i.0KI ON THE STREETS. The Systematie Way in Whloh Im. provements Are being Conducted. A carry.lna Out of the Original Design regarding the Grame Plat& Davis Street Wlame Delleved to De Fixed at mest-The southeast Part of the Town. It takes time and it takes money to make a City beautiful, no matter what the natu ral advantages may be in the matter of lo eation and surroundings. When Helena was laid out, the site was selected more with the view of being near the original pliser diggings of Last Chance gulch than with any idea of finding a location that could be beautified with little trouble and small expense. It remained for the skill of her engineers and the money and musole of her otisens, to make Helena what she is to-day-en attractive, and in most parts, a pretty city, despite the fast that nature has so arranged matters that there is no easily ecsessible point from whleh the entire place can be taken in with one comprehsn -ive glance. The multipliclty of gulehes, smaller or larger, within the corporate lim its of Helena. the steep hills to be elimbed or out through, and the depressions to be filled up, make the laying out of a system of streets and the construcetion of a system of sewerage or surface drainage which will do the work of carrying off the water with out damage to property, a diffioult matter. Thousands of dollars have been spent on the streets of the city in grading and regrading, cutting down and filling up. Much of this work has been but a temporary expedient, and subsequent events have shown that changes were needed. Mayor Curtin, at the outset of his administration, decided that what work was done on the streets should be done with the idea of perma nency. His appointee as street commis sioner, C. C. Stnbbs, has a large force of men employed in all parts of the city. There are so many things going on that it keeps the street commissioner moving around as fast as a horse can carry him. There is a foremen for nearly every large gang of men, while J. H. Bousher acts as a general assistant. - The general plan carried out in the street grading at present is to make a eat where ever one is necessary, and use the exca vated earth for filling in where there is a depression. In doing this the question of proper surface drainage is kept in view. The original intention of allowing an op portunity to property owners to beautify the street in front of their houses is being carried out. The design was all along to allow for a roomy sidewalk and a four foot grass plat between it and the gutter. In very few nlaces-so few, in fact, that they ase looked upon as curios ities-has this been done. Wherever there is any grading done now the place for the grass plat is carefully levelled off and a gut ter dug on the outer edge. Since the city has done this there is no doubt but that at as early a day as possible one will be able to move along many streets of Helega and asee long rows of green grass between the sidewalks and the street. On many of the prinoipal thoroughfares, where the grades are steep, stone gutters have been put in. This is particularly noticeable on Broad way, Sixth avenue, Grand street and State street. The gutters formerly made on these steep inclines lasted well enough for ordinary rains, but a heavy storm was sure to wash deep gullies or else fill up the gutters with debris and sand. The stone gutters are expected to be able to stand any amount of water. A regular system of gutters is being built at street Crossings also. Instead of continuing the Srosswalks from one side of the street to the other without a break, a cut is made for the gutter, and gutter plates laid over the openings. The greatest amount of work on the sewerage system has been done on the Davis street flume. The wooden flume has been covered from its beginning up in Dry gulch to its present terminus below Eleventh avenue. From there on a defleo tion is being made a little to the east by means of a sewer of stone walls, which will have a plank top even with the grade of Davis street. This stone sewer will run along the front of the contiguons lots, so that the wooden top will answer the double purpose of a sidewalk and to keep the water in. Crossing the different streets which intersect Davis street along the line of the flume large wooden culverts have been built up tothe surface. 