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t W BF I LES TiiM cAL IIT[ERCOLLEGIATE FOOT BALL COMMITTEE PLANS TO MAKE GAME MUCH SAFER. New York. Feh. 6.-A radical revision' of football is under advisement by the ir.4eroolleglate rules committee in charge. Greater safety for the players #nd more variety for the spectator are' felt to be essential If the game is to be permitted by public opinion to live. The rules committee adjourned tonight until March 25 after appolntingl a., ulh committee to consider three plans of re-organisation. When the oommittee reconvenes it will pass formally on recommendations decided upon In the meantime by the sub-committee. In the main, the com mittee feels that injuries to players are largely due. not so much to mass plays. as to savage tackles. Accord Ingly. It is recommended that there be no more diving tackles; that a rigid physical examination of all candidates In insisted upon with medical super vision or nil players throughout the that buffeting with the shoulders of ends racing down the field after the hall be abotllluhed, and that the hack. wheon it receives a punt, be protected, on the other,hand, from iln necessary violence by the ends. Under one of the three plans sui Rested halvao would be shprtened from 35 to 30 minutes with 36 mlnutes inter mission and these halves themselves split Into four periods of j1 minutes play with intermissions of five min utes. First Plan. The three lans upon whiqh the sutb committee will report provide in sub stance for the following changcs of: alignment and play: Flrst-tieven men on the sc, immage. line. Second-Nio pushing or pulling of the man with the ball. Third-Prohibltlon of diving tackles. Fourth-Ends going down the field not to be body-checked. .Fifth-Players going down the field under a pint not to approach nearer than five yards to catcher or punter until he has touched the ball and then' not tackle him or charge forward un less he starts to run with the ball. 8lxth--.llminste one-side kicks. Seventh-First man receiving the, HOWELL CHOPS DOWN TREES TO REGAIN PITCHING ARM Every pitcher on the staff of the St. Louls ,Browns will receive an axe t at the end of the season if Harry Howell, the spitball heaver, has a good year. It Along with the axe there will be an I injunction. And this is It: "Go Into the woods and fell treec. It's the tbest training a pitcher can have." Howell certainly Ia leading the lnm-' pie life. Also he Is engaged in one of j the most unique methods of attempt Ing to regain his old form that a pitcher ever tried. Morqlng, noon and evening find the former star slahman in the woods. Ile Is islng an axe. It is his method of getting hback to the form that made; him a terror in the American league. Had Good Year in 1906. The year 1909 wats a grani one .forl Howell and for the St. Louis llrowns. McAleer's crowd was+ in the running until the very last. tlowqll was one of the most imp.mirtant fators. in theirh great showing. Near the end of the beason he woln seven straight. When last year rolled roulnd it seemed a eertainty that the Browns would again b.u a flcetor. lBt they never were. Their flni.h came early. Mighty few people had any doubt about the .,Browns after the first mnnth of the rae,. And H. well had It bad year. Ill arim hurt hint all the time. Thlllis year he biegat' to get in 'anti-l tion early, lie Sloight physicians a:til anked them their advice abutll gi'ttint,: lack to his old form. TIhey told hiim to get the axe and seek the sllple life. That's whait he, has done and ! t,ling. And if hI Icoms halk every itltchllr who has had Ia bad yar .ll lil pirobably join l the ai xe-swiii It ri gade. Will Work Hard. It's I|IIstionallh whe ther m:i.y if theit will work as 0 s,. i.iti'tiu."