THE WEATTHE DAILY MISSOULIA . .. . .. Al, MONII N.I 4I 'Nýi) .. ..NIN . ..I-i.. . Y -. 1910. Ply l i BANDITS REAP ONLY SMALL GAINS. DARING MEN ROB PASSENGERS ON MOVING MISSOURI PA CIFIC TRAIN. FOUR HUNDRED IN CASH Unmarked H'ighwaymen Enter Chair Car and, Pulling Guns on Conductor and People. Collect Money and Jewelry From Terrified Travelers-Thieves Disappear at Small Town. Pitt:.bur'g, Kan.. .',.b. :.. Three otli delitfi'd al 'ln hel'h i 1111 n ll rohhed prl s .i'ngri 'I on l n .al.tthlinldi ll, I to ri PI' - cll'ii pn seng(llll r l nllll five i ill,'s vlast of here t~niih.ll. T'I'lt-y wor llnT lsii lk d. .\bo lt rlli and ai '-Imanll naot. l " Jf r' -try wal taokn. T'lhe horded tit- Ira in on the out"klrts of I'ittihura. They took h~ellt i the chair a;r iu tll the' train ws ,Iatr Co'rnell, K.i. Tlhere they Jlmllnped from thieir MaIts. hn;leked ('on dh-tor finrrlty into i- comer and. dIraw i ing r.evolvers, \wrneld hhlnt not to call far aiiltanceo. in rolhhlir thIn ienv er I the lpu.son-tg'r-s with tuwo revnoivers. "You will norw o prp ire 't Ive i,.p yourll vnualuahls." I. ihid., " partner will IIpass amng you. Pieaie' hle unllet. The pa.rtner thelrlupon pirodntlced a gtnnyraaek and started on his collecting tour. Prom oiet h pms-sitnger he took money,, did.lam.uonds and Ings. ('non w\TImaln scroeanmed and fainted. The inllector itelmly lifteId a ring from her finger. pliAked tp her purse from the floor where, it had falletn ndtl pased to the next victmll. .I'lloseng.r revived the wiilvmtn aifter llth- rohhers left the 'l'hrllagholt the proretus of the rih hiery the. train hulrrled on. Not one of tlt ' crew, with the ·e'ipll Int of the ollnductor, Ilnew i rollhiry was being i 'pe l re li.atd. WVhe.n the lilght hio the town of Cor nell ,en1t Into vltew several Lipasengers at the rear of the enrich, who had not - belen reacheid biy'tI' rnhhbr, hoped they would escanpe with theIr va:lthlce and brega ptalliling themil i hIurl In their poickets. IBit Ithey were tidonu,.ed I-I tli:Appolnt tnontt. Jtust bet'ainse (tIe tlriin stonlped alt the 'tatiolin'the 'ro)lirs did not hurry awayl. l'ith- rlhhii--WIt lth the glunny sicik stripped tIte Int t lpassIenger in the ci-ar of hi, gutds. Thien the althreie drplliped off ant disapp:lPred tdown Iu iiley. .No attempt wa:ll 11in hI€| to ra'o l' l '' x." III ,n.i (:lr,· STEAMER WRECKED 01 ON REEF NEWS IS JUST RECEIVED OF DIS ASTER ON ALASKAN COAST IN JANUARY. Seattle, VW'ash., Feb. 5. .1 e.hlo dis patch from Serwnrd ,laska says: The Alaska Steamship irmpanyll ilJ ' ste:mslhip Farallon Is a total wrevk on a reef near Illamna: hay and five melnber or hter crew rlie believed to have perished in an it tenmpt to obhtin relief for the passengers. The pIassen gers and membiers of the crew arrlved here today aboard tihe stemniship VI;' torl, by which they wire rescued Ilehruary 3, . fterl' spending, nearly II monrth encanpedl In wenther fre rlrent ly 10 degrees heelow zero. The Fanrl lon wentI to her doom on Janlluary 6, during a blinding snowstorni She struck solidly and It was soon realized that there was nio hope for her. 