'lhis has been done at all crossing except one, where the flume was already on grade. These enulverts are exoected to carry the water across without letting it overflow at the intersections of the streets, while the cov ering on the top of the flume will, no doubt, prevent any overflow along Davis street. The trouble with the flume has been heretofore that large quantities of debris have washed down and choked up the .space where it was confined at the t crossinge under the streets. At the upoer end of the flume a grating was constructed to catch the debris and allow nothing bat water to enter the flume. Since then the street commissioner has decided that it would be better to stop the debris further up the galch. From First street to the upper end of the flume, on the east side of Davis street there is a gully through which, on the occasion of heavy storms, the water has rushed down to the flume with its piles of debris. This debris in turn choked up the flume and eaused the water to back up and form a stagnant sond, which would be ser eral days in draining off. At First street a bridge has been erected with stone abutment, and the part east of Davil street which was designed for the bed of First street has been filled in with earth. Across the apper end of the bridge a gratlng will be placed, and this with the emnbankment made by tlllng in the bed of First street, will stop all the debria there in one spot, and make it easy of removal after a storm, besides allowinu nothing but water to pass down into the flume. Another bridge has been built and a similar fill is being made at Ilhird street, east of Davis. The next most exteneive sewer improvement is that on Boulder avenue. The sides of the old flume crossang the arenue had cared in. 'they are being rebuilt and extended up to the surface of the street, instead of being ser eral feet underground as heretofore. lThe most extensive piece of street work is the eutting through of J,sawrenbe street from Main to lRodney. The cut, at its deepest part, will be twenty-five and one half feet below the original surfae. 'There is a little army of men and teams at work in this eut, which is being made gradually auntil it gets down to the established grade. Plows run along the upper edge of the out and turn the dirt over into the opening already made, from which point it is shoveled into earts and hauled away. It is very useful dirt too. as it is usneed on those streets which need filling up to bring them up to the proper grade. The dirt gotten from the Lawrence street cut is very useful for this purpose, as it makes an excellent roadway, packs easily and evenly, and presents a hard surface. It has been used to good advantage on the lower tart of Bodney street and on Tenth and Eleventh avenues. Large quantities of the same dirt have been used on the west side also. in places where the street beds needed patching up. The rock gotten from the Lawrence street cut is being utilixed in sewer and gutter work. Eighth avenue work was also a big im provement From Beattie to Davis street there had been praotically no grade on this arenue that would telieve the surfase of the rain which fell in an ordinary shower. During heavy rainfalls this aossed con siderable damage to property and incon venience to occupants of houses. The property owners finally got what they had aen asking for, and the work was done in a bhort time. In otder to cary eat the improvement as contemplated it was Inoo my. to lowar the rpade of that part of the v ,n.te betw.en avis and BeaIi streetet several feet, and to raimn that part between Beattie and laleigb. The e*alth taken froma the one plft wiluedltol ll 4 n1 the other part The gotheastern motion of the city i one that has been b.ilt up vr rapidly in the past few ea it is t sitated on the Ste slop4 etadlng up to the hills mouth of ibe east aide of town. Some of the reef. denoe in thl aNetion are very fine oneas and all parts of the southeast corner of the oity command a magnifcent view of the valley and the hills beyond. I hough the treets have all been laid out there, little, if any, work has been done on those farthest removed from the eedter of town. Right through this mention there is a galoh, into which all the water rans during a heavy rain, making a perfect river, which dashe down through lots and houses, and aeross streets, doing great damage. The work of gradinl the streets there is now going on. It as being done a sauch a way that the gut ters of each street will accommodate its own water. Beattie street is having a big elloe taken off in one place, and the exoa vated earth is being used to fill in at an other, so that when the work is completed there will be a fine thoroughfare into this part of town. 