Newspaper Page Text
Till:DAILY [NDEPENDENTi IIELENA, MONDAY MOltNlNU. JUNE 35, PORTWINE DEATHOf COL. WHEELER TheAged Librarian Died Lis'. Nlghl^al Hit Hea|fltnea on Howis^Streat OonaolouaIn Hta Last Momenta^and Surrounded by Mrmbiri^of His Family- Takesits nam*-1 mm the city^of Oporto, Bpita. It is a^heavy bodied, rich flavored wine,especially rtlnihlfl u anoiinsliiiM'iit tor invalids^or convalescents. The city^of Oporto was tor centuries^almost (ho main market for^this wine, bttt 0Wift| to the^extensive use ol* adulterants^to supply the dun md ol lute^years, has entirely lost its^prestige. The best I'ort^Wines, the pmest, and the^most valuable, medicinally,^come from California. Twen^^ty-live years* experience in^buying and handling wines^enables lis to guarantee OUT^patrons (be very 1 est on the^market. Tort, likeall other^wines, improves with age.^We buy or handle none that^is less than three veaisidd^^we have some in stin k that^is tourteen. Port is a wine^for invalids and eon vales-^cent' especially, although it^is one of the best of table^w ines^for either purpose it^should be old and pure.^Good wine may be spoiled^by careless handling or stor^^ing. We are experts^we^make no mistakes. These^are our prices: 3year old Tort, gallon$1.50 5year old Tort, gallon 2.00 6year old Port, gallon.... 2.50^8 year old l'ort, gallon.... 3.00^14 year old Port, gallon. .. 4.00 Wecarry in stcok all the^above wines in bottles.^Trices gride according to^age. A postal card brings^\oii any quantity yon wish. Wehave all other sorts of^wines^but we'll tell you of^th m again. AwardedHighest Honors-World's Fair. ^PRICES QsORSG! Theonly Van Cream of Tirtar Towdar.^No Ammonia; No Alum. Usedin Millions of Homes^40 Years the Standard CALIFORNIAWINE HOUSE. AUGUSTEACK, Proprietor* TelephoneNo, 29^ 46 S. Main St Mil HELENA-Sixth and Main.^NEW YORK^ltJS) SUtn Av lilackberries,crate$*-7S if**'ft 2 boxes25 Cherries,box 1.25 2 lba25 Peaches,box - ^ ^ ^ 1.75 2lbs35 Apricots,basket50 2lbs25 IMums, basket50 riums,2 lba25 TwoWeoke Ago II* l ee traded l'aeuinouli^Wliloli Was ^ oiuplloeled by Trouble^ul lba llaert. al William F. Whaeltr died lait nlgbl^ul half-pail aigbl, at Ma residence, oo^How'.a aliaat, altar an illuett two wttkt^Ha wat tiutontolout tail of tha lima, bat^abont loar o'olook yeatertltf afternoon hit^mlud ^u eltar, and up to tka tins ol bla^death In was able to talk with tba member!^of bia family and hta pbjraloiaa, Dr. Mailt^Dean. Two weak, aao be oonlrtolel pnen -^mania, which bad been overcome, hot lift^bim with a heart t oubla aud weakaaad^laege, tba remit of a latere cold oonlraotad^daring tha war id tba Mlsalaalppi cam-^piign. Col.William F. Wheeler waa bora at^Warwick. Oraoge ooDUtr, Now York, Jult^(i, ISM, la tba year 1SDU tba family moved^iroan Orange In Oooadaga coonly and re^^mained there i ll the lining of 1181, whan^taey removed I ^ Pen Van, Yatae county,^nad In 1 Mitt; |^, jiendiopli, Catttraugaa^eoaaty. r'rurn Ibe age of aiaa until 1~ Mr.^Wbeeler attandtd the Yatea oonntr eoad-^eoiy, bnl durinit bia realdenee at ltendolpu,^f oin IKIti to 1840, be bad faw aobool prltil-^agea. At tha age of IB ha propoaad Is bia^lather to let him bar* hit time, and ha^would get bia own eduoation. 