MIN )t I,;\, MONT\NA, .1I N\,I . OI.NINi , I'I: III1'\llY (6, 1910.
BLf )2a,,A1' h~oxfwo /lip Tl o Xl
It i°" rtlr' r Ii ''II. ' k.thi,,. \i, l Itt ,i
itrlp - t, I. t fi-k .tI It t i. I tt , ,
arnpntlratii ti tie it I ll - rip '- .I I.iir n
cirlin r th -l .. 'r l' hli." t~r. iil ty i iS lt-a.
I.. ,r . tite .r 'cht i l il e ti ;:r-" 1' lt hi.
r tr !i l. t' , I I itf- il t l.
, it il Iitit 1 1- numi .- " ii- i l . .11i i lr i -
. v li, i th , r.-t mI I ti ;r!i l t ' Ih ' i 1hi l.
its 1n'l "l'n ilw l r,' ,,!'1 il. . |, i , ofl
l,ri('' l",.Ms ll l. "111.,. ..+ -lI' il ll iir irty
I'.lIt m len t. | sl l tr p i.,v .1 : , . \ t h . 1. l it l *1
I.t 't, tr 1. 1''t "unly shreetI., hilb t :ise in
thil ' I 'ilt l ( t tIll , I' ;Sae . lwv :nrlll l II IIp -
Ion 'IT I (n' I nutl i t',ill{. : 1 1111-I. ' t.-Ir 1 , I
11'In1 Iv .rTl'nlri nt allll i ',rt.il n i tit(-lll -
ri1 i inn tltutionnk tu. k It virtu::lly "i.r
nririna" the, mapply, but,. ot(ily enoulgh.
lrnlrnts. nt ml.ln and illth,- plbl ." .it hlrge.
IIt' jlint :il.,vkening I., th., impor~tan "c'n
r l' li,":
I ,Prh:,i ii w "n." ,:x1l n.:t',;, u of rit" r.
i'trirl .1 ni 11i ; ."1' ..' ,,f . h 'h ': I' li ll
tnlll r l."Il i> Is I l.ls I ill , .lit l' ,' lty of
f il tl th, ."y.I Krrl t.,.r ( lffi ct silty of lm l
thenti, linu : tr inny "f .I ' i, i ,h "t.l thus
W ar p r,,l 'l hitt r .l ,h ,".,. 'i . fl't ,'n th'i
gr :I" tsl l '.'i l lt y...-, ,1 ,lr iunIt t tn,., l., Il t
hats 1 t111 urn11"il minl *. I t lif lhintlt Itl I,
SeaIly life,. Tihe" fult'htei r ,!r,'url ln.1 tll
th:at hits n ti'll'vit , ',,1r.1 w i h. lI I'ev =
."I r.. huIs u41.10.,l it. thlt dif. fh ti lty oif
1'l, V 1ll. : oill n io, vl' bt,, th.lt (.In I ,
pr.,l" .'Is to. h I sit h ith i, , iltll.yts e. *
,' ly ] .N I.gIt w h n.l, pIl ill, ait .'t1 , 1 .
"I,. ;III . ', .i ' ',i 1 II .:It, Ii , iI .1.1 | t it O,
' 1.,i 0lll tilrtn h r 1, !.:l 'itt'i hill, bril! ".
a., good .(rb : (Lh i nuh .,1 ] il' l li', ''nrd. ,
How Jo/hi Evas Missed a Medal
Howr Johnl Evanrs Mlissed a Medal~
iii e+l, l ..i. ln|, .l I 'll .0 qty .f tIle.
lhutte lnt'r lmount;ilh, ;iring d(itit. (),
tolicer 2, 1~i7 thyr,. l'+ it st, ry \\itehh
lpissenlme. c'wnsidhrable Itc.l interest to
ilissoulllt. 'l'h1 c ,'lpy i if tile .Ilti lutte
llne'spllrll in \vhili I la .i.,sulllln InIIII
sniI\\ this story thi oth,.r Ihly ass in
the pls.s ssi ill l J, lll .I i v.+. .,llll
this is tlheo st,.
l l llJ.I','l 1I l l ] 'I ll,.\Its
Exciting Encounter in the Dark Be
tween Lieut. Evans and
a Thief.
.1 , 'lil'llih lI lIl'lu lIl.\l' .
