Newspaper Page Text
~UIID~CZjiY "LkEkIC tý,~a 2L1A'CO/4' It ii difrficultlh i II b hililif Abe Lin' roiundid b by l· hiil iM iit: itt vsorrMws In iiuirli yound nit ii iko lilt. m byi LIt i tri' l~ iohlu IIr uuh.iis rill il iuiruM ijitt)1 ~11()1 lr irbidh ir S1x iititii nlV. iii Iitlili'4i \'~i sitruigiglinigl. miiLr. U it t yea rsi iuiri confoyte iiiii xt'iai idnt aii lii ti humhrista that Is io ttiii Ijirail ltd hirter ho ail ixro ii a iii trwis iiii ntel oililhili Iand si i- liking Liii hrk. *I rriI lIi Silt (iii I1III. i 'lil PIlY II ii 11 tiii, iiii l ,tam i ' tedt lii 1,1 mt'i(v L Ii M l h I.j No nt tlt ever felt the r'slpl ns~hilillu 11 our nation had ln I truc Illl to Ills care situ touih as Ihe11 1.i a w no pIresiden aI ukI liar oillil. nwithout livin siayd Hyi Any Missoula Real Estate Is Good DALY'S ADDITION IS BES1 There is a reason for Missoula's Excellence and There Is a Reason for Daly's Addition's Supremacy. _SEE HERE __ AND HERE 7M MISSOULA DALY'S ADDITION is goo;d bIt't her untural Io'ntion and fhl. enlerprise 1111 vigor of hl' t' ilizrens ha.e me1,' Is the best opportunity in Missoula for a good inlny rrasoIN. Iln th f',th phe, its lot.l het' so; slit she is getting btter e' 'Very daly. 'Tli' pIlstloffie' rle.ipts of .Iissouilht l'l' 19111I showe d' is dire.tly in tie 1. Illh of ithe expa s i'X l lio ll tl i t h ily; this sE n1 Ilihilditg of 'n'sil'IIct'ts will olfei a, greater plr.entage of gain than those of any other tity ill the northws.. T he I'hlegraph trn- Ia;ly's adislitll; thibs is beh ause fho r it' is bUill chose up In fit(, line of this adllitin na[l pa] ries did twice the bh sinless in 11.1111 than they did in 1i1)1). TIe g.ia in fil(- telephone h .s- already legun 1 oiI crowd ; it is also 1e1i 1is .lit' iht 'Iri I tars will run lhlu.h Il h a n" l 11(55 Wais iorl'esspoiiiigly great. lThese are items that 11n'as1r i the business d' the City m te ai - aitnue i 'I 'f I )ilys utlition, affording rapid transit for residenits itre; it is also b usi therei 'urately than lanything else llnll do. ()nel iother' item Ihat is sipgn'i.iint in this eot . r lion is City walter' 1t , very lit il. the addiition and the ele'trix' light tll1l telephoi e u tilii'is ir i iniie it(- report of the .ounty e nasurter fol. the 1.1'i11', which shows l t gain of 'mo1re than IN per tent atIlI available; it is aIso tiht aIddition is in a good neighborhood, 'lhse to to hIs in the fees r'e(eived by the t'ountl y offl'irrs over '('' e report of tI'i he ye ' bI l'fore. 'lhiis is anlloth(er' to s'chools; it. is lalslo beelllse thell loca ltion is healthful anI the soil is riclh; it is also E ' II p)retly good ulindi tion of t Im .nilnul of lusiness done in I t I '. 'IIy hew 1n'. all official fig- has beI a no advanc' in the prioe of these lots over last year, despite l . im 'vement ir mi. irt'es; they tell lihe Sitor' y n re i'a'N uratelyand .i . nrl imt pressivti ely l hall ni W o. tnhi l possibly d it is tionsl .1 I in all, )Daily v's a~tddlition, tiunder e n h 'toniditions, i' l Isi zeal s te' ,lferieaig e ht pages of argument.II. 'Thle (iigures slhow that Missoulat is good and they tell Vlwhy. ve linv ever knouwn; all we ask is that you iinv'stigalt te li* hiposition; you'1 il II lhe ui'ld Lots Are Only $125; the Terms Are Easy Write or Call or Telephone and We Will Show You the Lots and Explain the Terms---You'll Be Pleased SOUTH MISSOULA LAND CO Telephone 617 .# Frank P. Keith, Secretary && Florence Hotel Block nb mlt Mole'' tarut . 