OCR Interpretation

The Helena independent. [volume] (Helena, Mont.) 1875-1943, November 09, 1894, Morning, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025308/1894-11-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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October and November
Standard Wiskies.
r« oo!. Fa O.-i
M. V. Monaroh, spring
188) ...................5.00 . $.25
Nelson, spring 1880....... 4.23 4.60
Old Crow, spring 1886..... 4.25 4.50
Hermitage, spring 1880... 4.2 4.50
(uckenheatmer Rye, spring
188 ..................... 1 4.50
W. IL McBrayer, spring
1887 .................. . 3.60 4.00
MJond & Lillard, spring
1887 .................. 3.50 4.00
M. V. Monarch, spring
1887 ................... 3.50 4.00
J. 1. Pepper, spring 1887. 3.50 4.00
Old MoBrayer, spring 18900 2.23 20
Woodford Bourbon, spring
182 .................. 2.00 2.25
We also have it Loletile, K., hea beaded
war house o5 bbld Old Taylor, sptiln 131 whle
we will sell la bbl. lota. ertLsOats all hoe from
any storage uad laes. at 00 per pro.e galle..
Also t0 bbli. J. H. MoBray,. esoMl 18p1 iL
U. I. bonded warehouse, in bbl. lote s per
The following wines, in bulk, at
quotations as follows:
Whelea.e Betail
Per 6a1. Per Gal
Port, Sherry, Angelica and
Mucat .................$1.25 *L5
California Claret, 5 year.s
old..................... .75 1.00
California Zinfandel, 8
years old ............... 1.00 1.25
Holland Gin .............. 2.5 2.50
California Brandy ........ 25 2.50
French Cognao.............. 2.75 3.00
Jamaica Rum............ 2.25 250
New England Rum....... 2.25 .50
Blaokberry Brandy....... 50 L75
I. L. Israel & Co.
Costs you less than Fifty
Cents a Month.
WHY?. ,,.
Beeause they last you six
months and over.
Mighty little to pay for
shoe leather, isn't it'.' But
it's so, and they will stand a
lot of hard wear too).
If you live out of the city.
please s.ld Ime a trial order.
We will surely plcase you.
123 North Main Street.
A Big Celebration Here on Monday
to Whleh All Montana 1*
It Will Inolude a Monster Parade
and Gathering at the
The Moe Who Uelped Will oe Central
gIsare-Prp-arioeig e Wat.h the
OMetal Ca('Mussgls
AfMot of Helena was engaged yester
day in sleeping off the effects of its hur
rah of the night before, and getting In
shape for the formal celebration of the
calltal victory. It has been determined
to ratify Monday, and a general Invita
tion has been extended to the citizens of
the Utapt to come to Helena to take
part. There, will be a grand parade',
which will ()mmenwce at 7 o'clock in the
evenlnK. The brilliantly Illuminated
,usinen,'a and residence streets of the
city will be, covered by the line of the
proceassion, which will file into the audi
torium, to the extent of Its capaclty at.
9 o'clock. The gathering at the audi
torlum will be addressed by Hon. W. A.
Clark and others. A committee will
meet at the Montana club at 11 o'clock
this morning to arrange and perfect the
details of the celebration. The commit
tee will consist of three members of the
Young Men's Capital club and three
from the capital committee. The pro
gramme will probably Include an Invi
tation to all citizens to Illuminate and
decorate their homes and places of busl
It Is manifest that the spirit of en
thusiasm which pervades the people of
Helena and other points over the great
victory will find adequate expression on
Monday nllht. The city will certainly
witness one of the largest and most en
thusiastic and most brilliant demon
stratlons ever seen in the Rocky moun
tains. In the procession and the subse
quent proceedings the people will see
such familiar faces as those of W. A.
Clark, Thomas Couch, A. B. Hammond,
M. J. Connell, W. R. Kenyon, Robert 1.
Ford, Peter Koch. Judge C. K. Arm
strong, Col. O. P. Chisholm and others
too numerous to mention, but none the
less conspicuous and none the less es
teemed. It is believed that J. M. Quinn,
the brilliant editor of the Butte Miner,
will be here.
A committee has been appointed to
arrange special rates on the railroads.
and a fare of one and a fifth will be se
cured from all points.
When the returns are eavassed by
the boards of county commissioners,
representatives will be there to look
after Helena's interest. Hon. E. W.
Toole, Ex-Governor H. P. Carpenter
and C. C. Newman will go to I)eer
Lodge: Ex-Gov. J. K. Toole and Wil
Ilam Wallace. Jr.. will be at Great
Falls; G(eo. F. Shelton at Boseman; (leo.
F. Cope and Samuel Word at Virginia
City, and C. H. Nolan at Livingston.
O. F. Goddard and Judge (loss will rep
resent Helena at Billings. and J. W.
Strevelle, (Geo. It. Middleton and T. J.