Licut Evans of the Washington
Guards Has a Startling
I.ieutl. Jo .1 1 I 'a:.rn.. ,I the \\''Wash
ingtK n <tlirds, gut a litl,+' ahead of
the( rest of the lhinys ni tht, 1a:ttoer w'
inelling pl.li d r by nt ginnli ,lttlit t d
About three o'clock
Irt tt'lt ltt Irlltlur l h t1l. 1,111 i I, ll, hit ill
thist t hark i or li til romlrlll is r ght
CiountIy Attorney Ii ht \\" 11 t's oi fth'i' te
After h thme tiing o.tf tlihe ili l Prs l
night ihe we t hi, li, pi lt l a re ired t, hle
virtu ti vouchI . H IlI il be I I l mi ed inl
mm' vomr lof the hark rom i of the
by 0i 5llllWp frIt tit+, l thrtlll rthlnl tjlilt,
I)Wiltte suite, with the ht ad oi rth. ll'
that tlhe k r b l f tlthe, rllm Il rlllght
before hI . yt's. It i l the pral etieth to.
lib k thw isrt hlut lsll t nlight Let. failted
tit dot it. W h ie sleeplig the elcheli of
the just it about 3 A. M., onmething
hawakened him, ll hito nloaded thait the
itn dolo~tr \;tis ipartly o tn. He arosel
to a sitting posture, at the s m.l , tiis
l'ulling' i1 .38 'lli "er Smith & W i'es.,i
roim undet r his pilllow. Then h litaw
thelre wa the side outline f it ialtn
Io.t+ln him ltnd the half II o n 1 r1i.l,
;l Ithout saying a word
He raised his pistol and fired
Lanr his short wvs instantly nsweredl'
by one frlom the I trl ', n tl" the balllet
head. 1ceVtns hungedl away again sal
the burglar ian.i 1t, tlhen Wit t ll,
threw t clartridge intro aii ne lllt glun
antlld hurried out ,n frint, expecting t,
catch his visitor as he ctime lut from
between the buildings, but the fellow
sesaped the back way.
!:vans ascertained afterwards that
the burglar had already stolen three
sillts of clothes from him and had
them out il the buck yard, but he left
I,ýe. ,"w ~ li' ] I lls it i i i " ll.l.tin: t thind
Mr .I i .It.inlil I tal, t ,it tit,-Ii..
toletitIiil t . iI.I it' frig 111t4i'' 11. 11~1n n i
m·~ulst.·t it ' n 4"~ lm i itri.I l it I. es of nHri, n
I;i:'' I .Il ii I.u -., itml iti tol, ltl$ fili II'
111111 's h'i. %it rh,- emit. ,ichf I', $40In.
M aNt If ghet 1 ti il.l In il l ~1t I. I it.
r,"il. n.irl," 1,l rluti . ill II: · Ioib,. who ii ve
11.1,11 I I'liu Iis ri-I I. h'ir I i'ii is ll·c r i
I ith t , i'l t ill'lsu I l'tt7 . ll.' l` I if it )
4.1 :ttn," its or,. n 1I1I ti r'4 1s 1·. u t 1114' Iii
-~Iil ,'."t!its :u 1 tl )1 I\.· 11e I-.l'rm llsso
I'l l ti tIl ii* 111s11. Its t'll iflt t he Ii
1 111' lh Ilitti ,Ii . laIill irs c tit th l
hl,"J in ~n"Iu~irl ,n icah 1114" 14 e; cnhlt,
1 '-'u rlt 14," , 111 r1lr1 or, r(' ill III eti)S
I~)llt' 1.1114 - ll I.,11 in the I,,, jy Ili .il ,,
koi t' .ik 's t., refuse to Nell thorn P cntm
an bio-toa~letrs t non
hotetrýtht miy o t -s I-lt--l
A very narrow escape
',or' h,.lh 1of lilt bill ts fired 1 111111it n
..err it h llhlh il1 t:il . 111111 a door"
'il r. i ttIl,.l lN i ill+ IhI ' I lti - i, ( iii h
rasing Just iit h priltai1 i her he
studH 'Tih b l Ltht 'l vhlth sttI 'Irk abh '.
I'i: i.t. ' hist li Its d through to llllll hi
front ..o fic', Irtllt th h:tlH, 1i, I t o Vil\titl
i d ftt \ t'ih(lhll' I portI, thleni
flie ttl.. 1 th 11.i .I. :.t: w:a f Itn ton.I
-Itli. lll1t II I ih i \\. il t. ri n d w i'af l al
Ili. . T"Ii ' / I l' h \ I ' t'iJ ,l artt . ,. ttl.
'I'rllVe is hulitthl '.int h tJi ihat
Il.s r y. " 'll, d II ". E' vail lns, to 'iThe
.\lis (,ul lin ti an1 . "\thit h I t t l l y t [l as
liwVli plth il Hl. ih hi lt h l. the thntt1 .,oi
thia in lst h ilt .vla . itVi..l.l ' ll vitlh i lr i1rg
(lit,, NI. udy t ial+' m I to hi Iiti i bt ail.
id young i et n i "Vht I k iit i In a lrklal
ool1 lprofrsl Ional \1 .t y, thl, IgIht I sho hld
be r-,nta rded flo phn ttJ tig u tio , fight
iIlg t i l is t o ilt o t ho l. m Ii:t Ith r.h. lsol
they" we'nlt oul Inext ay II ll llld eolrh t t.I
'111(. r .ixty tii ,l, llt :l al nel.l the.l iln iv,
titll tihe ii ntlllenlanl tlt, p iresondg in
SIth ii go lt .V lttich. Aonni. the cion
trilutl.lri t, lthal t l ittle ftlund w\'re i
mIlmber of ntrin who afterwards ilm.um
hi|l.. ry Ib th il and (llat of the state of
.\lontanl. Among them I reeltll Hlen
It, Thay.r ini Jihin d11111ti, now with
thde Amlllgaxiated i lnd ny, yMr. Ilthl
wii, theni with h the Mlntg iul nilon
RallnLy tenmlny anit wlho fterwartds
wentt .t t n .lif the i big e astrn rt alltat
rtads, anid tt ho died In New York a-t
few days ago; John J. 11eHatton, A. ,.,
Davls, ten,, W. S~itt )tuled erk of thei
1'. ii. court; W\V 1.. Akers, wh1 ho ra me
luite :I anted mining exlport; Jam. WV'.
