Newspaper Page Text
1'WOILtR8 OFP 1T GlORT. s.ty nhemeas.a tie" In New YPck Week During Dark. eOn of the strangest features of New x6tk oily to viltere' reyesH IS the tomarkable au-night lifeo, AIU, other eiotW , with the se poselble exception of Ohiaogo, ever, bpdy oese to bed before midnlght, or soon t.breafter, and only burglars, a few new-. pr men and suspleious characters are at three o'clock a. m. tn New York Sixth avenue never sleeps rn. upper Broadway keeps it company. k'r row II wide awake Irom midnight till dkylight, and with Its mornlng and evening rushes from and to Brooklyn bridge, is erally the most traveled street in the meo Saot outside of the several thousand sIgt. mers who do New York by electric light, and the other several thousands of altiene who turn night into day for pleasere, there is a great army of workers who begin when the day workers knoock off-as six p. m. * and keep at it till daybreak. It is estimated that there are folly 02,000 men employed in night work in Now York oity. These men aleep till noon or till four p. m., as the case may be, and the hnwkers and the hand-organ grinders and the day wokere have no regard for the slumberere, but make all the noise possible. Probably the hotels and restauranto for tjih the greatest number of nigbthawks, about 10,000 men and women being em ployed, the men greatly outnumbering the other sex. Next come the saloos, with p 0t8all army of about 8,000 men. It Ie pop Mlarly supposed that the saloons are her metically sealed after midnight, but it would seem to be otherwieo. 'The bntbhere and the bakers, the milk. been, the gardeners and the marketmen, add 16,000 nmqre to the grand army of owla The men engaged in transportation, such is the elevated employee and the street car men, make up about 3,000 more. The steam railroad men and the ferryboat and other hands on river oraft add a good 4,000 to the number. Livery and hackmen, engineers and fire ren, teleernph employes, messengers and others of that order make folly 0,000 more, and printers and newspaper men to the nomber of 1.500, at a modest estimate, add a literary flavor to the multitude. ' wo thousand policemen and 1,000 fire men look after the lives and property of those awake and staleep. Ten thousand other workers can only be classed as miscellaneous. A gentleman with a taste for statItistionl tables has built the following for night workers: Hotels and restaurants...................... 10.000 eloon employee .......................... 8000 akers ...................................... 7,000 iutchers .... ....... ..................... 8. 00 adener and mtrketmen... .............. 8000 lkmea ........ .......................... 2.00 very and hakmen. ...................... 2.. ,50 En ged in transp,elt.tion.................. 8,5e) oieemen and firemen .................. 0( ewepaper busines ........................ 1.500U Telegrapter. and in.moenger a............... 1,700 ostai and customs clerks ................. 800 liecelan as ...............................10,000 Total .....................................11.50 Next time, oh! day worker, you pass the window of the night worker at noon, let him sleep. 'there will bh trouble if you don't cure those dyspeptie symptoms. l~ake Hood's Saresparila. TJHE SOURCE OF THIE NILE. Confirmation of the Ancient Myths About the Mountains of the Moon. The report of Dr. Baumnnn's latest geo. graphical investigation of the Kagera river ,nd the country lying between that stream *nd Lake Tanganyika affords an interest ing and important contribution to the hbis. tory of the source of the Nile and a singu lar confirmation of the ancient myths con pyning the mountains of the moon. On sept. 5 last Dr. Baumann's expedition reached the Kagera river, and was received by the natives of Urandi with extraordi Sry demonstrations of joy and respect. Be learned that Urundi, from Ujiji to In ands, for ageq bad been ruled by ho were supposed to be lineal descendants of the moon, and that the natives believed him to be the last king, who had died a generation before, and who had now come back to them. On Sept. 11 the expedition crossed the Akenyarn, which is not, as sup posed, a lake, but a river. Dr. Baumann also discovered that the so-called Lake Mworengo is in reality a river which flows into the Akenyaru, and came to the concln sion that there was no extensive sheet of water in Ruanda or North Urandi. On Sept. 16 he arrived at the source of the Kagera, at the foot of the precipitous and wooden hills which form the