111e lout lv btlk i.n his isn i irt l d f r.t r t i 1i II .t' with corn dodgers tuh ' goy ofta to utuAt hul. 'htr noon ,'e he llt d setL h lir ti in . ti llt' l I itr iI (l l a lll(' rea l a ' tI't An' V. hen he .oun' to the house at fi t his bc'kh, ' l Iand retiad." "AunIt Stliry'd ,never l.t the children lster him. she a lways .aid that Ablo ni:l. guaIn' to, 1hi. i 't' lll t man sim lty and liti hisnit gin' to have bythe ,1. i ntI 'l ii . Ut litl gfll' I) n ut ll sun shIln' fotr' t.h' boy" ,I girl l Kwho fllust i'or.n llsh everything bl." th'ir ,%%, l h, ]rd c Inscuinti n veffnrt l tr;l Murk. "J'TI h t . vlU J situ Ja l m loft-n :look'd ,' - ',,dhin ly darnl t al his .tork often resulted in fullu'', he had moor' friend 'Xhaunt',I 'inh'r lin seei.ed t' art er hintl as it tolJ. D l',. il' tats \Vurking ill a sm1 1ll town V. hIier. thlr"' was at man by . the li atlle 1" ri|ln'n11'fuh . \Vh\ ll 1 1 Ile.W ii r 'a.l '. to cite 1 pace hs strengrth . . f. e ! · ro Sý 4 Q b t w .1 ' ···~: ' fi- r n ý tý,sý r "s -"ý ti ý :tthl c urt ' ,.i r.' uta . to l,. tl..t ild w'ith .ar.I nt. ti+. The nel in rs''lllnl wr r., always put thtulK gh the tame llrd llEd. .11nd Ahi. anth thit r't"st .Mui'h tol tlhe s-u'IrrII , o l' 11' tl tnt'.tlps A ml' t ro n ltwll IVerybvoly wa.ts .t'a the o11e littlltm tih t Allt, litlt'tlfol 'wa t' e l. at ad 11111tttingl t mal that evtr brok. Ito tIh lilllattia. 'To tIaow that thlr, t1a no rlttle anitd hoit in this vl.tor'y. h' hot ain nt friend ofta the .-Aal'mtraong fta i.l!ly. Mrs. Artn.ittatttg atatal t glr.t. tst fLatl atof himl tha.t ishe tlraat.d him .as at r.,latitve. and the a talltroit htva l to ('lth. anltttt ts ki'a l'.. a nal batrits awaytl the emilness frlnt h-s faly by hugs and Ah,' i.alan a ia1 not h? a I. ta iaaark lonag to a :aat a:. at a a n atI 'x al poor bu i.aa .s 111:111. otne fail ir, a'tiSe afterl another. Tlht.e sttaowavl the rta.l strengttlh anll char ter of the t:ll. lHe never cilphltittntd notr Ifrelt t(ali u'I'etss Wnas notat tataingz lint way. Hi falth tandl his splendidtltl Mtnse .t' h tim. ar hta t hitm tat hill.n ti :.elves triter 1111 n~1. It Will!..111l'I nnil k iep his I..Jutir veira Ie. orten htlil. iI rieiilns thait hi ;rt1.Lrred to gi at .'ia. s .ittuulet iitita Iio list' ai nigiht's j.-.-t list ithid by iii antrnoyid Li ivn.silien, . 'ITii I.ll wing sto ry is one if Ihi any.' lhstra tl inii that he hlvel Up) Lii I his .'Ltitimiit. It war while h. i .i.. toiii hasiniess Li Li in rtinti tuit i farimirt"s wvi i.'.ougii soiniithing III' him wi Vhih iiiidiii wtiiuiing itiitl iirtii~tirgit.L tiii hai i'.Lii. ml hi miiiii fro hlite. It wasLili all lii shii hui..I' ii he hi iniw-r.d h.t Tlie hi flit a Jokei but ai serious matteLi. I kiiiw that this iiisthiiiiiir tiiidthe Lii i n't S: u'm.. ..Em. .mmanewaw.7 eam hd. a !I):II to hits h, t1 ' il:/. 1.. i . l.ii - III tilli iii ill.i ",.1 t'iit iii itt.1 1. t ,vr.ý antisi! irizi"1 I i. Tinv 1 ini 1!s IIIII " l. 11"" h (1t ) a t :11 Illrlk/lL I'ljl('l I,,l t ils h· 1,"t- i iit ui nt k ng - li' tr~rn · n highly1? i~rir,'tl 1,> 1,111 that 11 stotod th I Iii aIti I? III hii, 1114-111,w) i ith ,1.i iii siiv . . ", ca i n air tll'.iiti sCi atl ' ii lla ii 'a't''. iI aliI Itv rlt .t, I a iii 'a rrcauncci I t sicIianii ly fha ttii. 'IIi* a iacia:w1 i g is 1 it, Irv iiaics.iii.* 1 lits aly sal:r· rnliri. i'issiaiaiiicl. Ti"1 isafiiia am . .rlis' avIi I asia s r. Iiiy i:t I ta a l t,"IIn t ins naim t.f hi itrta swii. as Nl't · i it, ti'rintl'. ia: iTnciiiTS .llcr iun .a.iat tii' wt y it is xlii is (ug. 