'I'hre tide was rising and soon thie vessel was listing badly. There was no sea, however, alnd the pirassetgers and crew managed to take to the boats with out great difficulty. It wnts also pos mlhle to get supplies and some heavy tlnothes and bed clothes ashore and the passengers went into camp under favorable circumstances. On Jalnuary 7 the rAennd lmate and four sailors started in ia small boat for Kodiak whiere they expected to see one of the oliher vessels of the Alaska company. Sincue lthen there men have not boeern heard from, arnd there is practically nro ihole that they nre alive. 'T'he Victorin immediately will pro. reed on its ,Way to Seattle. The Paral Ion sailed fromn Valdea January 2 for Kodiak. She was a wooden screw steoamer of 750 gross tons, was com manded by Captain Hunter and 'car ried II crew of 27 offlcers and men. and a few passengers. She wails hililt in San mrancisco in 1888. PACKHORSES BOUGHT, Tacoma, Feb. 5.-Thirty packhorses are being engaged by Jack Brown, brother of Belmore Brown, here for the climb of Mount McKinley In the spring. Ed Barrill, Fred Printz and Professor Parker of the University of Kansas, are to be in the party. Bol rhore Brown and BnrrIll were with Dr. Cook on his Mount McKinley trip. !WOULD ATTACK POWER OF LORDS EXTREME ENGLISH LIBERALS WOULD ROB UPPER HOUSE OF VETO AUTHORITY. ARE AFTER THE PEERS Great Interest Is Manifested in the Course *he Government Is l't to Pursue Upon the Convening of Par. liiment-Moterate Liberals Want the Budget Introduced and Acted Upon. I.ontll, I'h..- tf viien greoater o l Storest than h"ll> Nihle CIIIhanges in thei p l'hibhl Is th i' t l Cne a (i'sr giveiro t ;it Is litl' Ito pulrsue iipin the rei.isenlt i:Imng oft parliiment. l'reimler .\Asquith has kept hli own grs andll (tiln t, 'liiews iof the l .ieral vir' ai ording'i t Il their shnahe of rtuidic llili. |,xtremle libhor'nls strongly favor an Iitnmedtlaite intltaek tlion the yetu power of the honuse of loits, Icltvinlt the budget F ind nall other.legislatlon until the party hni elttled itts accounts with the peers. 'T'hs Irish members, too, lre telietid-" It, !spport this view. aMore mnroderalte lihortln are urginl thI I'. 'oter m nt fir's to introdue{ "ih." hudgooet. which the lords, iltc p(ting the rest It of the election Its an Indorse ment of the government's flinancial policy, are ualrelldy ledged .to pasI. (Ont the tltestion of the future statuti of the house of lords, opinlions differ ial Imost as widely. Lahoritoe and ex tremist radlllells ar for the aIt.solut aholtllon of the uplper ehamber, which hardly comes within the pieer view Of pirac'ticnl policles. ,Annther se'tlon of th" minlstr ristlette dtrand[ the sheli :lrtin of the Iords' rlght of veto on finanial leglslation nnd the curtnll ment of their veto In other legistlt lion. Views of mnoderltos nrc thl ex. pressel) by R!r Edward Grey, foreoln t scretary: "No reform of the house of lordl enn be a real reform unless It providesV for the abolition of the heredi(tar) principle