watershed be tween the basins of the Riflzi and Kagera. This mountain chain is known to the na tives by the name of the "Mountains of the Moon," and is held in peculiar reverence by them. Here Dr. Baumann maintains the real source of the Nile to be. for if "it be acknowledged that the Kagera is the feeder of the Victoria Nyanza. it follows that the headquarters of the Nile can be none other than the Kagera itself in the Mountains of the Moon in Urandi, within the boundaries of the German East Af rice." Whet They Are Good For. BRANDRETR's PILLS are the best medicine known. First-They are purely vegetable, in fact a medicated food. becond-The same dose always produces same effect-other purgatives require in creased doses and finally cease acting. Third-They purify the blood. Fourth-They invigorate the digestion and cleanse the stomach and bowels. Fifth-They stimulate the liver and carry off vitiated bile and other depraved secre tions. The first two or three doses tell the story. The skin becomes clear, the eye bright, the mind active, digestion is restored, costive ness cured, the animal vigor is recruited and all decay arrested. BRANDRETII'B PILLS are sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. No Drunken Mahomnetans. Mahomot's injunction against the use of ardent spirits is so well obeyed even at this late day that it is an extremely rare sight to see a drunken Mussulmon. A lady who has Leen nicking a tour of Egypt says that dur ing a long stay in Cairo none of her Tarty saw an intoxicated man. sbe says that she naked her dragoman if he ever under any provocation indulged in strong drink, and he answered: "If my wife were dying and the doctor ordered her to take brandy and she died with that brandy in her stomach, God would not receive her in heaven." Paul's doctrine of a little wine for the stomach's sake has no place in the Koran code of ethics. Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If *"a grippe" has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bit toee. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions If you are afilicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent iellef by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only r0o cents at H. M. Par chen & Co.'s drug store. Clhivalry Rewarded. A man in Downberry, England, who re cently thrashed a man for annoying some women, was fined $50 by the local court, but the women residents of the town at ones collected money among themselves and presented him with a handsome scarf pit tnd a large check. Meeklea's Araies Salve The Best Salve in the woll4 for Cote, Bruises, olses, Ulcers, talt Rheum, Fever boree, Tatter. Chapped Hands, .Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and post tively cures Piles or no money required. It s guanranteed to perfect satiefeetion, or money refunded. Price 6 oesatper boa. For sale t4y . . Parehen & Co. Light for Russian Jews. An imppx tut law which will mitigate the sver menaatres to which the Jews have a subjected in Russia for years past has bmk.orpceare t f~lt.miurloyr of, te, lIn: or at . trerburg. Jewn llvino in vii lager and townsaitqate4 within the wetern frontier sone, whlcb bie a breadth of fifty verte, will have t e right of continauin to reeide there; wrhers the law now in force deprives thne of thirs prvilege unless the settled n their preenr abodes prer t Oe 9, 1868. The new scheme is to be di. enseed durlin the next eatrson of the couneil of the empire, Meanwhile the provinelal governors have been Inltrooted to eipeAd the expalelons of Jews. The projected disaessleas will extend to any deeree of expallson that may already have been issled or have become oeerative. What's the Use ? "Yba never sit and talk to me es you did before we we o married." aighed the young wife. "No," replied the husband, who was a draper's assistant. "The guv'nor told me to stop pratalng the goodse na oon as the bargain wasee truok."-Tt-Blits. STARTLING FACTS! The Amerlean peopleare rapidly becomiln a race of netvone, and thu fullowling sugestat the hbrt remedy: Alphonsao nfemptlng, of Butl.r. l'P., swears that hen his son was speechlecas from St. Vteus' 'anece, Dr. Miles' Groat Restorative Nervine cured him. Me.. J. R. Miller, of also, Ind., J. D. Taylor, of Logansport, Ind., eacb lgained 20 pounds from taking It. Mrs, IL. A. (Jnrd. ner, of Vlatula, Ind., was cured of 40 to 00 convui. elense day, and much headacho, dlzziness, LIuek. ache. and nervous prostratllon, by one bottle. Danniel Myors, Blrooklyn, Mich.. says his daughter was cured of insanity of ten yeare' st ainin.g I have had a very line trade upon Dr. Miles' ttmtoratlve NWeilne Sod uiM eai pees, ans toe medicines have given universal satisfaction. I have had one case In particular, a lady 70 years of age, who had been a victim of the mntorphlne hebiL for mun,? yarslI after using 12 blottlesn of your .Reioraile NeOrrveie she was completely oured, so that for the past year she has taken no lmorphin whatever, and Is remarlcably well and active for one of her age. W. 3. IERVIN, Hunmlton, Mo. 