I',rhil, I'rank 1,. t'orhett, \,ho 1 \as
then lerk it' the court of C it y lr now
ctnlty; Jmohn J IrtIc Il. te nI i tthe
It' .11l'llc s Jtly, 111.d nfne of the Most
1l\Ov -ble Iandangenial mntli I ever im.-t;
Judge WV. H. D)t,\Vitte, one of the ablest
mhen oho ever outltied the siupreml/
bench ili this state, and tih, Hlonoriar le
Thos, '1.. Na. lttln, who was the frien
and counselor of every young Ial.ye
who sm e Int il|tte daring his life
"As I said, thi"y had rlalsed fifty or
sixty dollars during the day, and that
afternoon about 4 o'clock, at fellow
burgl.lrizetl it hoisl situated on Br +ad -
way, about where the City Hall now
stands. Someone detected the marau
Some Interestint
"It1 r:,u8, ; '
rz ~ ··iS3
NI 'ý Ilt~1
..it 11 1. .I' .th.tl (:11 11 1) illt - li I . IN
thu*'~ ;)rtiiihi (I~~~lh gnu I-I. t·lettiutlri
m vli 'r 1i.4i4i.lt 14 l nhi r i· t.. a t . whl tilt rIp
e."n.." a14 l., what h)1 '"irl .'n., h." I".. ý-·:(~
t.11i" i t. i 1 l h ilt . I t' l" I , , l llh "inu, rp ·i1'
t..n1',. . itt. nih li stilt t .'li u r nI ii n
li~is i'uhtii ru i il ..' turt . I Itt it 1(1 itt I -
:il't. V'ii grisshl 1h." vi'If"ý r- I~ktiM)i
.'t.ilgli hie dl h "lt tili;t II triittn
I..l iip..p u t tt h."t it thiatl lhich ri-tt
111"i. ii rlIrn hlittittil t o f r his "r I .t'lls.
rA'lti hg lcti nut- littil rtiw thle (pingild.
hits ." ga 1itI Iiut.Il is ttinhiuitts II-, lls tttut
11."rt nail t Itit JunIII; l tl t' tlYI I i I 'f it
tIn ti 'ii' bait I t t ' i ll tr - I ti.
geol. Whos n~u o I 1.It . fnt'Rntton,
l ritt i it I4x* rgu rnil 4-v. itry xxix
)1):1 s Lit hit, r'all· 1%,I I I'I s11 I I g Ir)L fill
still sit, l il nl hl~ s Inn - :""r I Iv shpt ;itlr
him four Ili, ;11!%Il dulls Litt lh." lttl JII -
ntl('l I % ;14 I )1orslstrnl ;Ind t lini ly r'1' 1 IhI
uuson ; Int to i t:i nth 'I'I, tinr t tlit tt
Iliii t'. liii iii'. M it . i tI . Intlr xxii
It' It " lI V . I .it t I -'ttt t ii, I i, I I't r g h ol i'I
u wull l 11i· \ ;II II' n Ill I1: \ g I'll fill )·
Ilis fill Jill, l;ii I ' .II: I II 11 1 S ·I rlfi (''"
ho 1 it my vis to . 1 11 v" al
tnan~l t l III il? ul, JII I I*' I ·I!t il(· Mt sil~]
The Flathead Story of the Flint
Ith i llitl'l. I11ti n I ;r tIII l r, r!,+I 'h,,o
t rllJ1rt ,' l t ir, , 1 l';ii I til. tel iIl. l it
agency: in thit .Iil, rn1o n tll.];, a h
frind hald car. riIi to hi . I .I. ~ld
ch' ef Iell]ow¢d rnlshl, ral;lV alin told
hil visltur ita g.stii , nl . lM.V ;lt tligu ih
connectihon aith his fil ls I'll. ;i H ;.'
