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bAILX MISSOULIAN td Every May in the Year. UIAN PUBLISHING CO. 1104 181 West Main Sitreet, Mfr-o Ioula. : ontana. . tlItered at the postofflce at Mlnsrhlla, Montana, as becond-clias mull mnnttlr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (In Advance.) Dally, one month............. ....... ...$07 DaIly, three months.............. ..... 2 2 Daily. six months.......... .............. 4o0 D aIly, one year.................................... 8.00 Postage added for foreign countries. S TELEPHONE NUMBER. Business 110 Editorial Office Itoonts OSnOOIt n ll SWashington Office I*II .u ii y huilding Ern.-ll*t lHnazn lhll man, coritepoldlli(t Hamilton Office Maain streett, nlear Second. SUBSCRIBERS' PAPERS. The Ml.nsoullan I anxious t~o givel\' tihe beat carrier servlce; therlefore. sub elribers are requested to report Iaully delivery at ollne. In ordering t.l )lper changed to new addre.s, pIln..e give old addreos -lso. Illone.y o4lr H lrs and obhecks should be Iannn ta llli.V 1ti The PMisoullan Publishing 1'a on,ytli. JNA , I. -:.titt . .tY I. . .i PASSING EVENTS f'r hi i With Carry Nation and Jiimi J,,ffri'sn In town only a couple of days apllrt 'wh Missoula survives the strenuous weeik ia; In elegant shape; the strain was a hit no strong for a little while, hut the city sal endured it and emerges from the trial t ready for another. It was a peculas * experience and it must be admitted ftr that of the two visitors an strongly contrasted. Mr. Jeffries was mnuch the Mf quieter and created vastly less disturb,- uf ance than the energotic wotlltn \whoi preceded him as a passing attraction a in the city. Now both are gone, each eastward on the mission of gathering shekels according to his and l(her ie culiar method. And if Missoula is none the better for the two visitations, It is pretty certain that she is none the worse and that is someuthing for ti which we should be thankful. In fit 't there are many things for which wev should feel thankful these days.:r Every day might, with propriety, he i Thanksgiving day in Missoula this 'f year; thecauses for gratitude multiply til and they grow greater itas they elrct,.irtle numerous. Just as we think we hau\' all the good things we can stand, so.nt I", new thing comres along and we arr·* astonished to find how much of go.,,. news we can ;sxsitrnliate withoillut c.,itni ing that tired feeling. If there was ait h any time any douirt that tg10i is tf Il,, ii a good year in Misslou., that dtoubti r"' has surely been dispelled, There is so much that is certainly good that the Iha' dark forecast of the groundhog has ,i been forgotten along with the equally th dismal prediction of Mrs. Nation. wit(, n' alipeared along with hhlu. Thre'. erli.. IthI, t days of the optinli.t. Missoutrili' I rt llll "f was never bright,.r lld ti've' ielwir l I t ' t tmore DpositivelY assured. i, THE RESERVATION-- The Wei:. brought