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Rocky Mountainllusdadan. R. N. SUTHIERLIN, Editor. THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1876. ONE OF rrT most important things for our people to learn is that it always pays to produce the best. It matters not what a farmer may have to sell, he will always find a sure and ready market for a first-class article. If a man is dairying, lie should always strive to produce the best butter or cheese that is placed upon the market. If gaiJenmg, he should be sure to have the best varieties of vegetables. If in the poul try business, he should be sure to market his eggs when fresh, and never attempt to sell packed eggs for fresh ones. It will not pay to cheat customers; they are no doubt good judges of the articles they buy, and when once deceived are apt to remember you next time. A No. 1 article is always worth more in any market than a poor one, and although this is demonstrated before our eyes nearly every day, it is strange that there is such a quantity of inferior produce put upon the' market. Bqt some may say that all cannot be best. Very true-yet all may be good. Let the man who desires a steady market establish a reputation for producing the best; let those who use his commodities know that he never misrepre sents; that what he offers to his customers is just what he represents it to be, and that it is of a superior quality, and it will com mand a price in proportion. " Whatever you do, strive to do well;;" nothing will pay better. If it will pay to farm at all, it will pay to do It systematic ally and thoroughly. Good judgment and thorough practical training can nowhere be used to better advantage. Do everything at the proper time and in the proper manner. Be prompt in all things, and honest in every transaction. Let none excel you In kindness and generosity. Be a man-a gentleman in every sense of the term. Then your-life will be prosperous and your memory be green in the heirts of your friends long alter you have strumeo a WE publish a letter in another column froth our correspondent, Jack McGuoy, who left here for the Black Hills last spring. The letter speaks for itself. Mr. McGuoy has long: been a resident of Meagher county, and we regard his statements as reliable. Possibly we may differ somewhat from some of our contemporaries in this matter, of publishing news from this new gold re gion, but we are publishing a paper for the people, and will not suppress thast which we think reliable and interesting to our read ers. Diamond City is not on the direct route to that new eldorado, neither'is it a promi nent outfiting point for those who may chose to venture into this land of Indians and undeveloped mines, but are therefore, not moved by any selfish interest. We are laboring as best we can for the interests of Montana. The excitement may take some menfom this country, but the settlement of the hills will eventually be of benefit to us. Mr. McGuoy does not advise any of his friends to go to the Hills. He says near ly twenty miles of diggings have been found; but this is all claimed, and there are many idle men there. The Indians were seeking evefy opportunity to murder the whites. All stook have to be kept under strong guard; and to separate in small parties, as would necsarily have to be done in pros peeting for other mines, with every part of the country guarded by well atred Sioux, would be a venture which no man who places any value upon his life wpval dare undertake. Thpne awe but few sensible persons who have amy.prospect of a good living that will Vanture to take the chances of finding new mines in the hills among the desperate 1loux. A few who go may reap a good re 'rd, but all cnunot do this. Many of them %' return .UkeMr. Thomas Williams, " sat aised to taste %hanees in Montan a," and glad to geatbk'ow this laud ofpeace stnd plenty, by lratellng oN tbot $)0 wiles. Ti3' tst~newa 1' om St. Louis says that 'T'ildez an bieu a. zaw, natedI by the Demo 'Cram or P a' tbat-Hendricks %%'i11 ProbaRW3II the ebg s Ir Vice-Preuicent. ahdRep babIc ius ~iaw i\y., of Ohio, "frith Wbeaa of New York8 ;o ''Vie .A1l the MI~otA~ bave a good rcoJ r 3 the cam paign will dpubtless be a lively one. It is not known which side the liberals will take -which ever way they do cast their strength, will carry a heavy weight. Bozeman Times extra, July 3d says that General Custer's command attacked about4, 000 Indians on the Little Horn river June 25. The General, together with fifteen officers and about 300 men were killed. GENERAL NEWS. The wheat crops of Pickens Co., Ala., has been greatly cut by the rust. Many plant ers are reported as having plowed up their wheat and planted the land in corn. The farmers have commenced haying in California. The crops will be unusually large. The Centennial Exhibition (Woman's Pa vilion) contains the following contributions from the royal family of England : Twenty-six etchings by the Queen, also two table napkins spun by the royal hands; a banner screen embroidered by Princess Bea trice; a table c oth embroidered' by the Princess Louise of Hesse and the Princess Christian, and four 'drawings of flowers by the Marchioness of Lorne. The special attraction of the exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society was the Rhododendrons. The first prize was awarded to E. S. Rand, Jr., and the third to Joseph Clark. Beside the Rhododendron, there was a good show of other plants and flowers, the most striking of which was a very large and finely grown plant of Azalea Decora, covered with thousands of crimson blooms. It was bought by C. M. Atkinson,. gardener to John L. Gardener. Mr. Joseph H. Woodford made a beautiful display of hardy clematis, the varieties being Miss Bateman, Sophia Lord Londesborough, Al bert Victor, John Gould Veitch, and others. James Conley showed. Hibiscus cruentus, a fine seedling, tuberous-rooted Begonia, and a great variety of choice cut flbwers. At a meeting in St. Louis of the Mississip p1 Valley and Brazil' Steamship Company such action w'As taken and subscrlptions mumeto . cess of the undertaklig. ntibsdripttkms to the stock now amount to $800;000. Steamn ers adapted to the trade betwveeti° NeW Or leans and Brazil are available at short, no tice. WASHINGTON, June 24.