Porter at Miles City. Attorney General
Haskell will he at Glendive. Local
counsel will look after matters at Glen
dive, and the local capital committee in
Ieaverhead county. T. J. Walsh and
N. W. McConnell will co-operate with
local counsel in Missoula and Havalli
counties. Thos. H. Carter takes care
of things in Jefferson. 1. H. McIntyre
will go to Fort Blenton. H. H. Hepner to
('hoteau and Odell McConnell to White
Sulphur Springs. to co-operate with lo
cal counsel. F. E. Stranahan and T. (.
liach will look after the count in Gran
ite. J. It. ('layberg and J. A. Walsh
will be nssisted by Frank Corbett and
J. IB. Welcome in Iutte. The people of
Fergus generally will see to Helena's
interest In that county.
"ilv6er I)ltIr" I' anld Oerwhpllod--lat
He NMa Ptll Through.
Lebanon, Mo.. Nov. R.--n reply to a
repuest this evening that he would give
Ithe Asscilated Press his views on the
result of Tuesday' election, It. P.
Itland stat(ed that he w as o) over
whelmed with the unexplot'ul nature of
the rturnsl from all palrts of the coun
try that he win not ,reparfred to give
ia nopl:ion for publicaItion of the caueIR
which led to the landslide. 1ie attrl
huted his ownII defeat, however. very
Inrgely to itelr-tcnfidence amonng his
.polltlel friendils in dimoratlc couniti.,
resulting In i dalngerous falling off in
the dliinocratil vott. Il' takes his dIe
f lit phIl wil.,oIs lll ly, anllI is of th . opin
ioi thatl il republican victory will prove
I \ liltihl, I , in t I ,I llissouilllr 'i -
rats. Aittlntinl returns receivedu this
ni'ln, ridunc ul liull.ard'l auppohd
pllur tllit f ilM iler itti ll to It. n n lin -
Ir so numall thait It will requite' n oith
itial vote i~ iItirmilni the reiult.
She Waee Ol. of onmgr.lsmlnn IlBrehki
rlce's Ryuopiuhismrs,
Lo1uii ll,, v . Nov. S 1 . ;trv l :.in
,o 1 a lint I hl ll, . li, I hin il. . It . *I
frntIl* l lhn e r h l t ,t S 1, ",* . 1 .- , 1 :n ,l I)
tu i llt u ntd fiti M ivX 1toair, .111. d I i'! IV iI
i 4 th 11. I \ ii \ 1 i \ .i th l. . IiI .'i . I .m ,
l st I f ti' tti I 4%i l lub i IIt. i|i ' s u1. g,
I,4 t tl, I ,i it liiltit tih1 t 1i t l * ,1a 'I IIL
tIlls %1 , ill I 'tll itll'u " i, \ n'r n i 4t Ii . 111
hi4l%. I I . lI t r Ii 1 1. l t i -1 y. hl1," e v
th111 . w iWOWt of tin' e Ili' . in. gel 1" 1141
t ,II' i, l,hr w If (rl n Sill' 1" I1, ll;A I1'II( \'1Jl
i eth c ir.llbon.tleam.
1... lt 0t II 111|In1 11 W , l'' M
\I t· I tlllIII .' Iiit hallit tI , 1)t. i v ()l ll.ll
I, kitlnrb..n t ur'i.n the I nuls ir Jluitiu
Sil' . .al ll H IIlII|l'lr. 1' ',Wtt r 4 I) tIhl"
L Ir a l l.' s lh' ll t llls fvori
rin u rliiiink'o N''v n nei'naor John
I'. Jon :I ,lIr l' vl"I"' in t itlly to-ilt . f(r+ul
N. ,, laii lI id iis hi1 hl'st t iltet p ''o'r thIel
mit ini if iuse ztlt $i snler rty In that
IaI l," II~. n i ( ul s || i 11 1 \(' Ih ' m il11 tai llt'
tl i ol'uh IIIn l l'rk IIrI' .I lre niillarti.t
Il''oi. li ll ptel' uuslunh r "thle-ri' l' tist) a.
pll.llI d 11.lal|i11111luli i l' r lilth p (liit i tl
IwIII1au It the "n"t
Il11i u , nifti l rli, "t uiln ll l-at. ' 4ol.,i
r ul 'II an tNak, plahI',. nor n|..1e a 'y
r1'r1111al IIn hunlulnn"e expretes I)I I tl 1 |Il
the1 lr.montkhitli' In Iluf ilver inn carrid
nto otbe t. honor
lPari hart Heeerl4
N,'w .11k, Nov I- itv, lIr 1'ha14 + ,
II 1'arkhurnt an. to-lnight ele. t ,l nIi
hlolno'illy nleihblr of the .niion1i1 1,01K4l'
.'1lub1. nI'nlll Dr. l'arkhurtl'P nnlne l t its
441ld,.11 , the nlnmbhor thre were it11t m 1
dozen 141h rnmlmbers, inllo'llllinr 41'I 11hl
ri|MOl, 1eI.n llowalt and tiy -,'l.","t Nowt
tlon. l'arkhutrl't i the only clelnynie1s
to be thus honored.
