Newspaper Page Text
HILLY S Mihloutla' Best Grocery. BUSY CORNER 'PHONE 09 SALT FISH Salmon. 1'nn 'y c'olunbhla fll\'Tr, pntnd .... 12 1-2C' alhnmi n Illt.ll s, ! 'lumlbia Ih iti'r Stee l 11.11, tI"rtrlll 20(' Mailninti .i.akh , . ,ittin for 25' a rlton. ki ipl r`ilt r.ily toi ilt. plr wound 20l, pitliun .. 20O l , i ltno l i Inn. I 'an } hin i "k; Dnllnd 2 . . l EGGS AND BUTTER ta Iitnchl I:: ". ' i "' Ii t i ." , di zn i . . iC IlIIt.r Rn, t Jler ,.Sy t t111tr. 1I; ,,.a ',. --1 puilnd 4IO Cremil n ry Ititterr gwt.'. ; Il lllil1'1 "-1 p'lld 1ii0 T'rllrmr ll I llltt r'. v, ry finfnlt; 1i lnc f-- 1 l.ilollt l .ILt' FLOUR Re-it PI'a.ry I lliar. 'I'ritilhy: " r -nack $1.25 ( 'rotinai flnir. t!i n trl 'N flni'it, nt,'k $1.90O .Nn (ImimI fnr cnlipllii, tlt ol hitll prir ihtt' n yv i ii ti 'l g91 1l hrVr aii lil' tines.I (' Valentines! Valentines! lav' m 'II .rl ." n 11 1 i:l o ii r i IIthli wh1111,I'w \W'r h.ivi, them s all i lllP tt :my pr'hi )'n m111 y w, nt ~il ii Ily V.ln tl ,l r'imiii or i ti L; i. Irll'o huyliig. Arn y ut utinlig ouir fr.i liul k dtlelvery tirvh.ii? If liit youi slnittl. No Imatte( r hol|\r n alli youi lir wants ior % lll, Jil usit p1nl IIt ( nil. (Iq) itail W ' \vi l i . t.nll hiar, It tere wi tI ilt , I 'xl ait ril Missoula Drug Co. SID J. COFFEE, Proprietor. The Rexall Store. Hammond Block. Phone 16 Special Prices on PICTURE FRAMES and Pictures SIMONS 312 liggins Avenue. World's Almanac 1910 JUSt RECEIVED .ew lhipmnll ll Illtlu Print :lpaper rroc'v. t. da y. McHaffie Bros. 1910 DIARIES J. W. LISTER 103 E. FRONT ST. Rowland, The Jeweler Watches, Dismonds. Jewelry Bpecdal attention given to FINE WATCH REPAIRING. PFlrt Nitilonal flank Block. LUCY & SONS EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. W.. D. h',nlirl'lk, Managler. Phone sb Henley-Elgeman Grocery Co. J. I I. lenley. N. c. T vils. John Elgeman. ('. A. (C'rawshaw. Blood Red Sockeye Salmon 12.potind, not, kitt' -,$1.50 2i'5.poud, i,'t. kits $2.T6 50-pounld, rift, ,itl $56.00 t'i' sla tlhe best talruon lnttkedI LI. ii tl t i n I~r i bi il i m irmi wIith tile ciiOap p~ink va'ietleica CAUGHTornE RUN OUT OWN It t.ots x in.lh that they xll. ldini' Ix 1'p 1itx,' I II ' itnt i thrn ii ilotxsgraillll nr ltl'i i ' yesild it ' CERTAIN tnall, shitving tinhrlies TCO COME Ih.rt ald W. I": ii hr.'it on the I1. ,- Ange l. iti\"!,tiln lilil , t kling their initit t! fli' I in ; aeroplanei . 111"re was tint xivxI rle i -urprils. ulihi. phitxogrxiph , i i \.i llllll 11 xx lltrlle('. ° l'h,' Ill il. i xlli h ".h. t I'i', islit. ";e.,' h l iand 1, a1r"."ht i l I I l it, r, .i.ii hi i II' llg is i"f i It hal i i' i. iii, ilitlthingi In his w hol ' liI ., \ (I 1 I) I1 'II l"llnl. ll. es.. l it ' lle b .'ck ,l'l,l:"i , r , . I l t graph Is showrl l it ' ;ii ' t I* ii l \ill i iir uhi s nil 111li. I',i11lll it ,i I ri n1,h . h:inllliinl. r niiii .i lnh, r it. l i:xi IgrII It i thI etIII ýII I alil heI - t, " i' . 11llir iidi ti..llli ll i a ull t x i go u p in ll.' . I i . rihii ix lnta n llllll l' ti l iof t ll I. .t., 1i\0 s.i.i11 thei ' 111 n is lh air r -ry sift. n usm kilno that flt,, y got hilghi: , r l l oII st whll k l n inilll1 .