Newspaper Page Text
VOk XXXIV.-NO. 54. Hd e n MONTANA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1893 VOL. XXXIV.-NO. 54. HELRNA, MONTANA. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1893. PRICE FIVE CENTS I¶LEIN TO-DAY the new giant Cu narder, Campania, sails. from Liverpool for New York. This latest addition to the Atlantic fleet is one of the largest of her class, and great things are expected of the new vessel. The ship is capable of carryingseveral thousand passengers, and is thus a floating City like the New York. The Lucania, the other new Cu narder, ,vill leave Liverpool, May 20tl. BOYS Engage a large share of con sideration from their parents and properly so. It adds the feeling of self-pride, becom ing to every child, to clothe him in garments which are inconspicuous by virtue of their style and quahlity. OUTFITS Which realize fully the re quirements of the young gen tlemen are displayed by us in a department devoted ex clusively to their wants. We court inspection of our wares this season as we always have done successfully. &ANS & n LEIN BLEACHING ON THE PLAIN Bones Only Were Found by the Party Searching for Harry L Thornton. Murdered by Treacherous Mexi cans With Whom He Started Out to TraveL His Pockets Rifled and His Body Left to Be Devoured by Hungry Coy otes-The Discovery. SAN FnANozsco, April 7.-Crlttenden Thornton, who went down into Arizona some weeks to search for his brother, Harry 1. Thornton, who was last seen alive on the 17th of November last, came home Wednesday morning. He found his brother-what the coyotes had left of his dead body-lying by the side of a mountain trail, with a bullet hole through the empty skull. The pockets of the dead man had been rifled of their con tents of value, and the men who found the remains picked up the las letters that the dead man had received from his father and mother. The identification was per fect. The point where the remains of young Thornton were found on the trail leading to Hooker Hot springs is about six miles from the San Pedro river and fifty miles from Fort Grant, from which pbiat Critten den Thornton on Sunday evening tele graphed the melancholy news of the finding of the body of his murdered brother to his father. Ex-Justice J. 1I. Thornton, of the supreme court. For weeks and weeks the family of the dead man have been in a state of agoniz ing nuspense concerning the fate of the young lawyer and stookman. Ever since his disappearance first became generally known the reports that Judge Thornton had received from Arizona had been of the most conflicting character. It was along between the 10th and 15th that Judge Thornton first became suspioious that something had happened to his son. He had written several letters to his boy in Arizona, and in one he had inclosed a deed to seme property in Alameda which young Thornton wanted to sign and return to his father. No answer came, though Harry Thornton was a prompt man in all his business af fairs. To all the other letters written by the father and mother no answer came from their boy after Nov. 7 of last year. This was the last direct missive they ever re ceived. Judgoe Thornton,. after raiting some time for an answer to the letters, wrote to two business men in Wilcox, A. T., with whom his son had business relatlonS, and from them came totally different opinions as to the fate of the young stookman. One wrote that in his opinion Harry would come out all right. It was a cheerful letter and the writer told why he thought that Thornton would be found alive and well. The opinion expressed by the other man was confirmed by the short express dispatoh that came over the wire Bunday night, tell ing of the finding of young Thornton's dead body. Then some weeks ago when no definite tldinge could be received of the missing man, though searching parties had been out over the country where Thornton had been last seen alive, a brother of the dead man, COrittenden Thornton, went to Arizona for the purose of making a more thorough search than had yet been make. It was on the 17th of last November that young Thornton. with some Mexicans, left tirhe ranch of his friend Nick Meyer to go to Hooker Hot Springs. The distanoe was not great, and he started on foot and un armed. Evidently it was his intention to return to Meyer's ranch in a short time, for when he started out on his walk to the springs be left his gnu, some personal ef fects end a saddle shere. He could have gone but a few miles from the ranch of his friend before he was shot to death. The