Newspaper Page Text
JVTHYLADY6J..MAYG£T/£F 7,7 A' / AQkms/A ,7.. I II \*:t " je'J _ ýr~r~lxfal aºýcrtý, c'o,ýý ýý ,":Y4 ·4'J sflnendlf~rý ý'ý :3.. ~~ff - r ..A.j ;a / V d n 'a" f oaodtlado Q/'. a/lers Iaof"14* otJ'al -" Wh'iil fly I~sidy huge ii'rs.'iI iii her 'seaisktii Iout uiid pulls11. her1 becoi'iing tur turb)aLn over hIiir uliltt' fiuriihi.'d she.' littl' gui's.'es whet,' tlii' skinsl c'uiiir aefro thut prvii'de' hir withI com fort and, vwunanth. in foit, few woiiii.' strop 'ti't qýMik tIijey ae, wvearing the *'rtd' d4t . i1Ie inlkLi d ~the few whol .tu"iitftii f'.graitillaiti ?1'i.list'14rM 114131 lUIiI ireads andti-s that1 4 disl iInri pro- i 441441' 4.'44Wi.4 Ei~lrrll'llriu~ tad i. .21 :10'·. n tual-u u/IIIIIil. P,.4424itl).LtLis uuliuucrirr 4,4 I'nrtuiuti' irwir miii aire t.'nilerr - 1'earted fld fusare n44' 4i1',sa41r4 24n4 cod iih, e I r' iiiii1'44'4 .'4'i 4 thLii iii U'ii s * f ath \Vl' Vt tndt N'irthlievs'4t. yet, li spilt o' aIii f'urct that anl 4114imals hu ti' fo' )' teen hutted foir theit' pilts. ilmore' flurs4 142e nnsrki,'2rd. in tlli uii n tr'' thou ove'r befoire. st. i.&ouis is tin" hiler ilaistiliuting Iw/int I'ir raw a'ors in tIs ruuitry. whrlit ma1 Ii Ill. i Miir Iii ls.' to, iiiiy lit' ,le oh,, think )f this 'Ity uas iii u 'Iji~tnti' whii''e furs stye not ii erisity. Jut St. I, Louis boatn tils when it %%-am tilt e a of'44 muii 11 41' i' liii' thrt re iiih St. Li' 4: cams'l .ront 4: 4i-4 lCrbaI, Britishl Cculumllal~. .Athul,,'ecn'I. thet Yukon and -Alaska,.; l ~\r~l oA sun ts int of. theiitl ii''.' Still t. i ii)' I r il' "ii' o mers that. iv "Iii' silL'.444 ai' lii i'i''l sn f(o4'r moti on 4243 . ll\'4 'li e t. "'iii " ha444d led. In abo~ut the first ut' the nllteteettth hi. 31 I ii'y thiis i it thu " i4 4ii: dlii. trapls'i 44i'4 h 4os 'i'i'i 4 ll i'44 and '414a14 dtr''' good to h l' 'iii h ti4i4ie5 41s ntirvl a k. '1 444411 4 4444t,.d Liii 4'44i'4 'I'great'i' iorith' and l'Nillsrthwlest4( 1144444''"'. an 4 414.a' the14fi' taIcs 4f thei ' lipis i41Ci gxCl140 'Pi' 4i14411'l442 tiMts if Ii' lw' (io Si HaLlY 441 "II-jrtjllllidli,' "444' 4' iv'c 044N rt11 it'4 ' 442 'i iiriL i't i'4'...444 i' and s"' ubi 34 tl" 444: "'inic'h zulu,," 4414 '1the4 cii ills 4 4' i4444' 444444' ll r p4 infs. i4 4 , e' IllA' d la''':'' a4m' '44,44 'Il',ii j 44445s 144.44' 445 · l it, -i sot s- i tth'l l-Ir"I4. '191 ," Iran' ', rrs work ante v roll tru en" (hlti,,n ,lintdt t,; Iat'gc' fur-Jt tlri uning h,,,ts'", and ra' 44"'n'er is n ow ljii1i'i',iis 44444i t" 'lle u' ra 'iit :.I~ 4' the - 444444' 4h ,it~ issir it iid 4'14'444i'' 4 1444'a . Li . ' sktiiks i'44' iimi' file 144llii Lnists Ile , 44U ',iji i t '441'i 444""1 " s ""424 iesr ''el't"1" I- %- noIt, rn1i' o l~i'ii,4iirm'a to (ibtiiii l~dl~i' fur or 4'il 4 t44 Ii' t iliy' 4l' t ils in this t ox each hill" it 'Illl ll ti' I, ' 'el l~ dll tlr t l," t'1' 444)4444.44 14244 JI(It'14'4'4 t3144t 41)4444 iii ths · ilnrtllt 14214 lre taken under i ltlardoui q 'I'h ry" urs lnnr lop th' tils n F4'14': 244444'lll 4'r.iii. 1)'dnliiiiti,44. 