ple thalt lhe hait l n t, ble ai h lin r ti, nil
putbln. tlt n. WVh-in thIis . t. ilhhint tI
talk was finishtrU . Major I tga. H i, thak,,
fior I ktH y :' t e. ' hiet 11i tltil ef thrlted
ne o tFlint chttl iis glf his lthri l ',thlk
or',.. "Th Stc f thl ilit Ih I"i FiHx ' inl
"In thIe ,HlI tjinne t lthe mni als hald
trhe +'t, Juet like t the Indtiant. The r.,y
ott ha.l his tepee; he was hungry and
had nothing to ,at. F-1' had bark to
st .ot 'ii1 arrow with and the sarro.w did
pot g, through the de. r. He was that
way a lking time. "when he hctlrd there
warr Flint acor~ni aclng the rttid that
a've a pleae of flint to the Fox and
hie iioutld shout a hcer and kill It. But
the eityote did not know that and used
Booth 7vAkiehTp edJ2
cetntelrde is~f~rncab
ct.'iss 1s it it f ll fit,- I.' ts.I.. Wa"it >: 1t
IA list I~n1" sIits ii vslttsti, and $5.t~tat, ti
Itt Itig It"k doistilt i1't htirt .l th
:.ý,uv eil". it hh-h was originalyll~llly In th,'~
p' ss, s: 1, p 1 1 the man who v'ax stow
,I'll at tilt- Whitt. 'thus. I' during the1 UII
thr111gh it is tl \r·:tll It it, r.ltar lly-lt 413111
wIoll buy it todaty. ors Its wihi have
booin IuniiriotI it the xis stesl.i i t.. h.is
ilts tax's'av lssign atssg otherI siiti fllttti
sat itil is the' finiall iititlwrgi tin 'It lisI
t Iiltn t id iir iirl't, but ito this enthtil
isiit' yin( %I W:ttt Its tiW.'tastitily-p~fIiPtes
ilsitt iiim i'ltt~ tIsi 'ritt 111os
11i1' x'."- uhg tit Fonr'. ti i'ttr. th
st 'is tri it- isriti l sitt'r hint iterestplit
thu t1iruitiiit~ntnrt ittw gerrstigethat wht1
foir isump Ilyrts itt otrder to' istait siitront
ti,.- pri-itiriiln :t permit to pass thlroughI
lii 1 I· ititil 1111,1. 1'
iii ii Itii,*t1111 i:1 ~1.1113' tlki~i liii lit-~
that iis I iI i', III r i llu i ti
..,1'w ."I It t -I It. ~ Jr; at;.,,.. raid the'111'~
'k ~ l i 'ItI. l ItIt " -it t tl I t' tlt ii 'lle
%%"itl ,", lll )It.\' . ll .\t . C1 , rr'I";rrrel, For
his. 0 , 0. ;11 0 t, all ,. ...I. I 1.,,% t~. 1 1t1l11 1
N ..Ilm ig w. 1 1 r 1 " .tlp ,I. in" ,n ··, ·IIraIir·
in il" I1I·tt, r" Ih.",t i,,ll ,-' than this11 1 lit-·
th" Ir r 1 ht . t·: 111 lrh is 1 tIkrI· l 1.; IIII 1 tile
1 ', III r ili ;11 11 ))w 1
h i n t I I I a . l I I to r.. tin- ,' ilt,111 111
h,1 Ith . I'li te wtus lie llti g it the
Iia tn I tl ihen it w\'1i. e nnl k t, l" (,In~
'Lt Juml...ld niti g t I1 li lti a i mil'at;
h' ltlt l1 it , 1 il in It p, th lIe'n
if flirt Ii , i hi' maikd whl *.t , ,i l i tint
Tll he l h t,, e ill I a.1 i,,r t1 h linth
tWhy dll dn ht iy tll 1 ' itilne ii i- Iy-t
.tkt 1 hl frtieldnd d- hir- ii" , li n th
t fli nt l. n t ly hie r, l"' Th, I ,, 1.t l.i;t
h" hrt. days it hi . nt by l ti " "t '1: ,
t'nynte- tank his IiiankRIts ,etan his tIhing.
rand stal'tll : afl er tlh+ phul t anr 1 k.,pt
Fin hils tr'll;k all d .>; i l tl h,- i ,ls ilng,
he said . "tl ra' i- whv irl' thl . Fllint
.nmpeld Jlast nightih AnI h," "te .,'l
there .,1 night hlms.ilf and ,1., n,"xt
day he, tralvaled t, whet"It lr. tuh,, ,lint
camped and lee. sabi: "11,n, is wvhelr+e
the- Flint vatlp+,. a.st night And
he stay(-d thsrl and the toxt da,1 ha,
w'enl llt andther utl f' ind t ,,re° th,
started frol h. r." t'I ,+hi, mo1 rning 11"'
S *I ·I .·~L r
/ -,--'~*
(6 '6£~
LZc-6V-? ·?7Y7
/ --.*,~
II .I., I i i I, t I ' t - 1 .,
;,.iP ll I,, ý III,~ W1 i t ll ll,- l ' III" ,1 ,n
'I n r" a fvt. -t 1IIn uII, , 1 r.tI1, 1 ' ,14,
lint Ili l -if i i lti h t nit !i l" -h 1 n ,re
ti, r i t ,I i i * it.I t ' illi: l --II tn i ter' .
