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VOL. XXXIII.-NO. 356. HELENA, MONTANA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1893. PRICE FIVE CENTS GANS & KLEIN .\ To-DAY the annual meeting of the New York Yacht Club will take place in that City. Commodore Elbridge Gerry, famous as the President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, will retire from office, and be succeeded by Edwin D. Morgan. The In ternational race for the Ameri ca's Cup which is now a cer tainty, will therefore be under the direction of new officers. To call your attention to the op portunity we present of pur chasing all Clothing at a Dis count of Ten Per Cent. from prices marked in plain figures For Overcoats, Uls1ers ..AND .. Heavy-Weight Suits We are leaders in style, dura bilety and Manufacture. Our Tailor-Made Clothing is un equalled in Helena. We are Sole Agents for Dr. Jaeger's ..SANITARY, ALL-NOOL OND[H'N[AA Especially adapted I or Women and Childron. ( AN8 & KL EIN AWAITING THE HAWAIIANS Until They Arrive There Is Only Speculation as to Their Mission. But the Feeling in Favor, of An nexation Seems to Be Growing. That sort of Action Recommended by Several State Legislatures-Canada Is Exelted Over It. WAsurnoTON, Feb. 1.-The principal do. velopment in connection with the Hawaiian situation to-day is the announcement that Secretary of State Foster has given up his trip to Paris next week, whither be was go ing as agent of the United States to attend a meeting of the Tiering sea arbitrators. In view of the necessities of the situation suddenly presenting themselves, it has been deemed expedient that he should remain in the department until the close of his term of office. He will, however, moot the arbi trators at the date of their adjourned meet ing, March 23. Senator Frye, of Maine, a leading member of the committee on for eign relations, has taken an active interest in all matters relating to the control of nut. lying islands in the Paciio ocean. He said to-day: "I have for years observed with regret the acquisition by foreign powers of de airable coaling stations and harbor priv ileges on several island, until now there are none left save this one on the Sandwich islands. I am in favor of mak ing sure of this one by taking Hawaii into our possession. The protest of England against annexation on our part, if deemed best by this govemnment, would be pre snmptuous and impudent. I Imagine it will be confined to the presentation of a diplomatic note to which the secretary of state will make reply that England did not consult us or our interest when she made an agreement with Germany to divide the islands of the Pacific with that power, and she certainly can have no ground for ob jection if we see At to take Hawaii, the only territory now remaining in the ocean." The war department, at the request of the state department, is having copies made of a number of blue prints showing the topo graphical situation of Honolulu and other points in the Sandwich iselands. The copies and the rest of the or iginals not du rlicated will be given Secretary Foster for reference in the conference he is to have Saturday with the annexation commie. sioners. It is also probable a duplicate of three mage will be fn nisihed the navy de. partment for transmission to the naval torce in Hawaiian waters. Sec esary of State Foster held a confer ence this zoo sting with Senator Morgan. the leading democratic member of the sen ate committoe on foreicn relatione, and with 13ionnt, of Geortia, chairman of the house committee on foreign affairs. The secretary also had a talk on the Hawaiian situation with liep esentative Hilt, of Illinois, ex-chairman of the house commit toe on foreign affairs and leading repub lican member of that committee. 'I hese gentlemen came singly and gave their views wiih reference to this onestion. There are no indications of any material increase to be made in the number of the United States vessels in Hawailan waters. No developments that will lead to blood shed in Honolulu or elsewhere in the Islands have come to light and it is believed in naval circles the forn, of m r ines and sail ors on the Boston is sufficient to protect American interests and mrrnlain order, Onur vessel may be aunt to sniport the Bos ton and information obtained at tire de partment leads to the belief that no others will follow unless the situation becomes alarming, and this does not seem probable in view of the rresent state of affairs. b he government will not be caught napping, however, and vessels will be prepared for era and kept in readiness. CANADIAN INTERESTS tWould be Effected by Annexation to the Unie I Statee. OTTAWA, Ont., Feb. 1.