4 'iiitiil I. lii'.e..'o. dtlii'~ 4444 shtliliells 444 iii' hali'i l 1,2441 I"'4 t. iTlrl ,il'5 t i l tlle I' tile' Ltl4rut. 'riiiir ther4'44t n liO'l""rn les arlian il wur' t le A rme l t ' ris: I tuse IniahI)'le a'1ke ii i. sale o - chril nirlme taken s Athla i'44ntit, liters tt d 'tthelsdth supnliosi ii ii rnt,'h cut'let' to obtain suc11I~giah furs. r' fror~tlesm 1'tijrsBg 14444 i4'44t. We..cun il'an to si t heu f-welt vif the foxedsi norti 4444d sirl liei d iaken un1de haz:alo. u For man t' tears. nn) · nl;mcckt Ilc t iu ta ! . has enl one of he trea esst oriiar i illllaln . IlcllaiLilCg dn\V il- .t\e t l.ete.eUs ; riverl to Luke Athubaewie and frlomn Sthire' to irnet liave Lake. Eve'r.3 ei year cargees of tllhese gol odse l pase' over - this roI'ute iland in return clome maillny l fursl. ldtne. nton is noteld for,. Its grelat i fur manirkets. it ile . iwonderfl Hight itto tep Into one of the fen or eo large fli"t f etlrrl R.9 leet il oif ttl' I' atcrllheh orf - firms of natlion: l rI.lurt ee. nd see the thousll ilnds i dlll.'l ' worthi-'f f'. M.'any fl ' till' grtelt priltni 'ry fur con r' (' nt.1 I h lt e' rnnetll tei •fln to the trai p II 'tr l e ilmel len seill the ilr t'urn at ue . tion to foreign and A11nerleae hitbers. hie T ends .Cill tihouta lieds of dorlllere' I wortli of skilns illei llilslpe l l' in this .1 ay d'ily andl thoughl there Ils ne I l, 'r it butll e'e'ttlei u ilt lils i. disap . l pert .i'lnt - 'or IlCnstl te,-, thie hill'flil llee ' i tn tl I't itlllt'd -t.etes' leave' befeltn ) l' l elte'l' d' to one Q . ril h llrd of about 20, fur de'l .tr uare nl,%' uti"lling stnallei, and .,c e .tlllno i, shtlis off Cwhich lil Ili I .elel n lityv I tlillec it fair profit. .lfter lhe 'ill'trs pil. Intoll Ilt primary fI'm er matrkets. tIhey e11t' eS 'll ril'lI iby the' Cnti id e ;l l gelt at i'lnpt r'ii , Nl,\ Y 'ork. l .ladetii, Irl ip . le tI i l :Iu s s ia . i ian d b nel i t e ler i tf itC.ll i1 ,l, h titl. worl d . itt . ll i t sllv ,':11.ll, Netl. Yor'k ad London mloin the grlot**-t ein l ei e i li etll t1 int 11 i f r E\ irs inl elit worlll. the tttter C lnec C ll diillnl l tt ' Ir $20,ii 000 , n ort(I h i1f fI'ii lld plrod u!ts yearly" t ht ir tille' l iinIl c ' b ilelo e iteelltlieelt itlt I' 'gll ileljllo the' tliini' will Iote) c cIei l l will t 'li' eable to have lellc iaeegtullat end iC isolte rfuis. The elk. aelitel ' le. lig l urlcn l' el, tain sl l lop. thl e ni , u