'a." ull a positive o guaranntee. flie book of marvelotts cres JIREE at druggists Thll remedy eoetains no opiates. iDR. MILES' M.BA. G8*.. :lahnrt- t'vI Bold by all d usgiste. Do Yvo D-o ou WANT AN WANT TO INTEREJT ENJ2T LIFE IN. AT SMALL THE WORLb? EXFPENJE? READ THIS A grest many people suffer tile aches and pains caused by diseased kidneys, ntd do not realiie their datger g t ll it is too late. Bati k-ache, Constipation, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Failing iyesight, Rheumatic atd Ncra ngic pains in tie ack anil Limbs indicate Kidney Disease, whit if neglectued, resolt in death. OREGON KIDNEY TEA WILL CURE THESE TROUBLES. TRY IT. THE EXPENSE IS SMALL.. Vo can not enjoy lifewlhenyou suffrer. Yon will take more interest in theworld when you are well. Manhood Restored. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment a e eolfo for Hysteria, Dizziness, Feits, Neuralgti hoedache. Nalvoos .rost ration ...ed by alohol or tobacoo. Wakefulness Mental Depression, Softening of Brain, causing insanity, misery deo cay. death. Premature Old age, Barrennes, Loss of Poer; in eit. eel, .xt.enoF. Lesneorha. Spermatorrhn.a, caused y over-exertion of brain, self-abuse. over-indnlgence. A month's treatm.nt $1, 6 for F5, by mail. We guarantee boxes to core. Each order for boxes with lS will send written gnaranmtee td refund if not sored. linarantees ilsued only by H. M. Parcheh k Co., sole agents, Helena. Moat. JAPANESEI BPELLETS Act like maffi on the Stomach, Liver and Bow. el; dispelsDyspe psi. Bliliousneso. over.. Colds, Nervous Disorders, Sleeplessnoss, Loss of Appe tite. restores the Complexion; perfect digestion follows their use. Positive cure for Slick Head ache and Constipation. Small, mild, easy to ake. Large vOal of50 pills :5 cents. Bold by * M. Patoh.n a Co.., druggists Helena, Mont PACIFIC RR,. Is the only Ine running THIROUIGH PULLMAN CARS .-n-rr.s .x CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS -AND 3RTIl PACIFIC COAST POINTS, The Dining Car Line. Dining Care on all through Trains. The Yellowstone Park Line. This marvelous WONDERLAND reached only by this line The People'S Line. The people's highway from Chicago., t. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluti and West Superior to Win nipeg. hlelna, Butte. Missonla, ipokane. Es' coma, tSeattlo, Portland and Puoget Bound. The TOurists' Line. The popular line to reach Lakes Pend d' Orielle, keour d'Alene. Kootenal, (helan the Hot V9rin s and Mountain itesorts of the lIOkTIL ET and to ALAbKA. Daily Express Trains. Have PULLMAN PALACE CAlS, PULLMAN 'TOURInT SLEIRPINU CbAI.. klltt COLON 1ST SLEEPING CARS. Through Tickets Are sold at all conpon oemcee of the Northern l'ac fie tIilroal to points North 3ast, South d West. in the United BStates and Canada. IME SCHEDULE. In effect on and after Sunday. August SL TRAINS ARRIVI ArT SLU?3NA. No. . racitio Mail. wet bound ........ 1:10 p. s No. . Atlantic mail. eat bound ........2:40 p. a No. 6. t d'A;ene. Mtsulgui and Hlctta exprre, .. .............. 6:45 p. m o. S. ericysile peenger. ... ..... i..11:0a. No. 10. Mar evIUo accommtodaation ..... :W p. No. 9, Wctkea, Boulder and Elkhorn -eener .....ilOp. No. l02, Himini mixed. Mondayfe, - need .y and Frtdays....... ..... 5:00p. s RIIAIN1' DEPART FROM ELEXN.L Soa. Pcflo Nail. weast ound ........ :1 No. 4. aFSntio In.a.L aot bounsd ...... a tL p.a. No. a. tlte, MlssoeTalant T A lesaone. a xpre ............................... 7:• . m no.t Mar pllto ar t c hasr.....n . .r - 745 a. sl l'4o. O.arpilo - 1. so No. tt Wiokes. blolder asti Etkhorn Passenger n T... .. so0. a lo. 10t, R.ini mixed, Mondays, Wed needeys and Fridays................ 81 ..,-s trains ,.os. 1 4, 5 nd oonnoet at (Garriso iwith Motana UiJon trains to and frohm nute. Veer adne d o s ao,,nda. Tie Nias. . and C will run between Helaen and Wllaoe. Idaho. without cha.