-Senator McLean to-night asked prrliament whether the Cenadian government had preesed upon the imperial authorities the vital interest Can ada had in the maintenance of the political independence of the Sandwish Islands, now in a state of revolution, and which formed a seotion in the British cable system, and for the annexation of which islands a motion is now pending before the United States senate. Sir John Thompson replied that communications passed between the British and Canadian authorities in recent years in regard to the importanoe of the Hawaiian ielands as a possible station in connection with telegraph service, and Canadian interests which a e involved in the independenee of their county. iteatecting the recent movement the e. no correspondence has paseed between the Canadian and her majesty's government, partly because the latter is well aware of the importance of the interests involved, and 1 artly because, as he had reason to understand, her majesty's government is alive to the impoatance as regards Can adian and other interests of the empire in those islands. RtEAt)t FOR SEA. The Ranger and Adamrt Have Steam Up Others Aaarabble. MAtE EleAND, Cal., Feb. 1.-The United States steamers ranger and Adams are now lying in the stream, steam op. and having a compliment of nien, stores and am munition aboard ready to proceed to sea, and are awaiting orders from Washingatn. The Monterey arrived this morning and will be ready to go in commission in two date. The men ay* swarming on her to push her to completion. The old monitor Comanche is being pashed to completion sod will be ready for immediate use inside of one week. There is a fall force of men working on her. When the Monterey arrived her supplies and ammunition wee ready for her and were at once put on board. There was no crew for her, however, as ell the available men were required to man the Adams and Ranger. Both the latter vesesls are to sail at a moment's notioe. The sup position is thst the Adams will sail at onae and the litanger will leave a day or two later. In ronjnotiorn with the Boston and Alliance they could put a forceof 1,000 men ashore, and these baeked by the gatling guns, would make a formidable showing. LEGISLATIVE ACTION. Touching Upon the Subject of Hawaiian Annexation., Feb. 1.-A house resotation introduced this morning urses representa tives in congress to nue their best efforts looking toward the establishment of Amer loan supremacy in Hawaii, either by means ct a protectorate or by annexation, at as early a date as possible, and upon such terms and conditions as will secure to its people permanent peace and prosperity. Should Ile Taken In. SAcOULaMuTO, Cal., Feb. 1.-The senate adopted a joint resolution providing that whenever the Hawaiian government sig nify a desire that the territory be annexed by the United States, California congress men should endeavor to bring about snuh result, and that it is the sense of California that no other power than the United States obtain control over the islands. Will Consider the Matter. NuanVILLr, Tenn., Feb. 1.-In the house to-day Fitzgerald, democrat, introduced a resolution expressing it as the sense of the house that the United States government should establish a protectorate over the Hawaiian islands, with a view to annexa tion. The resolution was referred to the committee on federal relations. Unanimously Favor Annexation. HAnnRSnBon, Pa., Feb. 1.-The aenate to. day unanimouely adopted a resolution favoring the annexation of the Sandwich islands to the United States and urging the rep'esentotives of Penneylvania at Wash ington to use every measure in their power to promote annexation. STATE IRRIGATION. Meeting of the Committee Appointed by the Convention Last Year. H. P. Rolfe, chairman of the committee on permanent organization of the irriga tion convention which met at Helena a year ago, has issued the following call: The irrigation committee will meet at Helena on Feb. 9, 1893. The subjects for dissnesion will be the constitution and by laws; the irrigation law; the appointment of a committee to look after legislation; reports on irrigation from the delegates of each county; discussionof the best methods of building irrigation reservoirs and ditches; discussion of questions connected with irrigation and sorh other business as may come before it. The deleastes to the convention will be ten in number appointed by the members of the committee of per manent organization of each county in connection with the chairman of the board of commissioners of that county, and such other members of the county commission ers as he may call upon to assist. In case of the absence of the committee from any county, members