nnd the substltution of plp. , tlnta elections." American Model. The Fltietator follows this uip with a suggestion thl t the tipper house het modeled aftler the American sennate, theI hltl no to conslst of 200 members chosenl u lt ,r ai s.:,"stI Iof Ilr.llportionell rlrl.e I sntlit:nn fro.l eruntlllll .lctora: l aInlrt . Mt1innwhile, the ulinlists, with the i.v', tilitn of i fit t,,i ti who, lm tler nio eiriluistnnice would find ii pinee eittll ' ilrtll n odllln i ftir l tt t tltle I tne t I( . !c. tlly unanim ous for n change in the onultlltltion of the house or lords. Mny stchemos anre heilng piut forwnar lithe mt populttr prohlily beingl that eibttoililt in the report of the Rose hlr; coitlittee i, which provlit ites for tlhe i. liotlt bi y tht ie lreditary l of 2h00 of tihl;r own numbllerl,, togettheir with 130o i.ers niunllfied by service to the nn-I' lioni. 1 bhlshops, fiv.e Jiitca nntl 4ni Ilif, il irs. Pronmleer A.ctillh ciant count it I ujority ftr' tit tiu rtili en t or tIe hl'orse of lords' veto, for In thi. t tih iunlntonall sts lind d.iillt s thee in. I , l etpundit tnt natillnallist, too. will Ito witth tI.e ien\rnmrentlo. On ti( hbudgt, hiowevIr, th,. attitude of th, u,+t' nalists is milli onvertain. \1* Itllm'ond b l n r * -tar 'o it himn setf beyoid r:ving iouIt his i:Iti ti Rslnder on \alth M, .1. Rlyan, naltional prceidlet of the lUnited Irish hlnalgue of Anerl', hibt many rmembers of the parr.,; trolngly opposze the cllauses hIm t osiig whlisky duties, and, if they do not vote against Ihemn, would, in their cwn politentl nterest, have to ahstaln from v.otlng. WV'illan O'Itrien., who Iheads the In dependent Irish members, has imade his intended attitude clear in a letter say Ing: Thele is no doubt that the Irish party contemplates the blackwst trea son perpetrated against the Irish since the t:ot of union. The nationalists pro pose to assist the government in pass ing the budget, which will impowse on Irelnnd $10,SOt0tOi in taxation per nin!Umn." Will Clear Un. Next week w'1t HOe :1 (eleuri. of th, atnosphiere. Premier Asquith und Chat eclint Lloyd-George, who have been resting on the contnltent, r.,t other members of the cabinet who went to the country after the cam paign, tare now on their way to Lon d-on. The first form-' moetipn" of tht ministry will take place on February 10 and the changes In the cabinet, the wordling of the king's speech for thi optling of parliament and tlge course of business for the commons then will be delided. The king will be absent from TLon don at that time, the plan being that hle shall upend, a \weeui at Brighton course to prevent the suggestion that he is taking any side in the contro versy TAKES POSSE810N. Mexico City. Mex., Feb. 5.-Henry De Kay, receiver for the Mexican National Packing company, today toots forma' possessiton of the property for the pur rose of a judicile liquidation. It was stated today that the businesp of the onnearn would not be suspended and tJiat It wat iLntEirded to eventually rorganlt e, withl b,e ,ar of, .English capital. BALLINGER-PINQHOT COMMITTEE. 