trail is a most lonely and untraveled one, and as far as known but a single Luman being has passed over it slnce the day that young Thornton was shot down until the little party searching for the miss ing stockman rode over it, That one man wean Mexican. The fron tiersmen all thought that he was crazy. He had acted so for years that no one ever paid the slightest attention to him. One day about two months ago this Mexi can rode into a settlement not many miles from where the body of Thornton was found last Friday. He was more than usually excited, and when he told of how he had seen the dead body of a man lying by the side of the trail no one thought enough of his story to go out and recover the body. The same Mexican had told be fore of how he had seen dead men lying along the trail, and searching parties had ridden many miles and faced many dangers only to learn that the Mexican's stories of dead men were but the strange fancies of an unsound mind. So they paid no atten tion to him, though this time he had seen a dead man by the trail side. 'Ihis was over two months ago, end it was not until Crittenden Thornton began the search for his brother that the story told by the cr.zy Mexican was recalled by some one who had first heard it. Then the searching party rode over the lonely trail and found all that was left of the murdered stockman. They found a skull with a bullet hole under the ear, com ing out somewhat higher on the opposite side, the dry skin and a few hairs still clinging, and the neook bones and-nothing else. Coyotes, in the months intervening be tween the day he was shot to death and the filding of the remains, had car;ed the body away. leaving only the empty skull and evidences that a robbery and murder had been committed. When Thornton started from the Meyer ranob he had about $:00 in his pockets. '1 hii the Mexicans with him knew, and the theory now is that when four or five miles from the ranch one of the Mexicans, who was walking behind Thornton, placed a six shooter behind his right ear and fired abul let through the young stockman's brain. The pockets of the dead man were then rifled, the body left by the side of the trail for the coyotes and the murderers made good their escare. Nothing has been seen of the Mexicans since. A MURDEROUS COUNTERFEITER. Makes Confesslon of oth Crimes, Haw Ing Been Captured. BAcaMxurNT, Cal.., April 7.-A young man named Martin has been arrested in Siaki you county for the murder of Louis Tod bouter, a young man who was killed March 28, while attempting to arrest two counter feiters. Martin, who is only 18 years old, made a complete confession. He belonged to a ganng of counterfeiters who had head quarters on a small island in the Saora meato river. He and oneot the gang, John Moore, were going down the river in a boat with a let of counterfeit money, when young Todhunter and his father tried to arrest them. Moore shot and killed young 'Jodbhunter. and the ounterfeiters escaped them. A man named Acker is also under arrest at Willows on suspicion of being one of the gang, Moots is in southern Cal. ifornia and will be arrested there. THE Ml'CAItTyS Omeers Thought They lead Them Cooped, but Were Mtistaken. BAKER CITY, Ore., April 17.-Omfsers who have been watching the house of William McCarty, at Haines, under the impression that William and Tom McCarty, supposed bank robbers who eluded them a few days ago, were secreted therein, searched the house to-day and to their chagrin found no trace of the McCartys. It is believed now that the MoCartys never returned to the house, but secreted themselros in the moun tains in the vicinity, where they are now awaiting a favorable opportunity to get out of the country. The reported capture of Kid McCarty at Boise, Idaho, proves un true. It. E. K. McCarty, who is now under arrest for assisting Tom and William Mo Carty to escape, killed a man with a cork. screw In a variet theater in this city two years ago. A Dismembered Body FPound. Cnrcaoo, April 7.--This afternoon the dismembered body of a woman was found in the sand on the shore of Lake Michigan at Hollingwood avenue. Both legs were severed and the head and arms torn away. The body was node and there is not the slightest clue to the woman's identity. The body evidently had been several months in the sand. BILLOWS OF FLAME. Sweep Over Several Counties In Nebraska -Thle Fire Record. OMAnA, Neb., April .7.