'l h streets running east and west aerom the guleh mentioned are also being filled in from earth taken at the various excavations, so that when the next big rain comes the troublesome galch will be no longer a terror to the residents of Broadway, Breekenrldge, and other streets. Those already mentioned are but a small part of the street improvements that are going on. There are others, a little or a big fill here and another there, and a out ting down at various points of from six inches to several feet, which will greatly facilitate travel and help beautify the city. The most extensive of thees classes of work have been on Broadway (which has been macadamized east of Davis street), Breekenridge, Raleigh and Beattie streets, Sixth and Fifth avenues, Water street, Ninth avenue, Peosta avenue (the latter having been graded for half a mile), Mon roe street, Hemlock street, Clark street, Bridge street, and numerous other jobs of larger or smaller dimensions. Broadway has had about a foot taken of the surface from Warren street up the bill, and stone gutters are being placed outside the space reserved for Pgral plats. Another slice will be taken off the steep hill on Grand street, above Jackson, and commodious gutters are being built, with wooden sides and top, to accommodate the water which rushes down that steep incline during a rain. In no month since last spring has the piy roll for the street department exceeded $3.700. in spite of the great amount of work being done. Mntual Life six per cent console. LOTS FOR SALE. The following described lots are now of fered for sale, viz: Lots valued at $250 each, in parcels of twenty, to be paid for in twenty installments, each of equal amouqt, and to include all charges. The property is guaaranteed to increase in value each year under a certain contin gency until, with the payment of last in stallment, the present value will be doubled. A unique feature is that in ease of the owner's death the mortgage is extinguished and payments cease. A very valuable clause of the contract is he guarantee of the company that the property, when paid for, will produce a revenue (without spending further capital or improvements) equal to at least six per meat, free of taxes. For particulars apply to SMITH & Co., Agents, Room 14, Merchants Nat'l Bank Bld'g, Helena, Mont. PERSONAL. Thos. E. Brady, of Great Falls, is at The Belena. W. G. White, of Empire, is at the Grand Central. J. T. Case, of Missoula, was in Helena Saturday. J. M. Powers, of Great Falls, Is at the }rand Central. Chas. E. Beckwith, of Missoula, was in town yesterday. George L. Carey, of Livingston, was at The Helena yesterday. C. L. Meyer, of Wiekes, registered at the Grand Central yesterday. Thomas G. Merrill, of Bimini, has come to Helena to locate for the winter. 'Among visitors from Marysville in the eity yesterday were George Barnes, J. W. Humping and William Mayger. Among Butte people in the city yesterday were G. A. Cook, S. L. Russell, John Sher man, John Lewisohn, J. E. Gaylord, and J. A. Talbott. T. G. Eddingfield, a clerk at the Boston clothing store, after an illness of a month, has gone to Minnesota to visit his parents. whom he has not seen for a number of years. Mrs. S. K. Palmer, Ada Palmer, Fred Palmer, for Bangor, Me.; C. H. Butler, E. R. Cowan, and D. S. Fund, for Chicago; H. W. Smith, for New York; H. F. Shaeffer, for New York, were among the departures via the Northern Pacific yesterday. Arthur Helwig, who has been associated with the A. M. Holter Hardware company for several years as seeretary and treasurer, has resigned to become the general agent of the Giant Powder company for Montana, Idaho, Utah and Washington. Mr. Hel wig will make his headquarters at Helena. Will Arrive To-Day. The following passengeri will arrive in Helena to-day at 1:30 on the Northern Pa cific: W. A. Hopp, C. R. Andrews and