-The army arpro priation bill as reported from the Senate Committee on Appropriations to-day, is changed in the following important par icu lars. The committee entirely strike out the eight sections bf which the House proposed to reduce and reorganize the army ani es tablish lower salaries for -officers. An end ments are accordingly reported incredsing the House items ofghe appropriation 4t the aggregate extent of over $3,000,000, so s to provide for continuing the present for of 25,000 men and oflicers at the salaries Ipre scribed by existing law, and also to ore nearly conform to the estimates of Sect tary Taft in other respects. The principal ems of increase are $813,768 for pay of the a yy; $291,000 for subsistence; $450,006 fort the Quartermaster's Department; $400,0 for transportation, and $600,000 for hire of uar tors, etc. The committee recommende the retention of the House provision conce ting officers' mileage, fixing it at eight cent! per mile in lieu of all other allowances. The conference on the legislative a1d ju dicial appropriation bill has just sej ated without coning to any agreement. The differences are so great that the presen com mittee will be unable to adjust'thern, ld a new conference will probably be appt nted when the House nieets on Monday. 'uis is the fourth conference held on this bill tiie existing committee. Dom Pedro passed June 121h in B ton, visiting the schools and the Instituti i for the Blind. In the evening he listene to a lecture by Prof. William 1. 3iarshl, the Yellowstone National Park. The primary school apportioniiment f the State of Michigan is. fifty cents per Kholar annually, amoqnting to $223.9835,00, to be paid by the. State Treasury . durin# the ,month of June. The Treasury now holds $34't8,50 in U. S. bonds to secure national bank ,*cula tionb and $1i,823;850 to secure the pu ic del posits: U. S. bonds deposited: for tlrcrila tion for the weekending June-10, 'Z20),000; national bank clrculaiion outategying, 432,. 080,008; 11d and band circulif p'vutstand 5~g,$i,40~10,i. LwEl'TR FROM THE BLACK HILLS. EDITOR IIUSDANDAN : I wrote you a few.lines from a point on the road near Fort Reno., I sent it by a man Who was going by way of Fort Fetterman, and I had only a few minutes to write, while his horse was bucking. The Big Horn party, headed by Captain Langston, reacted Crook City, Whitewood creek, D. T.., May 2Ith. We found no prospects along the route we came, and saw no Indians until we reached the edge of the Black Hills, when they made their presence known by firing about twenty shots into our camp, slightly wounding one mule, and knocking the .dust out of Mrs. Wilson's dress. With great coolness and presence of mind, she grasped a needle gun and jumped behind a wagon and assumaed an attitude of defense. On the same day, and probably at the same time, about three miles from camp, George H. Miller, (former ly a resident of Oregon, but late of Gallatin City), was killed by the Indians, and another man narrowly escaped, having about twenty shots fired at him. Two days' drive from this point, the Indi ans came upon us again, and so suddenly that they appeared to spring right out of the ground, their horses on a dead run. They commenced the attack by shouting at and attempting to run over the pickets, John P, Barnes and Jake Schutz, who stood them off, gave the alarm and saved the herd. No one was hurt on our side. One Indian Mind two of their horses were wounded. I find that the mines on Whitewood and Deadwood, (a tributary to Whitewood), are no myth, but are paying well for a distance of nearly twenty miles. Some claims are rich, yielding up into the pounds. The ground is all taken up, and claims are held at from four hunred to five thousand dollars. Nothing new has been discovered this spring, not even a side-gulch. The mines are crowd ed with men, ninny of whom are idle, yet independent. Towns are being laid off, and a great deal of building being dens. Provisions are high and scarce. Flour is $20 to $25 per hundred; fr4iht, fifteen cents a pound from Fort Pierre and( .Ishtrck. We hauer no umails here, and hardly any committication with the outside world. The Cheyenne road to Custer is reported closed to travel. All stock must be kept under strong guard, and it is feared the Indians will leave us all afoot. I cannot advise any person to come here. Business men might do very well, but miners will have to buy any ground they get, There is a mania among the people in re gard to laying out town sites. Crook City is an embryo town at the mouth of White wood creek; about one mile and a half above is Centennial City; twelve miles above is 'Elizabeth City; a mile and a half further up is Deadwood City, and a little further on is Gay City. Here, in this valley, twelve miles north of Crook City, about a dozen of us have located ranches, and since then, men are coming in every .day, and now there must