of the board of county county commissioners are author ized to appoint delegatea. The railroads will Le asked to give reduced i ctee. The following are the committees of the different counties: George McComb, Dawson county; H. P. Rolfy, Casucde county; Henuy Whalen. Meagher county; William Child. Lewis and Clarke county; B. F. Shunrt, Yellowstone county; Alfred Meyres. Park county; Wm. Hamilton, Silver Bow county; C. K. Har deabrook, Deer Lodge counts; Z. T. Horton, Choteau coanty; J. A. Caldwell, Gallatin county; A. G. England. Missouli county; Ii. S. Higgins. Custer county;. E. N. Book, Jefferson county; S. S. Hoyuon, Fergus county; R. G. Hickman, Madison county. CONTESTANTS NON-SUITED. Decsalon of Judge Armstrong in the Cas cade Cases. GREAT FAzLLS, Feb. 1.-[Special.]-Judge I Armstrong granted a motion for non-suit in the Athey-Cockrill contest case this mo niug. Plaintiff's attorney were granted thirty clays in which to prepare and file a bill of exception. The case of Pigott against Benton then came up. Three witnesses were put on the stand by plaintiff's attor neys, after which they rested. Defendant's counsel then moved for non-suit, as the case was almost identical with that against Cookrill. No argoumeuts were made by either aide upon the motion. The judge granted the motion and allowed plaintilf the usual thirty days in which to file a bill of exceptions. Both cases now go to the supreme court for final adjutation. Dtaooyered the Tiger Mine. MISSOrtLA, Feb. 1.--9pecial.]-John Car ter, an ear ly pioneer of Montana and the discoverer of the famous Tiger mine in the Cusur d'Alenes, died in this city this even ing. C D. Porter, owner of the Custer mine, came in from the Coeur d'Alenee this morning. He reports that nearly all of the concentrating milli in the flat seao tion have been compelled to close, ex tremely cold weather having frozen up the water. He says the Cceur d'Alenes are producing concentrates at the late of 10, 000 tons a month. Murder is the Second Degree. LIoINGSTON, Feb. 1. -[Special].- The jury in the Bloom murder case returned a verdiet at nine o'clock to-night of murder in the second degree, fixing the penalty at imprisonment for life. LIKE SENSIBLE MEN. Nebraska TtepublicansGo Into Caucus and Nominate a Candidate. LiacooN, Nab., Feb. 1.-There was no choice of United States senator to-day. The independents concentrated on Greene, the republicans and democrats scattered their votes. The republicans to-night nominated John M. Thurston for senator in their aauous. Still Scatteria. CoEYENsE, Wro., Feb. 1.-Two ballots for United States senator were taken to day. I he last: Warren, republican, eleven; New, democrat, nine; Brows, populist, six; Cltrk, republican, six: others scattering. Benton Leading. Bisoanex, N. D., Feb. 1.-The senatorial ballot to-day resulted: Casey thirty-one, Benton thirty-nine, the others scattering. togus Blaluo Biographies. W OnilmNoVON, Feb. 1. - The following statement is sent out by request: Publia advertisements of many hbiographios of James G. Blaine," pretending to be "au. thentic and authoritotivo," compel me to state that no biograsby of the life and works of Mr. Blaine is authorized or ap proved by myself or by any member of Mr. Blaine's, family; tsatno manuscript of Mr. litaino's, or any private tetter or paper of Mr. Illarne's. or any material for a bio graphy, have been eiven out to anyone. If in the future any "authenmo" or "author ized" biography should he prepared by competent auth, e it will be auttenticated and actholized by myellt. [Signed. idAuIhrrT S. B.AINL. Pneumatic Guns Tested. Pear ROYtAL, . O., Feb. 1.-The official trial of the paeumatlc gun of the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius began this morning. In all twelve shots were fired, six at a range of 2,000 yards and six at 1,500 yards, three guns being tired in successon. With the exception of the first two shots fired from the starboard gun, no shot fell more than twenty yards distant from the required rance, and every shot fired would have struck a man-of-war at the distance dr' ignated by th. board. There was no dillm oulty to working the air guns. FITTHE_CRIME. Henry Smith's Most Fiendish Deed Expiated in a Manner Equally Terrible. Tortured for an Hour With Blaz ing Brands and Then Burned to Ashes. Cruel Assault Upon and Brutal Mur der of a Four-Year-Old Girl. In Revenge Upon Her Father, Who Had Arrested the Fiend Inoarnate. Around the Funeral Pile Were Gathered Many Thousands of the People of the County. I'Pans, Tex., Feb. 1.