-y is Ithe spitball pitcher,. F . e i," ' r' the mno.t ,t etlithusi-.ith all pIl; in ltI g t lli and his nl i thi :1i n m:Il,i It nltcess.ary .rr the in tal li .g l. rt ti, l cl h.Il hll to csign orit' ii h st rcit " --t cor tnrlrits In the histor iI" t!i' -. li". So eager wais he to be .I t. tll fidel that hI. was wtrkiti .tI! t!. iiiiu. anid Mi cAlr., thi rn.illl : i . th BIrow'., s, iornil ell. d hinm to ign .. n Itr; tl h t h. wi,tld !.'t reliIr t Ii uni 1 it'"ll ,ilt iii , t i;n ;,i r 1 T IilI 1 II, ii Tii iI's the raf:lon th yr ill .tn'i 1-,e blil il e'vllilIn atti , ,,:i ti. a te ' i rIl follow ing i " , ', ',t II., ni ',' )ild workeid. ow',11 Is o, e of z '' C. [,;I, t it 'l' \1 never stvetl hi is i , I '. i. never onlfed that 'i. .iiglit -:u , uin. silf and tlii l la t l ic tll" 1 .in -e. Not Howell. T'h1'a! w.a'.ti't hli tylh, lie woultd pitch ia .rli -lilp , mii:ybu going extra Inininags ;ir ' lis I cro..d wans deeateul or h'or,, Ili-hey vion. '.hi' STOMAGH ILLS SOON FORGOTTEN Thre is nothing more disastrous and to, a person thant to lIb tortured day i.t and day out with Hlllo .stomach c.omplaint. It is insslt hie to derive any benefit from your fo(od, and as a resullt yi olln io n W ,,il run down and lose flesh very rapidly. If the foregolng describes your con ditlion, you really ought to try Hostet ter's Stomach 'Uliter , becaluse it will d,, you a world of good. Thousands of persons have tested It dulring the ipet :, years and the resCu;ts hav'e a1 ways been satisfaretry. You can't af ford to neglect this matter, for by so doing you alrc only inviting a more lserous illnoess The hltters In excellell t In (,aces of Poor Appetite, Ilelching, ..ioting, Indigestloa, D)ysp)epla, Costlyveness, I)lllouqness,. C'olds,. rlpe, (G.n ertl Weakness and Mtalarla, P'ever alnd Ag.le. (lt al bottle today 'rrm any : I'uglo$ts or Dealer. ball to be allowed to carry It tWaI where. l Elihth--lorward pass *llowed ebo any part of the line to men on ends of the line or behind the linen when the ball is put In play. Second Plan. Flrst--,Divide the halveasms already speclfled. play to he resunmed by the side In posseeslon of the ball when the preceding period closbs. Second--4even men on the line of offense and three hacks to be at leant four yards in the rear of the line. (Thli would eliminate the tandem play perfected by 'Harvard.) Third-Forward pass to be made and caught only hy players atanding be hind the line when the ball Is put in piny. 'ourth--ln offense plays between the two 2;'-yard lines the team with the ball must advance It 10 yards In con culltive dcowns or forfeit posmession. On this article the corpmittee states ltelf ope'n to further advlce. Third Plan. First--R~ven men on the line of scrimmnae with the hack fli do offenfoe limitld to, four men, center rushi always in the center and no Inter change of players permitted. Second-Ellmliat neutral aone and on-side kicks. Thirdl-No runner with the ball to receive any help until he has reached the line of scrimmage. This would reduce the weight of the attack. Fourth--Dlstanee to he gained, s*rven yards In four downs. aIES HAY WILE SUN SdHNES Nepro Champion to Make All Money Possible Before Training Siege Seven Long Hungry Years. New York, Feb. ,.-Jo~k Johnson, the fighting minstrol. Intends to run the Johnas)n brand onto eas much mit zumrn a. posible lbefore he has to go I Into training. There is no law against It and every reason why Jack shouldl make his hay while the sun shines. Johnson is a great spendcr and it takes a world of wmoney to kerp him going; he Is making up for soven Iong, hun gry ypinrN. When the men sat down for the first time to discuss ways and means of popenling the fight to the hide of the va rious promoters and the division of the next morning wouli rfind him at Irac tice. lIe woul'I g"t In t(.e ,utfield and throw and bat andtl