%yy b lts l. "llpush" foilr hlltlll IIn ' l(1an flli', high \\'hen h, hias a i Inch hoo lldowni eltl. It is, thllllf Ir, I,.e y Illt niiun erstxi whxy fthe I 'r'l hxn l IIokI xs Ji,' nllly i.iheI SILk.En i iin the \'r. I ,. l'heiy ait . thel iglllnl hlilghflylrs. i h lh ine.kfnot. A, linl i whhici h t iix ln.i ilh t llh i ti i. gunix llth iaye;i. "\ui'h Ii yon i' iui r iii se a. eiii'' Iuxir housei that is lk,' fiii i i lrs ils p, lant ht I frightl r.41,d: It III Ie t th l.uI tif x is. lt oinll if tI ii rinn r Ii I i r ll l iii i* l xlur Jii u ig 'iit i i it) flli te 1l'xpl 'l oi m iak t' tih r .un from IW s ,i ng x l.,l' iIn it 1 ll 1 htours \ "eI'lre h \it, i x11h I i, ATo M ii x s. ' 'h, - illlh, whic\ mh rild th-ll''nlll, t .ll 1171A 11A 1 Iwi il1 iilxfuthu 11.- slixi I xi HlAPPY ni icllcs iry to ii ;uliii'liu SMILE wsi hy it Iwa Iht ll i, - gu'i distrih, Iting i i l tl, .\i ithat tII in'liiruee ris ry li lit I asi k Itht 1trIll I-onnrxi i tl nestih lx lid i it ll nit 1it1 that it wias ) iili r. lTh Ii ltlt , iuiiat lghterl all veie i It t , Ilu, h,. humii- yel.s.tIl' mlrling to giadden the heii x of he' lo r ntlls adIll of the tIw brothers wi h. were i si idy there. i. Thei i oi'ngraittl it wer Aill .niere ul nd he irppr illilxiI Ihelrl. MrI. nd Wi s. Iii l .lllughi l, r, (o Ile ililil41.1i lilll' iI ))'Jll l Ii ltuuiiiui ilii is llt Sgrhtul teli and the hlung ll it] dm if her i dgmiI ln i II III i , ix.Iii it ..i . AGAIN I and whiih sliuiiltted iil i' Imaurkied Iiiilrtiiilexiit int it. h lh olt f ir Mrs. \li'utt. "\\',e had i s kin i trip," silll .Ixr. \ViIt 1,xtlierl iay l i i'nltll, i "The w ilth r w tis ior thfl i liie hItit K in 1iuoiwnuti there sire x o ixld i o iit un . o. ter hru li isiting itiherx foir the I inter. ' 'hhhlherv r way y'i turn, yol meet i Ilitli fliromtn .1Wa llli inil Ih l' ly ii.r l h Ile i It i. i xit ii ii '1x fi mii l10iiii l ni. I l t . xit is gol ,h lx re hai ic , ih lt, .1 Ji ll %111il gl ni 1 fte tigl T-'ll,. nett'l ulna Itr11t "tol r which is toh he nll. il i l "'d' by J lhn W . I.itler :tndt J4,n i ItoI.w hiid Is Jni"t 'VERY allolt 11olpaltl'ld inll it iN E A R hitl not be iIn llto y dllyn ornlfir' thi, p 1ilnl'e r Iulslh nos. -tuni in the eity Is cet-s'ill'l to ml tii ce 'lt lil f rill the , lxpa n si ln o f ti-* ing the° 1ys until thll, mll ing tl egini., tho re'l have hbiwl :1 golod ii lln ln .' llilliis ilneull at o thfie o'tli d , llinieill 1 ' It h1 ',11111 kn iwV that it an't1 t, o ioe ia'tl'dst solid i rlim 11' Ilhe reglulllili have hwee Irying to think wthat Is fals lhy firrt hmight in Ihle 1 itorli and I then it Irill.+ Vlni of them re aill i' inoughll iwhlel it it: .. but there are not iau1y who r' Inllv herl what It wis. It Illntl .h lut one year of be'ing i ol l i. e Ihl' stole \\a opened and It 1s not full' to ."xplrt :I nIiln l1 ren iinlher that lnng. A BIG N.lnry in .'linlt.ti I'ill TIME new home iIf thel ordin i, one .i f t ho, fintat strtlt'hires f its kind li thel wesIt and the philltnIt for Il it ii d di tiitl '.i I i ' Itp ing w ills ith ti l Ii. hrll T tllt it as t hi Ilhlhm itlll ttIh the i l ni ci tlli.' w11 h i h it ir NI .I'." I 11. )ie i" lrir and tIh sllll . ( i ti ly l'ai llnttlll llt . nIti rll pitI of liii' ills o' f Molnttn: \vill li, Iiti' + lh'r r the dihirntlc"i OFFtnd hO tae will iN rl.,plenled lst thFree Exgatis hibiti assmonl, -OF SPRAC next n andt for the 'ciIty. FANCY A. Kill s irel Known aI "The e ttlet unKid hal i mpion Pool Plyen r ofi I'I l' ii \' will hr il hul+qlul t when lilt, dothi stort .1ren.n. y I. nlu'hhd.Id', lit which th1 e f Paofic Coaent eaer f tMissoula Bi.lliard Parsent lors for :ahoy I tlhr'e hundred v'isitors.," said t-rr ltary I lriti lnstein iI' t i(rdtv (. Mr. ,lnd"nlo' andi has a t'Ih tll. .11 llhose WvIh, .