OCR Interpretation

The Helena independent. [volume] (Helena, Mont.) 1875-1943, May 03, 1893, Morning, Image 5

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025308/1893-05-03/ed-1/seq-5/

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Expert Batterman on the Relations
of the St. Louis and the
Drum Lummon.
What a Fault Is in a Legal Sense
and Also in a Geolog
ical Sense.
Judge Knowles times the Order for Referee
McDonald to Examine the Moetana
Company's Booeks. Et.'
0. 8. Batterman, the mining expert, was
on the witness stand all day yesterday in
the case of the St. Louis against the Non
tans company in the United States court.
He testified that at the apex of the St.
Loenis vein was a large body of mineral
averaging from six inhes to two feet, and
worth from $200 to $800 a ton. The wholle
length of the Cruse lead of the Drum Lam.
mon was practically the same material.
He showed where the wall of the St. Louis
vein was and said the workings of
the Montana company extended 100
feet inside the St. Loouis lines. One of
the questions put to him by Lawyer Toole,
for the plaintiff, was this: "From your ex
amination of the surface and uinderground
works of the St. Louis. and the plaintiff's
and defendant's claims, and from geolog
ical observation, and by the adjacent coun
try, in connection with the study you have
given this matter, and the relative bearing
of each of the points upon the ether,
what is your ultimate conolusion as to the
identity of the St. Louis vein. the apex of
which is found inside the St. Louis claim,
and the workings of the defendants in and
about the Jubilee chute and the Jubilee
chute No. 1?" "I believe," was the answer,
"there is a vein going through that portion
of the ground of from twenty to fifty-five
or sixty feet in width, that apexes for a
long portion of its length within the St.
Louis ground; that all the ore found within
the Jubilee No. I and the Jubilee No. 2
stores comes out of that vein; that the
vein has filling generally distinct from the
country rook and its walls, which can be
easily recognized as a rule; and that all
the ore found lies wholly within those two
Lawyer Hughes cross-examined Expert
Batterman. Before he got through it was
bhard to tell whether the lawyer had the
expert on the stand or the expert was cross
questioning the lawyer. When the lawyer
put a general question of a loading ohar
acter, the expert, if he didn't quite un
derstand the drift, insisted on his cross-ex
aminer making a specific interrogation.
Some of his answers on this line were
snscient to provoke a smile on the sphinx
like countenance of Lawyer Kirkpatriok.
one of the Montana company's counsel.
The expert pointed out a "fault," or frac
ture of a vein near one end of the Drum
Lummon workings. Lawyer Hughes
wanted to know if a "fault" was a mineral
vein. "In a legal sense it is," was the an
swer. "In a geologioal sense it is not."
Then the lawyer wanted to know ift the
Drum Lammon vein ended at the fault,
was it not a branch or spur of the other.
"Put this pointer against the table," said
the expert, suiting the action to the word,
"it ends there, but it is not a part of the
During the day's proceedings Judge
Knowles signed the order to allow John M.
McDonald, the commissioner and referee
selected, to inopect and examine the books,
papers, maps and plats of the Montana
company. 'and selest such for use in the
trial as would have any bearin` on the case.
The Montana company lawyers argued and
contended that the word "reports" should
be left out of the order. The St. Louiste
company lawpers were satisfied to have it
stay there, but Judge Knowles put an end
to the arguments by striking the word "re
ports" out. The order as finally signed
directs Referee McDonald to examine all
maps, plate and books of the Montana
company oontaining entries of the dimen
sions and extent of stopes, and the quarts
rook and ore taken southof a vertical plane
drawn parallel with the north end line of
the St. Louis, at a point 100 feet north of
the BSt. Louis incline shaft; and all
books and records containing entries of
the quantity, quality and value of
quartz rook and ore taken, south of said
plane up to a vertical plkC extended
downward to a point marked No. 2 of the
St. Leouis claim, parallel to the south line
of that company's claim. The referee is
authorized to make the inspection without
let or hindrance, and to report his acts and
doings to the court, with maps, plats and
A. D. Churchill, another expert on be
half of the St. Louis people, will be exam
ined to-day.
House and sign paintina, g kal.
aominng and inside fizisb.ita J.L., ikarde
taint and wll Paper Vo,f,6tothM"ai s.trea
The Jackson corset waisa i the ,oly corset
that sires eomplete p..t . ab eins and
shoulders For sale o8 y.-by ntelt.t &iradley. o
World's air Rates via the Northern
On and after May th the Northern Pa
aifio will sell excaurioa tickets from Helena
to Chicago and return at the rate of $70.