hi, , i l' !',, rl i nt' . .Ii lle t t1h ,t. l , 1t1',
tha , 11)11 y'tr n lll al--wh h ci ntl; ti t Ithor
mlinv vhrun e unuatlliy rle-u- rled i tt
the mI:. uai- I pr 1:id 1d In ,Ita I at i o Ik.
milthl r rut II l th tt,, criti . iir i tl himl
1Iln 11 t. ia-r 1 tx n : ha-hin tie w "ii Itin -
'1, II Th :i.n . ' t l ii. klai,.g titI thi
1,11,"'i .'18. - ,i ': .1 11 ;i: ll l .n -,-f, il t.l -t t I -
lir l Illln it ,ti ta iit 't i t h' i ll l t l' I. it
huiit u.ilgatt ', ail itltt th e gI i l ,h i loitn
rhurlltel hlr -t lke li. h ran ct. i ctu.hlll.t
I, t "r th hit ' t l. ,t .'t; n ttltll , i-tnr the
Itto tl in ;l-au 11nt I i iti tt tt1 u -ii'.
ill lhlr.' t o! j.i l'., i ahI tl it t hih e l it fe
tihalll fll yellalr I thl--wh r-w ic o nnlL llh(
' m this well-worn vilnti me, 1 lnwt l '
covner riii tlhe autotilk Ih of Au thur.m
yt al-i rlf a - I i'. Thet ,li. kst r ltti Iby
tli i 'e,,l fin tily fi t he hnltprstei n lat
thi .'l ,udlI th I.In"i l- n id rhldr morl ,
rthked h1 ve Ilke ld--w eeih n c antin'f lt
mil y arts-ch nici, hIh h Iuoua lly ln ilird fir
I.whle'n he wallll l boy' anlii nll t I; n nlei sl e ~1'
t l'nr llnr, from Il1' I.in 'th n ho wn ste id t
ti p rin.g ll'ldh, I I:.. ;ail inc 'hie 1ral, I rin
ti' l. hllvl l kl w i i b i In ,ll ' !l il
rcr-- mi e 1. nll, I It , n ih f nh ti g ti el t
yii ll n r hi .t l :w o fl, * rutv'V , ll pr i ef1l.
c' niw n ' lied 'n w nin , i . ,,Iiln t ch ai r.f
V arnit ul r,.lt ,,.!h", It e hat.'1 fro ne itlll
With the iFourtcenth in the East
frietIIn the v 'U, ih vvlr 4i-I ti. ,ii' ii
('i Ii4 1 he I ih iiiri,.ilnth Infanrtry, thI
rnglt t tlur nilii I iniiiig toi gzirz.iiris
I'iiit 11:.uii t.in, Is ani InItrii-ing tutu
gitVat'i iie.'.i I:hi rgIo uiiuiu Ireleti sin
phwwn which tl ret ot t~ he l)UII(I (Illlr unit
1''i ' 1,41 uhit tIIgi , ntn. vui-tith tin.
ion . titit"·... I.i. t 1t' Itivi, huuui iIunn Igr io
titut., tin. ti l su ni llt ii
mht u.lnth. ,- w, bar huh li uliinuv'utiyn
vit.Iituoi" uttuylint i iiid "tidal thr,1tug
whatlie 'sxi-it' o1tnt Jtowt su'ngi~uut, whit
was killdli. At. we' hiud n i piziiurty.
that it inild hurt to get wit, ti hiuvi'
aind nint uit thati innild nu ii" !iumni.
It ir~tinlutm wis hribnnleui 'i'htiti sy
niti the 4-unu-t iast v'uuur wi're nothuling
iiimtuuii'i'u tui I lilt, 'iThe' n hitilaattunit's
sri' twistuttd all tii pietys N ufnny lil
itl' ever' uiuuinugatetd iron roii iii iii'
uuivV iuarractius units Jtust tulled tip i
sitt'tuiii'i'u live iihe putriadi ltr'tiit.
followed the triack next il ,rlling and
Wtllt ntat very tar and he .,iW th 1i Flint
'comingK do.wnl the ruoad troJl ie i ll
rut that waty land went n-hitld of the
F'lint and stay.ed there fr the Flint
too ."inr'. When the Flint tnt him
thier,., the (',yte told him:; "(' rine
here; nw I want to have a fight with
you today." And th, F,'lint lsaid:
"i('yi , on; we will fight." The Flint
wient t, him anrl Ithe Coyote took the
thing he hadl in hIs hand and struck
imln twit or threei tles and the Flint
hbroke all to pIelies and the ('oyot, had
his bl.anket tellre nd put ial lhe piet, ies
in his blanket. And when they nwere
thloullgh fighting, he had the l .llece of
flint In his tlanket andl hi. lilaeked the
rlint on hl ha.:k and want to all thet
triibes rand told theorn: "Her Is the
Flint fir you to kill dleer and things
with. Aind h 'vent to another trib.
and dilI the same thlrg, and to ofther
trihpe is did thi l the stuin n hing until he
t'unio ti FIInt i-rik, where hie left the
rest otf his i.ht. And front that time
they isedl th flint to put in their itr'
rows to kill tlhe, t.oer with aindi the elk.