further details of the Flut- rll head reservation opening plans whll:h lI. were in line with tile good ne\ws of .i the week before. It is certain that the = including of the irrigated lands in the area that is open it locatorn will add vastly to the importance of the open ins and will attract a gre at lmany more people to this section when the date for filing com'es. The numbell)er ,of entrymlilt will tie mi(lore thalln twice what it yiould have been had these lands Jbeenll yet held in wlthdrarwa;l. To all of the cltlie. olf itesterl Montana this has great igllificarnce It mIeans that there will bie a m)ore ranid dev-\' opfment of the" ro-iuitry arltl i \"ry new settler means added Iprospealrity fu.r tht, towns; for thel dvei'luolllielrnt of the i'ti.'s rmustt folltw\ tihe di h el loietrt of the country districts' ; thia Is a prin ciple that Is unailterable. Tih sahl of the Indian lands, ul .,. \ ill itIprlov\ the conditionis oll tit re-,.rvat;.n greatly. There are mauny, f.tuiiiias with the sitluatilon. utl o lho, thalt this ta the best thling that (ould hljlpen for the Ind1iansli ut will us for the country. It will place the red nianr il the midst of iactive flarrllrs anid will conilcl the Indiari H ir t to alul ui Ii their own resourcrs; alnrIl this is, by .1l meanse, the best t.ay to civllizel thI. tribes. ALONG THE LAKE-- Suhille-nllrtllt Ing the news referred ti', w\\i the ;in t.nouncement that It La irobable tlfhat the land along ilathiead lake w l ti, partitioned Into small tracts-- fiel', aIi ten acres-and will be shilli to li tule' Who want to take up nnlall farmilng or who desire pleasant country homes In a delightful region. This plan will Invite considerable investmenrt in tale, lakeside property. There are many Missoula men who, anticipating new and direct transportatlon between l)sllotlla and the foot of the lake, are plat.ning the purchase of tracts beside hpar' t la for the purpose of establish .lI summer homes there. There are r '.iw spots on earth as beautiful as the "ahores of lFlathead lake;: thieri are n, ..'. . .j,€ places tIati ari' lint"e aittp;it14't. Wi'thi 1h. the promised d.i'rlO tilant, t.eI h.'Ir to's tva will be enhtncied vrd and It hI' a I ho.'.";nn h mltla'4t4es t'v1iol. NEW ACTIVITY-.'.. Iii . Is .' r PIII and ti.' (lilt- "R lr Ili., r ·1II1rt1( li "I1 I I lug dreaws t,.'jr. tha"r,'I tit.I I P tit~t 1 ltrii d."t' 4'! tlll II1i it til.f ' 4.4,4"' 4 i ls t 0 Poll-tI Ittld i ",iiIl 11 1 I hl. il1,1 rI "f 1111" t. great r4'54'.' tI'.. aIiior. II 'a rtairlty I.. that the'' res. .14:4 'n It I 4. e r. 144 4 /,II t" .. 1t.II s 11itu 44 l.4 i t. l i '1''?'.. t! this sa'1ri4a. ill l rn i iii: I.4. .1 I ,nI.I c" s,'r11'ae ''.arhl·: t..c l ll~'·nt inil,-P' tuitir 4 ..r that.' tlt s Thri,-'. lat.' 44.11 new4 44 ItIaties atnltn.t it' d bring IIl.' 4444.k fair K' Itt- Tirnlr 14 41'1.:( "n i It 4"hi' 1 41455 '1 f11 ' dll..tios i n the's.