Emplioee Mry J.ein el ios and met Jeep.
srdlse Ihelr PeelteonL
I'thlideelphha. Nov. 8.-The rontro
versy betwee'n the r(eceivern of the
Reading Itallrtndl company and such
employee an are mrnembelrs of the Ilroth
erhoeld of Itallromd Trainmen, hats
prompted tin expnression of opinion from
Atteorney (eneral Olney in the form of
I letter to Judge Dallas, of the t'nited
Htatle. circuit court, before whom the
cras.e' pending. The diflculty between
the. Iw,o organlzations reached a criais
oni Aug. 17 last, When General Buiperln
ttendlent iweigard ummoned before
him all employee, and noetfle'ed them
they slhould abandon the brotherhood
as a ceondition of retaining their places.
with the railroad company. Vigolreous
pirotelst were mtde agaitnsl t thie ael
ternative, and the hrotherhioe d r rged
the rtecelvere to withdraw it, but in Itn
sweIr, the receivers, eon Hti'it. 17. wrote.:
"The pl icy of thi companly Is well
known to be that it will net eronsee et
that tpersols In Its servicel shahlll owee,
allegihnl(.e to other eorgalnizations which
ILmay nlake' clainil u)ponl them whllchl arel'
lncompCtlltiilei with their duties to their
employersl. Thls penitlion w'l taken
eud.ie'dly and we hleave nieo Inten'tion of
deuartlnar from it."
Attorney Gteneral O)Iny's letter is an
exhaustive discussion of the qusntions
presented, and he reviews the vari'us
problems and the co('lnsistent solutionst
to) be applied, i e.vely respect. In eI4
stance he holds that labor unorganized
is lractically Il werlehs, t hallt il a ,oln
bination. such as this. lies the only safe
guard ,of the workingmen In their deal
inks with organized capitll, and that
his right to belong to such a union-
beneficial in intent and purpose-is a
legal right which he cannot be deprived
of. The receivers make no complaint
of the manner In which brotherhood
employes discharge their respective
duties. If the receivers are right, and
their rule Is to prevail, membership in
the brotherhood by and of itself inca
pacitates for services on the road. It
is respectfully submitted that the re
ceivers are wrong, and the action pro
posed by them ought not to be sanc
tioned by the courts. The Reading rail
road now being in the hands of the re
ceivers, the receivers and the employes
of the company are officers of the court.
The court, therefore, and not the com
pany, is now the employer of all per
sons engaged in the operation of the
road. The present policy of the court,
and not the past policy of the company
is the material thing to be considered,
and hence, the preclse question is, will
the court now lay down a rule that
members of the Brotherhood of Train
men shall, because they are such mem
bers, be discharged from service of the
road? The court, it is admitted, ought
not, and cannot lay down any such rule
to that ground, until either the pur
poses and objects of the brotherhood,
or the means by which they are to be
attained, are shown to be illegal.
"Certainly," continues the decision.
"the objects of the brotherhood must
he regarded as laudable in the highest
degree, and as deserving the approba
tion and support of every good citizen.
These are, indeed, practically the same
as those for which working people are
expressly authorized to incorporate
themselves by 'act of 'congress, the
statutory description of such abjei ts
being, 'For the purpose of aiding its
members to become more skillful and
efficient workers; for the promotion of
their general Intelligence; the elevation
of their character: t!he regulation of
their wages and their hours and con
itlons :of Iabor; for ,the protection
of their individual rights in the prose
cution of their trade or trades; the
raising of funds for the benefit of dis
abled or unemployed members, or fam
ilies of deceased members, or for such
other object or objects for which work
ing people may lawfully combine, hav
ing in view their mutual protection or
Late Letras. swell the Roepbllee Meom
bershlp I8s ite House to 2si.
Washington. Nov. R.--()n.the strength
of returns recelved up to 9 o'clock to
night, Chairman Itallcock, of the repub
lican congressional cotmmttee, figures
that the republi.can representation in
the next house will he at least 259 mem
hers. Changes fromn this afternoon's
tIa te'nment, when 2'5 were claimed to be
ele'cted, is madie by one additional from
Illinois and three from North ('rolina.
The displatches rtIe' vel'd to-night that
ca:tn'd the greatest surprise W:as one'
stating that Re'lpre.setnttilve McMillan,
of Tlnnlisse.l was IpisNilly def.tatid. It
calme fromiln the c'halirman of the, sta t
central republicanll t nmmittee, of Ten
nelssee, and added that lth returns from
the district were not all In.
Chatirmani ltiabRok al.h saysa to-lnight
that flrom present itndlntions the re'lpuh
Ilcans will hair. at least forty-four
nImetnle I'R in the senate and l In this nunm
her Is Included Jones. of Nevada. I
Amollng the tlegramsiln rece'lv\td at
heuaiiuarte'rs to-dI, was the i fol wing
front iettle, at reeusi'horn, N. C. 'It
Is t'onllc''lied at ,l'run'iraltl c h.;illuartrers
that we have' el|et,'I s v."itn i'- .tg rsst
n'en In this stilt. The Third and Sixth
dIll'tI ls arII do htit l. t ixty int s111111
havi h,".1. h| .artld front. \'. have whI )l
live menmb rs, the, h,,in rts tw- tntyV
iti'r.i . 'T his i t . n e'1 t l t ' i l lt' .
dI mon rats t o tteJi us th" sý utt .