The transit limit in each direction will be
rtdy days, with final limit Nov. 1,e 1898.
If desired by purchasers, tickets will be
issued to return via either the Union Pa
aifle or Great Northern railways at the
same rate. No stopovers will be allowed
east of Bt. Paul or the Missouri river.
Bear in mind the fact that the Northern
Pacifio is the only line running through
cars between Helena and Chiaeego, without
For further information, sleeping ear
reservations, etc.. call at the Northern Pa
rife city ticket offioe. or address
A. D. EDoAn. Gen'l Agent,
Corner Main and Grand streets, Helena,
The P?ee Hive has another week of bargains.
See their announcoement on another pagea lar
arins in dross goods, maoklintoshe. capes, suits.
boys' wear, etc. kricee are so low that every one
in need of goods must bury.
Notice is hereby given that there will be
a special meeting of the board of county
commissioners at their offioe on May 4th.
1898, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of open.
and considering bids for the building of
bridge near Augusta and for such other
business as may legallr come before them.
By order of board.
J. S. Toosan, Clerk.
Helena, April 28, 1898.
Bors' hkne pants and boys' waists in all ages
a low as 22 cents, at he t-oe Hive this woeek.
$70 World's fair .d RIeturn vr i the Great
Commencing May 4th the Great Northern
will sell tickets to Chicago end return for
Tickete good to return via any direct line
until Nov. 1. B. H. LANOLta, G. 1. A.
Uear In Mind.
We never fall to suit you. Our stook is
large and complete. The
J. t~TEsNurr JrWeIJtv Co.. 20 Main street.
(io to The Bee lire for hosiery and underwear
this week.
Loox at the new thines in the Helena
Jewelry company's window.
aTh to Olesvsu as e. Caunregatibumt
Chuerb Promisee to Ie a Treat.
Tp muoilers to. be aIwn towamorrow
vrs.ag uand4 the suapiees of thb Ktlnt't
Dcqhltere 9 (tlet C rta~st ttnlsoI ohur~ h
promises to be one of the musical treats of
bte seasen. The programme indleates that
some of the best musalol talent of the city
will take part, and the advance sale of eats
shows that the ttendanoe will be large.
Mrs. Geo. May, so popular with Helena
people, bee kindly oonsented to assist, the
ir n time for Velala months local peo
ple bave bad the opportunity to beer her
sing in publio. The admission has been
!laced at a merely nominol sum, 50 cents.
The progremme i5 an follows:
1--Hlungrlan l)Danes, , 7 and 8....... rnhms
Piano doet, Miu Wade, Mise Cuthbort.
s-Tho pringttue.., ..... ....Franz Abt
--The Dragon 'iles ... ...... argeid
'Irio, Mrs. Kloe:icshmidt, Mias Brooks, ir.
4-Answer ......................Robyn
arltoon solo, Mr, ii. i1. Logan.
i-Instrnmenta olel on . ... .
Quartotte Mr. 1C M. Arnold, Mr. Otto Zoeokier,
Mr. ir'nk tihar.o, Mr. (Charles Clr.'k.
S-The Iarde of leop .......... saor le Lar
t o:o, Mr,. \, ebdttr.
7-Ainor........................ ....Pinsutl
Lnet, Mrs. Foote, Miss titewart.
8-The Star........ ......... ........ aore
tolo, Mrs. Mey.
0--Rost Thee on Thy Mossy lillow..... mart
Quertott,. Miss Wade, Mice Brooke. Mrs. Avery,
- Mrs. Klolnsohmldt.
Madame Medini's new book on voeal culture
now ready. leat by mail St prepaid. 20 Homer
The Eatertainment to 8e Given at St.
Pant's This EveIlng.
Clara O'Connor, the child eloonUtonist,
will give an entertainment at St. P:ul's
church to-night. She will be assisted by
Vollert's full orchestra, end the following
programme will be rendered:
1-Aradlian Overture...........Otto Wehler
¥ollert'e Orchestra.
2-Burlar Bill ..................... Goo. iddle
Clara O'Connor.
3-Romanc. VL.ollert'e Orohestra. Rnt
4--Happy Little t.ripple............... Rley
Clara O'Connor.
5-aest Overture .......................Leanter
Vollert'e Orchestra,
6-Flash the Firemn's Story....Will Carlton
Clara O'Connor.
