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The Helena independent. [volume] (Helena, Mont.) 1875-1943, September 17, 1892, Morning, Image 5

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ohaels Farrell Takes an Ounce of
the Deadly Drug With Fatal
e Budden End of the Well
Known Livery Stable
H Dad Just sold One Place and Was
Negotiating for the Purhase of
Michael Farrell, the well-known livery
sbl man, took an ounee of laudanum at
tis home, 1400 Harrison avenne, in the
lroadwater addition, shortly after four
o'tlock yeseteday afternoon, and "died at
geven o'elook. Mr. Farrell was until !hb
isre of the month the proprietor of the
livery stable on Park avenue near Law
renae auret, and about that time he sold
out. Since then he had been pegotiating
for the parehase of John Zeigler'a lvery
stable and negotiations were almost com
plute, the only hitch being a disagreement
over the pries of two hearses. He went
home about four o'olock yesterday after
noon. Shortly after going to his room his
daughter Kate found him apparently suffer
lag from the effets of some drug. In an
swer to questions he said he had taken
poison and expected to die. The family at
anue summoned assistance from the neilh
bore, and while waiting for dootore to
come, Mr. Farrell was walked up and down
on the porch to overcome as far
as possible the efeots of the dpng.
An empty ounce e vial was
found in his bedroom, showing what he had
taken. It was 'after the usual office
hours of most physicians when the drug
was swallowed, and it was some time before
one could be summoned by telephone.
Finally Dr. Vincent Haight and Dr. Wm.
L. Steele were reaphed and respondqd at
once. By that time Mr. Farrell was very
far gone. The doctors, however, labored on
him faithfully, but it waq ujeleps, as' he
died a little less than three hours 'after
taking the laudanum. It is said that when
despondent and sleepless he hail been in
te habit of taking more or Iass of the
drug to induce slumber, and his family
think that in this case he took too much.
Nothing was known at the house that would
indicate that It was a case of self-destruo
tion except the remark made to his daugh
tqr. He had a pleasant home and was com
fortably fixed financially. He was 58 years
ojd and leaves a widow and six children,
fle sons and one daughter. Two of the
sans are in Helena, one in Marysville, one
in Butte and one in Philipsburg. Coroner
Rockman will hold an inquest to-day. The
jurors are Matt Carroll, Jesse Ingraham,
Emil Brule, 8. N. Nicholson, Leon A. La
oroix and H. C. Seltzer.
The prettiest silver ebatelaine watches in the
state at the Helena Jewelry Co.
Rosh-Ha-Sihonu cards just received at the Bee
Commercial work with dispatch at the
Independent Job Rooms.
Messrs, T. C. Bach and R. B. Smith In
Place of Toole and Clayberg.
After mature deliberation 'and a sincere
4,s,.dvor. to anxser the call of the party, E,
W. Toole and J. B. Clayberg, democratic
nominees for members of the legislature,
have notified Chairman Hanley they could
not accept the honor conferred by the con
vention. Mr. Toole, in his declination,
"Considering the important measures
that will come before the next legislative
assembly for its consideration a nomina
tion at this time as a candidate for mem
bership of that body must be regarded as a
compliment of more than ordinary signifl
sance. And while I feel grateful and under
the highest obligations to the beople of this
state, and especially to the citizens of
Lewis and Clarke, for the kindness and
patronage extended to me during the last
quarter of a century, my business affairs
are scub as to render it utterlyimpractica
ble for me to represent them, should the
electors of the county be disposed to confer
upon me so distinguished a trust. Not
withstanding it would afford me great
pleasure to make the canvass, and, if
elected, serve the public in the capacity
proposed, with the able and worthy oandi
dates put in nomination by the convention,
my time is so engaged in professional mat
ters for the coming winter as to forbid the
propriety of accepting the position so
unanimously tendered to me. Permit me
to assure you that the nominees of the con
vention will receive my hearty support,
and that in the future, as in the past. I will
be found an earnest worker in the rank and
file to secure their election."
Mr. OlCyberg was oomi elled to decline
for the same reason that prevents Mr.
Toole making the race-press of business.