1. Senator Knute Nelson, Minnesota. chairman 2. Senator D. Upshaw Fletcher. Florid.,. ' Reposenltative Ollie James, Kentucky. 4. Senator Thomas H. Paynter, Kernucky 5. Representative [dm.nd H. Madison, Kansas. 6. Representative James M. Graham. Illinois. 7. Representative Samuel W. McCall. Ma.snchusetts. 8. Representative Marlin E. Olmsted, Pennsylvania. DOUBTING THOMASES FEAR POSTAL BILL MANY POSSIBLE CONTINGENCIES ARE RAISED IN ARGUMENTS OVER MATTER. I : tlly of tII t , i ..\'l 'tI-It Ii ; It ',r I| i .t ng I po sttl savings d .lmits ,\ ., Jt;, '.. I in thl. s nate t'it y l i I th .ii ln t li . l'rIl tl i t'n o thi(, l .+tal t'savings l nk hill. Ienator lIurton of lliio a.-k.d l r. iitCarter, iti oiiri e of tii . "ta- uri, ( whethiri it il, nit it nli, I t uli' l il' ar St l' h t"l1 stion of tl- 1'i(, l r thlll. 1 llt rfii I' i ibtlir' to thi ..ustttl die.oiitot, i i Mr'. Ilhlrln wanted to knowt 1r it t1t r" tuu - tt i -.n -ll-h i th at-l i I ti ii l" OIrt',Fat . hE Rtnd. i1 I' Ih,' 6lIL D 111'11 i, tu n vallli ah ll' t o Ioilt t- o,' . l 1ir . t'lt'u"I-r thoug(ll 1lt, h w:lll a r-i tluu i, til al n dl ed, n her1I lll i. .- li i, 1 . ir li.all ,I1 ite hilil a1 hI iutnlthr ii' Fllr, ii rill, litl ) ir l llo t :i , lll olhl.. i t +i. l ,llp l' i'rll i tlie banks of on- : ..1i-ii fr i l to tirnot ith itomnll , itheI th.uV t ,:Il g, the I,, kit in a1 11 ta-uutits sh litiI i1, then th, wteposit tr i iothi r estlo k oil tbt the aiingntrli i'lln i ii l ) l i ,i r l " It.1 l i llt -. 1 hln lookinge i the 1 ti, . lhr L (I 'ii. "11111 . 1., 1 1 1 1.1 .1 it,1'o ;,' 'I! 111 "I ,1 I M ' St lir t s th itk, ~lit lll l illl t( i II ilre ed atoh n ipn It, t 1i . fre. t ofh then i h.'li-e wo " Itii hr.I i 1 r.mI to 1i0'r t llh k n ti - lllll' 1I I, tIV w iie oti, W. lils Itight I ' nilt 1 81'ro mE :LE ntC .IgO Ssly In ron t ,.er.0 t 1 dwIit ul thll. hill' 1l,. r o l, Iof "n lh ; + 1 xi0 ill 1 .tit 'ohal r thrO I, I l ,it ,I ,' ei ll1 I i. l l ' l til it lnro werr of ,,, nti the , t l .,I it' h ,,f' Ili, '11 : bi ~,I('. 1i' o, Il. ollotor IV nt Il 1, I, lll llts f r i hro-. + iit i."s , sl tl',, ' ;i t1 ~ 1",l i." 1'' 11' : f li tll 'iallhi.n h'or . lorri l Iye ' c.r l i iget vitII t h .b 1b i 1 o ito i a li c res oni. l f 11L autlomE ile neeih ( lust AAN 0tay night, whe n . .11. , Virgil ('tl l 1(,l ' 1lf" Mr 1ary-., I- i llton ll +ling ofIl ;I fI'v ll hil tld a id l ai t. :I l . 1n ib t of A."il ' York h riou, thtii lstVl Ird Itll l nllfori L tion r1tl.;, ing \lyhl r withl i n1 I li. ghtye r .. l' . lh tIa yI n lylt Ih ll~tlhtrit lttorny .' i lyor (w I, l al'.' lt'. this nooll, illt rol' a -ite liule" l itlt $7," iond CRAZED BY THE DEATH Puoblo, Colo., F ,;.