. I1 . .1: *I : , 11 ."\ i ll. 1: 1 1.11 Ir~ nst
Itnll, lllh. N I' . ;a , . " ' In t , nh ., iln, .f
.illh tal ,reltin l l , ti ll. f i1,tt e *'. u', till|u
I.relta "'vt Ii par I t o"'1 , h. " Iist I I t -ii
, ne. arl',|ly cu N l i i.t I'hl , i.,s ' iit ,i
,clab jtu.ti"'c . \\ail.r I'illl.u , ill I,' t>
Illis| as Itt. inn1 .111 Ii t - 1 l, ".II
l1 13 i l 1 ,. t ,1 . ,I I 1 \ . I I I I l l ,- \ ,"t ' : r: l l I " - 1 1
cler li t, l I rsultl . l" lh .1" ,11 1, killh
n ot , "i . It llist l. I . l I tillt.irl , ,I ,
, tlath Thild. ih. .lt, J ,mt. Iat. I am l.
S tll \ Pl inalll, . I llh t I ili , ."t ' l uilIi
i IIII, il th, Ikhm',rt. 'i'll n ilt1, ý- .
nt.li, Shula ti' p ih ill 1. I' l t lh ., ill
i t. , 1i ,ul st, N inth, 1' .n ants. i illta li
taon. 1.." filw t'l , l l d, - li t, Iii
s e i r U.\ i l t hi ou rn i- l N 1 .11 1 ,in Ilu ti ' . I- 11
till,' , 1n jint R:ItllI w ill Ipiha h l I
I u .1n
Nun 1 rn.IuIiu e,, . N'ý N I Ilu'* ol'u
nuudnN II ~ I I. (1 I I ) II.1 1 n, ,
NuLk,"I I \uuk. I'u u ml ' lu \ fui
inr 'Ihe 1101&t111. paot 1.1, Y~ Ia1 Iuid.
n (tHI,. II1. 11111-,11):m. S. 111111: III" I.~1· r
.I n~ 1'~11,111. I ;I.1, i,. S. 1 0111.1 11111, . 11.11141
Irup 11II I . I' ~ 1 .,4k I, I;, II 1:1 I1 II( II.
º\Ill III, I 1111 mull. 1111,1 ,uN ,luw 1.l,
I l It r d I . - l 1~",d ,11,". ,1p m ll. ,I. la
lIm n ,1, t I; 14'~lc IN\ nrnnllnIlin
11 1I, 1, d I, Sir ItlH hnr,1 Iln11J1,( 11 . III.I
Th l~k. .,,1,11~n,1 1.1 c'llllnl 11 1111,
04~11 hill, I....... Ill" I. IIv Ill.llI Will
ID time l ieullicul protcrsloU I o d·ccd.
BY 1600
That Is Practically the Majority
for the Capital of All
No Posslbility Under the Sun of
Anaoonds Getting any Nearer
to Victory.
Figures Already in Hand Give Hel.
ena a Majority of More [han
a Thousand.
Preoinote not Heard From Are
Small, and In Our Seotlon
of Oountry.
Let All the PPeepoe Nje..o. With Great
J.e, for the Iree People ,ave Vl.
dtieted Their lateerity.
Enough figures are at hand to en
able The Independent to give its read
era this morning a table showing
practically the correct vote on the cap.
Ital question. They show an assured
majority of almost 1,600 for the
present and permanent capital. Hel
ena. From several of the counties
all of the returns are In land the
official count will not deviate from the
figures In the table below. The re
turns received by the Helena Capital
committee up to a late hour last night
gave Helena a majority of 1.03R. There
are 108 small precincts yet to be heard
from. They will scarcely poll 2,000
votes. Careful estimate of their re
turns will bring Helena's majority up
to the figure given above. This esti
mate allows for shrinkage of vote from
registration, and for the fullest vote
for Anaconda In the precincts where
that city may by the widest stretch
of the Imagination be supposed to have
any strength. There are hardly two
precincts unheard from that have as
high a vote as seventy-five, so that the
possibility of a landslide that would
keep Helena from getting the majority
estimated in the table is reducd to a
The following table is made up of
semi-official and estimated majorities
in the several counties for Helena and
('ouftlea Atar'onda. Helena.
Beaverhead .........1...
(at-coadp ................... * q E...
('hoteau .................... *.... fkl
('perter * 2!J
Dawson 291)....... ... ~
I.eer Lodde............... 2,97:1
1' ergtt . 9
i"I head .................. 1 ...
(;allatin 3:111. 2...
I;ranite ................... 17 .
Jeflers on ......................
Irewie and Clarke ..........
Miaiison ....................... ai
hl~rhr ........... i.:.i .i
Meaghoen ... 11
Vii I k ................... ....... . tqU
Itpt till .................... 1.:91 ...
SIIv'ir flow .............t. ,3(119 ...