-e of ears. Fre 5atoe. Map-. Time Tables or Speclal Information apply to Chas. 8. Fee, Genera Passenger and Ticket Agent at. Palnt. Mlnn., or General Agent of the .iorthern Paoltlo IL IL at lEWLNA. MONT. SOikan F'lls & SNortiern Rallay DAILY EXCEPT IUNDAY. 7:00 A, H., Leave....pokae ... Arrive, 5:501r, u Commencing March 27, passen. gers leaving Spokane on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays connect same afternoon at Northport with Steamer for Trail Creek, Robson, Nelson, Balfour, Pilot Bay, Ains worth, Kaslo and Slocan, and Pas sengers arriving fromthe north on those days go directly through to Spokane, arriving at 6:50 p. m. Daily service via this line will commence about April 10, when passengers will go through the same day. IHRIFI' BALE.--BANFORD KIt. PALMER anti O amuel It. ( ramer, ilaintiits, vs. Emll V. Ufflmnn et al.. defendants. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreolosure and alt isscod out of the disttroto court of the Flst Ju dtini d'etrlct of the state or tiontena, in and for the county of Lewis and clarko, on the 18th day of Farch, A. D. lb93. in the above entitled action, wherein Dan ford K. Palmer end .;mnuol 1. in amer, the above nameod plaintiffs, obtained a judgment and de crooe of foreclosure and sale against l'.ml V. Ufelman at al. defedants, on the 17th day of Parch, A. O, 1898. for the aurI of $1,fiO.llt. be sides interest, costs ard attorney's faas, which said decree was. on the 18th day of March, A. D.. 1E09. recurded in judgment book No. "H" of said court, at puage -. I am comn. manded to sell two certain honees and all other improvemients erected upon ots seven (7) and ..nlt (b) in block number ten (10). (as said loto and blook are nunmber.J, desfgnate.i and de. scribed on the plat) of the I hwnix addition to the city of Helena. county of LaWIC and Clarke, and state of Montran. nFublo notice is hereby lgiven, that on Mon day. the 10th day of April A. D.. 1893. at 12 o'clock m. of that dar, at the front door of the oourt houe., leenal, ewia antd !larke county, Montana, I will. in obedlienco tosaid order of oale and decree of foreclosure and ale, selil the above descrlbel property, or somuohl thereof as may be iecesary to eatisfy said judn.ont, with in terest and rosts, to the highelt and boat bidder, for cah in hand. G(iven under my hand. this 20th day of March, A. 1, 1393, CHARLES D. CURTIS. herie. BP JFanD . loss, Under tvhoriff. NOTICE TO CO-OWNER.-TO O. C. RIN .er, your heirs. exeoutors, administrators and assign s: You are hereby notified that Mark Brayerton al.,i .. W. Stevenson, of Jeffersol county, Mon tana., your co-owners, have. in accordance witn the provisions of seotion 2,824, Revised itatutes of the United States, expended in labor and improvements p in the tsild and Limestone placer mining 1him situated in Jefferson count , state of hsontaa.i described as follows: I eing the SW et of the tleA and the Se It of the SWa k of ec 4o and the N I of the N H of the NW 14 of the NE1, and the N e 'i of the N oi of the N1 51 of r'c 9. 'i 9 N, it h west, containing one hun dred and thirty acres, the sum of one hundred dol lars for the purpose of repreosenting and hold ing asid claim according to law for the-ea ending Dec 81, 1892. and unless you contribute or cause to be contributed your relpectivo pro portion tone-third) of such expenditure as fol lowe: thirty-three and one-third dollars, to gether with interest and cost of advertising. Within 90 days after the service of this notice by publication upon you, your said interest in the above placer mining claim will be forfeited and become the property of the undersigned as pro vided in section 2,82. Revised Statutes of the Unitied Staten MARK BRAYERTOW. H. W. LTIVENBON. First publication Jan. 18. 1898. SHERIFF'S iSALFE-BY VIRTUE OF AN ALIAS execution in my lands. issued out of the die triqt court' of the First Judicial distriet of the statel of Montana, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke. in the suit of William Kranich, against Inx Jovanovic. duly attested the 3d day of March. A. D., 1893. 1 have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the said .Ila Jo vasnove. in and to the following described prop erty, situated in Lewis and Clarke county, Mon tana. viz: h' he Mathias quartz lode mining claim, in Dry Gulch unorganized mining district, in the county of Lewis and Clarke. and state of Mon tana, as the same appears of record in the office of the connty recoruer of said county and state, on page 580. book 9 of lodes. to which for a fur ther description reference is hereby made. Together with all and singulsr the tene monte, hereditaments and appur coances tlhere nnto belonging or in any wis apportainint. Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of April. A. D. 1893. at the hour of 12 o'clock m . of said day. at the front door of the court house in the city of tislena. said county and stlto, I will sell all the right. title and interest of the said Mix Jovanovlc in and to tro said above do scribed property, to the highest bidder for cash in hand. Given under my hand this, the 21st day of March, A. D. 1898. CHAS. D. CURTIS. ShoriL PaiD E. Hoss. Under Sherif.f -a GYPSY CURE, Will positively cure gon orrhea and glest or money refunde . No. 1 for gon orrhoe.a, No. 2 for gleet. will not cause stricture. Sold by all druggists. S EUGENE MEYER, A BeOLL AoNT. Helena, Mont. s.* J. L. SMITH e... Freight and Transfer Line HELENA, MONT. All kinde of merchandise and other freights, including ores, promptly transferred from the depot, trders will receive prompt attention, Oilir"at J. '"ldherg'e Sture and at the espot. STUDY LAW AT HOME vo ftaI Oonex ZN i n psraou 0orerepondeaneo ltool of arw. (Ioearperted.) end ten oents (stamul) er particaasei to d. Ootnor, J. Sec'F Ie. "$ Whitaey Rlek. D.[.t1"t6 EMs ARTHUR P. CURTIN'S FURNITURE, CARPET, NEW MUSIC HOUSE. WALL PAPER AND .'FiaGLOs , OvgasFa Houns Fnrnishing QGoods HOUSe, Orquinettes, Guitars, Violins, Accordions, Ronee enlarged to four times former capacity. AND A rmLL LIrE or Five imme nkefloors ettending through thesen- MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. A stook gremer than that of all other Solena Bole agene or ftor nt ay R Boe., Bohmer. house combinedo. ahler trmes. mmn Mason & Hamli Caoh poihaseus and straight rarlosd shipment. Brigt, Iand oilher Arst-elum Pianos. E)Urde will seeelve prompt attention. I W"Low prices and easy terms -------- ELENA. MONTANA.----- - HELENA LUMBER COMPANY AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED GALT GOAL Also Dealers In Rough and Finishing Lumber, Shingles. Lath, Doors, Sash and Lumber. e * * * TELEPEONEla. m se Sltt.QOteeaMooea 8, Thosnp.a blorek, MaS Itr** Oppoe a rad O entraG 3 Rakh R*I*P*A*N*S TABULES SREouLATE THI 8TOMACH, LIVERAND BOWEL AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. .IPANs TAAITU-- are the bet Mei., tnete knuwu, fr Tndietto Iillloratstr LI vet Trou1'l sltrl /J.e, Il m ptenlont - aent u ,0rx oae iretlaet la. ali dls. orde. olthe stemase, i.tvr mad oewels. dar lea obtalaed by applicaton to aurest 1 I .****or ** ******K* * * LOST MANHOOD' Easly, Quickly and Permanently Restored. CULNnRAu n ExBsw a Rausor NERVIA. It If sold on a positive guarantoe to cure any W Y form of nervous pro,. tratlon or any disorder of the genital organs of eltheor sex, caused efor. by exees vo use of A ter. oacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on coong of youthful indiscretion or over indulgence eta.. Disliness, Convulsions, Wakefulness,, Headache, Mental DeIpresion, Softeningof the irain. Weak Memory, Bearing Down Pains, 8ominal Weakness, lysteria, Nocturnal Ermlesions. permatorrhbma Lose of Power and Impoteney, which if.neglectedi may lead to premature old age and insanity. iositivcly guaranteed. Price, U1.00 a bor; f boxes for 6.00. Sent by mall on receipt of pricoo. A written guarantee furnished with every $5.00 order received. to refund the money if a permanent cure is not adffected. NERVIA MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mich. o, sale in Helena by the Peynter Drug Co, wholalo and retail druggists. HFRIFF'S 8ALF.--A. M. THORNBUIIGH, Splaintiff. vs. T'homas Ooff, John V. Jerome and latrick Kelly, assignees, and the Laramie lolling Mills. a corporation, defendants. Onder and by virtue of an order ot sale and decree of foreclosure and sale iseaued out of the district court of the First judicial district of the state of Montana. in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke. on the l0oh day of March, A. D. 189I. Inthe above entitled action, wherein a. M. 