-The gale which swept over Nebraska to-day bore before it great billows of flames which swept from thousands of fertile acres every vestige of vegetation. It is too soon to get at an idea of how mushthe exact damage is, for the places most affected are remote from telegraph lines, and in those that have means of communication the populace is bqsy fighting fire. It is known, though, that much grain and hay, together with many bridges, were licked up. Whether any lives were lost is not reported. Banner, Keith, Dawson, Blaluo and adjoining counties were com pletely devastated by the flames. Word was brough to Harrisburg to-night by the driver of a stage that the town of Ashmore was directly in the path of the fire and the entire population of the village was engaged in a battle to save their homes. The stage driver reported having seen sev eral dwellings in flames and settlers fleeing for their lives. Meager details received here to-night from Ogallala, Harrisburg, Dunning, In verton, Kearney, Grand Island, Lexington and Hastings give accounts of great losses to property. The Burlington bridge at Dunning and another at Hastings were de stroyed. At Kearney the fire destroyed a brewery located at the edge of town. At Dunning an old lady named Bartlett was burned so badly she may die. The gale subsided by nightfall, but the fires had soarcely abated, anu in threatened sections the inhabitants spent long hours in com batting fires. InosTow, Ohio, April 7.-The Yellow Poplar Lumber company's plant burned this afternoon. A trestle of the Norfolk & Western railroad was also destroyed and the passage of all trains stopped. Thirty dwellings were burned, catching from sparks from the burning mill. Twenty. two families lost their household goods. Mrs. Brush, an invalid, who was confined to her bed, was burned to death, although efforts were made to save her. The Norfolk & Western road lost seventeen cars. The foreman at the mill places the loss on property at $400,000. The loss on dwellings will reach $70,000. Two hundred and fifty persons are thrown out of employ ment. OwENsnono, Ky., April 7.-Fire this after noon destroped the large warehouse of the Glenmore Distilling company here. The building contained 18,987 barrels of whisky, of which there were but 400 barrels on which the tax was paid. The entire loss to night is estimated at $350,000. This does not include the lass of three cottages which were also destroyed. The loss is fully covered by insurance. Sioux FALLS, S. D., April 7.-The city this afternoon narrowly escaped the most disastrous Are. While a gale was blowing the prairie caught fire and the blaze swept rapidly toward the outskirts of the town, burning several small buildings and a con siderable amount of grain. The flames were subdued after burning one house in the city and scorching others. YANITON, 8. D., April 7.-Sparks from a locomotive set fire to the grass a few miles north of Yankton yesterday. The fire wiped out Dile's and McGregor's farsm, destroying property worth $10.000. Other losses sus tainued aggregate $25,000. PoMRnoY. O., April 7.-Clifton, a village just below here on the West Virginia side, was almost completely wiped out by fire to-day. Twenty-five houses, three stores and the salt works were consumed. Lassie estirmated at .30.000. HOT IPrnlao, H. D., April 7.-Prairie fire to-day burned over an expanse of country miles in width. The damage will prove the greatest ever done by fire in this part of the Blank Hills. SPOKANE, April 7.-The business portion of the town of Pataha was entirely wiped out by fire this morning. Loss $40,000, in surance one-half. IlotsToN. April 7.-The wholeatle grocery house of W. 1). Cleveland & Co. burned to night. Losn $165,000, insurance $140,000. STOPPED IN TIIE 11011T. lnowen and Blurke Fought That Long Ite fore heLtting. NEw Our.YANS, April 7.-The Bowen Burke fight was stopped in the 110th round by the referee, who decided it no fight. The purse Hill be divided. Biowon wanted to finish. Bones in both of ilurko's hands were broken. Very little fighting was done after the ninety-third round. Blowne from that time until the finish was the aggreesor whenever there was any fighting to be done and landed now and then on Burke's body, but was unable to do any damage. Burke's hands were practically useless, and he only prodded at Bowen to keep hin guesslng, not with any idea of being able to knock him out. In the 105th round Bowen fell heavily from the mo mentum of his own weight, but did not hurt himself. In response to the vehement demands of the crowd, the referee in the 108th round announced that nnles4 some thing wasee done in the next two mounds he would stop the contest and declare it no tight. This only made both men cautions and Bowen did not force the fighting, and at the 110th round the referee declared the fight no contest. Bowen protested without avail. 