ruln n4 t i he were a younllter t';ghtlll; t. Ialiakr tile team Instead of :1 %,rtlan with ia post tlon already won. Howell Always on Job. That afternoon h"o w..,ldl ho, Ile first malg in uniform. It' h'. eol(d find non.' of his teammates ,n thi. grndri"tlo he woltld play with one,, of the itoys who c'amle on the field. When his t, pnts 'ame p on for their batting 'rr:'tleoI Howell woe among ih(it,. HIe c:tred nothin for his arm. or i rather, his enlhus!.u,.m and his love of the gamet as so munlll t stronglnr thilt he did not think ft hil artit. ''lth nelxt day It w le I the nlame. Mc Alieer and O'wner' II(yrlg.t werit airaild that he would ruin tiir arnt. lfor he is not like' tihe' llitcht wh cahn work ,very other day. Si tlley wmnt int'' exe'utive sessiotn. 'Th.y finally 'tit upton a pl.n o if co t, itn I bwoll Int rest. "HI 'ra'. it new cP, :ll. tL" , .'1aid Mt* A ter. lHowell rV.4l it trefullly. It forbade, him the right to don .4 uniform it. the day after he haild ,p!tchi( . game. Rowell slrne:l. That' toeo reason I lHarr Invariably visits the grandl estand in his street -loth tt on the flt iornoonl following the H+ill.ion wli'- i he plittltd. Has Great Love for Game. I 'dt pit' my arlm ,ff to1 win a pen lnant," h once sill. You've heard otherl pit-hteti's sat that. Wel, hi wtas one wV'.' meant It, II tIold M.Aloeer t' t in the fall of l9ii whenli tihe lBrownis wre till in the riuning for the pennant; hlowell itndi ]lli , Wadill wre, I!.,, tiny pitcheorn ,it the staff who \w '" .htivinK: tlllrl cliass. Till Rilbe' wi+ Ikely t. blow. - ' iwIill visit ed his hu ,. N1 'A i. .r," Bitl i-,. I'll pitch every ull u1ntil i ut . ticr f lalowrs get into "I knot .li v ttlil. Ilut you'dt ruin .ilil. armr . I ,in't let you. But I'll tell you what I'll l I. I 'll wI rk you lutll e 4 y111 i ll l'!! ':v ry dally 'll int ti Y rll ,il l t a nt prme i. thl.It you t;11 truthlrlliv :.1-W'ir :ill tUo.linilS" II mw .ll Itit.'hed overt'y tlor day. I'v try morning .1 .\lhir visitedl hint. l;( try ilrniniii hi. iasked this quitestion: "l)Does nt atrl hurt ." Every luulrnti! lHot-ell answered MiAltr" still it ow>n it uor whether Tries Axe Treatment. Ilut it wenlt hback ion lhowell last yeair. No, It's trying the axe trent lMlnt. 11' it's -l. fi.'. s i til 'e chant)ll i lthi Itl'll Ilin will look very i luct'hl yiiter thn the, will if it is disr lvred. that Il g,,Yl is ii fi'.r .qanl he lil hall yter,-Hill Ithlloe pomsible purse was under diecu.iion, it pran Jim Jeffries who asked for win* ner take all and a hig side bet and it was Johnson's white manager who hastened to sound the safe. sane and connorvatlve note. JtC nmon said he was willing to fight "wanner take anil," hilt balked a hit at the eloe bet. "Here!" Interrutpted Johnsnn' mana ger. "Nothing like that! I don't want to be eating snowhnlls next winter If' anything happens to Johnson In thisl fight. Let a make It 7 and 2:, and the original side hot goes," Johnsnn's manager showed sntund horse aene., to say nothing of the can ny instinct of a man already "In" sev eral thousand hones. Johnson never used a manager for nnything except to draw money! from. The Ctnlveston minstreel In going *to have a vary soft thing of it in a few months. teling air'eady In fairly good training, he will not require more than Woo months of pre, l'irnatlon for flip hbi fight. Jeff will have to take five It lenast. Johnson Will Rake in Cash. As soon as Jeff takes to the hills we shall hear more abontl his explI ite than was printed about Hwana Tormbo whina he first headed into the JIngle. All this free preac agent stuff is going to make it easy for Johnson to get montey on the road. Jeff will he out in the woods working hard and getting into shape anad Johnson will be'flitting frmon thJaltef to theater raking In the, apoill and delivering