1'bii waa^agreed to. In Meptemba of that year be^ente red tbe Fredonia aotdtmv in Oatuttu-^qua oouuty, and for two reara patd hie own^way by wo king motulaga and eeeninge^and dn^ing the vaoatieue. At tha and of^tbla time be waa prepared for college, l^nt^had no uieana to pay hla way through,^la NoTembtr, 1842, at the In-^atanse of bla brethar, ba want^to Colambue, Ublo, with the intealion^^f taking a aobool, but found all^u that city and vicinity tahan. Joel al^I lilt time it happened that a f lend of hit^fether resetted an argent letter irem weal^T.uneaten to lend a p overly qualified^taaoLer to Haary county. Mr. Whteler^Immediately went to Gmotunatl and look a^tteame for tba Tenne att river. Uy a^moat pa teree fortune, the Ohio became^fiozto over, and tbe boat waa leu boauJ at^Kiauarille, lnd., until abont tbe middle of^December. He learaad that tba aebool in^^tended for him bad been given two weekt^Lalo a to another; however, Majer Kendall^i mplojed hliu to aaalal la the affaire of hia^iilaataUon. It waa tba doty of Mr.^Wheeler to attend to the delivery of the^farm trodoole and to keep aa aceouut of^lalee, etc In Maroh following, Major^Kaudall aent a flat boat load of farm^P odncta to New O leana in oharge of two^of hia Bophewe and Mr. Wheeler. I ho^proee.da of the tale, aome $4,000, we e iu-^veeted in aupplla* for tbe i lanlalion. Afterattending to tbit boeiaes, Mr.^Wbeaiar retnraed to Ohio, and entire J^blmatlf aa appraatiae in tht offleo of^ttaraael Madary, of tha Ohio Btateainan, to^learn the printing buKineee. Ha re^^mained there tbiee yeara, and dar^^ing the leeiioni of the leglalalaie reported^their proceeding! for the Statesman. H^^tludled lawdniingall hta epare time and^ia 1848 waa admitted to praalloe. In 1863^h. waa married In 1 !o anabna, U.. to Miaa^Charlotte Jersey, daaghter of Or Jtuiet^Lee, of London. England. From^thla marrlag- vera hum an children, one of^whom, Miaa Mary 0. Wheeler, of thla oil ,^la the wall known artltt. In185t; Mr. Wheeler moved with hla fam^^ily to HI. l'aul, Minn. Tht financial eraah^of 1857 proatrated all batlneia. In tbe^spring Col. U tilery, hia old employer, waa^apvolntad governor of tbe territory of Mm-^neaota and be made Mr. Wheeler bia pri^^vate secretary and ter^ltorial librarian.^The f:rat aleta governor continued bim In^the eame position. In the eprtng of 1K68^Mr Wheeler was oommtsaioned oy Gov.^Hiblty aa lieatenaat-oolonal of tbe Firat^Minnesota volunteer infantry. Iu Ittflj be^loo tea tha fliat liae of telegraph ever built^in Minneaota, from Hi. 1'aal to Winona,^and connected there with the line fiom La^Crota to Milwaukee. Ha waa also one of^the first incorpo ators and projacto a of^the railroad from St. Paul to Duiatb and^waa aecrelary or Ibe oompnuy. Hr |tr-^tonal aolieitationa ho aecured enough^mouey to pay for tbe survey of the lino,^bat lba breaking oat of the war prevented^tte conalraction until after tbe eloae. DuringHettembar, 18ril, Col. Wbeeler^volunteered and raiaad a company for the^war of which he wta elected llrat lieuten^^ant. Hla company fo mad a part of the^Fourth Minnesota Infantry which waa sta^^tioned at Fo t Hnelllng during tbe winter^ol lM.i a. d 18C2. He eeived us adjutant of^tbe post dnrlng thnl time. In Ap it, l^nJ^he joined Gen. Hallock's a mv In from of^Co intb, Miaa., and waa present at the time^of ita evauualion hr tba en.sny. After tba^aeiga Lieat. Wbeeler waa appointed aide^decamp and acting atsistsnl quartermas^^ter ou the ataS of Osn. Hamilton^of Hoaecran'e army and continued in those^paaitiona until the tpring of lSCX He^^ ought in tbe battle of luka, where ha waa^wouuded, also iu Ik* battle of Coriath on^Ootober 3 and 4. 