-Henry Smith, the negro ravisher of four-year-old Myrtle Vance, bas expiated in part his awful crime by death at the stake. Ever sinen the per petration of his awful crime this city and the entire surrounding country have been in a wild frenzy of excitement. When the news came last night that he had been cap tured at Hope, Ark., and identified, the city was wild with joy over the apprehension of the brute. Hundreds of citizene poured into the city from the adjoining country and word passed from lip to lip that the punishment of the fiend ahould be death by fire. The whisky shops were closed, unruly mobs were dispersed, schools dis missed by proclamation from the mayor, and everything done in business-like man ner. Law was laid aside and the citizens took into their own hands the inhuman beast and burned him at the stake. Never before since the days of the Spanish inqui sition has there been such a terrible pun ishment mated out to any man. The history of the crime is as follows: Thursday last Smith picked up little Myr tle Vance, aged three and a half years, near her father's, Policeman Henry Vance, residence, and carrying her to a pasture near the outskirts of the city first viciously aesaulted the innocent babe, and after est isfying hie fiendish passion, took one little limb in each hand and literally tore her in twain. After covering the body with leaves and brush, he lay down and slept oalmly through the night by the side of his victim. Friday morning Smith went to the house of his wife and forced her to cook him a breakfast. After eating it he left town. The child's remains were found Friday afternoon, and when news of the atrocious crime spread the whole town turned out in the chase. Itfilroada put up bulletins offering free transportation to all who would join in the search. Posses went out in every direction and not a stone was left unturned. Smith was tracked to Detroit on foot, where he jumped a freight train and left for his old home in Arkansas. Yesterday he was captured near Hope, Ark.. and was fully identified. This morning he was brought th ough Texarkana. where 5,000 people awaited the train, anxious to see the man who should receive the fate of Ed Coy at that place. Speeches were made by prominent Parie citizens, who asked that the prisoner be not molested by Texarkana people, but that the guard be allowed to de liver him up to the outraged and indignant citizens of Paris. Along the road the train gathered strength from various towns, peo ple crowding upon the platforms and tope of coaches, anxious to see the lynching, and the negro who was so soon to be deliv ered up to the infuriated mob. Arriving here at 12 o'clock the train was met br a surging mass of humanity, tin thousand strong. The negro was placed upon a carnival float, in mockery of the king upon his throne, and followed by an immense crowd, was escorted through the city so that all might see the inhuman monster. When the proceesion had marched through the principal streets it halted in an open prairie about three hun dred yards from the Texas & Pacific depot. Here Smith was placed upon a scaffold six feet square and ten feet high, securely bound, within view of all beholders. Here he was tortured for fifty minutes by red hot iron brands thrust against hisiquiver ing body. Commencing at his feet the brands were placed against him inch by inch until they were thrust against his face. Then kerosene wee .voured upon him, cot ton seed hulls place! heneath him and set on fire. In less time than it takes to relate it the tortured man was burnt to a crisp, and li a little while thereafter nothing was left of the whole funeral pile but pieces of charcoal which before nightfall were carried away by curiosity sookers. It is stated that Smith's motive for the crime was that once, when drunk and dis orderly, he wan r: ected by Olilcer Vance, who was compelled to use his club on him. For this the negro swore vengeance and seay oral times assaulted Vance. The climax of his flendishnets came Thursdy, when he committed the awful crime for which he tas paid the last penalty. Vance is pros traced with grief and his wife lies at death's door from nervous prostration. Words to describe the awful torture in d1icted upon r'mith cannot be found. The story appals one with its fearful, awful tsr ror. For a long time after starting on the journey to Paris Smith did not realize his plight. At last, when he was told he mist die the most awful death by slow torture that the human wind could conceive, be begged for protection. He was willing to be shut, and wanted Marshal Franklin, of 'aris, to do it. but was told he was to be burned to death. His agony was awful. He writhed and pleaded in mental and bodily pain in anticipation. Scarcely had the train reached Paris than the torture commenced. His clothes were torn off