'ihornburgi. the above named plaintiff, ob. tained a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against bhomas doff. John V. Jerome and Patrick Kelly and The Larameo Rolling Mills, a corporation, defendants, on the 0th day of March, A. D. 1893, forthesum of 1.748r , belides interest, costs and attorney's fees. which said de cree was on the 30th day of March, A D), 189 recorded in judgment book No. H of said court at page -. am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate. lying and being in the county of Lewis and 'laerk. state of Montana. and bounded and described as follows. to wit: Lot number thirteen (Is) i block number tax ) of Bassett's addition to the city of Hilona. Lewis and Clarke county. Montana. as the same is more particularly bounded anc de. scribed in the official plat of said Bacosett'a ad dition, as the same is on ie in the office of the clerk and recorder of Lewis and Clarke county. Montana, (!ubject to the mortgage held by William Bsrnom recorded in volute 10 of mort ga eD, pare 31, for the sum of $2,700.) Phereby given that on Fltur day, the 2'l clay of April, A.. 1893. at 12 o'clock m. of that day, at the front door of the court house, Helena, Lerwi and Clarke coun ty. Montana, I will, in obedience to said order of 'nae anid decree of foreclosure and sale. sell the above described property, or ed-much there of as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment. with interest and costs, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand. Given untder my hand this 80th day of arch, A. D., 1180 CHARLES D. CURTIS, Sheriff. By nhun E. HRos, Under Sheriff. ALIAS UMMONS--IN TH E DISTIHICI court of the First judicial district of the state of Montana in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke. F. J. Edwards, plaintiff., vs. John A. Ames and T. C. itephen., defendants. The state of Montana sends greeting to the above named defendant-: You are hereby required to appear inan action brought against you by othe above named plain till in thedistroct court of the k'irst judicial dis. trit the state of Montana, in and for the etaunt df Lewis ad Clarke,. and to answer the comp ait filed therein, within ten days ( of tho day of ervice) after the servic-on you ofthts summons. if served within this countyt or, if served out of this county, but within this district, within twenty days; other wise within forty days, or jldgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said complaint. 3' hc said astir n i.+ brought to recover jde. ment for the com of $l3O on a promissory nute oexecuted and delivered by defendants to ii. W. B. tunith r order, dated ec. 4, 891. doe March 4, 1892. with interest from date at 12 per cent ler annum, which note said bmith endorsed for value to Mary hEdwrds, and which was by her endorsed to plaintiff, who is now the ouner and ho~der thereof: that payment of raid note was demanded and was refused, although past due; that defendants have never paid said note or any part ihereof. And "ou are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff wil take juldgment against you for 3-.0 with interest from this date, besides costs. Given under my hand andthe seal of the dis trict court of the irst judicial district of tins state of Montana, in and for the s'ý.i county of Lewis and Clarke,. Seal First 1 this 11th day of March, in tihe Jud. Dist. -year of our Lord one thousand .Court. 1 eight hundred and ninety-thrc. = JOHN BEAN, Clerk. S o G.0. PRsesMAn , Deputy 'larki. B1. i. Purell., Attorney for Plaintift. K. PRESCOTT Marble and Granite MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Iron Melema, Fencing. MonisaIs HOVEY & BICKEL . Civil and Mining ENGINEERS ROOMS 24, 2b, Merchants National fank Building. Heleon, Montana. OARL GAIL, President. E. BUMILLER, Vice-President and Treasures. IL UNZICKER, General Manager and Seoretasi M. UNZICK~R, Western Representative. GHIGAQO IRON WORKS,. O " " e • ILDIRF OR e e " " AEnln M(ii. Gold Mills, Wet and Drmelt.y iiIGl!WI 1111 iniCrushing Silver Mills, smelt. Ing, Concentrating, Leach. ing, Chlorinating, Hoisting ANE!iand Pumping Plants of any A D M capacity. Tramways, Cor lies Engines, Compound En. Skips, Ore and Water Buck Iets, Wheels and Axles and O all kinds of Mine Supplies. S* ezselasntvoe latern Manurta[steer and Agents ore J. ~ Bryan's Roller Quartz Mill and Iendy's lmproved Triumph Concentrator WeMtera OMfees gOeneral Ome and Workes NO. 4 LOWER MAIN STREET, CLYBOURN AV. AND WILLOW ST. Helena. Moetanat Chtcago, tlllantI Justice to All. It is now apparent to the Directors of the World's Columbian Exposition that millions of people will be denied the pleasure of becoming the possessors of World's Fair Souvenir Coins The Official Souvenir of the Great Exposilion.