Tbis is tii, story lo the Flint and
ihiity hlivo'u tint 'rick git Its nitui'
I.t 1: t I. . : t a i · I 1 ·I ·I· · II I 1 I\ 1 I "",
In t~ . "l l I1.1' ;l ( l T I ;),, :. h . rl
I ,I t ed t. r ch I ' u1 11 !. t', , I t :. I f, t
- I r l t,., tl '\.1 . VI:I. I t'll IlIl .' h ; . :,lrt * ' a
N .,". ,' , , , utlt~ t,.t . ,I"1 ',1. ~ In I." 'l, .t i l .mo -
,inlr th l u ly . tll1 .. 'n th, - h.11 ;11, .Wh, l
u\ tusl i l l . . t Iat l l. It I h ,,d 1 r, t 1 -. ,
d 'lnl.y ""he1 rliI ill Iith1 , p I".".;s .bla of
1'..1il s 10r t sltr,"%, Iý .* I1;I, k-ht" ust rail
t whi.Ih b .u split t.} I. h- l:1 I'1 I.IO IIand
thllt t i I t '" g 'nuiI'." ,,ru oai l 1i Kl.lr
l t+t.It t y al nfflt it by Jhhn tI, ,rn i , t
1 T 1 ef llh ' mI . Ili - I ltt1't ing l: 1 o1,',1l
r:J,,ll I on 's . Int nr,' |pr'.-S.-'t Othew f mllol us
I' \ll + i par 'r '- ide .n , th . p taihl In a i
little- knownr ul tit that ..Itel an inv nttr.
ItllhI' o lth. w" n, W Ih. tll,- p iss.iewi - l n of
lh i. t| Ihn+.(,1r n 11 11 tIt lh+, I 1',.n I) Nm I
) th" nl on . rkrni'ornlle t . Io sma;ll
was..h In nl))do'l )f a ),tt Nhtrh lb ll -,)I n
Iillt \ith hil 1 +nul Hllald" and % 1hi,'h
,|,a Iriu i, 1tt.1. : IN r I',usII ++In*4 y l'A ' . an
Sppine n tion II r t y t:l -it w~1 r ic, hl i'l fltedi
whe~n It rairmbh r" ..I eunliress fromn Illl
I -for w hhh Lill, i wl asllr ll % nta K drlnit ii ilt
.-nit wi~1 I. 11 str' Ills speaking i a n but,
hilt '.'tile-: .'.xpanhh)t" 'mayant t'ham
htr,," whih' i('ll ws-likt. complrt
Inputs w+,rv thNlan,| d toP enrhle vnieli
to rai , lhth .+entlv .overal feott alibv'
thl*ir" ar t"imtl dr.Itsl hi ;sund thut :ILL' r
u wer Nhunlý ttr thrut~h Nhalllust' ,lAn
nrI1 . Th.' linVtl tiln pro )\,- Intprat-ti
(en' hlto l1ni| ] n 'll . r.,lpo l ,tl any
frilan:i'al Inne,:'t froml It, . I prtbllp
yet t.er, Inlthrvating te."tlmn iahl tIo ll'i
ihventiv", prpehn'itie- is found Ih tu
()tlhl' mnodIl'l that riprevtle ,ts |lir n,.,"n o t
handirt k. Thills is (awln-a e.d fee Ilus- r
Itrit. ;ill Ing.r.Ill+nN flch'llanill . I r
'h|nginK g it N Ill Iht" anull h .f tile
hl e's. )1 ;I Wa t olln 1r ,th,,r st"li.l'h .
Th i 'r Inm . ht Ib l Il nunt,' ths'len ,ltt- litl
IV 1 it ym allng l1% .%1 ' hr I I IIInui) , h 1i
I "t I1,;1. . 1 ti., li .1 r I I) ,11,', f tr tl
", ')ti i il 11 Jil o itt i tl ,in
\\i +tl !l~llnliliP Il+ l~lit'.r thl IIlll,)ir ItIlIll I+
man.t ' Iet"lllilly )pr.l tr.d r lllnllg vividly F'
to1, n hinl tth,. l.tillslH ,f' IIIneiln' a a.- n
assi+tia1ll1ih by tilhe ilti , J }ihn W ilke, T
1 .>lh I't%'l , if ihers are prolr ,- tltin,-tt m
.mitinl g.tg t hii I ' l il ' th,. I, ! X'hiii i
',')1h1", lh.' vF.rg. 'll;i t , \,t is L l 'ld. I .\h i i t
,it t i Illr l i ~11i t lr/' ,l t" l' , r' I ' not,
iii lih l or l fir or raili It w;.s i ft .If
1lh " irt 'et . t 'Ihi'l i,'it. ' I' I tit',.t n IiI i \'i"I ,
Ilwlart ,r' n i.nlt . nc.d I ~ . , 1uu h,"
W,'ent oit in hi; urih*reinlh iw airal rub
)iher ,i, ti to nllI(, ild it, ('linll, 'ilS I, ii
IIltdIll.. flc t 1thtll Ii,' b I ti. g. t,.t ,.
lll.tilit lh. , I . i; lt .l i ,.llh' I I i
(lllt jlltl I 111 l ,. 1h11 aitati ) \,o II. t., fil
bill. rull lik+ al house .. car ds.', l'it\
llt h ill
A Warning.
