OCR Interpretation

The Helena independent. [volume] (Helena, Mont.) 1875-1943, October 10, 1894, Morning, Image 7

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025308/1894-10-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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Originators of Low Prices.
Latest Cloak Fashions
This week we (hia
`tance all conipetit -
ors in Cloak retail
ing. Our hoeay
Chins hilla I'alhants,
exquisitely finished,
some n ith stitched
edges, some withl
silk braid and those
new fancy horn
buttons, storm c(l
lars, etc. Coats
made of heavy
Kersey linished
Beaver and Ser
pentine I)iagonals.
Superbly finished,
and all at our popu
lar prices.
Continuation of Our Great
Handkerchief Sale.
Two hundred dozens, extraordinary value in
IWhite Swiss Embroidered and Scal!opcd Iland
kerchiefs, purchased at a desperately low bar
gain price, and will be on sal_ tluis week at the un
heard of figure of 3 Handkerchiefs for 25c.
Another lot of Swiss and Irish Embroidered
handkerchiefs, belonging to the above Bargain
Stock will be sold this w eek at 2 1Handkerchiefs for 25c.
55 dozen extra quality superior finish, will be on
sale at the nominal price of I Sc each.
A large lot of Irish and Swiss Embroidered
Handkerchiefs of exceptionally line grade. This
week only 25c each.
A full assortment of genuine Point Lace Hand
kerchiefs from $r.5o each up to $20 each.
This is the biggest Handkerchief Bargain Sale
ever held in Helena.
Drs, Liebig & Co.
The~ World Rcnewnei1 S~ecialisb.
FRBVI I U)NSUI 'ATIrIi gtven to all vete
Ki~hla fo roo1iu. ltntZ. er. N me. 1 iroal. Iyitu, t (mach, hit.
pCiatea iii Montana demand truster farilitici
end a~comrctidallan.. to met wbirl. 11.. Lebis
&(a have eelablichod oflico. itt this itiy. they
v.11 La ltt char Ko of a duir anthoriced reprtaen"
bitt.. whot wtI. report all comtplicated cae,e to
it.healvd aft cit where c ornr,,ke recar~le are 601ti
fall caeae and the t n etitivt adoptei kairb
bienith licinl its p t .idl iI no one phyalrtan
L d 1e,."r lees thtin (lvi, t-itwyctniod *pri'tle ilii
cc " conaoltaitta not every ra t'aeutad.
JRI'a.Ca thititasrd' ito fat l to ,uowtlaoi aare
teadily niade No *'1',lritrnttng-st lntI *p*
b tan tho t.retmv' coeat ti's lim ait haeir'! if
theil euncria tnt Ito rectl atuch mtarwel.:ia
enite. a. her-t,fr~ rirvnr mi hi.,i lean mtitie
a fia ll. b's' iitnI pyLt?~i ia:te t rtt'ttitcwi thiuin
a.pl~eieIl in" unable.
111 F A I Ironic &l~e'toii'q. da~t' itt from ezrla
W dicerntilone. %r.'i'I 1 i~e1ee., t it intl
.'rakaw'a. Lome r '. rt i'.` yphllii. anti ot a
op Yl te''tq itfiitin it~atit trr:t't , tr a!rt i
et9.itait failurinby uti. n'. it'" I~ii.w~ . I ag'
rept i atr.a for tI air inplrta1'i." ,.ricea to
trnating the 1' 'laeane of Vlin o. wittid wide. artd
Ui., y are petirata I-. all pia 'n IF I
V' O0I I N- 11.1i at tic itl iii r¾ arfc"! I,, to o
Womain. haa er I ttli,.Itti aplttliacu a'iA
Uaini'. i- uiead int: ii Drniii'iae b,.el cltd. au ,
A lI A I I i,' nt Itii ut I hi taI
tl arixe Iu ir.a .4 t . i 'B ' . l' r,t' ..i ,1~t
gi i i. ina^n it.': mu' t i In, i.. tn " athi ftp
RI1,lie ala I m I.iG rt.
Regular V[.It 3 M, rnChIj
it (rtat Iso I ' u ," trth .r, * I.I.