---rl.azed by thlt, discovery that lie• ,-year-1,iht daughter was dead in' her arms .rls. Frantz , White, wife of a ranliter of F ilmnore, Cal., tried to, throw herself froml the i ar wlindo'w on thi- Denvlrr & Itlle Grande Cdi fornia limited train at, it was cuminrik into Puttblo this mllrning. The womitan woa forrihly r+strailned by the passingers and ('inductor andhld turned over. to the pollce here. i She was ttlken It a hotel allnd plla.'ed lunder a physcidan's care. k he then tried. to throw horaelf from the hotel wlndow and, finally opintes w,"r, given her. ger condition in eritl(cal. INDUSTRIAL PEACE HINGES UPON WAGES T pl 1' 4 1I \ \, 1. I l t 11 \i 1.Pl'in,, l a a t ;n* rii e ii t11 rataa ilurt aai uni'a i ilia l h iti hial , lU ilr ,i ,tl, iaP aill I ' Iht'll' hV l i. l Iht 'iininia iii' lta i I i ' it ''l t I' .\ II I t r i J 'I L I' *~lll< t~ l ll,+ \h'iiII.- 'l\lll' II~II .ll a I -fl' . al aaiat T .,.a .. t Iai \ati ta a Ith I ah ed'l ..1111,' W o k r\;itli. 1.14f b ll', l.' tr'tt' a fl ,llt tulht . It l l'atttilh 10 iii MOMP1IEJLY R9VJS JOE ENEMY GOENERAL MENA DEFEATS SI)( HUNDRED NICARAGUAN REG. ULARS AT LAS GARIAS. ]Ill,i'i·i ,II.+`,' ;i~ll hi l~ i~ 'll~l I li~ll ill(I~ ml1 l'';l) hat 1' 11till hi' ope atlllrll s.llll', hil l~taill+ it ithl' ttih hai t 11h r it 'd - 1 1i u--%' ui ll ii l i til ntIIl. Tal'll bh,+l it it 'l , l t' I 'l I l 'l i aiiiiiiu I I l I' l 'Ilt"l it ] i +l '.r %%+1 ilt hi,~ i'15 I h, iI~· \\lll it11111'1 1 r+,',l'.li~li \.1,,r r.\ lil, ill lI.*+l I tla t ( l'it tr hill lt'i ilt f i lti, allait t i lh haui t -'the iti tonmt 1i4' u, Ired; lll t thiti , I ' i ita.'t alha ltirat i i'. tta·11iuiuui. J i t','/.a atll~ tat·I. tat tan ,i iiiu i'rii ii i t' t titii fi at- ~lii.~ i i ' Itt 1I·I l-llll /it (t'i ' I l h I lllll illi, liihHitita itiaiuiiiigia COMPLETRLY ROUT8 t'tuuI~ iiiiiari,~l tai"Ilt atItII)).. ha. ' i '~. THE ENEMY GENERAL MENA DEFEATS SIX HUNDRED NICARAGUAN REG. ULARS AT LAS CARIAS. I' ihitit itilit 14 i tiit 'It. I a',+t, " I ail | il'l l i ll bt1 1 1,.i, .l' il r . ,l l i;t utlll Ihl lt, 'llli lil· ll',c ilt)p Irll ,ail Stli,.n++otl l rl Ii al I lla i' I·'t'r' ai tu lt ,ll h I ill '1 i;ll n 'it +it I't aIn'll t. itLn tllll .iu Ii% pth t tIt l ii l - , i. lt i ai llt'a 1 8t lll . i' .1 willl 'u'iiu, X', l'h II' lil lvii %' ta l a i.,l'li li ll itilul t ir-a I il-i t llit in t l, u la t- i 'ib-rt il-utl gitt'ui tal Ito Anlt aaariL'tt d It 1ati ala'ntl ('illllia nu atlarl a r I'. rallltuir a lila lei% Ittlrt l'h Itaail4lll ill hi ' alal a tlll' t ia ilft'aea a"Ilka' a t lii r, h.'\tu inly Ia i t. aa Inl a' ti\', Ihta l lto llq 'j-liii aaii liti, b -a aeI~laet.l,l'l it'il in' a11 ai*.li - 1 -i'.ti -l 'i. t e J oril tatlo' li+ l a i -i I ' ll ailil ta+l ii i at I ' lt~tltt11i a llidll 1y : t ll o: th" \ y to linagli. I'llaniormll ill it,' ]bit t o day\'iis inl bll< ;ltlval i, l l. ii. 1 tilt Icap~iltld exect edllll I iII'. II ',lil , ~ i i.ilit , l fra ill TOU ( ll.JII .1 Ant-t il p h Oi l ini). , fl ithl U 0lhtlll~ i. tlr +rtl nr i IIth i'r + Itl U ni' ifll|i Tlh,. .li rix'. l'm l+i ++. th. ,( l-' d i p ll+,li. m yl%, Ui retr, i+ ll,.ttHI to. Mlitol Iburninli l, di ei. tl~ I~t i, lie ior i ilf T,.i-ltl,+ t;, ai ,.a+l 4 hilliolr 'l 11i 148 ll~ til I ,+ liltn .+ t, th i n tlll'ior ridi; th,+ aclrili) Ilhhlial h ii is- ed' alel~ tel ]ly ei'i ,,ff. flesu ,l'al .