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e . Jacket built of£ Lce A LAS that only the pretty woman Is charming in a negligee! Tno boudoir gown is essentially a revealing garment, and its revelations are apt to be uncompromising for the unfortunate who is not endowed with at least passable freshness and fair. neps. Half of the charm of a negligee ii,'s in its suggestion of informality; in the loose sleeve that slips up to show a rounded arm; in the unstudied folds that must owe their grace to the per fection of the uncorseted figure; in the collarless neck which is trying to any but a white and round throat. In negligee, the pretty woman is at her prettiest; in a Paris built negligee, all afluff with lacy cascades and agleam with rosy silk shimmering through cobweb fabric, she is fairly ravishing --and very well she knows it as a rule. But such an artful wizard is Paris mother of all these intimate luxuries of the feminine wardrobe, that even the poor, plain woman's negligees are calculated, like her gowns, to bring out only her best points. Negligee Must Make a Pieture. The up-to-date boudoir gowns, lifted from their perfumed Paris boxes, are different from the elemental Mother Hubbard and familiar and frank kimono as day is from niah:. In fact the modish negligee admits of no slavish following of any precon celved model. It Is built by an artist to make a picture of its wearer, not t. serve merely in case of fire, and every detail-even to its blending with the boudoir window hangings-is carefully considered. No more need one's bosom friends who take unfair advantage of a tem porary indisposition to heard one in one's boudoir, hope to lqcov,'r by tl,, revelations of negligee of one's inno cent little beauty artifices. \V'.valays one may receive in lanquid becoming ness, wrapped in an entrancing affair of silk and lace, with long shirred sleeves covering one's arms to the hand, and a frilly ruche about one's throat which effectually baffles the boring eye searching for telltale ago marks on one's throat. And 'as for the determined friend who hopes, in finding one en disha bille, to make certain about the au thenticity of those puffs and other tresses, she, too, will withdraw unin formed, for the minute the front door I F ONE is not as slim as a Wtand the fault cannot be blamed on one's lingerie. The whole progress of undermuslin development during the last decade might be epitomized as "the elimination of the gather." Not as much as a quarter-inch lap of fabric anywhere is allowed to make a fraction of increased girth possible; and as for shir-strings, they are as out of date as bustles. The winter lingerie of the fashion able dame has consisted of three ar ticles-a silk combination garment, a corset and a pair of woven silk knick ers, petticoats as we all know, having been temporarily laid on the shelf, and no corset cover being permitted by the arbitrary person who fits our frocks under the present regime. As the summer season approaches, however, with sheer fabrics again to the fore, and peekaboo frocks and blouses en regle once more, the corset cover as well as the petticoat is bound to return to its own. The combination lingerie garments which made their first appearance fr.m Paris a twelve month or so ago, have taken feminine America by storm. So great has become the de mand for these well-fitting, comfor table garments that now all the Jan uary "white sales" offer corset covers and drawer, or corset cover and pet tIioat combinations for little more than a dollar. Very dainty combina tiop underwear is made of cross dimity, simply trimmed around neck and arm holes with a narrow edge of lace and a ribbon-run embroidery beading, a wider beading, also run with ribbon, joining the upper and nether garments. embroidery beading though more troublesome to set in that the lace sert, and somewhat more expensive In first cost, is always much more sat ilhatory In the end; for the flimsy las bWading is usually the first part the h *emise or corset cover to give A Boudoir Gown of o. bell rings, out of the dressing drawer may be lifted a ravishing "morning cal)" of lace and needlework, and by the time the guest has ascended to the room the becoming trifle, with its rib hon bows, is poised over the tempor ary denuded cranium. Pay Three Figures for Dressing Gown. The negligee need not be extrava gantly priced unless one wishes. In shops one may spend from $1.25 to $125 for a pretty little "convalescent" gown of dainty color; and at all prices between there are adorable af fairs in which one might get well quite as becomingly. The chief con sideration is that the fabric be of the softest character and the color of a delicate shade which will harmonize with the decorations of the room in which the negligee will be worn. The negligees being made up now for Easter brides are, of course, on summery lines and of the airiest fab rics; but with our sleeping apart nents kept at ia tropical temperature all witter long, the difference between cold and warm weather negligees is rather a matter of custom than weight of material. Time-honored habit apportions soft silks and flan nels to the season when one dwells indoors, in a steam-heated tempera ture of 70 or 80 degrees, while flimsy lawns and embroideries take their turn when open windows and mountain or seashore mists often drive the mercury well under 60. The