He will be compelled to go to London about
the first of the year on professional busi
ness, thus necessitating his absence from
the state just when the legislature is in
seassion. Under the oireumstanoees Chair
man Banley has been forced to aooede to
the wishes of the gentlemen, and has ao
cepted their registrations, though regret.
ting greatly the necessity that compelled
him to do so.
Thoqgh everyone wil regret the with
drawal of Messrs. Tools and Clayberg, they
will be pleased to know that both gentle
men will have worthy encesesors. Judge
T. C. Bach and Hon, R. B. Smith have been
selectedto fill the vaoancies. Two better
selections could not have been made,
Mossrs. Toolo and Olayberg Were ohosen be
eause of their pecullar ftness to deal with
questions arising in connection with the
new codes. And their successors were
pokedout withthe same ideas in view,
Both are thoroughly equipped lawyers, ac
quainted with every interest not only of the
courts, but of the state, and Lewis and
Clarke need have no fear but that as mem
bers of the legislature they will look out for
Its interests in every possible way. As it
was on the night the eounty convention ad
joufned, so it is to-day--the demoerats have
the strongest legislative ticket ever put in
the field in this county by any party.
lies' lace wraps are being macrificed at The
Le Hivle. Be sure and see them.
Odontuender applied to the Rums for
ainless extractlon of teeth. Positively
noplain. Dr. Shimomin, dentist, liath ave.
and Main.
New books by the beet authors at popular
prices at Tle Bee lHive.
Democratie Ceatral Committee.
The members of the demooratio central
committee of Lewis and Clarke county are
called to meet in special session at head
quarters in the Broadwater club rooms,
this Saturday evening. A full attendance
is requested as business of importance is to
be considered. DANtat HAwILty,
R F. WILKINSON, Chairman.
(Blasow l..e thread 00-yard spool, lt-the
best thread for crocheting-at Bauteher & trsd
Wanted-Table boarders at 106 North Warren
Montana Watermelons.
We received last night a carload of Mon
tana watermolons. They., are the nhet
melons ever, brought to I$elea.
Attention Chevallers,
Regular meeting of Canton Bohuyler Col
fax No. 2 on Monday evening, Sept, 9Lth,
81511.. Wit. cnBos, Capt.
E. W. Fau, Qlerk.
Of the oserits to be give at the opera
house this afternoon- and evennng the
Wseblntla, D. O., Chronicle has the fol
We eannot forbear to speak a word of
praine of the band aseompanylng the viset
a. V. lguavas.
ainn ommandery. It Is seldom one has the
privilege of listening to such really finished
playing. The volume of sound is perfectly
harmonious and smooth as coming from a
combination of instruments which blend
together the proper proportions of the
diferent parts, leaving no harsh, bold,
prominent sound whatever.
Big'na Baratts surpassed herself in the
rendition of Meyerbeer's lovely cavatine.
in which she threw a rare expression and
power seldom heard. This lady has a pure
Italian production of tone, and she quite
won her audlenoa in this most beautiful
It Stands Alone.
What Edwln Booth's Hamlet, Mr. Bar
rett's Richelien, Mr. Irving's Matties and
McCullough's Gladiator is to the stage
whereon male stars are famous, that is
Margaret Mather's Juliet to the field of
woman's work. It stands alone and apart
from all others not alone by reason of its
'mnrltbut beoause in it Miss Mather is uni
Vereally reeognized asno the only one who can
at once look the part, fill the trying require.
ments of the role and give to it that deli
cacy of shading that the play deserves and
must have to be adequately presented.
Then, too, it is said that the supporting
company is very capable, the Romeo of
Laurence Cautley, the Meroatio of Mr.
Whiting, the Capulet of H. A. Langdon
and the nurse of Mis. Sol Smith being fit
ting companions for the perfection of the
stellar role. The engagement of Miss
Mather for next Tunsday night promise to
be the great event of the year.
The New York Ctlothing compsny desires to
announce that they have secured the agency for
the "Chrlatys''" famous stiff hate.
Independe nt Job trooms make a spe
coalty of law brielfs.
Butcher & Bradley are headqunarters for all
the latest deselns and materials for fancy work.
