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THE WEATHER Tom-r THE DAILY MISSOULIAN VOL. XXXV. NO. 272. MISSOULA, MONTANA, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1909. PRIOB WILL PIERCE HILL NEAR BONNER PUGET SOUND RAILROAD MUST TUNNEL MOUNTAIN TO AVOID HIGH WATER. WORK TO BEGIN AT ONCE aore Will Be 700 Feet Long and Lo. oated About 200 Feet South of Pres ent Site of Grade-Clark Dam Im' Improvements Will Make Rail road's Position Untenable. Eatrly this week Winston Brothers, the contractors, will begin the drilling of a tunnel for the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound railroad through the big bluff immediately south of the Clark dam, below Bonner. This an nouncement was made recently by the Puget Sound line officials, who stated that the drilling of the mountain had become imperative in order to permit extensive additions and improvements at the south end of the dam by Sen ator W. A. Clark. It will be remembered that during the high water of last June the Puget Sound people lost a consideraon, amount of their "dump" from the dam westward about a quarter of a mile, and later blastesC a grade about 50 feet above the river's low water mark, expecting that this grade, would be their permanent location. Unifortu nately for the plans, however, the land on which the railroad company had constructed its line belongs to Senator Clark, who now finds it expedient to build the proposed dam improvements which will be most apt to render the position of the Puget Sound untenable at some future time. South of Present Grade. The proposed tunnel will pierce the mountain at the place known as Bandmann, on the third curve below Bonner, and will be 200 feet south of present open grade. In length it will be 700 feet and is to be built on about the same spicifications and plans which have governed the Puget Sound company in the construction of all of its western extension tunnels. The drilling will be through a formation of blue shale and a brown rock, which is considered good for driving. It is proposed to start the drill from each side of the mountain simulta neously and, according to the figures named by the officials who will have charge of the work, the construction of the bore will consume at least six months' time, under the most favor able conditions. Orders have been issued by the rail road company to the contractors, tc start the work at once with the larg est force practical and to rush the tunnel to completion. Every modern appliance will be used in driving this bore and electric!ty will be supplied from the Clark plant by which to op erate the drills and other working equipment. Flood Damage. During the floods of last June the Puget Sound company lost over 150, 000 cubic yards of grade in the vicin ity of the Clark dam, and with this damage in n.ind, and the further fact that Senator Clark's dam improve ments may in a measure, effect the railroad dump, the company has deemed it most expedient to construct the tunnel and eliminate the possibil ity of further damage The construction of the bore at Bandmann will in no way delay the laying of steel through to Missoula, as the grade now established will be more than equal to all the demands made 'upon it. It is said that the Bandmann tunnel will cost in the neighborhood of $600,000 when completed. 'PEOPLE-COVERED GIBRALTAR WELCOMES AMERICAN SHIPS Gibraltar, Jan. 81.-The first division of the United States Atlantic fleet, oomposed of the Connecticut, Vermont, Kansas and Minnesota, under com mand of Rear Admiral Sperry, arrived here this morning from Ville-Franche. From the moment the glistening white hulls of the American ships were mere specks upon the blue waters of the Mediterranean every point of vantage on the rock of Gibraltar was occupied by people. The two British battleships Albe marle and Albion and the four ships of the second cruiser squadron Just re turned from South American waters: the Russian battleships Tsarevitch and Slava and the protected cruisers Bo gatyr and 0leg, the French gunboat Casine and the Dutch gunboat Helm adal, lying inside the breakwater with sides manned, flags dipping and bands playing, greeted the Americans as each in turn entered and was berthed. The American battleships responded with flags and music, the band on board the Connecticut playing the national anthem of each country represented. As they passed the Jackles aboard the Russian warships uncovered and stood with bared heads, while the American bands rendered "God Save the King." Vice Admiral Goodrich, the admiral in command of the naval establish. ments at Gibraltar, also Admiral Sper ry's superior in rank, did not wait for the latter's visit, but immediately boarded the Connecticut to extend his greetings, at the same time insisting that the ships of the divisions due here tomorrow, as tar as possible, anchor in the basin instead of on the Alge olras side as previously arranged. The senior officers of the foreign ships followed suit and later in the day Dear Admiral Sperry returned the TELLS JEROME HE MAY GO AHEAD UNITED STATES DISTRICT AT TORNEY STIMSON SENDS EXPLANATORY LETTER. IS IOT A INTIERFERENCE New York Proseouter Is Given Right to Mix in. Panama Graft Charge Case-Government Reserves Right to Protect Unnamed Offioial-Co Operation Is Promised. New York, Jan. 31.