At M io~l -,oit,' at
At I aIvii4.t is ia the 4th
Nn niania I1i~il'  It '.1arn 'tr..t. Ioynea
?Nsrthern I-, .,I M a I I'r .ilway. laltta
Srmthern I 'i'i-'..n 111 "iioith Main '.-t~. I Og
he z . I.. & alit, rol
Western Iii~laI.n- 'i iver B ttr...t, Fan Fran.
t I III .1 Ill' I' C (tIIll 1 (' '11 1
fil '.ark-. N."tg. ti rnilior*:
l*;tealn if Mat itt. Iiti kai~r,.n I'm ii I,
iiigi iw,aii~tu wit he g ll dpi--ag I. .f p li.l
IIteiti walli the tu~saeeq, vuii'iier w thiln
four moniihe after th. Oral ptbihtloi o ii f
tb'g noie, tii lb. sald aJwinlsttmal r willa
sit(- will anuisa,i~ et tbe law salis , Mii 1
a not Ilnltaril. roam 4. II. 'i M.Iark. In Iluia
city of Italons, Ii Itt isintil if bawis inii
('Iarn., able of Al nla., Ili, anise Iiniifli
tlie phi-u foiI sheu ltmitaiio~i n:Iis., Ii'iat
Aalnuiiilrnilir will. Iii. will uanuianu I oif thei
stet.' if Malloi-ei Iltui'Lar, dreeiuaed.
LbacJ LOct. '1, lttD4.
At Least no Traee of Them Was Found In
WAsnsworox, Got, 9.r-Fish Commissioner
McDonald has receivd f am Commnrder
!rake. of the fish commissioner's steamer
Albatross. patroling berin2 sea since May
1, a repo I of her movements and observe
tions to Jone31. The report cove s pri.
oipally meteorologloau and hydrog aphioal
observations. No trace of trout planted
lest year In the inland waters'of the island
wor . discovered. . his leaves no doubt that
the lakes had been frozen to the bottom,
sad pots an and to further cape Imoets in
tiat line.
C pt. Drake left Port Townsend yester
day with the Albatross for .an Francisco,
where be will tiep'r.. his report on obserr
vations made in Be mog sea turin2 the
closed season. Thi. report probably will
se ye *s valuab a information in Into e
negotiations with Great Britain, as to the
limitation of the prohibited sone.
Catarrh Cannot Its (Cred
With local applientions, as they cannot
r ach the neat of the dieensv. C itarrb is a
blood or constitutional diseass, and it or.
der to crre it you most take internal reme
dies. Hall's Catarrb Core is taken nte"-
nellr and note direotle on the blood cnd
mucsoons surfaeie. lIlm's aCtarrh Curs us
iat a quack mead cine. It was prscr.b,4
by one of Vie boat physicians in this coun
tv for years, art is a rointlas prersciptiou.
It is cornposed of the best tonics known,
combine t withl the beot biood puride s,
act'in directly on the mucoue sorftoes.
Thie I erloct combination of the two inc.e
dlimnts is what pro tuoos so h won terful "n"
soils in caring catirrb. rend for teeat
tuoiiall, free.
F. J. (iinry & Co, Pro riotors.
Iolodo, 0.
fold by druggists, price 75 crnti.
Mora. I~lasisruau I Iio, Ihoaua~hsI
P L L qrut,. '1 ann., (Ye'. l.i.---'rb. w Ic of
the Woo *ington A hntleruioyii Ijimited
h.ut ii brim t'rov:d more it is *trouv thinr
Jny. 111.' A:. lit I irur co',i iI :;vu,
11. b,16 ltiv tIj~irld Iari fii cril cIi di.
1h InII.iroi iiu11 a Jrri1xiLud drouiaiitr'i cusi,
An Opit ,,,ldlo Mc HI.,II. ,lppy
1 'nti:. uiit to lin of SytyiiO Ii thi' rr:ni
I oiititlule c~ hrirau diuirnt a"t uItny C 4.
Itvndii'. If 1I1ralse, (1 r. **:"Ii-El the-1 I
liii, qua, I a t re t lm,l~ult II? InP holel tut
ttiiiiil'. Ii .'a( li,c. (iii'ern and ItIr
r; a I IaiaI-0Y ".11% I tUO,ilt I . M 1ay hLll. I
said It. milil %)I. Mily It ii lthu oaly rti;, ly
itaulta lari~w. I or side II; oil ainagusItut.