\nrlli++ o I'40a'inil, bri'oih,+r ,,f thl, prll,.. nhtt ior lit +i ll lro it, io l lst +.i. illiten t, l'li i 1.\l l Im ~lllsl , hIl itnIll sll enal, ' lyl% orl;+, nitzi?.di l r'is.iln4 Ps illlt Mllin , ago~ dir..+€tl? inltl.,l I1 l,, liilsl ill th +, i g a gl l ll l/ I '; l ,+ i I1+. w/ill join~i (1+' i olll r'r, andli 1.%1 til il t rainl il< itn tinlgl,.ll Ihait thie p ollll ei id Un'Zlitiatin ur1.l Hi.l\: W~i-ll rit fl14lrlli the roid t'l:l ma in. +\'ib'I \\'li tit tv hasl rt" tlfWli l it C h,, tillll i l lu be n f'lir ] illI l in filililllel of timiil, EXPECT TO GET MONEV, New\\ Yor'I, I.'el, G.--'ltie endiowmeii nti of+ $ll 0(lJaltii , \\,itcti *\ 't<. Itll...,ll Huge+ givI's to) thl" Anwlii cal n flihle, enit, y~ conditisthinnnl ill1til itlt 1"a11.Iiii4 ill ullt ++iltln. proi ablyl~) will tbp imith* t,\ihini t W k.\.', "The' enl ot>I I Iall.' btfiii V will i . I fl , ,lla btI. t b ' .I, -HE PtOLIE MATRON t I': 11 i( . ( ll n f J 11 h~11(; 1 1 11·t(11 t. l lt ENDS IN AQUfr. \ l t'lh unt il ll11ll fsl l w.l ii Feb. 5l , t.'b t, , 1 Frank h cott of Pender, Wal t Illh. tll.ged indllins , anld, io whtah . I. ('. ) ,,ybr ,i ,- I> said Uto l r tll . A tilt' Ihead, elided today in an acqitta),' was tu nu.ei,,t d of, l alid.rlg a the robbery' I' .. Joi Her.. nelbra.. cht ..,.-ap . . p oru ft, Neb., of ;5,1t0.. Ths . ,Irs t le s,,ond of the tt, ps : , thi' supposel Iety + lhe+ of thr, p i "so E ileu syndicSf,a" .IN A}u ýfthh co'rts o. lawt,' ,'t't !r J tho colnvicg t d ;.y t sirnill tu a ttdtli It thr allleld a ýh ' t Ityl)ý+ . PInriN ton, , col $30,0( " "lhL 1 t++ O++n o te tlliLh.+. CONSERVATION TO BE HIS THEME PINCHOT WILL TELL OF HIS WORK TO SAFEGUARD NA TION'S RESOURCES GOES BEFORE COMMITTEE Former Chief Forester Makes First Ap. pearance Before Investigating Body and Tells Wt'at the Trend of His Evidence Will Be-An Unexpected Public Sess-on Held. 'irlWa l.rile irin't.I , l Ii An llxpI t tttl. p hulii ' ' It .in of the 'I, t I Iii ger-linch t i'rp.ii ' ein i I n r i tii. ng t;i il I i nIithte Vil h !i d thI.s I nin e fuii llth' i inot the, i'rel rt I P ru i the intl.rior di.lrtmintil ,I" lut '\, hlmlesn . nI dxeli.t lne tin 0r ' lin len'he milhed flr by Stir. trannounrl, that -ttornell rehpresent ing a rulhs It. flhti. Mrr. Itranhhels :hai pmplminehtd yes terda> of th l el~ett .of the lnterior hodeptment In forw.aruding thele piaper tld thend allo'i' h. attorn this morn sItng them .n his. of . en ait nce toby fixing rmles ulndchr whihl heh etohn aild 1 he examined. I'olln{wing u$ exec'utitve msssion of an r.r hairman Nelsonarkd tannounced that the commnittee had adopted a resolutlnn providi tw hat the paperl ho ulth re manin iw the clstody of thhn Ierk. whlo should make a eparat. i of them and allow the attorne: . to In Wleft them in his .resenee, s' uS to d{Itrmine which' should he offered In 4~ ~vidmenesto Mr. Qrattdies remarked that he had prt a few r#or. to remaIn a the dity, and, wpit IIke to begin InlehtUol.tof 'rile brie esht once. tsde wasr aeti d it ld r.t'eimng ry i Or, th Clerklr e " ulll heulle e i.' ommltt~e. hnwverd; a ch·d, to Ite pllrpome t r~nlmtm the h Garlny Irldny the to eth i'Io'ii t , inukilog Ills flirt tlnnotllUc mer 10 hii o over nt i Jhll J. Vyertree 1th. Ti (' commitrel,I however, adhretnry l. lllto Its purpose to re'umt li the hart in.l rid The briei f .septwion today Wai markedl th Iincht t king Ils rt a.noucemeut In the ri'·ine andtl J)'illohn J. Vertrees t o f'. N'ilthiiit ls to mak ing iln l Irs the arnce hi. t'irn ll)rni y umitlil Ii' ilirt'¢tl'd. 