OCR Interpretation

Rocky Mountain husbandman. [volume] (Diamond City, Mont.) 1875-1943, August 16, 1877, Image 6

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025309/1877-08-16/ed-1/seq-6/

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IlnL.NA, August 12, 1877.
'There hns been a slight decline in the
1flow ,f1erket the past, week, but the grain
'inir'ket hcIs n(lvanceOd. 'nd is nOw firm at
good, rou\n1d figures. Wh'ile we think there
may he some 'cause fo'r tfle rise in gr.t.,
'there appears to be none for the florr lºatr
lkt. The 'hoppers have, done some damu
age, but not enough of their (destruction of
crops is-known to tarrant the pnccj tuoted.
There can be no eawsce few the Ti-, except it
"be on accoullt of . scarcity ol supnlly to inst
until theI new crops coixe in. This, howev
er, cannot be the nea with the flour. There.
is enongh flour to supply the l immediate de
mand, and the wheat crop still protrnies to
be abundant. Our latest advices gices the
dollowi.ng quotations :
.Oats, heavy:, $3.00; light. $2.50.
Flouar, Willow Creek,; XXX., $.SG7, ;, U i on
SXXX, $6.7.5;. M.lihson XX+X, Serl'fine
n: ."tiSttv $(3.7.5; 'Plain XXX. $.(.2; ptl¢g
ville kXX. c(hoi:e,' $St.75; Fm:lily XXX.
.$i.50; Springville XX, $4.50; Standard
XXX, $6.75.
Bairlcy, $2.75x6,3.25 and very dull sale.,
Wheat. :..0%0(,,3.50.
]Bran and Shorts. 2.50.
BI lttcr, ready sale at 2,5c.
Eggs, 50c.
('lChickens, $8.00 p1r doz.
I'otltto sP l tV,. 3c,.j ie" tI. '.
Beef. net, x1.00. ,
Fish, 20(}25c. per lb.
l-ay9t1$2 per ton. New h1-y, $10 per tol.
EV.i:rty Grange in the Tetvritory should be
put ihactive 'working order as soou as posp
'eblhe. '
.- ,--^-- 0 r 11-- - ---. -
yWE mu4t learn to, go, slo w S awl( not ex
pect too nIp!ch ; but look forwatrd, is we do
when we plant the1 eed, to a harvest which
(ony oomes after ca:re ard preparation, and
watchful and diligent waiting. The work
must lbe doiie or planiied in the subordi
ntate granges. We litnst OIgaitZe, educate
1t!!d dis!Iplpnq. our' tores right there. The
,ttate ui't National Granges, are only the
!neignsby w!3ic4} the subordinite granges,
4,t e!!lnd and coIIsoildate their ranks, and
arrive it conclusioPys whhlh will work for
the benefit of all. T'lhey are the connecting
links lit this grKtat chain, which has banded
togetlhr tl.e fitrmers of Amenien.
.r. B.,SleIdley, Lecturer of the. National,
Grange, in eloquent language tells one thing
the grange hasstleccn.oplished as follows :
, Ti'he conflict ,between the "people on the
one hand iand the greed- of corperations on
thsi other; ha~n' beent a bitter one. Those
who first entered upon the contest, did so
with a t fll resalization of its nagnitude and:
importance. But even their frehlds scareely
tipeOld;; for- .uLc ess, On .otio.e side was the
ablest trdnat with .tilimitedI wealth at corn
Iandaa;tlrlt r.l!e tter !itlin all-a per-.
feet unity ofiintelest and complete orgati,
va)tion. O.q he other ,haintl- there were only
tile itti:asee0 of .thie prod ttuing .classes--.UnlW
cust'i4t, d to work. together, living for the
most pa:rt in isolatioth, without, cohesion of
,ltfort:, and strong.qull in. the deep sense of
opp)ressioni uand the justice of tlheir cause.
',l'lthse inuluwoe .organiz'ation'l of capill
laimed ,t)ht tlhey were over a"nd ltbo'e all
legihlative c rol. Theol Theld idlea}of ''the
divine righit of kings'' w",s taeal.ni .coplari..
pol with1 .the views held b3j, these men In
.:es1pe-ct to thtijr ".vested i'ights" TIhe
tlhougiLt thla. the people hal anlyi v.eited
!ghltl was .i t for Ia muoine,lt etertlailied.