184k!, and waa oompli-^luonted for gallant y iu general orders. He^|erved through tbe tin d oamuHittn and^participated iu all ita hardsbipt and dan^^gers, and at Ita oloae waa p otuoled lo ba^captain. L'tou the entry of hia uinaloa to^garriaon the place after em rondo , be waa^apioiutedto the double duly of inspector^gene al and picket oftloer, which latter plaos^be held on the march to Chattanooga.^While on daly Cap*. Wbselsr roul acted^inch a cold as to reault in li a diacbarge for^dlaability. For a year after bia duobtrga^from tbe armv, ('apt. Wine o- ^aa nntit for^any labor. Hla loat of voire wna complete^until be oame to MontauH, whert he paitly^reentered II. Afterthe inauguration of (Jen. Grant aa frtaldtnlbe appointed Col. Wheeler aa^lulled Htalea maiabal of MouUna alar UL^1800, and i eappolnlad him for a teuoud^term In December, 1873. Un tbt aoceaaton^of Mr. Hayes to tba i residence bereti-^polated ( ol. Wbeeler, who held the ufllee^aatll April 12. 1878. At marshal, Col.^Whseler waa ei officio so, eriatendsnl of^the United Sinus penitentiary nt Dear^Lodge. He opened and ore aimed that in^^stitution in 1871 and man g.J It luccti-^fnlly antit the expiration of bit otBoa. Dulug tli - time Col. Wbeeler wna In^afDee, afterward he took pltaaare In will^^ing upon tha great reaouraea of Moutann,^Fur focr or five yeara he foralaaed tha^unit reporla tbe government baa on tba^mlnea mid mineral rtionitel of Montana.^In 1870. Col. Wheeier wrote a hltloiy of^Ibe Fiegsu wa . In the same year, aa mar^^shal, be took tbe census of tbe territory^end later waa aalecttd lo aaalat in taking^lba cenaut of lba mlnea, whtrb dutiat he^pe formtd lo Iht aatitfnotion of bla ta^^pe lort. Tuerewaa on bailor known fWu o on tbe^atreela of Helena than Col, Wheeler, He^wee an Inlereatliig talker eapeoiallt on hla^torioil lualtera connected with tbe atata of^Montana, ll was due to hia effort that lba^Montana lliatorloal aooiel; waa alerted and^made eventually a state institution. For^many yeara Col. Wbaeltr lalmrtd in build^^ing np Ibe valuable Inatitnii iii with no en^nouragemeal etorpl what aa got from^private eon^oea and f'nm hia eww love of^the work In haud, When the atate legie-^latnre flnelly made It a ale!t^ Intliintion^Col. Wbeeler waa appolnte I librarian, Ibe^well alot ked and well e,l room, of tba^bl.torioal llbrarr on Hie top Boer^of the coarl home beer leatlraony^to the aeal with which he attended lo^bta dntlea. Noihlag of hla'oler lule eel,^id nollilnu that would abed .. l-i on the^aarly daya of Moalana, escaped bit aollat.^The rooms weiealwaya in neal andthe i apart, booat, plclnrtt aud other^belnaglngt of Ibe llbreiy nloaly arranged.^It waa Col. Wheeler'a delight to point oat^tbe ttrinae aillelea la the roomt and ex^^plain Ibelr history. Dlarlee of the earl; ploneeraware especially Ireaeured by the^librarian. It It ttfa In tay that but for the^internet thowu by Col. Wbaeltr la tbt work^the alaln hitto lal library woald nol bate^reeebad lit pretenl atate of perfection.^Col, Wheeler waa alaa eviet of the Called^Htalea coarl at Helena, which position he^had held for yeara Thefather of Col. Wbeeler waa tha Iter.