short apeeches ahbout what he will oIn to the white man. If .lohnson ha a clever man l·ining Pti the dates for him he should make quite a small fortune before he I. forced to knock off play and go to hard work. It Is an even money bet that If this happens we shall begin to hear loud walls from all over the country andt thtere will he a grand all-star revival ofr the Iaarable altout the cricket who, waas ouit chirping all summer while the ant was out gathering In the mons and the honey and getting ail renclaltd iup for at tough winter. If tihe champion takes a motion t"l stay on the ro'td mntll within two months of the fight he will make a lot of money andt buy a few new automo biles and the affair will be hla own btsainess. lie Is entitlet to all he cnn geot out of the game. Here Ia another rather Intereting angl" to this coming fight. It i. rather) early to count chlt'kens anl It's never l Rgood plan to add tip your tickets unttil yaou ase your nulmber go up) in front of the juldgae' stand, but suppose Jeffries wins this fight andl wlha it In i nhiresasivea style, as thaey ray on ia rae::,trac'k. %What wiil happen then?- SLOW TIME IS MADE ON NEW SPEEDWAY New Orlans, Feb. 5,.-Poo time was made at the opening of the~ew 'auto mcblle speedway. fnuch drlvet as Do Palma, Barney Oldfletl ;nad Ben Keisher scoared far below tltheir rec ords. T'he fifth trae, a 1o-mile event. attracted sonie intterest when Oldfield remained behind DoPalma for eaiRlt mlile, finally overtaking him and go ing to the front before 'the 1t miles were finished. In the fourth race, 23 for v*'o'le calrs of all classes.I I 1Tgh Lynch, driving a Jacknon ear. ; rarhed through the fonce whiich sur I rotlnds the fairgrounllde track. He escaped injury, however. Oldfield. who was allready leadinLg in at KIlox .cca:r. won en.siiy. AGED BANCING MASTER S CLAIMED BY DEATH IlBtte, Pllh. .--(S,. t.'tal.) John tob Innotn, I9 year' old and one of the I lchArI-'t rs of flutte, died this after. nooi ll l it I lol hospital of paralyste.I ile tita 02 y.i.iIs old llnd hld lived for neily lti surs in tutte being II dancing lmaster ind following his oc uipat.ioln . tih until two years Hlls relatlives inlhtde it son, Joe, who wais ustodllin of the aluitorlum for severial years, .t hter, tlllle, who l Is with the lIolly lin holr compaliny in New York t 'itv and his l lihow. Mme. Robinson. it nioted tostumer oif Butte. Ile, was it native of l'hlldelIphain ndi it is helieved h." %%a, ono of the oldest nmen in Montanai i THE WEATHER ('ol, clear and -Iitppy. tile kind that inakis one lively In order to keep up a clrcula itni, wasit y'ester" d a y ' i weather. Although the sun was not In evi denuce, It was not too cold. The ob servatlions: laximum .........27 Mllnilnu .......... At 6 a. m. Therm om eter . ........ .... ..............R ltarometer . ........ 27:00 At 6 p. m. Thermometer ....................... .. 20 lli imeter ............................ . .. "R: \' ind from the southwest. DENIED NEW TRIAL. ttll:.,,a, Kan., Feth. 5 -Reov. W'allaice li. lHtukey, formerly ai mliister anitl editor of Williamsburg, Kian., waR to dlay denled il new trial oil the charge iof aducting Miss Lorena Hutherlandl of his congregation, and sentenced to from one to five years In the state uprison,. The prisoner 'could not give •Matlsfactolry bonld for his freedom lending an lappeal and w\\s Pllet to 301)l. CALLS ON GOVRINOR' TO ACT JUDGE PUTS BREWERY MATTER UP TO CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE STATE. Atlanta, ca., F,'b. t.