'ad uaIs qlla-s h. kafitt iln ai t1115 aitlit %tia risruasing it~ ii alte, r hii ass alatr. Tiras iciu·ii( I San y- .11 Ill IIli l (1111 11· di. 114l . 1 Ii 111' \i ; is lii his . le.1 ,it htllll' r. ihiih lli r ,ill uu.i, . d wI i l in l 1.. It u i. o i derful f'+ith itl 11", d ,i t I Ir low - Ini I l, ils f i 1 n i lnevi r hi i .i Ithate the .1| r1, 11+.1, h1 h 1 .11 k m11111 .I 11%',.lr nlor1" tl1l him ;1111 t. lum y tnt r. .1 Ir .Id vi.Lys "11l.l drit .nI t .u;11rd shli I h ullo.1 l himlll n II. rpiii \W'''kl, i funi i.ri hitle rh.m II ' tl. h \ iri t 11' hinl- r n. ng thlit the pr ql. let .iit t s lt di a ;il d ipratlvled i imli s.'m nit his l 14tai 'km .nd ' , . itnlfi, 'miii'I mI mi it, l llii lh'ii', i lrt 'ml i mhit yii rl. ial knit .l II . ,,lll'l'llhll . II' th Impaper.- . thin gr tliit a vry dignIt- l trd pasitit rn for the premle i' tt ttof ith 'nited .lustl ' was 4 matll h ier a li. ills iltV ite re."ratoltns. If hoved to hl-r thea boy.' tIg their ' tings tl camll p. I lll h l',ved htimnely bltlds and y Intple lmlt tih.s. lh .wt gre Ite fmavor ia frilend or t.hldh-r i'di titho-i him w~mtas to stng i' rhft.r hi.,r t I srin hltat in tearm while I was rendering i mrny pot. way it iho-rmi-ltly iter mwii prhi'nulnks of childrn. He nai th \\'hit. ll u1 ' 1, ll'fti n l t tltnheir everything aibtut h.ildren guialm hIuing r.ecr.".htiln and pleasure. The keeper in the White House tIlls thi story sh|winK his lnv. for chi.dren: "We were walkin. over to th1. I War depart Inefnt. Jtut li1 we got ton the draw Ti nurse hlalingy onne infalnlt alnd having, inlthir it hlr ,.iI. got ein our way. I t,ok h,,,IC ,t the httle tot gently and ;iut hir t" . . ilt.t d.- the president hlt' ll right thll t' till right. th pri*.i., aiii. ti tlhough h|t wai i'plhri.6ld* tiuht I ha.l dillturhied the It w:i h." -~n+. .f htuinor that ern ,hl1.d hits to hear poverty lightly. Fle Cll t -urr,, dhl not appeal to h.m. h,' %-as a. cont.nt in the log r ,"l.O thrrr. h ,i,.. hrtirw aiis IlI the NV|hit,' Iu0 .,". "rh,, pliniPn't suito I'h its* Il hiI t ,at*s tlr"redinels of -w'ailth ,ai, holiiy unknomwn to, him; if I+"" + :, .r,'ty ai buit anything it was k no lts . .ii tl n1.thing more. The r tllo ,ilng str, " ii to, li about himl +llhl tt,"II Iw r,is , th,, ,.polnt He was ik,,l ih ;t , a I ,,Lture lin the Illinoi. .tlh,.i for lit,. lilbrary fund. When Ih hltluri "il. over,\p and the people I;. i'.d hot he \t.nt tll. to the librarian and 0til I not., I that there are not tilh.ii 1st-leri+ htiere tonight; I don't thiulk \,,, Ililwlh IIIuch on this lecture.'" Ii ii i'ly telt iiffictnl aiid: "When we a fr th,, r.ent of the hall, music 111+ a\dvertlrlKg tnd yo.ur compensa tli there will tint h.i much left for thle IllbrJry-." [incollln replied :"Well boys le hi-ipeful. pay me l.y railroad fare aiI th.e ;. rents that my supper l'lIst it llIa.l l 3iyou can have the rent." Tlhiu J,\lallty was largely because he r Ifet thie soirr.wm and hardships that 0conIli'" Ill mlst inlll anrd women, and he di i.r lerythiln.g lin hi lwiower to Ilghten theilr bIurdl.n. As lie sa.d to a friend: "'Whi.t I uIa dlead I wish my friends to, reet'lllbt'lllr that I always pluck a thliorl aniil phan t a rime when poMslble." it' was blelvetd by thousands and 1 thlouiandils f people. Many who be lileved In slavery ,appr.cll, ated the grand t'charactr if tihe ttin. And it was his 1 strong lersonallty that converted thou r Ianlls If meln to belhieve that slavery ,wasn wrtg. Hut no one loved him so well as the colored people. his words twere alwaysii on their An old 'otltitlud iion PIage Ten.)