Tet~on 1t7......... .. k
Valle1y ..................... ..... 1f1
P liowatone ................... 2I
Totals ................... ,524 10l1i6
I I lena'a mujlorlI 1.'4t
Lad the Great Camp Nelped the Coed
p 1~rat toi The. I oiependelr
I tnlln, Nov. IS nt l Imense crotwd
gat ti'tutt lupon 111titti tre t oteil-night iio
l11tly Jlrlrlnil' s great vivtor). Till
ttr, ."t wa.a Illumlnated tn nl If, ton1tl
by t' s ttes o itidi-tlt'e , itn t 1nk ltt mad
lh." night rllltap 'I't air was illed~
\\1()1 llout?( , and 1 n1 Ih." general': l pots,'~l
of a tory wa. :ol t ld theroar of glin
."1 .1. kil ii ll ,'hull, . \~tl I H' i rl. In1II) o
In ."I. J It) 1h." Igre.U lK wtl W11111-11 slit
n I1 i\ ."1.1:r ala In n s b
.,1-I1,11t~'* t s( n1\.· . 11a. ( s \\11111 o
11.1. n I .~ 1. Il'I'm N%111; 11 11 11, Ii
11vrI IIIHI I 1'e p w I. I i
Ill. 4,11 t'i . · il l , i I'r1r Ili.*r* Ilir
1'", 11 1,'I. N "I " T ill. ýII n1I ~. 11 1'.1111 11).
1 1 1 r , III. II'N I r l tI I l11111rt 1r Ii -4.
it rn.'It 1 .1u. ( l)(·I 4II rj. I I
I. I ,In. K. 1 r' .111 111)1 I,1 l'. 1 11, 1,"11,1 l1
l"' .III (34, I'.lr ý II. Snri , H i sIsr' Isa
1 I" 501 Iiisst;. h sr1 n 1t ' · si'li I' 1 ii'ls."
k' ti ItII ha I. I tisri 'I'Is. i r' 1 i'... sI
Iii, In 5,p11515 ' Ti '11 I ' II t o. II."til I ts
"'t .'11 111) it s ' 1'11 1 1111~1 1 1,1t
To!*", I17 Helena M.j"tI.111
`1", 1111'I'Ihr n,1y1 nd nl
jr I Irs 'T No I5 ii :i l ls l . 1 4
I t;isiti. %IstS r'n 11 lsII4si Ih Ilguli r
Ir .I wit l 'ulr 01 C sthisI I.'w 1 tilIs t I ltt1ss
\t\ It IIiN "'A I'. t I ll itt " i ts's .1 'tili.' 11,5115
I ateet II, us;m the Hest.
r lhhI5n i4d .*%'itS . rit ?*IIttiltilii 47ta isv
n 'nnrns 17. )ld.'~nI1 s ttijri.ty lit Ilis,
Ii 1t.11 from,. with at rtgclttlriill jolt
Ibray. Uawuem I
p.' l ito The I nde~penident.
L ,li'ihLII%(, Nov b.-IIdeetuhi as securedl
4iiM1 oVI Ia W,. i ''ount~y voitesi f',r the c,, I
Ilui, will'" Aniacondat only rei'ev.,M I12,
with .Pol , ti Iwo ' mtali 1,rev(n1tI' I t Li t l ,i,
rr''ia. It is safe' to say that Anacondai.
will p,''lI an .'v..i 126. whirh will tKiv'
I lelE.sEL At I!IiLJr.ity of 214M it In II))1$% ''i
4' ou11ty. Th'. reipublcahl ei.''t 11hir
''l"iut i tlrkick.), ith otllno Exi5Vttlu, by
Tals Is ike Meat UmkiadsOIa CS1 All
lisek ths I0.11
H'stn Vrn'sn·'O, Nov. II -Ihe pluralily Et
Iitj'ii. ,iefllra~Tti' ,anidl'ilte rot uov'enr,.r
ilt 4 alilorntia. will b." abuli~i ,Rt The t
I.111e, 11.Y,,rha N ..v it - ItII. ' i i i
Ihii M. or t , iik.-1. a*wl iIn I.. nvc I Iu I Iv1n
of at IJI &Ml (Oll '1( I, In II ,.. ', xt I. 1,1111a1) u1
N'ha th N. pn ll au to i,, Mit vof 1." 'if "':
1eier Nov a - MMet¾ I't --I the
Toe' a ori dlii ,u i \'u" e'Ie'i ly tc. It'hVi"
n,'tiof thet Kreiibi'nfl b1,t "I. %4 1In-k "
Ili133 I1h, rexthbiIlattKl ~iI navesr. 11t1I
St. ,Lotti,', Nov. it--h st' t ,iemoati
conimitice h" eleii" thel b." I.,*lehllon a orn
u11a. 1 1,41u1 1 4ai t r.. l ai s 111111'. t'he
Nleu on Ytimk, Nova - I etttrfl of I. ou.
fltlttn. iln the ihth 11 strit. I",Too",y whis
1Montgomery Iu61 . Al.4 Nov. I.-M.n oW ofow
lhllty u1.." Im-111 -1,I "I 'hc CuIu l 'cull IIn%"
11,.al *int he Sluu vetn dlstnl,,-1 14 tturblt
.Ilnl . i. Ir y~~rt lr * ,; r. 1
lion Yof N~4 It 4/111,till ouit over Judg:'
Co bbllan. demoratl. lnK ;
J(. I ""s Mrf ullu rc - cTh l ·tMt J", 4i. it.
r ri m mtll. " , p ~ o h ·1, 1 1 o n , M i.; . t l l 1 11 ; I y 4 .7 i 6
1 .liver, Novlullr. II-It owno cM "etc 1 In th
Ilecon.I district In conr aled bynr u l H. l"'
man of. I the rEpubll 'an , c·1. I" :1u In
8t. ltofs, No. X.--The state democratic
publican legisla, ture. It al so concedes th
Illand, In the &vghth district. Dockery I
f rom thle First dblriet· Indicarte the elec
tion of Goodwiln, populist, over Judge
C Lobb,. demcrat.
