OCR Interpretation

The Helena independent. [volume] (Helena, Mont.) 1875-1943, November 07, 1894, Morning, Image 8

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025308/1894-11-07/ed-1/seq-8/

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TO-DAv negotiations are
opencd for the Settlement of
the (Cent ral Pacific rail road debt
to t he ( ,oVvrnnicnt in \¼'.shing.
on, San 'ranci'wo andi else
ýý here.~
L'pwvarDn of $ t ;o,1xnxs are
) ids ,i clloti; 'a it lt the greaItest
railway system in the world.
Sir Charles River, \Wilkon, Con
troller-General of the IBritihli
National I hht (Office, will be a
It is only to get started with
you--nothing can take our cus
tomers away. We make satis
faction so sure by our buying,
that you'll never have cause to
complain afterward.
Men's Suits, in Cassimeres,
Worsteds, Cheviots, Meltons,
Thibets, etc., in plaids, stripes
and solid colors. $7.50, $9,
$xo, $Ix, $13.50, $15, $16, $.8,
$2o and up to $30.
Men's Overcoats--Ulsters,
Pooles, Box, Sacks, and every
other desirable style. $7, $9,
$ro, $r6, $8, $zo, $22.50, and
up to $50.
Boys' and Children's Suits -
Brownies, Jack Tar, Reefers and
Cutaways-- lots of the Combina
tion suits with two pairs pants and
cap. $2.50, $3, $350, , $5,
$6, $7 and up to $15.
Children's Overcoats, Capes,
Sacks and Ulsters. $4, $5, $6,
$7, $S.
Children's Flannel Shirt Waists
- Mother's Filicnd style. 75:,
Children's 1lose, all styles and
qualities, wool and cotton, 25c
Jaicer's is not ordinary Under
wear- if it werc anybody could
make it. It is scicntihically cor
rect anld perfet in hygienic prin
tilple. W e'll tIll you all about
-or send you a little b-,ok tl!r.t
Ever weir a Knox iatt? Ever
know\ \awil (lc.s.d ima;n w\ho
duln't: W\\'re :agents for theim.
1E;.l & W\Vil on I;. , W. -
tollars lit -- always arid under all
circumstanr.4. Thel'y'r.e the best,
made, a; fr as qua ity go's , too.
We Sell them.
AMAMA~a a -----m
The Streets Thronged With Exolted
Crowds Anxious to Get
the News,
Oonfldenoe in Helena's Viotory
Was Maniteated by the En
thui.asm Displayed.
Thousands WaIehed The lI.epedeat's
Dulletlns umd OtheOI C(rlPed
Tarleums Plaes IS the City.
The suppresrse excitement which ex
tdi alnil ty yestertclday in helena was
\ t r Ill lt' Iupparn, liet t evening than
tdrini' the diy, only it was fnot to) sup
i'prirsd tuiriIIrng the' \l'tlling. The peo
pI,, wore exc'ttid andi they didn't care
who knew it. Iilnlithl olhl gentllemen
-h,,ut.,l and '. l ung thr, hl ts like 12
o1Itr ,h ld ais, u hetll sollll partculatrly
ou It . the t gitt r it n ais stretchedl ion
the Mtsn'ic uhlli tlllnh opposl. itie tih lnde
p.eli.it nbiliding. .1Al HltIia atn emed
downi town. Peopie alte their dinners
at an unullsually early hour and hurried
to the bul.sirness portion of the city to
g t the latest capital and election re
iturnis. ThIt' I 'Ati anrd state telection was
ineai rly ft'rgtten. for all interest center
'id i the cli'pitali vote. The greatest en
thus iisin prevailed. From the Itristol
h,,'k to Sixth lvenuet' the street was
black \ilth ptteople and loud shouts for
Iihlenit t'ere hearillt' d on evetry hallld.
(n, of the lirst capital returns was
receiv\dl by D. 4". Becker, at The Helena.
'Thre dtislipatcht was rec'eive'd shortly af
ter asi o''loc'k from Itunlnsy, Granite
county. it gave the vote of that pre
Sins t, HII'leni tIwelv.\'. Altiaolida two.
'This little bit of nouurlt gitg news iset
\,.e ry buody m ild. Why, we've got 'em;n;
• nt em by St,00) majority," said Clerk
it' eke-.