- 44411 hy i'''th 4'' t i n . , 'enters, 'I' Iii or. t'tans groIlls I ' 1t, a. aplh ir ham ita k .o 40.' '.4.' t:ia'1t riiIt. : ~Ir r- In III' Ia 1. it "I .nI; V' IlitII are st',44g iT lilt ." ii o"tl, Ia igh Y.' a' it nl Il' s if ··:: l lll s,,wI):l· IIn it re ho II'? 1 g rl p Iro i' . : pi.'.'p i r.,4.,4,s al re. r.'it' ; ric,' 444MM tiI 44'liiul'hi.. (li '" ( 1w' 4444 lut lIii' 44ii4'441 Ia Il I. '''4' I li'te 444,' re'. cr4.41 *"n this y".i.1 THE BEST FEATURE-I!.: tiis fl'it 11'll v lit1u.' l .4. ar t 1444 da. , t 4 e.4.'it 11114!" l4.! 4. 4. il ' 1. if ,fret, .g.1. it n 44.' * h4 . hao't i httu h' ,''i.': IraniI'll '.44r44 .yirdat 1 4."1 ii 11., I'4 '.4111. lel ,' 1 I. . i IsI.. 14. . I r''It IN't'44''~ ...ti 44 f 144'4 tit( '',ai't 4'ii hat.- Ll.'. tit r i~i Iigs''n 'Iir hut41 41114 Il.1 r.'..'. ittei ti.t4a, ts 4l144 .11,. theirs. herl fiate aulet t 1444 tit.'54ltito it k.n'n 4, '4t'h t that, 44111 la tl,-Itki p h.l I i 1'ri.tlai'. 4! tfll I. , 44414 00p1·1' With ilsII slily "'a '' ii t'44i gm 44' II I'it ' 44'444'i t1l'.. rats'.l,. 'ull d.44' his, tail.' ea'.1i4ta Rie aI 4thl 144.' a.'. P u itt 41' llt' ."441'. 'i) bs ola tanse alspontr'' daL 11411,. t 0e4-14at. y!. h i.'' Iosl! d.t o' i iil f O. :I'11 1" t1, ie '' til "a.' nIt. righ ertita Iftigsd.i ll' Ii. s 44 goingtari'' h'4' lhe I'll 4 4t t I i slk ,It m.'l at It s Is' lar 1a1114.ets JI'- ttdt'II i :. t als"t 'ialit'.trli lila s 4 14 1 'Xa p1" ' t'aitI'1t4 t.Ia S laV . ,t tatt it is Just ltion .r t IIe .ae14' 1.51r tral! Ia.'I is.4i4'tltiI Irrr l a t 4"4 ital Nt' 1, Iali '1114 i;n l,. S !1. 4444 tii 11411t iv-4 t!. II I I, Ijl 'lr 111) 11 i11 "111 " plTHEu tll LINIVERhITV-l..' 1'h." .1, Youthful Genius Buds 1 1 - r * JAY SHRUM YoJthful Inventor with His Assibtant IlL" rI -II', .I LL, lu l (..I'Ii II t u d ILIJL.,uIul.L ILi ItIILIIIu' I ýIIIy hg... 'I'hl( IL t i.''II II 'III' 't )nt tK f tit.. lit .ý) il.+ t." iriit, I; .nt I Ias III ujit by d'iy SI . \Iu '' a shIp tIIIIubilt -tll 'I IL'. HShcrrulll ntt tl'tl"J t \ W WI, it ~~ll.lllili f II Ills1('lit $lLII'111' IL'" LLLiI i.4.I I s t 11 1' IIl'ILILL'IILJ 'IVhwl',' aI Iy~.ILIL'L PIg I. tileenu 'Ilil& III'erILL' 'IIt,:~u~ Ct .33)3313r .'r 11 " Itt,.titu it . .\u 'i 'rea 1333' 33131313ff'f 33~ulue 1313a3w 5 s)3un, 3i31 Ii. kest. r t i3i t hat is tilt- IIlf1t' I l Ift- 33 A -. I-I l- 1 ".1:11 1)11 f'"; 11,1 . rpill : i(' of 3 I:. ' Ii 33)3331 ll. i"I l i i e 31 t ' , 33'3p i n'.,- lthug' 'lft '13?'' e cilliy 3 I" i een nitl lii ('tol fff,'''tf'f il 33," n 33 fl iiito t'f , .'f i f it ''' 3, 33 13 3333 'i1 flf'- I 33f13i31 Ii i to tli' rt 331f't ' fqi'tt'3 i.t 1,33. l fti .." ... n, I," red tit,- in n uauru t1.