wise little Easter bride will provide not only lovely, lacy things of cobwebby stuffs, but also some comfortable warm paignoirs of cosy flannel or wool albatross, and a breakfast sack or two of something warmer than transparent dotted Swiss. The Kimono Question. The ideal silk for a comfortable lit tle morning sacque, or for a gorgeous kimono, Is the wide oriental silk which is usually sold in the art needlework, or even the curtain de partments of the stores. Tl,' dceo way, and special strain always comes on this part of the garment. Though the petticoat for the nonce has been discarded, summery cotton frocks will soon recall it to renewed popularity. Indeed, many of the clinging satin skirts of the winter, when lifted, revealed dainty white petticoats with lace flounces. These petticoats were invariably of the soft est materials-like mull or sheer ba tiste, and the usual underdrop was omitted entirely, a single delicate tralling gown. The finer grades of machine-made flounce of the lace falling between the silk stocklnged ankles and the embroidery flouncings make exquis itely dainty petticoats, and are in finitely more satisfactory in wear than lace: modeils. Besides, the lace trim med skirt, in order to preserve its airy sheerness and softness, must be dry cleaned-always rather an expen sive process-while the embroidered *.#: .,,..T .. , ' ",.a T::i.: .2.1: ri1&.!Zbro1&ery me X1 wh tzeed on~Trenc1L G ~rmenere >ee .ilkwith Lace colorings of these silks and the bold, conventional and flower patterns, are just barbaric enough to give the loose kimono a richly oriental anl Japanesey effect. A kimono oc such silk should be made most simply with straight breadths shirred closely at the shouluer seams and across the back, and unshaped sleeves made of straight widths of the silk sewed at one edge into the split opening left at the top of the side seams. Such a kimono may be bound along the front edges and around the neck with plain colored silk or ribbon to match the prominent motifs in the pattern. Very dainty kimonos made in this way can be fashioned of Japanese ctrepc or the soft American cotton crepe which is very Inexpensive and comes in gay butterfly, fan and other Jap patterns. Plain colored crepe ki monos may be made very dainty with border of flowered pompadour ribbon. One dark-haired bride has fashioned for herself an exquisite kimono of patl buff crepe, on which she has embroidered fluttering butterflies in gold-yellow and brown silks. This negligee has a satin ribbon border to tmatch and a pale-yellow crepe de chine sash, or "obi," to tie around the waist. The dainty garment cost this clever little bride-to-be consider ably under $5, and has all the appear aince of being an imported Japanese kimono at 10 times that price. A Bona Fide Jap Kimono. Your true Japanese woman never appears outside of her private apart mtents with her kimono ungirt by its confining obi. This obi, or sash, is a broad strip of silk. which encircles the figure and is tied high in the back with t big bow, like a spread butter fly, pinned to the kimono over the shoulder blades. The kimono shown in tile photograph hails straight from Nippon land and is of palest lilac crepe printed in a delicate wistaria pattern, a shade darker than the fab ric. Over tile garment are scattered embroidered storks, done by hand with A Cool lornk Gowrn white and black silk. The obi of plain lilac crepe has a deep fringe to match. A pale blue kimono was embroid ered with pink cherry blossoms and had a lining of sheer Japanese silk. A\ gorgeous black satin affair had hand-wrought clusters of splendid purple wistaria. Every Peignoir Has its Petticoat. In the kimono class of intimate "room" garments comes the little mat Inee sacque which one dons while one's maid does one's hair-and reads one's morinng maill over one's shoul der. Into such a bewitching little sacque the Easter bride will slip when interrupted at her toilet by one of her girl friends, who drops in for a I0-minute gossip before dinner. The up-to-date dressing sacque of this sort always has its accompanying petti coat, which increases its charm ten fold. Even loose peignoirs have their accompanying petticoats with lace Irills and threaded with ribbon to on..mi. de. NE, YfRE/YC/YLA1 GER//E ' ins/sro /Ji M., CE cSLEHOE/1i!E$ Vt'. I rhw Y."ý!ý'' ýP:rty i'?i\,:i: ^ ::' :k o :;:ebticoa £2,V;Ja.rQdxnof1 danLinge'i :E4 "'"`"4 i>:?:. petticoat may be made fresh and dainty by the economical method of soap and water. These fine embroideries in showy, openwork effects on sheer material, are seen on some of the best Parisian petticoats, and the drop beneath the flounce is always of material quite as sheer and fine, edged with three-inch frill of simpler embroidery in a matching pattern. It is not neces sary to buy a wide flouncing for such petticoats. The model illustrated shows how the embroidery may be attached under one in a group of tucks, to a strip of sheer lawn, the ideep flounce thus formed reaching match the color of the negligee. As for the sacque and petticoat, the two garments are almost as easily donned as a kimono, and the effect is vastly more attractive. Any amount of elaboration may be iplaced on this frivolous combinatien negligee-the more lace flounces, hand embroideries, pin tucks and inset me lallions the better. The sacque and petticoat illustrated are of taffeta