'l'h' t'ti,"ir'" I hun'', (ii toll,'" r'ple)ll Mir. is ncht, "Ie n r )y n ;l, f .r tl , lry in flin ".\ndi thitt inlskltl th' At Nhkan AoInl lll t] CILt P lt ild WHittr ilwP r sIItP'" i'l Irjythe of NntwYorkr tlthrlndedo he "'Yipr." T'II committie 'afr(eil that Ur. I'In-m i'ht of ntllnot is his pers until fter hme i'r.lpre-xmlntatiovn Of iir. ilustioned WrI hisonlltid antd adJallment was Iro ked. "nthil Irid I. h'h e to ti ll," replied a lr. inchot, "Is xy u onnxitin lb th pllir "Aht hi the Inlers the Alakan ttnt. JUDGE DUBOSE-DJES. .'Sleattle, Feb. 5.--Judge Dudley Du bQse, who figured promine.tly in the Nome (Alaska) mining seandals, and who was Alaskan attorisy for big eastern corporations, died in a hos pital here to4day. He was said to have the orlji.a of a, char ter In ovel and' drama. Pt 'lie lo!" Federl , e- .~tur Noyes, #ntates ..yriot A . J. e.. tnh. A tn.n n.le, he was id guilt rot tal o omeourt a t tl or today, i Te pos o I-rd c on h maters of the. Owl >15Wstern Coal company the government. The con t het fpr Monday will be post y1> y.until the injunction case ·!w ,888UBPENAED. Feb5 .-Frederick Joseph, p 1f the New York Butchers' Beef ussociatlon, has been tenad to appear before the fed grand jury low conducting the be f-trutst" probing. It is said Mr. Joseph and three oo four other wit Meases from New York will be asked RXt wseek to tell what they know Oi qt the .'.Itorln operations of the 1 g" paeking eompanles. ILVER WINEr OF CLUB GIVEN GRICIRON ORGANIZATION CELE BRATES ITS TWENTY.FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. NOTABLE FEAST IS HELD President Taft and Numerous Men of Prominence in National Affairs Are Guests of Honor at Elegant8lpread Prepared by Famous Washington Or. ganization-Fun Supplied for All. \Vilhhingtn ) I. I. ,,h. :, -The (Irid. irtn club give' two dinners each year nel it fell out that the on Kgiven to lnight at lthe New WIllard was the all \ir ollnnrr -marking the 25th anniver iary' of tlhe fondatlon of the club. Wh,'r'f-r,', lthere Vwas a great gather ing of notables-a president, cabinet offlc'rs. urillthinsullr,s. jurists grave and reverentd senoatorr.. frirnlous represent. atHive In ounlgreqs and a number of slmpile newspaper men gathered from many states of the lnlon. Bach and all bore off a remembrance of the hap py event, In the shape of a souvenir sllver ash receiver, crosser d by the mysnll tlridlrin. The fun started almost as soon as the guests were seated with a tangle over the inauguratlon of the new pres. itlent of the club-Scott ('. one, editor of the Washington Herald-for, enter Int untimely ulpon the scene, came El