-:t' th,." \ ill hI , here, - his esti l1h.t1 + I4 Il ,habit hl. ll l'oti lht 1) ,|. lhellabil e h t ): t lnhight f 'r NE' Y~oi' :n ll I h +r l" Ite stý'rn m 'rk t'l< tm Jly ponds fur hii -pri.lg OFF FOR ýIock Ill, exleIthd, lINst NEW YORK n,!.ht. that his 1,trl''ha4 th. i-i fur six otltt' eight we k| s. l , I'. thonl' and untiip.ia os it bui y " itlmi. I.,'in I,1 the wvhoIilith marki elt this Free Exhibition --OF PRACTICAL and FANCY POOL PLAYING MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS A. Kershel, Known as "The Seattle Kid," Champion Pool Player of the Pacific Coast Missoula Billiard Parlors FOR RENT T1NP first-classt o1ffice 11M IC (iII II iggint TI 'n11 41', ceIIraillyl y aiicI' o~r (iix *a ii''i~. E. A. Winstanley REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, 134 Higgins Avenue. yea.r. p.repa1red1 to nuikv 4144' 444444 ex tensive 44 .rc'han 44. ha I his I .144444 'r 4ia4)4 Hfti 44 I 144444' h..1)4.4li In 444fl4'M i114 Jl4 so tic444 4. 'I')i 444' fy 144 g4'44ow 4Cing l and It p..nhl tire·u c'c~l~nc'h year d hrl\nd ng i hetn: i.t'r ,-'1111~ of Kin ds 4'444444411144r1 t4 141ha it r.'mnn rkahfv44444 g 444 s^.444441) 4.) we4ff il1er4' upo4ln t)44! pring1)414 14444 '.'.fiti wih 1)t4e1444441 4'(lsnlp iifi1 .4'en w have1' ever hIaid; 11:.. I" ' 4 i; 1 I'" 1 ' : 1 V4ii' ('4i fi'f41 l 441rt4' I hit ie fll 1,1Crl w. , l Ill., de wellllt 114.44it of .4tIt (i.4.lh I i-1111'.'. tin r 111114% 44444 I 4*'4444 44h4t I 4' 44v ' 4ir414 44r44m o44ur4 I'r44t 4 4'.'1irls, till-' I rnd '4 1 fr4444 44re. 4 4'')h1;.' 44tri4 tifll!, ye'r nd4 hie 4411r44'144114 44u4 44'4'y 11441f444. I exp4441 ti' hEck her.' In sit 444 s rig1t iratlon f nl'44 aftr' 44 ltit foi1'r spii. "loc' \1'111n 44)a4' fi~li' 11441 and 41rv 44)4i444 Met144(f t t'.l I14' ha44e 144.1 r o4441 4144 4." 4 'I'hIe 1 f.. A 1I' 1444144 441 11 44 yo'ur 55111 144'- 4 ri -rI 444'er ev44'41 l'4'. 'e , i nill t 4.4' i fIs l( 444.44144' 444444e4si THE RED yi4414'rdf44 44444 madf APPLE 444 1441'he proress''44 with I hIe airraiiilc nge'men . It 4fil ' h4 1144n .~ed Appf. linn·loeq (him yea''44 4'roil sta4rt to flini4h. There.will b,"1 h 44414 soirt or ii ppe I xingi. w4ith) every 4'4444rs44' 411 the'n 44 hit lot of iIetl4as w 1t 4444)4). 44141nlficl'44n4'4'41141 4ieil. 14a4n 21e'.' 44444 1(4444 1:44 .44' 4414444M(4444'44f 441440 If)a " Ilrl v.'i.v1n .' 1he :4' ih' thri s(14c c ('1444 proi(Ised. ItIs14 to h', 41' 444lr1)~1 4~i441 14 41"'44il i ('444t44 lr 4 ItxRlrce. P~ 4444,4 in 4.444' 'fi' w l Is 1144 4.14.1 444ir 4 na ·i444444y 14411444t Pi'iili 11441' 444444 1 441414 44)' 4) 'ijililfll 4144 S44a nde ( '44' .nuntl a 'e I f t14. wori4' if' ili' yeaOr, i)' thei p4)44444 l 1)4. 4' 4444f11i't. lore' 44144''4'4 1"14 44444 it '.4 it Inch II 114 they 4V1 h.'. CERTAIN OF SUCC~ESS IS IlIE G. I. A. DANCE 44444ts 44fh)lcf l?4444'411444'y precede ent'ii. 144' 44i44 haI.ll glvn by the (1. 