·IJl of I or - A I r. t1:1 1 ( till t l t' I fft' with1.33' f3 'i 133f) 4ii fIr 33f1X, 3 th,333 e thi ,' 3)3' it irk b'e, tuit 3)3)3 t1o w·I'.st l )f.3fIf33'fl n ci" t LI))),)) 1 I''llt 3 3 i 3 f 1 i3 ', it ''3'' 311i.t. f I t1 33't)'. ''ff133 3'CA f''3331i I '''331 t l~i·ii'' ~ U ,ift ft il' .31) u i~t.'t eif. 3,3. ifis u'33) tor be 3:33 C Kal t 'fhii' tit Iivsly \It "l 'ii ale 'f' rlant fn' tyf)iii iio w' so t.. I33 33l:t'i u to thirT- I e ilfi'n, wt III-t'li'1" t ti iii' -"i ir l iit ,. t II c u I, ttit'. I ii IIa- t Iit~ I, 33 3'erall tit xt'I'tialthitt 'et'- It ti' t i 'f f3w a nth,' 1 1t3tto4 ith 13, [3,333333 Ito, f-' t di3'3i3' 335 yiLs 33333' if itSi it f-h tr-i 'itt!I 13thd 3).ri'uOr 33 1 .33'li, 13333) i;1· tl~ifl . 31r Iii l f ut 31 f3 A PIONER--' In Il e' r Imtvtrril; (xtI t~n R lee 11'. 5. The Ill ~l l~lll iti'i ri t ci o'h via like %o It' -m ttu?. (1 111 e , were wIo soft '1 ".ntl'i itltd . 313 itnI1 b illte 3' :3133 ' I 'ii. its )il31,331) toi' .I.;I t 3 I:. t tf lt' '33.3-33 t'3 3'a a to, ' 333 I'.' 3' i i''3' ' fi tI.i 1 tiill) f ith Is ' iiigu - THE. CAPITOL WORK-A\ 31ift-ri 333 3tnt'l)il'iif oi fit,. i'Li') 11as5 flu'- r3'- I tilt I ft Iti'( e.nIl ''ii h lltits f u I' )IfiI)'3It f if..%% wieiii: y ii -t l i' f ir f it . 3 s t flu 1333 33 'i t 'i') Itc t '.i% 333'11 MIn 'I, i taiff of) iirt ftI133 1.', If.. It'31ifli)t3'r. f. 1 I 331e o f13' 3 31333133 .1 31 -'I3 ft~in Iit lower131.1 tf it It fitid I 13333n til if fl t tf.si3ttil3' ff1' tnuii'rl~tfI 't ioliIt.l , l it' 3'13 ''t. .rIre fo r; I ow. )iroti fI'3' '33 3' tili prun'ei~''3 3 o f K .it t,) f3.ltty, 333 3 w3 trk) 1 V3311 lit- In t.i 1111 t hetifIr 33)31)33 thliu [t '.33t'3) l'r'.itufiI. tot firith. It 133 ff333 3I as. ') itlt n 33133 331' 1 ffii33i 3 ur Ii 3f' 31 t.'3 l't Ii ifh ti t 13' " i fit titi fl uf ff13t 3333n 't 33 itiit)33 w, Itti 13 ('hutrt ty sti)33)'t1'3r3' V'I' Iii' i",' I333ii,,si. htof 53e3ve3d. at) )3'33t, t fl,' i, h fifithat ffitff33' s- la :t ff of A PION EER-'i')33'ref tlrt' 31113 fy'' offsts ..131i'r t'iesldei'.ts iif Mutii333333 31)333 w3,1)3 333 t ~ reI3l 133' 313 a f .1' e ))333)th3of :.nt-' 3311ti'13.33.3) if 11.-lena. f3')t 333 fl I3'' ff33) h 33.ot ;3 )3i'33;3313 ft-t3e1d. An~d 3133) mt'33f f33's fi:3tI Rutle ' WL'33 )tilno Sf. "''tl Ilani' .3) 33113333' ff31'1 3f33.snt f t Ilst ol 3 3 13 3tt'.1333i 33 tiuf l it if3 '333LV si Ufi' i"r hit~ 311 33) ff3' I Iii ve.)'fl3. 33,',3 Ithat )3335f3'r3 ills ii ir 3)33 1:ffildiiu Noire3i'3 illo' 1)33 3335). As5 IRf'e'313 gr3'w 3331.3 Iii fro33 thits old3 3'ittit',3333353ry 13313 t)33 I" t 3t3nt of if - 3)'')usitif's' lifi' 33f 1It-h 11't I1. 33313113' t ft 33' 31s' lofngias 113twn ffr'133 Ii 31)3'' .11 h 111' t'nd :t g .od foilee .3)3) it r3'gre't)33 33h3t wtl e teardI if)) over t)3e I.4 s133t' 133 tlit.' 3- ne tt, ofitly demise1 tr.33, .s) ela. 33) JACK FISK-A\s "1.33ks )fe wa333 .t e k )331 t 5ttgiti, I'333333M33 id133I33o3t 1)30 3333))3'3 hisatoriy of Mntana3,33. A ndrew J t.. Fsk, 113e rgi'tst.'r 'a3t3'ed )ft:3, tuft 33ff .13.133 .333.) uteri '' Is ito tl~frsri's 333' 33 33 he. 3'ttlitiii) u ')fm 33e s)33t) o1' tflis u333f-lt Iunue::. ,u, h 1 huul u ,l tit, Idler i Lii t Ciii UoliL' iii1, i. Ii huh .ii p Sli ii p1 1 cu' :(II L atti a, LItilC i gli '. -Li Li SI~tlr~l in1 Liii: Mtltii iiii . ly kILL ILL ttIii Iii L~iiiL Ii iit%'tuu -l. eigh0. iii thLI [Ii-iý " and smlt~L' OIi Ltiu Jiii'ilniVLL. 