Presldente Zelaya with his army. com posed of half a doyen generals In FPl stafflan. uniforms, and one lene prl vote. Zelyn, looking for a job. bad picked out the prepidency of the Girid iron club as suitable and was ejected only by the threat that Seeretary iRtea was approaching. ftearcely had peace and quiet been restored when another interruption came, when, to the strains of the Marsellaise, entered the "Bale From llba clug." clad In Napoleonio uniforms, t and , including personifies. ftons of public men who have been Identifted by common report with the vqI.lpt to return .oose elt to to the lt Rouse. el"e "big stick" flmte " t this, and in the fierce Itare't thes electric, llight and in defiance nf at rules of socret orders, and in the pre. ence of'several hundred "Quitiandersi" were dragged forth and duly initinted the two ulnfortulnate neophytes of the (rllr,'in club, lGeorgr Edmlndl Milloll. resident correspondent of the Detroit NFews, and John Callan O'lalughlin qg the Chicngo Tribune. They were made to foreawenr all of the policies of their respective newspapers and to pledge thenmselves to he on the pier to we o'me "tlhe only one" when lIe returns fr',otr Afri'l: -1ail titl to the chant it "When Tddtly ('lmlles anlinlg Home Aarin: ifttrrah!" Their Grilling. The insurgents got their trilling. too. when between courses was ren dered an affecting scene from "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for this occanson. de ic-rlbed na "''ncle Joe's Cabin, or Life Amllong the' Insurgentr. " A plresntal ment of iipea:ker ('annon was the clever lawyer "Marks"; another of Whip Dwight was the brutal overseer i(!ot ntinuel on Pa ,, f;llght.) MYSTERY DEVELOPS IN CASE JURY UNABLE TO SAY WHETHER WOMAN DIED BY OWN HAND OR WAS KILLED. . Hfleou, ob,"i. 5.-(Speclat.--Whether Anna fluhl. tho died her Thlursday night as the result s' tryhiMt~we pno..ifRtg,took her own lire. or satp one gay*, her the poison, ia enro.pli Jury that heard the iee8inlony wat' - able to del. .O bridging at vctrdlct ft ther Dffeet-' twt she died from po 4 ldaipiestereid by hoers.lf paftt, Onk pwn to the Jury. " Akt the tal one no the, principiti wi lte e Wui Tim I.ebeiu, who tea' tif "he lhad lived With. lthe woman for thri. yivue.-. Lehebit live-d it one time i. Misso,ua. a#ns tried ni th I ¢'harge of seduction ant n acqiltted, the *·ap4 ,being over agr. Ilt was run out of that town. Lartr he went to ]Jttte. aMtl wa; run out ,of there. Ie wvnts noket pint blank on the witneis stind by .Ciunt ty Attorney IHopher it h~ehoid pit efp ministered the poiscn tnd I1w Olet b" hal inot. It developedi that the W .n drank ua glasx of Leer Lt.hbeau i~a.1thei and gave him at bottle which hm41 olns talned stry, hllnll. One witness )l 4 V lM that Just before the w ii io:lan died' Mht .ext-lltllI "\V''.t have they dl one withl WRITER 18 ILL. Toronrto. Unt., T eb, ,.- -Pro.OIa.o flo4win Sminth, t.lhe,: r.laaf - writer, lier at 'Ihis tq L4 Il serious; condlitlon. . i1r. .l, rr ungd feill r hvltiu tnt d # ita, t Itd advtntl t uge, ~, hi, nr ,ar an . .tta