'ff144 aI:'fa1' nitl) f4h'111 41 g 14v44Monda' nIght 4'44i'i'f 44)f44ip444'llon4 fill Its4 44i4'.e444. Trhe mu414ic4 wiff Ii4' give f '1by t i', M41 fou414f gram44 44nd entert'i'44f4en4it hav'e 1.e'n Iiooiki'd af (r 444414t t~il' ca4re'l'f attention I.. ([11u~ll wh1414h 4'444'4.i4rf'Ate44x 11he ma~n 4144)'i 'ilfi 44pt411.io4 t4 lckh the4y enjily 4.s 14i4.f'.His.,M 'f'ii' 4444)44444 444 44141,e (bit.1' 11)441,.-. oi'f, 14)44 .4 4'.wen' wh4) '' ifi' l l 4411 g R. L. CAMPBELL GOES TO WASHINGTON STATE I . I. 'mlh.ll. II, hwhI r i ti(' 1 r anllIhioacnll ,"If di:.tI'r l NX .. I d' lh. for '":I s rvih'. lib th h'1 :Itlu:lt' in .1~1i , alt.n i, 11has ).n ii hiail'rt "fH' IhP l'l ff' j . u I intnlilu .>'1i hIl .l In hi I Iia f.' lu "; +I',' it' IIII. n lln \';a I t ilsh. Iv , I li. 1t.lit ur ll I h. r1' . t r ll h i- b lar.i l i II' f fr i' s. IIln w ill hIi r.l i.".I.".I lll i l' th it h :, .1f1o'lt., hv 11 J. . Ii rh , ouuI I n I hI , itest biih ,a1 ' l i, mll l ol r .. ,t nit Il0l0 Hiamilthm, o.11nlt. - '"Tht p tavalll Illiel," .1. It. Itad, ..w or al1 managei'r. Barber & Marshall THE 80UTH 8tIDE GROCERS. 509 South Higgins Ave. Phone 20. KARO CORN SYRUP TillE: INI) T) MAI.\KE I'.A I)1 . .\ fins, gthhl'n thick mo$, Ri ood I' t1' tahle. Lt"Illlg ('O1a11Ts 15 Larg' (.'ans .... . 35¢ WILLIAM HIII . lEI BUYS SHOPF VETERAN SHEET METAL WORKER ( ENTERS BUSINESS FOR HIM SELF AT THE OLD STAND. .\Alllait Wl t was ilde iast night llutt Willham FI. Reid iand had pur- t chair Ih, tiinshop and shoret metal I Ihrin.-"" of thle Mllbsstii Merinntlle f '.parny. Mir. Reid will take posses sll Monday morning lnd frorn that P ,lai. tihe hitsirnent will he his own. Tlire. will nit he mtnuh f a change, v ho,.,\ .r. ii far .s Mr. Reid, himself, , c.c it rnertd, for 22 yeiors tie has , workied in tlhe shop Which he now t ovins for ai little tore thinn I yearh,, 1 Ihe IIs onll its s perinitendent annl nlalitaer. The' will he eon. ' littin l at the old ann tn nd, I ts fatr as . its lien I i onllierneld. thllr will he no t clhlang .\lr. llid h will eontinue to. ,, un. ti e -' nire p lpIition thait he has tilletd sit ittably for ii dtucnld hut thier will he this dlifferner It i h s Iln l pllip iinow. Thlere Is nihldy in M:,nhttlu whor Shal n wch h r newii t intant a thnlll ' 1ih i1 ' ltlId tIIn the(re ln nolnody whn hnI ln)more friends. It will gorid mows to all t if thion Iorllinr Io klnow that \r. 11 t.i h i, s eintered bus(iness himself, will tilo rm ti shake handst with i I great i iiuii pAip le. And ver( tine of' them I twill i' sAh hiiIm uisi nit in ll h msi- io i 1 tore. "I shall ki il the old ustiadl" p li Iir. 10 i last ntight when a Mila illn an reportehr asked inlt ithout the change. I itih tnolie ait won iltr ier so longil that it would l siei stri nge ti inc to hit illnywhere ls. cl ut it will ihe my own shop w~then ope¢n tip .Mlonlday morn ing. I hope my friendis r-.111 he asi iHp d toi iime in ithe shop ts I shall he to s.i.e theit. I exnet to -alrry' ionig thi( hllusinelt as it hits ieen ennc. dlicted. I have a fine lot of workmen who t bei v n t.ssnciated with ne, many f' tlhem for n long time. They re it onmpetent lot of mIechanles fand aI long I.n they want to istay and as Inng as I nm doilng sheet rtn I work, they willt he there." I'or .35 years. Mr. Reid has been a. I resident ofr .Misnio lia A stated above, lhe hats