New Orleans, Nov. 8.-Full returam to
day confirm the election of all six demo
cratic candidates for congress in Louisi
ana The republicans are hopeful of get
ting Beatty, Kerlock and Coleman seated.
Nashville, Nov. 8.-The election for gov
ernor has not been definitely settled. The
republicans claim the election of F vans
by 15.000 majority, while the democrats
claim Turney's election by b6,@0 to 7.ID0.
Tacoma, Wash., ,Nov. 5.-Indlcations
to-night are that the republlicans will have
eighty-five members of the leglsiature out
of a total of 112. populists fourteen, and
the democrats thirteen.
Washington, Nov. 8.-Senator 'Ialkner
concedes that the republicans have de
feated Wilson, of West Virginia. and car
rled four congressional districts and the
Richmond. Va., Nov. t.-latest returns
show the election of democrats in all Vir
giniats ongresional district except the
Ninth, where James E. Walker was suc
New York. Nov. R.-Complete returns
for New York state show the vote for
governor as follows: Morton, 668.712;
l1ll. 514.874; Morton's plurality. 153.938.
Easton,. Pa., Nov. 8.-Hart, democrat
for congress, defeats Judge Kirkpat
rick. republican, in the Eight district,
by 203 plurality.
lexington. Ky.. Nov. .8--The situation
In the Ashland district I+ unchang.'*I.
Owens, democrat. claims Ile plurality.
The ny.terl. Wnmtr.am Ask., "nave We a
Demoeertle Pa~rt.
Loulsville. Ky.. Nov. 8.-In to-days ('on
rler Journal, under the headi, "Have We
a Democratic Party?" Mr. W'attersin
pays: "Never did a great party go to
the people under such handliaps as were
carried by the demoirats Into the 'anm
ipatln just ended. Hard times wer, hbad
enough, but they might have been iparrlld.
Facthion lights among small c'laimants and
rival pl lemell were bad enough,. paItiesa
have met and overcome such ob.Itaclen
before nlow, lilt with a record, of perlilv
and dishonor, as Mr. Cleveland aptly dIe
scrtlled It, to face and defend In i hand to
hui tig Kht with the united reulblle.na, lIt
y IHarrison, .McKinley and Itl.ed, it was
llisheartetning for the democrats to have
to, face also the dull self-sulffilency and
stolid indifference of an adminlatratlln
that made no sign, ltteredl no word., and
at least in the state of New York. sel.md
to desire the defeat of the regular demo
cratic nominees.
"The bhattle for tariff reform will have
to go down to the foot and take. II new
stirt. The battle over Ithe money Issue
will soon be upon us. We shall se. if thr*
is detnoerai'y entough left of the trule hbll
stripe to mtake it g renat coat good nainIst
all wint herl' oIr whether we must still werlll
1n icunt of n iyll. ',ll rs, l.nve. r inll g nol t a h)
mItlt4 l11 alm part'1ty ihnspired by faltlh aus
Irust, btiii ii moei, undlle of fit iors
thlrownl together by the uphellval of Ihe
Miss new.., et Pbhlad4.pbhI, Traletl
olath to Woei
Italclth, N C'., Nov t The lo it N n
iiof r i l t Ii H w,. ;1 11* 111a 1 i t.1
of 1'hilnd1 'lithhl, uul \\. \\' \\ Il, lhe.el.
ho l tr atitll , s" I I'. tn he fl1'" 1,.tril : .k k
Uidi" shmnt'"nl n l , of I 'n* '1 I 0\ Is a
iof ,N w ' In 1 \ 11~ I-. 1,'l * 1' t !1 I-1. 1-i
il Xli\ Nll. t" I n 1" I ' 1 11' h " I I I
(I1 ~I~ t1 ,1 hnil Illl II I t 1 ,1 1\ d ill It 1~ th"
t ,1l. . lln.,, l I., '1 .11th , h u ti, , n . 'l . ', ,\ .
.liiI \i- II .1 \ it II l n -n , Ih . t ith,'
' I In '' I i1 n l ' 1,~ I I ,'il I' "'I III illlr -
Iitl IIi o ,+. ' " \tnltd ,lhI , ,iiills,
o ne , lei I,
A ltatl I Ilspllata.
, II , f lIq. | I I il l th t 1L" il II ' I l\ *\·
in ti,' 11.1111 ~tt t l ll I 111, t l 1 1 l I 'I ..1
,e tiln e 11. I to . i n lle 4 11i h11 1 111t ,t ls l'1 I1 11 "
.1. than .~1at I i leht i n\ Ithr .nn Ia I. 1 IIt
ia i.u l t k l 1 tIII. t l .Ill | *Kl' 1 il I lif ., rI , Il I t1 ý"
.1 ta Ul itilt owN ov. t K..I -Jhr int. il, .1itl
im It I t i n s l ti\it , ., in Aii,. .1, I
Irom Pire t.. Fryrin Van.