silk, but for Easter trousseaus these com bination negligees are being made up of hand-embroidered batistes, dotted Swisses, honeycombed with Val. lace and fine needlework flouncings. Embroidery is Fresh and Dainty. Far more enduring than laces set into fragile fabrics are the lovely machine embroidery flouncings and bandings, which are, fortunately, in high favor just now. Unlike lace, this fine needlework is even more beautiful after a careful laundering and the embroidery trimmed negligee 4ulte to the knees where a ribbon-run )eading forms a pretty finish. The elaborate lace petticoat, de signed for wear beneath an Easter wedding gown of white satin, shows alternating strips of hand embroidered tandkerchief linen and very fine French valenciennes lace. The em broidering of such strips in the sim de yet beautiful design shown, would make charming piazza needlework for next summer, and when finished the embroidered strips should be at tached to the lace with a "rolled and whipped" edge. The flounce that forms the bottom is first gathered to a narrow entre deux of seaming, the upper edge of this seam being rolled and whipped to the face. All French hand-made lingerie shows this dainty method of applying gathered fabric to lace. The newest of the hip eliminating devices that are now flooding the market is a corset which comes to the klees, but this new corset is really not as startling as one might suppose. The excessive length is only in the soft fabric, the six bones which form the only stiffening stopping a few inches below the waistline. The fab •ic extends downward, completely cov ering the hip and thighs and eight short garters, four on a side, hold the rarment fast to the stockings. Death on silk hose as well as on hips, is this new knee-length corset; but once laced and strapped into this supple armor, the figure feels really more free and comfortable, than in the ordi nary stiffly boned corset. Rubber corsets are also shown for the promotion of slenderness. Rubber garments are supposed to prevent the formation of adipose tissue, and the rubber garments are supposed to pre vent the formation of adipose tissue, and the rubber corset, donned over the sheerest silk vest or chemise, really does reduce the waist and hip in measurement. But the rubber corset is not comfortable; it promotes pro will outlast several affairs fashioned with lace. The embroidery morning gown shown is a delightful garment which is decidedly above the peignoir or bed-room class, and is quite permissi ble for breakfast wear. The arrange ment of the flouncing over the arm is particularly graceful, one strip of the embroidery, edged with a frill of narrow lace, falling over a second strip which forms the sleeve and which is finished with a wider frill of the lace. The breakfast gown must be belted in at the waist, and should never suggest the careless informality of a lounging garment. Working Frocks for Housekeepers. The little gown, which may be quite easily and quickly donned, is a neces sity to the busy woman who has no time to spare on adjusting the but tons, strings, collar and belt of a trim shirtwaist. The convenience of the all-in-one morning gown has es tablished the wrapper habit, but if a little thought is exercised, quite as convenient a garment may be evolved as the unsightly wrapper and one far more pleasing to masculine eyes. Delightful morning gowns of dimity, or even of the 10-cent figured lawn, may be made up with full skirt and waist in one, the neck cut out in a cool Dutch square, and skirt and wais joined by a strip of embroidery bead ing, through which may be passed a ribbon to match the printed pattern on the material. The skirt of such a morning gown may be merely a hem with tucks above, or a knee-depth flounce. Easy laundering is ,of course, the main consideration, for the morning dress must be fresh as the morning itself and suggest to the beholder utmost daintiness. One little bride who expects to en joy taking care of her brand new home without the assistance of a maid is having made for morning wear frocks of light-colored cotton cham bray, which will be worn under fasci nating pinafores of checked dimity. These morning dresses have tucked skirts attached to easily-fitting, pleated waists, with long sleeves made with buttoned cuffs. The neck is fin ished with a round turnover collar of white linen worked in colored dots to match the chambray, the collar being sewed into the waist just as a small boy's collar is attached to his Russian blouse. The little bride's turnover collar, however, open a. wee bit lower than the small boy's, and, besides showing a V of white throat, they will be most comfortable for wear during the busy working hours. The young girl who very likely has never worn a train until she puts on her wedding gown, revels in the thought of fascinating, dragging skirts fuse perspiration which is not ab sorbed by the corset material, and after several hours in a rubber corset the ardent disciple of slenderness feels a bit like a stiff neck encased in a cold compress. The rubber corset, moreover, is any thing but beautiful, for the rubber is of the ugly brown sort which the dentist ties over an afflicted tooth before the filling. In a smart little corset shop just off Fifth avenue a pair of these brown rubber corsets was displayed, nattily embellished with brown silk lacings and brown ribbon