N' .1dnhii',. S ''t. lia 1nil t ri It "fu ri
Iiixn cur'' rilara I friiltnlh'' .1 now -
n~ih' t'aktuait ill Liii terfarjt. aluwil to
1Li. latn lii
"-t'sail'y NMruu i w. ud !,v~n iaa ~u
artr nc'l m tha aprli vg 't thui whit~es
(tio L I;,' l"Stt. I uLyI n;
A lirii'l it, 1 0A.t1 Ii rr guit ii )re.1. n
ijut i..4 1,1 ~,i Iu' nll ml'a~ veopiou tiny fnti, I
jnst .rluh ri frit 1 In I1 , inu'u i Nw I hs
EuveIV far 'tonsnr'pln, ''11811u spid ,'
If yo~u Iisve rIF?' *4A I this (rams coyt
iri'dlstns. o~ne trial Ut I s"nvlnnsn sha llg
it Its w~an igitnl (R'gl,0 i'owers in a~i
aitepsuss nt tths thrms. ol-, Sad In ln'i. h d
tpluii.J, -r Iua'ncy ."'+pl,'. 'I ria Iotti.
I,,,". I Ait.'i 6 lt'*at (.41 OhIO nn,] 4I, pat.
t ltuc Ii, ,'cuci I trhll
'a"-1t.. le ,.' itt' chit " *ra su~auu., o a uu,,ua
Ia.u tuuu Ats t'. i hill flu" ,igsl Nirtit.'i 1. fil
...LA'DI F 5.... t:uI
Vevul tloX rit ltbvtn n~~u J . t1,: 0,11 , au m
I~nuutlusly npin~s'sv a teniica'je of () n n in Qv IIrfl niturt it (I~t, r~ur~
Capont, Atitrinhc~in ('4 ,:, andt Jncketn ii, rnwv I."Htgrmi, Minilc :r
ijind ull kinds ~1 'll'- '1 nrntunnlng 2hitt -intro n, r 2Ir~-H n b~n
nnnr :goa~l (;ririnetnsa, w.9Jtn 1,nr~hneni 1,, Vnr~r Ttn,.i tin u I ntl, In, 1
liii :1)put Ca~sh. Y~oun c onf tljirelolo :tnio,11it, tint I,ii, I It
tbity oet uolngI thlit wea~k, Thbe Ir.,ni' In , liii. 1~ Mini.l en I i (n;.r,:
VWrnlns mind Jcm' ket~i urn wtn flrt 'frna 1' n.in't w.'iI' , I,
to tim, uripinef ruiid tlt~(,fl' '1 on, J.nkni, I'r-"'. C '",aJ:, An', wi I,,
Cirpct'ti, liir ('irtnin-, I lti~nn Ttt,In, I tnt s",", Iiii, i,J.¶t ri!,,.~
urntii ttls(iir'at Iiiiiilktet hint :nihi wi. ~'," *.* ,.ni y ~
fu~ll Morrkinrnline, iinf'~'-i,"I['I In i1, ijil 111 i ,, ,,,l y r
tar vunh (11 ti37ynl t (Orn pinrnunnl
Our orders for Itlankete were pinal~. witb ormisent
vnnziustactrers as a timIe what) thte pjio. or w~i.l tied
been 11t its Ii, uett ebb We were mutt forurniiate u i
tibtleiupoutt'it transictiofl. You it w rasu the : ill
bm.ni i. We bave nil Mr.,deg nolw ini stork, an I eli
a,i a min ror resentted. We moll non., [mt~it .ouiis.
well imude. .11 tgE*.1y ourdei, (`mnr, btijLlv iiutsbnI
sodto min eery way reliable leminkets. Lit a u to
oiboer in utr"7 or whi,te 75 a paJir, with fmmcy bordri.m
te.. wortib mien y double theu prior. All the hetter
grades up to $10t oLesp to like proportioit.
Parisian Dresses at
less than half price is
our offer this week.
Those richly Tailor
Mlade Paris Gowns,
radiant with the artis
tic genius of the city
of Fashion, and rep
resenting the choicest
pr xluctions of Worth,
Felix, Ringat, and
others, will be on ex
hibition and for sale
on those half price
terms this week. In
every material, in all
the best Parisian
styles. Take elevator
at once to the great
Dress Floor.
Jobber of Th Pioneer Fruit House o[ Moutaa, obiro
F498" ~ ESTABLISHED 1883. P,
Nat. LI ND8A Y & CO. , O~a
Cnl.WUOLIZALK AND tTAill Lamont.