.At an early hour a vast thronl garth
ered in front of the Independent otlice
to read the returns as they were flashed
by a stereoptico n, operated in the third
st ry of tIhe building, upon the great
canvas stretchell on the Masonic build
irg opposite. By seven o'clock there were
several thousand people gathered on
lBroadway. The news was transmitted
over a special wire run into the Inde
Itpendent building and an operator was
there to get them. These were trans
ferred to the glass and thrown on to
the canvas. By this means the people
of Htlena were given by far better ser
vice than ever before ini the history of
the city.
lIesldes the thousands who crowded
alriound the Indepenlldent office impatient
for news there were other thousands
equally intent in gaining returns, dis
tributed in v arious pliaces in the city.. At
the uditorliunt a wire fr om the Western
Unioln was in illice irand by eight o'clock
the greint hubllring was tilled with pet -
pie anxious to dear the news. " The capi
Il omlnnlittlee took up its headqluarters
thre tanii \VWm. MIuth read the bulle
tins as fast tas they were received. The
gih'at ernlowd remained there until a very
lte hiour'. There were hundreds of la
dils pri.snt anti they received the en
c' runtigring news with evc',len more en-l
thusisll n thin did the meln.
At the Montana club all was interest
Inil enthusiasm. There were a hunll
dreld or nlmre of lHellenla' business and
professiofn.. i mien ther.e aind they
Ilounged around whlile discussing the all=
absorbing tople. A group of inlpatient
men hunllg \ver th e opera'tor, who took
thc, bulletirns In the club holuse and read
the words of eacih ltessage as It was
being taken fromn the wire.
At The Helena r swpecial service was
pllt Irtn, lid it proIved to bie one of the
quickest aind nsitst reltiable in tihe city.
A large crowd went there to get the
news. Tlte rlnternbers oIf the Young
Men's club put in an instrument at the
Il iard of Tradie' rooms, and scores of
tihe young woirkiers could be found there
ronm itarly evening to early morning.
The Atlhls also had a special wire and
Its rooms were trolwdeled all evening with
it crowd ilf sports, whr) at all times were
anl iois to it lit I n ilHelernia.
Mrs. W. ('. ('hiils entertained a large
niiiimber if ladi's at her hlne oin Ewing
striet. Spectial arratnge"tmentu had been
miai.' to retivtite bullitins lby wire in the
relsid.e.n'el, iland y mrians of which the
IiiIts ii' t ' lii iii ii luaitt.l with the re
turnis as fast ias reei'lved. At the .W
mnii' ('Capitall club ri''ims in the Ilalley
Iltk it ;llarge Iuiniiher of theIi Indles re
,\,lil newS by wire' A.. J. t'rtav'n's
,i,',, ill the Pl'arnhit l,1,k wits alsoi
i.:, ' i,!ti I r mlliany ladi i., whI
T'I'll tli t bul'tints thown by the
hii 11, 'l h t iln it re~ pti i .'t wire the
iotl tin I-iin the v hritts 'iie' Iontc if
Iih * in l '.1 l{I, .tie gr\'' t It' tip
-Ih, t I1. lii."l clt ,ii s ii li li·i i Itillill.
1 : - I1 in tilur's u, 11 1,n the can.ailt s, hi n
i,. ,i I eI ', 1 , \ l ' \, t ii- thei r fe a l
lils il ]l,,uly h..is i' he next I ul
!.-ti11 I i e rIi i\ , t ii friI lre '''inct iin
*er a ii Is t '' riably ft r 11ii . 1na, 'au'l
w ,re re ,ited w ith w ld c ,h , ,,rs. T hi,,
shoitin. ,f thn, vast cr 'w l could eI
heI 'd b'! s a .IL
It Ie,, i t' ri in a little I ill lthis did
n I it .ith I i'll t ithusitfll in ithl
I '.t iti ' 1 , t11, s l , I t In the l i lli ' il e
rh"" ,Itr. " . "-" i III 'A] tribr, ll~Is -m ev
il I i ,, i' i . i, ,. ,i ' tll ' liittatl', i..l t'"
I l, i ·i I i' 1i. 11rl l,,lll lh i Ilm iu 'l'
!! "> t h -! ., " ,r'.h n i I , i l ieil,
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it I rI I r i l . , I ," 1 ,,ti ,l e iit ti ,
'~1 ' l i o l el ll ll I
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, l 'i ,In -
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, < i , , , f h !,,in fll, " ',i 1"l In1
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1 I It I ' Pff n I -h n, "i' ,ll t ,. itha
.1 : ,i i ll t I . f 1 ,', 1w 't \ '' l, "
I I, . . ..e 1 i, 1- , 1 - 11 r ln " I 1 lii =
'I ,h l I- ' I 1i , :, InItrll h "n i n I ' ,i
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1'YI·IIrl II.I
II I.IT ,Ii I I. ý I )ý . 7 tho
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*ý I ,, I I r, i.111 rpM.nr
III;'* , ' .I I Iiii,,II I .1 as Lhap as
1ii r ju ul r.Iv i.