$tep. by st vp t!e bltttle ,w\\'a fought tiliough
e:er'y colurt in tile, laud up to the court of
lasts resort ili the ltt~ia.lit is ti.le wore.
-lin in -haslilkn hshoo.lao4 uluWus by-..t4lio tire
side. hrItields, n.iapt l .auVj 1 vnt4 fegii to
canvass the sultject. In every grange In'
this broad hlantl in. the uiiniet's cnmp inI the
ilalufaietorles tld oItlniting rooni.m the work
er's in forestl ine, inll sliid tflield, bl1guii to
ask, which is sIpre'el, ~ohe cor'portionsll or
thie hlw'; This gr'tiu t LcI IIlt! r \\', lihli tindls
its mem bersldlp in e erly nieluthborhlod from
Mlain to Texas, gave poweri anld cohlieslin
of purtpose untill tindlly tile.courty of ,high
est resort hilae illtrtned the pinlncple that
the will of the people as expressed through
tlheir clloseii replreelti\tves is the supreuie
law of the lalnd tand the tulte is sovereign
over all corporatlioltS e ly feel rejoced
over thllis resilt, iad be plldoneld If we stop
for a lmomient to hie hanlis ansd egn ratu
htte each other.--lhadina Farmner.
Livery & eed, Stable
Boze SHEan ANDRge, o FITTEW . dow,
The undter. Clark es pleasure in announcing t.
to th1e pphlie, whom he has served faithfully a11d
"I(flrmnan 1' 0.V
Ewith Gnth satisf Grange f he N-p.st te4n years, th- b
he Muater. . .gaia oerped bucrinese..ary.
Borsze naneh an Fat. Bugg.es and ar.
hess li::Good Repair.
BFarmin wellsu reh Noay. d G Vain. Cock-Every
I Ocquntuod:tion that the publio rtny desi'e. "
riall at the old.nd, Ma. iawes, Secret iarhoy:d Cen-ity,
trod satisfy' y'ourself, 5. ,J, LANFEY."
3-tral. ark . 0.
To James G. Blaine : You are hereby noti
fMasterd . in pursunec't order this day made by0.
Prickily Pearu G ran~c. N o .7. W. L. Mill
igthelon. M eciur. eo. 3)V re, hi JuSecretary. heu
pressue Court ofthe Teirritory of Monitanat and( Judge
f the . 'istrict ot id f he uny of
Meaier, aid 'erritorythe dN ositi.ns of eedifol
Mowing named wE. ). itnesse will t e tien befor he
several ottiitrs named in the saidl order, and at t he
time nd place stated, o..te purpose of eretua
Sng their testimoi y G aie. No.. 14. J. 'cets . Lewis. ita i
MPowster.. ofA. Torney, y yor eretary. John E.r
ltine, liv virtue o whth your ap17. Olivernce was en
fs~xt WY K. 1LI iiitu lc~retatry. ( oux tllis
Feret i(3n tettain ct ige go. i. ih sai, Distritt
Court i and r th Sanders, Co y of Magher, where
MaIn dl er B. Fr- i, No. w 2i.lain tand yo inBl
otisert wer.A. ll ' zr, nd~ t c etry. irgi
city 1'. Q..,
The detition of a lexangder No. 2. lfik anot
Coinctlius Hedges will ~bo*t:4kenl at the office of
tlnlit.rn o &I hidltc .,: i the town Secf lreaery ,
loiululer1' 0. (1
l'3 easmul. Vallqf"Vr' f~r4ge. No. 2:1. Gvo.J. li
icounity of Lwis and Cirke', laides Tuttletory, beforety
Ciluto1kbo P. 0.i," No" ey Plic, olO thi 24th
idai o f Nevivinmher, A.D.1),877, copunqucitpi¢g,4( thIle
holir ofl !0" 'tlock n! 'n'. of thait day tndcitnii'tti~iing
uintil .onmpleted. TFliat tie delpaisithiok of '[tniothy,
Co. pollin ie ratkeng beo.2G. J. Iiproi,
lh'obittehidlge-, ,if h i. oii'te in .let tofi~ii bultmointio
itylt. hitheo ,,idh I.$1nty of 5Magyer, on tihe llith day
Mof aster. M. 11. Lott, eretry.lig t tin houre
of 10 oq'clock al. ml. of thdt'ity. Anulicntiiiiullise ulliil
compilletedl. Alib the depositrion ~of Miarwena UnlurLtid
rill e taken ore harles . rn, t
iPublih, at hlisl o~ice in thetowni Of Blttedity', lounl
Livty of Deer Lyg, said Feedito, coS t.ug le
TIhe8ORh day of U eIII e REPAI. . 17?, YttEP hb
of The o'cndersigned takeIn., ldasnre iuing announcingl t hi e
hll the conpleted. wh Im he IA1 s eAILhEIRRY.