Chewing Guma Fruits and Produce. setPW8
Seasonable Fruits Arriving Daily CalifornaI Fruits
Wigs and Date. in Car Lots.
r'aver Ba. ontana Fra.ij.
OU..c slid W~rehogg., am M. C. Track,
Itc.. E'3. N4gar Passenlger JiepeL Wtrao
We Are Now in Receipt of the Finest Stock o.
Wood ard Goal Jleaters
{IICE For Wood or Coal.
Ojer one
LVT.I I iL'Ny .
I. ~ Of ALL. K' N
TR O Ný '\1) N1 L ,
I3FF )Rr ANn Ar TFr Itt~u *W Ul *Ifl
I I I'
IIr . N I " 1I II I ~ n ý , I *ý. ''I ' . f I ' ..
* ir. ,,I " ",I I' '
" * t II \tItII ',I ' "nl 1n I 11
lv.n rIi I r it 1 1, IS to l `F ,,,.". l'ti~t,
Iwah sai Ihsu~u" s,
( hi hok e ivit special Iatntu at tlgkr ltr
fit tjult", n4 noC.,uirn'V It: ats W~v LI t11 % r,1
lutur'.us (:.latfaan 1 It Ijkewhd It!f nu~, . c <I I
Ii.I.Iufl l,.,,r. Outr 1)1, It "d i jruh.r I.J I n
fittr s ua r v~r .L.I l L u:r c.,L.rra, iii r" u', -u
fipap tuprim lb. ,bjr.Cti.4ii.I.I .rd Patalun~' of ri r
UrýImalarllrtautip. Tilax. %V"1. II.''. pal L~td ,.,ra,i..f
('auve~pd I ldorduwui Quail are & wspur-alt, 't lb ui
III .I lla-I(J1.
Lmaile' AW' hav( futuadl the
Ph'iilosophe tr' stuns." We
mean by this that w. Iave
this IUll found the <n unno
tion of our deare!t \: l i, to
reaching the very pi JI)un
in Ladies' low and Ined imu:
priced Egyptian cotton vests
and pants. We are s'liin
Children's this week at _5c
each. Our well carded Aus
tralian wool and Loui-iana
cotton, fleecy, sensible, La
dies' Vests arnd I'ants :ire this
week only 75 cents, and La
dies' all %%ool Natural Grey
Underwear only $z each gar
ment. These are desirable
goods at awfully low prices.
Sands Bros. are sole agents
for the celebrated
"Ypsilanti Underwear."
edy, II % 1 IIIi ", r "1
()ri~riunators ohI 'N% I'i cu
[~ashioniahIc Vvwrs.
k .I ! I i t ~ n
1 ±
ý, ý :! ýi ( I "! I',1 't .I\
New Dress Fabrrics
There it a erichno I)ry (,onidn :-t'r cuct nl t, a 1111eiippl. out
U and agprreR~tii of W.nti r .uiyc ti' it fir it, , -.ca i,! e'ny Otiif
Miftaot. Nmo&ilBrog. sii'~w iii *,i itlcI'i rnl. UV. ,I rtclna vi VrIaIV
of Scitcb, I zugticL, Ferichl cd (ietmau r vrt.h '16* V'i ea are all
uUrirI iiiLow Iar~fl l~ba Ii .'Il :1-w) I 'Ia1, ii.r.eri I, :ilt a.:oI
Youl M Itur... !tough 1,lTIonttB Mi x'nrrr. 1 I,, I. ^er" I c r1
(: tl. ubl, an.] ýLauI~y ~i 'itnrer,, ( riut l11ii Cbe1c~t.. all wuoo
Keraoe,g all wool ro ugh 10 ,Ii(i li Av,.e uinrlii 'I we. l,, etc
Lyons Gauff re Silks.
I Our full assortment tki4 musk cem in vie aMoire (;unffi d- km
Mo a cAntique (i~uffrc bilk.. ( ethi . (imuifre -ilki( (,'u .rc h Isi
I ~crincn shades--Licht It ii.. I orion, I asr C mucry. %IuW .. Cre
and Curdiotil. 'l~uord 'I'affea Ni ka. in two. tkree and Alcs-oned
cifeots. 1 oh Black Oires ('rvu M'lkc with "ntif I'uwpedour uurir i.