-United States District Attorney Henry L. Stimson made public tonight a letter in reply to one written, by District Attorney Jerome on the subject of beginning an action for criminal libel in the state courts against the publishers of the New York World because of published charges regarding the Panama canal purchase. Mr. Stimson tells Mr. Jerome to go ahead. Mr. Jerome had asked if ap tion in the state courts on nehalf of Douglas Robinson, the president's brother-in-law,, would be an unwise interference with the actions begun un der federal jurisdiction. Mr. Stimson answers this question negatively, but he does not state that the federal inquiries or prosecutions will cease if Mr. Jerome begins an ac tion. The Letter. It is apparent that while the federal authorities concede to Mr. Jerome the right to appear as the protector of Douglas Robinsons' good name, they reserve to themselves the privilege of acting in defense of the reputation of "a gentleman who occupied the posi tion of head of the war department," in any federal jurisdiction where the case applies. Mr. Stimsr,n's letter says: "My Dear Sir: I have received your letter of January 26. The series of publf;a tions in the New York World to which you refer have for some time been un der my consideration. These publica tions, which I concur with you in con sidering libelous, appear to have been circulated by the newspaper in a num her of distinct and independent juris dictions and to contain charges reflect ing upon the personal character of a number of men, of whom some are in public life and some are private citi zens. In each of these jurisdictions. under well-known principles of law. each of these publications would con stitute a separate offense, and as it happens in this case, each one is char acterized by distinct and peculiar feat ures. Worthy of Attention. "Your letter makes clear the offense against the laws of New York state, constituted by the attack upon the reputation of Mr. Robinson. The cir culation of similar charges of personal corruption or disposition or against a gentleman who occupied the position of head of the war department, among the officers and men of the army, resi dent upon the military reservations in my district, or amdng the residents of the District of Columbia, where the war department is situated, may well engage the attention of the officials whose duty it is to enforce the law in those localities. No Interferenoe,. "In accordance with your request I have conferred with the attorney gen eral. In answer, therefore, to your query as to whether a prosecution on your part as to the alleged libel upon Mr. Robinson would be regarded as 'an unwise interference with a matter over which the federal courts have jurisdiction and in which action has (Continued on Page Twelve.) calls, going first to Admiralty house to repay Vice Admiral Goodrich's courtesy. At sundown the Georgia and Ne braska under command of Rear Ad miral 'Wainwright arrived from Tan gier. Five oolliers and the auxiliaries Panther and Yankton already are here and the coaling of the first division will begin tomorrow. Besides entertainments for the men to be arranged by the various crews, such as athletic, boxing and rowing matches, and dinners and parties ashore and afloat for the officers, the functions will include a dinner at the Admiralty house Wednesday, a race meeting and a dinner to be given by the military governor, General Sir Frederick Foreetler-Walker, which will be followed by a ball at the as sembly rooms arranged by Richard L. Sprague, the American consul. There will also be a big gymnastic tournament in which the American officers are expected to participate as competitors. The program for the reception of the fleet on its return to Hampton Roads has been completed. It prac Ically reverses the program carried out when the fleet sailed. President Roosevelt on board the Mayflower an chored between the Horseshoe and Lynn Haven bay, will review the fleet as it passes in at noon on February 22. Rear Admiral Sperry, the other com manders and executive officers will then go aboard the Mayflower to re ceive the president's'greetings, after which the president in turn will visit the flagship of each division and meet the assembled officers and six repre- i sentative sailormen selected from the division. The Yankton will leave here for Hampton Roads tomorrow. THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY CMC.TI IS wpmTEI VALEITIAJS PltlCt of n e : (\,r doT `o uP ---- V CoL.0 IN Al Sf l I A T s - 4 L·IZII1 SPECJLATION CAUSEl BY DISTRIBUTION OF PLUMS NEARNESS OF NEW CONGRESS BRINGS TALK OF IDENTITY OF CHAIRMEN. Washington, Jan. 31.