"Tho' N. 4 tylvhoiull -lgnnil \\a- aIr
tit-- night h l'l"e',. but \\," Llit W t l, ,ti,
it, ",ii lyt thell' i au t lid. l Its i hI , tooki hittlr
kllt"tn,'l and ul+ Ini , rirI ti . Ih tiIgs alnd
did illn t rl 'turl nl t 11 11il It \vwat ;ill ,v\,.r. ll,
,\\ e. t , ' b "n .-. ",, \ l,'risha\ hight
wiIh the Io .ns, w\ dhe, op n, tbut fl.till
it bli\\ing Ir,'l \whenll \" gut ilup At
brhal' ktf t tni, thf. h g \\,wvr" langutg
,lu.luu l s1 I', ilhdl) thatt I' ptill n ltli t, .ne,,
l hIl ;tt :l l N Sod coll rniull .,l hus tllng.
laroundl trl l g I t l. ill tl, lunt w t rllit lla t
dJn r>. 'T'he} wall',l k II hour mid gut
(th, front ,oor nl ilted shllt, bill bl ' tilh t
tli ll' t ' ') . n , , ,ll h u lt , r . ;a , i ,a ' . t , ,I
ll' + ' hfnlil e n d' o Itilol l r l' thh llg it1 th,
hou:,+ \wias hlh\' ig nv\\ -ll. r fhl. ('Ilo. r Inti
out l f it lhe tackt it l" '1'h,+ln the
r , " ,f \' \ nl it , i t I , 10 :.t \\ts l', . li|n t t y au t w\ '
t.iuli lmo Ull , througl h thi, .itlit . ril
Ing at th," s.ly. to Judged that it hatl
d,'l ri.l' .. Ill thi t tili n ,, -it iI het
.i +\ 'r} tlh irt in thi ' h o tsll + . u , illllll \\ ,"
lgrabl' d t l'he bh ohthes o '1' tit bs ed
Wl td an ar nful of hInthurl ntt muatdo +
I'ftr th - kltrh."n, \\h ich has a .. tp la t 'i
r o o f ma i w a s s , ,m 'wh a t s h c ll,'It* 'd I
th,- !Ioll,,', thltugh it shutkI' alnd ml v\'iet
!liht. it hoot in thit \v r \',,' Thev nalled
hoards aitll'uv th,- dinor M idl th . sh tt
ters ill' tlh, t\\o small \windowcs, whi'ch
llo u d , th ," r ' msi t c h 41,t l 'l+, .,. \\ .
Jight.+il cmuull'",. V l'lhil sal t 'ru-s-l,+gl ,'d
on hiii. cot ito lh ittle bedrl'."l nl t to
ths kit" h,, ,rtingl l l if. mnl l lan lt
trrlllg, 'Jesus, .1arta, Jo,, line'h, mlulr
b i ll . I s s, .11arial.'
1T h, " h lnnly b hcl v do w.y m\\ l il th..
watvr wat.hetl in the cracks -'m.k under
the door, wnll thut \\'t sot through thi
Yirt bi,.ou Ih d1\' Klthey ctuol and go, anti
ct' ll ; r",in' l a n d ro uill d . I h .iin g th r
Itiint Till "il ll+J. thtlan +,l fil t, [it', II~tlo l "
.- hn th,. ;rr.* rty ~f the govern.
',fi t wh1!,:1i a Ira p.l in front of the
I , , . |.t* ,;I :it I'.irdar Ihe Iter the
ni.bht awi ll I.i 1 ,1 iln was 'h |t. The
ilag shp plainhly the rent mald by
I,..t T slutr ahl.n it ilaught In the
filbl :aý '. ,," .:ip, t. lel'p from the
i il,.ttr llhroydl i th. . spur italit
Ith" i.-truio,int If fto,.th i'i uindoing -for
it li- t'is spuir which, ateithing In the
fIk if th, flagi. i;aiils. the asasslin
ti. Lull heavily .breaking his IeP and
lit )mperilg hils flight that escape
alas ll. ll..vieII. The key of the prison
in which thll, other Lincilln conspira
tori were nl.arverite.d is also pre.
served. as iS altso an orlglnal reward
IIII ,ff'rinng $1(i,.000 for the c:ilitture of
lI,.oth, Hlerold and .uaritt.
i rf pro sent-day interest andl also of
ilnltllllnse value to future generations
a;r." the lile and death masks of Lin
Arl \ mask. It will be undersatood,
is a1 tlbastr east of a canuntenance
whrlb, pro.1uii.es it every- detail faith
fully iand hby aid of which cunlptors
can producel.t, coiunterfelt presentments
ihatl alre albsolutely perfect likenesses.