^Harvey Wheeler, a p.eauber of tbe Melbo i-^l.t Kp)ttopt4 ahaiob. Tbla eeeoaats for^the freqaent removal! of the family In ear j^llmea. Hit grandfather Wbeeler aetved aa^a soldier through the revolutionary war and^was sheriff of Orange ennnty, New York,^from 1808 lo 1812. Col. Wheeler'a mother^waa Mlta Mary Leaser, of Oraaga oonntr,^whoaa father waa alao a soldier of the rev^^olution. Hia anoealore oame from Holland,^where they were known at French ref^^ugees. ST.VINCENTS ACADEMY. lbaWork of the Year Concluded and Ibe^Cleelag atiarulee-t ot Thursday.^Tha ateat-annsat ^ xaminatlon of HI. Vln-^aaut'a waa commenced on tba 10th Intl..^and will be finished tbt flrtt part of thla^wttk. So far tbt profioltncy shown by tha^^Indent! baa delighted einmineie and^teaebere. The pupils themeolvea ftal am^ply rtwardtd for their bard atndy daring^Ihe year and with light heartt are making^prtperationa for their woll earned vtoatioo.^The cioiluk exe elaaa will take place June^28. aftar wblob the preialomi will ba die^t iboted. Among the premlumt whleb bat^attracted the meat alteatioa ia tbe gold^model for eewiug, to be drawn for by tha^^apila who havt aide tbe mott progrttt^daring the year In that a.afal aconmpli.h^ Kaeb member of the olaaa baa been^woiking bard to merit tfcem. Tbe follow-^lag la the piogramtne for lharaday even lag! ChorueHong ^Joy. Joy Crown Ua To-day^...^Utaa ^ Jui.aa at I iano, Inetrumentallluelte -Alpine fcaidene^ M or veil ftlLaeaAgnea tlogta and A, dtaneu Inttmmentalnuette MarohMeyer MUeeeat. i .mug and M. Flinn. Skippingi,rill, L..osteite. I. no nt. B. bokey, F. Frovard.^A. 1'rovard, II. bmnh, J. i ounjuin^and M. i roet.^Inatrauienttl Duetto 'Vklte llrillante.^ Op it Smith MittetA. Drieunll tnd C Tuoby^KeoiUtiou ^nan Hur'e hariot Itaoe^^Mi-. Ada Yauglitn. Quartatte-^(Irani lialop^Eleeell Missesf. J..line. M. itogsn, A. Vauahan.^k. rimpeun. Mi ..r..... Irovatore trr by btlneffir Bt.YxacetU't t'lthattra.^Harp Miet 1. O'; eill; M. Hogtu^\lollu-Mlt. A. \auglnn i.uiurt biataa^N. Harrington and 1. a o^ vtln Mando^^lins^M men N ^ i arroli and b^\rtright: 'triangle .liiaa kl.^Drieeoll. Leolea.Hraioa^ LaryHoliolar Mire J. Helen Frlnceei Wia^dum Miaa 8. t urlli: r polling Mitt b.^rjjari Heeding-kiitt H. rellatitr;^Writing MleeJ. Morgan: Grammar -^tliaa M. IIrieooll: Arithmetic vie.^M. Mci.a-veyiljoogrephy MiaeA.^* auoon, Slata-kt. liammund.^1'tncil I. Kiel. gnartetle *'( htrgt of Cavalry^.Reymond H S. lierner. I. fhadvilli, I . Frovard audJ. holly. VocalBolo-^hIa^ . loeaomi' lorry IMi - i 11 Iteoltttlon ^How Ht Saved St. Michael's^Mlea s. Wright. ^OrendMed lag^ Arr. by ScUatfler bl.Vinoeat'e Orohattra. HoodNight Drill *..- H. Wirth. D. Hair, II Cuoaa.^a. I rovard, J 1'ourt.nin. l)rtma--Tho Crown of Hiory', Liuttte (On 1 wo ITauoa) ^i a I raviaU Verdi' Op. 20. No S, Albert 1^ Wright tnd M. llogi (JaodDye, My Own Dear Convent Hi^hi Vlnoent't orchestra. Legalblanka at thla offloe. omu Eranichloe Co. Order at F. S. Lang's. 'Ihelee Hiveofleratheir fast blaok Balding^eilk, hose, worth ^i. for II M thU week. Lsdioe'l.isie thread veats 40 etntt and up^warda at Bntohor A i rtdlof'a. Splendid value UttKATM0RTHKUN ItAlLWAY. TheMost Attrsetlve Kouto fer Travelers^for tbe Sniaai.r eessen.