wife, E. Small, F. K. Parmenter, J. Dietrich, Arrivals at the Grand Central. Geo Barnes, Marysville W (I White, Empire C W Chomug, Helena Chas A lJynh,tliasonla J M Powers.tireat Falla J W iumping, Marys Louis Zickler, Plaior villa P It Muse, Paris, Mo L P Langan, LaCrosse, (:'has £eckwith, Mie- Wie oula G( W Walters, Helena Hlugh McQuaid,London J T ( ase, Jr, Misounla hung MIrs Murray, Corbin Mrs Peters, (orbin tlrs L Long, Cascade Chas ' Osunett, Arling- Wi Mayger, Marys ton. Ore ]vilIs F Irish, Bismarck 1 ; Marshall, Great H J ' o mey, Chinook talis L W llemden, Missoula C 8 ttoherts, St Panl J F Faulkner, Helensa has lingham, Lewis A C ('arson, Townsend ton SH O'NeaL Cataract W Dodge, Winston C F Pearis. Helena I) lowers, Butte Mrs Bowers. Botte L j elle, ~ inneapolis (ieo lchrneider.Chicage C I, Meer, Wickes L H Robinson. Towns- E Winston, Townsend end Arrivals at The Helena. C H Jonmy and wife, G A Cook, Butte Chicago h I -nell, Butte W I Lipincott. Bintte J II Wioterlield,tincin 8 J lwenger. Milwan- nati kee F Mthehlstutler, Mi L ii Bil. Cleveland wahkee B F I elt and wifeialo- Miss A }. Felt, Galena, na. 111 11 Iamilton Walker, Con L Carey. Living- Great Falls ,ton T 'l'Townsend, l'hila Thos E Irady, Groat delphins Fails J t. lt, lne. St Loute 3 F 11ll, New York C h Wolf, ticket C I Whitcomb,( hicago it I l'atinaude, Irlen. C A Whipple,'l'ownsend John iherminn. lhIltt John Lewishon, lButt C 1 IDiokinson and wife 1 Gaylolrd, lhutte Fondu Lace SA 'lalbott, lButte John II oyceto, New I it Manning. lortland York D iltan. St Paul 0 C Zoeokler, Ilimini The New Merlchats. Operated by the Merehants Hotel com rany, now begs to announce that its rooms are open for the reception of guests. Rooms will be offered to transcient guests at $1.25 per day (parlor floor), $1 per day (third floor), 75 cents per day (fourth floor). Ex tra for more than one occupant. All mod ern improvement, steam heat, electric ight, return electric bell call system, and esunshi in every guest chamber. IBrasses and velvet carpets used exelusively through out the honue. Office, elegant bar and billiard room, cigar stand and palatial bar ber shop on first floor. DINIROaooM ItU-OPENED. The diningroom in this hotel has been leased to and Is now operated separately by the Missee Nagle, who are prepared to fur nish board. Meals 50 cents. Board $7 per week. Tickets, twealy-one ieals, $4. epeoWi Shipnst ef OtFaJ a iweeir at the Motor *Waltl a1 * Ae the wemthe rH adully b° go i the oystep trade inlcreaesi : t M waiting rooms on Bitih avenue Sa t the proprieter, started his shipiaen4 a a16. tie early thi seaso In ord.r to spply the demands of the people who ,wlh to enaoy the bivalve and who believe that it is geod eating In any month that oolatali an 1, A fresh shipment of New York eOunts is received at the waiting roome tweel day! whee they are aerved In all styleity a competent cook. Mr. Her hs b d mylo d specialty of the oye)er basueine over t.lo he has been n Helena. Butoher & Bradley have the finest lne of stamped linens in town and the priee arelo. New Fringes at Powles' cash store. x100 eash. Enter the contest, guess and win it. Cotpon 4th page. To County buperintendents of Schools. The official programme, containing or der of exercises for the observance of Columbus day, Oct. 21, will be furnished from this otlice upon application, giving number needed for the schools of each co9aty. Jo.n GAOxoN. Supt. of Publio Instruction. Helena, Iept. A3, 1893. The famous Deere plows have maintained the lead in all farming dstriots in the United Ctstes for half a century. 'T. ;. Power & Co. are saolte agents for Montana, and carry a full line of Leere plows and extras constantly on hand. Lamps at one-hall value at the Bee Hive re moval sle. tlmember this is the last week, as the rembvyal takes place uct. 1. Are you out for the $100 cash? See sen. pon on 4th page. All kinds of wool. astrakan and far trimmings or dresses at Fowles' cash store. rFull line of fall and winter underwear and hosiery at Butoher & Bradley's. Their stook is complete and the prices low. For table linens, towels and napkins o to Fowles' cash store. Be sure and see The Bee liv line of table linens and towels before making your purchases. MARRIED. BATES-DtNOVAN-Sept. 24, 1892, by B. F. Woodman, justice of the peace, at