willath 'ntl satift n r the past ten ye1is, th;at
C21Itc'A,.sulO &. I'IIAowAic Atty's~for" Apllchan!,
Woleshe has gip ojealed letail aler .
Borts, Shoes, Leathr and tFi Bugges and inars,
Hess A, in O NTAod par..
yBarn tock for the with ollay sald rGtail trde v
%"El Y LA RG,E A. Nf),(; (PlL TE'E
,And c onsists of thate btht nubid t' ml ye ssor ent o
all ait the oidtse' iid, (hi di'siet, Di.'Kil, Pebble it
Goantd sa otios Cloth lif d 'tiikit sJ.oes;.
Men'sTo James G. Blade : orencu hereby oti- -
fled that. in iulrsiiatmeol 'an order this dayi made by
thelt on. taleiy . a41e, hsif Justie o the a-,
preune Court of the Territory o1' Montaniu anit Judge
of the Diis~trict Cout~ti 4fl1anr" 'fýºu+ the 'tJdintty of
1a stoek eruid Tehritoryh the duxetiv for edstol
several e o offers namet in the sudordents, nid theway the
'oANADIAN by OULT Y eecJOURted p'John E.
AlunC, by virtue of ichh yousr aptedlluuc was en
Devoted in etailusively to Poultei!ig It twill ifoundistrict
Cgood, purt inand tial j ouil, e.utl to tgher, vhere-r
in oil IHeur% B. F rcemfaul~ry p1 until! anti you and'
nothers were der t aend Amituts .
htvhivin roen u/y purchasedl. the Faiicars' .Herad., i,
it now has he t cirdepositiocs la of lexany aMpor of itsand
Corlass liaud poIiedge wbill be'ill tiken at the otiace of
ahinrtisiiRo m un humf
county o Lewis anu. Clarke said territory, befoi
Stddre : t.e ndin P'ir Notary J~ottril Poi t hhig 4th
Codany.u Brantfor., Olt8o, co u.tnne.iu the
hourof O oclok a. tin o that. dayv midi~ ~ohtiiuting'
until completed. `Flint the d1oiit oltu~ of 'L'miunthy,
1;. C2ollins twill 1e taken, bcforuti,G. A. Iltluibptou,
I'tobatc .Ji'u ge', at ti ofiih'.ein t'tie tod 't'oft I)ittmouu
C-ity, inrtho said ts,1lnty of~ M agh1er, onI the L'titki day
"of Sepltemluter, A.. 1). 1877, t~olutlteneing; at the hour
of' 10 o'clock tu. nt. of thtdt'ifty find ckitdutitii until
compluietedl. Andi the: depositiopnot Mis.- eua lUullardl
*'"ill be taken liefoure ('untles S. '¶S'Varmeii, ~a N'otary1
'Public, at hiu olhete in the town it' Bu ttelCih%', conuu- *.
It of Dether Lodige, said 'territory, comnneuiucig 1mn
flcthttday' of Septcnubeiý, 'A'. '1). 18~747 at; the houur
o' .10 o~'clocik a., nlt., and( (towt~w~uitg tnitit the saime
shall lhe comlpleted. \1'1I.1AAi PAItBEIIIIty.
i)ateu(t Augustt h--, 1977:~ '-7
sINGu desirous of furnishing our readers
with the choicest reading matter of thile (ly,
,:e have inlde arrangements with sole of the
)est publications in the United States by
vhich we can furnish theml in conunection
1 mulch less rate than they can be had from
my other souree, and now make the follow
ing unparalleled oiler: C
We will furnish the IIUSIIANDaMAN and
Scirran Slto/ck Jmrnal, a No. 1 monlthly,
lubliihed at Parkersblurg, Pa., at the ex
reitie low price of $4.(5 per :milln.l.