ntlll goat, lt,.tlh hi n, tru lt (-Fl \\C1.11 iet I l.ri 'deri ll e'k ie. ' Ie*xtiln t S iinC m lie tl Cil'1o . Tl'l , on ilk' I''l cel n l. e'or hils iln. l t ht e le le, ,stl illge'tl g':iee' Ii t hat Ih will prtll'ev tll hue tin l lg, .l iept l st tu l sots, .. Ilnt" el;avt I lskin. \'lil', .so plentifullll tha lt llthey loted t i. lc ret il ibet e til 'e illr.i s t tl whites.l i Iiout nol they llre acelled y link andtie Ci1411 othir 1r1. 'Celln our Sei i re hi le'otelni.d ith xtlitnetlien Cil li bet'( ieaeils al' te eill t il Ielieells ofl' St. e l ge'tt' e and St. ePe. l, Itwo ofl' tlhe ll'l f Islll d' ei l, ilabout 20IC eil,n es Soutih ill' I ll, I ll ill' I Ihti that stl etchen'lie tI . ii i.''c il .elelalk t ti .lie . "l'thiy iare' cai dia i I le't of Alaska byi j tlhe troul ti, leth Ill.ieciu. \Ce havei a co in-. tr'iact \eliet l.le N-rl'h .einer.le 0 Corn-, IlL't eulill tly by Wilhhll tlhey iwlOt i flrle the right to take a eertain num , . e .l so e ls ae enuall'y oCl ll3'lltnt Ofl I $ietle00 yale C - rental lid ta reveninue tiax Cin tille t1ilee. 11j' aCr. restrlJcteld lto a , it0-11ilel. limit and the seel are tole e I hleetet d tl itih S. a i.iC 'slly Cillihe tl sei, but ias m lCiiC C 20 vCesl ele' i' fr" rnm Jatpean yei ly usinlg guns tt el eee igagingl in pehlgle' .ee''clinle. Tiy e 'hllie tlly < Inare nelt r'e'st tileel lete ny :ee t ol' arbi tratlion in eellet hi , iet are not lrepre-' t It I tlhe. i ltenti n oef eu ' soul lhunt oe, to kill lthe tmule only, alnil mliny ofl' thie fe tilels ileire' lbrandedl. Often the, tnineals a re driven up ' i tChe lund atnd t klled Iby il blow In the htldl. Tlhe pl- t large' hlunteIr litakes City seatl that he' CiCi.l aid bly Idestroying tilhe flmulese ereetee great huvCe anurng tilhe young, twho often die In large lnulnlre-C. fr e' Wailt 'l' d'oe l. .ellutile C' 1 eeil't of the, sie l is the thrll sher ' ,e C t vil, e kiiler. i monster wi' lth lnleitnsle- rows loft teetlh e' that are .u dingerreOus that when the' 1 'ea lion res. him he seurrie s towardtd, c Thei- silver fox, black l'fox and ttler J are ielletig 'the+ mult expeltslve ekins e ftound Ti the United titllts alnd CUliau- t de. (h'le', skilT hat ve scll for $2,000, 1 antld as ait rule there iare uily about a C' hi ni ele t . r si' o ae tl' ttli'.c.' llS l'elii) Ill. it, thill lee' I nt e letl: lte' . t e d i l . ICC' l ilC' h , 1e the am ,.tartedl 14 su1pply3 the traid.. Thier,' ar,'.'r:,Ila 'r141( fix firms Ili A fisk:. and there seem to. t11 rti'. Iw"tt'r tiiai those. :lifrtltld fur tit blaIk :and41 silver firx. ove'r 2O ?4ox4s4wre l'.r'a rpturi.I hI, Ala"4 ki hlien year a1nd sut ti T,i:.lm. but thisii, Is hot 1144w dlune. Maniy.d t hi 13 ark'ties of t 'ar foul·I~ull IIn Alllskki atndl N'irth AIlmerli'al aI usr ed r..' rIrs. tbe 1mos44t fernrl4 ,Iiis Iiv iiig tiii' ,Ii 444 1)vear. rho,. !1(ski Is liargele·y p1Izt4'd1. 