Taffeta 1 artain j'lalde. (hangeatte Pus do l~ondrec 'l'ull -ia ii~ke.
uIlk Vorcotsmnbacek and ell ths" now Colo~rs. Every piece p~urcheaed
by tciads BSyos. under the Low Inc. 'Taritl Lawn,
S UEOtl'FM'H HALE-MAltY I. 13L I Llt,
plaintif, vs. Georgo W. Baldwin st at.,
defendants: Under and by virtus of an
o der of sale and decree of foreclosure and
sale lance I out of the distreet court of thb
First judical district of the state of Moe
tan., in and for the county of Lewis and
Cis k' on the 4th day of October, A. I).
14894, in the above entlietle action. whercir
Mary It, Butler, the above named plaintill.
obtained a judgmeot and decree of fore
closure and sale agalast George W. Bald
win st al., defendants, on the 3 d day of
Oetobe, A. L. 18'4, for the saun of $1,1.17.4i1,
besides interest, costs and attorneys fees,
which said decree was, on the 3rd day of
Octobe*. A. 1). 1894, recorded in judament
book No. - of said court, at page - , I
am commnianded to sell all those certain
lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate,
lying and being in thb county of Lewis ant
Clarke, state of Montane. and bounded
end described as follwjs. to wit: hbe east
one-half f10) of lot newt ered six i; and all
of lot numbered seven (7 in block nuni
bired fifty (tRI) of the Lenoe addition to
the city of Helens, said i areel of land bae
inij a frotage on Winne avenuse of thirty
seven and one-balf (37'r. feet and a depth
of one hundred and twenty-five (1251 test
to an alley, according to and as said lose
and blocks are more particularly described
upon the offical pInt of the said named ad
dli ton now on file in the manner provided
by law in the oilee of the county clerk and
recorder of the said county of Lewis and
Clarke, together with all and singula the
tenements, hereditatneots and aprurte
nnnces therenoto belonging or in auyw:sr
art'ertaini m.
Sablic noticn Is hereby given, that on
aturdar. the 27th day of October, A. IU.
1$94. at 1:! o'clock mn. of that day. at the
front door of the court house, lelena,
Lewis and ('larke county, Montana. I will.
In obedience to said order o: sale and te
cr5 of foreclosure anl sale, sell the abovc
described property. or so rouili thlir.'f as
may hr necessary to satisfy aiti judgment.
with interest and costs, to tie highest and
best bi der, fr crib it hand.
(iivcn under roy hand, this HWh day of
October. A. Iit iI4.
Ltitl r"" lI. I t I.w <, Sheriff.
liv 1'irir I. II i. I utler Shertl.
Alc(onnell, tleyberg & Iluno, plaintiff's
C1( I C) c 1 1; I.l 'CIt)l S t
1 r,.:at ati n ,l wt tct \.'. 1 n l ~t .;
htnn e lc . M1.uth , N\... t' ' .11,1 I tI "
elcith, LI-winracid l nrIro culot, M'. t,
'I he ugnda.rntienl reuost v i.t sat for out
Iietrot No. 4. L" r by tivie trat @e tl t lie
will ktfo tlie l 'tnee if tr'u tr*'i, ji if
Hotern wtthinu'cht nto lvirr 1sec ut I , his
r, 1i1trtt:,n1 ,Iho rld it 0 , thie d ifa b i t
theI Inc( a i '.m-1usH bi lbiowi
t),t ther I. l 11 I, I slaeli ie 1,. It. 1.4I
i.,. a r run Isninr I on' n1 Id u.i it r :.
,'" ~Ii. it
! t" eb I, I1 N:thIrn l'acile de't'r
I, Ct r.
ilo to' r 1t 9 "' I'. etatte.*, Unre dJ l .
Ot" for I r b, 1;, I'
:I.: .re tne r IL Ilo d Joue: ? itnb
rit ani n. I s rult i it C It
t . .' . 'I. 1 1. i o r i J. I e' , ' 1 : o r j , ia t C
*t C. liln I t, ' ''u'.