-I-n addltlon to defying and drpneoncing United States Circuit Judge Ne'wman for refusing to mtke ct government fgaugtr tell what he know abhout the operation of: a dtillery, Judge A. W. Fite of Dade. county, in . publhi card today laid: I"'ve donne my dlty. Now let the! governor do his. A brewery Is mak ing larger i-eoer in open and notorlous' defiance of the law, even In sight oft the geovernor.' mansion in Atlanta. Now, what is going to be done?" Judge Fite suemmoned Gauger StegallI to tPetify :i. to the operation of the Cureton distillery. Sterall refured he cause of the Itw faoblddipg any gov ernment employ from telling anything he may have larned while in an official crapaeity. Judge Flte put Stegall i Jaill 'for contempt. Jtudge Newman issued it writ of habeas cor puc and released the gauger. The contention between ,the two judoge Ird Tom Wattson once poptulltat candidate for ptres.lent, to urge 'armed reesistance hy the state to the inter ference of federal Judges." I I EPLISON CATASTROPHE IN COAL MINE NEAR INDIANA, PA., COSTS LIVES. Indiana. Pa., Feb. ;.-Ten tlungar ltns and one American met death in a gas exploninn today In the. numerous stopes of the Ernest mine or the Jef forson & Clearfield Conl company. The explosion occurred in a heading where 12 men were working. One of these, Andrew Krae.cer. escaped by crawling at quarter of a mile on hi. stomaeh to eveide the noxiotus gases. One hundred and ten workmen in the same stone escaped thrloeut other headings, althotugh they were held 'back for LO hotur .by the blackdamp until a rescele party reached them. (Ine thoutend other men workipg In' adjoining mines within the radieus of thllree miles who heard the con'enanlon pnhl no iee'dt to it. The rescue party, of 12 mine ,bosses went Into the mitne at t9:30 .iInock this morning soon afteri the accident. When they came nut at r o'clock they brought tIth them the dead and announi f that there was no one' else in the Jne. .Sate mine Inspectnorts ll Investi gate the .erildent. ARGUMENTS ARE MADE IN FAVOR OF ill Washington, Feb. 3.--secretary (ial-, linger and A. P. D)avns, chief eugineer! of the relaination service, ap)poeared hefore the house ways and means com I inittee today and arigle(I in favor of the hill introduced by liopresentative Mlondell of Wyoming, allthorising the secreta:ry of , the treaury to borrow, as needed, $30,000,000 for the comple tlin of new and old Irrigation projects in the wt est. The bill provides fo 20-year 31 per I cent hnods. The sennto committee on irrigation today considered a hill for the nssuance of ,ertifcatIcst of Indeltednexs to the anImant for th,' same purpose. CHARLES F. STOKES IS SURGEON GENERAL Wa:shington, Frl.. . -Surgeon Charles FI. Stokes was today confirmed by the' senate to he surgeon Cgneral and chief of the bIural' 01'of medi'lne and surgery In thie ina: depalrtment, with the rank of rear adilmiral, the, appoJrllnmot to take ffett. totlai). 11' becomes the iu:'ceseor of Medical IDirector itixey.I Itt was I.'. Stokes wil Wits in cornom andi utriinst thle nrot,,st of Hoar Ad oirder of iformer i're! lint Roc'-cvelt and against the prot,,est of Road Ad. rtniral Hrovwnson. then ilhiel' of the hit rea. of navigationl, WIh , insisted that ull viesise'K satli Ii,' tnmmenfled by qualifi hd navigaltors. The iontt'overay stated bl y this tap poiiinLtlnt is still Irosnh in the minds of thei l oi aa i'l'ijie r it- 1 lio members of congress TOO LATE TO CLAS8IFY. FPO RENT-HAY. Ii' YOU: ARE looking for two furnished rooms for very light housokee,plrig, with bath, electric' lights and gas: if you have 'no childlrtrre and walnt Ia place close in on the( south side which will enst hut X25 tier month, with fuel and light frllnishePd, enl iup (afternoOns) \W,\N'Tr;')-IPARtTNlt;, WITHI $300 TO $5010, ill Ia good-ipaying businoss, in Missoi;ia. Addrois I'. O. Box 251. WANT'I)--IY WOMAN., AY W\ORK of any kind. 602 West Pine. F'Olt tIINT -- NICEIY-ttRTJNIS.HID, steam-heatod room. 705 South Third west. i(FOtl ItENT--4tnl)DkiN F'fltktOt.OOWM flat. 715 Wiest Spruce. Phone 544 Black. XTIAOITION DISISSSSE MEASURE TO COMPEL SURREN. DER OF CRIMINALS PRO VOKES DEBATE. Wa3hington. ,Feb. 5.