'I'le.hiirtes litel'44.i444.l with th. lilt, :,rudi' ale-( liilli rile. 1'fier,' to'' ilt, ',itl Hudson I av foirts. A.stor with tisl As.t',ria, Itit. Ibity ilLltln Fur ri i, 44hitch tIpedt to i'4t'flonlz swll' 14 s to41111 R41 her lu's. The'. ..iearclhedI the Kest. b 11ut there inrr, tillso mei, hIdden places. wide r( trtchrr s In Alasika. the Yukon. r t'tu~llia . R 4....s w'lltiig flur the prese4int I i,'nii'I'. lt~li of trapper~'s. ii "oii tl thei~r lairs l it the ] rookies. r. Helklr.lcs turdt Cascadrl't thei Kririlles 111.d slrlIlir 1 gaille uhy yet bf'eciome it pl''y to tihi' r friter. ()111 4y f year 1ag. Iltlrlier, w'.ith log sledge in tlhuskties. t.1k xi ' ''a? iholisint oll' w4t1114 441ll 'it liu's 14, 411. [oafs, wont on I ', \1Vi4'tit.gto,. :oild r",-tirgii. far IuMt re. I'i" 1 1" 1a . l, l.. r l ,.i i·. 1k:s l'linII spi 41te of i 44,.ll LItII 4414t kirl war t it . Ifu i ldus l g'r ii. ii t'tIi''rl't. . 14i114i4,4V '4 it ? 44? I,. ist.,rn: n ("41 11 hi.r FIGHTING THE COMMON COLD. 11,",h,:,; I t, x,, lead, l's \II·. I,, \ .idit III wt;%," eIur~atlllll l lialtll lual~lsi i'alti? 544441g 'oltini.'' iity iII''tll tlal ''"1.? is ''uiin1 4 4,1 .ry'llt e 4tiil!44 ?I.II ; ui. t1' i n.I~ is,111 41 liii 441. 44141 '':ii p5intl y4t, 14s14s111 1i slilsi.\ 7tha. (II-' hest *''i-'ttl fl )lllllriill-", are , le 4li t1 1111," 1 1 41 is 1s44 14 14.rlrm 141 it i 415' .'1 :-IIuI) hlr.14 14 Is i lspn!y 441 4114 r lw.4,l,4 . n 4Ir l 4444.1', n iu MI','lllh tI ll 41441l44 illnl raii The.1411 4 \\ln it. colld i 4 I li ,.\ a t., h" ,, 411 4111 1 4 il s'I .11 ' 1- I4441 1th : i. Iti .l' - (144l it II'"s, 11 4 its l t'i'rst ' 1 I44 th 414~vL \ o d 41? l4:..44 '14 s~l of44.4 I1,.:l 1141o I :44 ' . I . 44, 4 44 '4414 fo 4.4\-rt h r, Ia prol rtll> ;u,, l nl,"rous In , ti." Ill 411 I l 4'44t~l? 4 44 14444 44th 4114? 444414 4111 )14 5 144 11' 4 ' 144 t41441e4114 1 1141 4441.4 4.l) 1 44 144' 1i4411 I't51, '.. 144 ,41.:' 1(14,1 4 441 ll I ,4414 .1t44 14414. 11141 444'..- '' 1414 .1tl 54'44 1o ld as il111 t~gliti, 4141?' '4444444 411441 ''l, ran. 444 11Itt 441 I 4 114 1 44 411 I tit o~tt In a un w,- tl '' ; u.I n .,pil spell] 514444 1111444u141? n 1 1544111 4 1) 1 41," 4d-, 41 d il b'.lii litIlwi' t 4gh 4, 141k i l'tl4Ii4,ou ?'41'h~144'Il114(. 14 ( as jlll I 1~ 4X41t. '44444t444l4 4llt14'r l''44 It,11 444'1 411411,' ll al}'. It 11e1 timt. 4141s Ile'rt .44411 1)111 1 111 u 1 s144.1,l 111 wlllt' ýI'' "II s, , al'wg it tl'. 1·1r h n th 1,.n' I,'est s l :iI 14 i I' 1.44 f.'1 4'll ill 4414114 ld i \sothl r l5 Ii t llra ng ll' '1w 14,'t t411 tightly s dhu 4 jul4 hll,) rll 414 Ult,'.. 