133 I iiiiteii. cluLtih, ope.rate~d by3 the rouit II.. blul tt Lili 1i iLitLt Liia the~ utigiiuL iiiiIi tIhe ildiving slLafI iou t iL Iianh lLoosenedI uii lIi l Rit.- Liii, thereiby cll i.ii i g or lu l', *it-iiig Lii. pLiii t.i. '1i, iiiii .t , I) lii lt it cuii ioy pairties. ~I ii" u '~ LiianidaI t ll jin. ,11 :idII to II , . ii ii 1i iii .ýlul . ,ld crt.ive i 1iz.n of lte state rame as Ia 41o4kii( to' Ills friends outs4l e the city which l8l Ihriltl his iome for a genera tion; nno oif thi m realixed that ih I t is si'rituisly iii. Friends hie had ev.r'yt% hr IIIn h,. i%" '. loyal andl ald iriing fri'nd t in thi' di'veiiplip ent o" the st.uil, hI' hu t ih[d iialed li i piportantl Ih, . I. lie1 o !f th I'iPeer ne alP eR. illi it of ?11l II a t. I. " l had re'l uined ltl,' tll i. I h ,.,arrk until a d-' adiii o iS . l I, nI ~l " ld lhe nl ews I icir Ittl. t i lli, devioliled Willt ti', rrwth ,I' I Jthe st''i Ito Was the I, t ol ,, illu y of i' roth crs, till pJn Iee'es aId all litintately amsi'onatei' willth flint hitory f thi state which was their adiptcd htim, the last to crost the (Ireat 1ivI)dV ivir the trail whilch has but wIi dliriecJtion. But he leave. be Ind himt ii l'han renlutatletr and a gI .I nameitli; a1s it ne,:wsrlaper matn antid ias a citliso, hlie wrought faithfully and welll; h' am( ,sed n- fortune of dollars Ibu the, hleriltage ich i he leaves to hitI family iantd to his state Is of mari worth lt:ihn wealth; "more to be de iirud than riches" is a fair name. Jack Visik was a true Montanan. I IN PARIS-This Sunday morning na I f Pindsl the situation in Paris much more i satisfactory lthan t wals a iweek ago. 'rThe flund re'.ided before the city was .al entirely devastated, bitt the extent of the intjury to Its streets and buildingsl is uo ur.;at that it cannolt yet ,be elti SItittedl. T'lhTire Ic grtiat slufferilng in the - Ilrnih "le' lital but the mitligatng cir euntnsti'Ce is the pr upt offers of as sistant'e w, hlch hiav colmn' friom the Sfolir corners ofit the earth and in many t Insitunes the i, id has been dlspatched I without waiting for a response to the I offer. As usual, America has led in I the prompttiness ast well as in the ex* I tent of the substantial aid that ha. k gone lito Paris. This Is naturtl. In i the first pinle, we owe France it debt a which w'e an never fully repay; she ii was 'iour friend whtui we had no other. '' In the seciond place., whili we talk of ouitr philiisopiic'atl way of loeiking at 01 thingsi, we are ns quickly responsivh if it sentiment is tie' I"re.nch theinselves. .\tnd we are glad we are sno. e Moithel"' ut the bargain sale, buying I left andl right: rather's hiustling ieef - steak- pllrices out oif alght; hr.)tner got 'uI t e' de shett. figuring Jeff It if win; sister's naiking valentines ifor her I beaux aind kin; everybodly'sl hustlitng. Wwiller lays are gay; every day's it lively one. down Missiula way. 