piecemeel and scattered in the crowd, people catclhing shreds and put ting them away as mementoes. The child's father, her brother and two uncles then gathered about thIu negro as he was fastened to the platform snoi thrust hit irons into his quivering fleets. it was horrible, this man dying try slow torture in the midst of smoke from his own burning Hlnel. Every groan from the wretch, every ountortion of his body, way cheered by the thickly paoked crowd oi 11l,000 people. The mars of beings wire nit yards in diameter, the scaffold being in the center. After burning has feet and legs hot irons were rolled up and down Smith's e'omach, back and arms. Then his iyes were burned out, and the irons thl net down his thrust. The mien of the Vance family hasing wreaked their venieance, the crowd piled all sorts of combustible stuff around the seaffold, toured oil on It and set it aiire. H. rolled, and wriggled and tossed out of the mass, only to be pushed back by the people nearest bier. He passed out agasn, and was toped mud pulled bhak. Hundreds of people turned away, but a majorrty of the vast crowd looked calmly on. People were here from every pari.of this saction. );very train that came in was loaded to its utmost cap'city, and thern were demands at many points for special trains to bring people hete to eve the un paralleled pnnishment of the fiend for his crime, and when the news of the burning went over the country like wildfire at every country town anvils boomed forth the an nouncement. SIXTY BELOW. Coldest Weather Yet Reported This Win ter-At Nelhart. =OGRAT FALrS, Feb. l.--[Hpecial,1-Dor. Ing the morning there was elight percepti ble ehange In the weather for the better, the mercary managing to get up toeighteen below zero. Shortly after noon it began to recede to its former haunts and to-night is well on the way to the forty mark. The atmosphere is hazy and the wind is blow. ing from the north. Fortunately no fatal ities due to the extremely cold weather have been reported as yet, but it Is feared several lives have been lost in the ranching communities. Reports from Neihart slate that Monday night the thermometer fell to sixty below and never got above fifty below any time Toaeday. COLDEST BOLt TEARt. Reports to That Effect All Over the Northwest. Sr. PAUL, Feb. 1.-To-day has been the coldest day for years over the northwest. As low as fifty has been reported from some points, while none could tell of weather above zero. In this city early this morn ing thermometers were ranging from twen ty-five to forty below, and at seven o'clock to-night the weather bureau reported twenty below. It was forty below at Brit ton, thirty below at ionx Falls, twenty-six below at Yankton, end thirty-eight below at Huron, H. 1). In North Dakota Devil's Lake reported thirty below and Fargo forty one below. Has Struck Colorado. DrEvrE, Feb. 1.-The storm that has been raging east, struck Colorado to-day. To night the mercury has gone down to zero and heavy anew fall is reported from sev eral points. Snowalidee in the mountains are numerues. Near Carbondale one man lost his life in a elide and at Aspen two miners were killed by an avalanche. At Marone's saw mill, about ten miles from Aspen, eight men and a number of maules were snowed in last week with little pro visions and a rescuing party started for the mill yesterday. It is known that several elides have since occurred, and it is feared the resourers are caught between two of them, as nothing was heard from them to day. Some Cold, Much Snow. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 1.-Oregon and Washintton are just now experiencing the coldest weather in ten years, the thermom eter registering from five to twenty do: grees below zero east of the Cascade moon tains early this morning, while west of the mountains it was hovering about the zero mark. Snow began falling again this morning and at aix p. in. was still at it. From one to two feet has fallen, causing much trouble to all railroad lines. In eastern Oregon and Washington stock on the ranges is suffering intensely. The !wift Blizzard. KantysA Ciur, Feb. 1.-The blizzard which swooped down from the north yesterday evening continued just twenty-four hours. At six o'clock this evening it was practic ally over. A remarkable feacnre was the extraordinary fall of temperature. At this place the mercury dropped from forty-nine degrees above to five below zero, a fall of fifty-four degrees. At DoJle City, Ean., the fall was eighty-two degrees during the eatme period. 'lbs blizzard has caused considerable delay to railroads. Mercury Soon Retreated. O1uaHA, Neb., Feb. 1.