I'' ttolnll , hI Not\ S Ir(\ "'· 111,.m.
Ii :I |Inlll i I IIt nrit Iu n tIn , 1nh .ji t ~
'IIh111y ( ia1 "TNI t ovlerllyI 11 thIu IonII.'I il l
itJl n p l 't aiI ell ll h l'llt f " IIhI . 111 II te l, l fiti
hI .11 I th . lll154 . j) d pI 15.II k itlo thIIi
i 11\1 1"t all Ra in1 'J'ill. . hllt L Io lit' i i
. li patlll S (till II Ow runll y in n allr
hankruil '
userret Over brekilnrtdge.
Irilnlton. Ky, Nov. . -John I'Prvnor,
m1o1* .11 .st Athenu, Ky.. pilot an41. ins..tantly
, 111. l t ll li1,vh,.I i ll * hu r to-ni , 11, .
,,I",, e.rl ly " hut I wAi i i hi rp. -L til I li, I,.
TIi,,t nor ' 0 I II r.I I k.IrTiln m,' man. lul. I`I.
. 1,1.i II\ nill lharl ll n w w.n." sIp uppIl'ie .
T.hy alirrelett over the ilction.
Republicans Expect to Control the
Rontbns Legislature by
That Majority.
Where the Vote. Will come From,
in the Opinion of Mr.
t a otf the State tfo Comer.ssmals se
*1at..a Jeetlt.., ao far a
Hoawrd From.
I,'" 'li i ".Ilt' ' ' Ilpil lall l..i lnt h l,
iluttl , N., . iI 'T'h," til, .erlo le Ifindl
Ipg pi lllt 141 e h iLl,ul ittll lr s i tA i ll" lly
I ,ll I' l. ll i,. Il ll t l - I'tI~ii lii ali i,.l -
4iu$trir are ope'n and haur. 'he only
'll, L"rii. ~ Ialnitbii , at i ll cll, l Ilibi' ll -
iriurli'iI itiw I ut e l elt. Kili ttr. ai til h
I llt hii zlilrtay ri.taulli.iL . Ai'eOllanli
IU ules t hiw that i,, I l"lislature will be
".un, 1w v h dminlly re"publin. Aceeor dinK
I., his hiurui ., I IIP* uihpli.xtn or thu
legislatil ., ililudiigK the hold olilver 54i
ull sl, will lit a ollow.w ltiaverhead,
thll""" r'.publitnos, nI demnoirits, no
populists; 'lsicade, three republicans.
IuI dem, n raotI, Inll.. popullst, I'ot,"e
two I pulli. anl; Cunt.r, Ltwo repub)ll
canl, one" deiUi'l Lat ; Dawson, one demo
ratt, wwllson and iuster, one republi.
clal; lh-pr Lodge, two republicans, (one.
demicerat, one popullst. Ieer Ludge land
Missloula, one r.epublican:; Fe'gus, Iwo
republicans; Fiathead, onle democrat,
three Ispullsts; Elallatln, two repubil
cans, two democrats; liranlte, three re
publicans; Jefferson, four republicans;
Iwis and Clarke, two republcans, one
democrat, six popullsts; Madismon three
republileans; Meagher, one republican,
one democrat, one popullst; Missonlla.
three republicans, one populist; Park.
four republicans; Ravalli, two repub
licans, one populist; Sliver How, eleven
republicans, one democrat; Teton, one
republican, one democrat; Valley, one
democrat; Valley and Fergus, one re
publican; Yellowstone, two republi
cans; total, fifty-five republicans,
twelve democrats, fifteen populists.
This will give the republicans a ma
jority of twenty-eight on joint ballots.
Complete returns of Slilver Bow county
leave no doubt of the election of a re
publican state senator and ten republl
can and one democratic representative.
Complete unofmfical returns of SlIver
Bow county on the vote for congress
man are as ftllows: Hartman. repub
lican 4,527; Corbett. democrat, 1.523;
Smith, populist, 3275; plurality for
Hartman, 1,252. On associate justice
the vote is as follows: Hunt, republi
can, 4,022; luce.democrat,1,771; Retrees,
populist, 3,112; plurality for Hunt, 100.
Incomplete returns received at the re
publican state headquarters here of the
voi.* on congressmen are as follows:
C('ountleq. Hartman. Corbett. Smith.
ieaverhead ....... 621 1!0 '4
I ('hoteau ........... 614 i29 11il1
talwiwsoln ........... K13 i4 97
IDeer Lodge........ 1,291 St7 1.415
Gallatin ........... 1,2. 4111 f17
(;ranite. ............ 66 1.37 454
L..wis. and 'larke. 1,W,11, it9 2,159
Madison ........... 4 312 4:17
Missoula .......... Ot 761 7VI
Park ............. 1,310 400 136
Itavalll .............. 7:3 467
tlllver low........ 4,27 1.523 3.275
Yellowstone ...... 775 261 18
Total. ........... 15.6 6,. 10,631
Plurality for Hartman, 4,73.