'arry Nation was disappointed int . Montitana. Site found it was not as t hbad as Iher Ilear old K.ansas; so she Ilt ied to North Dakota, ia prohibition ' state. tl pursue the demon rum where Y he is itii.t nIrnlrirous. 'ltlThe optimist asnumntl that asll tmen are' decent until he fg0Wlf out other i' twisi'; tilhe peu.nsist starts with the as ty lsunption that all mten are wrong until .It is hilorne in lpon hias that he is the worst of thile l.i. S If it were necessary to presume all r, tmen rasialts biefore legislatlon is ac io, elripllshed we would never get i pos he tal savings buhank t oir anything elsie. SThe true delight of gardining Is foundi In taking a sieed datplogue, sit tihg ibefore ia good 'Febiruary fire antd as figuring it all out there. sY l.rotipets of a dull season in the lhe siouth arte dlitpelled by the news that J Ca'stro is tio leave Eiurope to organize ita revolution in Venezuela. 1at Si'are another for tlihe wireless tele so grapilh, l'orly-slx lives saved by its tul operation Frilay. Andi this is not ait ndlenluhe ladvertislllient IiReading the stories of the ai'ctit pI l.hnielntsl oft wireless telegrilphy, who can doubt the ulthiate suCece.t of aerial navigation.? It's it .ln'h that o0n result of thte -cold-storuage investigation will be thAt thel investigator will lose their appe tites for a while. The story of the resine of the Ken tllclky's cr('l'' reminds us of the vio tories of peatce,. no less glorious than those of a~i'r. The' best \\ay to get wh.t:; JU .,nllt is toi advertise and the beat w.yV to. advertitse is to us( The T . llli liiulan's colu n il: . There are encourantwent and hope for lthe housewikeeper In liThe Mlssou llan'. idtl'rtising columnsiii this moirn. Lig. "ItiuIonnber the Kentucky" is miiore pl'icif'I tihan "Rlenenlher the Maine,." aidt it ipl.roclaimsl a iuIImrvelous conquest. ~cWhenll you think over thi events of Ilst w.i'ie, you don'lt wonder that l\vtid Nation weuriedl of this world. 'hi' itinquir'y Is at last serious1 enoilgh ti riequire an attorney to look afltr tl It. talulling r interests. Also, the arrival of the nsed cata logue aoiiiiullnes that winter's cervical vlir'tlitrae are' 'fracturetd. It liilkt a no difference whether the c( ll is "'. (). s." or "(' Q. U." as lonig, As it brings asslitanctlle(. I'p l,t date +enalltoir Hleyburn of Ida ho is more measures than any l' otl lltl ill c O ltgrel s. 'lh, huillding of th, capitil will r Iir..lily I'proceed withoiut another sle tis l. iino 'l1'kly machine has at t+ tamin'ed thie hcight realched by beef d trust prices. Thl'ei l8id Alploe gill extend its realm m('" "ii laly new acres this year'. 1 0oreot'Vr, the Red AIppl' hillllrl 'tc!l` for o nr t''o-o)['rationl . One of Our New Peace Messengers Sf.ii • .i ,I ~ cf %% nI P 9 ,M 1 '. P VI --' I 1 navy yards tiis fllith wt) s wl :t11It; - I ths flit II-hn'lhi £1i1t. 7'III. fuiln'w Students in New Work W IR L TO LOOMqM BUILDING~ AN 'ýdiEMEE P, 1 · .ludy li t- it I Iit . I a %,t. ',' are k nistru.