'ile 'UW4W slioul i eJ* hlrl be '1gb' 4 USi, 44114 t ult' irt her l l u h e ' i lu ,' 41.444.144 ol' his .1)144.41 ai 5i14)44 by i.lo. 14l'1hiiuou : ta4l :'4, elii.; t14o 4141 Inti'k. 4hea bathe a 114411 ' 44444411414'? thai go,,ul. It phu.Itly b..' akeli bu1 widetlog ope'n.4 Teey t t14 in4 Iure 1144141 1t,5 ity"t.1. ll1: lon IrlalI ~''4iclsr 4t'and do'i.-s will . In tIle tlelat. flls, 41144] Inirute. It Is duu ,1. a e14'k of 1,.ol d e 'li4'll aiokn caused by. a rilll~dl-riI~l 'otldttlon andl eithe1r,4 1. a (hi??. Iixp'sure to a drauwht Ir kslpwl 41f,4w fnl.t 1) gI've a tltr4444 41It144141- Ishou.ld . r' br.'y ten mIc clurchx."p 'Ill the m41 st '4414':' a 11 444 Ii' 4ul.'4444 FII the14 441111 It, 1414444 14144r taiI", h44 410shouldthe just chilled 4'444.1 t'shold4 I .44s4 4ot i.'4 e t4i ntIl,. threl 44441 n /1i1ý 1111 ;ý'}+«". 11.1 Il l l r ci ·· · ". ý . +s ,r"· 1 11 ýI l1111 ý 9ý11 1ý 1 11111, I 1ý111' 11 1111 1 III 1. 1'1 ..t1 " ir ý "'" 'tPI'ý C f '1'!f: ,...It 3 3;ll 3 "Ii ' 111 1 33.33 tha lt r nh33 r.31.1<i i. Ti' 3 3 3. 1 l hiii1133' I.' In3 313n. '. 3 v 13 '. .III i 31 3 n 3133 ;IIII h' ": I 3,1'1 .' .1 ll3' 't* kill' '1ii' In. r1 '' in .1 ' 1)11e 1:1 .1111 cold - t .1lllt (:. u"""l 1 .l?. l"1 I. -3.:ii 'I' I 3" ' , 'II.ll i } I dl'. 33, Iu .33 iii. . I: i I ". ? k l t u f'f Ket' 3 s in the tI 13t 1 133311.l I, ' ni 1111. I ' 3'.i 3.l.)' a I tJ'"i .- I .11' i lt. -.ll-? l i':. NeIi ll·((111". ' 3131 331 ' 3t33 x 1';.111 111 * 3'. i.. 1 .1 . 3, e .3.TI I-t ' - I 'l3 It,. ti 1i drI tv IL. the ~· 1111. ' 111 l Co. , i1· r"I 1II 3.3I 11111 >I. , unti th3 h3,ii - 3 3 -l"IC "1' 11 ,1 .)1 l i44 II"" 11'n1 \~ '1 . 1:li i. 11 -lI ii.'.'l h l 1\'"til t Ili .h,31' 113.1 t3 ill "I ' l tt 33 33 hI' 13133 ii y i I',.. i "13.11 am f lrl 3.. 3'.:. t' .i i tte. 1\it A33 tI ut t' i. Ani'11 1 Il .'"'..{., ~ A NEW COMBINATION Missoula Will ilave Another Big Department Store Mr. Perra, of the firm of Perra & Kline, takes active interest in the business of Gannon & Neu and will hereafter be permanently connected with them and devote his entire time and energy to same. I,.i,.al i g ' frni.hin l l. m l ,l,,hi lng h ,, a ;l e / a l l 'r,.vi,,l lv plhiml ,l I,. (;;Iim ,n & N.uI. the. new firmn will Jiul l il I ,'m ilm .lel . ilill, inllull l ini uis'. hll uu li ll %' , : I ..I u Li l .ll ni idl b I ils .i iiai ul l i1i1'... -.t ll'i.V . , I I., Ii·ijU furiiiiulirgO U . "slhues, lh tii l li .1'1 g itls f'uii hii gs, il'. l '1h, I'ill iz 1)1 tl it lil will Iili utli lit o o 'u l\,ie I jll il o l. liu i' sali roomi m i, u 'l lu, f rt il h,, i . spl euiu , Cu ti k, Ihls I10 lhadi illj hlllg i hi lllin e l ii ii l I 'I.V. Mr. Perra and Mr. Gaunoa W1 Spend the Nexl Few Weeks in New York and Chicago li it, i iii' 44l 4 lhuli \\ l uik ui o l'r ui l ulnin ,litilu s ihilpmuiii luu .