Th'.'l[. s1 F 'sIANI Mr and Rural New Yorker,
in old and ably edited farm. tfamuily and
ews paper. compiled at great expense. and
utndsomely illustrated, for only $;.00.
The 1 ltstAN)DMAN :. d Scientific: American,
lie lealinfg scientific journal of tile United
atntes, tfio $6,70.
Th'll TIitUtoc:NDMoi and Demorest's Illis
rated Monthly. with a choice of the follow
nig superb 17x )2 inch cromlos : "Alter the
tormll," ' Ilole, Sweet Home,"' ' Te Old
)akenl Bucket,," and 'The Captive Child ;'"
r a choice of eighteent other valuable and Io
iseful article. ;u
The IIrsl.,ANDMAN :and National Agricul
urist and Working Farmer, a large dtlouble
1uarto of sixteeln 1pges, illustrated ;" estab
ished in 1847, tor $4.0.
The Ithsuitx.N)M. and lUnion n CIhrist
br $4.30.
TinE: HIUS1IANDMAN a111' Hi.hiftchoot. an el- -
.gantlygotten-up educ ttiolkil monthly, for
'4.u0. HlTs-sl-ANTIAX and Joui;tl of Ari
ulture and Farner, i large t'llrst-clasis week
y, printed ill St1 Lot1is]1,for $5.2a5.
. Fifteen tell ectut patckage§ of fresh gar
len or flower seed, the Factdpry and Farm,
t handsombly illyistrated jout'natl, and "thie
I(ocKY MouNiiN IIUSBANDMAN for one
year. to any address, on receipt of $5.
'lilThe IlI lSNDMAN and Colemnc's RIcual
Ilf0ld, for $5.25.
The IIHosuANsDMN antid Cuntiry O'entleman
or $6.00.
Thus every farmer who desires to furnish,
his thanily w ith c!loi.e reading matter i.au
to so. .Just think of it. A.live. wide awake
Territoriail farnm, tive-stock mnd family news
)apler, withl either of 'thle *bove well known
imu. valuable periodicals, for the. usl,9i plriee,
paid for our' Territorial weeklies. The cash
ii all cases to accompany the order. 'Read
thllese indtreetlents to y'dur neigghbors, and
.sk themn:tl ubiscrihe. ,
WALTER W. De 4;Y,,
Carrier eof
Wells, Fargo &. Co's Express,
Run a Line of DAILY Passenger Coadhee to
" Virginia City De. : ige',
AND 'T-I -WEItI.Y T,' .
M.isoula andl Fort Benton.
-or Passenger and Freight Rates iip3 to any of
lel (nmnav's Arents.
(No. 545.) .
S U. S. LAND OFvriC.,
S 'Helena, Montana,; July:28, I77.
Notice tis bereby publislhedl tlhat Alumnt SpVLtuA~ r:*in;
John Meeks, whose posllt ofilice adldress is Ctino'on
Ferry, Meagher e 1uty, Montana 'L'Territory, have
tlgiu d:y filed ilyl1igPt ion, for patent, under t.l.e Min
rng Igws of Cohlgres., for a platcer mine; ·situted J
in uliorganize(i siiviig dlstri.t, Alcughu r etjl tii
rritorly ol iMonItana, designuted its lot :.. 44, in
towivhip 11' N, range I weAt of princtil1heridia1i;
which claim is recordled inll the (ounjt" Recolr'lr's
ollce illn sail county, ind descri'bed iii tlhe olfici:l
platiallnd field notes on file in -this ffhue as ifoohws:
IBeginnig at a pine tree Ii inches in diam. marked.
MC 40 forcorner No. 7 ill the e:as't boundary ot'Lot
No. 40, fro1m whiChI the quarter se'ti.voy (o.ner o I
the irith hound.ryv of sectioi No. 4.i0 townlship 10
north, ranlge I west hears by caleulat:iiS '.9 iM (ItO 46
,sin W 32.02 chains di;tlnt, a l ruinug tlhence N
0 deg Er5.77 chalins: thence S 85 dilg E 12.:G chhains';
thence N 7i doi..0.min E12.50 clhaims; thikince S' lll
d:g 3 .0 nink' 8.0 Ohains; theclle ( deg 310 mini E 11
cll:ains; then'e , 46' 1eg 45' nminW: 20.87W chaits.'