1te was unmarked and fresh. Burke was badly punished about the body and some of the bones of both hands seemed broken and his wrists wers much swollen, and he suffered considerable pain. IHe wants to fight Bowen again, but PIesident Dickson says the club will not make a new metch. The president sars the men fought hard and are entitled to the money. Bowen people are sore at the decision. Ineuranee Cemopany Goes Under. OmCavLAsn, 0.. April 6.-A receiver has been appointed for the Washington Ins.r anoe company, of this city, one of the old eat in the state. having been In busines since 18111. It is said the assets and liabili. ties are small. TO ENTERTAIN RANDOEES, The State Department Must Take L Care of the Invited Visitors From Spain. Willing to Do So, but a Little Concerned About the Expense. Two Important Montana Positions Filled by President Cleveland-An Ex"'' Gets a Place. WAernrroTO, April 7.-State department officials are somewhat worried over the question of paying the expenses for enter taiing the Spanish grandees and other foreigners who will visit the World's fair. The joint resolution of congress inviting Spanish royalty to participate in the open ing ceremonies of the exposition carried no appropriation for the purpose namrsd. It simply states that "under his direction the secretary of state shall make suitable ar rangements for their reception and enter tainment," and Secretary Gresham is en. deavoring to determine where he can secure the money necessary to carry out the in etructions of congress. It is almost certain that the necessary amount will be taken from the contingent fund of the state de partment, leaving to congress the appropri ation of an amount sufficient to cover any deficiency that may occur. Arrangements for the reception and en tertainment of the distlnguished guests have not been completed, but will be in a very short time. Two officers of the navy have been detailed to take charge of the distinguished Spanish guests and escort them to all the places they will visit. The Infanta Eulalia's party will be in charge of Commander Davis. It will consist of the infanta and her husband. Prince Antoine; the duke of Tamanes, grand chamberlain, and two ladies in waiting. marquess de Asoohermoso and nmarquesa de Comillas. With the duke of Veragna. who will be under the ciosronage of Commander F. W. Dickens, will be the marquis of Barbale, his brother; the duchess of Veragua, the duke's son and a secretary. The duke's party left Madrid yesterday and they are due in New York April 15. The infanta and her suits are due in America on April 20. They will come from Havana on a Spanish man-of-war. It is probable that neither party will attend the naval rendez vous at Hampton Roads, but will be in New York to witness the naval review. A SURPRISE. The Montana Appointments Made Friday Were of That Nature. Special to The Independent. W.asa.raox., April 7.-The appointments for Montana to-day were a surprise to politicians from that state now in this city. Mr. Lyman, who was nominated for col lector of internal revenue for Montana, Utah and Idaho, was not an applicant for the office. The president chose him, how ever, to settle a long and sharp contest be tween fourteen difBerent candidates from these three states by going outside of the list and naming Lyman. with whom he was acquainted. In that sense, it was a per sonal appointment of Mr. Cleveland's, as appointments in some other oases have been. Mr. Lyman has been in New York for several days, and it is not known whether or not he will accept the office. The appointment of David G. Browne, for collector of customs at Fort Benton, was one which the Clark and Daly factions united in urging. Maginnis. Gibson and other democrats also recommended Browne, while Ex-Gov. Hauser strongly pressed the appointment of Patrick Gallagher. It is not probable that other Montana offices will be filled immediately. VACANT CIIAIP.R Growing More Numerous Daily in the Senate. WASHINoTON, April 7.