-The lowest tem perature reported in the city to-day was twenty-two degrees below zero at seven a. in. At two p. m, the mercury registered ton below zero, the highest point, and then began to retrace its tirpa until at eight p. in. it was sixteen below. Railway traffic is delayed and some ioade report trains four to seven houis late. Climax of Severity. MAitnar.rirowN, Ia., Feb. 1.-The winter weather hba reached the climax of severity here last night. The mercury went down to twenty-four degrees below with a north west blizzard raging. All trains are late and the telegraph wires are down in all directions. U. P. CHANGES. President Clark Gives Up the Manage inet to fils Assistant. O\MAIA. Feb. 1.-General Manrrger S. 11. II. Clark, of the Union Pacific. retired to day, and was succeeded by Dickinson, who has been asaistentaut under Clark. Clark retains the presidency of the road, but gives up the active management. George if. lagrant was appointed chief engineer of the system. ie is at present assistant chief engineer of the Missouri Palcifi. Competition Mlakes Cheap Freights. NRiw YoRa, Feb. 1.--The policy of the Panaina railway company in putting on a line of steamships in opposition to the Pa cilfi mail company has impelled the latter to redure the neass:nger rate to Colon from $90 to $!11, and the feoight rate from $9 to $2 per ton. The cigniricanee of this action will be grasped when it is considered that it is eight dave' journey to the isthmus. 'beis commercial war gains additional signift easce from the alleged fuoi that the uman agement of the Panama railroad company has adversised abroad for foreign steamers tocarry freight from New York to the leth mus. Typhus Spreading. Nsw YoRK, Feb. 1.-The health nuthori ties have become thoroughly alarmed over the rapid spread of typhusr duriug the peat week and ale adopting herie useasures to stop its terrible progress. Thirty-erivea have been deolared quarantines'. The In dustrial mission school in Wv eat i hirty second street hke been closed. The scourge is no longer confited to the filthy lodging houses of the east side. One neae has been reported from Ilarlem. 'I he board of etti mate has furnished $1.t)0l) with which to pae twenty phystoians to inspect lodging houses for the next thirty daes. Dealing With the Coasablueam. Aiprsua, N. Y., Feb. 1.-The committee of the state senate investigating the head inug railroad coal combine to-day presented a bill providing for licenise for carrying coral within the limits of the state and for dealing in coal, and fixing the maximum price to be charged by etch, with penalties for a viulatron. Funeral of .ohn A. Davis. htraiirnii. Ill., Feb. 1.-The remains of the lite John A. Davis, heir of the Mon tena millionaire, arrived here this morn ing from Victoria. It. C., where he was killed by falling iown stise at a hotel. A private toueral was hold at the parlors of the Hotel Nelson this afternoon. PENSIONS IN POLITICS. Government Bounty Bestowed Reck lessly in States Needed by the Republican Party. Figures That Clearly Indicate Wholesale Fraud Entirely for Party Profit. Demoralized Condition of the National Treasury Brought About by the Islillon Dollar Congress. WAnnmOTO~, Feb. 1.-9ome interesting fifures come from the pension bureau. They illustrate the way in which the bounty of the uovernment has been exploited in a party's intereet. for the purpose of holding bbe northwest to the republicans. New York furnibhed 448,850 men to the union armies during the war, and now has 88,311 pensioners on the rolls, or about one . enaloner to every five and one-halt men furnished. Indiana sent but 196,363 rmen and has 67.420 pensioners, or a little more than one for every three men fur niehed. Ohio bas about the same ratio. hav. log furnished 318,180 men and having 98,916 pensioners. Iowa, a state which had to be specially "worked" to hold it in line, fur. nished 76,242 men and has 37,131 pensiou ora, or almost exactly one tensioner to every two men furnished. Minnesota has fared still better. That state, which fur. nished only 24,020 men, has 15,206 pension era, or considerably more than one for every two men. Michigan furnished 87.864 men and has 44.048 pensioners. or more than one to two. Does any sane man doubt that these figures represent wholesale fraud and the exploitation of the government's bounty in aid of political party? The present congress same into being with an enormous load upon the treasury. Its predecessor had not only spent all the money on land, but had heavily mort gaged the future. How heavily no aecount ant has yet been able to determine. In deed, Mr. McLennan, of the treasury de partment, ham utterly broken down in health under the strain of trying to find out the degree of ruin