-Th-re qustilon whether the governor of one state shall 1e required ,to extradte .a .per son under charge of crime, on the in formation process s well as the In dictment. proces., was under discus sion in the senate for more than two hours today. No action wds taken on the bill tinder conederatlon. which would compel rc ogqnitlin of the in formation prnrees, Senator Piles, In charge of the meapure, said It hood originated in the fact that some gov ernorat had refused to irant extruad tion in case of Drosecution pro cess of "information." The bill Was vigorously opposed by Senators Root and Heyburn, who con tended that it was in contravention of the federal constitution. "We, who are acting under the re quirement of the constitution for a grantd Jury proceeeding," said Mr. Root. "should not he compelled by an act of congress to ahbandyn It, and to sur render a ('citizen on :a process which we believe to be inadlquiate and Ir regular." "Nor." said Mr. Piles. "should a citigen of New York be allowed to invadeh other stats. vionfate their laws and fle to his home and hIe free from arrest, extPadlitlon ind trial. a,'cord ing it our laws." Mr. Piles sail the information pro 'ess hatd 4been adopted by many west ern states for economny, but he feared, if there should not be a change In the federal law, it should he necessary for them to make general use of the grand Jury system which would en tail much greater expense. Senators . Clark of Wyoming and Bailey declared each state should have a right to pro scrlhe Its own r.ethods of prosecuting crimina's. "It takes far clearer vision than mine to see in the bill any violation of the constitution or of the rights of I states." derlared Mr. Clark. !NSATIONA. RAID POLICE BREAK INTO BACK ROOM OF CIGAR STORE AND AR REST GAMBLERS. Butte, Feb. 5.-(Speclal.)-Flfteen gamblers and hangorson wqre arrested this afterqoon at S Routh Main street In the Ipck room of ,Wirchester & Lambert's cigar store. in one of the most sensational raids made In years. The arrest was made after a dIo r w,.ts smashed andl a free fight, In which the officers drew their guns and used the butts as clubs. The money and cards were swept from the' table into a lard .pall anli are now at the city jail as an exhibit. The men were playing blackJsl.k or "21." Infor~a tioan received at the coenty attorney's office' was to the effect that one man lost $1110 apd 'another 140 all within half an hour. The raid followed this information and it is said marked cards were secured. Tonight Win chester and Imrrbert were arrested and later released upon furnishing cash bonds of $500 each. They are accused of a4liwing gambling utpon their premises. W AACE NEWS Wallace, Feb. 4.-(Speclil.)-T'wo weeks ago Bob Staecheh, bill clerk at the 0. 11. & N. railroad office here, was taken sick and removed to the isolation hospital under suspicion ',f having smallpox. The case developed into hives. Today Strachen was found to have a genuine case of smallpox and he is a patient at the same lihne pital. With the announced intention of breeding inlnk and marten, something never tried Cn the Coeur d'Alenes be. fore, W. Vi. Gates has fitted up a unique water craft which is a mixture between a prairie schooner and a Scow. Ile has launched it 'on the North Fork river and will move it up and d.own the stream. Tn take' himn over the riffles in upstream going he has arranged a windlass and wlil'fast en one end of a rope to a tree above the riffles. As traps for the fur-hear ing animals he seeks he has a unique cage that will catch the animals alive. Gates proposes to establish a station where he can breed the mink and marten. He declares that selling them for $5 a piece will Le much more profitable than