THOSE whp could not eat cake, hot
biscuit, bread and pastry because
of indigestion have found that by rais
ing them with Royal Baking Powder
they are enabled to cat them with per
fect comfort.
Royal Baking Powder is composed
of chemically pure cream of tartar and
bicarbonate of soda, and is an actual
preventive of dyspepsia.
The seluslles of Amerleea C•ale From
London. N,\v. 6 -A dispatch to the
Times from Iterlin tays the agrarian
league has presente'd a memorial to
Chancellor von lohenlohe requestling
him to exclude all American cattle
shipped to &iermany on c·t. 2M. 'rhe
mlemorial demanda that the cattye Ie
returned to the 'nlted States, and af
t',r unlondlng, the ships that brottuht
them to (Germany, be quarantined. The
object of the memorial is to brand Ex
Chancellor von Caprivi's decree as de
fet'tive and so avoid being compelled
to acknowledge that \'o Ctaprivi had
the welfare of the agrarians at heart.
Though the efforts of the American am
bassador, Theodore liunyon, to obtain
a repeal of the measure forbidding the
importation of American cattle have
failed, further attempts will be made
to arrive at an understanding with the
government on the matter.
Feats or fletlee Abeat Two Oweat Vle'
A news paper paragraph denounces
as "false" the claim of a baking powder
•company to an award at the World's
Fair. Whom can it mean?
Certainly not Dr. Price's. Why? Be
cause, as the records show. Dr. Price's
exhibited, competed and received the
highest award, both at Chicago and the
California Midwinter Fair. The award
in California included Gold Medal. The
official examiners pronounced it the
strongest, the purest, the most whole
some and efflclent of all the baking
powders. Its title to confidence is un
Can it be the manufacturers of a New
York powder, fictitiously labelled "ab
solutely pure." who are making "false"
claims? That would be strange indeed,
inasmuch as they were not even con
sldered In the awards.
Was it Ammonia in the New York
powder that prevented Its makers from
competing? If not, what?
The Bee Hive is selling standard call
toes at five cents.
There are no sand deserts along the
line of the Great Northern. It is capable
of continuous settlement from the great
lakes to Puget sound.
Eseaersa i Rates to Cttllerals.
The Northern Pacific railroad has
placed on sale daily round trip tickets
to California points, as follows:
Helena to San Franc Isco and return,
going via Spokane, Tacoma and Port
land. and returning same way. $75.
To Ban Francisco, going via Spokane,
Tacoma and Portland, and returning
via Ogden and Butte, gb0.
To Los Angeles, going via Spokane,
Tacoma and Portland, entering San
Francisco in one direction either going
or returning. $59.
To Los Angeles. going via Spokane,
Tacoma. Portland and Ban Francisco,
and returning via Bacramento and Og
den. $99.50.
Tickets are limited to sixty days for
going passage, good tC return at any
time within final limit of six months
from date of issue.
The scenery via the Northern Pacific
and Mount Shasta route Is unequaled.
l'asse.ngers get a magnificent view of
Mount Shasta from observation cars.
For further Information, sleeping car
reservations, etc., call on or address
General Agent, Helena, Mont.
Dust is one of the chief annoyances of
a transcontinental trip, but the Great
Northern is entirely free from It; the
roadway is stone ballast.
Seventy-five cents will buy a suit of
ladies' underwear of heavy ribbed fleeced
ialttriggln, worth $1.50 a suit, at the Bee
lt e this week.
Kid cambrih only five cents per yard
at the Itee Ilve.
sued free Dahage,.
Ma.Itsflld, 0., Nov. 6.-This afternoon,
('alvin E. Martin. democrat county
ummissiotnr, sued W. S. . 'appeller,
prop rietor of the News, at repiubllcan
Iaer, for $23,'()00 damages. Saturday,
the, de.f,.ntnt's paper O.,talned an
it-rn insinuating that Martin. who was
a;ll,,nt'i to succeed a reputliran com
ntssi..er, who was killed, ltl $700 for
the aip, nt ment.