-With the con vening of a new congress scarcely more than a month distant, the selec tion of the standing committees of the next house and particularly the award of chairmanships has become the sub ject of keen speculation. The understanding among members is that the rule of seniority will be followed in selecting chairmen, but there may be some exceptions. There are, however, some important commit tees whose chairman will not be mem bers of the next house and the selec tion of their successors is causing no little speculation. Among these com mittees are those on judiciary, of which Mr. Jenkins of Wisconsin is chairman; interstate and foreign commerce, Col onel Hepburn (Iowa), is chairman; riv ers and harbors, Senator-elect Bur ton, chairman, and postoffices and postroads, Mr. Overstreet of Indiana, chairman. These are four of the most important committees of the house and the chairmanship of each is highly prized. Representative Alexander of Buffalo, N. Y., will be the ranking member of the committee on rivers and harbors after Senator Burton of Ohio takes his seat in the senate. With the renewed agitation in the middle west for waterway improve ment, there has sprung up a keen de sire to keep the chairmanship of the rivers and harbors committee in that territory and the western members want Representatives James H. David son of Wisconsin. Unless Colonel Hep burn of Iowa decides to contest for his seat in the house, and the chair manship of the committee on inter state and foreign commerce is left va cant on that account, there will be a big problem to b, solved in that com mittee. The ranking member below Mr. Hepburn is James S. Sherman, vice president-elect. Next comes Messrs. Wanger of Pennsylvania, and Mann of Illinois, respectively. Representative William H. Stafford of Wisconsin may be selected for the postoffice chairmanship, although Jo seph F. Gardner of New Jersey, who outranks him on that committee, is said to be associated with the chair manship of the committee on labor. Representative Sperry of Connecticut, the oldest man In the house, is men tioned as successor to Mr. Overstreet as chairman. It is generally conceded that Representative Perkins (New York), will succeed Mr. Cousins of Iowa as chairman of the committee on foreign affairs. FOUR ENTRIES MADE FOR AERIAL RACE New York, Jan. 31.-Four entries were received today for the Fulton air ship flight contest for a prize of $10,000 given by the World. The ae rial navigators will parallel in the air Robert Fulton's course steaming up the Hudson river in the first steam ship. The contest will take place next fall during the Fulton memorial cere monies. The entries already in are Captain Thomas Scott Baldwin of Hammondsport; A. Leo Stevens of New York; Charles J. Glidden of the Aero club, and Mark O. Anthony. Boston, Jan. 31.-An entry for the race of dirigible balloons from New York to Albany next autumn was made tonight by the New York-Boston Ae ril Navigation company. Charles G. Landon placed the entry in the hands of Augustus Post, secretary of the Aero Club of America. "GROUND HOG DAY" IS IMPORTANT TO WEATHER Today it behooves the people of Missoula, of all Montana cities blessed with sunshine most, to get together and pull for leaden skies tomorrow. Tomorrow is "Ground Hog Day" and, if the popular super stition is to be believed, it is abso lutely essential to all hopes for an early spring that the little animal fail to see his shadow when he emerges from his hole tomorrow to ascertain what has happened in the world since he retired, after setting his alarm clock for February 2. If the sun is shining, then Mr. G. Hog, frightened at the black outlines of his little self, dashes madly back into his hole and six long, cold and weary weeks ensue before he dares to come out once more and the first appearance of spring is contempor aneous with his appearance. There fore, it behooves the people of Mis soula to pray for cloudy weather on Tuesday. GENERAL'S DAUGHTER IS SHOT GEORGE BUSSE, BROTHER OF CHICAGO'S MAYOR, ACCIDENT ALLY KILLS WOMAN. Chicago, Jan. 31.