be fifty ranches located. The day before yesterday, a'town site was laid off, which they claim will make the leading town of the Hills, as it will be on the direct road from Pierre and Bismarck to the mines. The parties claim to be able to establish several wholesale stores, a saw mill, a branch of the Bismarek Tribune, and several other branches of busi ness. The land in this valley has the appearance of being well adapted to agriculture. There also seems to be good hay land upon it. Hay would now sell readily'in Deadwood at $100 per ton. They are working mules and horses there, and feeding them on brush, oats and corn. Grain sells at twenty cents a pound. There is no grass above Crook City. The mountains have a very heavy growth of pine, oak, ash, elm, boxelder, birch, hagel, and some hickory and ironwood upon them. I have not seen a newspaper since I came to the Hills. Letters are takeni out and brought in here by private parties, at fifty cents each. Respectfully, JACx McGOEY. Spear Fish Valley. Black Hills, June 2, '76. The special correspondent of the Indepen dent atiFort Ellis writes under date of June 30th that "'a special' courier was dispatched to Gibbon yebtehday with instructions to proceed direit'to the 4'forks of Tongue river *and C `,pirate with lthe movements of Gen erals Tprr1 and Crook. SYNOPSIS OF AN ORATION DELIVERED By HON. T. E. COLTINB, JULY 4, 1878. Historic Philhdelphia, of revoltionrary grandeur, and almost every other city, vil lage and hamlet throughout the land, are celebrating our national birth-day in a man ner befitting the grandeur and greatness of our country and the dignity of the $4 ,000. 000 of free and enlightened people within its limits, The universal celebration of this Centen nial is a duty we owe, not only tolthe past to celebrate and keep forever green fit our memories the genius which framned,,and the virtues which have preserved, our intitn tions, but to the present--toshow the world that we'are proud of the Government estIab. lished by the men of 1776, and given to us, their successors, as their richest and most sacred legacy. National pride is the sheet-anchor of our political existence, and its growth should be fostered and eniouraged with jditlous caren With it, the centuries of our existence are not numbered; Without it, we have nothing to awaken our patriotism or kindle our ardor for our country. How necessary is it then that we'should take one day irl each year, at least-this day which tells the world of the birth and glory of our country-to foster this sentiment of national pride, display our patriotism, and worship' at the shrine of our country for our country's good. Even in this remote por tion of our country, the few of us residing in this gulch `and its tributaries, far away from the genial Influences of civilization, with no populous gathering to kindle our enithusiasmn, but with pure and undefiled patriotism, are here assembled to testify our regard for our free and united country. Our eglebration is a small affair In point of niumbers and in the necessary material to give it eclat and to spread enthusiasm. We will not have many. buncomb, spread-eagle Fourth of July speeches, no profusion of flags and bunting, no grand parade of socie ties or military companies with martial mu sic to stir our patriotic blood,no dance upon the green, no pie-nic, no vocal music to in spire up with patriotic feeling, no Evarts or Lamar to portray to us the beauties of oar system of 'government in vivid colors anti with burning eloquence, but in lieu of all these defielencies, we have had the reading of that immortal instrument, the Declarn tion of Independence, adopted by the Con tinental Congress on the 4th day of July, 1776-just one hundred years ago-and gloriously sustained and ratified by the peo ple of the thirteen Colonies in their arduous struggle, heroic endurance and Immortal victories over tht Brittish King a14l his armies. We reverently look to that day July 4th. 1776-as the birth-day of our Na tion, and as the time when the united Colo riles took equal stations among the nations of the earth, by declaring them free and fi dependent States. gf we Zack in the embelishments which usually accompany celebratio.s of this char acter, we should not, and ilo not, lack In patriotism and love of country, and the will to venerste and perpetuate the menmory of the founders or our Government to whom we owe so much. Not only have we great canue for vener ating the spirit of tire men of 1776, on cc count of the noble Jegney of freedom rnd self-government they sirceessfi lly estab lished, but the lovers of liberty and goveni ment by the people, for the #eople. through out tha whole civilized world, should and do, also rejoice with us. Onr success has been the means of limiting and enrtailing the prerogative of the King, and of. making more endurable the sway of the Emperor. Our success has caused the firm estabilsh ment of republican forms of government in nearly all of North and South America; Iis compelled England to adopt a policy of clemency and conciliation towards her terri torial dependencies, and to partially atone for four hundred years of tyrannyand abuse of Ireland. The success and prosperity of our GoV ernment has given thousaiids of people iii every country, In every e pire, kingdom and prineipality in the Old World a higher idea of government; has taltght them to revere repiublicti institution , and to 'Ohave aspirations for republican froedorp, Iu :Ireltad1,it is those people who have par tially sueegeded in emancipating their cQuLI ýCozmtinunt4 on 7th page. ]