It Is . ',mpinlparatveaL. simple matter to
makli a death mask. but the making
of ;i li.e rnlask requires not only skill
hlat abllity to work rapidly, since the
rmioltin planter completely covers the
subljet's face .ca'e for the straws
that aldmit air to the nostrils) and
must be removed Jolt an soon as it
hais hardened suftf'lcently to retain the
dtesireld imprescion. One of the life
milaslksi that have been preservedr was
malde' in I0.. Jdust arter Lincoln's first
Iomiinanation.for PresMent. hy-a srulptor
who ac'companied the notlIflation corn.
mitt-' to lSprlngfield. Another llfe
irnak a.is made, about a month before
I.liniln'sn death alnd shows a dstlnot
contrast in aippearance. Thia is due
In great measllre to the circumstances
that the earlier mask shows the fam
Io ll lan smooth shaven, whereas the
latier inprlession has a portrayal of the
,heard, which was a di.tincttive feature
if Linco.lln' il uppearan@e in later yeari.
rlihe i!.atht mak is, of course, very
sinilir tl tliii. h last life mask.
tuni l 'ai', ii A iunt ('arrle's telakettle
aitid s"nn, lan. (il thilng andl at Ib ttlA
,If' alh lt, :l l ('ntain Stllne tore
'Iin'n i . t1 t ,, ta'.l i 'n , to find thecir
n lll";'lil d Il hI" I',, I , II , u ,lu a h dII the
l t ' a d itlt . lstri tic, tll atil ti ate bad aIn
ltit. firI. hilit n t uiinitet \\'1 httd our
lunch, ai kindf s.a l of hot talnatlea
:ind tillal to* , with tlt, two I'llipirno ,
'lit 11I oci titbll At abut 3 pt . II cutlne
till. "lirunl II1., anll sulierlt. kept ar
ri aa: i..t l rwit at ofeI , , ~ :,,,"
Meager Fare.
'' II'" I "l xt llnpLl1 ' i lIne b iut 4 p. M ,.
itl hlaut"td untili a iout 7 'lOtnc. k. \\'e
hail suclhltl r if' tlli nl Iatans 1r, tnd l crack
tr \at' tIhtlIugit It safetr. to stay) whre
iw i; Itr,. ;nl I I hald uvalltlel getting
'ri" % it. "llts spel ll wit l ist ae're,
land at 7 't'l"itoi \tte taic dulloIni the
Ilstsllligs anlld tI lnt in to tatItl a, look
ait tile. hIliui. I wih ynlu coull hati e
tlni it. l',verythintg in the floor soalk
lng itt a.dl \atier pouring thralilnh the
'·.lliing of tllh, h ll like,' lll.il ahalili: TIhe
ruin ll xt to th., ki+tchen l iokedl l.ss, sol l
w te ll'i! th,li lb a d bt"lll tliltng itn
rt li I t" i \' l,' i itel :t niit:lL a, aii'r tlhe
lt."ar I a ll i ha l id nt altr, tat ii 1outttl
tilt ,Iindi l ,rai , thuih ta.s still
t n)l in g t a; hl tilrr il r: ilt i cintlInued
tall lait l t i 'tataall .it atlN il' %1 t s "flt \\ er
"f if a, d l, anld hadil to s"1, tI it his
San alit u liii t itaitta tll Inight.
A hutaih It .,,lailt.tr skipp d to Ta t clo
Slctu las ry i a ficrll , idt til t' lilw l
S\llu ln ,rdh, tli The n xt 1 or·ntin g thel
still Iva.t i tltinlg I .and wl I. t . a looik al t
tlii. post The lh g wtart had1 I'llttd titp
tiiit, spat in lfrant f oulr Ihui.,, whelltre
iti. tenltltl tc lurtl 1;i-, turltning it into it
blg laket, and wastiltedl :lt'n y i+ iat iof the
further ratd, andtl thel, h.and sltland .lwa
tr ,I e l1, ii '1' l t 1 a ,11.11 . ,, 1 t1.ii" Iflamst of
ttali.' ian, and tat T ll - tt a his.,.u .a .t hab
tllrt ga -il- f plra uil along thl a, til andl
iidrupt t ll r l trli a ilN ftlti,us tio tlirh
ha talnot h 'tarlt a . ,r.tl lii i , th ut
sidl avoratl. and alatiat la ataa' It hlaai iS g -.
t .g ail. t'uli ,. lh i stl t e, thil ettt poor tof
failr. t rlkitink g to kiet- things togethir
and straighta-n thetir ln t. '1'hy cer
ttainly o li ow Alltil to adtiantage. front
tau t lu lt l I tiltdo l i, :aid th4i sl ill'' get.
tli . v hltrl'tl ill. rapl llygtl. PS ')'ery'lt worlk
lt'it, ,a s!avtti . '111w Saldil.rs ari mnotliing
llur rioof with miuchla pa:allling andtl yell
ing "'lPl lioilti is fixinig au l the tt ble
da it it halit l ii i li hor cti lk yard to live