7-Eelection From Flotow's Opera. "Mar.
th" ..... ......M. Tolersl
Vollert's Orehestra.
8--Our Hired irl....................... Riley
Clara O'Connor.
T-Geand Mother Landler........... W l Lange
Vollert's Orchestra.
10-Stracy Snabam ............................
Clara O'Connor.
11-Child of Fortobe March ............ ehreiber
Vollert's Orchestra.
12--Orphan Annie.......................... Riley
t lara O'Connor.
The 5. K. lickards Paint and Wall Piper Co.
is the only honuse in this city carrylng a complete
line or wall paper, mixed paints, window glams
and artist's materials.
"Fho Private Secretary," Under the Aus
plees of the Sisters of Charity.
On Friday, May 12. "The Private BScre.
tary" will be reproduced at Mina's opera
house, under the auspices of the Sisters of
Charity, for the benefit of the orphans'
home, now under construction in this city.
"The Private Beoretary" was played in St.
Aloysius hall on the 12th of last to a full
house, and every person acknowledged that
they had full value for their money. The
citizens of Helena at large should turn out
and make this worthy work a financial sao
cese, even beyond the expectations of the
sisters, for a more noble cause has never
before been presented to the residents of
this city. This is a good chanoe to see a
first-class performance and also to help
keep the little ones who are alone in the
The largeat and best line of baby earriages in
the city at The Le3 Hive.
Special sale of corsets this week at Butcher &
Bradley's. 105 Broadway.
Commodore Power Says It Is Belng
Pushed as Rapidly as Possible.
Commodore T. C. Power is in Helena on
a flying visit. Mrs. Power did not return
with him, as the commodore is going back
to Washington in a few days and on his re
turn to Helena later Mrs. Power will ac
company him.L Talking of the military
poet that is to be located near this eity,
Mr. Power said that the deeds were in
Washington before he left and were in the
attorney-general's office. It wll take some
days to pass upon them, and if they are
found to be all right the final steps in the
transfer of the land to the government will
be taken. When this is completed the war
department will be notified and then pre
liminary work will begin. Mr. Power says
that by August, anyway, work on the post
will be in progress and it may be before.
Full line of hosiery, underwear, notlons, etc.,
at prices that knock out any and all special sales
in town. Butcher & Bradley's, 105 Broadway.
Samuel K. Davis--pecial.
Iron Mountain-Lets 250. 00 and 1,000,
The demand is very active, considering the
tightness cf the money market. The stook
at current prices eannot be beat for invest
Bald Butte-Is slowly but surely being
developed into a phenomenal gold mine.
The past dividends have not paid large in
terest, but it is safe and sure; 500, 500 and
800 for sale. It will be no lower.
Whitlach Union and MclIntyre-The
strike of high grade ore (gold) still con
,tinnes with no signs of diminishing. The
stock ie an absolutely safe parchase and
prospective buyers had better hurry up.
Advances are certain now. 800, 500 and
1,000 lots for sale.
"Piegan" (gold) 1,000 to 5,000 lots-The
people who know the property best are the
buyers now.
Benton Oroup (Neihart) 1000 and 5,000 to
close-It eeems to be a good purchase at
the price.
20 and 27 Bailey Block.
Yenou can buy a stylish spring dross pattern at
The 1ee Hive for .gI0'J, goodnls that usually sell
at $.00 to $2. 5. hoy must be seen to be ap.
Proposals Wanteid.
Bids are wanted for furnishing one mil
lion brick at Libby, Mont. For further in
formation address the Libby Townsite and
Lumber company, Libby, Mont.
Dress patterns quoted this weak at L$.50. all
wool tocotchl civiotsr ir Rpring shades, is far .e.
lowtho out of 'teriutlion. 'Theo loe live in
boun it o sell gad , andt it tl ey do not rell at "no
prlc tihey mutr ar I aatanothar, therefore the
sweeping redu:tion mn price.
Ten thousand imported cigars retailed at
cost prices. Call for them. Swend Carl.
son, 88 and 45 bouth Main street.
As the fline weather laprroarhes we are remintdl
ed that Iraby must Ihave a much air and sunliglrt
as possible , herofoa it is very in lortant that
yorl btry a aihy ,arrialo at eone. 'litr brat and
cleaotet line In tire cty r an be found at Tihe lie
The Latest
Novelties both in sliver and goldt largest
variety; all new designs, at the
J. SrNmarrZ Jawan.t eo., 20 Main street.
Loon at the new things In the Helena
Jewelry company's window.