'their prices are always the lowest.
tCanuel K. Davis' SpeOt..
IvNTAIrT n grTOgs.
Iron Mountain. The best and safest in
vestment of any dividend paying mine in
the United States. eocord, $120.000 divi
dends paid the last seven months, over 40
per cent per annum, with three years ore in
sight. Lots large and small at bottom
Bald Butte. The best gold mine so far
developed in Montana. One block 5,000
shares and a few small lots that are a sate
Bi-Metallioc Extension (Philipsburg). Has
the Bi-Metahlic and Granite leads. As a
safe epscultive investment is recom
Cumberland (Castle). One 10,000 share
block for sale at a price. The late devel
opments would warrant the purchase of
this block as a speculative investment.
A free-milling gold property near Helena
for sale. The developments shbowthis to be
the cheapest property offered in this mar
ket. Rooms 26 and 27, Bailey block.
Sook at those handsome sapphires at the Hel
ena Jewelry Co.
The Bee Hive has just received a full line of
Jewish hew Year cards of all the latest editions
1892 Fall Opening.
Novelties in millinery goods, French
pattern hats, fancy feathers, new tim
mings, eta,, Friday and Saturday, Sept.
16 and 17. I defy competition in goods,
styles or prices. Mas. F. KEMPsrY.,
12 Warren street, Helena, Mont.
Miss Jackman will give lessons In short
hand Tuesday, Thursday and Friday even.
Ings, beginning Sept. 1. 48 Halley bluek.
Big drive in men's nunderwea. shirts, hose and
furnishing goods of all kinds at The Bee Hive.
Independent Job Rooms make a spe
cialty of law briefs.
4ireuse! Grousel Gronsel
New York counts, blue points and shell
oysters, little nooek clams, celery and mallard
docks. BosToN FisH MARKET.
Telephone 57. 13 N. Warren street.
A tfew more decorated tea sets at The Bee Hive
at the very low price of S5.h5.
Closin onuteale of summer goods at The lpm
hfive. IBummer goods of all kInds must lo.
Miles City
Is not in the capital race, but she gsives the
best watermelolous in the west. Call at our
store to-day and see them.
Legal blanks at this otlice.
We have the largest line of sapphire and dia
mond mountinrgs In the city. HelenaJewelry Cao.
Tihe lon Tou.
Dinner from five to eight.
Newest and latest destins in stamrd pillow
and table covers at Butcher & Bradley s.
EverythIng in tite line or job printing at
the Independent Joub Rooms.
Why Dr. Price's Baking Powder is
Superior to all others.
No great efforts are made by other manufacturers
to procure and use pure materials.
It is true that one other company has the facilities,
but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use
ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price
Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure
baking powder.
No other article of human food receives greater care
in its production, or has attained higher perfection. Dr.
Price's Cream is surely a perfect baking powder. Free from
every taint of impurity. No other article used in the
kitchen has so many steadfast friends among the house.
wives of America.
IJudge Hunt Quashes the Writ of
Review Obtained by Mackey
and Widmer.
A Yellowstone County Bobool
Teacher Who Is uling for
Her Pay.
Proceedings II the United States Crcuitt
and Distrlet Court-Preparlng
to Vote.
Yesterday Judge Hunt granted the motion
to quash the wait of review inssed to Jus.
ltue Fleisober's court in the eaS of William
H. Mackey and Joseph Widmer. '1 hey
were arrested some time ago on complait.
of Supt. McCauley, who represents the
English syndicate which is mining for sap
phires and gold on the Missonri river. The
charge was malicious destruction of prop
erty in interfering with flumes placed over
disputed ground by McCauley. Mackey
and Widmer were cited to appear before
Judge Fleiocher last Tuseday. This hear
ing was stopped by the issuance of the writ
of review. It is understood that the trou
ble grows out of a dispute as to the title to
some mining g:ound which is now in litiga
tion in the dist:let court. The defendants
will have their bearing before Justice
Fleisber to-day.
After Her Pay.