Government Reports
Baking Powders.
Analysis by the Chief Chemist of the U. S. Agricultural
Dep't proves Dr. Prico's to be superior in leavening strength
and purity to all other powders.
(FIrom Ocial RecordL),
Leswuwieg rOs.
Cub. n. per .
Dr. Price's Cream {Baking Powder . ... . . . 166
The award of highest honors to
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
at the World's Colt:mt)ian Fair was the result o,f invostigation
by the Government authorities and leading experts in food
lroducts. It stamps Br. Prie's as the best and strongest
bekInor he- - an'g*Ik.l
"Ksemaslnea TIrets to Callfe.elt"
Take the short and by twenty-four
hours the qui:'kest route to California.
Elegant I'ullnatn palace and tourist
sleepers. The dining car route. The
t'ulon lacitle has Il'aced on sale daily
tickets from Helena to California points,
limted to sixty days going with privilege
of returning any time within six months,
good for stop-over, at following rates:
To San Francisco, going via Ogden and
returnng same route. P7.
To San Francisco. going via Ogden and
returning via Portland, and vice versa,
To San Francisco, going via Portland
and returning same route, '56.
To Los Angeles, going via Ogden and
Sacramento, and returning via San Fran
cisco and Ogden, br vice versa, IS.
To Los Angeles, going via Ogden and
Ban Francisco, returning via Ban Fran
cisco and Ogden, P3.
To Los Angeles. going via Portland and
returning via Sacramento, or vice versa,
Through sleeping car reservations and
further information can be had by call
Ing on or addressing N North Mainstreet.
Helens. H. O. Wilson,
Freight and Passenger Agent.
Ladles' fleeced Jersey ribbed under
wear, only 50 cents at the Be. Hive.
Go to the Bee Hive for bargains na dry
Have you procured one of the Univer
sal Fashion Monthlys?
A New Lime
Of white china, for decorating, just re
ceived. New goods and new prices.
F. J. Edwards, 8 and 10 Park avenue.
Scarlet medicated flannel underwear
for ladies, all wool, for $2 per suit this
week at the Bee Hive, a regular $I value.
A Detlga&tal Trip.
Via Halt IAke and Denver to Chicago
and the east. A dip in the great Salt
Lake or a few days' visit at Manitou
Springs, situated at the foot of Pike's
Peak, cannot be equaled on this conti
Pullman dining ear route. For rates,
etc., call at the Union Pacific ofice, No.
36 North Main street, Helena.
H. O. Wilson,
Passenger Agent.
The Bee Hive leads in low prices. Give
them a call.
"What's a table richly spread.
Without a loaf of splendid bread?"
No table Is completely and tastefully
spread without a loaf of bread made from
that king of flours. "Rex." Thrice blessed
is the housekeeper who uses it. Your
dealer sells it!
In a transcontinental journey nothing
can keep out of the cars the volcanic ash
or alkali dust raised by the whirl of the
passing train. But the (ireat Northern is
entirely free from this annoyance; it
runs through no sand deserts and its
roadbed is rock ballasted.
Legal blanks at this office.
Buy the Universal paper paterns. They
are the best.
Flesh and blood, that's what the St.
Louis A. B. C. Bohemian bottled beer,
brewed by the American Brewing com
pany, makes. Try it. Oppenheimer &
Asch, Helena, Mont., wholesale dealers.
The best dollar underwear in the city
for ladies at the Hee Hlive.
Dress patterns at the hee Hlive cheaper
than ever.
Popular priced cloaks at the Bee Hive.
The Bee llive will sell ladies' natural
grey wool underwear at $1.60 per suit
this week, worth $2.50.
Baby carriages at actual cost this week
at the Bee Hive.
The Bee hlive will continue their bar
gain sale on blankets for this week only.
Call and see them.
Ladles', misres' and children's cloaks
at the BIee Hlive.
Go to the flee Illve for hosiery and un
Mme. Ipanoff-Palmist and (larl
voyant-R-loom 10, Woods block, Broad
rleanllneas in traveling Is the one thing
dlsired. Travel by the (Ireat Northern
andil you will be clean. No (lust on this
line. Rock ballasted roadbed.
Raleigh & Clarke's.
Raleigh & Clarke's.