-Each day's re curring session of the senate shows a dimin ishing attendance of senators. At the opening to-day vacant chairs were more numerous than occupied ones. A call of the senate, however, had the result of gath erine into the senate forty-seven senators, four more than a quorum. The resolution for a trio of the committee on commerce to the Puaolaf coast for the purpose of do oidiang on the relative advantages of lau Pedro and Santa Monies for a deep water harbor was taken up and agreed to. Vooreoes introduced a resolution, which was referred to the interstate commerce committee, reciting the decision in the Ohio strike cases, directing the committee to report what legislatrou is necessary to amend the interstate commerce act so as to I rotect the rights of organized labor. Hoar resumed his speech in opposition to the proposed constitutlonal amendment for a popular vote for senators. At the con clusion of his speech the senate went into executive session and soon adjourned. PrESIDENTIAI. AI'OINT.JENTS, Two Montlotena Pelllton Fillrd--An "iEx" Iteeognizeid in Utah. WARihNOTON, April 7.-The president sent tile following nominations to the Ronate: Caleb B. West, of Utah, to be governor of Utah; D. Murphy, of WVashinton, 1). C., first deputy commissioner of pensions; A. W. Lyman, of Montann, collector of intor nal revenue for the district of Montana, Utah and Idaho: David (. Browne, of Mon trns, collector of cuOstoms for the district o! Montana end Idaho. The nomination of Caleb B. West is a case of the recognition of an "er," for West was the for iear governor of the terri tory under Cleveland. lie made a good official and sines retirement from that ollice has spent the earter part of the time in Washington, where he has been an ardent worker about couaress, seeking to have a bill passed admitting the ter itory to statehood. He has beeon recognized ns one of the leading democrats of the terri tory. No Objection to Judd. WAnsmINTONa . April 7.--l'ho prosident signod the commission of Max Judd. of St. Louis, as United States consul general at Vienna. It was said at the state depart menat that no coimmunicotions, verbal or written, were received by the seoietary to indicate that the Austrian government has any objection to the new consul general. Judd will therefore go to Vienna and enter on the disoharge of the duties of consul general. except in the unlooked-for refusal of the Austrian government to reoeive him. The Law Ambiguous. WAermlOTow. April 7.--.*oretary Carlisle to-day received from Edwin Walker. chair man of the committee on legislation for the World's Columnbian exposition, a letter raising certnin qluestions in regard to the sundry civil not in which Is included ap proprletionu for the World's fair, asking especially for a construction of the con gresslonal notion authorizinu the oining of five million souvenir half dollars for the benelit of the fair, nod afterwards passing an act doeolring that the explosition moas furnish security for the payment of $670. 880l eappropriated for awards. ete. The di rectors of the xtoslition are in doubt as to how to constrn.o these acts. e4ecretary Car Ilsle referred the question to the attorney general for decision. JAMES D. POI.'ITEIL, IL.I). Will sacesed tafan as United States Mlneis ter to (1blll. James D. Porter, who has beep named by President Cleveland to succeed Patrick Egan as minister to Chill, has for umore 4 ,. JAMES D. PORTER. than twenty years been a conspicuous figure in the public life of Tennessee. He is a Tennsceeean by birth, havinv been born at Paris, Tenn., Dec. 7, 1828, was graduated at the university of Nashville, in 1845, was admitted to the bar in 18651, and in 1859 was elected to the state legislature. He served through the civil war on the staff of Gun. Cheatham, of the confederate army. in 1870 was elected circuit judge for the Twelfth Judicial distriot of Tennessee, and from 1874 to 1879, was governor of his native state. He is president of the board of trustees of the university of Nashville, wan assistant secretary of state from 1885 to 1887. and has held many other positions of trust and honor. WORKMEN DISCHARGED. The Action Causes Considerable Comment In Labor Circles. Special to The Independent. GREAT FALLS, April 7.-Thirty-two men have been discharged without any obvious cause from the Great Northern shops on the west side. The only reason the master mechanic gave them for their summary dismissal was that he had received orders to do so from St. Paul. The men dis charged were union men. while non-union men have been retained. There is said to be plenty of work in the shops and this sud den dismissal of union workmen has cre ated no end of comment in labor circles. Someof the discharged men claim that ever since the strike of the boilermakers in the shops here a year ago, union men have been gradually eliminated from that depart ment, and they look upon this last whole sale discharge as the beginning of an active crusade against organized labor in these shops. House Burglars Arrested. Special to the Independent. DILLON, April 7.