Arguments were heard in the sup eme
court yesterday in the case of Louise Shap
play vs. the board of commiesioneri of
Yellowstone county. It is a mandames
case to compel the county commissioners
to levy a special tax, to provide for the
plaintiff's pay as a school teacher. In aen
other suit against Yellowstone county she
got judgment against the school trustees
and the commissioners. This suit was
afterwards dismissed and the mandamus
case commenced.
United States Courts.
In the case of Ellen Goff vs. Thomas Goff
et al, yesterday, the motion of the defend
ants to dismiss the bill of complaint.was
overruled by Judge Knowles. The motion
of plaintiff to file an amended bill was de
nied and the case will be tried next Novem
In the case of Gilebrist Bros. & Edgar vs.
The Helena Hot Springs and Smelter rail
war company, the motion for leave to file
exceptions to the report of the master in
chancery, was argued and submitted.
In the case of Pullman vs. Stebbins the
motion to file a bill of intervention for the
Gallatin Valley National bank was contiq
nued until next Thursday.
The hearing on motion for new trasl in
the case of Duncan vs. Albertos was con
tinued for the toe, m.
A bill of exceptions to the rulings of
Judge Knowles in refusing to dissolve the
attachment of the St. Louis 4iningu and
Milling com:any against the Montana com
pany, limited, was filed yesterday.
The circuit and district courts have ad
journed until Sept. 22 at two p. m.
D!strlit Court.
The following were admitted to citizn
ship yesterday: James T. Aineley, George
Abercrombie, natives of Canada, and Thee.
Straupe, a native of Ireland. kau pplica
tion for letters of administretiosi of the
estate of Michael Hoff was filed in depart
ment No. 2 yesterday by James Sullivan. A
venire for trial jurors was issued yesterday
by Judge Bock.
Criminal Calendar.
The following oases have been set for
trial in department No. 1:
Sept. 19-State vs. Duval; State vs. Mc
rept. 20-State vs. Taylor: State vs. Brad
Sept. 21-State vs. Jackson; State vs. Jack
Sept. 22-State vs. Yee Kee, three cases:
State vs. Long, three oases.
Sept. 28-State vs. Dickerson, two cases.
Sept. 24-State vs. Clancut.
Sept. 26-State vs. Wells.
Sept. 27-State vs. Toole.
Sept. 28-State vs. Manot.
Annual Statements.
The following annual statements were
filed with thbo county clerk yesterday: Den
ver and Helena Investment company; capi
tal stock, $800,000, of which 300 shares were
issued to A. L. Dowd, and 7,907 shares of
$100 each issued to F. It. Wallace, for his
interest in the ne(' of section 32, town 10,
north of range 3 west, and a three-eighths
interest in the nw)4 of the same section.
subject to an inoumbrance of $140,000:
assets in real estate, $800,000; debts, $4,180.
Helena Hotel company; capital stock,
$45,000. all paid in; debts, $14,490.62.
Fourth of July company; capital stock,
$750,000: $50,000 paid in in property;
debts, $20;),500,
Good Luck Mining company: oepital
stook, $1,000,000; actually paid' in, $50; no
Clrrlstys' Lorrdon stiff hats, fall styles, Jusat re
ceived at the New York Clothinlr eompany's.
If you want your Job work dIone qullkly
and neatly, patronize thie lndepenuent J.ub
Hair chains and swltche made to order by
Mrs. I. Miller, No. 22' Irouadway.
There will be a vocal and instrumental
concert at Turner hall, Sunday evening,
Sept. 19, by the Maennerhabor, and the opera
house orchestra. The whole affair will be
"under the auspices of the nrew managers.
Lincen & Grimm, and there will be a grand
ball after the concert. A cordial invitation
is extended to every one.
Montana Weatermelons.
We received last night a carload of Mon
tana watermelons. They are the inset
melons ever blought to Helena.
Why le the eamoeppoUam ae Leadlng
FIrst-Onr rate are ruesonable, $1.2 and 81.50
MouId-We sive a first-oa service for the
`hird--Mal ~e served at all hours, day md
F.osurtb-I dinl room is presided over by
frIth-Yoan ca order what you want and pay
for what Yonu pt.
orxth--Ypn d not have to help) py the hptel
dean h.rt' bill-. e our terIs ere trioetly rnh.
leventh-ile.trleasre pan the houses every 15
oEIulth--And lost, it on will find one man that
Lays thes are not all facts we will give you a
fve.airat Montmna SIpphire.