bein 22 years In the shop oft I'which het Is now the owner. That the inext 2 year will he productive of great gRoodi luk is the hardest wish thalt any of his friends will have for him. The Mlissollinn extends Its ion gratulnil niris to him, alonic with tne otlhers that will Ihe nshowered upon him toaila y MISSOULA ABSTRACTERS TO ATTEND CONVENTION Next Friday evening, C. I.. ,. Kel hlo.g, of the Northwestern Abstract & Title Insurance company, will leave for Ireat *I'alls to attend the first an nual convention of the Montana Ab.ustriaters' assnoelation, which will convene on Saturday. Mr. Kellogg is upresident of the association, and ex pects the tmeeting to be an Interesting and important one. Several papers on subJects intiresting to those engaged in the abstract business will be read a n d d isnl. ew. d . \ ill ('l v e, ,no lthl, ,' well-known abstracter of this city, will also attend the meeting and expects to leave for the VWindy city on Thur - day. SThat the abstract business Is begin inlg to be recorgnized as all imlportant one is illustrated by the fact that John T. Kenney, ia former piresli.nt of the Amei ricin Abstracters' ;imm 't ia. tin,.i it n w engte.; d il i hlihci m - tiurs iiin th- proffession of i.miaklin,. aii itt"-I t.s toii the tin i s of tls I'na . - sita of Wmeisconsin it i Madison. MISS WARD ENTERTAINS. S li s itetta Waird entertained a party i,.' her frlends at the home of her sli.-le ri. . Ilarnes, on East Front strI't Friday \evening. IThe evening %.1v spent very pleasantly at varions alnll s andl mluic, after which, lunch it is served. Those present were Misses 'ox. Henry, lowell, Elhle and Ina ('yr. R.impison. Pritchard, Meyer and ilehruotder. C LOCAL TRAP SHOOTERS WILL PRACTICE TODAY The members of the |tlssonn 'T'ral't sh.tooteor' association will hold a prac tice shoot at 1 o'clock this afternoon :at the old grounds, on the south side ,,f the river. This will be the last shoot to be held there. There will be I : meeting of the assoclation Monday evening, at which time preparations will be made for the removal of the club's I ouarters to the grounds recently sectured south of the state university. Plans will also he made at this time to prc(,tre the program for the state sh.oot, which will be hehl in Missoula Iin, xt Jinle. WILL SHIP BODY. The remains of David Chantigne, tie lumbermaln, w\ili be shipped on No. ' this evening to the man's old home in Hlull, Quebec, where a sister, Mrs. 1.-nla: Therlault, resides. TO BUTTE. D. E. i;allotway of Hamilton, after viitintg friends here for a few days left this morning oni a business trip AN OPERATION. (arl I'rltI of Tlhis city was opel'atdl on Ifor appendicitis tit tt. Patrick's i - ,iltuil y st'telrdaiy inlorllng. The "Pree"---$1 i week buyl It. In suraed ive years. Orvls PMusle House ARMY PEOPLE PLAN GREAT THINGS SALVATION OFFICER ANNOUNCES IMPROVEMENTS IN MISSOULA BARRACKS. . The Salvation Army, an organiza tlon that has always done more than itl share of the religlous work in and r r Misulll;ti. is planning to increase its efficiency. The barracks on Cedar street. in the Istotffice building, are now being remodeled and renovated and will hbe bright and attractive when the worltmtnn finish their labors. Captain WV. It. Knapp announced yesterday that the improvements