-The house of Mrs. Earle, a lady living near Glen station, north of Dillon, was plundered laest night. Un der Sheriff Price went no this morning and brought three tough looking follows in to night, having arrested them at Glen, Mrs. Earle identifying them. They gave their names as John Anderson. Thomas Dillon and Charles Henry. Two More Arrests. Special to The indopendent. GREAT FALLs. April 7.-Sheriff Hamilton has arrested two more of the alleged Kirby cattle thieves. He brought them in last night. Their names are Floyd Tinsley and Arthur Nobel. They were arraigned before Jungo Race and plead not guilty, and were bound over to the district court in the sum os $300. Change of Candldates. Special to Tihe IndP onrleilt. Gire.T Fa L.a, Ap: il 7.--John W. Stanton, candidate for city attorney on the demo cratic ticket, has withdrawn, and M. M. Lyter. nominee of the people's iartt, has been put in his place by the central com mittee. Mrs. Irarnaby's Will.1 Pnovr.n(ce., R. I., April 7.-The contest over the will of Mrs. Barnaby, for whose alleged murder I)r. Graves is awaiting his second trial at Denver, has been settled, It is believed Graves will not be retried. TELEGRAPHI IC I."V ITI ES. New Yoor,. April 7.-The iron firm of Carrere ,C Hass, Brooklyn, rlae failed with notinal assets at $l10,0100 and lisbilities at SAN FIrtctsrsco, April 7.--ligiht 11ev. Wm. Ingram Kip, bishop of California, dr.d here shortly after midnight after a lingering 111 nes, aged 80. LINr'OLN, Neb. April 7.-Gov. (`rounse to day appointed twenty-five delegates to at tend the tranemississippi congress at Ogdenl. Utah. April 24. New YorlK, April 7.-Col. William Gildr proposes to make another trip to the Arctic regions, this time fcrr the purpose of locating the magnetic pole. SAN BlerNAaiINO, ( Cal., April 7.-Jesus Fuen, the Spaniard who yesterday butchered his mistress and old man Gold koffen, was lynched by a mob. (OruAnl.I,AJnuA, Mex.. April 7.-Several light earthquakes have been felt here dur ing the past few days, the cause of whlch is now apparent. Colima volcano is again in a state of eruption. lrIaoo)N, April 7.-Debate on the second reading of the Irish home rule bill was re snumed to-day in the house of commons, and p coceded tamely until adjournment. No notable speech was made and the house was half deserted. Avwsr.m. Tex., April 7.-The special lesle lative comomitteo on the charges pIreferred against Land Commissioner MoGaughey report: d to-day. recoutumending his im peachment on several counts for violation of the constitution and statutes. CtLtVLAtnI April 7.-Grand Chief Ar thur, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, was served with another order by Judge Taft. of the United States court to-day, forbidding him from issuing any boycott order against the Ann Arbor road. THE NIEW WEATHER MAN, He Has Evidently Lost. His Grip on the Elements of Late. Morton Should Have Waitod Un til Longer After the Equinox Bofore Changing. llzzard at Miles City, rlmoono at Chl cago, lHowling Winds and Snow Storins at Other 'oilts. Hpeoal to '11i ITllru l,nl Ill"lt. Mrsi t Crlt. April 7.--A heavy gale begun to blow lost night about 11 o'clock. A rain soon follownd which changed to snow. '1 I storm lasted all day, the velocity of the wind ranching forty-seven milun. It is one of the worst blizzards that has ever visited this section for years. Sheepmen had in many instances left their winter camps with their bands. These sheep will surely perish. Old cows will suffer and die and any early calves that have come will die. It is fea:ed that the M. H. Murphy band of .9,)X0 steers that was being taken to the Standing Hook agency, have been turned loose, as it would be impossible to hold them in such a driving storm. Fortunately at six p. in. the storm ceased, and the wind died down, and the thermometer stands at twenty-four above. NINE ITALIANS KILLED. Had Taken Refuge, From a Storm and Were Crushed. JOLIET, Ill., April 7.