raising chickens at 75 cents each. New York men have been negotiat ing for several weeks for the bonding of the controlling interest In the Highland Chief group of claims on Pine creek. Much rich galena has ,been opened up in the property and It is believed the deal will go through soon. The Idaho & Spring Gulch, which owns a group of claims adjoining the King '& Quen group in the Carter distlict, has elect~.d officers as fol lows: President, Fred Carson; vice president. Andrew Swanson; secretary, E. Mevetty': treasurer, William Coumorllh. They are resldents of Mullan. The company will have to drive its present tunnel 400 Jeet fur thr tin strike the lead at a depth. MONTANANS IN WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C,, Feb. 5.-(Special.) -Major Fred Morgan of the Flathead Indian agency arrived In the capital 1Good Old Hen Can .do no better; don't blame her if she can only hatch a dozen eggs at once. She could be earaing more for you put thig in the time laying eggs while a JOJ L INCUBATOR would be hatching from 80 to 250 eggs, and do it with better results. In Construction, -Insulg tion, Heating Device and Heat Rogulation and In Circulation the' MODEL is ai model of perfection. It has no equal in the mar ket for Siluplicity of Op eration, Safety in Opera. tion or Hatching Results, and every one bears our guarantee as follows: WE GUARANTEE ' We guarantee the' Model .tlllhator to he as represented In every partlutlar. We guarantee that the Model Ineuhatior will hold a more even temalerature, with less attention, tIhan any1 other make of Incubator. We guarantee that the Model tfeuba:ctor, when run In competl tlin with another make, shall, In thren or more hattheRs, bring out a larger porcentage.of the fertile eggs Il strong, healthy chicks or duokllngs than dno s It, competitor. No. 0 Incubator, capacity 10 hen eggs ...... .....$19.00 No. 1 Incubator, capacity n5 hen eggs .......... ...........................~. No. 2 Incubator, capacity 20 en gg. .... ................................... Model 'Indoor Brooder, single cupuacity 0 chicks ........ ....... $12. Model Indoor Brooder, dn hlo capa ilty 160 chicks ....................... .00 Model Colony Brooder, oapc nit y Ion chitt ks ................. ...... ......118.00 Missoula Mercantile Co. . Agents for Western Montana Missoula - - - - Montana First National Bank OF MISSOULA , United States )Depo.sitary CAPITAL ... ... $20,)00 I41ITIPIAI.. ... $2;0,00( OFI'1(CElm I'. S. Lusk, President Edward D'.niln, Vice Pre.aidlent E. A. Newlon, Cashier O. (. England, Assistani C(iisier DliIECTOHS F. S. Lusk, A. B. Ilanlnlond, H. F. Sa|muels, A. H. Wet!wy, C. H. McLeod, Edward L)nllanl, E. A. Newlon 3 Per Cent Ilntcre.ot Ptaid on Saring. )cposits -------.-.-...--....-.--.--.------ -- - CUT IN PRICE OF TUNGSTEN' LAMPS n Effective on and after FeblHrlllry 3, 1910 thie followitng pricces will apply: '40-W'at1, 32 cnidle-i'po'1wer, cliar 75 ; bowl frosted, 80% fl0-\Vatt, 48 candle-power,, 95 ; howl frostedu, $1.00 100\-Watt, 80 eilflndhlpw(,c., .lat~, $1.20; howl. framt edl, $1.25 MIS UK-..ii . LI.UT & WATER .., hit_ city yesterday and will remtlin here about 30 days to take up matters af ectling the Flathead, with the Indian office. / a Chief of Police Vealey of Missoula was here today on route from New York to Montanp. He leaves for home to morrnw via Detroit. ' There is one ad. in today's paper 'which intereste your next door neigh .bor greatly-and doesn't interest you at all. There's alse one that exaotly reverses the above proposition. That's the one worth FINDING. WANTED loyas to try our Good for Bad ,foy School Shoe.;-hlost school eloce in city. THE HARKER SHOE STORE. i~ermosa Toilet Articles. Agents will caill on you. Give thenl a trial. AGENTS WANTED. EVA HALL, 246 North Higgins Avenue Briton Block.