will cost over $400 and that everything about the barracks will he now when the place is opened again. The present condition of the roonfs precltldws the possihility of any meeting being held today. l'aptaln E. Elortsen, a young woman officer who has n record for success. is now detailed to assist in the Army's work In Missloula and an aggressive caimpanin against sin is being planned. With the plan ~f interesting the frlend Itse youing met of the city the Army inti't.s to, establish a reading room in its remodeled llualters. "There are lots of young fellows aboutt town without any place to spend their leisure hours," soaid ('cptiain Knapp last night, "any L. i, i plrim', [ i moan. It is for these that \a. oare establishing this reading iroom. It is to he well lighted; there \\ll ie plenty of chairs' and tables, with writing manterital, the daily papers and all thie IItrature that we can get. It is to he made ac attractive as pox llle and I beliv'e that it will fill RAILWAY LADIES GIVE FINE POVERTY SOCIAL One of the best attended and most enjoyahle affairs of the season was the Ipoverty o(cial given last night by the .adles' Auxiliary to the *Brotherhood of Railway Trainman in the Odd Fel Iows' hall. Nearly 200 people attended the m!ial and from start to finish thor ouglhly enjoyed themselves. No one was nllowed to wear "good close" and anyone cnaught so doing was fned. T'here was but one white collar in the roont ;lnd that was worn h'' ('harles Marsh. Thirty-twvo tables were set for whist anld they were all pult to good use.. Prizes were given for the best i'nveirs,'the worst Iplayers and to those wearinl tile best (nostumes. Following is the list of prizes won in the games: Mrs. Kate :ladhaw and F. P. Kernt. first; Mrs. Walter Mann and J. H. Ilchtardls, seonntd: Mrs. IT. M. Brooks rnd ('Charles McTaggart. third; Mrs. John wonodeton and S. S. Wilder. fourth; Mrs. J. H. RlIter and Fred Owen,, fifth; Lulu Nichols and E. F. Wilburn. sixthl. Miss Iren Plgg and John Iinnrgan connsolation. Mrs. F'. I. Willhurn won the prize for' the best t'ostmellt for ladles, the ctorrn spllnilig prize for thil gpntlemen going {to '.tnrecte Malonei.t SUCCESSFUL RANCHER VISITS IN MISSOULA Mlrs. (:harles It. Smtih, formerly of Chlicagn. has boen visiting in Mie sotul for the past week, the ,Lotet of her daughter, Louise, w\hn Is attdnd I ing the university and of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ieorguso'n. In the fall of 190R. Mrs. Smith pur I!chased 120 acres of land in the Bitt tor Root valley and settled upon It in the spring of 1909. SSohe is one of the many who has heard and heeded "the call of the west" and who chose the Bitter Root valley ise the most advantageous and beautiful location for a permanent country home, which she unhesitating ly affirms that she prefers to city life. ,M1rs. Smith Is a piractical demon strator of her, In the possihilities nf the va'tlley hy her earnest and thtorough tbusiness methods and In the o'vercom, 'ong 'f seet ing llll obitactlts to thi: slccess of the inexperienced. S~h'~? talso proves her sincerity of. bellief in M,ntiana soil Iy thie recent purch.ta.e ilf tnlither 121o-ncro farm near the town nI Iltt'rencer, which she will at ,,ni ir,.iced to, Illprove and cultlivate. THE LITTLE WORKERS. 