-tit. aI ,1i"":'t-l, a itht %vihng tliihi' aru t , t' -tvini." 11 nn:.' a it il l'.r1kv.I lti a a'1. airn ii -at: t - ttg) M-u italaa IIII ' vI '. il . II Lira k ('aa itg ia-i n- it t asinlt "I It it'ata al t i t au tith It Is ut ta-t :il a u-a 11. )I-t l ent - t 'i l t Illih t. n ext. aintr }'.it" ,1 iii . 111 ) btitid e a th-a , -a ' ~ c.ri~ II. tat ite at r" a l.a i tti t t':,.1 h a..t}in witta.,ittgu-i a-ta- ts. -a - aa ttti 1taik- at ta-a- II "I, lt e ,iutait 11 ti athe va aihta a II i ta :u -lln -t--it ." I - +tat a taa . at, itautil o auaiaa-") ill a tiata'n:ti a.,i "tt i ;il .1 ( ýVu hiu tl , ii ;, .. ·' nl .. l rli Ni'' tuU.' lust. kill u~i'l IS I n ti~ltl'Zld Alt of mdeliiiu.,u u Miss Reel Iv Fitt'u i uy her lit- wilelI tuell thuu Iuu~ill.n Shiu is II Il. ti t' 1l u\'uyu ing alhul leer u llte ti it uIlIu SNa Iuu Itit l u' gull y tlt .14 ",liu llt ' ulu ug ul 'I' t I uu'tu tt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i bukO S.\t'~i'1 tug ur it"tun or .n" r tancI. a ,an' t firh ati ne; Iinrrl n ra a:at wlith a h lla nit 4UiIr Iof I4' ,o n im ahr I- Iýý ,IIT i<. " l" gu i -t(' Ii: aUir i a rI in: 'lu\ ,.1 Inll c + 11t.'g," llll n, ttltll ilt t uphl ll , W' hihl I. hoin'" c nl.' l tft l' Ill {11,.' I,1: " 11q 11t <i, Il ulllit' l hulll. In a';l - t.. : ' . 'fa '!r ,n. ti1 1 l t . ( I 1 :l ilt! Is (5 h,.**'tl |,ail t , t s' - at' th \\t right I(\ll l:·l':l Ih 11 (t ' Il'ilt r) Wl il ..X ' Uh Il, ' l, l', t , " ' I'l',.II t( ' Il'll.".,i thi' i'thir ,i. 'It- ofl 'I lth., tli lt.h i ii i \ o I, t(ift,-le d 1I p lei'l' it t \ l I tti tL tthni ti ' luii, tihit. Thei i t I ' l'..1 lt.d 1et lls ln yI'l l bity ha.t t .his: t thial.he n d a firleor' -l i m" L Ii ' : 1 1,1 41 ill T 1 1 ),*W t(., '. C i lll n i et il' \ \ i llt l rhinl. ll J ,il ogii., w hIlro ia " IT e .. imtl'I t I ils t installed. Ther rtcl, 1in ; li'I'flrE, ,1' th-- t%\,- tilversll itli'e , th,. :r: 'miu l lli',t. fir tigl1, visits Inli the 111\ it. ,isi of ~ hitialll:!lil -r. ingl for fthem? lle Pti~ ,lraitill Mst be , ietslh d "l>c talk l ,i llll l I wire ls February 6, 1910. if ;, 1·1.. fl; ." , ll r. .l M att ,L . 1;1.'.'"1 Tr T ,t. 'ITl'k h1,4,-l t1h, t ye do I 1 t1 , r ri gl . t' , l ," r.. blefor 1 , f 1 to h.. " ''n .11f the'il. M11att. ti: 1. \',."',," 1-1.-- \ '",'.It .hfinitl,,n w\ould n ." ,,o Ain y ,crlte'.' 1 i' II I ll is I'ially trying t" hbe i4 trill ( ' ri sh n'l. l bill 'ii\'t le l t h tVe ilh I 4111 th, .'\ orki<|, aind tit .e-" Ii n lls tit h|itve Ih:.t 51l1,', h.t,\ wol .0till character charity %, hi ii the t. ,'t is llublished, tiltn 111" .1.1'1 \, l11l1 it iN II It kilt)W ll, ill +that tl:is 1 wu.h ,,, phltace i1111? I1' -'Ile give,. lwith thl, motive ilf l illt i din g h i .. f' l' l , ,s\ ,, s, il li L g l o r i f y G o d , \\ill the f',1. that i + h ibe uelt enee is , h i ,. 