^Tba maBniflcent, exo'.naivaly patatngtr^steel tteamthlp, North Wait, running in^connection with tbt Griat Northern rail^^way, will atari from Duloth avtry Friday^nt four p. in., for Stall Me. Marie, Detroit,^Cleveland and llnffalo, affording tonrlata^und travel, re a okarmlng trip ovtr tba^Great Ltktl, la a floating palaaa. whloh la^acknowledged to be a marvel nf marine^architecture. Her length It 380 ttel, and^width forly-foar feet, tbe elate, oom, dining^room, taloona and emokins room are ei-^perbly appointed. Tuere are alao lot! flrat-^maaa otbint fltttd np with every known oen-^veni.nce f.^r comfo l. Her motive i owtr^contistt of two qaadrnplt ixpaaeion en^giota, 7,000 borte powtr. There are die-^tribattd tbronghoul the ahlp l,r*X) lucan-^detoent lampa, 100 mora than are uttd on^tht Atlantic liter ^Campania,^ aud ahe^oarrlea a aearob light of 90,000 candle^power. 1'a.aengeialeaving Helena Wednetdnye^ou tho Atlantic Kxprtta, al 12:115 p. m.,^reach Dnluth in ample time to make tbe^transfer to tbe ateaasebip. Forrates, diagrama, bet lit, and all in^^formation, apply at tha Groat Northena^ticket offloe, Mo. G North Main tlrttl. C.W. Pitta, WuHahukh,City Tioktl Agoul. Gea'iAgent. Ventilatingoorieta Ml coats at iiutoher A.^Uradley'e, 1^ South Main .treat. Uuto the lioe Hive for bargaine iu dry goeda. Nowheir oruarueati Jutt reo vlvod at I bo lee^Hive. Wanted- Oold Mlaere.^To develop tbe gold properties ia l.ewit-^ten, Mintrt' Delight. Alltntio, ^oalh Fnu,^Oold Creak, or on tbe ltuttler Belt. You^ctn get fall Information regarding reliable^miuee whleb are for aala b^ tht cnuci mtn-^lioned by addretaina Jamea A, McAvoy,^county elerk ot 1'remuut county, Lander,^Wye.; Win. Hturgie, J ., Chestnut, Wyo.;^A. Ktudall, ombler Firal National bank.^Hook Springe, Wyo.; S. I,, bpangltr, obatr-^man Fremont board of oouuty eoiumit- i ,r. Miami Clly, Wyo, liial'aiouFaoiOo ia tht ahnrtttt and^qulckeat line to tba South 1'net country.^Dally atagta from Hock tSprinue mn Hit^line.II. Ok Wnaim, Frtlghland l'ttitiigtr Agent, Helettn,Moul. lieaura and a.tend the J9c aala of lluen dam^aak at I he lee Hitu tide weak. They^are bargaiua ......l . i Ktcurtlant. CommentingSatardf, May 12, 1H04, Ihe^Monlaua Central lailway will rttntu ^ lha^aalt of tiouniou litkttt from Helena to^Alhambra and lioulder and rtlarn al one^fare for tbe round trip. Tiekelt on aale^Satardaya and Hnndayt, good to rttnra ap^to and Ineln.ilng Ihe following Moaday. t. Vv. Firra, Cllv Ttakat Agent.^Wm. II Mii'ini, General Ageal. i^^^i ial... i,,g Having500 aoraa. of tha fineat ptalore^Ian i. leoalvd eight aallat north of Heltna,^ranch kauwa ea the Green I'renltt ranob,^will t aetare horaea or oallle al 92.50 per^month. Kuquire of brill d Douguttry or^J, L Allea.Ctaa Hi..^ l'ATKNTSKOtt LANDS fXaaelvaila. the Helena for t'ltlseae^or Moalana. Thefollowing palanla to land, preempted^and bomtaleadtd, bate been reeived at tbe^Helena lead office aad will bn forwarded to^tboei to whom they werelaanedi Caaeadaconnlr^W. P. Itallard, Cbtrlea^A. Linn Gtorga A. Poole, JobB W. John-^too. Virgil A. Wilton, Jamea U. Calley,^Hamoel V, Oella tnd Joho H. Taylo-. Cbotetu-Klx 1L Flagltr, Htmuel Uej-^drektoo. Heavebead^Plekatl. Ttlon-LlmtrH. Pond.^Dontld Ltwnand Clarke- Kdmond A. La Hock,^bairt of George M. Fotttr. D.erLodge^Joseph Hooper, John A.^Flfer. JsllsriouJtmtt W. Uoat, Aulbony U.