The vote on associate justice is very i,
'onimplete. As far as received It is as fol
Couinties Hunt. Luce. Reeves,
C('huteaiu ........... 61i 274 84
Dawson ........... 16 7:t 79
DIeer Lodge........ t845 32 1,4:,0
(lai latin ........... 447 1.i121 279
(Iranite ........... t17 1616 5!
Lewis and l'larke. 2.76.3 71t.1 1.6
Mnidison ........... 6l:1 3114 295
Missouia .......... 7,41 41 1.34l
ltavanlll ............ 1.79 .171) 2i
SIIve'r Iow........ u,tr2 1.77T 3,.2"
Yellowstone ....... 687 241 141
Totals ...........12.,17 6,170 10,236
WIDOW HUED FOr $o0,000.
ilh. tr.peed So Wed and Thea o e
BkeLod lut.
New York, Nov. II.-Ceorrte R. tevme*
son has begun a stllt against Ilarriet Iou
ise Puttel in ftin suiprenme court for $20,100
damaga's for alleged br.era.h of promise of
nlartlag,, andI application wait made to
Justice Itartlett on behalf of the plaintiff
to have the pinh'e of trial changed from
i)t a ngae to Kinlg cuu unty. AN It appeatred
that the plaiantiff was It reslden t of Orange
.tcounty the appllationl was denied.
11 r. t elien.on s. iAt widow ar. agted 7.
with twoi or three grown-uIp chlltren, and
th,. I. frind;tl sla a Brlooklyn widow with
at sutstanathi tal hank sacoount. She has a
,' zy holne at No. 24: t'umtberland avenue.
'TThe ilaitilff ailleges hat onil July '9 a
formalta nmarrtiallK, contrac't was entered
tlo t betweent hint and the widow, she of.
.tntag hl.r.,llf to hitt as his future wI it
niti h. a tplitaK her a.s such.
II ' , t1ainae with the colntract. he
a a . he d tote up hit homett andl buaitnesa
at I 'iook i `, . I.I t". hltltlol., and catll.T to
thI slat, 'ItI i'.ott,.r, ihe Isay . pill off
to I i tina ul t* ta lt tittle to t mI., ana
inalilt t , U-. t init ti.lik to carry oUt
I, ntat it II. rtliinataa thi. lxss to
h a. It.1n 1. .a' t ani'.l llt·. nguish of mind
h1 11ult "tI , :h talih iaAtl . tntll tlnti ent at
$41 t,. . I'ttr iuta i. a general de
Mtnilunary Mat.ler.
l:1 s ,o l n, N.,,%. " 1'1h . Mrs a i Ia\'.s p 'e.
Ie I U' I h." t h 11 i's h t I o l 'liasiltn at I i )111,artn
1'h.n , \1 1': hill, It. 11~is"h p .1 'T NS w
llan1 p h led ling All upl pl)litaltnl of l ... u'Pr
it til t rl shl t1l Inlld I. hI llt1. cii 1 11t :inal)t1M
was l eshii,, lilst tatsa its iII ase*aatis I
al + t dr it" l i si IIIU II t.. Iit I cttarll
all t ih\ nat1 t io hllltt th,, "i .aert It the
11. t that Ith op11 9(r11 1 1, %% 1ho) r ev olved Iit,
upln 'upl wu 11 .1111 1''.+x"1 I'm "|h)l . lrn) . andIIII
Ilp tp 1pu.ria .l l h'' n " l IIt *r. rl . ltrt llnr
iatlii s I.lati sx liss tcpt a i la sssaa.ctilaa14 gh
IlthoughI .1 1ll t upo" n vl h I1" onfe1re"'1nce
htcinghe I'e ise ge on tIleerrd.
1'hlhtii di'llhin, N ,v. I. - Thel Itled Star
.hanl ltI,'sllr tl ap saiha* rlca lld I tahti scr tai
11i1), fillh K wIli t hetr l lh d n t-ll,.i'4prlllly
wh1sli I t.r 1 . aiti .t allaahl1r taI li haav' laa't.n
tI' 1I.tl iiMh.'t pa Mcasaaai"s "'\ s 1' 1.r 1pri. tse'sid.
'I'h.' ig tb.k o.f the Switzerland hiw.aW
lh st .lIM5 l tllt gI iM l ildt l e Inlt llt siia llU
.. . .II. niit IIII'iiK (hll Klrttler pa t
of tthe IpII., .ge it ' swan fr.lta nl'tenllnatr '
Ito khisa s.r , I atag l hithl tttlined dliwn. a
ih,' s.asIc '. tre intll inually I·,litIK dIl
I.,'ily Io,.er the '( as.l ftrnl 1~.a itlluar
Ue Doe's Like OQIri.d.. N, w.
ltanl al., Nov . An elrveting paper Ma y:
"'t;ov. W'all, IhM KOlag to Wave ,' Clralo.
l' wall knuown iMnilct savy that thee nov
na ic Ihi tnki tg over a propoultIon said
,it hiave bI'setI nlaslh to hint to lake up his
relc.en..er In tillnoin. It is mats that the
plopl*.,'a Isurty of Ililnonia have taken lu'ch
c liking Io the governor that they want
him not univy to reatlde among them, but
Sais to i lead them to victory as their ca
didatae for governor o Ig".

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