garters with dull gold trim mings. Most women, however, passed this interesting corset by for an en trancing affair of pink silk covered with eyelet embroidery-the very lat est French idea in corset daintiness. Nainsook, now, is considered almost too bulky for the "new figure" lin gerie. Mull is the thing, or sheerest batiste, for the chemise, which is worn under the corset-unless, indeed, one may afford the delightful luxury of the embroidered Italian silk vests which come in lovely pink and blue shades, and are soft as wisps of floss. The woman who has to con sider expense will choose for her che mise thin Japanese silk, much in vogue now for fine lingerie. This chemise will be fitted to the figure with dainity felled seams and will be most simply trimmed with an edge and beading of lace at the top. To it may be attached the full drawer, pleated to a shallow yoke. Or corset cover and drawer of nainsook may be worn over the corset and only the lit tle silken chemise underneath. The best slender effect can be achieved, however, by wearing the drawer-at tached to the chemise-beneath the corset. France has more than 217 miles of pneumatic tubes for conveying the mail,' divided between Paris, Lyons and Marseilles. which shall sweep after her and com plete her new made dignity. The tea gown is the bride's own privilege, for unmarried girls seldom wear these trailing robes, so the tea gown will be sure to be an important part of the trousseau, and if it is the tea gown that every little girl dreams about, it will be an absolutely frivolous gar ment and the one lavishly extrava gance of an otherwise practical trous seau. Crepe de chine will be its material or the softest messaline silk and, per haps, over this silk will be hung a drop of chiffon, held under the bust by a crushed girdle of the silk. There will be yards of lovely lace, though better no lace at all than a sort that is coarse or tawdry, and there will be no ribbon whatever, for a tea gown is distinctly not a boudoir negli gee, and must never suggest such a garment. Some of the new tea gowns have long shirred sleeves of net or chiffon, which come clear to the wrists like the sleeves of a formal gown; but when this is the case there are always loose oversleeves to give the flowing, unconfined lines essential in such a garment. A tea gown of the pale blue satin, worn in a play now on the boards in Paris, has long sleeves of tucked chiffon, and fastened to the shoulder are loops of the chiffon, which hang over the arm almost to the floor. The tea gown may or may not be open at the throat, but it must never be decollete in effect. The prettiest arrangement is a shallow V, made by crossing, surplice fronts. The smart surplice effects of the present mode have the crossing very low on the bust, and a straight band of lace or embroidery underneath shows in tri angular vest fashion. With a tea gown made in this fashion a sheer yoke and lhigh-neck stock may be worn by the woman who has not a pretty enough throat to risk the open neck effect. The Tea Coat Is the Latest Fad. This year the tea gown has had a rival in the gay little tea coat, which may be slipped on over the trailing skirt of any light-colored frock, or have its own skirt built to match in fabric and color. The very smartest tea coats are of all-over lace, though some very pretty models arg made of alternating stripes of wide lace insertion and ribbon. One exquisite coat was formed entire ly of Irish lace insertions joined by entre deux of French Val. The tea coat in the picture is of all-over em broidered net edged with a border of point d'esprit lace, to which, in turn, is attached a frill of the same lace. A BOOKCASE BY THE YARD. A new kind of sectional bookcase is shown in the department stores, and moreover is offered not in the furniture departments, but in the book section. This bookcase is no more than a covered shelf an inch or two wider than the books, and each section comes in a yard, or three-foot length, for 65 cents. Of course, no glass is included, but five of these sec tions, placed one over the other, and provided with a neat curtain, shirred over a brass rod, would make a very pcactical bookcase for a boy's room or den, at very trifling cost. ALMOST MADE CORSET COVERS. Among the white sale offerings in the shops are boxed corset cover pat terns of fine embroidery, which are shaped out under the arms to insure a dainty fit. Straps or shoulder bands of embroidery to match are included, and it should be the work of only a few minutes with the sewing machine to put such a corset cover together. Many women are buying these pat terns, which cost considerably under $1, for making up next summer on the piazza. A LEATHER NECKTIE NOW. Narrow four-in-hand ties are shown in exclusive shops, made of softest suede, in smart colors, such as brown, smoke, Dutch blue, olive, wine color and the like. The tie is lined with satin and is surprisingly trig and neat when worn with a linen collar. To match the leather ties there are natty belts with gilt buckles, and dainty side bags lined with silk and provided wi metal frames and snap catches. A new textile plant has been discov ered in Colombia with a fibre adapted to the manufacture of curtains and other articles of household adornment. .4: oten I·bce b:a Pebzo. II IuI/I II _____________lt t I i~,..1 1 1 S1 7 11···.. · Ire So FF4i 4 la~lhn