear one being used as a work shop, while the other, directly over the store and fronting on the .Svest, serves the double purpose of bedohamber and store room. buch another bedohamber as the one oc oupied by the old Frenchman probably does not exist, and how monsieur manages to sleep the sleep of the just amongesuch grew some surroundings is an insolvable mystery to the few who have been admitted to it. The walls of the small room are orna mented with skulls and crossbones, and real life-sized skeletons, or, rather, death like skeletons, in all sorte of grotesque po sitions. Four hideous skulls grin from their positions on top of the four posts of the bed, and close to the sides of the bed stands a skeleton with arms outstretched doing duty as a clothes rack. The whole is dimly lighted up by a faint glimmer of light emenating from a lamp made of a ghastly skull suspended from the middle of th4 cilling with thongs of tanned human hide. De Robaire himself is an odd-looking man and the resemblance between him and one of his own skeletons is decidedly striking. He has gaunt, wolf-like features, his thin upper lip and bony chin being adorned with an iron-gray mooustache and imperial, His head is entirely bald save for a few bristly fed hairs standing up on his forehead like a small bonfire, and under a pair of bushy eyebrows of the same fiery hue his small black eyes glitter like coals of fire. For a score of years he has been carrying on his business in the old place, having emigrated from France in 1865, coming di eses to Philadelphia, where he established himself in bnsiness. For a time he had a hard struggle to keep soul and body to gether. owing to the number of competitors in the field, together with the dullness of business. It soon became necessary for him, in addition to his other trade, to set himself up as a druggist, and he still runs his little shop, though principally as a de cLate in the '60's, when the Knights of Pythias were organized in this state, the demand for skeletons increased, as they were used to a great extent in the lodge rooms. De Iobaire prospered as a conse quence, since most of his competitors had given up the business. Off and on during the following twenty years business was brisk and dull by turns, but the old man has amassed a small fortune and there is no reason why he should longer continue in the business, except that he has taken a likint to his work, such as every true artist does. He is an artist in the full Pense of the word. There is undoubtedly no one who can articulate a skeleton as neatly as he, and it is no idle boast on his part when he claims that with eyes blind folded he can take a mass of bones repre senting the human frame and build up the skeleton as it was originally, without one bone out of place. Again, he can by merely touching a bone tell to a certainty what part of the frame of man or beast it belongs. There is no nossi ble way of determining the nationality of the person who existed around a certain skeleton during life except that in the case of a negro the aperture in the skull once covered by the nose is not so narrow and sharpened as a white man. The "doctor" while standing in his work shop a few days ago with his sleeves rolled up over his skinny arms, thus held forth on the subject nearest his heart. "This skeleton you see me operating on I have imported from France. You will notice the high polish on the bones, due to a method of preparation practiced only by the French. They clean thebones by a process of macer ation with muariatic acid, the whole opera tion requiring two or three months' time, while in this country the bones are hastily and Carelessly boiled and come out rough and dirty. In all my twenty years' service I have never come across a Chinese skele ton. Th isis due to the fact that a China man believes he will not reach heaven unless his bones rest in the Flowery King dom. "The different prices of skeletons are based upon their degrees of hardness and whiteness, upon the development of the bones, and the amount or absence of fat in their extremities. For this reason the French article is decidedly of more valhd than the American or German. Up to this year over 2,000 skeletons have been imported into this country, but they have become scare of late for some reason, and to supply the demand I find it necessary to manufacture them of paper. Of course I have ia stock of them in my bedroom, but I would not part with these. Mon dieul I have' come to look upon them as dear friendsand companions. are yon see my artificial skeletons made of papier msache, with artificial teeth and the whole covered with a white polish which gives the appearance of the genuine article. I can make three of these each week, and they bring from $10 to $15, while the im /ported genuine article costs from $130 to $35. and the domestic $20. But then the imita tions are boughs only by secret societies. "Yes, I have grown old in the business and love it. I have articulated and handled over 5,000 skeletons in my time." AWtemafle eacners. 3ut time ehanges minds as well as mas aere, thorgh even now when makini changes from one circle to another, it often requires that adaptability whlch could be auld found in one who has automatic man. enre. However, such radical changes not only appear in drawing room repartee, street dress, ate., among people, but also Iq the oonveniences and lanzuri afordea mankind. Railroad travel is one instance. A few years ago, comparatively, one had to consume meek valable time in as uncem. ,nmtsbei way to make what is new thoughi enoihin of ia a niHkt's journey in a sleeper. Tb mosat amodern equipment and troas Petation fatolities can be found on the last treins of the Minneapolis 4 ISt. Lonli railway to Chicago AR Louis, iHof prings, lanaes Oity, et, Inq'iroe of aniy aent of the company, or . Pratt, general ticket sad psm eogUr e MinoaoIa, Mitis. OUR TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF CONTINUOUS BUSINESS Clarke, Conrad & Curtin, THE LEADING DEALERS IN STOVES AND RANGES. We offer a very complete line _ I of all kinds of . lleatinl and CookiniStoves ( -For either Wood or Coal and at prices that will astonish Ner everybody. PJR iP COME AND SEE US. fnIoRLD t1 }ltý.o --- G-ENCY FOR Gilden Sunsh'n Steel Ranges, ,, Acora Line of Heaters adt Cooks, "'-- '"' Sup~eiior Stoves and Rangess 42 AND 44 S. MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 90. THE COOK AMALGAMATOR. THE COOK AMALG.AMATOR may take the plaee of the ordinar? mill tables and operate close up to the batteries, or it works with splendid results on th4 tailings from other amalgamatiag devices. It is CHEAP. DESIRABLE AND EFFICIENT. and will save nicety-nine per aent. of all the metale whichb will amalgamate, no matter how fine, and the loured quirk in tho tailinllgs from other, amlalgamatling sapparatus. here are very many plaOce in Montana where the Cook Amalgamator will pay for itsell every mouth. I Will Guarantee Satisfaotion Where I Advise the Purchase. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. G. C. Swallow, Helena, Sole Agent for Montana. deolined tM pr+o of State ,,ine Inspeotor. I am now prepared to examrine and report en wines, aud altd in buying aud .elling the scans. I have had orty.flrve years' in minun, G. C. BwArI.,ow. oee Amalgamator at my Offloe from 9 to 12 A. M. -AT A SACRIFICE, After an extraordinary rush upon.our stock of Wines, Cigars and Liquors, after our positive announcement that we must close out, we have now on hand that must be closed out immediately Fifty-Five Barrels of Bond & Lillard Spring of 1887 Whiskies, Besides numerous other brands, that we will close out either in part, by the gallon or barrel, or the entire outfit, at PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Cigars, Wines and Fancy Liquors are still being offered at PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. We wish to announce to the family trade that we are able to stock their cel lars and pantries with the most delicious Whiskies, Wines and Fancy Liquors at prices never before heard of. We still wish to impress upon the minds of the public that when we say that we must positively olose out WE MEAN BUSINESS. Give us a call. I.L. ISRAEL & CO. . .. .