Watch these columns for a great bargain sale
pf rarasuai atd umbrella'. 'lhe lire trive tea
ogi.at a hit lob In tiheee oods and will uakte
eq announcement in a few das tlhat will aton
Jackson's music store. Bailey block.
With the OIJept In YlViw f s5eesuie HoI
mos r.
Don't let the riot of aotors 10 bats @eo
aupl you. $imple effectsl re. always Il
good tasty Don't faer 'a.n because
fasblin evems to 'say so, ony different
shades will look well together. A oorroet
eye onn aocomplish wonderse ln ombia.
tlons of oolore. Take a look at the flowers
, A,
as they come up; tulips, for instance, and
master the combinations in yellow and red,
and in pink and yellow. Take note of the
passlon flowera and learn what to do with
purples, blues and greens. Don't think
that the mere name of a color covers its
possibllities. Consider your own or yoar
neighbor's parrot and coach up in greens.
Consult the sky and do wonde:e with pur
ple, pink and pale green. In other words.
cultivate your eye, and taste in shades; re
flect that the combination which seems all
right in a colored fashion plate will look
distressing on you. Is this hard to believe?
Take another look at the fashion
late, and be answered. The pretty
ad who is walking down a garden path,
andwho has on a strange shade of green
dress with red spots in it, has eyes for all
the world that match the green in her
dress, her cheeks are like the red in her
gown, and her hair just matches the queer,
soft color of the garden path. The reault
is harmony, of course, but you haven't eyes
and cheeks like here to help you out, and
rou may be thankful you haven't. If you
had, you could only wear that one dress,
and would have to pose forever on that
pretty garden walk.
The bonnet presented here is made of
glossy, dark green small foliage, and has a
few loosely bunched flour de lie and a tuft
of dull green and purple curled stems in
front. The strings to this bonnet are nar
row ones of deep purple, the rosette at one
aide being separate from the strings, and of
purple and dark green satin ribbon. Among
the many bewilderments offered by various
and contrasting models it is as well to
choose from the simpler ones. So far most
of the hats are alarming oven in the win
dows. What would they be if worn?
The Work It Is Doing for These Who
Need Its Services.
Manager Jesse Armitage, of the Gospel
Temperanee mission, makes the following
report of the work done by the Gospel Tem.
perance mission from April18 to 80: "At
the meetings, kindly conducted by the
various pastors generally, for twelve nights
there has been an attendance of 850 or an
average of about seventy-eight each night;
attendance at the reading room, 695, nearly
an average of fifty-eight each day. 'There
have been twenty.four pledges signed and
three conversions. While we are en
couraged to hope for better thines for the
months to come, we feel that thiis has been
a good beginning in the new quarters. To
insure the best results we ask you who call
upon the name of Lord to ever remember
this work in your prayers and as often as
you can to encourage it with your
presence. We still have need of a few
more monthly subscriptions to insure our
current expenses. A lady has contributed
twenty-five Gospel hymn books (No. 5). Is
there some one else who will donate us
twenty-five more, for we need them.
"The ladies oommitteeof the Gospel Tem
peranoe mission take this method of re
turning their thanks to the friends who
contributed so liberally in aid of the sup
per given in support of the work, and in
sured its success. We are happy to report
the following result: Receipts, $69; ex
penses. $21; balance for mission, $48."
CounTY or Laws & CLAnKE, is.
Notice is hereby given that bids will be
received at this office for "Furnishing and
erecting one thirty-six (36) foot pony span,
and riprapping and crib filling for bridge
across the south fork of Suan river, near
Augusta, Montana, till 12 o'clock noon.
May 4, 1893. Specifloations to be seen at
county clerk's office and also at store of H.
R. Dunlop, in Augusta. The board of
county commissioners reserve the right to
reject any or all bide."
By order of the board.
J. S. TOOx.a, Clerk.
Helena, April 28. 1898.
Having disposed of our stock of boots
and shoes to Messrs. Clarke & Frank, 22
South Main street, we desire to thank our
customers for their past patronage and
commend them to the said firm for fair and
courteous treatment, reliable goods and
liberal prices. We will thank all persons
having accounts with us to call at Clarke &
Frank's store and settle same with our for
mer salesman, Mr. J. H. Holme, who is
authorized to act as our agent.