tence., e: 17 ,leg W 4. Lcthins;, thence N -l&deg 0. i
litn " 18 chifins; thence N 22 dog W 6 chainst ,tcnce
S5kgdeg W '28,41 clhaints, tro t 1eilue of bejfiamlng,
inariciingthirty red twet~le hundredths (3..2.d1O)
acres, upon lwhich :tI iiotici of slahl application, to
gether with amt olloial plat of thie timuises elai imeli
w,poted oil thle 24tht dty of Jul), . 1). I87,
idrw.ing to rf:l. Tieidiolihing claitmrnant to these
tt~hlla.e iro bremes Hfl¶lbuiklo andiJ qM a jt, tltini-.
atLs of Lot No. 40, placer claim o0 the west. No
o theit'kaown . ;. .
Anpy(d lt pcP;so~p ls ,inin adver:ely. the abov
(dlserhie claiim, or ialy portion thereoti, ar....heliv
notified tlhal: nlesa their adiveirme claim is'dtily fle1
ac:ordilrg to 1zi,, with tile Iegister O.f, tle, Ul itett
,SIsL+.ntati (iilde, a t'Ielina, Mfnonttknl Terrfrorv,
itHii, lte ixt'ls period.f VIblli!ion heolfeof,
they will be forever barred by virtue ti"f the provi
slionis'f the ailtiute. J. H. M41i) Iteghlteir
li.,j. F. MAutsu, U. S. Dep. M"E,:Surveyor. ".
LOWER. AID'IN S'"Itbl 1411:1 j
Accommodations for
Is pnrePajed to
I have a :!o nacre of the hIest h ay I 1thd la n4 ,
Pear " 1ulhy , six miles l'ri)Itowcu 1l Ii1 lrkiql
Highert Market Price paid for Grail,
- )1T OITI Ella V ALi.Iy,
These Siprings are situatied on tile lIci1 and (a,
roll road, 40 mites Mlst of I)iiamond liti
lociation :4 11 Miionfl~ltleltl cultltiiO ilutlihjtjs lf ihr
Mprinlg. hamve illrea:iy indlilcedl lIclldrCls of in.,
nail plcn miiw seel~rcrs to visit them,.
Vih'itoiiM will utill goodi, conllijrtalhih furni hn
molrins, antiit the tabl 4.l, ipecid with til btit 11tIcol0
tr av sfo'tls. I
June 2 9. It7l;-Hi2i-f',m. I T .. C- AiAl
P.,6. Jutr 2%. iI7I.
P..tAID lUOl T5181,9IIR~D
ML~ (I I 1. i 1011 Ti I apxs
'Ihe following slpcifil points of suleriority:
1-Greilt Simplicity In Constrneatio
i3-Exceedingly Light Running.:,
4- %till Running,, N-Gq~veleie.i.
l5-Periornpas all Vwrie4itLi of ]I r!
6-Besautiy of Finish and 'adrkm'ansbtp.
3i:ichini's srnit on Iiril before Atyltiehtis reqlnrsl;
.writrein guialranttl e t) kcep tu llchitti in, oIllit turfn
years givtpl wit Ii eacht nitncline. Ihy hipd ohd Iricti:
Agents wetlned. b(ir en lculars ajid lurticrul[IT
Aildtless, The ,hitiey3 " ·I .o.,
'ý A'dams ·t. , Chicag, Ulu.
.Jainuary ~35,I$i" 187-2-10-41M. __
Iý .T T, ItýRS-~-frm
B. """
U.L11NA1 - - -
MlanulfatUrer{ of:nlld dealer Il
And ccvrytbing jpertaniuiub to thetitalc
G·I··N 1' J kONCO~rD~iIABc
~i1ebairing Pone aC:ht t1ieot c
A I~nd P'ricesl~sc~ w~t thatn.lŽ'cr before cliP~P
in· thel loritory'.
,, owghit i~ it kihch the higbestDul~:~ t~dl1
(Ncst door to Wells,. FargiB& 4Co).
P1aIci E CA't~AL6GtF .
i Fit FPa~(~-?S($ fJlustr8 tiontt ,'itth t
of thoisailidsi f thle ·b8.t flohtera ,l:~ all er
the w-oir~tl'l a~ogrr
VIclc'S jFlowoii Ufld \'egetn'dde Ga'W""qi 04(P
pa er; ltt elegiant cloth coverla,910

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