-An accident ac cident occurred on the drainage channel at Romeo about six o'clock this evening, by which nine men were killed and six severely wounded. A severe wind and hail storm about that time caused the men to take refuge in the engine house at one end of a huge cantilever. The machine was at the southend of the track and the engine house at the north end. The cantilever `as carelessly left unfastened, and as the wind increased to a gale it started down the track toward the engine house in which the men had taken refuge. When the machine reached the end of the track the top part too pled over on the engine house. As a result nine men were killed and six severely injured. They were all Italians except the foreman, who was Samuel Ko rue, of this city. The cantilever was so badly wrecked that it is a total loss, as is another which was blown over a mile north, but no damage was done in the lat ter case. HOT AND WINDY. Cbhlonego Practlcngl on Weather So a to Muit All Visitors. CmoAoo, April 7.-This was the warmest day Chicago has experienced during the month of April in twenty years. The mercury stood at eighty-two dearees and a hot wind blew from the south at the rate of thirty miles an hour. The heated spell was broken this evening by a hail storm whiceh passed over the sonthern portion of the city, breaking several thousand dollars worth of window glass. This morning the wind levelled the Indiana hotel, anew frame structure near the World's fair grounds. As the building came down it flattened a one-story building adjoining. Another building holding a panorama, which was not sufficiently braced, was also tarned into a pile of kindling wood. T'he river, not to be outdone by the atmosphere, showed up about three o'clock this morning with a tidal wave four feet high, which tore several ressele from their moorings and damaged them considerably. Thte cause is said to have been sudden squalls on the lake. Blowing Bard for Two Days. DEADWOOD, S. D., April 7.-A terrible wind and snow storm has been prevailing here for the past forty-eight boars. Tele graph and telphone wires are prostrated, many buildings were blown down and oth ers unroofed. Piedmont was partially de eStroyed. All trains are tied nu. The velocity of the wind was seventy-five miles hour. Widiespread and Cevere. SAIT LAKE. April 7.-Accounts of wind storm just over show it to be one of the most widespread and eevere in this region. Trees were blown down in great numbers end fences, signs, etc., strewn to the wind. At Eureka a railroad trestle was blown down trnd everywhere more or less damage done, No lives were lost. Deep Snow East. N:w Yonur, April 7.-Snow began falling here at 8:40) this, morning and continued two hours. Advices from the Catskills state that eight inches of snow had fallen, while at T'roy and Syracuse snow fell to a deprth of three inches. Boston had fouar inches of snow yesterday. Atorm in Michlganu. Omrrrano, April 7.--Dispatohes from ser eral points in western tlichigan report a severe wind storm ncomnrrnied by he avy rain to-day. Much dremre wa's done to ,farr properrty iand sorue r uiuildings i vil lacIgs werr wrecked. As far us rerorted no lives weore lost. I ANK 1 KARlINGS. liunirnesi s lionr e lrI)ttrig tIle iPast IVeek ia Ihn Money Ceiters. New Yolri, Aprl 7.-Thelb followlno table, corrriled by lraldstreet's, shows the bank cleariring foLr the week ending April 6, with percen1tat e of increnase or decrease comparod with the co;responrdin week of last year: New YoLrk .............$ clt;9.71.( l Dec. 12 4 Ilhi o . ...!.;. . 11.,'~i2,ii. t c. 1.7 l1ilatln rhi. ........ I... , 1r,t40. lee,. l . t. Im'nher " ir.......... 2i. . 100, ) lie. 11. Sclrrbrrrrrrre ··.. t2lm.rHYK) I Dec .7Y i'rrrrrrrr i.r1r0.Ut8 lur. 33.8 Ii Iur.rirlrrit......... II.rI0.000 l'oo. i. I'rtlIr OrrI ............rr r2.1. t4II, tl co. . t irillr i .. ...r r k... . . rl. 1 ti.tllO lies. 1<. K~linllt.t'ill .... . · I~l.>,lrl. 0 Ins, 27 4 .Mnliiinill~iii .... ·... .LiiB.00 t) JlO. 7.= tuml ................ I2.0,0I0I 0 lO. 3.0 letai l r ..... .......... l4.7.o00 ins. U .i rtet. Ai7tl ...........e.. 4 .4, ies. t I'l~r~lilld, tlrl ......... 'C,125J.XW) .Iooo lil. l Tr e Irrerrl.............. A i l. e ue. nrt t . rr ................. l.te eil . 1 l'eI naI~)IR ............... 1,17.,000 Inv. .1.6 i .l. .\tlWr~l~r ........... .:./l:O ll Ina. .tl. 0 rrrilkoliU. .............., IetItt14l No rt. ir lonol,rrr .............. 71 0r0o (ireat Fails ............ .I0.000 'lolral ,r the leadine atltc aof the United ftres.. Arril 7. was I1i19.741,1411 a decreuae of 7 rer cot Critoearori with tirea sae ueek last year. The mekla All Itighe. Nuw Yoax, April 7.-The disabled ial longoverdna steamer Heikla from tasaidi navlan ports, was heard item again yester day. 'IThe steamer Veendesam, whichbleb ar rivred last evening, sighted the HIeia shout 65 miles east of this city, omlaig ilowi