'rThle .ittle Workers met at the home if Mi a lItith ('utlr' yt'st(erday after I11, .11. '' tr]ll,., lir sn'll t were: Mtrlion SMills. Katthleon lilanchard. Vitarla Sl'inley, I"lorence smlth, Ruth Cutler. SThe next Ilmeeting will be at the home i tf Marin (tchtchetll on ebruary 19. SAVAGEAU FUNERAL MONDAY. The funteral of Joseph Savageau wilt be held aIt the ('atholle church at 2:30 o'clock tomttrrow afternoon. Inter lment will bhi In thte Missoula cemetery. ITlamiltuin, Mint. - "The Ravalli tItel.," , t1. I"n.:id, twller 1n1td mainager Fine Watches and Repairing Diamonds E. H. DEMING Jeweler and Optician 120 Higgins Avenue. Missoula, Mont. SHORTHAND and Typewriting School AT HOTEL MISSOULA No 'l lom sludy. Positlions secured Private Phone 141. MISS WISDOM, Teacher. N_ _ r1I111111.M 1)1111(11n is of e'jiit I i nq ortanne Io t he in ;4~1enI'4 (i s soI I me(41114'll i, f n. ew fasio~Iins, hatrhingers of `pir have IhV( 14'41 i441'41 14o (4114 sto k oft woii1Pnl IwealP, while I14e 'kt~i~ies iiiis have i t(IflPI e hmbr(ed in exteniveI~4~ ,stor4ks oIt newI sIti 141 411 ap1p41r(l. SPENCER'S SUIT SPECIALISTS SPRICE versus QUALITY And Perfect Fitting :1 I(ePe ,,penniWI('s fitted in a haphaizardI wuay aire apt to he ani~or t t o P1 thePrs Th'is Tis 5is iiit Insure ini whieh You1 441folfl aflot ~ ~ 114 totkeay -oes ati aill. "lie is ii 1 right. I l 11 as 14(4ben Jli'net icinui for years.' tea t1114' you hieartht'141, tin21k. 1414s 144 kept s141p witih I r(4g1'e(s., (11" is 144 wherei4 14'11" ( w 4is Yeas aigo? ii ;Ilas4(4(' flions $2.5O ,n 4wV14141(. No 4124iu're's t' 44' Kohn Jewelry Company" ,II'he LarIgest .Jewelry Store in the City. IT'S AGAINST OUR RULE to sell any pailnt Wo cannot safely an rant.,E. If it's quality and dur ability you are looking for KELLOG PAINT CO. stands for that, DESCHAMPS' IMPLEMENT STORE Farm Implements Hay and Grain Missoula, Montana Missoula Hotel European P1lan. 3unilding lEntirely liemod eled and 1Hefurnished, LcaIt iOln ( 'cliellCnlt. D)ining lI;EIn Open 6 na. m. to 8 p. IIl. P. J. CON IIOY, Manager. Grand Pacific Hotel CAFE IN CONNECTION. Opun Day al;d Night. CHAS, A. SCHRAGE, Prop. c(or. Railroad kit and Higgins Ave A TENDER, JUICY ROAST OF BEEF cooked to the point where the julce follows the touch of the knife, is a tempting, nourishing and substantial dish for dinner, when your appetite is coquetting with you on a cold day. It sustains strength and appeases hun ger with a gusto that Is satisfying. Try a sirloin, ribh, cross rib, porter house or fine mutton chop cut by us when your appetite flags. Union Market 130-132 Higgins Ave. Phone 117 He Eats HIS NOONDAY MEAL AT THE California Wine House That's why he looks so contented. Everyone knows the worth of "ltudy" Wleschmann as a chef. He puts up the best In the lunch line and he specializes the merchants' noolndy lunch. A test will prove the correctaebs of this assertion. 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. 1,unlches served with wine or beer at all timies from openillg to closing hour. THO8. H. THIBODEAU, Prop. USE SMITH'S COUGH BALSAM For Coughs and Colds. At SMITH'S DRUG STORE Agent for Eastman kodaks and Y)iknu barherl' supplies. MIX & SONS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HAY, GRAIN AND WOOD. IKNOWLES SBLOCK, *04 8 . THIRD