10 1l hellir thi l'¢ are tln.-" . . , it, I a.. I:F thou \l, H re , l'P ig1h ils ,in t1,- iI t t.,r \,.f ',)ii g to "h u rlt'h , otr.. Unlt rh . i ,1 +h - 1 5ln t acitu a lly trill. ti. tlidl i t l\\ " w il hl . ,i I .lJ u t ih , ' r a t I ~ ai l l l ,\1, o goes to clth rth, fir p , iy r Illetinl , rhhi fly t, .doll, l is huti. e s ui r profei+ If it Ii ll ] p r. y M Ilu ll2 I ill ] blh llc t lia n het* tidu, ill li';1't!e, I . lih." ee6ttrlly it Ii) lup trlite' 'Ihty , il,' Jesus au s.,tlro sl ly e'l ultl Invind pinIVtle prayer, ,l5| % what are U- Ver.e 7.-Wh- h t ,"ill y).iu .,y f in. ir $, . e;a st. l uit, .l, shIt rt pirivc.t 't p layers? I n It what chliss wuuld s.itu put those p" trirV ti+ prityorl \ 'h t'w l ni t unly of i. retldlltg, .ul recitlng, sit pr'ayers, nid e l I 'rep l ting ai t fe ,rmi iI' wow rds:' it Verse. 8.-As God certainly knows er what things we have need of before c- we ask Him, what is the use in pray" ing for them? (This ituestluit t iust be answ'erted in writing by me.lmbers of the t ilul.) ;ntitils with n Sel .ity .V"I 3.i0) foot .(conds. It hll a iuzzie ene(rgy o (F;,t l f' :t-tiolnt. rThis l1 Is Inlten ded f'r oin of thi . nw Ir tcindnaughtst whh'h thi ('sited ,tat.t, navy depurt ninlt I1: (.)linst ruet Ill'g. W h.rt n ti. tlh ,"hi,'r Ihin;: ii the life Iand I ep'sonil lti-utll .lnVy iof Jesui, wlhich also awoulld, anld ii y. he the. chief thing in th'e llfe of ev,try mtan? Ve.r.s l.--Il-:Wht houldt we long .iiand ipray for Ilmore thi, for i ll else? .hailt woultld turn earth and Its or-' rows. Into Haven with all its bles itedness? Vtrre 11.--limv- Christians a right to e.Xli'et that (.llI a ill supply all the neeenwtirl' if o lfi-, ainl doies he alwaysi do a, ' Is uod under thllgtilltit toi supply us with daill/ bread? Verlse 12.-4()n whallt glrolinds doets liod forg\ive us lelr lins?: Does Jeisus nmean hlir- that (.gd vwill forgive ui ex atlyai ias we firgl\'e other. i" is there ,i diffelrinice? Verse 13.-In whailt way (lieis (lod load un lilts, tempilitationl' V'erses 14. 13.---If w,, forgive tour fitlliws, is (God uInder obligation to forgive ts'' , Leshtal 1. ii lundi y, February 14. W | leltllltll t l r WorildhnesI :"1 I Trust. Matt. i I' a- t, I i I, i -11 Jti 5 Molndel of statue to Paul Jones wlhch Il Itlo alaIdorn otllrlnll park, Congress has iit1. iop'ir teil $,iilIl0 fir tllhs work and ('ilCarlt s II. . iti h:ias !be . u oitl Smlillllned to do theIl work. The statue shows thel revolutllionary hers tn his quarterdeck. or 1. t ( Hl), att1nded h f d 111f . 11.I I I. Ind eel, it a- ,tt our se to ells arue ows Madame 8iannon, wifi of the i'llnir foro I ter Ironm Haiti, attended her fIlrt dlp ray- lumatic reception at the ,lllto House t be lust week. she Is planninillg nlany en or o tertailnments for this winter. As the jlIatest additlon to dlplomnatit clrclesl r'd's i she 1. attralv'tlll I'tc.nshlirlhle attmn.