Our eompetitore very mad, our customers vry munh pleased, our special
weekly als the talk and wonder of not only our own, but of the surrounding
towns as welL Why? 8imply beauose we are selling, and makinog priores beyond
the reach of competition, always giving you just what we advertise. Since the
organization of these special sales our buslaess has doubled, showing that the
publio appreciates our efforts in giving them low prices on good goods This
week we sell our entire line of new Muslin Underwear at primes that will surely
tempt you. You cannot afford to think of making garments. after seeing the
great reduo~ions we are making this week. We will not presume to attempt to
describe these garments, and our space us too valuable to fill with oheap outs.'
We simply ask you to call and examine both garments and price-they will
speak for themselves. In addition to our specials in Underwear, we have many
equally as attractive bargains In all departments. In our Dry Goods Department
ire many short lengths and parts of both, remnants from last week's slaughter,
that we shall dispose of regardless of value. We show our goods cheertully,
saving you money on all lines of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Notions, Eta. Let us prove
these facts to you. Respectfully,
NOTE-Sometime since we deoided to take the agency of Faster's Hook Kid
Glover, under their brands, Dante, Bruce and Argyle, their latest and best pro.
duotions. In order to establish the reputation and the fact that we tAn the
agents for Helena for these Gloves, the manuftacturers, Foster, .o'l & Co., will
mail to 100 of our lucky patrons (whose names were chosen by lot or drawing) an
order on us for a pair of our beet loves free of oharge. As oon as order is
received kindly call andhave them fitted.
Hay, Grain, Flour, Feed, Rolled Oats, Corn Meal and Potatoes
1Lhphe a No. 10--The Il StoriyeA allUi la the CI.--iM Boumu St.
• o The Ploaer Ir11ill HBou ol Ioata ". '"
-N" LINDSAY c 00., o..
dOoi.s&.a £3D mrAD. liiame.a
Chwloas Bus Fruits and Produce. ..t..
Seasonable Frults Ariving DailyF camea.I.a
'a 4D'a jIn Car Lots
:-N bl. . lMeam its.
Oi. ama Warhnus a . . TM0D rs
not.. 1,a Se., *Passmeer DepWaf
n0 r iCASH
107 N. MAIN ST.
The ladies have approlated our eforts in
placing before them a good and matoblees stoek
of hibb clses milliaeor. The eeert of oul see
ewa line to not carrying over old stoek. so we
can commence eahb uoeon with an entirely new
o.. Although the eason has headly oommeaoed
we have decided to inaull urat our
2h* Priest speak for themselves.
ladids and MI.es Feolt IIts. all the
n.wslt shaols, worth from 75o L 2$. 49A
learing l'riao ........................
la.'k Wings. worth v2" ... 150
Vur .... ........ ................
Whit. Wlns. worth e . . 20c
Ilek and White Wings, valon .e 25e
kor ......2........ ... .. ......... .
Colored lIrds. value 75e to t1 40 . 0
hfo ....... ... . ...... ........... 4 5 o
Large Fluffy Illsek Tips, p'r bunch 35OQ
value 7 a For.. ..... . .......... .
100 dozen of Rirde T11is sad Plnm".e f Ife
worth from $2 to $I at adiscount of 5J coat
('ut J.t ()rnameats. largest and finest 2O rr
stock io the city at =a meount of .. 2t. onat
Pairtllr holling the following tickets
will pleuase all for books: Herits V'. ..9,
Whit.I House I 'r.ik Ilook. H, i. lex , No.
I, I'nllt l Htat.e H.e lr, t $ 'rvl . . H.N rle, Il.
No. 6, '.rts for I.adlies. erlrs K. No. ,i.
I'lptular Atlas HNortll I. N... 91. I 'eti
for, I.u.s Hnterile .1M No .'., 71,m lt Cyto
p.t.. . in c rt,,. tg). No . t., , k iat for I.adles.
Herlle I'. No,. ' li. I'e Ile I'nr llpenlllun,.
Nerile It. No. 41. National lin.nyrlopedlla.
Ieries T. to. 1. White House Cook Boeek
Garments and Fancy Fuls
Largest Stock in the West.
Eastern Prices Guaranteed.
We Invite Your Inspection.
Fresh from the beds in
New York.
Telephone SM tof
Cor. Main and State Streets. S'
- 4
To ptepree fr winter l n fore It gets bre. TheSb(
btet way ti to glet ledy right now. How aboat o
your ioeating I'laIt
SiI, n ou oc,.

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