Helena, April 29, 1893.
Only Two Days to Chincago
Some lines advertise "Only two nights
from Butts to Chicago," but the Union
Pacific makes the ion in two days. It will,
of course, be much preferred by all busi
ness men and other people who want to
make quick time to go via the Union 'Pacifio
and use only two days in making this trip,
rather than go via a northern line and use
three days and two nights.
Please paset this in your hat so it will
recall the above facts to you when contem
plating a trip to Chicago.
Notiee to Taxpayers.
All tax lists must be filled and returned
to the assessor's office on or befo:e May
10th, otherwise they will be made out no
cording to law, and can not be ohanced.
Newlineof lacoes just rocei:ol at The lice
Just Arrived.
Fine line out crystal, which we are offer
ing at moderate prices. I'he
J. STEINMETM JwrELYt Co.. 20 Main street,
Mixed paint. Mx.ied print. (tnr mixed paint
is llut up unlder our owls Ibrand land hne stcd
the test for .enar. We, enaraunte it ax as;Triely
pure whlie Ichasl, cunr atar li rueso i ,il tloast. .1.
,tiekards t aint and Wall tlper CO., 211 North
lM ainst rt .
Loox at the new things in theHelena
Jewelry company's window.
'rovid yoursrelf with a maeklntosh if yon are
goiut tt hse .'urld's fair, as you atnnot La on
rumlereo with, tat utlsbrolla at all tsmes. 'IThe
loeellive h~ln a S0ialsalse 'm those gooda this
",V. 01 t all Wvll .0 ~well to avall themselve of
tlhels bularglls,
If Yut
Want to buy a gold or sliver wateh sall on
us, we will save you money; large stook.
J. STIrNMTrvv JEWrLaT CO., 20 Main street
Loox at the new things in the Helena
Jewelry company's window.
The Case Against Dr. el1loegg rer seon
The board of medicalol esaminerse ester
day conoluded the bearing in the ease of
Dr. E. H. Kellogg, before the board on the
charge of being guilty of unprofeseional,
dishonorable aid srmmoral conduct, and of
volastlng a oity ordinance. Judge Blake,
leading conael for the prosecoution, opened
tho proceedings by reading the decision of
Jadge Hunt In the babeas corpus ease Irls
leg from the coroner's inquest in the Ma
son0i temple case, and it was put in as part
of the evidence of the prosecution. City
Clerk and Attorney Mltire wasee
put on the stand by the proseuontion
to show that Dr. Kellogg Lad not reported,
during the monthb of March and April, the
birth of a child. This closed the case for
the prosecation. Attorney Kinsley thnou
made a motion that the case be dismlssed,
in that it had not been shown that the laws
under which the board acted had been vio
lated, and alleiing that nothing had been
shown proving that Dr. Kellogg had noted
in an unprofessional, dishonorable or im
moral manner. rMr, Klonsley made quite a
lengthy argument, to which Judge Bllake
sad Attorney Corbet replied., The boned
over-ra.ed the motion. Mr. Kinsley noted
an exception, and then said he would not
put any witnesses on the stand. After
arguments by Coluty Attorney C. If. Nolan,
Attorney Corbett and Judge Blake, for the
prosecution, and Attorney KiLeley for the
doctor, the case was taken under advise
aent by the board.
Legal bleaks at this oRtie.
Telephone your order for alars and d·slnq to
the J. n.. r esrr s Paint and wall Paper Co.,
telephone ho. 216. ,
Reduced Rate to The Word's Fair.
Helena to Chloiago and return, $70.
Tickets on sale commencing May 4th, good
until November 15th, with stop-over privi
leges west of the Missopli river either
going or returning. Be sure and take
the pictorial line, via Great Balt Lake,
Denver, Kansas City, Omaha or Bioux City.
the Union Pacific ofa's unsurpassed ac
commodations. Pullman. dining, sleeping
and reclining chair cars.
Leaving Helena 8:50 a. m. Monday, Tues.
day. Wednesday, etc.. arriving at Chicago
9:80 a. m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, etc.,
(reventy-two hours). Purchase tickets and
reserve berths at the Union Pacific office,
28 North Main street, Helena.
E. L. LoaAx, H. O. WnLSON,
O.P.& T. A., F. & P.A.
Omaha, Neb. Helena, Mont.
Which RoaI MIakes the Quickest Timeto
The Great Northern makes quicker time
to St. Paul and points east thereof than
any other line.