wrought. Among other means of aquandering the billion dollars, congress was specially interested ia au thorizing lavish expenditures fog costly buildings in all sorts of cities and towns, big and little. It left as a legacy to this congress a great mass of contracts of this sort, for which only partial appro. priations had been made, and a consider able part of the appropriations last year were forced in this way. But the author izations were so many and so extravagant that even the activity of the administration in binding the treasury to expenditures has not been able to ke. p up with the list. Al most two years after the billion-dollar congress went out of existence there remain about fifty public buildings au thorized, for the construction of which no contracts have been made. The au thorized cost of these ranges from $10,000 to $2,000,000 each, with two or three on which no limit of cost is fixed. The fig ures given on these foot up more than $6;,000,000. The total, including the un limited ones, will exceed $10,000,000. It is not by any means imnoseible that some thing will be done at this session to sue. pend these authorizations unless the an swere not yet given to the questions of the wavr and means committee shall show the treasury to be in a much better condition than anybody expects. Should increased revenues be needed it is goinmr to be very hard to supply them. The whisky tax, which seemed to offer so simple a remedy, has been rendered unavailable by the whisky makers, who, in hope of profit, have manufactured so largely that a full two or three years' supply will be in bond before any additional tax can take elfect. Whisky cannot yield additional revenue, therefore, for two yeare to come. Coffee and tea, which are al together imported, and raw sugar, of which Avegsixths is imported, are ideal subjects of revenue tariff taxation; but no congress will restore the tax on these until the people shall have been reconciled to a small increase in consideration of a tariff change giving them cheaper clothing and blankets. In view of these conditions the minds of all the democratic leaders seem more and more turning to a gradu ated tax on large incomes as a source of more revenue. Growing Public Debt. WksurNroroe, Feb. 1.-Publia debt state ment: The net gold in the treasury Jan. 81, as shown by the debt statement lssued to day. was $108,181,713, the lowest figure reached in many years. This amount in cludes the $100.000.000 gold reserved. In the month of January there was a net in crease of the publio debt of $3,105.800. The non-interest bearing debt was decreased $722,29;1. The interest bearing debt showed an inorrease of $580, while the net cash was $3,827,520 less than at the close of the year 1t93. The interest Iresrine debt outstand ing Jan. 31, was $5.5,082.60;0, and the debt upon which interest has ceased since ma turity was $2,357.750. The non-interest bearing debt was $:70t411,r;l8, making a total of $;63.82.10:;3. 'Tbh' aggregate debt, mIndn rn errtrlieatee and treasury notes is $1,571.310,l15. I he balance in the treasury, ineluding the $10,M 0.tMK) gold reserve, was $12'.265,008. 'T'he statement of receipts and disiorrements for tho month shows that payments made by the treasury exceeded the Income by over $1,00,000. Wili Avodi a Vote. WaeNro'roN, Feb. 1.--The republican members of the senate, under direction of Sherman, completed a poll of the senate on the proposed repeal of the Sherman sil ver not of 18110. It is said the result is not at all satisfactory to those who have looked forward to the possible repeal of the not. According to common report it was discov. errrd that there ire only about eight meom bers on thee dtmooratio side who can be de pended upon to voto for tire repeal, and the result Is even more discouraging on the re publican eide. There are senators who favor or who rwould vote for the repeal if the measure came to a vote, but who will not vote to bring the matter snder conilderation. It is also uiderstood that a majority of seven or eight on the republican side of the chriuber are against bringing the meature to a irvte. What tire Senate Did. WVatitNroa, Feb. 1.-The fortification bill was finally gassed by the senate and the army appropriation bill was then taken up and passed, with a single amendment increasing the monthly pay of sergeants of the army. The District of Columbia trill came next In order. All committeeamend ments were agreed to, except one reserved for action to-morrow, looking to the erec tion of a $r00.000 munliipal building Is Washingtos City, and the bill went over. Four negroues murdered and robbed two white men. Itadoliffe and 11ortridge, at Mhibland, Va. Fout lynched.