- The extraordinary and growing demand for these Coins, and the de sire on the part of the Directors that equal opportunities may be afforded for their purchase, have made it necessary to enlarge the channels of distribution. To relieve themselves of some responsibility, the Directors have invited THE MERCHANTS Throughout the Nation to unite with the Banks in placing Columbian Half Dollars on sale. This is done that the masses of the people, and those living at remote points, may be afforded the best possible opportunity to obtain the Coins. THE FORTUNATE POSSESSORS of SOUVENIR COINS will be those who are earliest in seizing upon these new advantages. $io,ooo Was Paid For The First Coin They are all alike, the issue is limited, and time must enhance their value. The price is One Dollar each. HOW TO GET THE COINS: Go to your nearest merchant or banker, as they are likely to have them. If you cannot procure them in this way, send direct to us, ordering not less than Five Coins, and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered. Send instructions how to ship the Coins and they will be sent free of expense. Remit by registered letter, or send express or post-office money order, or bank draft to Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT PENSIONS. ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. BOX 463, WASHINGTON, D. O. Honorably dsoharged soldier and sailors who served ninety da, or oer, in the lats war are entitled. if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor. whether disability wee daOy service r not and regaredia of their peouniary oitcnmstanee . WIDOWS of such soldiers ad sailors are entitled (if not remecried) whether soldier's death was due to army service or nut. if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows not depenodent upon theiorn labor are entited i the soldier's death was doe to ervioe. CIIILLDHaN are entitled (if under sixteen year) in aImoet all oase where there wu no widow, or she has sinoe died or remarried. PAbiEiNT are entitled if soldtle left neither widow nor childn. rovi ed soldier died in eervlea or from efeots of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor tfo support. It makes no diffrence whether soldier served or died in lae war or in regulae army or navy. soldiers of thelate war. pensioned under one law, may pply for higher rates under othe laws without losing any rights. 'housands of soldiers drawing from $2 to 10 per month under the old law are entitled to highor ra'es under new law. nit only on account of disabllitlee for whih now pensioned, but also for others, whether due to ervioe or tiot. toldiers and silors disabld in line of duty in regular arml or navy slne the war ale entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors. and their widow,. of the laek Hawk. Creek. Cherokee. and Seminol Florida Indian Ware oa 1882 to 182 .are entitled under a recent eot. Mexican War soldiers and their widows are also entitled, it sixty-two years Ofgeo or die abled or dependent. Old claims completed and settlement oh ained, whether pension has been grnted und later laweor not. Rejected laims reopened and settlement oftained. if rejection improper or illiegd. (ertiiate of service and discharge obt d for med oldiere d sailors of the l~ s war w have lost their origial papers tiend for laws and informatio No charge for advice. o fee unless successfut Addrees, THE PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, MANAGING ATTORNEY, P. O. BOX 703, WASHINU4 TON, . ,. The Forum. "TH FeORUM is to the United Stales what Tuo Nurn.wru is to lngland and more-incomparably the bet thoughtful periodical we have ever T HE FORUM contains articles about what men are now doing in the world. The problems and the tasks of your own life and thought, and of our own country, and of our own time: the education of your children; the lat. est results of resoaroh in your own special study; the great books of the period: the real leaders; the large movements-are these not the most interest. ing subjects? The secret of THE FORUM'S hold on its readers Is that its writers make it helpful to all who think. Its readers form the dominant part of every pro. feasslon, oraft, and class-those who are succeeding because they have a correct measure of the Intel. lectual forces and of the larger activities of Amern. can life, the best informed, and the most ambitious. Its writers are the leaders of thought and of ao. tion everywhere and in all kinds of important work. Ask the best informedman in your community what he thinks of THE FORUM, or send to us fot the written opinions of some of the loading men in your State, and in all other States. THE FORUM: Union Squnare, Now York. $5 a Tear. WP'Bnbeoriptious may be ment direot to TIU PoIIUM, oa through any nbilehed su beoriptlaon Bgsnoy or noofseller.oat through this paper.