I le h.'ur ' of :etifrntiont tril1 it Iattwe*I
;i "n " I C t Ii n" 1t a'' . stay. . I,. ~ . i
a . I L it t.o t* It I' Cit
. n "' 1" t . I t , 'le ' it I . 1
II 1 . .. it ditty Atgen'
I %", l. I 1Y r I 1 . a .. I, r " M
1''I I '1 ..1, l n Li h l.I
\I'A h\11 D COr .., troou MassI
S'iiFIIFFM rPALEi \iIl IA1 Al L.EN lfUT.
tor, .Ton A :tewart ant iga stlolu#t, x
acutore of the last will and Iletatmit of John
i. I retr taemnei. ttlatttiftf. vs. torn fl.
Jeroat.. lha %. Jerome. I'ranklia 11 Wallao%
Albertt '. nu burg. and Lotns t F. lot, a,
asgns, i"f.olanit
Coder and hb virtue of an ordarof ale sal
dCcrg" of iuoro..nture and sal" Mn.usd out oLhes
distnit courr. it tshilart 'tl'liai dietrlit of the
hatt, of M rnata,.. ioand fotho county of hewis
aiii ClarK' on tIli fltu day of rapt eitiltr. A. I.
litl. Ia tit' aiwure entitied action. whleasiR
I. ala;.. A. 'i, U-. -Ian 4- rh snwart snt in
gatl liisy. ' 'rutero it ts taut w 1i and tests
ment of .i.r .r v'r ,:'eael AI. lb.* atovia
mami biant iff . obtained a judisont and dires
of furoclutsro and cabs against v era a'sume,
.oton 1.t .rome. Franitin I.. iallacs, Albert
U. I horaboraht. and j.otni U Jr. I otri sPsiauni5,
defen i at.. on the t.ith day of r-'tomt er.m . * A
lba&. for Its etat of si. '..ii. besides Interest.
come and attorney a t[s, which nut decart was.
orn I ', ,"' . ',y of ."I, *ieintor. A. Ii IntL rel
ritdod in ,udgmsnt book Nit of sari court at
pal . h am i'immanded to sell all ithoe asst.as
fot . li-owr' or parels. of land. eitua'a. lyiis an I
brot in st'e county of Lvin. and t larki, statr of
Msr, ana. and tIrrnded mad described as follows,
to wit:
Tht" we-t twenty-f te 11 fi *st of lit nm
b.raI two .I, all o, let numteted one ill, and
Il. wst and savon t.niths ii. , f tt mntre or he's
of frontgo" by on'. htindttl and twentg-fUve
12 fi .t i n , -j"t i. itmttmneditately west of and al
,oi ,g eni.! Lu' rtnmtte'rt I one 1 ', In biotick
nuti-s ib'tl thirty ts I, I. of Ilii Lesnxaddi
tion b t,.. ci') of IsIerra, said tot. pMesas oc
partel of lard eu-itrtiiit the tract particularly
tiu-ttld a. folliua. to wit Legintintg at a paint
itn tLes antitthi. i of it iIhlanI aivotuetowe(i1 fout
west if the lorthusa' triter of said lot unisti
ier'4 two '. *t. sail hi 'k n-tnh'qer thirty five
(it , ruIRtust lhiu-i ,eet stunlg thu souith aide
of litanliati -t'vetnu I fly-tue an I evan-tenths
I f-t.. het- m ro or lss, to a point iit the west
iht:an ry I no of c-i I tnoio altiitiOi,. il"ncrs
m..1tb 11 w".;1 - 01 Y .* boardary I'l., .rt* u. n*11
Its I at, I tuo.ty fi vi' R. ti a t sitat un the
n1, th edo if an saill, rotrantg ia4t and weat
( ,*ough ass IL. c un mo r l tlir tr live (.151.
" ,o o' nýs atrth n 'U' ,f rii .in alley
tafr noa s'1 t., .th 5:.. feot, usearo or
1,. . ,.r*' . I 1.t rof ..e." f the 001111
t tru o f .I I '.i i i t' " ti t ri ots ne
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-. 1. 1 a a -i it tic anresLtcrounto ,'
t'' it L t ii I-srih- Li t 1.1' ti's l'r initi e
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Olt i Ie ft i 4.. I u W.w tui l
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* It N- Iii,.! srtI I K1 ! ll
l ' nil..' fifes will ibe itt I uyrriecs Hli...
1,3 I r a t e ts a 1 I t l
,- t1. nesto1 : 1't0 im m es i so1,I I'tr
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111''1u.. 'kitu ., Ll t 4, IM(l4.

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