And is the only line which makes the
run to Chicago in two nights; others all
use three nights.
B. H. LANGLEr, G. T. A.
Baby carriages at $6.50 at The Bee Hive that
are sold at other stores for $10 00.
Parisian Dressmaker.
The latest Parisian styles always
on hand. No. 17 N. Warren street,
opposite Merchants Hotel.
You can make no greater find than to diecover
the right Iac.ae for purchas'ng groceries. We
see that cur customels lose nothing through
careleasneri and we tsk~ eccllent care to keep
in stock nothing that is not jcust what it ought
to be in the matter of quality. That is why
when you come to as you come to the right place
for Groceries. TUltElUlt & CO.
Edwa ds Street. Telephona 60.
The Norris Method
Of ilinllg Teeth without Pale. No Injury
to the pulp, no bad after effects. A soles.
Sflde process that dues what is elaimed.
DR. NORRIS, 310-311 Power Block
Live stock of all kinds I ought and seAd.
Itanches in different parts or the state for sale,
W. E. COX, Helena, Montana,
Sewer and Drain Laying
Plumbingl, Heatting and Venttlating
In tial its branches.
86:S N. Main St., liasomont of Montana
t~'avings tank.
Estimates cheerfully furnisuhed. Telephone 85.
Belvideie House.
On the American and European Plana. Stoam
Ieat. , lectrio I ig.it and iaths, From $1.25
per day np. liverything strictly first-class. 'Two
minutes walk from the (.reat Northern depot.
Electric care pass ti.pldoor. owor Mlain street.
AUG. NE. IEINIEIR, Proprietor.
The Grand Picific Hotel
Opposito the Northern Paocifio Pa'ern er Do
pot, is again olu to the trnvtllng In bito It
as bene thorosh41 re4.eorSld anct refutcrncshd,
andt wilt try to cxrul tsererntr reptaticn as
"cth b'st hotol of its clsee in the Nortihwet,"
Ita'es reaeonable.
McFalrtane s
liM proveld tself superior to all ,cthcr Iprepr
ations in thie mNarketk It asctally uresR ACTtIEr
(ht'IATICA, ars all elic tciscares, that owo their
origin teen aecnmq\stion and ,ct',tin of a
fIleign substance in tie btLd ard tiesue. It
is a blood puritier. lotlstonlialsi are daillt
comitt lu.
Are our Bole Agents in this city. Si bott~l
McFarlane Drug (tManufacturing Company
Chilago and altLt "ke City,
T. .
liiln all Farm MachiYnar of VosrY DBcriDtion.
Plows, Harrows and Seeders. Grass and Garden Seeds. Send
for Catalogue and Prices.
.... -- . m m .m m
ALL STYLES Silver-Plated Ware.
Have You a House
To Paper or Paint?
If so remember that the J. E. Rickards Paint & Wall Paper Co., 26
North Main St., have the largest and best selected stock of Paper Hang
ings in this city. We will not be undersold or under-figured, goods and
quality of work considered. Call and examine our stock. We will be
pleased to show our lines.
J . Rickards Paint & Wall Paper Co., 26 N, Main
The Oldest rroduoo House in Monter a. Establishad IUs.
Wholesale Dealers in Fruits, Produce and Seeds
o°e. and warehous TI HELEA, T We i ..r fullline ofAlfslfa.Cl
Dppo . C. .sener liepe LEN f l yr... fr id and saed on eSes.
First Mortgages n Improved Business Property
ANY AMOUNT FROM $5,000 TO $50,000.
*•* ON Y .
On long time-three to five years.
At lowest rates-7, 8, 9 or 10 per cent.--according to the
amount borrowed.
Commission included in these terms.
Expenses kept as low as possible.
Wanted at Once-Loans on business properties in Helena
and Butte in amounts from $15,000 to $100,000.
Glarke, Gonrad & Gurtin
Our line of House Furnishing Goods is more extensive
than ever before and are offered at prices lower than
anywhere else.
We are now ready for the rush and you will find our
floor covered with a full line of Refrigerators and Ice Chests,'
Rubber Garden Hose, Hose Reels, Hose Nozzles, Lawn
Sprinklers, Ice Cream Freezers, Bird Cages, Squirrel Cages,
Parrot Cages, Galvanized Wire Netting for Lawn Fencing.
Ring up Telephone No. 9o. Write or Call at
Our Motto is "Fair Dealing to All."

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