-George Busse, brother of Fred A. Busse, mayor of Chicago, tomight accidentally shot and killed Mrs. Lucius C. Tuckerman, wife of a fruit dealer at Milton, N. Y. The shooting occurred in the Walton apart ment building, 305 North Clark street. Mrs. Tuckerman was visiting her father, General A. C. Girard, retired, who occupied an apartment in this building. George Busse, in his apart ment across the areaway from the Gl rards, was demonstrating the use of a revolver to Bertha Lambke, his house maid, so that she could use the wea pon in case of burglars. Suddenly the revolver was discharged, and the bul let went through two windows, into the Girard apartment and pierced Mrn. Tuckerman's heart. Mayor Busso was present, and as soon as he learned of the fatal consequence notified the po lice. According to the statements made to the police, George Busbe was about to leave for Cincinnati on a business trip. He did not care to leave his mother and the maid at home alone without some means of protection. He therefore purchased a revolver and was instructing the maid how to use it when the trigger was pulled accident ally. Mrs. Tuckorman was in a bed room dressing. When struck by the bullet she staggered into a hallway. General Girard and Mrs. Tuckerman's 5-year-old son Alfred rushed from an adjoining room. "Oh, father, I have been shot and I'm dying," said Mrs. Tuckerman, and expired. A moment later there was a pounding at the door of the Girard aparement, and Mayor Busse and his brother came in. Mayor Busse's wife and mother fol lowed. The mayor summoned a physi cian and notified the police by tele phone, but the woman died before the phlysician arrived. No arrests were made, General Girard expressing him. self as satisfied that the shooting was purely accidental. WARMING UP. Washington, Jan. 31.-The cold wave continues to hold that part of the country east of the Mississippi within its grasp although low temperatures prevailed, freezing being as far south as Florida, fair weather conditions having prevailed generally. Warmer conditions are reported nest of the Mississipp. In the central valleys ant tne upper lake region and the gulf states tem peratures will rise, while over the western half of the country they will change but little. SOLONS TO CONSIDEH JAP AND TURF BILLS TWO IMPORTANT MEASURES ARE TO COME BEFORE CALIFOR NIA LEGISLATURE. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 31.-Definite action will be taken during the pres ent week, it is expected, on two impor tant subjects of contention in the Cal ifornia legislature-racetrack gambling and the restriction of Japanese. In the senate the law against turf gambling, which is modeled after the Hughes law in New York and has already passed the assembly, will be made a special order of business for Tuesday. Sen ator Georg- S. Walker, one of the sponsors for the measure, asserts that not more than five senators will vote against it. A. M. Drew's anti-alien land bill, as amended by him to conform to the wishes of President Roosevelt, will be favorably repbrted by the committee on judiciary and action may be taken on it on Tuesday, for which time it probably will be made a special order of business. This bill is almost an ex act duplicate of the Oklahoma law. It does not specify that aliens must be come citizens of the United States in order to retain land or to purchase land. It was because of the fact that Mongolians are the only aliens barred from citizenship that the president ob jected to Mr. Drew's first bill as be ing discriminatory against Japanese and Chinese, it permitting all other aliens to hold land by the process of taking out citizenship papers. The bills introduced by Grove L. Johnson early in the session to pro hibit aliens from being members of boards of directors and segregatinp Japanese in the public schools and segregating all undesirable aliens in the residential districts tvill be taken up as a special order of business on Wednesday. A feature of the fight that is expected to develop in the con sideration of these measures will be the determined stand for the bills tak en by a majority of the members of the San Francisc, delegation and those members in whose districts are large numbers of Japanese. IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL ISSUES IYVITATIONS Washington, Jan. 31.-Daniel J. Keefe, commissioner general of immi gration, has sent invitations to more than a score of prominent leaders ask Ing them to participate in the pro posed "council of labor," to be held on February 10, at the department of commerce and labor to discuss ques tions vital to the wage earners of the country. The conference will consider the misleading labor information that causes much of the immigration and the heads of all important labor organi sations will participate. Among those invited besides Samuel Gompers, pres ident of the American Federation of Labor, is Andrew Furuseth of San Francisco, president of the Seamen's International union. ACTOR SHOOTS ACTOR. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 31.-Cameron Clemens, playing in vaudeville here, was seriously shot today in his dress ing room by Willis Brown, a member of his company. Brown, who was ar rested, declared Clemens was the cause of him losing his position with a vaudeville company to which both belonged. NEGROES IN PROTEST. Springfield. Ill.. Jan. 31. - The Springfield Law and Order league, an .,raenization of negroes, today adopted resolutions condemning the Lincoln Centennial association for excluding negroes from the celebration to be held here in memory of the 100th birth day of Abraham Lincoln. BLOODY FIGHT PULLED OFF AT TAFT FRANK HART DEFEATS JACK DIXON OF WALLACE IN FU RIOUS RING BATTLE. WINS ON BLOW TO HEARI Railroad Camp Witnesses One of the Fiercest Encounters Ever Held in Western Montana-Winner Gave Away 20 Pounds and Held Bulky Op ponent at Mercy for Two Rounds Special to The Daily Missoulian. Taft, Jan. 31.-In the fourth round of the bloodiest prize fight ever seen in western Montana, Frank Hart of Taft sent Jack 'ixon of Wallace to slumber, sound if not sweet, at 1 o'clock this morning, the particular sedative used being a stiff jolt under the heart followed by a quick uppercut to the jaw. Dixon was terribly pun ished and it was long after the count that he was restored to consciousness, The victory was as decisive as any ever scored in the ring and marks Hart as a pugilist of no mean pretensions. Betting Is Heavy. The event was pulled off under the auspices of the Taft Athletic club and was well attended. The purse was $250 and there was a large amount of side speculation, as there has been con siderable question here as to Hart's ability with his mitts and the few friends that he had at the ringside found plenty of takers for all the money they could put up. If they had been well heeled they could have "busted" Taft's sporting population wide open. Dixon had all the advantage of weight and reach. lie is about four inches taller than Hart and weighed 190 pounds against the 170 units of avoirdupois that his opponent regis tered. In the opening round, this ad vantage counted little in his favor but the lighter man rallied In the sec ond and after the men once got warmed up to their work, Hart had things all his own way. Cat and Mouse Work. In the second round a well-placed Jabhin the left side made the big fel low groggy and Hart could have put him out then and there if he had chos i-n: he appeared to want to punish Dixon as much as he could before de livering the final coup de grace and he played with the bulky chap for two rounds and a half. From the outset it was a fight. The men mixed fast and hard and for two rounds there were not many clinches. In the third, Dixon did a good deal of hugging to save himself but he got the worst of it In the breakaways, as Hart was there every time with a kidney poke that was at all times ef fective. Then Dixon resorted to foot work but at that Hart, too, was his equal. At Hart's Mercy. When the men faced each other for the fourth round, it was evident that Hart could do the business whenever he wanted to. He hammered the big fellow all around the ring and had him against the ropes most of the time. When the final stroke was given, the men were In the middle of the ring. Dion was clearly dazed and was endeavoring to ward off the rain of blows that was pouring upon him. His arms raised to give Hart the open ing he had been waiting for and there was a quick thud as the mitt struck the side of the Coeur d'Alene man; he tottered and, as he wobbled, Hart's left went to the chin for the Jab that meant oblivion. Down went 190 pounds of bone and sinew to the canvas. Hart stood over his man, ready to follow up his advantage, but that last uppercut had done the business thor oughly and there was no movement in the bulky frame stretched on the floor, as the referee slowly checked off the fatal seconds. At the count of 10 Dixon's seconds rushed through the ropes and began the work of resusci tatlon. It was a long time before the big fellow came to enough to inquire how many others had been killed in the landslide. The Fight by Rounds. Round I-Both men sparring can (Continued on Page Twelve.) GOVERNOR GENERAL EXHORTS FILIPINOS TO REMAIN LOYAL Manila, Feb. 1.