\Ii,..ui a. Iuil p ji,'kilI u1, all lhu 1i wsl,. ill lihi aistli'i i trklet. Ilo lh ii 11"( In of[ li.'i l lo , J llh liu, ill , II ,l'lllll lg II l i hislllui illu Iujuusiu lluuss uI il'l I ,iu rI iti'tll l uu ul II 'trL tei( i I f thul I1 ( aItVIIIII' iII u ofl I his uleti'u ;in ul tf I u iti r lug If'ruu i IIII . u itirin e .\ li ,ss i lth . is iiu1i l l ; 4' lilu u llll iltesi sh. il )ut 's. bluelu j oioi('( nl ih(. ,l 1 l ia)r M ssulu I il erlli l lr t gl 111 1 I)iullifllg "i a m1 il. I t ill driI i. g Itihi' sisllu \111,11 wub u tu i ter rh n Ipuu l pri.',l toJihu I . i ihi . 1 1 I r lIul h g i all uh(i)ium l if 1 l . JlIi u uiu \lh g wi.l 4 ll hilgh prh.,i lin,,',s I' llat o111' salt \nis Ii tar guta 1 41 r 11 ,.,I SI haIi w uiu \ t iiipl tdI it luipl'v c .lio 'l l Ih.v I].1 t l h l that vu Iuau. uh'tutiuleul Cu stij'k. low prices ii ill uro utiiul' ltu rev il u't' il u r" 4 hll ,lu k iiv'I sL l . Iaii l fl [ l .\t . ir mo(Ji uilul u I ,r . ' wii ill v. ,' I : a.w l rie..i it l l w el' 4 l il.f h t' h llil . The Gannon & Neu Store I. ' i -l I ZIg iii,*, j, .1 ,,it ,j jj until Ih r: · I( ' ici " i, iallt,"", tlt," g .," 111, ",f 1\.,'u MANY BARGAINS NOWADAYS. .11 1 43 2ltt. II. ..tHIuu ilit" I 'it aiu inl .n, iv tn l r iu t Tithuh 111" 1i4J1. i ~14 hi.rIui hIi itt.' hi"itr:Jiiiii, gt, fr th, Iwigtdnmvt a yr'; I irue, ! I"II It niv l ir i iI:,t~ t 3t.I r ltiiI *.2 i'I.. :ilv.,.l uli. ,rhharl, . IItnn.' lii r,. i I i'l,,' In. n :,i Iri ii iil in ftNa~ n.. *io j r, s i p. u'" irgruang tIli tip BIG BLACKFOOT LUMBER CO. 'I'1,ý1 .;ººýý, ý .\l;luta tfiit' fll ' ,,'r If II,)'IIig Ianil ]) trls1..l Pine Lumber IN T I I E WIST Mills a11t lio ner. 1St. is lindl Ilamiltlhn, with an A I- . 1 IU'1l I'I I tlll 'ionll .1f I ln1e II ulrlll .ll and ,il,,ty M illion Fi' et. ('eimpltUei ' ul' ie'a ' i's fI,1r li itanu uturi' of U1i1x Shooks, Saushl, Ioortis, Muoling alul all kinlls of nluterior Fililh. Estimates Furnished From Plans Larglest stoc'k of seasone, timiler lwaiys on hand for the Iproielpt filling; of 'rlers for the coin. Ilertial trade'. Write for price list. IRetail .lyards in Ilitte, Ilelcnil aId i lissoula, dealing In Lumbenr, Mill \\'ork, Lath, Coal, Lime, lBuilding Paper, etc. Big Blackfoot Lumber Co. LONNEI( , MO(NTANA Charles H. Marsh EMBALMER, FUNERAL DIREC TR Prompt attention to all calls, duty or night. Private ambulances ia son nection. Missoula, Montana. Office phone, 121. Residence phone. 23 black. The Fact That Conpdelltrs Interstate are trying to imitate our goods is an acknowledgement that ours is "THE CoIc n A *ES0"""',.- Colle ion Agency Garden City Bakery : . . l,, .,,, 0!u.i,; ",non 20 PHONE 569 r.I