Helena, Mr. James J. Bates. Jr., to Mrs. Annie J. Donovan, both of Holena. Catholic Knights of America. Branch No. 298 meets every second and fourth Sunday in eaoh month at throe p, m. at, t. Aloy sies hall. Assessmente No. 89i and 895 called. Sisiting members cordially in vited. HUGH A. McKINNON, President. WMt STuEwE, lBecording Secretary. G CNAND UENTRAL . HOTEL BAR For the coolest glass of Beer in the city. MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY. JAY D. PHILLIPS. Proprietor. ANGLERS' OUTFITS. You are not in it if you purchase your Fly Hooks, Rods, Reel, Line, Creel, Fly Book, Leader Box or Waders before you come in and nspect my stock, which you will find not only ;lelargest, but the best selected in all the details f a first class stock of goods, in the city. Prices areright, and according to the quality. There is no misrepresentation as to quality. All kinds of rod mountings in stock. Bicycle Eandries, lions, Revolvers, Ammunition. and general stock of 8porting Goods. M. H. BRYAN, GUN STORE, 103 BROADWAY. HELENA. FASHIONABLE FURS We are now receiving the Latest New York Styles In Seal anl Other Far Garments CAPES, WRAPS, MUFFS, Gollars, Boas, Etc. As Furriers we can show you designs not found elsewhere, and at prices guaran teed as low as any reliable house in the country. If you intend buying do so, early and save money, as prices will be higher later. BAB K CO RELIABLE FURRIERS. OC HELENA AND BUTTE. A RELIABLE SUPPORT Is realized by all wearers of our splendid SHOES. We buy the very best makes. We have them made of the very best mnaterials. Wo keep only the latest style3. We can and will furnish a perfect lit. Ladies' Fine Footwear is a leading feature of our stock, and we confidently assert that no finer assortment has ever been brought to this city than we are now displaying. Prices are right, too. CLARKE & FRANK MONTANA SHOE CO, OUR FALL LIN 5 L C, o KS Which we display compels us to says, with all due respect to our past achievements ,that we have This Fall Eclipsed All Our Past Efforts In preparing our LINE for THIS SEASON we have been guided by the remarkable success which greeted our efforts in the past, WE COVER THE WHOLE FIELD IN. Ladies' and Children's Cloaks, From so-called popular range of prices, up to the highest classes of novelties. To the Ladies whom we have not had the pleasure of meeting, or who are not familiar with the character of our goods, we desire to EXTEND AN INVITATION TO VISIT US and convince themselves of the prices and attractiveness of our line. SANDS BROTIHERS. HELENA. MONTANA. S* PATENTS. E United States and Foreign Pat ents obtained and any information given. EDWARD C. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law. Pittsburlh Blook, Helena. Moet. SCHOOL DISTRICTS CONTEMPLATING Issuing Bonds or building School Houses will find it to their interest to correspond with me. I have purchased more School Bonds in Montana during the past year than all other bond houses combined. Am prepared to advance money for the erec. tion of School Hcuses in advance of the issue of bonds. Will purchase all classes of Bonds, State, County and City War. rants. Correspondence solicited. H. B. PALMER. 10 EDWARDS ST., HELENA, MONT. Rock and Ore BREAIERS AND GRUSMERS. ("THE BLAKE STYLE.") This Style of Rock Breaker, after 20 years' practical test, has proved to be the best ever designed for the purpose of Breaking Quartz, Emery, Gold and Silver Ores And all hard or brittle substances, also for making RAILROAD BALLAST OR CONCRETE. Our adjustable, toggle block [Pat. No. 227,5541 enables us to adjust the machine while in motion to the size of any stone or particular product. There are other improve ments possessed by the machines not equalled by any other in the world. Gold Medal awarded at the Massachusetts Mechanics' Associa. tion, 1881, and Silver Medal (special) at the American Institute, New York, 1882. Farrell Foundry and insonia, Machine Company, Goon. C. T. Morrell, l'racticl Gunsnith, 17 N. Alain Stroeet, Helena, Montana. Wholesale and lstal) Dealer to Ouns, Wlihlng Taekla, Ammnmition, SportUag Goods, Teats, uoats, Oars, Camping Outfits, Bloyeles, Ste. Guns Made to order and repaired; also Trunks, Parasols, Umubrtllas, IEte. Key rtalug add let Work a speelalty. Guns. Touts and Fishllg ltakle for reant.