^Uerlloy. Metgtaar-Wm.W. Ittnntr. SllTtrHow -Milton G Whlllag. Aptttal wte alto rtoidttd for Jtnnia Mo-^Kmoon, of Chipptwa tulle. Wu., for forty^acrta In l.twiaand 01atiM conuly. -HtrriaoaII. lirown, IraG. Chat.K. H. Mc- l-uytht I homeeii glare fitting ooreot at^Hoe Hive law COLLARTOO HIGH YouHave never worn oneol our eto Order Shirts Haveyou^ They will please you^we know, and you will save tno^trouble of waiting lor them to^come by express from the east^when in a hurry. THEPRICE IS THE SAME. Asyou have been paying east or^west We make you one aa a^trial, and if it does not auit you^do not have to have any mora^Just now we are busy making^Percale and Madraa shirts for sum^^mer wear. We'll stop and make^you 0 r\eor O.AeD ozer\ Olthia or any other kind you^want. Shirt WaiBts are very pop^^ular among the ladies this sum^mar. We make them to measure^from Percales. CDeviots, Madras^or Zephyr, taking the measure^and guaranteeing the lit Reed liners| +^^^ *^^ sLraigLo BAILEYBLOCK. AMORMON DEACON IN TROUBLE. Ingenuityand aequititiveatii are atrong^traits In tba cha aoter of a certain deacon^la a Utah town, who, until rtccutl .^rtgoltrly ^patted tba bat^ nt cbareb. II I^ca iotity arouetd by Ihe ttid deacon't pur-^cbttci of fly paptr out of aeaaon, aad l ie^Intiilenc- upon it pellicular kind, v.z,^'1 anoi.efoot, ltd to a dltcoviry of Ingoalooa^meanni-it. inking advantage ot the con^^fidence of bia cliurob brothers, and the rr-^maikable adbrtive quality of ^Tanole-^rooT^ be extcnttd a ^rako off,^ After^aollciting the audience thia tmooth tldtr^turn,.I bit hat upiiJt down by that of aa-^othe i en run wbo bad pnaaed on the oppo^^site aide of the church all tbt ooln that^dropped went to the treaturr. bnl what^adhtrtd to thettitky ^T\n..i i^ miald^deicon'a bal wit kept by him. The itqnel^bat not developed, bat people wbo want^^1 amii aroor^ for legitimate uttt will find OU!BTOOK AM. FRRHII. Pabciien-O'AcHrm.Dbi'ii Co. MMfor the capital cigar (TradeUark Kegiitared) AFine ^Dlt^ Cigar. Hand Made.^Union Lubel. JAMEHALLAN. GrandCentral Cigar Store Ownerof the braud ONTOP. Weare enabled to handle all^kinds of country produce at^the smallest possible margin.^We have all kinds of fresh Fruits,Vegetables, Etc. onhand. We turn olf /roods^i.ipully, making sm.ill profits.^Have you gotten our price^on Montana Strawberries^^The berries are luscious.^The price is low. :JUBTA FEW LLl'T. A10-QUART FREEZER FOR $4.60. THAT'SA SAMPLE OF THE PRICES AT THF. HolterHardware Go.'s. FireworksFor The Fourth VERYCHEAP THIS YEAR. STEELE,HINDSON ^ CO., jnHHr.Hs or liny,Grain, Flour, Petd, Bolted ^^at^, Cora Meal, PotatOflw, Afull Kins uf hrltumtK'liwir'i aI* run ^^^^**^!^i-^1.1 y tm II aa i WalOL.ftNAl.alADIMI r*^^ THft f'ftl.ftllllATKi CROWN,MONTANA BELLE AND ROYAL BANNER FLOUR TtlephouaNe. lUn^ ^ - The llaet Blurtae Kuililiae la lba (lty. UU Uuuiuau til. OutSeed Depart^^ment u tat mott^oompleto in Uon-^taaa. Wa hate aa^Immense variety^ofgtrdtn eeeda at^Lottom prloea, Al-^faifa, Timothj tad^Had Clottr Bead at^lowett market^prices. TilePioneer Fruit House of Montana. ESTABLISHED1833. LINDSAY(St CO WHOLESALE Fruitsand Produce. OOtoteoal Warefeoaeee ea at. C. Trask,^Hear faaseager Utaol. JoabartatEgga.^Latitat^Applet,^(Irangat.^I emoue^LraubarrUt.^litnaaaa.^Fig. and 1^foreign and Da^^mes tit' Nate.