HMoule ]3ros., ,Aveu.o
" I)i )AL.IE( IN e e
Sawed ald Split Cord Wood
Wood geweti to ordor by steam, (all and ex
Wmile and order your wroud befor, winter ,ete in
Iutltiuftno guarmnteed. Tlelephone 142.
:%7Y - . .
A Home Run in Groceries,
Our groceries score a home run
every time. In this case rivalry is
out of the question. We are ahead
in the extent and variety of our
stock, the superior quality of our
goods, the prompt and reliable ser
vice given to our customers, and-
no, there's one point in which we
are not ahead-in prices, in that
respect we're away behind; we sell
everything at rock-bottom figures.
Low prices keep our stock in mo
tion and leave nothing to get slag.
nant or stale. Look at our custom
ers and you will conclude that our
I groceries are all right.
---TURNER & Co.
J. C. REMINGTON, Manager.
Saturday, Sept. 17.
SReeves' atineeo
Famous and
American Two
Band. framn
D. W. ic eoaro , DIirector. p oncerts,
Organized in 1 a87.
Signoria Mar'e Baraetts Morgan ......... SVprdno
B. I. Church......... ...t a ornot Soluist
America's Greatest Virtureo.
Max Gue' tor .................... 1, lut, Soloist
Wiln. B. Smith ................. Trombno Soloist
And ten groat no'o'sto, in a grand, popular and
l: siical program orre unsurpacssed by any
Band in Amelia.
Sorne of the foatlars ,-e "rannlhanor and W'ill
iam 7 ell o e -tures- Iis; t'n P iaeorloie He ngrois?,
No. 2; "t e.rriura of MeRire.' i0 Great ko:st,;
"''ose. Shanmrock n li T ti.t," etc.
Rfrser\voed seats for 'n'e at Pope & O'('tcnnor'a
Drug atore.
Assisted by Laurence Ciotley.
In Shakespeare's Greatest Tragedy,
Hlandoume I ostemee
Complete tPlay.
Tour under direction of it I. Leavitt.
1r shlloet open at i'ope & O'Connor'a drug
sore Mondsywmorning, sept. I. Pricas: Entire
lower floor, $1.,s gallery, 5Oo. Free adaission
limited to the prise only,
lay, Grain, Flour, Fed, Riolle Oats,
L'orreepondonoo with ranchmen eollelted, as we
are always ready to purehae oats in large
quantities for euah.
Wholesale Agents for the Celebrated
Royal Banner and Pride of
the Valley Flour.
Telephone No. 108. 13fl Izomeman St.
.ear N. 1'. l'aseouor Depot.
No. 43 Montana National Bank
Building, Helena, Mont.
U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor.
A a*'PEl 1 I.TY.
Freight and Transfer Line
All klnd lof meehandlee and othelr rtelab'
lmelsdi oeea. promptly trnnterred from Ie
*na J D'eldbeea'e estee
T. G. POWER c 60.,
Montana Agents for the world renowned Walter A. Wood Har.
vesting Machinery, Single Apron Binders, Mowers, Rakes and
Hand implements of every description. Schuttler and Rushford
Wagons, etc. Send for circulars.
The Helena Jewelry Go.,
. . DEALERS IN " "
Watchmakers, Jewelers and Engravers
Manufacturers of Jewelry from Native Gold and Silver
The Statististics of the Engineering and Mining Journal are
published a year before those collected by the Government, and
are tbs only statistical reports obtainable.
See the Annual Statistical Number of
The Engineering and linin Journal.
Send Your Orders Before the Supply Is Exhausted.
On Improved Farms and City Property,
Is Generally Renovated and Under New Management
' T- $7PER WEEK.
Monday and Tuesday,
SEPT. 19 AND 20.
T'he Leadin lillinEry, Notioni and Fancy Dry Goods Honse in the Cit

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