-The Philippine as sembly opened today with simple cere monies. President Osmena presiding. The first business to come before the body was the annual message to the assembly of Governor General James F. Smith, which read in part as fol lows: "My last word to the Filipinos is that until the great majority and not a small minority of the citzens are prepared to make intelligent use of the franchise; until democratic usages and customs have permeated through out the population and become a part of the daily life of the people; until the power of unconscionable agitators and demagogues is broken: until edu cation has created a Just public senti ment which specific argumetns and false doctrine cannot destroy; until a citizen has not only the 'power to judge but also the courage to oat for himself, the best future of the islands lies with the land which has given the Filipinos freedom of speech, lib erty of the press, freedom of worship; TEDDY 'EM WNAri'& WHAT PRESIDENT CAREFULLY PLAINS IDEAS ON A mI-JAP* ANESE LEGISLATION. SENOS GOVERIOR (EUI Roosevelt Takes Up All Phaee of ject in Detail and Quote Frae orandum and Cre.gsedenae-U That Native Sons Oenselde Portions of the Country. Sacramento. Jan. 3L--Ovee lett made public tonight the 11Y i letter received from Pasldeat velt with regard to auti-Ja.esmt - Isiatlon now pending In the legislature. President RIom evlt , from a letter from te b of State Root to Governor GliUtt iad from a memorandum, pointing oet that M r. Rout saw no objeotlon tO a law which treated all aliens alike. but thil to avoid conflict with the coast.t such statute should contain an ex pressed provision excepting from its operations any right secured by treaty between the United States and forei nations. Mr. Roosevelt says this view has his cordial indorsement. Roosevelt's Letter. The following Is a copy of Premideat Roosevelt's letter to Governor Giflet, received today, regarding the atIW Japanese legislation now pending tb the California legislature: "The White House, Washingtma D. C., January 26.-My Dear Goverasr: Prior to receiving your letter and a. companying copies of bills you Iad sent identical telegrams to the senae. tary of state and myself, and to this, the secretary of state answered as fol lows: What Root Said. " 'January 25, 1909. Hon. J. N. Gil lett, Governor of California, Scra mento, Cal.: I can see no objection tO the passage of a law which trebts al aliens alike in aclquiring and transit-r ring real property. To avoid conflet with the constitution of the United S.t:tes, however, such statute should contain an expressed provision except ing from its operation any rights Ue cured by treaty between the United States and foreign nations. See dea· cions of the supreme court of the I'nited States in the cases of Chime versIus (Chirac. 2 Wheaton 359; Hughes versus Edwards, 9 Wheaton S; Hauenstein versus Lynhamn, 100 United States reports 4i3; Geoffrey velses ltia'gs, 133 iUnited States reports 361 and a long list of similar decisions by the supreme court. (Signed) "'ELIHU ROOT.' "I have now received your letter and the copies of the bills. The. secretary of state has submitted to me the.fol lowing memorandum which has my hearty approval: " 'Memorandum for the president on hills in the California legislature .re lating, or supposed to relate, to Japd nese: "'I have been able only to make a very cursory examination of theme bills, and can only give you first I pressions. It is quite possible that en closer examination other sentiments may present themselves. * As to Property. " 'The treaties between the United States and a considerable number of foreign nations have provisions for reciprocal rights of aliens as to hod Ing real and personal property. It is perfectly well settled that the taking of such reciprocal provisions is within the treaty-making power, and iuastel of aliens having in the state of CMS. fornia such rights as are accorded tO them by these treaties except on they may be affected by the provislons of the act or of the constitution of Cal fornia, the precise reverse is neces sarily true. The proper statemeat would be that their rights arem pe scribed and limited In the act eespt as they are conferred and declared by the treaty. This general statement is true of all aliens the ltlsens sor eub jects of nations which have seb treaties as I have described with the United States. Permitted to Trade. " In the particular case of JapL., the second article of the treaty t 1) vember 22, 1854, provides that the el (Continued on Page Twelve) the right of the iOts , nfses an.ast hea i s exercise of the fry autonomy in mubniigg affairs, the right te many other right·, leges not enjoye by independence anu Gt for hundreds of yearsP Governor Smith degsoue *th Ing gulf between the am sh Filiplino In the Philllau a e)a ly urged that the. draw. gether and act in uznity L Interests of both. Hisate ly criticised the municipal of Manila and the mtlntl1 force, the personnel eof y h was not equal to that oP 2 ig ants of the ofty. The provineal governmeat. Smith pronouued to be mn faetery. The annual igrto e the islands ahols 1,oo,ooe pesei. (abeat 190i under the fig mis eft >