^Ceadiei tad^Chew tag Unma GILCHRISTBROS. .. . DEALERS IN . . . Lumber,Sash, Doors, Etc MILLWORK OF ALL KINDS. AGENTS FOR ROCKYFORK COAL. CORD WOOD. (beaten.Carpenter A Co. alia beadle Beakj Eatk CeaL)^Hrfl OHM OHAMD CENTBAI. ^ K.AK eTOKM.TILiriORI Ha It* SAFE BHKLVINOand( OUNTEHB^FOK BALE CHEAP. ^^T. UUUIthLL'S 111i AI It HHOP. 4Mn llaia Street^Oppotitt liar Market. CA. niaekbarn. IVIIIIt Joaee. TbeOnly Exelnaiea lee Compant ia the Cltg. fareIce and beet of eerviee guaranteed. Latreordart at Diamond Block Drnx Store,^Hub ataaae. Uloobone M^, or at tbe office, m^Hiate .tree-, ulepbost 110. STORAGEFOR HfiOLD GOODS.1 Ii airing ttcored the Helena Club niablee fur^th^ parpoaeof carrrina on a tloneral btortga^mn,: ^i.,n Untlatte, partite having hou*o-^i:.^ode or goode ot sat kind will do well to^^ ' a ctll. Orders may be left at fit Mglith^.i i ia. IU North Itodner elraot and corner^1 ,h. aionaa and Logan ^lreet^. JOtStfiiD. OOKRY GoodSecond Hand Clothiiig: Boniiht N.Y. LOAN OFFICE. NoU Death Main IHraat. r-end poeUl card P.^U Lot BU. Will (.all JohnW. Wade TheWord ^NB^fS^ hat ita Origin from ths^Four Ouartars of the tilobs. NorthEast \Vkt S,llTH THE GreatNorthern Railway VUUCAN BE UUUKtU^lOltrilatfaratAlaika CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER. RoomtJ), 11 and 11. PittsburghBlock. TOTHE PATRONS OF AlhambraSprings Hotel, first (laas A.rommodatlons will be fur^^nished st reasonable prioaa.^Itouae haa elienged balds and been newlj htteitand reiiotatad THEGROCER rin'ivtJ.'o. HiAu ^^ AMirv :. /. Incuttinj; Sappliires we put^more brilliancy in them by our^style of cutting than other lapi^^daries, so much so that it pays to^semi them to us in spite of the^extra time it takes. Hesides we^never cut any stones that are not^fairly clear and in this way save^our clients throwing money away^on useless stones. ASI'UiMiDD^epoUe. Ht. Paul. ( hio^^7.\ No*^York and lntermed^ato places, alao aoroat^the Atlantic ocean ui anjr point on tba^eontineni of r urope. /EST to all points on tbe raeltiu onset and^aoroae the I actio ooeau to (. nine aad^Japan. rt VOUTII to all pointt in tha Sunny South. Conitorttbleflnttlaas ooaohea aad I'tlaae^eliH.pmii cars, tourist, nuffst. smokiug. llbrarr^^nil dining oara. We are agenta tor all nrat^claat trtimhip Llnee andean tioket tag stall^t riuntsl suit t,i-ouijnlal points. Prepaid pa.-^arraagad. TIMETABLE. 1rales Mote aa gallowsi sentvtat nai tot.^No. 24. Atlantic liareaa, eaatbouml. 11:25 p. ra^No, VI. Pa.'ifla I xprea.. wettbouad... 6:14 p. m No.t. ajg Ixm'sJ, mm).. t:W p. ra pifabtraoa agLant.^No. lit Atliotic Kipreee.eaetb.irnd.. I1A p. in^Ne. la. I aellic Eiiiraae, weetbonnd, att p. m No.I. Belle Looad. dail;a.age, at Pteaanaerelakiag the Atlanti'' K.preta from^Halaaa on tVadnaadafe at Utm p. m eonaeot at^Huluikou Vridare with tho snperb eteeiuelnp^North West, atlordiua' a delightful eail arruea tba^(treat I akee lo neult Ht Maria, Detroit. Cleve^^land aad Imrialo. tor furtliar i art irnlarK. leapt, folders, relet^tte.. tail at or write to our othoe. i \^ I'll IS, i il^ Ticket Aneuk^tVa. UAUUhlt. Utaenl Vireni. Helena,Mont. McDermottHotel. BUTTK,MONTANA. si. HeUKltMOIT, I'roprletor. K.m gTEVSON, Maaagar. A D.Do Sola Mcodcs i Co., CUTTLKHOF DIAMONDS^AND PNECIOUS STONES^AND MANUFACTURERS^Or DIAMOND JEWELRY. .^1 -511 MAIDKN LANE, NEWYORK'. Weere ellll I ujera at I arge. Kouad aad^Fairly Clear Kouuh M.pphirea KATES^3 PER DAY. H.ouis With L'etb and I'arlor Itlta. io.lvHolm. MarllaHalm. MONTANAICE CO. Wafarnl.h atrictlr pure eprtag water toe, I^left with I Itr Urnt Store ot Jno, W. belli.^Uroc-rr Cempaag *W raooiea praiupt atteutioa.